The Dalles Daily Chronicle. SATURDAY JUNK 9, 1900 THE 11KASOX arnu. The democratic lenders over in Oregon nre nibbing their eyes tryinj; to look surprised and wondering wliy that state rolled up largely increased republican majorities) says the Walla Walla Union. They pretend not to understand. The leaders of Oregon democracy have been in a sort of dream for weeks. They have imagined that the reoplc believed their humbug about imperialism; they tickled each other with stories of how the1 weie pulling the wool over the ordinary Voter's eyes in telling him that this government would go to the bow wows and becon'c a monarch' if lie did not vote against the republican party; they conjured up a lot of silly nonsense about the Porto Kican tariff being a crime and imagined that they could blind the voter into believing their weak tales; they wilfully lied about the administiation of Presi dent McKinley and against the policy ot the republican party in regard to expansion and the protection of American holdings under the Ameri can flag, and they stopped at no argu ment, however untrue, however puerile, however malicious, that they believed would deceive the voter as to the real work of the republican party. Having set this trap for votes and having thus baite 1 it with misrepre sentation, abuse, dishonor, unpatri otic sentiment and almost treasonable i ..... , ..I f uuerances, iney now preieim 10 mad all titno ; no get much to eat. Tho Great Spirit ho mail then. When tho republican party work for Uncle Sum everything eknokum ; lots of deer In tho mountains; Iiijln ponies fat; squaws all hnppy; Great Spirit jrod then nil time; Injin ponies worth $20 a head. Inj'ns all voto republican party oil time. Milan no good ; talk all time, no do nothing" HAVAGES OF PLAGUE. Historical Mortality Liat of Dread Disease. the Tlu Spimii-kc of I ml In Union from the Heonnil nuil Third Oiitnrlr, II. C Horror of tliu Uplilomlu. The following figures convey an idea of t he fearful ravages of tho bu bonic plague from the time of the first historical record of its existence: Tlie history of bubonic plague dates from the second and third centuries before Christ, and two Alexandrian physicians, Dioscorides and l'osido nius, who were contemporaries of Christ, have left a description of the disease which leaves no doubt that it was the same as that of modern times. The plague never died out. but it was not until the middle of the fourteenth century that tho horrible epidemic known as the "black plague"' visited Europe and caused the death of more than '5,000,000 people. The disease was epidemic in London in 13 IS, 13G1 and 13CS. In 13.i2 two-thirds of the academic population of Oxford died of it. Jt was again epidemic in London in 1100, 11W, 1-12S, ltT-' and 1490. In 1400 over 40,000 persons died of it in Paris. In 1503 it broke out again in London, and the mortality was more than 1.000 per week. 2n 1572 Lyons lost .in.OOO of its popula tion from the plague. In l.".T5 it vis ited Venice and carried otV Td.CHo per sons. In ICO:; the mortality of an- i other epidemic in London reached .1,000. In 1003 an epidemic in Ugvpt Slid to have resulted in the death 1,0U0,000 people. An epidemic in London, in 1C25, caused a mortality of 35,000, and in 1030 more than 10,000 Londoners were carried off. In 1G5C Hi.,,-., i.-.ic i ...i.:rti. . . , . ...V..W ......3 lb IV . 4V- VJMIIVIIUU "mill lhe fact is the fight m Oron was c.;.rio(1 off 30000 in x' 6QM0 , a state tight upon national issues. wonder that the democratic voter did not step into it. This was forced by the Portland Oregon and the republican party. The demand had been made upon the voters for weeks to stand by the republican congressmen if the denoa and 14,000 in Home. In 1005 a fresh epidemic in London resulted in the death of Gs.SiX) people. Tin's is the fust absolutely accurate estimate on record. In 1070 lenna lost 7G.00i ny plague and in 1051 I'nrgue lost S3,- 000. In I7ni Stockholm had an eoidem- i iv, nun .Ii'JIIU li',uijiy 1UI.I1 ill favored the present republican i lT-'O an epidemic in Marseilles carried and to elect republicans to ! m m,nl ,H wx'm woi,lc- Jn inu ami 11 uie plague Killed 300, 000 people in Moldovia, Wallachia. Transylvania, Hungary and Poland, and in the same vear one-fourth of the population of .Moscow died policy and to elect republicans to the legislature if it was desired to send a member to the