f '" corf Talking Through His Is accounted as slang; but there is a groat deal of truth in it. A Man's Appearance speaks for him. If his hat isn't stylish or becoming, or is a poor fit, it speaks for him. He's talking through it as a medium. It's Important to have- a correct and neat appearance. "We are showing the latest styles in Men's, Youth's and Boys' Straw Hats, commencing at 25c up to $2.00. Straw el mots, 35c, 50c and 65c. "While pearl and nutria Fedoras from 25c to $5. SEE WINDOWS. Great Glove Sale... Centemeri Gloves. Commencing on Monday, Juno lGth, we will put on sale our slock of the celebrated Cen temeri Gloves, retailed only in America's best shops at $2.00 per pair our price for a few days only, 50c Per Pair, Don't he surprised. The7 are the genuine Cente meri Glove. All dootts Marked In Plain Figures. PEASE &, MAYS The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Tehphtne No. 1. K.UVkDAY JUNE , 1000 CO ICE CREAM and ICE CREAM SODA At Andmw Kallar's. f lleunctt & Sinnott. The nuiiy friends of Mr. Sinnott will contrrsttulate him on u hueinuHB alliance that'll certain to re sult advantageously to both himself and Jtuluu Uennott. Messrs. Kobert Cox, M. A. Martin A. Nittliii and K. M. i'eck, all Michigan rivennon and recent residents of Skama- WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. For pale, cheap, u lady's bicycle; al most new. Hnquiru tit this olliee. Ladies' liuavy duck skirts, ill) cents and $1 18 at the New York Cash Store. Itt'v. V. F. Hawk will occupy his pulpit al the M. K. church tomorrow morning and evening. Wheat has risen 7 cunts a bushel in the Chicago market during thi) paBt week. Yesterday's price for July do livery was 72).j und 72?4 cents a bushel. Mies (Jassii! Cheese, who yesterday closed her year's work of teaching in the dialling district, will attend the summer Mliool at the Portlnnd Husiness College In brush up on special lines o( work. Day liros. are putting in a railroad on Wind liver to haul tho logs to the river, from which plaee they will bo towed to Uieir mill at Cascade LockB. The road will lo two miles long and will tap a Rood body of timber. Pioneer. ('laud Kulsay, Clarence Gilbert and Pone Krixzull loft on yesterday's boat to attend tho Portland Urfslness College. Claude completed tho Unith grallo work in Tin- Dalles high scHool this year while Clarence and I'ortorfuro graduates. We have just opened b nice lino of 'allien' duck skirts in greys and tans, which we uro offering for 1)1) cents and 11.18. Those are extra good values and arc going with a rush. Call early and Kt your pick of the .lino. The Now York Cash Store. j A well. know n Irish jndgo in the in "Ivent court once dotectod a witness Rising his thumb instead of the book l Inking tho oath, and in rebuking lilni, 8'nly said: ''Yon may think to do teivn dod, sir, but jon won't deceive "'P. Leisure Momenta. ' -M. I'lciuing, of this city, has received word ol the death of Ins father at Santa California, on the 1st Inst. The deceased was 77 years of ago. Forty e'ilit hours Imforo his death ho had n eoin! stroke of paralysis that rendered 'i'iii unconscious till tho end came. An additional lot df tickets for the Woolt r.ift excursion tomorrow have ocon icceivod and are on sale at Clarke Falk'd, Monefoe & Parkins', J. K. Keeee'd barber sliop and W. H. Jonee cKr Btoro. Secure your tickets to if you want to make sure of the trip. J,,,lt2o A. s. Hi'iinoUand N. J. Sin- " J'eatitUoy entered into a law co Prtneralilp under tiro firm name of nia county, have, in partnerBhip, taken I invitation a contract to drive 2,000,000 feet of logs i down the Klickitat river from thirty inileB above the mouth. They expected , Association, of which the doctor to start tho drive June 1st. ! member, at Atlantic Citv, N. J. 0. II. Kerns, teacher ol the Eight entertainment opened at 8 p. p. with a the unsupported testimony of the editor of the Lcndet to convince the fraternity that he had (12 in the cash box, or even had a cash box. Through the courtesy of Dr. Logan Tin: Cnno.vH i.i: is in receipt -of a letter of invitation to a reception which was given for alas it was all over before the got here last Wednesday night by tho Medical Association of New Jersey to the American Medical ib a The Official Vote of Wasco County. mile district, was in town today solicit ing subscriptions for prizes to be given for foot race contests nt a school picnic to be held in a grove about half a mile from the Eight mile school house, on tho 22d instant. The four schools of Five Mile, Eight Mile, Eudersby and upper Eight Mile will join in the picnic. All lovers of refined fun should see tho minstrel Tuesday and Wednosday night. The program is practically ready now and the public have reason to ex pect a treat, for tho company intend to do their best