The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 08, 1900, Image 4

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    Do You Cough ?
THE SLY CAPE DUTCH. 'I a rr0ucin!mo...triio. wj II,. n-jS-J n I NijMMfMtfrfM
( I T. I liMn 1
11U1 IUU111 UIU1JLU i ! 1
1 a a " ; 1
1. V
" I cuc I ued to 1)0 like ovcrylnidy else.
"When 1 enuKhtcold, I jut let it alone, think
ins it wouiu
ji few days ;
of nine us
lasted sev
eral weeks,
hut after ti
while the
would sub-s-ide.
1 nl
v ivy s n o -ticcu
ever, that
oiieh cold was worse than thoono before. My
throat seemed to pet weaker, and the least
change in the weather started the cousihinj;
apiiii The last cold was the most (cv'ere of
nl). 1 was really frightened, Cough drops
and home treatment did no pood. A friend
told me about Acker's English Remedy. I
pot a bottle, and you never saw the like of
the way it acted. Jtefore the bottle was pono
.( was well. My throat felt asstronpand well
as could be. Since then I have had no more
trouble. I think Acker's EnplUh licmrdy so
strengthens the delicate lining of the throat
that it easily resists the chances in tempera
ture,anditbuildsuptheconstitutiona3well." (Signed ) OARtitr. Schwab,
Uol Gold St., llrooklyn, K. Y
Sold at 23c., Wc. and ijt a bottle, throughout
the United States and Canada : and in Eng
land, at Is. 2d.. 'Js. 3d., ls.Od. If you an" not
satisfied after buying, return the bottle to
your druggist, and get your money back.
HV authorize the above guaan!cc.
JV. II. HOOKER S: CO., ftoprictors, Acw lor.
FOtt BU,i; BY
Blakeley & Houghton.
llniv Hit AfrlUamleiN Alii nil hi- (o llt'l'i
the llocro Wlllioiit SiierllleliiK
Tlieiu-.el e.
"Plutot mort
Means, ''Hither dead than blind"
blindness in most cues is the result of a
neglected trivial illness of the eye. Many
a per?on now blind cjuld enjoy good
eyesight had it not been the eye
were neglected when tiie first sitrn of
disease appeared. Cataract and Glau
coma, two of the most dangerous ditease?,
are in most cases due to net-licence in
the cue of the eyee. Theo. H. Liebe, o(
the firm of J. E. Adcox & Co., is n
graduate of thii Peoria Optical College,
and the Bradley Polytechnic Institute
fie will correct and diagnose all errors
nl refraction. Eye? extmined free.
J. E. Adcox & Co., Jjwelers.
Queer Auction.
The South African auction, which
is vogue at the Cape, Is a far more
exciting affair than its English imi
tation. Supposing n house is to be
sold. The auctioneer rattles 50 sov
ereigns and cries out: "Fifty golden
sovereigns for the man who first bids
.C 5,000." Nobody bids it. After a
pause he cries: "Fifty golden sov
ereigns for the first man who bids
1,'JijO." And so on, until lie gets a
bid. It by no means follows that the
property is sold to this bidder. For
the auctioneer is again at ii. Sup
pose that 4,400 is the first bid. Then
the auctioneer shouts: ''There are 2.
golden sovereigns for the first man
who has the courage to bid S 1,000."
Vosisbly there i no bidder. Then .C2.'
is ofTered for a bid of 4,550. If there
is no hid eventually ahotu the 4,400,
the man who has made that olTer is
saddled with the property. Othunviso
lie poeja'ta the bonus and has noth
ing more to do witli the estate.
I'll 1(1 mr Plan to HxelmU" Oltliiene.
Either the queue or the Chinaman
-will have to leave the mines in llrit
ish Columbia. The parliament has un
der consideration a peculiar Chinese
exclusion act. The province hesitates
to pass a direct act against the sub
jects of a friendly power, so this will
lie "an act to regulate the length of
hair worn by employes in mines."
X. Y. Sun.
A Memorial of llitt Cull turie.
Colossal crosses arc to be erected
this year on 19 mountain peaks of
Italy to commemorate the nineteenth
century of the Christian era. A re
ligious society will have charge of the
matter. The crosses will be cut from
granite, marble, or whatever stone
characterizes each region, and will
bear an inscription. Scientific American.
Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday
Don't foruet this.
Floral lotion will euro wind chapping
and 6unburn. Manufactured by Clarke
& Falk.
