The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 09, 1900, Image 4

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    saw, iim
Do You Cough?
' I Kucss I ncd to he liko everybody else.
"When I eaUKht cold, ljusUctitalone, think-
in;; It would
n few days ;
jind s-iiit ting
of m tic us
lasted cv-
lint niter alp
while the 1 1
t r o u b 1 o
would sub
tide. 1 al
ways 11 1
tlecil linw
tvcr'. tl at
each cold was worse- than thconebcfoic. 31 y
throat seetnid to pot weaker, and the least
change in the. weather started the coughing
again The last cold was the most severe of
nil. 1 was really frightened. Cough droru
iind homo treatment did no good. A friend
told me about Acker's English Itcmcdy. 1
pot a bottle, and you never saw the like of
the way it acted. Uefore the bottle was gone
I va well. My throat felt anstrongand well
its could be. fcince then I have had no more
trouble. 1 think Acker's English ltetncdy so
strengthens the delicato lining of the throat
that it easily resists the chances in tempera
ture,nmlitb"uildsuithcco!istitutiaijaswcll." (Signed) Carkie Schwab,
231 Gold St., Urooklyn, X. Y
Sold nt25c., SOc. and $1 a bottle, throughout
the United State.-? and Canada : and in Eng
land, at Is. 2d., 2s. 3d., 1. Cd. If you are not
satisfied after buyin.?, return the bottle to
.yuur druggist, and get your money back.
Vf'c authorize Iht above puaT.ntee.
jr. If. HOOKER & CO., Proprietors, Xao Tori: I
Blakeley & Houghton.
A Difficult Problem.
It is among ti.o most ditlicnlt prob
lems of annual science for one to hecoint
expert in several lines. J. E. Adxox &
Co., by their combination, have over
come lit difficulty in n practical man
lier. J. E. Adcox is nn expert watch
maker and is good on jewelry, optical
work and engraving, while Theo. IJ.
L.iehe is an expert optician and is. good
on watch repairing, jewelry work and
engraving. Their price i as low as con
sistent with good workmanship. They
are prepared to do all work in their
eevernl linos, on ehort notice. Work
eent bv mail or express will receive
prompt attention. Sign. "Big Ked
E. T. Hiii man was in town tcdav from
Frank Gabei, of Wapinitia, is in town
'W. II. Moore, the Moro banker, was
in town today.
J. A. Little, a prominent sheep man
from Antelope, is in the city.
Grant and Robert Mays, Jr., were
passengers on the mid-day train today
for Portland.
D. P. Adamson is in the city from
Prinevil.'u on his way to attend the
grand losijre of Masons at Portland.
T. M. Caldwin, cashier of the Prine
ville National bank, passed through
town today on his way to Portland to
attend the grand lodge of Maeons, which
.meets at that place next Wednesday.
I, e ii n All ItlRlit.
Christian Science meeting in small
K. of P. hall every Sunday morning at
11 o'clock.
Stil.j ct tomorrow evening at Ziuii
Lutheran church, "Tito Lutheran
Church; It Origin, Its Growth and Its
OmifesTions." Kev. W. Premier.
Salvation Army Subject for Saturday
night, "The Royal Leuer." Tho Sun
lay night meeting will be conducted by
Oa'ptain and Mrs. IHIuiah. il. P. Nel
son, Adjutant.
Calvary ILiptiat church Rev. W. 15.
v. lifton, pator. Regular services at 11
a. in. and 7:30 p. ni. Young peoplu'a
meeting at 0:30 p. m. Sunday school
a 10 a. m.
Methodist Episcopal church Comer
Fifth and Washington, Rev. U. F.
ll.uvk, pastor. Services at 11 a. m.
and S p. m. Sunday ecliool at
10a. in.; class meeting at thu closo of
morning service; Junior League at I!
Epworth League at 7. The pastor will
oenpy the pulpit both morning aiul
evening tomorrow.
Congregational church corner Fifth
and Court streets. Rev. Poling, pastor.
Morning worhip at 11; Sunday school
at 12:15; Junior Endeavor, 5 p. in.;
Young People's Society 7 p. in. Even
ing worship at S p. in. Morning subject
"Arithmetic and Life." Mrs. Parr will
sing a m)!o at the morning service. In
the evining the young people will meet
promptly at 7 o'clock for the study of
the life of the Master.
Sulltfil frcim tin- SliaiiiKo I.eatlcr.
"When the canvassing" hoard opened
the Lena ballot box the following letter
was found among the ballots:
"Notice To Judge and Chirk Please
a'.:e notice to whom it may concern,
that Lena is all right. No whiskey,
ltan ehort of ballots. Hence could only
let those vote who were all i ight : Rep.
