HOSE BUSINESS IS IT? Wo venture tlio bold, premeditated assertion that there are more MEN'S HOSE of one kind and another piled into our store than ill any other place of equal dimensions in Oregon. "And we HOSE business 'tis to sell, Tho applauding hosts who know so well Our methods and our manners, We'll put such prices on these wares That folks will all forgot their cares And shout their loud HOSE-annas." THE PATTERNS THE COLORS are the very latest. THE WEARING- QUALITIES beyond question. THE BRIGHTEST and MOST STYLISH LOT of MEN'S HALF HOSE you ever saw; BUT NOT HIG-H-PRICED. 2 for 25c, 3 for 50c, 25c, o5c and 50c, with liberal reductions for the ball' dozen. SEE WINDOWS. Al Russian Crash That's what a good housewife knows is good for towels. We are going to have a CRASH tbis week in the prices of our Wash Fabrics. You ohoico from 3 big piles at 7-J,c, 9.c, 101c the real value runs up to 25c per pair. We invite you to come early and examine the bargains on our fancy goods counter. Shoe Department. Do VOU W3.nt ' savo mony? on ar0 bound to need shoe?, and if thia interests you buy now while the nd- vantage is in your favor: Ladies' Kid, button, Coin toe chocs, to yz 00 Ladies' Kid, button, sqnaro toe shoes, 2. lo4 1 00 Misses' Kid. button, square toe shoes, 11 to 2 90 Child's Kid, button, square toe shoes, 8' to 11 , 75 Child's Kid, button ehoes, 5 to 8 ". BO Child's Kid, button shoes, 8 to 5 years 35 All reliable ROodB nnd tit such prices as will not be known in The Dalles for years to como. All Cootln Market) In Pluln FlKuros. PEASE & MAYS The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Telephone No. 1. MONDAY JUNK 11, 1000 ICE CREAM and ICE CREAM SODA 1 Ar Antlrnw Keillor's. - . : WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Tim county 'jail n empty for tho lirat time in niiiny months. Fox. Do you need 'am? Hee Pease & Mays' window. George Uueh, Jr., who has been ill for eouo tiiiio with heurt trouble, is very Ijw today. Dnlur is preparing for a grand eolobra Hon on thu Fourth, and Dufur never iIk's mi) thing by halves. The annual ciunptneeting of the Chris- tiau church of Oregon, will be bold at Turner June 2'Jil to Juld 2d. New IhiriuH In half liuso just arrived "fihiiwkiilt," tho best wearing half Iiosh mule. Keu l'eate & iMayH window. A. Keaton, for many yeura juatieo ol Hid pencil for the Antelope product, lie I at that place on the :id instant. Tim friends of Miss Daisy All away will bi pleati d lo learn that she has received a appointment on the faculty of tho Drain normal school. At Klhnishurg Thursday a Boston WaoMmyur purchased 160,000 pounds of wool at rj'.j eentH per pound. This Iwyoa about rl)0,000-pounds atlll in ator- i there. Tim cloalnir exercises utSt. Mary's Awilumy will tako plucoFriday, .Inuo Mb, at 8 p, in, Fifty oeiits udlulHaion ho charged to aK patrons of tho institution excepted Messrs, llecker alid Calbreath, who Wfn injured Friday at the railroad cro isim- nuar Crate's l'olnt, are at the Sl'f Lodging House, not the Union Street Lodging lloubo as we mistakenly Bl"l hi Saturday!! Oiihoniom:. ' 1.. Baldwin, it Walla Walla luiotion efir, htcimo a raving maniac Friday. HusliuisH reverses and brooding over his toitiiuoiiy in the recent Hart arson case ""mlmiced his inliid, but tlio nberra "on is thought to bo only temporary. ci'efHinan Moody will attend the '"I'Ulilicnu national convention, which ""'"is rtt I'hiladelplila on the lUtli. ami a'Jla cIueu lenvu promptly for homo. 5M'. Kuek, who Is also a delegate to the convention, lias reluctantly decided Joeaiiuot ttttfiul, ib tlilts Ih tlio hftivoat tliiioof hs particular bnaineaB. Dealers In horses throughout the coum J'y ie of tho opinion that tho demand ,or cavalry horsoa will continue evon 'or the closo of the South African war. Tll' holluf is baaed on the fact, now f'Mllcally lulmUted by BritUh ftguute in this country, that tho horpc equip ment of the army is dencient, and that 50,000 horses will be required before Lord Roberta has fully completed the ro-organization of the army, which is to bo commenced when the present hostili ties cease. The strawberry Eoaeon is practically over here. A few crates are brought in daily, but they are soon sold. This con dition may last for two or three days more, and thon the strawberries of 11)00 will be only n memory. Prices thie year never fell below three boxes for a quarter far moderately good berries. What is said to bo the largest salmon ever caught in tho Columbia rior was de livered Saturday to the Elnuiro cannery ot Astoria. It weighed 8J pounds, and when cut up made 5''., uVzen cans. Tho monster was I.'