GJ$rl Mo Do You Cough? " I puo I ucd (o lio like everybody cl?e. "Wlien 1 caushtcold.l j list let It, alone, think- inj: it woulil oureitS'Clf in a few nay;-; ofcoursethc couching mul tpiiiiup of mucus Miiiiotiines lusted sev eral weeks, lint after a while the (I trouble would sub side. 1 id w a y s n o -ticeil how ever, that each eold was worse ban (heone before. 41. ..... -.,.....1 . .r.if R'fi.il'nn .....1 .1... UllUltl riVllll-l f H1-- II.IHIl tlllll ,..,.-1, chanse in the weather started the coiudiini: asain. The last colli was the most severe of nil. I was really frightened. Cough drops and home treatment did no good. A friend told me about Acker's Knglish Keineily. I got n bottle, and you never saw the like of the way it acted. ?fore thebottle was gone 1 was welf. 31 y throat felt as strong and well as could be. fcince then I have had no more trouble. I think Acker's Knglish ltcmedy so strengthens the delicate lining of the throat that it easily rcits the changes in tempera. tureuditb'uihUuptheconstitutionaswell." (Signed) C.vnmu Schwab, 2ol Gold St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Sold at 23c., oOo. audita bottle, throughout the United States and Canada : and in Kng land, at Is. 2d.. 2s. 3d., 4s. Gd. If you are not atisfied after buying, return the bottle to your druggist, and get your money back. We authorise the abore pvaankc. IT. HOOKER A CO., 1'roprictors, A"cw lor. Koit s.vi.k nv Blakeley & Houghton. My least "Plutot mort qu'aveugle" Means, Rather dead than bliud" blindness in most eases is the result of a neglected trivial illness of the eye. Many a person now blind could enjoy good eyesight had it not been that the eyes were neglected when the first sign of disease appeared. Cataraet and Glau coma, two of the most danaerous diseases, are in moat ca9es due to negligence in the care of the oyes. Theo. II. Liebe, of the firm of J. E. Adcox & Co., is a graduate of the Peoria Optical College, and the Bradley Polytechnic Institute. He will correct and diagnose all errore of refraction. Eyes examined free. J. E. Adcox & Co., JiwelerB. I'KUI'LE YOU A 1. 1. KNOW. E. U. Wood, of Moeier, is in town. Mrs. .1. B. llaveley and daughter, Mies Nellie, are in town from Boyd. II. R. Murrav is registered at the Umatilla House from Fuldu, Klickitat county. , A. S.irstield, wifinrid child ami L. O'Brien and wifeytl Centerville, were in town today. ' Mrs. Lna Scott, who has spent the past year in this city, left this morning for her home in Corvallis. A. C. Haley and wife, of Pendleton, stopped over this mornin:: on their wed ding trip and touk the boat for Portland. 'Captain II. C. Cook, of hite S.ilaion, stopped at the Umatilla House am night on his wav from Gddendale, and took the boat for home tiis morning. A. B. Jones, a former resident of Hood River, is registered at the Umatilla House from Grand Forks, B. 0 , where he is running h prosperous hotel busi- mess. .School llepurt Victor DUtrJct, Following is the report of the two months school taught in district Go, from March 20th to May 18th : No. of pupils enrolled the first month, 2.1; daily attendance, 23. No. of pupils enrolled the second .