k Talking Great Glove Sale... Centemeri Cloves. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Through His Hat, ANfcgctable Prcparalionlor As similating lltcFootlarulRegula ling lite Stomachs and Bowels or Bears the CAST0R1A j Is accounted as slang; but there is a groat deal of truth in it. A Man's Appearance speaks Cor him. If his hat isn't stylish or becoming, or is a poor fit, it speaks for him. He's talking through it as a medium. It's Important to have a correct and neat appearance. We arc showing the latest styles in Men's, Youth's and Boys' Straw Hats, commencing at 25c Tip to $2.00. Straw olmots, 35c, 50c and 65c. White pearl and nutria Fedoras from 25c to $5. SEE WINDOWS. ! All Go cull) Marked In Plain FlBurou. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Telephone No. 1. FIJI DAY JUNK 8, 11)00 ICE CREAM and ICE CREAM SODA Af Anrlrnw Knllnr'n. . WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Ticketo fur tliu I.idy Minstrels will lio mi sale at Clniku it Folk's tomorrow morning. Ilakor City line u number of casus of stititll pox , hut, liko tint Moro people, tliu liakerites in-)int on culling it tho Filipino itch. An exchange Biiya n ceiifliiH onninor ator(!ta double jmy for taking tliu mum) o( any niin who keeps a iroat. It will lo a reil-lottor diiy for Jerry Pattoreon the day In; calls on Louis Coinini. Tlio annual oncainpment of fio G. A. It. will lm liulct at Lu Graiitlo lei;iunlnir .1 unu li). Tho various committees for arrangement havu boon appointed and ant at work preparing for llio ovont. Conipliitti rutnrnn show tlio election of Fossil ua tins county scat of" Whcolcr roiintv. Twickenham, tho strongest competitor, received !i(58 votes iirniiit 4311 fur Fossil. Tlio victory was made tliu tivi'iit lor a grand colobration Tues day evening. Tho box sheet for tlio Lady Minstrels to lw given 'l'ucaday and Wednesday evi'iiiiiHH next, will bo upon tomorrow (S.itniday morning at Clnrko & Falk'a. General admission, GO cents; reserved eeate 7.i icnta. children '2b cents. Don't forgot tho iniiiHtrela at tho Vogt opera houeo next Tueaday night. Make fire you buy at least ono ticket whether )o K or not, and thua help "oat withy cause, The Dallea public library. 'Wien, if you want to have a pood timo yo may bo dead sum tho minstrels will RWu you tho full worth of your money. Don't forget to imrchuan a ticket for tho Woodcraft .Social Club exclusion to Iloniuivillo Sunday. Konnd trip only 7r centH. Tickets for bale at J. Kuobo'h whur iiliop, . 0. Nickolsen's book e'nre, Olarko & Falk'fl drug atoro and W. H, Jones' cigar atoro. Aa tlio mint lerof tickuts la limited, if yon want ono hail butter buy it Immediately. I'foin a telephone meesuitu received "'la afternoon from J. N. Williiinifion, of 'rlimville, wo loam that WilliuuiBou'a "injority over Judijo KunnuU In Orook county Ib ill, n Uky county 108, and in Kiuinath county 111. As will bo seen eli'whore, Judge Bennett run ahoad of Williamson in this county 85 votes. Niusu figures, which lire purtly ofllciHl, Rive Mr. Williamson ft majority over tho judge of Ifil In tho ilistrlct. llv. (J. W. Illiiok, lHto ii realdent of city, returneil yesterday from Hoslyn, Wash., where ho has, for a few months), heeu-tcrving the Haptist church of that place aa pastor. Mr. lilac!: will leave next week for'IluniB, where he has accepted tho pastorate of the Baptist church. Tn tho absence of Rev. W. B. Clifton, who is attending the 1'aptist Association at Fossil, Mr. Blnck will preach in tho Calvary Baptist church next .Sunday. Tho many friends of Mrs. Fred Bron son will regret to learn that her mother, Mra. Gore, died laat night at Oswego, Oregon. Mrs. Branson had arrived nt her mother's bedside before her do- j nurture, having been summoned there , by u disiiatch w liioh said that (die had j been severely bunied. No further par I ticulara have reached here at the hour of J going to press. ! With official figures of four counties, I and more or less imperfect lepnrts from i the other thirteen counties of the Firat j congressional district, Tongue's plural ity over Daly la ?V.)d. In the becond congressional district three counties have reported officially figures, and the other thirteen are Incomplete, and the showing thus made is a plurality of 8022 for Moody over Smith. On tho state ticket Wolverton, for supreme court judge, leads Greene by 10,1)80 votes. As tho reports gains in completeness the republican pluralities increase. Tho city fathers at Hood Uiver this week passed an ordinance (which, how- tlm inavni' refused to silmi) reduc ing the saloon license from $1000 a year to .