No lamp furnished; had to write by
match light. Awful hungry and got no
allow to get grub. No table to write on,
only the stove. Please send check for
.services by return telegraph. Spilt the
ink, owing to a dog file." Heppner
Aclvertlaecl Letters.
following i the list of letters remain
ing in the postoffice at The Dalles un
called" for June 0, 1900. Persons
calling for the same will give date on
Avhich they were advertised:
Andrew, C A Adamson. Albert
Chase, Simpson Doak, Frank
Evens, S M Freberg, Pete
Green, JameB Harriman, Arthur
Janghan.JM Lewie, Harry
Morris, Master Pent Morrison, J W
Nichols, A J Mclntyre, W II
Ithea, John Nurse, James
ltoss, Al Reeves, Charles
Taylor, Arthur Stuart, W S.
Wagner, Chas Ward, G A
'David, Z ille Haynee, Mrs J 8
Harrington, Mrs Hanson, Mrs Gus
Edith Jertson, Miss A
Johnston, Mrs liello Morgan, Mrs S
time, Mies C Taylor, Mrs Lucy
Richardson. Mrs Alice
'Columbia River Ice & Fuel Co. withes
4o aunouuee that thoy will deliver ice to
ny part of the city at all hours of the
day or night. .'Phone 33 or 81 Long
J)iet. ; 75 or 8 Seufert & Condon.
Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the
Wmco warehouse. Finest kiad of
chicken feed. mch26-i(
Dr. R. W. Ligan has located here, ar
riving in the city Monday.
II. F. Bureiitorf has taken charge of
the Shaniko Warehouse Co.'e lumber
yard, and will be lumber salesman from
now on.
We hear that the Columbia Packing
Co., of Tho Dalles, is about to embark
in the butcher business in Shaniko,
with Ed Miller as manager.
Miss Nellie Mclnnis, a niece of .Mal
colm Mclnnis, arrived here on Friday
evening's train. Miss Mclnnis will
take charge of the Shaniko Warehouse
Co. 'a books.
There will be a grand ba'l at Shaniko
tonight in the Pease & Mays block.
The dancing floor is 2ox'J0 and the Shan
iko orciiestra will furnish the music.
This will be Shaniko'a first grand hall,
and it is the intention to make it a
Mr. L. II. Hamilton, of Great Falls,
Mont., has purchased from the Baldwin
Sheep & Land Co. 944 bucks, of the Merino-Delaine
breed. The value of this
purchase is flG.O&j. Mr. E. II. Dean,
foreman of the B. S. & L. Co., came in
Friday with Hamilton, bringing with
them two of these bucks. One of them,
Wilson, is 4 years old, weighs 240
poundsj and brought $300. Hay Creek
is a 1-year-old, weight 140 pounds, and
brought in the Shaniko market $150.
Mr. Hamilton has also purchased for
various parties 502 yearling sheep from
the Piineville Sheep & Land Co. Theee
sheep are Ramboullet grades. Mr.
Hamilton, who is president of a largo
sheep syndicate in Montana, shipped
these sheep over the Columbia Southern
the first of the week direct to Great
Fatal Quarrel in (lllllam County.
Yesterday afternoon James Collins,
an unmarried man, about 50 years of
age, was murdered at the Junction
House, seven miles south of Arlington,
and the coroner's jury charged L. L.
Cook with the crime of murder in the
first degree.
Tho deceased was cutting eome ryo
that was claimed by both him and L. L.
Cook. The evidence tended to show
that Cook shot Collins in the left leg,
the ball passing entirely through the
limb. Cook and Ashpangh then hauled
Collins to IiIb home, about fifty rods dis
tant, and put the wounded man on his
bid. It was some hours before any as
sistance was summoned, Cook himself
going to Arlington to inform the coro
ner. The preliminary examination was
held today. The wound was not a fatal
one iiad tho limb been bandaged and
the flow of blood prevented.
Voltage for Kent.
Last house on east Fourth street. In
qu're al the house. j5 3t
A Tlimuaml Tongue
Could not express tho rapture of Annlo
E. Springer, of Wm llowant at., run
ndulptia, Pa., when ho found that Dr.