-month, 31 ; dally attendance, 2G. Those not having been nbsent nor tardy the first month were Ethel Butts, Maggie Crabtree, Roy Crabtree, John Gray, Joseph Gray, Bernard Huston, JFtank Huston, Silva Huston, Blanche Martin, Freseie Martin and Willis Mer rifield. Those not having been absent nor tardy the eecond month wero Ethel llutts, Hop Crabtree, John Gray, Joseph -Gray, Hilvn Hueton and Bernard Hub ton. Excellent in deportment and scholar ehip wero Maggie Crabtree and Sylves ter Gray. Susik Waku, Teacher: Nutlet). Owing to the retirement of Frank Ohrisuian from the firm of Chrisman Bros., and hid intention tu leave the state ae eoon as possible, all debts due the firm must bo paid immediately. All 'having claims against tlio firm will 'please present them at the market for payment. lUH-tf ClIItlSMAN BltOTIlKUH. Jrur Nal. The furniture and fixings, including range, delf and cutlery of the California Tuataurant, and the beds and bedding of eight rooma overhead. Inquire at the creetaurant. 2j-lw Clarke & Falk have on sale a full Hue of paint ami artist's brushes, rtecrft of Mr. Orrrn' HticrM. Hetty Green was recently induced to talk to n writer for the June Ladles' Hume Journal uf her business methodd that have won her $(30,000,000 or more. The sectet of her success is worth know ing. "I don't believe in speculation ae a rule," she says, "and I don't specu late as much as people think. When . tiered so many shines of stock at so much I buy one share and then eend out to see what it will bring. If its a good advance I buy the rest. If not, 1 ilnti'r- Tliia ivnu ml- ulilli ttllin llsiil to deal in horses. 1 would got a day's option on a horse, and seu what it i would bring beforu buying it. 1 nttriL-l tito my success chiefly to tho rulu of al ways buying when everyone wants to i sell, and selling when everyone wants to buy. There's n price on everything 1 have. When that price is oll'ered 1 sell. I never buy anything just to hold on to it. Not much I And 1 try to steer clear of Wall street. Any one who hasn't u whole fortune to back his deals had better do the same. 1 do every thing with all my mind. If there is n lawsuit on hand I go into every detail of it with my lawyer. It's thu same with everything else." Kultlieil lite Otuvv. A startling incident, of which Mr. John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the subject, is nairated by him us follows: "I was in a most dreadful condition. My skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coated, pain continually in back and sides, no appetite gradually grow ing weaker day by day. Three physi cians had given me up. Fortunately, a trienil advised 'Electric Bitters'; and to my great joy and surprise, tho first bottle made a decided improvement. I continued their use for three weeks, and am now a well man. I know they saved my life, and robbed the grave of another victim." No one should fail to try them Only 50c, guaranteed, at Blukeley & Houshton'e drug store. 5 A l'ractlcal Demonstration. A fact proven by actual demonstration is more satisfactory than any theoretical proposition, Realizing this, and know ing that they have a proposition which they can guarantee, the Oregon Sanitary Closet Company, of The Dalles, Or., have constructed one of their sanitary closets and put the same into actual operation. The closet is now located in the rear of Clias. Burchtorf's bicycle re pair store on Second, between Federal and Laughlin streets, The Dalles, and the public are cordially invited to call and inspect tho same. This company is now prepared to fill orders promptly. Parties detiring this system will be fur nished full information upon application to or correspondence witli D. S. Dufnr, The Dalles, Or. mlll-lwdlitw Neglect is the short step so