The Dalles Daily Chronicle. .FRIDAY JUNE 8, 1000 - WASCO COVXTY BOY OS TOV. The many friends of Pierce Mays, lintli and iicrsonal. will be pleased to hear that he has been ! , ..... t I elected one of the state senators f.o.n , Multnomah county. Mr. Mays will j ably and ofllcicntly rcpieseut the county of the metropolis, and Wasco county vill have in the senator elect a. friend that can be relied on to sup port any measure that will advance the interests of her people. As Mr Mays is .i Wasco county boy, raised ofirests'wliiu you eat. Cannot JnU to herefrom early childhood, he will 'cure. naturally feel kindly towards hts old ; a ni o.iurii -m.mii. iho. liome aid we shall feel that he is, in It speaks well for Chamberlain's n very real sense, one of our own;0"1' tnedy when druscists use it In , , , ... I their own families in preference to any delegates to the state senate. Hwjother .., 1)llV0 EoUl chamberlain's election, by the way, is an effective Couuh Remedy for tho past live years testimouy to the strong hold he must: with complete satisfaction to myself and have on the voters of Multnomah j customers," save DruuglstJ. Goldsmith, county. He had to fight the bitter ' E"en N' "Hme always used , .. . . , , . . I It in my own famllv both for ordinary 1U" iM'--" gang of entrenched Simonism, backed by the powerful and trenchant on slaughts of the Oregonian, that singled him out from his colleagues on the citizens' ticket for special and vituperative attacks. That the object sought to be attained by the citizens' ticket lay near to the hearts of the voters of Multnomah count' is proved by the election of every man on that ticket. As a result of the election this is only second in im portance to the overwhelming- vic tory for sound money and national expansion. It has proved, as the Oregonian in its better moments envc tlilinl tlirnr, nr fnnr mrn nnmnif i " , i own a political party, treat it as property and do as they please with ! it." That was Simon-Corbettism. If ! the victorv in which Mr. Msivs was I a leader shall result later on in wiping Simon and Corbett out of political existence it will be the best thing that has happened to the re publicans of Oregon in a quarter of a century. The Oregonian has interviewed! the representatives and senators elect from Multnomah county with the result that "not a single legisla tive member can be found who has pledged his vote to any senatorial candidate. One or two admit they would not dislike to see ex-Senator Mitchell get into the race UlUCIS say they arc for any good, clean man. If there is any enthusiasm for Senator McUride, it could not be detected, though a faithful search was made." The Chho.niou: is well assured that the same conditions exist here with reference to every man elected to tin legislative as sembly by the aid of Wasco county votes. Not a single member-elect was pledged to anybody or has com mitted himself to anybody. The senatorial piizc is anybody's who can capture it. This, under the circum stances, is precisely as it should be. And it ought to be the more readil believed as it is not now recorded for political effect. Tho action of the republican party in turning down four republican sen ators in Multnomah and seven out of the twelve candidates for representa tives is regarded as n protest against Simon, Corbett it Co., says tho Baker City ltepublican. The repub licans have a two-thirds majority in both houses of the legislature. There are some things too galling for an American to stand, and the republi can party is intensely American. A certain clement in the republican party in Oregon is going to be laid