King's Now Discovery for Consumption
had completely cured her of a hacking
cough that for many years had mado
Hie a burden. All other remedies and
doctors could give bur no holp, but eho
sayttof this Royal Ciue-"lt soon re
moved tho pain in my chest and 1 can
now sleep soundly, something I can
scarcely remember doing before. 1 (eel
like sounding ita praises throughout the
.universe." So will every one who tries
Dr. King's New Discovery forany troublo
of the throat, chest or lungs. Price oOc
and $1. Trial bottle fiee at Hlakeloy K
Houghton's dnv store; every bottle
guaranteed. "
A full lino of boys and children' sum
mer underwear just received at Tnc Now
York Cash store, we have also a full line
of niun'd summer underwear from 25c up
to 70c. Ho sure and see our goodn before
making your summer purchase.
Campbell Wilson will sell their lino
of millinery, trimmed and, untrimined
hats, flowers and children's hats, at
greatly reduced prices for the next
thirty days. Please call and gel our
Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday ,
Don't forget this.
Floral lotion will cure wind chapping
and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke ,
& Falk. j
Paint your house with paints that are
fully guaranteed to last. Clarke oc Falk
have them.
(iirl tVimleil.
A girl about 14 years old to take care
of baby, aged 2 yearo. Inquire at Mrs.
Julian's restaurant. jfi-'-t
Kor ha lu.
The furniture and fixings, including
range, delf and cutlery of the California
restaurant, and thu beds and bedding of
eight rooms overhead. Inquire at tho
restaurant. 2j-lw
DiiE-Oh ner, A ttentliin!
Notice is hereby given to all owners
of dogs who have not paid license on
the same that thoy eomu forward ami
take out a license beforu the 10th dtiy of
June, or in default the ilos will be im
pounded and tho delinquents will have
to pay impounding fees as well as li
censes, or have their dogs destroyed.
N. D. Hun ii eh,
m20-jl0 Marshal Dalles City.
l!u sure and eximinu our stock of wall
paper thoroughly before buying else
where, as we have the latest shipment
mado to this city, now ready for inspec-
' tion at II. Glenn k Co.'s. al7-lw
Neglect is the short step so many take
from a cough or cold to consumption.
The early use of One Minute Cough
Cure prevents consumption. It is the
only harmless remedy that giveH imme
diate results. It cures all throat and
luug troubles. Ciilldieu all liko it and
mothers endorse it.
'TlTnutliniin Knnifin
iifUiiuoiu i aijiiiu
Yellowstone Park Line.
nn: nisi.Nn cut itot' ti; kiiom n)KTi..Mn
'io Tin: r.Asr.
THK ONLY DlltliCT i.ini: to Tin: YKt.l.OW
s Union 13ecotr Firm and I sts .uuuvi:.
No. :
No. 1
Knt limit for Tiwiimii,
Sent tie. Olyiniln. OmyV
II:lll')r l"U MHIIIl IHM1M ,
luiints, Sii.ikniie, ltost-1
IiiiiiI, II. C rnUmiui.
.Miwcnv, l.elMim, nui
11.13 A.M. fnUilliuiipmliiliiBCOiin
Ills", rit. I'.llll, Oinnli.i,
I Knnsis Cll.v, tit. bmK
l Chicago mill tl inlntu
No I. le.i-t anil lOiltlii'HM.
1'iiudt SiMiini i;x;ircs,
11:50 1'. M. for Tiiconm iiml SiuMo-7;t) A. it.
I ami inicrmcwuii: j.miun
y,: V. M.
rutlmiui llr-st-cltifi iitnl touttft hlrcponi to
MliuuMill.St. I'.mlmul .MI.MutI rier polnttt
without I'hiiime. . ,
ViKtlliiilcil trains, t'uloa ilcrot eoiiuculloii.i
In nil principal eltle..
llaiwiiKee.liivliiil to itotl tuition o( tlokots.
Kor Imtiilvimoly lllun ' ile'CtUitlveninttcr,
ticket)-. leeitti ear tcrvatloiu, cie., cill on or
A girl to do general house work.
quire at the Dallea Numbering Cafe
office. niayftMw
I.AfU) OrriCK AT TlIK DALLKH, ()KK(i()M,l
April ay, woo. (
Notice U hereby given that the following.
Dauutl wttler lias filed notice of IiIh Intention
to muku final proof in feupport of Ills claim, ami
IhamaM proof will xs inudcbefomlliu Ui-gUttr
and IteceiveratThe IMUct, Oregon, on batur
day, Juno 10, 1900, viz:
Jena P. Agidiue.of The Dalles, Or.,
Homeatead Kntry No. 4911, lot thu NW'U NWJi
kcciioii -it, and f.'A NKJi and UK HKtf vectlon
'i. Uiwntblp 'i uorfli, range 'i eait, Y. M.