many take from a cough or cold to consumption. Tho early use of One Minute Cough Cure prevents consumption. It is the only harmless, remedy that gives imme diate results. It cures all throat and lung troubles. Children all like it and mothers endorse it. Sick Headache absolutely and perma nently cured by using Molci Tea. A pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep, work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money buck. 2 cts. and OO cts. Blakeley & Houghton Druggist?. Special reserve old government whis key, recognized by the highest medical authority in the land; especially recom mended by the board of health of San Francisco for hospital use, also A. P. O'Brien, M. D., captain and surgeon, and Wm. D. McCarthy, major and sur geon U. 8. army, as the purest unadul terated stimulant for convaleecen'e, in valids and family use. Sold by Charles Stnbling. apl20-dlm Campbell & Wilson will sell their line of millinery, trimmed and untrimmed hate, flowers and children's hate, at greatly reduced prices for the next thirty days. Please call and get our prices. Good, pure natural ice from the Blue mountains for sale by the Columbia Hiver Ice & Fuel Co. 'Phone 311 or 81 Long Diet. ; 73 or 8 Seufert & Condon.- Cure Jleutittclia (ulckly. Baldwin's sparkling effervescent Cel ery Soda. A harmless and effective- cure for headache, nervousness, sleeplessness, brain fatigue. 10 and 'Jo cents. Sold by Clarke & Falk, druggists. jan24uw BU8INE8S LOCALS. Clark & Falk, are never closed Sunday Don't forget this. Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn, Manufactured by Clarke & Falk. Faint your house with paints that are fully guaranteed to last. Glarko & Falk have them. Olrl Wmtid, A girl about 14 years old to take care of baby, aged 2 years. Inquire it Mrs. Julian's restaurant. jo-2t NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I.ANnOrriCK at VJucoevnn, wsh.,( May 16, 1W0. I V.illi-, U lir i. !. clvim Hint tlu following imnicil MttteiM Imvo lllt-l notice of their Intention in HiHKt' IM1HI iironi 111 Mijumri "i im-ir viiiim,".". tlutt lil tiriHit will In) utnite before the retimer niu! rtoclvi'r of tho I'. h, Imul olllcoiit Vuucoii er, Wnsh., on July (, lwo, OtmrKo II. Hiinforil, who ninth' It. H. No. MW. for the N).. HW, of Six-:!, unit N"a SU, HcnS, Ti:i N. H VI I'., M.. who litnnos the following wltuesscH to prove hl rontlnumi resilience upon mid cultivation of Mttil Innil, viz: lliisklnTrnbue, ChrlMlmi Olcckson. Thomns M. Whttcoine, Kilwnril A. Hopper, all of l.ylc, Wash. Ulirlotlnn lllrrkxitti, who mmlo II. K. No. '.vs?.', for tho S'.i SWli anil K'j v; See 10, Tp :i N, It Vl, AV. M., who limno tho followltiB witnesses to prove hl continuous loslilence upon anil onttlvntlou of Mllll hunt, viz. Ilnskln Trntmc. John t'anlscn, James Mti, l.eorKe It. Panfotil, nil of l.ylc, Washington. IIikI.Iii Triilni, who made II. E. No, IwVi, for the S' HW See .(, anil N'j NWi., 8re 10. Toil N, U i V W. M., who names tho following wltnees lo prove Ms continuous resilience upon anil cultivation of saiil lanil, viz: Christian IH'Icktrm, Thomas M, NMilteonili, (ieorge 11. Sautonl, Jameo lfiu, all of l.ylo r. U, Wash. maj'il i W. K. HL'NllAl!,l!Klster. iWnrthpm PjiPilipl nuiiuuiu i uumu TIMBER. CULTURE FINAL PROOF. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I', ir. I.A.NI) OFUCK, V.SCOl'VKU, W..H.,j April ao, l'.w. i Notlee Is heiebv nlven that Mi.ry l Oelhnns, by U. II. Stecniaii, her attorney In fact, husllleil notice of intention to make Html proof liofore W. II. l'resbv, IMiltctt States Coinml.vsiiiiier for District of YWishiiiKtoiMit bis olllee In (ii.lilen l.ile, WashitiBtoii. on Krhlay, the '."Jth day of June, lyOU, on 'rinibcr culture Application No. 'J97, for the northeast iiuarter of Mellon No I, In towihlp No. 'J north, rano No. 1 1 easl, W. M She names ns wltiates: Manuel H. l.isinanlo, offirand Dalles 1" O., Wash., Herman llnijclke, William Wllkin-on, of Centerville P. () Wash., anil William Crawford, of tlr.ind Dalles 1'. O., Wash. W. K. DUNIIAU, mayJ-I KeRhter. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. L.nd Orncr. at Vascouvku. Wajii., I April so, luee. i Notice is hereby Klven that the following named tcttltr has tlleil nollce of his Inten tion to make ilnal proof in supimtt of his claim, mid that said proof will be made before W. 11. I're.-by, I'nltcd States Cotnmlssloner for Dlstiictof Wmhlnetnti, at hi otlii'e In Golden dale, Wash., on Friday, June 2), 1'jOO, U. Deitrich H. Stegman, devisee of Dietrich Steaman, deceased ; Homestead Kutrv No. S7I0, for the southweit !( of fccctlon 32, township f! i-ortb of rnngu II enst, Will. Icr. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon ami cultivation of said land, viz; Manuel S. Leonardo, of Dram! Dalles r. O.. Wash.; Herman Kneclke, William Wilkinson, o! 111c 1". O., Wash., and William Crawlonl, Centerville of Uraiul Dalles 1'. O., Wash may'J-1 w. n. DUNiiAi:. Kvglstcr. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. . LAN1 OUTCK AT TlIK DALLKS, OltKiiON.I Apill 30, 1900. ( Notice is hereby rIvcii that the following namcil settler has llleil notice of his Intention to make Hi; ii I proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made biforethc Kcgister and Receiver at The Dalles, OrcKon, on Satur day. Juno 10, I'M), viz. Jens P. Agidius, of Tho Dalles, Or., Homestead Kntry No rail, for the NWJ., NW1J FCClion Ji, and EJ, NK'-i and SK( section 1M township J nottli. range 12 east, W. M. Ho names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said linil, viz. John Crate, Charles Snipes, J. D. Hockmai, J. Simoiifon, all of The Dulles, Oiegon. may2-i JAV I'. I.UC'AS. Iteglsler. Ailmlniotrator's hale of Ileal l'roirty Notice Is hereby given that from and after the ninth d.iy of June, lliOJ, I will proceed to sell at private sale, for cash, the fallowing ilicribisl property belonging to the estate of Patrick lirown, deceased, In-wit. !ots A, I), U, D, I.-, l';, II, I, J, K and I., in block 57 of 1-ort Dalles Military reservation, in Oregon. For information Ili'iuirc at oilier of Sinnott ,V hliinotl. Dated ut Dullet City tills 10th duv of May, 1!XW. DKl.lA J. llltOWN, Administratrix of the cttate of Patrick ilrown, dteeaseil. m A DM I N I STRATOR'S NOT! C E . Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned, by an order of the e.'ouniv Court of the htate of urei'on lor Wasco County, has been appoit ted admiiiUtrator of the .citato of Helen llrndford, decease). All persons having claims against the estate of said deceased are in tllied to pre sent them, with the proi-er voiiehern, lo me at Hood Itiver, Oregon, wllliln nix months from tiiuuale of this notice. Dated May 10, 1WW. Put.nam K. HuAiiraitn, Adminlstrntor of the Kslatc of Helen llrad ford, Dereaseil. Iti CONTEST NOTICE. DKI'AKTMK.NT OF TlIK JfUKIUOIt, ) L'.SITKI) KTATK I.AKIl Ol'flCi;, 5 TlIK Dallks, On., May 10, I WW.) A sufllclent contest