Paint your house with paints that are
fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk
have them.
Girl Wanted.
A girl about 11 years old to take care
of baby, aged 2 years. Inquire at Mrs.
Julian's restaurant. j52t
For Male.
The furniture and fixing?, including
.range, tlelf and cutlery of the California
(restaurant, and the beds and bedding of
iitht rooms overhead. Inquire at tho
restaurant. 2jlw
The-Cape Dutch are rue. My shy. Most
of them sympathize with their kins
men in the Transvnal, hut they want to
retain their power, even if the repub
lics are beaten. Meanwhile every
Dutchman is at liberty to join the lioer
forces. In the Amsterdam ICigen Ilaard
.1. A. Worniser describes how the thing
is managed to the follow ing effect:
' "Not two hours by rail from Cape
Town is the beautiful valley of the
I'.utrl. Opposite the town of l'aarl i.
Frar.sche II'h!;, one of the oldest lit;
guetint settlements. Moth places to
gether have about S,C00 inhabitants
Over lint young men have already van
ishedfroni there. Thoygo'on business'
liy rail to Worcester, Matjesfontein
Triangle, or l-Senufort West, and write
from there to papa: 'I am going a lit
tle farther. Never mind where.' The
'old man' can swear that he does, not
know where the boys are. Two days
later they are with the lioer forces.
"The Afrikander likes to manage
tltese tilings in such a way that lie
does not. in more senses than one, 'lose
his head.' He joins his compatriots,
and hopes to come back with a con
quering army.
"An open rebellion would be more
dramatic, but the lioer cares nothing
for advertisement. The republics did
not advertise their armaments. The
Cape Afrikander does not advertise
that he is tired of itrilish oppression
when he has a itritish garrison right
r.rar him. The Dutch mayor of this or
that town leads off some gubernatori
al proclamation. Hut as he would like
to be burgermeeter when the Free
States come, he docs not inquire very
anxiously whether his hearers are
deeply impris.-ed or not."
I'ret-aut Ions Taken ! Hnlltvuy ('(iii'
panic to I'rnteut I'n.iiuiiKtf r-
from 1 ii (eel Ion.
A medical journal calls attention to
the general neglect of sanitary and
hygienic methods in the management
af sleeping cars. There are stringent
regulations about the transportatioi
jf dead bodies in baggage cars, but
there is no adequate and systematic
provision for protecting living travil
;rs from exposure to disease-producing
germs in the bedding or uphol
stery. It is customary to cleanse the blan
kets and cushions of dry dust and
cinders by subjecting them o power
ful currents of air, driven by steam
but it is said that they are seldom so
thoroughly treated as to remove the
danger of infection. Unless railroad
authorities take prompt measures, it
seems to be the duty of state boards
of health to interfere for the safety
of the traveling public.
This is only one case among many
in which "new occasions teach new
duties." Almost every invention or
advance in modern life creates situa
tions which require the fresh applica
tion of old, eternal principles. It re
quires the strong pressure of law or
of public opinion to secure the adop
tion of new and needed methods, even
when health, comfort and life are at
risk. Only the nimble-minded can
keep up with the incessant demands
for readjustment.
Art Ilennrileil tlx Die I'ri-icnt J.invi-lit
Type of Modern Kiiropemi
The lowest type of modern European
civilization are probably tho Kussians.
While writers and travelers vary as to
the future of llussia, nearly all an
agreed as lo the utter degradation at
present of the Russian peasant. He is
ulwayfi on the verge of starvation, am!
is absolutely improvident, while his
gross and complete ignorance is com
bined with the most extravagant su
perstition. Like all low natures he is
thoroughly distrustful of reform, and
as a climax to his infirmities he is a
confirmed drinker. Middle class in
Itussia there Is practically none. The
small shopkeepers combine exorbitant
charges with shameful usury; manu
facturers and producer, arc nearly a! J
foreigners, and the larger trade of the
country is chiefly in (jernian hands.
Education may, after the lapse of te
;ral generations, remove the inherent
dullness of the people, but it will be
no easy matter to loot out evils which
arc (he growth of centuries of serfdom
and distress,
Mitre J i uf the Telenrnnli.
