The Dalles Daily Chronicle. MONDAY JUNK 11, 1900 J)EMOCHATIC IXCOXSISTJiXCY. Of the many inconsistencies of t ho democratic party none is more striU iug than that of its present opposi tion to the expansion resulting from our war with Spain. When brought 'justified by the great law ot self- again rejected mid l'icrco ordered his three ministers to hold a con ference nnd announce the sentiments which they held on the subject. Tho conference was duly held at Oslcnd and the celebrated "Ostend mani festo" was thu result. Tlioy said : "Our past history forbids that wo liotihl acquire thu island of Cuba GOING EAST' If yon intend to take u trip Knat, ask your ticket agent to route you via Tim Grent Wabash, a modern nnd up-to-duto railroad in viry particular. Through trains from Chicago, Kansas City, Omaha or St. Louis to Now York nnd Now England points, All trains run via Niagara Falls ami every tlitoiigh train has free reclining chair cars, sleep- without the consent of Spain unless ln !iml ,,init, VAr- ., nuip uvur iiiiiinvu mi an iiuKiut m face to face with tho undeniable fact that tho party now opposing expan sion has added every foot of terri tory to the original thirteen states, except Alaska, Mid always, practical ly, without the consent of the gov- preservation. After we shall have offered S ain a price for Cuba far beyond its present valuo and this shall have been refused, it will then bo time to consider the question: Does Cuba, in the possession of Spain, seiiously in jute our internal agara Falls. Hoss 0. Gt.yii:, Pacific Coast IWh. Airt., I .os A nudes, Calif. C. S. Chank, . I A., St. L-iuie, Mo. A HprMiiril Anltlo Quickly tHircil. "At. oik) time I suffered from a severe j sprain of tho ankle," pay? Goo. H. Cary, . . i innr rw i tin iiiiiii v iiNiiiniriiiii ;i . crned and in one instance, where a ' l)eacu !,,!tt ttl csiatenuo ot our,, .v,.,,,l mi rr ,v,m,on,l -d eherUhoii union'- Should this oucst- After using ?ovfral well rccoinnicinleil territory now compr s ng four states ucri " cu inuon. oho urn i lis quest without success. I tried . 1 n n ton bo answered in the albrmative, ,m,,L ."""V . ,. , and two territories, or i53 t, l i;),,,20 lhen by eVi;ty lsiw human and ilivino "''ambcrhun's Pan. Halm, and am : we shall be justified in wresting it;1"' 7 l" --"- tmm Niviin it vn Mn44n; tho iwwvnr ' i acres, was involved, by force of arms, its leaders take refuge in the defense that the territory acquired was contiguous and prsctically nu. occupied, while that recently added as the resultof the war witli Spain is noncontiguous and occupied by people of another race. 15tit this defense will avail them nothing in the light of well authenticated history President Jluchanan, who followed Pierce, continued tho efforts openly and secreth to annex the island and urged the matter upon congress in at least one message during each year of his administration. That these messages met with a hearty response, especially in the democracy of the which they seem to imagine the I South, may be inferred from thu people of this country have forgot-(speech of a Mississippi congressman, ten. The truth is, and it is as well j who said : attested as any fact in the history of i "I propose that we shall take it the democracy, the attitude of that 1 (Cuba) now take it in its perfec tly, from the davs of .lefferson tol Ij0"; rf"le,U ,th the ricI,1 co,ors. ... , . its budding llowcrs and tropical the termination of slavery, was al-1 fruits .,,, productions." ways