He names the following wltueaaca to prirte
hU continuous realdenee upon and cultivation
olaald land, viz:
John Orate. Charlea Snipe, J, 1). Kockmai1, J.
Hlwoawn, all of The Dalles, Orcjcon.
may2 l JAY I'. LUCAB, Kcgltr.
Notice U hereby siren that thu uiiderkigiicd,
by an order of the Countv Court of the Htiitc of
Urtyon lor IViihii County, liui been Hppop tci)
uduiinlttriitMr of the citato of llele-i liradfurd,
deceakd. All Krwms hiivhiB claims against
tho estate of hald deceased are in tilled to pre
tent them, with the proper voucher, to iiic at
Hood Ilh er, Oregon, within nix iiionths from
thodutc of (his notice.
Uatcd May 15, l'JOO.
I'utnam K. lliunroiii),
AdmliiUtiator of thu Ktlatu of Helen llrtid
ford, HeccuAcd. 1C-I
May 15, lUOU.)
ri'.iu fl... l-u . l ..
1 HA iMIUbC 11... .'Ifl IV, t W.
A Millk'icnt content aflldnvlt having been filed
In this olliee by dni ti, Alexander, eoiitettant,
niraliut homestead entry No. 6777, mudu May 11
181)0, for tiuK of nwf ee. C, tp. 1 n, raiiRO la e,
by Jolin T. Wright, eontestee. in which It In al
leged that hiil'l John T. Wrlglit 1ms wholly
abandoned aiil tract, and eliaugeil bin retldenee
therefrom for more than tlx inontliN tlnco rank
lug tald entry, and next prior to date: anil
that thu Bbenou of defendant fiom Mild tract la
not due to liis employment In thu military or
naval eervieu of thu united Htaten, tald parties
lire hereby notified to apjtear, resxjnd and oiler
evidence touching Kald allegation at 10 o'clock
a. in, on Jime'JO, l'JOO, beioro the Iteglsler and
Keeeiver at thu United HUtes laud olllte Tho
Da Ik's, Oregon.
Thu tald contestant having, In a proer atlldu
vlt, llled May 15, 1'JCU, tot forth fiicts which ahow
that after duo diligence i-crona! htvIco of UiIb
notleueaii not lu miule, It la hereby ordered and
directed that audi not Ico bu given by duo and
proiier publication,
1CI JAY 1'. LUCAS, Itcglnter.
I,A.Nn Ornc at Vamcouvkh, Wash ,(
May 17, im. I
Notice Is hereby given tltat thu following?
named Hettler has tiled notice of hia Intention
to make filial proof In aupiiort of hla claim, and
that a ild proof will bu mudu beforu V. II. I'reaby,
United Hwte.s CommUtlouer, at Uoldvudulc,
on July 0, i'M), viz:
Aaahal K, OlUr,
who made II. K. No. m', for tho fractional W'A
NWKi tec :, Tpy N, K 13 K, und HK'A of NI'-U,
Sec Tp J, It I- K, W. M.
Ho uamcii tbu following to prove hla
coutinuoiia realdenee tioii, and cultivation ni
aald land, viz:
ItobcrtA. Htroutherb, Chrln K. Kruiucn. Will
lam Oarncr, John Kmc, all of l.jlu 1', 0
WaMilugton. W. J(. ,,UNAH,
mays.!! Itcgiater.
JJtt. K. K. fKUUVfiUN,
Tliysiciau and Surgeon,
Oluce, Vogt 11 lock (over l'oatofflce),
mi m
tiw m.z
tim k ! uitniLi:.
1-KOM hAM.K.
l'ast iSalt I.nkt, lenver, I't. Knt
Mali i Worth, Omaha, Kan- Mill
UttOp. m., a. City, St. biiili,! i ni
i Chicago nun t'.nst.
10:10 p. m
S p. tn.
Iwalln Walla, Speknue,: Sioliane
I MlnneapollH. St. I'aul.l .Mall
I i)u In t 11, Milwaukee,! and
' ClileuKO and Knst, via, Kxpro&a
l Srokaiiuiikil llnulliik' !
I.IIU'IUU .11111 1.1151, Yll
SiokaiiuiiUil Hunting
I. in ne. .ill lulitllt 111
Washington anil ldi
till UIV'll.
:at- 1:00 a. ni
From Poistlank.
Ocean SteiinnhipJ.
Tor San KrunclMn
Aptll'J7. May'.', 7, l.'.
S n. m.
Kx.iiunilayiColumbla I'.v. Hteamers.
To Astoria and Way
Bxturdny jiudiug.
SO p. in.