Along with the rapid extension of
ines hits gone a steady improvement in
he mechanical appliances of the tele
graph, says Ainslee's Magazine. The
tending and icceivlng instruments in
uc to-day bear little resemblance to
.he crude inst nimentH used by the in
ventor. Indeed, of the Inventions which
dorse contributed to the development
)f the telegraph, the only one that has
lot been replaced by tome improve
ment Is the one lie himself looked upon
is merely Incidental to his larger
icheme. That Is the alphabet of char
icters used In telegraphic conimunlca
.ion. It is in use in all parts of the
Aorhl practically us when first per
fected, and as the Morso alphabet it per
petuates the name of the inventor.
Clarke & Falk have on ealo a full line
of paint and artiit'a brushes,
A fact proven by actual demonstration i
is more satisfactory than any theoretical
proposition. Realizing this, ami know
ing that thoy have a proposition which
they can guarantee, the, Oregon Sanitary
Closet Company, of The D.dles, Or.,
have constructed one of their sanitary
closets and put the samu into actual
operation. The closet is now located in
the rear of Chas. IhtrehtnrFs bicycle re
p.iir store on Second, between Federal
and Lnunhlln streets, Tho Dalles, and
the. public arc cordially invited to call
and inspect tho same. This company
is now prepaied to fill orders promptly.
Parties desiring this Bystem will bo fur
nlshed full information upon application
to or correspondence with 1). 8. Dufur,
Tho Dalles, Or. mlil-lwdUtw
Tlint Tlirolililni; lleniluc-liti
Would quickly loavo you, if you used
Dr. King's Now Life Pills. Thousands
of sufi'erers havo proved their nmtchlesH
merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches.
Thoy make pure blood and strong
nerves and build up your health. Easy
to take. Try them. Only cents.
Money back if not cured. Sold by
IMake'ley cc Ilouihton, dnnrgists. "
llnt-IlM ncri., Attention!
Notice is hereby given to all owner
of dogs who have not paid license on
the samu that thoy come forward and
take out a license befoio the 10th day of
June, or in default the das will bo im
pounded and tho delinquents w ill havn
to pay impounding fees as well aa li
censes, or have their dos destroyed.
N. D. iluouiis,
m2'.ijt0 Marshal Dalles City.
Unless food is digested quickly it will
ferment and irritate the stomach. After
each meal take n teasnoonful of Kodol
Dyspepaia Curo. It digests what you
eat and will allow yon lo eat all you
need of what you like. It never fails to
cure the worst cases of dyspepsia. It
is pleasant to take.
Mr. W. S. Whedon, cashier of the
First National bank of Wintered, Iowa,
in a recent letter nives some experience
with a carpenter in his employ, that
will bu of value to other mechanics.
He says: "I had a carpenter working
for me who was obliged to stop work for
several days on account of being trou
bled with diarrhici. I mentioned to
him that I had been similarly troubled
and that Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrbo.u Remedy had cured me,
He boughtju bottle of it from the druggist
here and informed me that one dose
cured him, and he is again at his work."
For ealo by Ulakeley & Houghton.
All who suffer from piles will be glad
to learn that DeWitt's Witch Hazel
Salve will give them instant and per
manent relief. It will cure eczema and
all skin diseasee. iiewaru of counterfeits.
Yellowstone Park Line.
Tin: nixiNi. cm: uorri-: kkom roin,i.A.s,i
to Tin: K.VST.
Tin: only nnti-in i.iNi: -iotiii; yki.i.ow-
i union nerct, iirtn and l sis
Aituivr.. i
No. I
;. I', M.
Nl.. .!.
ViM in till for Tiiooimi,
Si'nttte. tlvmrlii,ir:i,h
lIiuliorn"l South llcnil.
iioiats, s.lniu
Uii'l, II. V., I'lilhimn,
Moscotr, l.elston, Unt
il. 15 A. M. fnlitllitint titliilitK coun
try, llclemi, Mliineni,o-
'lis, St. 1'iial, Oinnhu,
Kiuismi City, .St. UuU,
riilcni;o mill nil iKilutsi
No I. v:-t mill MmthcnM.
meet Sou m l hx pi ess
11. U) 1'. M.i for Troinii unit So.ittlu 7;0oA. M.
Mini IntfrtiitHllato in.mtS
milmnn tttst rlnii and tourltt fclcccrH to
.llmuM.iptU, St. l'anl nml MlnMUirl rlvor points
ultlioitt rhniiKc.