in favor of the acquisition of- With all these efforts the attempt Cuba and at times of other islands t0 ajnos U)C ls,anil failu(, .,,, Ulc' speedily followed1" & Houghton. Sold hv Ulaltelev Tho Dalles Cotnirision House will keev fresh milk at all times on hand and deliver it anywhere in thu city al tho following prices: One quart, $- per month : three pints, Jo ; two quarts, $ I ; threo quarts $5.50; cream -0 cents per pint. Fresh butter every day. lSi-lin and non-contiguous territory. As early as 1807 President Jefferson, secretary of writing democratic convention, winch met in Charleston to nominate a successor "" ; to Iluchanan, to his t r .1 : . i . c.ihi . j ..Resolved that the democratic "I had rather have war with Spain , party are in favor of the island of as not if we are to go to war against i Cuba uuon such terms as shall bu honorable to ourselves and just to Spain." The convention failed to nominate i but the two democratic conventions England. Our Southern defenses can take care of the Floridas; volun teers from the Mexican army will flock to our standard and rich pabu lum will be offered our nrivatoors in the plunder of their commerce anil i heltl subsequently at Baltimore and coasis; probably Cuba would add j Richmond, which made separate itself to our confederation." 'nominations for the presidency, each Two years later Jefferson wrote 'adopted the resolution which ex President Madison regarding the j pressed the sentiment ot the demo probability that Napoleon "would I cratic party from Jefferson to the consent to our receiving Cuba into! abolition of slavery when the chief our union to prevent our aid to J incentive of democratic expansion Mexico and the other provinces," J was removed forever. And the one antt acuieci tnesc signilicant words: , significant fact in all this record "We should then only have to in i elude the North in our confederacy, which would be, of course, in the first war and we should have such an empire for liberty as she has never surveyed since the creation, and I am persuaded no constitution was ever Defore so well calculated as ours for extensive empire and self-government." Sixteen years later we find Jeffer- is that these vigorous sires of a degen erate and emasculate piogeny nevpr for a single moment thought of ask ing the consent of the inhabitants of any territory they sought to acquire or dreamed that the declaration of independence had any application in the premises. The democrats in congress voted aon urging the advisability of the . aain3t a proposed anti-trust amend acquisition of Cuba on President Monroe with evident effect, Monroe is on record as saying: l uieni to tuc constitution on fr ground that it would give congress the! give too much power. This tender solid- "We ought, if possible, to in- ltude for monopolies is characteristic corporate it (Cuba) into our union, , ., . , availing ourselves of the most favor' I tbe P3rly tl,at U,c tnm" able moment for it, hoping also that raany ,co trust of Ncw York a"'' one would arise when it might be i consolidated the struct railways of done without a rupture with Spain .St. Louis, or anv other power." As'soon as the war with Hpain "vation never yet cured dyepe.ia. , , ,,,., , . Persons with indigestion aru already bad ended, President Polk, anxious hBlf 6tarve(1. They nee(, pJmy o( to expand still farther, undertook to j wholesome food. Kodol Dyspepsia annex the island, making a, proposal ' Cl,r0 dlgeets what yon eat eo the body for its purchase for 1 00,000,000. !can bo '10Urie,'l while tho worn out or The offer was refused because SpaJ" n.tructed. It I. the , -Ji"" jonly preparation known that will In stantly relieve and completely cure all a omacli troubles. Try it if you are suffering from indigeetiun. It will cer tainly do you good. Wo have just opened a idea lino of ladies' duck skirts in ureyi and tans, which we are offering for 99 cents and $1.