United States senate who would uphold tbe presi dent. Tho people have answered. Jn democratic localities some demo cratic county ofllcers have been elected, but the republican vote was greater than any one anticipated on the stale and legislative tickets. Many democrats voted for the supremacy of the American nation, GOING EAST- If you intend to take a trip Knst, nek your ticket agent to route- you via The Great Wabash, n modern anil up-to-date railroad in oviiry particular. Through trains from Chicago, Kansas City, Omaha or St. Lnnlu to Now York and New England points. All trains run vin Niagara Falls and every through train has freo rcclihitii; chair car?, elcop liiK uml dining car?. Stop over allowed on all tickets at Ni agara Falls. Ross C., Pacific Coast Pass. Agt,, aw Anele, Calif. C. S. Ckank, C. I'. A., St. Louis, Mo. A Siirnluril A n Id ii OtilcUly Currd. "At otus time 1 Buttered from a severe sprain of the ankle," says Geo. K. Cary, editor of the Guide, Washington, Vn. "After using several well recommended medicine!) without success, I tried Chamhcrlain'ti Pain ll.ilm, and am pleased to say that relief came as boou as 1 began its use and a complete cure upecdily followed'" Sold by lll.ikclcy & Houghton. The Dalles ComuMaion Housu will, keep fresh milk at all times on hand and deliver it nnywhero in the city at the following prices: One quart, $2 per month: three pints,; threo quarts $5. 30; cream 20 cents per innt. Fresh butter evorv day. ISi-lm "I used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure in my family with wonderful results. It idves immediate relief, is pleasant to take and is trulv the dyspeptic's best friend." save K. Ilartgerink, Overisel. Mich. Digests what you eat. Cannot fail to cure. Reports show that over fifteen hun dred lives have been saved through the use of One Minute Cough Cure. Most of these were cases of grippe, croup asthma, whooping cough, bronchitis and pneumonia. Its early use prevents con sumption. Experience is the best Teacher. Use Acker's English Remedy in any caso o( coughs, cold or croup. Should it fad to give immediate relief money refunded. 25 cts. and 50 cts. lilakeley k Houghton Druggists. For the convenience of parties want ing ice in the afternoons, tho Studelmau Ice Co. will carry a stock at their store, corner Third and Washington streets. Phone No. 10"; long distance 1SIJ. "Ring 'em up." 18in-tf Ivy poieoning, poison wouruU and oil other accidental injuries may be quickly cured by using DoWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. It Ms aleo a certain euro for piles and skin diseases. Take no other. plague. Since that tiimi there have been frequent outbreaks of the dis ease, and it has constantly existed in Lower Hindustan and about Constan tinople, but there have been no really great epidemics. Coining to recent times, Uombay .suffered an epidemic in 1S90. In .lanuary the mortality was nearly 5,000, and in February, 1,000. The totrrt mortality in the presidency of Dombay lias been Why pay $1.70 per gallon far inferior paints when you can buy James E. of ! Ration's sun proof paints for $1.50 er Clark & ml7 Complete of at M.Z. DONNELL, THEsDrtUGGlST. L. Lane, !KNi:it.U, Biani ...AND. HorsestKOB r Wagon and Carriage Work. tj Fish Brothers' Wagon. P, VMM Mer'OD. PiioiicI159 1 '2 7 gallon, ullaranteed for n vears. !V-ii r . rii.K, agents. 101,083. In Puna, last August, there for its expansion where natural and j was an average of loo deaths a day, necessarv. for the tleve onment of '" " w.uuu. f - . . foreign trade, and for tho sound money policy now in force. It is the voice of the people of a great state sounding the praises of the national party in power and saying ''Well done thou good and faithful serv ants." The people of Oregon arc safe. Oregon is solid in the republican column. After a hot campaign in which tho national issues were clearly stated, a majority of over 8000 has , been recorded for the head of the state ticket, while McKinley in 189G received a plurality of only 2117. Tho lesson is a good one, and will have its effect nil over tho union. Ilepulillcaii Tarty Iljru Hkookum. Even the Indian has caught the idea that prosperity prevails during repub lican times, and expresses it in his own way. No democratic influences can teach him to believe that Bryan is ekookum when he cannot get good rents for his wheat land or plenty to eat and wear It i.s a remarkable fact that Euro peans fieem .scarcely susceptible to the disease nowadays and are able to withstand its ravages when infected. During the recent outbreak in Hong Kong only 11 Europeans- were at tacked, and the mortality in their cases was but JS.2 per cent. Among Japanese (10 cases) the mortality was 00 per cent., among Portuguese resi dents (IS eases) the mortality was 00 per cent., and among Chinese 2,01'J cases) the mortality was 03.