allldavlt having been lied In this ollico by (Jus ti. Alexander, contestant, airaiust homestead entry No. .0777, made May It 1V.W, for swU of m, sec. i, tp. 1 n, rango HI c, by John T. Wright, roulestee, in which It Is al leged that said John T Wright bus wholly abandoned said tract, and changed his residence therefrom for more than tlx mouths iluce mak ing said entry, and next prior to date: and that thu absence of defendant fiom said tract is not due to his employment In tho military or naval service of tho United states, said parties nro hereby notified to appear, resjioiiil and oiler evidence touching said allegation at 10 o'clock u. in. on June 30, llkW, before the Ki-glMer and Hceciver at the L' lilted Mates land ollicc In The Dalles, Oregon. The said contestant having. In u proper alllda vlt, illed May 10. 1'XO. set forth facts which show that alter duo diligence personal tcrvltuo! this notice can not be made, it is hereby ordered and directed that such notice bo given by due and proiier publication, 101 JAV P. LUCAS, Heglster. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Ia.nd OmcK at Vawcouvki:, Wash ,( May 17, 11W. I Notice is hereby given tlutt the following; named settler bus llled notleo of his Intention to make 11 rial nroof in support of his claim, and that s ild proof will bo muiju before W. II. Presby, United Htates Coinmlstluaer, ut Ooldeudale, ouJulyO, liioo, vis?: Asuliel K, Ollar, wboruado If. K. No. 08M.5, for tho fractional W NV4, Hec ao, 'I'll S N, It 13 15, Hud HK',i of HY.i, See 25, Tp J, N it 12 K, W. SI. 4 Ho names thu following wltnoses to prove his continuous residence upon, Mini cultivation of said land, viz: Itobert A. Htrouthvrs, Chris K. Kraiizeu. Will lam (iurner, John ICurc, all of l.yie V, O,, Washington. W. Jt. DUNIIAU, M)Si Kegltter, Jjlt. K. K. VKUUUHUN, rjiysiciun and Surgoou, Ollce, Vogt Dlock (over l'ostonicv), '.tlapluio-dw TlIK DAI.LKS, OIlliUON. Yellowstone Park Line. TlIK IIISINCi CAU ItOl'TK KliOM 1'OUTI.AND TO TlIK HArtT. THU ONLY DIltKCT i.ini: TO Till, vm.i.ow HlONi: PAItK I.KWK. i Union Depot, nflh and I sis .mum:. No. 2. Kast mall for Taconia, No. 1 Seattle, Olympla, (irny's llailior ami s-ouin iieuii points, rtpiikiiue, lloss- (and, II. C, Plltlmau, Moscow, U Iston, lluf U:M A. M. faliillumpmlnlngcoun- 'i.'fi 1 M. try, Helena, Mlnueaiio-. lis, SI, Paul, Omaha, Kansas Clly, St. IjiuIs. Chicago and all points i No. I, 'east and southeast. An.il. Pnget Sound Kxpres-i ll:i P.M. for Tsroma and Seattle 7;00 A. M. .and Intermediate points ( Pullman llr.it rlaos and tnutltt sleceis to Minneapolis, 81. Paul am! Mlsiouil rl cr iilnts without change. .... Viistlbuleil trains, t'nlon depot connections in all principal cltlu. llaggnge checked toilestlnatlou of tickets. For handsomely lllustiatcildicrlptlvc matter, tickets, sleeping car icservallons, etc., call on or write A. D. CHARLTON, 0.R.&N. US I' ART ton TtMK sciir.nutK. l'KOM D.M.LK3. Allll.VK KnoM. I Vast Salt I,aki , Denver. Kt. Kast Mall Worth, Omaha, Kan- Mill 12:10 p.m., sas Clly, lit. Umls, 12:!io p m ' Chicago nud Kast. Walla Walla, HpokancJ SK)kano i Minneapolis. St. I'aul.i Mall 1 D u lu th, Milwaukee,! and Chicago and Kast, via Kxprcss SmlL'iMlit flbll lllllllllll. i ton. also all point" In 10:10 p.m. Washington and Kast-j liWa.ui cm wregou. Spokane Mail and Kxprcss 8 p. m. I Krom Por.TI.AKI. Ocean Steamships, For San Krauclsco April 27, May 2, 7, 12 I p. m. A II 111. 