-18. These are extra good values and "I used Kodol lygpep?in Cure in my family with wonderful results. It gives immediate relief, is pleasant to take and la trulv the dyspeptic's best friend." says K. Ilartgoiink, UvcrUel. Mich. Digests what you eat. Cannot f.iil to cure. Uoports kIiow that over fifteen hun dred lives have been saved th'ongh the use of One Minute Couch Cure. Most of these were case of grippe, croup asthma, whooping cough, bronchitis and pneumonia. Its early ueu prevents con sumption. Experience is the best Teacher. Uee Acker's English Remedy in any case of coughs, cold or croup. Should it fail to give immediate relief money refunded. "5 cts. and 50 cts. Iilakelcy & Houghton Druggists. For the convenience of parties want ing ice in ttie afternoon?, the Htadelman Ico Co. will carry a stock at their Etore, corner Third and Washington etreuts. Phone No. 107; long distanco IS.'!. 1 "Ring 'cm up." ISm-tf J Trv nmenmmr imlnn ti.imifla .mil nil 1 1"". ft ...'......v ...... .... other accidental injuries may he quickly cured by using DuWitt'a Witch llaz-il Salve. It is also n certain cure for pile? and skin diseases. Take no other. Why pay .$ 1.75 per gallon for inferior paints when you can buy James K. Patton'e sun proof paints for $1.50 per gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark & Fa!k, agents. m 17 The Chinese ask "How is your liver?" instead of "How do you do?"'for when the liver is active thu health is good. DuWitt'e Little Early Risers are famous little pills for the liver and bowels. Clarke & Fall; have received a carload of tho celebrated .lame U. Patton strictly puro liquid paints To Ourn u Culil in Onn l;iy. Takrt Laxative Hromo Quinine Tab lets. All druiigiets refund thu money. Kubecribo (or Tho Chronicle. Complete of at M. Z. DONNELL, TH EiDn U GO 1ST. REGULATOR LINE. DALLES, PORTLAND k ASFOIIIA NAY. COMPANY tA1XTAVA'; A'IAJ.-rATA.TCl A,TJ.-J.n WAT. L. Lane 1 (iK.VKIi.U, BWsmiiii i ...AND... 'jjj Horsesnoer Btonmi-M or tin, ItcKMtrttcr Mno will run n Wrth..i. nwmg Mihtilulf, Hie Ciiiinny rorurvlim tlio rluht ., .i M-hwItilowltlinui notice. 1,1,1 cllanW Str. HoKUlntor. I.v DOWN, IMIICH U nth A. M. 1 Tium!iiv Tlllltnl.lV S'lllllililV . I:1 Arr. I'oiIIiuiiI at . r. m. iir. I.v. l'orll.unl tit 7 a. M. Mniiiliiy WlHlllI'MlllJ' Kilil.iy Arr. liiilli'M nt :-.i) : M. Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. Str. Dnlloo City. DOWN I.v. Iliil III H A. l. Mntntny . WmIiicmIuv Vrliluy .... Arr. Pur ilium ntfi l'. M. n;i)UA.l(. a 4 TtlCMll Arr. Dull, a FOR OOMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, 1 r Timcl bv Hit' Htnimow ( tho Hcitnlulor I.luo. The ('omiuiy will emliMvoc t'i Riv n .,.i fl t roiix llio bctt feivlco iiilile. Hir lurtlior Inrnrinutliiit iiilitrcii '"iw- , lNirtlaml imiw.Oal. Htrcot Dock W. C. ALLAWAY, Qon. Ant. foil'rY..v..rivvi.v.w PIONEER BAKERY. I hare re-openod this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCK, Pioneer oer. C. S. Smith, Till Kodol Wagon and Cnrringo Work. Fish Brothoro' Wngon. TTOIaiiu