- feeylong and It'o feet at the largoBt clicnniforence. The fish erman wiib paid ifC-lO for tho fish. Today .luiues Snipes brought down from his residence on the blnll' the re mains of the wagon that was wrecked last Saturday at tho crossing near Crate's Point. Thero was hardly enough of the wood work left whole to make an ax handle. How tho men es caped alive from such a wreck is n mys tery. The Woodmen's picnic yesterday was a great disappointment to the better element that went from bore. Trie Portland contingent was a set of male and femalo tonthft that made tho woods I of llonnevillo hideous with drunken revelry. Happily for tho Portland Woodmen, they discovered in good time tho character of some of the exetusion ifits and stayed at home; but unhappily for Tho Dalles Woodmon, their Portland bretbern did not niako tho discovery in time to worn thorn to stay nt home also. Captain Coirhlnn, of Hoch der Kaiser fame, who has been in tho Seattle bos pital for two weeks, baa been given a six months' leave of absence. Having buen punished by a year's residence at tho Port Orchard naval yard for his sone. it is likely that tho incident will ing, Juno 10th, nged about 50 years. The caueo of death wus cancer in the side, from which the deceased had pa tiently and uncomplainingly suffered untold pain for years. The cancer was supposed to haye been superinduced by ia severe burn winch slie tiau wnen a child. She leaves a husband and u family of six children. She was greatly esteemed by a large circle of friends and neighbors. The remains were laid to refit this afternoon in the city cemetery. W. A. Maddron, of tbis city, got a dis patch Saturday from Sheridan, Oregon, announcing tho death at that place at 2:15 that morning of his eldest living daughter, Cora. Tho deceased had been in declining health for a low time and had gone to Sheridan in hope of benefit from a chango of air. Tl e fam ily expected tho remains here at noon today, but were disappointed, a letter ai riving which informed them that she had been buried there. Miss Maddron was 20 years of age. She waB a kind, amiable girl and had the esteem of all who knew her. GENERAL NEWS. The report comes from Pittsburg that soon the price of steel billets and pig iron will be reduced. The reduction will be fully 2 ton. The anglers in Umatilla county have put 05,000 trout in Meacham creek. Of this number there are 25,000 lainbow trout and 40,000 graylings. The final survey of government engi neers gives tlio Yakima Indians about JiOO.000 more ncres of land on the west side, taken from tho Klickitat boundary. Out in Kansas, where the demon of penury was thrusting his wan visage Into every home during the campaign of lS'.Ui, the fanners are now paying $3 a day for harvest hands. The Presbyterian church no longer re quires its members to kneel when pray ing; but even this concession will not prevent a man from wearing out his clothes by backsliding. Japan is seekiug American and Euro- bo considered ended and ho will bo nl-j ,u)lU1 cattle to introduce among native inn-...! to take his nroner not ition in tho , i,nna m improve the general stock on the islands. Four Japanese government lowed to take his proper position navy. Mrs. W. H.Taylor died at tlio family residence, Dry Hollow, Sunday morn- olllelals, specially commissioned to se lect and purchase duo stock, havo ar- Free! Free! During tlio demonstration now being given, Juno 1, 12 and 18, we will give V HUE to ovory purchasor of two packages of ..SLEDDED WHOLE WHEAT BISCUIT... A Cook Book, "The Vital Question," con taining over 200 rooipos of how to properly propare food for tlio table. Maier & Benton, 167 Second Street. Call at our store at once. rived in this country to buy cattle for the purpose. Two carloads of cigarettes arrived over the Northern Pacific at Tacotua the other day for shipment to Hong Konir. The consignment weighs forty tons, and contains 3,200,000 boxes or 32,000,000 cigarettes. The Balmon pack on the Columbia river this eeesnn will bo about 52,000 cases. There will be a heavy ehortrge from the pack of last season. The sea son in the upper river was very pcor, the shortage, compared to tho pack of last year, being fully 40,000 cases. Governor Geer decided that the bidfi received last week for the construction of a new wing at the asylum aro all higher than the appropriation will war rant, and has, therefore, rejected all bids. He will now call for bids for the construction of a two-story wing. The first call provided for a three-storv wing. The publishers of the Topeka Capital have alloted $5,000 to the RevCtiarles M. Sheldon as hie share from the profits of the "Christian daily newspaper, dur ing that memorable week in March. Mr. Sheldon thereupon distributed this amount among objects he considered both deserving and needy, giving $1,000 to the fund for tho India famine suffer ers, $1,000 each to two Topeka hospitals, $600 to Washburn college, $300 for a public drinking fountain, and the re mainder to temperance, charitable and similar associations. A new wagon road is being built from near tlio Mulligan place, on the Colum-' bia mountain, to-conneet with the port age line. The grade is made very easy, twelve feet wide, and will save nine miles each way, or eighteen miles in the round trip that is, it will save that much distance over tho old road now running to The Dalles. It is expected ! that tho county commissioners will ren j der some assistance to the road at the I July session by an appiopriation, al- tllOUgll Wie puriito jcuiii' win i;uiii- ete it any how. klicKitat County Ag riculturist. A late arrival at 'Seattle from Capo I Nome, says there is one cow there, and j tho milk from her sells at $1 per pint. He states that thu owner is not worry iug about beach claims while he has j such a mine of wealth to draw frum lis that cow. According to his account every saloon, restaurant or boaiding house, as well as many private families, all claimed that they were gelling their milk from this particular cow, and that tho conclusion one naturally arrived at was that this env had an inoKhaustablo eupply. As a matter of fact the lacteal fluid was very liberally watered at every milking. l.HHt. Vestordiiy (Sunday) a pug pup strayed from D. M. French's. Finder will please return the animal to them and receive a suitable reward. jl-2i Ladies heavy duck skirts, 00 cents and $1.48 at the New York Cash Store. Use Clarke A Falk's quinine heir tonic to keep daudruQ' from tho head. IL'TtiiltjunOTl 1 Castoria Vegetable Preparaltonror As- ;i i similatinglhcFoodandRegula- lingihcSlotnachsandBowlsof ;j 1 1 1 Promotes Digcstion.Clvccrfur nessatKlResl.Contains neither Opkim.Morphiuc norIUeral, Wot ;narc otic . fcmfJun Stub" stU.Stnn.1 ylaiteSa-ft t Jhifiernwl - v UiGavmiitlrSxta CfimfwASiir.v Jttittn'frm.'f1atvK Apcifccl Remedy for Constipa tion , Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca Worms .Convulsions .Fcverish ness and Less of Sleep. Facsimile Signature or NEW YORK. EXACT COPr OF WRAPPER. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of A Air In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THE CtNTAUR COMMNT. HCW YOWK CITY. I & CiOWecarden (lose The only store in ffiuCiJeirieProerS AVo have laid in a largo Stransky-Steel , ,T , Ware is sold, j stock of Clavden Hose and aro A little higbcrin' carrying tho same brand of price, but outlasts T r , . iidozenniecesofso- IlOSO that WO haVO boon caiTV- calleu cneap enam 41 eled ware. BEWARE! Other wares look lil-f it.hutthetrenu- ino lias the namoj Stransky - Steel , Ware on each piece, j Do not be deceived. I First prize nt 10 International Exhi tiifinna HicllGBt award at Worlds Columbian Exhibi tion. Chicago. Pre ferred by the best cookmgauthorities, certified to by tho most famous chem ists for purity and durability it ia cheapest because BEST. Remember this celebrated enam eled ware is special, ly imported lor and Hold in this city ex clusively by us, It does not met nor absorb Krease, does not discolor nor catch inside; is jiotulleetcdbyucids in fruits or vegetables, will boil, htew, roast and bako w i t h o u t imparting flavor of previously cooked food and will last for years. 'OvO We cau-1 tion tho public against ' imitation 1 lllg for the last five vear?,, which is tho celebrated Mal tese Cross Brand. We carry tho same brand of Hose that tho Dalles City Kiro Depart ment has been using for tho last twenty years. The Mal tese Cross Brand is without doubt the best grade, of Hose on the market. Call and got our prices before buying. JUaier & Benton Sole Agents. For a Nice Suit of Clothes. I'uiitliii,', Overi'i)iilln"or Kniics Votlne. 1 ',m Jf f riivi Jlt aihiclif ouli-kly. Ilaldwln's sparkling ell'erveMHint Ce!- cry Soda. A harmless and ellectivo cure I for headache, nervousness, sleeplessness, ' brain fatigue. 10 and -'." cents. Sold j by Clarke & Falk, druggists. jan'-M-liw j l'or Salo. j A good sccond-hani threshing ma I chine for sale at L. Lane's b'ncksmith ' shop, on Third street. J4-d&wlm "Shawkuit" half hose for men, tho best In tho world, are displayed in Tease A Mays' window. Kindly cull tunl Minima.' my Mnik of Im ported and II l.'csll. Wooltlis. A line slock to select from. , SuIIb made from i lie loot prices to die IiibIi ist BraUe. Flno Tailoring. J, A. Eberle jiii: ini.i.ii iiii:(son. j j It. O. T. SMITH, Osteopath. liodmi. lomi't il, rliiiinnim Jlloek, The Dillon, Orevou. 'i'uenlii and l-'rldu), ii. m. l U niiiyKvlm I7KKD. W. WllJiON. , m , lllf AT.OKV.AT UV,. oKE()oN Olllco ovci Flrtt Nut. U'luli. i