-1 per cent Dr. George, M. Sternberg, L. L. D., in an interesting article in the Geo graphic Magazine, says: "I shall have the .satisfaction of .stating that preventive medicine lias made such progress during tiio past JO years that there is very little dan ger that bubonic plague will ever again commit serious ravages in the more enlightened countries of Europe or that it is a serious menace to the lives and prosperity of citizens of tho I'nted States." The Chinese ntk "How is your liver?" instead of "How do you do?" for when the liver is active the health is good. DoWitt's Little Early Risers aro famous little pills for the liver and bowels. Clarke & Falk have received a carload of the celebrated Jauie E. Patton strictly pure liquid paints To Cure u Cold 111 Otin liny. Tako Laxative liroino Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund tho money. Subscribe for Tho Chronicle. Small in size and great in results are DeWitt's Little Early Risers, the fa mono little pills that cleanse the liver and bowels. They do not gripe, 10c, 23c and 25c per garment. York Cash store, Tho New We have just received a shipment of It cives 1dm the soirit to hunt ! bovB auii children's summer underwear, deer and to treat his wife and pony well. w,1,c" wo "re nering " "peciai prices The La Grande Journal contains the following in a recent issue: "Red Hones," a Umatilla bravo, was in the city yeeterday. Mr. Red Iiones waj in Umatilla county when the spot where Pendleton now stands waB a mole hill. In response to a question pro pounded to Mr, Red Roues as to the political situation in his part of the country, he eaid: "Mr. McKinley ekookum; republican party Jiyu akoo kum. Democratic party no Hkookum. When democratic party work for Uncle Sam Injin pouies all die; no deer in the mountains; Injins fight squaws all Clarke & Falk'e flavoring extracts are the beat. Ask your grocer for them. If or Hale. A Eccond-hand ten-foot Randolph header, in fair condition. Will be sold cheap. Enquire of Ai.r.x. McLkod, mayll'lmw The Dalles. You will not have bolls if you take Clarke & Falk'a sure cure for bolls. A full lino of Eastman films and sup plies just received by Clarke & Falk. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Timber Lind, Act June '.i, 1878. r. S. la.ND Ofuck, i Tin: Daixkh, Oil, Apr. la, umo. Notice Is hereby slvvn tbut In compl Jutieo with tho (irovhlonH of the net of eoiiKri-hs of June 3, 1S7. cntltlul "Am act for tlio xalu of tim ber laniiB in the ktnten ol Cnillondn, Oregon, Nevada end Wathlngtoii Territory," William K. Kt-Iclimii, of Tho Uallet, County of Wasco, rituto of Oregon, bus this day lllwl In this office his sworn ttiite' inent ro. jot, lor tuu iiurcliuso of lhe WU Ni'.li uml NU HKJi of fcictlon No. In Ti.. I N. J. No. 11 lv., W. -M.f und lll oiler proof to how that the land cought in morn valuable for Hh timber or stone than for agricultural purposea, and to establish hla claim to wild land bc-forolho Iti-glbter ami Kt-celver of this oilice at Tho lialk'S, Oregon, on SutiiriUy, llinU.Til iluy or.lunc, Itioo, Ho names ns witnenM-n J. II. (iolt, I). If. Kct chum, Joseph lluiuia uml William hienc-er, all Of TholJallts, Oregon. Any and all )m.thouk claiming adversely the above-described lauds aro rt-iuektod to file their claims In tbli ollico on or before tuld'i'lril day of JlllKMWW. jiprlS-lOw-1 JAV I'. LUCAS, Hegltter. .GHAS. FfiflJ.. Bufcehens and pQvmePs ..Exchange.. Keep on draught the celebrated COI.L'MIIIA IIKKlt, nclcnmr: flgiil the best beer In Tho Dullea, at the usual price, (,'oinii In, try Hand be convinced. AImi the Klnest brands of Wines, l.)