McrQii, Phoiic:i59 did not wish to part with it The agitation for its annexation waxed hotter under Tierce, who de clared in his inauural that. "Our position nnd attitude might render tho acquisition of certain possessions not within our jurisdic- importanl for ournu going with a rush. Call early mid lion, eminently protection I'm fis Gfir I loll .in lit. M Cn nn llin "In the month followin J'ierco'a iK-'l your pick of the line. '-l. o. i urn jueu oiure. Tho Now j0 Bmall in elzu and great in resultH are election, Uuchonan told him that he 'Witt's Ltttlo Knrly UUare, tho fa- should mnlrc (he purchase of Cuba rnH,,n "lt'B P'Hs that cleanse tho liver tho chief aim of his administration 1 hnd LowulB' TllBy tlu not vrilv" und thus render his name as illustri ous as that of .lefferson, who had procured Louisiana for the union." With this object in viow, nppar cntly, Uuchanan was sent as minister to London, Mason to Franco nnd Soulc to iSpoin. Confidential instruc tions were sent to Soiile to offer Spain 6 100,000,000 for tho island, but should Spain demand more that the president would not have negoti nitons fall, even if $30,000,000 more were required. Soule's offerwu Clarko & Fulk's flavoring oxiractH are tho beat. Aek your urncr for thnm. Vur Halo. eecond-hand tun-foot lttriiloli'h header, in fair condition. Will bo eold cheap. Enquire of Amjx. MoI.kok, mayll-lmw Tho Ddllee. You will not have boils if you tuko Clarke & Falk'a sure cure for bolls. A full line of liajtumn films and sup plies juat received by Cbrke & Falk. For sale, cheap, u lady'a bloyclo; al moat new, Inquire at this office, NOTICE FOIt l'UHI.ICATION. Timber L-ind, Act June :i, 1878. I..S. I.INII Okiick, i Tin: lwj.Kb, 0 ,ir. la, iio. Notice la livreby lven Unit in coiupliimcu wiin uiu iiiiivmiuim m inv ufi or t'finjris of Jimcy, I87, tiilitkil "An net for thon.ilo of tlm bfr lands In the ftiites ol Cii!liurnla, Orcoii, .Nevudd and WtiUilitKton Territory," William K. Knlcliuiii, of Tlie Dulles. County of Whkco, ntalo of Oriwn, Iiiih thu. dav llltil In thlK iilCcv lilt sworn iiiutu mcnt No. WJ, for tlie imrcliai.0 of tlio W . Nl'.Ui and NU, tiK'A of bictlon No. :u, in Tj.. I K. II. No. 11 h.. W. M., und "111 oiler iro)( to uliow tliattnii litml roulit la moro riilunlilu f.r Itn timber or stoiiu tlian for itrJoii I tu nil tmriuihus, mid lo e&tablltli Mn clolm to ml Jit m before llie Keuhter und ltit,'iver of tlii ollieu at Tlio I'allfS, Oregon, on Suturilny, tlu li.'lil ilny or.ltinr, 11)00, Ho names as wllnchU's; J. II. (iolt, l. I', hct elinni, Huiiua unci William Ki.encer. all of The Ualles, Orwii, Any ami all perwuiH cIhIiiiIiik mlverncly the iilxive-deterlbul lands uio icmn-stcl to lllo their clalnm In llils oiilco on or before tnldUrd duy of June, I'M). jiprl-Ww-l JAY I', l.l CAS, ItestiHtr. ONE FOR A DOSE. I M . n!f"",'"' IfrnpTe. I'rent I'll I SS"f " i ssrirssi.rf U- OldWUrujguu.'bH. tOSANKO CO. Phlla'p CATARRH MRS. WWl Butcher's and Fafmeps ..Exchange.. Keep on ilrausht tho relehratcd COl.UMIIIA IIKi:ii, iiclciimv.' (ilKiil tho lx?t Uvr In Tho Dulles, atthoiinial pi ice. (,'omu In, try It and be ronviiicisl. Alio the 1'iiU'At brands of Wines, Minor anil Clears. Sandutiehes of all Kinds always on hand. 4. r j t J C. F. Stephens ...Doalor In... tiii: OMiANMINO ANI jii:.i,ino tUlti: J'dlt CATARRH la Ely's Cream Balm Euy and rilcasant to nv. CunUiim jio In jurious anil'. It Is quickly absorbed. . (ikes lltllcf at ontc. Ileal aiid i'rotccts the Alunbrano. llwtorca the Hne of Taito and Huiell. I.arM Bite, H) cent at UtM$T, '.',r,i!K.'Hl 'i! VtltX 8le. 0 cenU by mill. V.VS UUOVUBltS, 04 Wanu Wcl, Nw York. i Dry Goods, Clothing, j Cents' Furnishings. Hoots, Shoes. Hutu, Caps, Notions. Ant '.for V. I.. UoukIhs Shoe, Telephone No. fcS. Wl becoiiil nt., n Mibc c The Dalles, Or, L 1 Up-to-date Groeer Dyspepsia Cure. Frcah ligas mill Croaniory butter u apucinlty. 