(100. "It is expected," says the Gla cier, "that threo Baloons will tako out licenses under tliiB new law, and IJood Kivor will put on city airs. With three saloons wo will have a "live" town. Our town lias been rather "live" for tho past month or so, and if we keop on at tho piesent rate, it will bo "live" enough for tho moat seulous advocate of the theory that the saloon makes the town. Tho barn of Lurkins Lamb, of Mosier, was burned to tho ground yesterday afternoon. It contained a nearly new wagon, about a thousand pounds of hay, a lot of grain, a act of double harness and n number of other things. Tho cause of tho lire is wile now n. Tho barn was n long distance from any other building and no ono ia known to iuivo been near it when the fire started. Mr. Lamb happened to bo at tho Mosier Btoro, half a mllo distant, when he heard of tho fire, but before ho could reach the building It had fallen in. There was no insurance. Tho Hood Uiver Glacier snyo the strawberry yield ia not so good this year aa in former years. Some think the shortness is caused by tho severe frost wo had in April. Various caueeH are givon, but ninny aro of the opinion that the Clark's seedling strawberry is run ning out, tho fate of nil plants of lie species. Our growers have boon coreloss in Bolootlng plants when setting out a. new plantation. No othor berry lias yet been found to bo as good ns tho Clurk's seedling for Hood River, and thia fftvorlto variety might be saved to us for years to come, by judlciotiB se Don't be surprised. The7 are the genuine Cente meri Clove. PEASE &, MAYS lection of new plants. Setts should bo token only from new plants, and theee new plants should not be allowed to ma ture fruit. MiBS Bess IsenliBig returned on Tues day from her trip to Kansas, where she spent six weeks delightfully in visiting old friends. On her way home, while at Colorado Springs, Elie saw two orates, of strawberries placarded, "Hood River Berries." Other berries were on the long table, but no others were placarded. She inquired of tlio merchant why those two crateB weie singled out, and none of the others marked. The meicliant said : "Here are berries from California; heie are Missouri berries, and here are Kansas berries, but these marked 'Hood River' are the best. They come from Oregon, where they can grow the beet berries, and where they know how to put them up in good shape for market." She then told tho merchant she was from Hood River and asked to sco the berries. Ho opened a crate and they proved to bo very fine. They were from H. R. Ilibbard'a fruit ranch. Glacier. Firo insurance agents in The Dalles have received new rate books from the board of firo underwriters which recog nize the late valuable improv?rnents to tho tire department and water supply of The Dalles. Tho rates apply only to property below tho bluff and are equiv alent to ii reduction of about ten per cent below former rates. Jn eoue in stances tho reduction is more than ten per cent, in others less ; but the adjust ment ia generally recognized as uniform and equitable. Agents oie advised that as tlio reductions would prove onerous to companies and agonts if they made necessary the return of premiums on policies in force at date of publication, tlio board has ordered that the reduc tions shall onlv apply to renewals on policies Issued on or after March 25, 1 1)1)0, and that reports of return premi ums on account of said reductions on policies issued prior to that date will not bo approved. Hieini)lol Olllclnl Votii ufWaK'ii County Theofllcial canvas of the vote of Wasoo county is still in progress and will not be completely available till tomorrow. The following figures are given from tlio ! incomplete official footings: Moody's j majoritv over Smith for congressman is j 111!!. Wolverton's majority oyer Green 'for luipreme judge is 412. Menefee's ! majority over Moore for district attorney ia 070. Dennett's majority over illiain boh for state senator is 85. Johnston's majority over Dufiir for etnto senator is l!!o. The vote for mouthers of tho lower house had not been officially counted in time for today's Issue. Tho republican candidates have run ahead of their fusion opponents an average of about four hundred votea. II. O. Llobe, democrat, ran uhead of his t.cket aomo 300 votes. Lake's majority over Filloon for county clerk is 280. . Wuntetl. A girl to do general houso work. In qulro at the DalleB Lumbering Co.'s office. may2lJ.lw , Commencing on Monday, June 1 Gth, we will put on sale our slock of the celebrated Cen temeri Gloves, retailed only in America's best shops at $2.00 per pair our price for a few days only, 50e Per Pair. GIush anil III 1'olltJcul .Sheep. (Horn the Orcgonlnn. A Klamath county lawyer who haB been watching the local political situa tion pretty closely was asked yesterday what he thought Graham Glaes would say to Senator Simon when the latter returned froaa Washington and asked how a 5000 majority had been converted into a 1000 minority. "I don't know," said the lawyer, "but I have an idea it will be something like the answer of the Klamath sheep herder. Never beard of that? Well, this herder was engaged by a rancher to herd a band of sheep, and he went out on the range. In about a month he came came back and asked his ernplojer if there was any more work for him to do. " 'Work !' exclaimed the rancher. 