to give them one. The pickaninnies are as cute as anything you could meet in a day's travel. Tho Irish cake walk is inspiring to say the least, and the entire cast have given conscientious practice to every detail. You will miss it if you miss it. Over a couple of weeks ago Sam Wilkinson of this city sent a couple of young homing pigeons to Walla Walla to be liberated at that place. Ono of them got back here in a couple of days but the other did not turn up till this morning; that is to Bay, Mr. Wilkinson did not see it till this morning, but it may, possibly have come back anytime dining the past two or three days. The biids are only nine months old and Mr. Wilkinson la very proud of them. Everything puts on a lively appear anco at tho St. Martin hot springs. At present thero are" about thirty-five or forty people thero and several more are expected this week. The large and commodious hotel is nearing completion and when finished will be a great bene fit to that place. It is ft threo-atory structure and forty feet wide and sixty foot long. Mr. St. Martin said it was his intention to pump the hot water to tho hotel, thereby making It conven ient for thoso who nro not able to walk to the springs. Pioneer. Shaniko had its first robbery on tho night of tho first IiiBtant, and, strange to say, it occurred In the newspaper oHlee, and Htranger still, the robber got something for Ida 1'iilne, and strangest of all, ho left $12 in tho olllco cash box. This la probably tho only robbery of a country nowepaper olllco in which the thief got anything Blnce the morning stars' first sang togethor. Tho bedroom of Foreman Kennedy and a compositor waB entered and tho .thief, tho Leader Biipposes, chloroformed the eloepers and abstracted 75 from tho pockets of the compositor. Arthur Kennedy, true to the beat traditions of Dalles typo-stick-era, had nothing and therefore last noth ing, It will take otul (,eftl ,uore t,mu musicale and vaudeville. A reception follow eil and this in turn was followed by a smoker and the-whole with a dance. The program would indicate i that if the medicos are not enjoying The official canvaB of last Monday's vote was concluded this forenoon and for the state, county and district ticket is us follows: For justice of the supreme court: Bright f prohibition 145; Green (fusion) 850; Wolverton (republican) 12C2. For food commissioner Bailey, rep., 1152; Kennedy, prohi., 10G; Schul mericb, fusion, C87. For congressman Butler, prohi., 187; Moody, rep., 1011 ; Simmons, ind.-dem., 358; Smith, fusion, 498. For district attorney Menefee, rep., 1020; Moore, dem., 'Job. For joint senator, Ninth district Ben nett, dem., 1348; Williamson, rep., themselves, it is not tho fault of tho I i-uo. people of Atlantic City. For joint senator, Twelfth district Yesterdav afternoon an eneine and Dufur, dem., 1220; Johnston, rep., 1355. caboose that was backing from The Dalles to Bridal Veil for u train of lum ber ran into a wagon and team at the first crossing below Crates Point, killing For joint senator, Twentyfirst dis trict Steiwer, rep., 14CS; Cozad, dem., 1005. For joint representative Twenty-first one of the horses and crippling the other J district Baldwin, 693; Burlingame, so that he had to be shot, and smashing j prohi., 12G; Emmett, rep., 1233; Liebe, the wagen into kindling wood. The j dem., 1112; McGreer, rep., 1292; Hob team and wagon belonged to James i erts, rep., 1290; Springer, demo-pop., Snipes, of this city, and were on their way to Mr. Snipes' ranch below Crates Point. J. J. Ilecker, Mr. Snipes' ranch foreman, was driving and was accom panied by a man named Calbreth. The men, it is hoped, received no injuries that will prove serious, although they were badly shaken up, especially Mr. flecker, who was at first, thought to have been injuied internally. The in jured men were brought to town and are at the Union St. Lodging House under the care of Dr. Donne, who up till noon today had found no indications of in ternal injuries in tho case of Mr. Ilecker. Mr. Calbreath's chiet injury is a paiuful bruise on one of the hip joints. t I'lrnlr An Wan a I'lonlc. Lot not ambition mock their lowly toll, Tlietr tiomelv Joys una destiny oWure, Nor grandeur Lear with n illoilninfiil unite 'l lie snort una Miapie imiiais ti wu Not that they were in any proper sense "poor" the six healthy, happy girls that this item treats of, but "girls', wou't rhyme wortli a cent with obscure, and so we have to lot tho poet have his say in his own words. They had a picuic yesterday, these glrle; and the excuse for it, for wantof a better one, was that one, of their number was going in a few days to the coast for the summer. So they tilled a clothes basket full ol grub and hcorning tho help of man or beat betook themselves to the banks of Mill Creek where, unobserved except by Father Sol and, porchance, the man in the moon, thoy splashed, and waded and fell in tho water to their hearts' content, coming back home after a long day as bedraggled as they were happy, and all vowing that they had a picnic aa was a picnic. They had their appetites too, j you may be sure, although the maternal guardian of one of them assures the writer that they brought the clothes basket buck, even if there wern't blamed thing in it. The girls were: Bessie Snipes, Ruby Groat, Blanche Emerson, Lilly Kslly, Mary Burnett aud Hauna Schwabe. 