2d Street. We Put... Digests what you eat. It nrtl flciall V (lltrost n tho tnnA nnH M. I ... v . wwa HUUHIUJ 'PVnnf 9VH J"at,,ro n Rtronjfthouing and recon- , StrUOtlriff thO OXbllUStud lllL'OsllYe nr. fans. It In the hite.stdlHcovereddlirest ant nnd tonic. Ho other preparation , can approach it in clllclency. It In ' Htantly rolleve.-i and pernmnentlycurej i Dyspepsia, IndlgeHtlon, Ileartbura, , Flattilcnoo, Sour Stomach, Naum I SlckIleadacbc,GantralKiu Crnmps,ana 1 ill otbor result H of ImpcrfectdlKestlon. I Praoarad by E. C. DfWIV Co.. Chleoi I J. H. HCIIKHK, I 1'rosldcilt. II. M. Hilt , Ceihld every bit of twenty years cvjierienee and drug knowledge with every 'vcBcripiion iCitrch tiafinnal Ranlr . IX J1U11UUU1 WUIIIkl -.1 w. I THE DALLES - - - OREOON A Gonernl Dunking lliiainesa tranaacted Dojionltu rceivod, anbject to Bight ' Draft or Check. CollectloiiR matin und iirocecdii promptly remitted on duv of collection. Hlirht and Toleirrunliic Excliniige toldca Nuw York, Bun Frnnciaco mid "orl land. D1KBOTOKS D. P. Thompson. Jno. H. Kciiaxcr, Kl). M. WlbLIAMH, ClKO. A. IiIIM. H. M. Hkau.. that's compounded liei Is ii. any reason why our proscription business is increasing Just "What You uianfc. ho rapidly? Ask your physician if we are reliable. BLflKELEY & HOUGHTOH Ueliable i'l-escrijitionists F. s. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in' Blacksmith Supplies. nor Second & Laugbliu. Nuw dean in Wnll Puper here. Such wide variety ua wo aie allowing never bo fore ruced a elnule stoek. Jieal iinitn. lion ereton eflecta ut ordinary prices. Good papeja ut chefln puper prices, hlegant deaiKiis, tasteful coloring, yours for a small price, at our store on Third street. Also a full line of house paints. D. W. VAUBE, Third St. JJA. 8TURDEVANT, Dentist. Ottlcanm Krencli & Co.'h Hunk I'bono C, TIIK PA I.I. KB, OltEOON OPEN DAY AND NIGHT.. The CLARENDON RESTAURANT And CAFE. J. B. OroBBon & Oo PropB. 87 Second Streot. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TKANBACTA KNKHAI.HANKINU IIIIb'INKH letters of Credit issued available in the c, , . v K.Mtorn Btotes. Bight Exchange and Telegraphic 'transfers sold on New York. 3licSgo, "i i8uli ''", Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash., and various poinU In Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fay orable terms. The Columbia Packing Co PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUKACTl) ItKUH OK Pine Lard and Sausages Curersof BRAND HAMS & BACON DIUV.V BEKF. KTO. DO YEARS' EXPERIENCE Ivmm jr.3QH8 COPYIIIQHTS 4C- tkAlrhninl iloncrlpllony1;. luvLiilloii la probiihly l"itinUp. .y 'i'Su ll.m(iiilrlcllrc..iill(loiilliil. ' I'iiIim.w taUun tfircmuli ''".tr,tu-' HvelatiwUtf, wlllioutcli'iriio. lnll Scientific Jlrrierica A )i:in.loi..olr llliHlrnliNl wirfclr J.'"rrX$J MUNN & Co.30IDroa'JW3- New Yp Mica 'Axle Crease t..i. .i. Knvcii wear and HKiin iiiiriuuii. i,.,m . cxiwiikc. Sold everywhere lightens the laid obortcus the read. . . . .. I.V TANOARD OIL OO- H KUNTIN0TON TJUNT1NOTOK 11 'll - " '11 1 H ITOK WII-HON, ., AVfoMMBKAl OIUcoovr KlntNit. Uuuk