I p. ni.
l p. m.
fin. m. Wiu.amkttk ItiVKii. 11:0) p.m.
Kx.btiiidnyjOrcgou City, Niiwlrerg.'lix.huud.ij
Salem A Way Ijuiil'b.
7 a. in, iWiLLAMYTTx aki Yam- 'l:.m v. m.
Tues.Tliur. him. 11ivkk. Mon.,Wil
and bat. Oregon Cltj, Dayton, and Krl.
and Vu -I junlf ii;.
fia. rn. i U'im-amhttk Itivsi:. I 30 p. m.
Tue..'rhur,lI,i)rtiaiiil to Corvatlls, Mon. Wid
nud gat. ami Wiiy-l.iaillngs. aiid l-'tlday
l.V Itiiuiila,
daily I
l.iWu. m.
Hiparia to Iwlatou.
i I.kave
8 -no a. m
l'n i lies ilolnni; to go to lletiimer or
points on Columbia Soiilli'.'rn via Iliggn, Khoilld
lake No. J, leaving I lie Dalles at lvj . 10 . 1:1.
making illrtrt coiiiicojlnnii at Heppner Junction
mid lliggit. Keturnliig uiakiugillrecteoiiueetlon
at Heppner iuuctlou and lliggs tth No. 1, ar
riving at Thu Dalles at 12;tfip. rn.
Kor full particular call cm O, U, & N, Co.'
agent Thu Dallea. or luldrcvs
(icn 1'hs. Agt.i Portland, Or,
SOUTH and EAST via
Soutnern Pacific Co.
Shasta Route
Traiuu leave The D.illes for Portland mid way
ktatloiiH ut I.-) a. in. and II p. in.
Ix'uve Portland
" Albany
Arrive Ashland .. ..
" Kuerumeuto .
" Ban Francisco
8::nm 7:W)pm
.IUIiuii 10:50 pin
.U::cuun ll::u)um
. !)',) pin l;:i'iiim
, 7:l'pm HilSnm
Arrive Ogdon
" Denver,...
' KaiiauHCHy
" Chicago
A: fin in
. : n in
7:25 u in
7: 15 ii in
11:15 a in
'J:tn in
7 ;l'i n in
JVM a in
Arrive lxix Augelen I :U0 p rn 7:00uiii
" Kl i'Hbo ,, ;:( pin 0:(pm
" KortWortli ti:;n)um iiji)um
" City of Mexico u:A5 n in !:fti a m
11 Iloiuuiii t:(iOiiiu I ;W) u in
" New OrleaiiH . . . fWi ii m (I:'i5iiiii
" WiuhlngUm . fislJiun 'l:lnm
" New York I'Jii.ipm l'2'i:ipm
1 1 n it: i and Tourltt cam on both tralim,
Chair cam Huermueuto to Ogden ami Kl I'umi,
and tourUtctira toChleuKOi Ht Uiute, Now Or
leans and Wimhliigton.
Connecting at Han Krauclaco with aevcral
ateainahlp linen for Honolulu, Japan, China,
Philippines, Central ami Houtli Aineilea.
lieu uncut at Thu Dallei atallon, or addrths
(ieaeral 1'aaheiiger Aneiit, I'ortland, Or
Public. Collections promptly attended
to. Monev to loan. U, E, IJayard'a of
fice, Tho Dalle, Oregon.
i I "A" Hi" I I H
' Si
dob PrirjJ:cits.
MiuujMiiiM'ujiiiiii-wu.MuminraiiMmriurrrTriumTim u
$ i .00 per month.
.Strictly llrnt cIiihs local mid Ioiir
diHtitiici) teluphoiii) Hurvicu within
yuur liomo.
Lines do not i:ro3B-tnlk. Your con
verHHtion will he kept u accrot.
Nn coat for iiiBtullini;.
You Kt tho atnndnrd Iluuiiiui;
Lone; Distant Inatriitiient.
CoiitinnotiM dny mid nilit urvicu.
We will accept your contract for
tun yearn and allow you to cancel
Hiuiio on irivitiK us thirty daya writ
ten uoticu.
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot eii kin
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinds
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, of mu!l febd
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle-
ton TTImiT TIiih Flour la manufactured expreaaly (or family
uv-toa x xJ U.X . U8H . overy fiack ,B guaranteed to trivo autiafaction.
Wa sell our uooda lower than any hnnee in the trade, and if you don't think"
call and net our prices and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid, for Wheat, Barley and Oats.
and Motors
Circulara and particulars furnlahed on application.
P. S. GUNNING, Agent.
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