'Of course there's work. Didn't I hire you to herd my sheep?' " 'Well,' said (lie herder, 'If you want me to do that you will have to get Eome more sheep, for them I had is all gone.' " VKOP1.K YOU A I I KNOW. A, L. Hodscn, of Gol Ic-ndale, was in town last night. B. McDonald is registered at the Umatilla House from Sliariiko. Robert Mays, Jr., arrived here on the mid-day train from Antelope. A, D. Griffin, the colored political boss of Portland, was In town today. Rev. U. F. Hasvk arrived home today from attending the district conference at Heppner. Mies Annie Wright, of Troutdnle, stopped over yesterday or( her way home I from Pendleton to viit Mrs. M. Par- J kins, and left on thtmid-d.ry train for ; Troutdalo. I Mr. and Mrs. Trank Chrisman will j leave on tomorrow morning's boat for ! Portland, from whence they will go to i Seattle, and if the climate of that city is found agreeable to Mra. Chrisman s health, they may lemain there; other wise they will seek some agreeable loca tion in California. Heil Men, Attention; I All inr.mlu.r nf tlio local iii'nvftm nl Red Men arc requested to be piesent at the witf.iam next Tuesday evening,! when tlieie there will be degree work ! and corn and venison on tho side. By I order of the tribe. . J. I). Hockman, Sachem. ' CASTOR! A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho Signature of UK Wo hnve just received u ehipimnt of boys and children's euniiner underwear, which we are oll'urlng at epeeiul prices, Wc, 23 and 25e per garment. The New Vork Cash etore. Freeh craeked Nobratka corn at the Wasco warehouse. Finest kiud of chicken feed. mch25-ii Subuerlbo for Tiik Cuuo.nicih. Promotes Digcslion.Checrfi ncssnndRiisLContains neither Opium.Morpliine nor Mineral. KoxNArcotic. ftccipe erOMflrSAKVELPtTCHKR fimf.hn Seal' ttx.Saiui Iorktl.'e Salts -JiaseScecl t Jlyrimim -lliftirOaicMSxfa Siigor IHlikryffwt flavor. Apcrfccl Remedy forConslipa Uon, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions Jcverish ncss ciml Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature or xew'yohk. Mi: EXACT COPV OF WRAPPER. The only store in this city whero the Genuine Imported Stransky-Steel Ware is sold, A liH In l.lolior in price, but outlasts 1 a dozen precesot so called cheap enam eled ware. BEWARE! Other wares look likoit.butthegenu-' ino has the namo Stransky - Steel Wareoneachpiece. j Do not be deceived First prize at 10 International Exhi-1 bitions. Highest! award at Worlds Columbian Exhibi tion. Chicago, Pre ferred by tho best cookingautliorittes, certified to by tha most famous chern ists for purity and durability it ia cheapest because BEST. Remember, this celebrated enam eled ware is special ly imported for and sold in this city ex clusively by us. to It does not rust nor absorb grease, does not discolor nor catch inside; is notnffected by acids in fruits or vegetables, will boil, stew, roast rind bako withou t iin parting tlavor of previously o o o 1c o d food and will last for years. OyO.- We cau tion tiro public against imitations t 1 Notko, i Colombia River leo & Fuel Co. wishes I to announce that thoy will deliver iee to any part of the city at all hours o( the ,d.ry or night. 'Phone 33 or 81 Ijnjr Diet. ; 70 or 8 St uteri & Ctndon. For Sitle. A ood second-hand threshing inn chine for sale at L. Jano's bh'ckeinith shop, on Third street. j4d&w lm Cottueo fur Hint. Last house on east Fourth street. In quire tit the houso, p Ut mays & km mm Signature AAV of In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THE CENTAUR COMMNY. NEW YORK CITY. ' Garden lose We have laid in a largo stock of Garden Hose and aro' carrying the same brand of Hose that we have been carry ing for the last five years, which is tho celebrated Mal tese Cross Brand. We carry tho same brand of lloso that the Dalles City Firo Depart ment has been using for tlio last twenty years. The Mal tese Cross Brand is without doubt the best grade of Hose on the market. Call and got our prices before buying. frtaieF $ Benton Solo Agonts, For a Nice Suit of Clothes. P.ir.tiriB, Overcoarln- nr l'nnc Vesttug. Kindly cull niul examine my ttnok of 1m porti.il nmt D r.-UKtlo Wooliiif.. A line tork to tclt'cit from. . , , , Bull Hindu fwin t lie Imvcht in Ices to cite MRU t grade. Fine Tailoring. i in. ii.vi.i.r- im:t;o.v H. i. T. SMITH, 1 Osteopath. lir.mifc 10 anrt 11, Cliuiuiiaii lllock, The Palletf, ngon. Tuoidas mm Fildn, S a. in. tu VS. niuyls-lm Utttoover Klt Nut, U'UiK. AW A Ah