al rest and when it is done it will be done so thoroughly that the crack ot doom will not arouso it. Amen. Says tho Oregonian, speaking of the rout of Simon, Corbett, Graham Glass, ct id genus omue, 'Thcro arc politicians who would know better next time; but for them there will bo no next lime," Multnomah legislators-elect, of every political stripe, nvow the de termination to support a primary election law. This may not nc- coniplish all that is expected of it but it will bo a long step in tho di rection of honest representation. Tho Dalles CoiniiMslon IIouso will frcsh n,,k nt " times on hiuul ami deliver it nnywlu'ro In the city at the Mug Qm n)0nth . three pinl9i tvvo quartg, $4 ; three quarts $3.50; cream 20 cents per pint. Fresh butter every day. lS.i-lm "I used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure in my family with wonderful results. It gives immediate relief, ia pleasant to take and i9 truly tho dyspeptic's best friend," I a. ..a V II ti rtnnr i t L- Hl'nrtCf.t Mirll. rnmOiq nml 1.U mill for tho mnirh fo - lowing la grippe, and litul It very effica cious." For sale by Blakeley ifc llouj;h tou. Neglect is the abort step so many take from a cough or cold to consumption. Thu early use of Ono Minute Cough Cure prevents consumption. It is the only harmless remedy that gives imme diate results. It cures all throat and lung troubles. Children all like it and mothers endorsu it. ( Sick Headache absolutely and perma . ncntly cured by using Moki Tea. A I pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation ' and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep, l work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed (or money back. 25 tits, and 50 cts. Blakeley &. Houghton Druggist?. Campbell & Wilson will sell their lino of miinery. trimmed and untrimmed ,ate, dowers and children's hats, at greatly reduced prices for the next thirty days. Please call and get our prices. Reports show that over fifteen hun dred lives have been saved through the use of One Minute Cough Cure. Most of these were cases of grippe, croup asthma, whooping cough, bronchitis and pneumonia. Its early use prevents con sumption. A full lino of boys and children' sum mer underwear just received at The New York Cash store, we have also a full line of men's summer underwear from 25c up to 70s. He sure and see our goods before making your summer purchase. Experience is the best Teacher. Use Acker's English Remedy in any case of coughs, cold or croup. Should it fall to give immediate relief money refunded. - TII..I. ..!.. f. II I.. etc. ;wu ou cia. jjiuhcicv c iiuugiuuii Druggists. For the convenience of parties want ing ice in the afternoons, the Stadelman Ice Co. will carry a stock at their store, corner Thitd and Washington etreets. Phono No. 107; long distance 183. "Ring 'em up." ISm-tf Ivy poisoning, poison wounds and all other accidental injuries may be quickly cured by using DoWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. It is also a certain euro for piles and skin diseases. Take no other. Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior painta when yon can buy James K. Patton's Eiin proof painta for $1.50 per gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark & Fa!k, agents. iI7 The Chiuefco aek "How ia your liver?" instead of "How do you do?" for when the liver is active tho health is good. DoWitt's Little Karly Hisers are famous little pilla for the liver and bowels. Good, pure natural ice from tho Blue mountains for eale by tho Columbia Kiver Ico & Fuel Co. 