-iior and Cigars. Semduiiehes of all Kinds always on hand. C. p. Stephens .Doalor In. tpy Goods, Clothing, Gents' Furnishings. Hoots, Shoes. Huts, Caps, Notion. Act. ;for W. U noughts Bhov. Telephone No, m. llll Second Ht Tho nallno fin 1UU UUUUD) Uli M ONE FOR A DOSE. .''"nore Piraplon, I'mrent Blliuuaunaii, I'urlfy tbnUliiud. A"i;r"."VK."VP'W PILLS CATARRH tiii: ci.kansino anh iiijai.ino cum: joit CATARRH Ely's CrumBabn l!ay and pleasant to use. ConUlu uo In jurious drug. It is quickly absorbed. . (live Itelief atonce. tWXX: tULU'NHtAB Ueali and l'roucu tlio Mvmbrane. Itcetorct the HeiiMi or Taste and Hmcll. Large Nze, 50 cents at "SP SiH? SlJ!Z.m4" 5 Wl Ble, 10 ceota by mall. liLY mWUKUti, be Waneu BUoet, New York. Just What You matit. Now MeaG in Wall Paper bore, fiucb wide variety wo nre showing never bo fore Kraceil n filiilo stortk. Real imitu. lion creton effects ut ordinary prices. Good papers at clieap puper prices. Elegant deei(jHH, tasteful coloring, youru fornsmal price, at our storo on Third street. Also a full line of bouse points flf. 8TURDEVANT, Dontint. Onieaoier Krouch & Co.'n Dunk C TIIK MU.KH, OliKOON 1 REGULATOR LINE. DALLES, PORTLAND k ASTORIA NAV. COf Y Htrnmcisot tin, llegutntor 1-lno will run as per ti,L.fni prmmiii', u.u i onipmiy rewvlnt? tho right to oh,; " J Si P1 l Str. HoKUlntor. in (iwiiig fPhulUle srhedulo without notli'o. DOWN. , ,v. Dalles lit MA. M. Tuesday , ThuiHlay . Hitturdny. 1 Arr. rorllnild , lit .' V. M. I.V 1'orlbuid nt 7 A. M. Monday Wi dm-Mlitv I'tldny Arr. Dulles ! iitfi:! r. M. 1 Ship yonr Freight via Regulator Line. Str. Dnllos City. DOWN l.V. Dill lltH A. l, -Monduy Wdiu-Mluy I'rlday Arr, I'lirtlund itt ft l'. t. uml J hi. a, 1'orlUml at 7.(10 a. u. iill'Mlayij ThurNlM-) HaturilsiS fr. lhc,i nl i.30 r. u. I FOR OOMPORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, 9 F Travel by the Klenniersol tlio lleioiUtor Line. Thi t'otnpatiy will endenvor to olvo Us mI. ti nms tho best M-rvlcoiiofMlilc. For Itttlhcr liitormiitliin addresi "ri- jj, roilhtnd (llllee, Street Docl; W. C. ALLAWAY, Oon. At. ) PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer oer. C. S. Smith, Till Kodol up-to-date droeerDyspepsia Cure. Kreah Krh nnil Crenmury butter a specialty. 2d Street. Digests what you eat. Itartiflclallv iIIomI fnni .nM, I " . --.w U.IUHUU.I1U 'PhnriA 970 ."a"1 n BiroiiRineninp and recon x"iiouo 6i. struotlnjf the exhausted dlL-estlve or- We Put... every bit of twenty years experience und drug knowledge with every Prescription that's compounded bore. Is it any reason why our prescription bu.sinep.s is increasing .so raj) idly? Ask your physician if we are reliable. BLRKELEY & HDL'fiHTOH. Keliable J'rescriptionists p. s. " Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in' Blacksmith Supplies, nor Secoud & Lantblin. 'Phone 167 ; fans. It la the latest discovered digest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in' iiiinny relieved atiti pernianentlycures Dyspepsia, IudlKCHtlon, Heartbura. Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nbums, SickHeadachcGastralRln Crnmp8,and ill other results of imperfectdlRestlon. Praoartd by E. C. DeWIU. A Co.. Cljlcoio. J. tj. HCIIXNK, l'rt-aldcui. II. M.IliU, L'uilt! OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. The CLARENDON And CAFE, J. B. Oroflson & Oo., Props. 87 Seoond Street. FRENCH & CO.i BANKERS. VitANHAUT A ItNIIHAI.IIANKINO IIIIHINK8 Lettore of Credit IbmiicmI available in the Hlitnt KRiuinun .. i 'ri,........i... Trar g(e 8 Hold on New York, dliicaKo, Sin u I?I,bB?I,,;4notacoi I'ortlund Ore Kon. Hoattlo Wanh,, and various pointa 9'?K'J i Waeliwjjton. (JOlleCtioilB mniln uf ull i-.. First national Baok, THE DALLES - - - OREQ0N A flonural Ban king lluahieet) traiuactfd Dapoaite received, subject to b'ight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceedd promptly remitted on dav of collection. Bitfht and Telegraphic Exuliunice eoldcD New York, Ban Francisco und "orl land. DIKBOTOHI9 1). P. Tiiomphon. Jno. H. Scuixcr. En. M. Williams, Gko. A. Luai. II. M. II BALL. The Columbia PackinoCo PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANOFACTtlKKKHOK Pine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON JRIKD UEEF, ETC. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Ivmrn JeaiGNS OnnvnlOHTS &C mid iliwrlrll.nn.PS. U,llllMrlCljHllllllll'lllfl. llBllllUMitt i mt Iriio. UUWtt nicciKiy.rur, ,,,r'2,K, cV I'Alni.u Ukon tRniuiiti l, tw- relc pcflul notice, without clmriio. I ll' Scientific American. A luirtclHfimnlr lllnlrli'rt wi-cklr Jff'n , Mica Axle Crease .i. i-,.... K ivpa wear and J cxiieuiie. Sold every wlitrc the load shorteril ( the road- lit' TANDARO Oil. CO' IIUNTINUTOM HUNTINOTON A 'I'l'l " TjiK Qoe ovr KlritMat. Umuk