Viittltiiikil trains. I'nloii depot connections
In nil vritiohmt rltlef.
ltnwiKo ttlicekeil to destination of tickets,
hor linnilniinely llluiiiateddicrhithctmittcr,
tickets. -s'.ci'iilUK ear reservation!!, etc., call uii or
Ilo sure and examine our stock of wall
paper thoroughly before buying eleo
where, as we havo tho latest shipment
made to this city, now ready for inspec
tion at H. Glenn & Co.'h. nl7-lw
Notice 1 hereby given tlint the uuderitiKiieil,
by an order of tho Count v Court of the htate of
Ureiioii lor Wasco County, him been utipol twl
iulinliifttrntor of tho estato of Helen Ilrndford,
ilecc.isol. All pcrhoiib Imvlnn olaim.i uKulrmt
tho estato of iaii deceased urc in tilled to pro
K'lit tht-iii, with tbo proper vouchers, U me at
Hood Itiver, OreKon, trlthln six months (rum
tho aate of thU notice.
Dated May 10, ILKA).
Admlnhtrator of tho Ksiato of Helen 11 rad
io rd, Deceased. 10-1
DKr.UlTMt.NT 01' TUB l.NTKJSIOn, )
L'mtsij Statks Land omen,
ri.... (.....,.. .... 1,.... ,r. w.t V
A kuflicleiit contest allldavlt iutvltiir bicn filed
In this olliec by (Jus ti. Alexander, eontrstnnt,
araiutt homestead entry No. 5777, raado May 11.
WM, for shU of nf, sec. C, tp. 1 n, ranu 1:1 e,
by John T. Wright, eoiitcstee. In which it Is al
leged that said John T, WriKftt him wholly
abandoned said tract, uud chaiiKod his residence
therefrom for moru thaa tlx months tlneu mak
ing said entry, and next prior to date: mid
that tho absence of defendant fiom said tract la
not duo to his employment in tho military or
naval service of tho United States, said parties
nro hereby notified to appear, respond and oiler
evidence toucbiliK said alienation at 10 o'clock
n. in. on Juno SO, l'.ioo, beforo tho llfslsler and
Heeelver at tho United States land ollieo hi Tho
Dalles, Oregon.
Tho said contestant lutvlutr. In n proper alllda
vlt, llled May 1.1, 1UG0. sctlortfi lncls whlcli show
that after duo dlllKcnco peisonal hervieo of this
notice can not. bo inude, It Is hereby ordered uud
diicctod tiiat such iiollco bo iflven by duo and
pro.T publication.
Jii-1 JAV I'. I.UOAS, KcffUtcr.
Lakh Orrici: at Vamcouvkii, Wahi ,)
May 17, 1W.
Notke is hereby given that tho following
numixl Hettivr has llled uotlco of his Intention
to mako llimi nroof in support of his claim, and
that Mid proof will bo inuuii bcloro W, Ji. I'resby,
United States Cominlsdoner, at Uoldendalv,
on July U, 1'joo, viz:
Aahl It, Ollar,
who mado II. K. No. IMH5, for tho Iraelioual SS
NW, Sec 30, Tji3 N, It 13 K, uud BKtf ol NKf,
8io 5, Tji J, N It K, W. M.
Ho names tho following wltneiscs to prove his
continuous residence upon, uud cultivation of
nald land, viz:
HobertA. Htroutlicrt, Chris K. Fraiucn. Will
lam (iarner, John Kure, all ol J.yJo 1', v.,
ia)'S)l Keglster.
-pit. K. K. VKHUVHON, .
riiysician uud Surgeon,
OlUce, Vogt Mock (over I'ottofllce),
'JOaplmo-dvr Til)': DAI.I.KS, OliKUU.N.
Kn.t Salt l.aki, IH'iiver. Ft.
Mall Worth, Omaha, Kan
U.lo . m.
sas city, si. iuis,
Chicago and Kast.
V.':: 1 m
Spokane Walla Walla, Kiokaue,!
Jlalt . Minneapolis. M. l ain,
and iMi lu t h, Milwaukee,
I.xpress I CtilraKO anil l'.iil, Via
I roLiinortkit Illllltlll-
I ton; also all mints till
W.1Q p.m. WashiiiKton and hast
I em Urcxnn.
8 p. in.
From Poi-.tmnii.
Ocean Steamship.".
For Sun Franchco
ApiH'J7, May.', 7, l'.".
t:filu. in
I . in.
8 t. m.
Kx.sunday;Columbia Hv. Steamers.
To AsToria and Way
Saturday IjuidiURs.
10 p.m.
I p. m.
fill. m. I WltLAMKTTK KlVKB. Ill.TOp. m.