'Phono M or 81 Lone; Diet. ; 75 or 8 Seufert & Condon. Clarke & Falk bayo received a carload of tho celebrated Jam K. Patton strictly pure liquid paints To CJuro a Colo in Oiid Day. Tako Laxative llromo Quinine Tub lets. All drucuietB refund tho monoy. Clurko & Falk's fhvorinn extracts are the best. Ask your croeer for them. Fur bain. A eecond-baud ten-foot Randolph header, in fulr condition. Will bo cold cheap, Knquire of M.y.x. itlol.Koi), inayll-linw Tho Dalles. You will not have boils if you tako Clarko & Falk's euro cure for boils. A full line of Eastman films and sup plies juet received by Clarke & Falk, Clark & Falk's drug stock is new fresh and complete, Bubacribe for The Chronicle. : i . GOING EAST If you intend to take n trip East, ask your ticket agent to route you via Tho Great Wabash, a modern and uptodulo railroad In every particular. Through trains from Chicago, Kansas City, Omaha or St. Louis to Now York and New England points. All trains run via Niagara Falls and every through train baa free reclining chair cars, Bleep ing and dining cars. Stop over allowed on all tickets at Ni agarn Falls. Ross C. Clink, Pacific Coast Pass. Ant,, Los Angeles, Calif. C. S. Chank, G. P. A., St. Louis, Mo. Killtor'x Awful l'liuht. F. M. Higgins, editor Seiuen, lllf., News, was nlllleted for years with piles that no doctor or remedy helped until he triad lUuiklen'e Arnica Salvo. Ho writes two boxes wholly cured him. It's tho surest pile cure on earth and tho best salvo in tho world. Cuto guaran teed. Only 25 cents. Sold by lllakeloy Houghton, druggist. f A TlioiMiiuil I unburn Could not express the rapture of Annie U. Springer, of 1125 Howard at., Phil adelphia, Pa., whan she found that Dr. King's Now Discovery for Consumption had completely cured her of a hacking I cough that for many years had made ' tli 1 I . II -.1. 1!.. 1 I lit) a oilmen, ah innur rtHiituiiuH iiiiu doctors could give her no help, but sho e.iys of this Royal due "It soon us moved tho pain in my chest and 1 can now sleep soundly, eomethin I can scarcely remember doing before. 1 feel like sounding its praises throughout the universe." So will every ono who tries Dr. King's Now Discovery forany trouble of the throat, chest or lungs. Piico 60c and $1. Trial bottle free at .lilakeloy & Houghton's drug store; eyery bottlo guaranteed. 5 Dull Headache, Pains in various parts of tho body, Sinking at the pit of the stomach, Loss of appetite, Feverishnoss, Pimples or Sores all positive eviilences. of impuro blood. No matter how it became so it must bo purified in outer to obtain good health. Acker's Wood Klexir has never failed to cure Scrofulous or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood diseases. It is certainly a wonderful remedy and wo sell every bottlo on a positive guarantee. Ulakeley & Hough ton's drug store. A Spraltuil Ankle (tiilcldy Cured. "At ono timo I sufi'ered from a severe sprain of the ankle," says Geo. K. Cary, editor of tho Guide, Washington, Va. "After using several well recommended medicines without success, 1 tried Chamberlain's Pain Balm, ami am pleased to say that relief came as eoon as I began its uso and a complete cure speedily followed"" Sold by Ulakeley & Houghton. NOTIOK FOIt PUBLICATION. Timber Luid, Act June .'5, 1S7S. V. ii. I.i.nii Office, TUB hAt.LKf, f)i:.. Apr. 13, U4X). I Notice Is hvrvby Kivvn t!j;it in eomiillnm'o with thu provitionh o( tla- net (if cmmreNH of .'uno u, 1S78, cntltltn ".n uft for tlio mllo o tlm- hvt lanas In the Hte. ol fiillioriilii, Origyn, NevKila mid Wiuhiiigton Tftntory," William K. Kclcliuiii, of The Dflllci, County of Whkco, Htatu of Oroon, litis this diiv lllcil In this olllcc his mo m twto mcnt No. 169, for the