807; White, prohi., 122. For joint representative, Twenty eighth district Barrett, rep., 1293; Cattanach, rep., 1250; Coon, dem., 1028; Edwarde, dem., 839; .Miller, rep., 1323; Mi6ener, dem., 839. For county judge Blakeley, dem., 1472; Blowers, rep., 1105; Collins, prohi., 54. For sheriff Kelly, rep., 1309; Ward, dem., 1181; Parsons, prohi., 78. For county clerk Filloon, dem., 1135: Lake, rep., 1421; Taylor, prohi., 73. For county treasurer Hampshire, dem., 1324; Heisler, prohi., 133; Phil lips, iep., 1108, For cjunty school superintendent Gilbert, rep., 1G07; Chastain, dem., 934. For county assessor Copple, dem,, 104G; Schmidt, rep., 1275; Quinn, prohi., 145. For county surveyor Campbell, dem.. 1021; Goit,, rep., 1300. For county commissioner Hai riman, dem., 1170; Klrclieiner, rep., 1111, ; Kichardf, prohi., 157. For coroner. Butts, 1017; Williams, dem., 830. Municipal indebtedness amendment Yes, 431 ; no, 580. Judiciary amendnient--Yes4S3; no, ISO. Irrigation amendment Yes, 540; no, 485. Repealing amendment Ye, 458; no, 423. E(iial fcullVnue Yes, 701 ; no, 724. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Tho Kind You Have Always Bought CASTDRU Atgclablc Preparalionror As similating ihcFoodandRcguia ling llic Stomachs atvl Bowels of Promotes Digcslion.ChecrfuP risss and Hest.Conlains neilher Opium.Morpliine norfineral. TOT TSLVit cotic. fKtpc ofOUJ2r&WUELPtTCHEJt rniJiut Seal' sllx.Seiina IhcKM, SlO -SaiteSerd t HpffmvHl - . Hi CarbannkSeda lKrm.St,J- Witaynm Haven Aperfecl Remedy forConslipa Tion , Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness fml Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. rvArT nrns rtr imh nnrn CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of AW In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THC CCNTAUR COMPANY. NEW YORK CITY. I MM Garden Hose The onlv store in this city where the Genuine Imported Stransky-Steel Ware is sold A little higher in price, but outlasts a dozen piccesof so called cheap euam eled ware. BEWARE! Other wares look likoit.butthegenu' ino has the name Stransky - Steel Ware on each piece. Do not be deceived First prize at 10 International Exhl bitions Highest award nt Worlds Columbian Exhibi tion. Chicago Pre ferred by tho best cookinRauthoritiea, certified to by tho mo!;t famous chem ists for purity and durability it la cheapest because BEST. Remember this celebrated enam eled ware is special y imported for and Hold in this city ex clusively by us. It does not ru&t nor nbsoib grease, does not discolor nor catch inside; is not affected by acids in fruits or vegetables , will boil, stew, roast nnd bake witliou t imparting Havor of previously cooked food and will last for years. We cau tion the public against imitations "We have laid in a largo stock of Garden Hose and are carrying the same brand of Hose that we have been carry ing for the last five years, which is the celebrated Mal tese Cross Brand. AVe carry tho same brand of Hose that tho Dalles City Fire Denaitr ment has boon using for the last twenty years. The Mal tese Cross Brand is without doubt the best grade of 1 Toso on the market. Call and got our prices before buying. fdaiep & Benton Solo Agents. For a Nice Suit of Clothes. I'diltiiii?, Owrcoalin or l'utic VostiliB. CD Kxourxloiit Kvoursionl Kxciii-nIiiii! Bears the Siguature of Be euro and eoo the bargains in ladles' duck iklrtti at the New York Ci eh Storo, j9 Woodcraft t-xi-urulou 'to lloniieville to mo row. Ik'autlftil L'loiinde : plenty good music and amusement?. lt und trip by rail only 75 ante. Train leaves Umatilla Houe ut '.) a. in. Fur Suit'. A good, second-hand tliieehlni: ma chine for sale al L. l.aue'e b'nckemltli Buop, on Third street. J4-d&wIm Use Clarke & Talk's quinine hair tonic to keep daudrutl'from the head. Klwlly rail iiml imnlno my Mwk ot Im ported mid I) ircbtio vvooltns, A line stcck ti cleot fiom. , , . , , Suits iniulcfrum i lie luwibt ilfct to (he liigli, bt grace. Fine Tailoring. :(iJJ. Eberle 'i hi: i) r i 1 1, niiKfio.N. t). T. SMITH, Osteopath. Ko.iuiB HlHiirt II, Oliiiimiiin Hloolc, The l):itli'K, Oregon. Tuoila s iiml KrMn, t u. in, to li. iimylb-lm 1TWEP. V. WIlilON, ATTOKKKV-AT LAW, kl 'NIK JlAU.lia, OHKOON oaUicovei fnl Nut. B'uih.