Kx.bundny,Ureson City. Ni!HiH-r,iEx.buuday
! salein A Way IjuiiI a.
7 a. tn, IWiLLAMKTTE Yam- 3:3f) ii. m.
Tuch.Thur. mu. ittvxi'.s. ,Mon.,Wist
und Sat. i Oregon t-lty, Dayton, anil KrI.
' und Wny.IjtndinK".
Ca. tn. WlLLAMHTTE Itivzii. i 1.30 p.m.
Tue..Thiir,l,ortland to Corvallis,' Mon. Wed
and Sat. uud Way-ljiudiiiRs. and Friday
I.v Itlp.ulM Itlparia to Jowlston. j LkwistoN
dully , j dully
1 .'JO a. m. f);:u. in.
rarties deslnni; to ko to llemiuer or
ioiiii.s on coiumtJia soutnerii via mux, mourn
take No. , leaving 'I ho Dalles at la M0 p. in.
making diri'Ct eonnections at Heppucr junction
and HIkkh. KoturnluK malilnKdlreeteoniiectlon
at lleppner junction and iliggs v. itli No, i.ur
riving at Tho Dalles at Ult.u.
For full particulars call on O. It. it N. Co.'t
nxent The Dalles, or address
lien l'as. Aut., l'ortlaad, Or,
SOUTH and EAST via
Soutn Pacific Co.
Shasta Route
Trains leave The Dallca (or I'ortland and ivay
stations al I :'J u. in. and 3 p, m,
invo I'm thud
" Albany
Arrive Ashland .. .,
" Hacrauifiito .
" Han l"riiiieleeo ,
8:30 n m 7:00 pin
.I'J.UOnm 10:fn)pm
l.'::ciMm . win m
. 5:00 p m I ;.r a m
. 7; l' p m h:l i a m
Arilvo OriIoii
' Denver
" KulisaHCity..
" Chlcacn .,
Arilve Ux Aligelea ..
" ICI I'aso
" Fort Worth..
" City of Mexico
" Houston
" New Orleans ..
" Washington
" New York
fitisa m
JAM ii m
T.V a m
i 7; I'm m
. l:l!0pm
0:oi) pin
. ii::ioum
.. 'Ji.Vill III
. . coo a m
. oi'i'ium
. ii: U n m
,12:13 pin
11.1'. a m
'J 0 II m
l:'i' n m
I 'M it in
liMHI p in
0 ;:) ii in
'j-JAn m
1:00 a m
:'J') i in
0 l i it m
l'J'13 pin
I'lillmici and Tourist ears on bolli IraliiB,
Chulrcars Haerameiito to Oden und Hi Paso,
und tourist oars to Chluuijo. bt UjiiIs, Now Or
Icaiisainl WiishliiKtou.
Cotiiieclliit nt Han Franelsco with several
steamship Ifnox for Jlonolil In, Japan, Cliluii,
l'hlllppliiu:i, Central mid Hoiith Ameiieu,
Beo ugunt ut Thu Dulles stutlon, or itddrtss
(ieiierul I'assvnger Ascnt, I'oillund, Or
Public. Collections promptly ulloiidcd
!? n.1!0"? i1,0 loAu ' ':' Uayard'a of
fice;, 'the Dalles, Oregon,
"U'IJ, f:
on. ;a'
dob Ppintetts.
$i.oo per month.
.Strictly flrat class local mid Ioiik
dlntnuco leluphoni) Nurvicu within
your homo.
LincHiln not crosH-tnlk. Your con
versiition will I hi kept u eecret.
No cost for iuetalliiiK.
You ttut tho Htitndnrd Hunniiig
l.onn IliHtiint Instrument.
ContinuoiiH day and nltht orvico.
Wo will accept your contract for
ten yearn ami allow you to cancel
mi nit) on KtviiiK ua thirty days writ
ten notice.
Wasco Ware ho use Co in pan)
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot pii kin
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds
Headquarters for Bran, Shorts,
Headquarters for "Byers Best" Pendlfr
t.nn "F'lmir Tlila Flour is manufactured expressly for tajjf
uuu uho: nverv Hack ia nunranteed to Kv BaAlT wi
Wa sell our (-ooda lowor than any houuo in the trado, aud if you don ttaiM
call and ot our iiriceH and ho convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats,
and Motors
Clrculnra and partlculara furniabed on application.
P. S. GUNNING, Agent,
un20 ' the DAi.l.BS, 00
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