imrcluimof tho 'i., NKJ4' mid N).j hKUof Section No. X), in Tp. I N. 11. No. 11 k.. V. M., mill will oiler iinwf to ghow tlmt the land hoiiKht in inorit valuable for its timber or stone than for URticultiirHl purpo's, and to ettublitli Ills claim IohhIiI land before the Itexlster and Receiver of Ihla olhco ut Tho PalU-s, Oregon, on Hiitiirilny, lliiiU:i(l day iir.liinc, 11)00, lie numc.s iih witnei'Fes: J. II, (loll, I), r. Kct fliuiii, Jon'pli Ilannii and Willluin spencer, ull of The Ualle!, Oriron. Any nud nil perhons clilmliif. advemely the above-dttcrlbed lands are requested to Hlo their claims in thin olllce on or beforo niid'iird day of June, lloo. uprls-lOiv-i JAY I'. I.UCAB, Ueiter. NOTIOK KOU PUBLICATION. (Isolated Tract.) Public Land Sale. Lam Oi'fick at Tub Dallkh, Obkoon, Mayu, U'oo.t Notlco is licrehy Riven that In puiniaKCo of Instruction from tlio commissioner of tho Ren erul laud olllce, under authorlt vested In him hy feectlou llib, V. ii. itov. ijtut., as amended by tho act ot consrcBS approved Fcbiusry 20, IS'Jj, wo will iroceedto oiler at publio mtlo on liatiir day, the liitli day of June, next, at tho liourof 10 o'clock it. in. at thisollice, the folloniiiK tract of land, to-iYlt N'lCJj. fcctlon 20, toivnshli 1 north, rmiKo 1 leant, W. M. Any and nil licrponn cIuIhiIiik iidverrcly thu abovo defccrl bed lauda are mlvi"(d to II lu their clalum In thlsolheoon or before tho day abovo ditdKiiated for thocoiiiinenoeiiient of Bald hale, othc.'ttUu their rights will bo fiirleitml. JAY I'. i.ll'AS, HeKlsler, OTIS i'ATTKKsON, itecciver. X 4- ONE FOR A DOSE. PILLS ft nT i vi "Trni 1fi.m.... til i. . turo lltmiJacfiu ami lt)usU. A mVMiint of th bovnU full dty la nrrcarv '.',,'""lh' ri''7.Htli("f,?lIVM?Th,l IfJiu V.,' wm mPl frim, ur lu 1 liui fur .0(.idbdrui,tu. UH. HOSANHO CO. Phlla Tin: AND JIKAI.INO cum: I'ou CATARRH CATARRH i. "Pl&AStiarttOW Ely's Cinm Balm Kaey and iileaisant to I list'. ComIIu no in Juriout druL'. it Is quickly tbiorbod. (JHeu Itellef nt once. TI (li,ui.a u,..l I ' i io nuu J'aL'ei. 'til II Ih m i n Aiuva miumiiiitiiiii lleala ud l'rotecta Uio Membrane. ItMtorci tba KeiiMi of Ttttto and Hindi. Ua Mse, 60 cnti at bLV uiiouaiw, M WWM Httwt, NW York. Complete of Drucs at M. Z. DONNELL, TMEjDHUGCiI ST. 1 L. Lane (IKNT.KAl. Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothors' Wagon. TMrilani Mcr. PtaeI159 r ..CHflS. FfiflW- Qul-chers and FartmctTs ..Exchange.. Keeps on draught tho eelebrnted COl.OJIIIIA IIKIIlt, iicknmv; ctlif(sl tho tot beer 111 'Die Dalles, nt Die iikiiul nice, (."oiiic In, try It and be coiivlncwl. Alio thu Kl nest bra mil of Wlucs, Minor and UiKnr. Saoduuiehes of all Kinds always on hand. IK 1 W 1 v. 4-1. ocepnens ..Doalur In.. Dpy Goods, Clothing, Gents' Furnishings. Hoots, Shoes. Hats, I'npB, Nolionb. Ai;t. Jfor V. 1 DoukIiih Shoe. Just What Yoa utaftt. Now ideas in Wull Paper hero. Such wide variety an wo hip flhowing novor be fore Kracvd a ebitflu etork. Heal iniita tion creton eireetH at ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper prices. Klejaiit deeiKUH, tasteful coloriiiKS, yours lor a small price, at our store on Third street. Aleo a full line of bouse paints. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. JJ . 8TURDEVANT, Doutist. Offlcs 01 or French & Co.'g Jlank Wioiie C, T1IK DALI.B8, OUKOON 3 ' J mmi i ". i ...AMD... The Dalles, Or, j: rrtTTTT i J ;-;-, -v v V i.i.ii..iiimmimi'miiiiii..i 1-T-I , mm KtcnmcrM (twine n'lK'lale, M'lirilitluultliimt Str. rtoKntntor. ill m Ship your Freight via Regulator Lino. liOWN, nr. I.v. I'orll.tnil III" ,. M. Mitiuliiy Wcdnc'iiiiy Arr. Diilli'H I til 1 1 OS k lit S A. M. I HCMiiiy , TIllllMl.iy Kiilutiliiv . H Arr. rortliiml at . v. m. nt V!W v. N, i FOR COMPORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, Travel by the Htriimern U the IteKillulnr l.hie. ir j i ri,im llio liwt n-ivleo iitmllili. IVMIiiml Olllre, Oak Hlrwt Dock, W. .v iVir.i.-r i v2r t v . i v. v PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Broad, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer C. S. Smith riir Sjijp-to-date Qroeer Frt'Hb Kjtbb nnd Creamery butter 11 Hpeeialty. 2d Street. t 7 t t-l 1 1" V O J- LL L , . (very iMt ol I ii'fiii I if i.n.ivu nvnni- aiwui i-ituui'j jLuij v.ij.wiun and drug knowlodgo with every I 'rescript ion that's compounded hoi . . ' . IS ll. any reason Why Olir proscription business, is increasing so rapidly? Ask your physician if we are reliahlc. BLIMEY & HOUGHTOH Jleliahle J'rescriptionists P. s. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in' Blacksmith Supplies. Cor Second & Laiiabliu, 'Plioiic 157 OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. The CLARENDON RESTAUrWT And CAFE. J. B. OroHson & Go., Props. 87 Second Street. FRENCH & CO.; BANKERS. T1IANHA0TA ICN'KIIA I, HANKING IKUINKH Lettem ol Credit isHiied available in the Kautern HUitee. HlKlit Ekcmnge and Telegraphic lranIera sold on New York, Chicago, 8t. IvOti i a , Ha n 1 ran ci bco , Portland Ore icon, Seattle Wash., and various point ' ,Won an(1 Waaliington. ColiectionB mado at ull points on fav orable terms. vvvvvv --y-Tri TTT A mV!-. - JXJLiVjrUlJjfiLlAJJK LilJNE. DALLES, I'ORTIiNI) & ASTORIA NAY, COMPANY! t tin tin. ItfKUliitiir l.lnu will run ns iK-rtliufnl (miiiumy ruservlntr tlm rlltlit i cm'A the nnttee, i Str. Dnlloo City. DOWN I.v. Dal tit H A, tli Mnitiliiy Viilmiiliiy I'rlitiiy Arr. I'orttiiml nt 5 v. m, . . "f. lA I'ntllantl, ,TiK'Mtny; llmrulny 1 S-iilni.tny Atr. hulirW ill .i X) I'. M,,! Thi. ComiMiuy wilt enilenvnr to Klvc In pat- A Idr fillllifr llitnrniiilliin mlihei-i ' "3 C. ALI.AWAY, Qnn. At. i.'rlv.v.i.v.t.-rjLrj.rj.r wu cjri5 cer. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. Itnrtiflclallvdlife.stHtbcfnnilnnrlnM 'DVinnn 97n Hnttiro In Htroiif,'thoiiliiK nnd recon jrnone struotini? the cxlmusted digestive or- fa.m. ibi8tiiciatcsitllscoverc(lcIlKest- ant nud tonic. No other preparation can approach it in clllcloticy. It In stantly rolloviM and pcriiittiiently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, ITenrtburn, llntulcucc, Sour Stonmcli, Nauws, , Slcklleadacbe.aastralulii Cranips.and , .imiiui Bniii..iiiii iiuinuuiii irreparad ay t w. UKWIt' A Co. Chicago. J. H. HcnitHi;, I'rinldcnt. 11. J! lien, Cubl?l ro j prst Rational Bank. j THE DALLES - - - OREOON j a General Hunking UuainoBB truiiEacUd WeponllorucoiveU.auiiJecttorjigni Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on unv ot collection Klelit and Tukrraphio Ksc1ihiik eold on New York, Ban FranciHco nJ "ort laud. DIRlCOTOKM I). P. Tiiomphuh. Jho. H. flcuimcr, En. M. Wiu.iamh, Gko. A. Iibb, U.M. UKAt.L. M Columbia PacKingk, PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF JtANOKACTU HKItHUK Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON JRIKD HHKK, ETC, Tiiacc MflRH' k tr MO Artunir.llTn &C Aiironn .eiHlln n tilrli nil iliwij; "jjf. nulcKly imwrhilii our 'fliilin frw " , f. luvfiillmi i.ri.lmlily iili;iiiiibli'. ' ll"'"11"'.0. . u iT I'alni.W IftUcn throiiuli ilii i" ' 0l uc H(al iiollfr, without. cUiirtto. In H"J, Scientific Hwricat MUNN & Co.?".!"-"'.!:. M' Hjjhtciui tho load pliorlciis the roaili bcis tho learn, awrt;""1 CXlWIUC. oumnv.; m uaiiIQ 11V STANDARD OIL OO. njait II n TT- OBIoeom KintNat. Utniki