1 I Tl til. Kx.auudayicolumbla Hv. Hteamers.llCx.huuda) i To Astoria and Way' Saturday Landings. I 10 p. m. fill. m. WlLLAMETTK IttVKR. 1:30 p.m. Ux.hundH)iOregou City. Nnwlierg, Kx.Hunday Salem A Way Ijiud's. 7 a. in, IWiLLAMKiTr, Aim Yam- 3:30 11. m. Tues.Thur. niu. Kivkrs. 'Mon.,Vcil and cat. Oregon City, Dayton, and Krl. aud Way-Umdlugs. Oil. III. WlLI.AMr.TTK ltlVSK. 1.30)1.111. Tiic.Thur.'Portlaiid to I'orviillta, Mou. Wul ami Sat, aud Way-Uindlngs. and Friday b.VAKK IllVKH. l.li.VVI! I.v Itlparln itlparia to lwlston. Jjswisto.n nauy uiuiy u. 1:1. imMMfiB f 1 '( f 'i 'X 21 f 4 't mm The Chronicle, Tim Dnllun, On. Job Printers, TiitTiiiii'iiitttiiitiiitititiiif rt I $ i .oo per month. .Strictly II rut elusa local mill louu' diataneu teluphonu service within your liotne. LineH tin not erosH-talk. Your con venation will hu kept u aecrut. No cost for iustulliiiK. You tret the Btaiulard Ilunuiug LoiiK DlHtant Inatrtiinent. Coutiniiouy tiny and night urvice. Wu will accept your contract for ten yearn and allow you to cnncol Buuio on KiviiiK us thirty iluyu writ ten uoticu. PACIFIC 8TATES TELEPHONE 00S. P.irlics ileflring to go to Hvppncr or lmints on (.'oliimbla S-outlmrii via Iligga, should take No. 2, leaving 'I he Dalles at 12:W p, m. mnklug direct cotmeclions at Heppuer junction mid Ifiggs. Ilctiiriilug maliliiKilir.'etcoiiiii:tlou at Heppncr Junction and lllgg ulth No. l.ar riving nt Thu Dalies nt 12 ;, m, Kor full particulars call on o, It. iV N. C'o.'s agent Thu Dalles, or address W. H. IIUItl.HUIlT, (ii-n Pns. Agt., Portland, Or, SOUTH and EAST via mm Pacific Co. Shasta Route Trains leave The Dalles for Portland and way stations at l;2j n, m. and 3 p, m. 1a.nivu Portland ...... " Albany Arrive Ashland . .. " Hacriimento .., " Hun Francisco , 8:30 um ":iiiiin ,12:;Wain 10:r)pm ii in' ll:;:ia m A:iiopm l,:t.i am 7i Pip ut hil.'iuiu Arrive Ogdou " Denver .... " KaiisasClty, " (;iilcago . . fillill in 'J:ini a m 7:2.1 a m 7:lin in Arrive ls Angeles 1 ;20 p m " HI Paso IliliOpm " Fort Worth ii;i)o a m . " City of Mexico y;rvi n m " Houston 1:00 a pi " New Orleans 0:2.') um " Washington 0:l2n m " New York 12; lip m 11 : l r a m J:0Hii m 7:2."i it m y.'.'j) a in 7.0) n m ii:0O p m I'liiV) a 111 '.'.-friii in 1:00 a in D-.Z'i p III 0' 12 a m 12't:pm Pullman and Tourist OHrs on both trains, Chair cars Hacrainento to Ogden mid F.l Paso, unil tourist cars to Chicago, rH lnils, New Oi lcans aud Washington. Connecting at Unn Ktaiiclsco with several steamship lines for Honolulu, Jupun, Cliliui, Plilllplucs, Central mid Houth Amttlca. Kvo agent at The Dalles station, or address C. H. MARKHAM, (ieuernl Passenger Agent, Poilliind, Oi T. BROWN HILL, JUSTICE OF TIIE I'EAOE. Notary Public. CollectioiiB promptly iitlondeti (Jco, The Dallea, Orenon, Wasco Warehouse Gompan; Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot pii kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- rhnn TTlmiT Thia Flour la manufactured expressly lor bmij uJix x u.1 . U8( . uvory Huck ,B KuarttnUje,i to B'tVO BatlltMUM. Wa sell our uootla lower tlian uny liniiau in the trade, and U you don't IbiM cull and et our pnuea nud lie convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. and Motors ilANUKACTUItlJU UY AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL CO SUITABLE FOR DRIVING GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, ELEVATORS, PRINTING- PRESSES, ET Circulars And particulars furnlahed on applicntioii. P. S. GUNNING, Agent, THE DAI.WCS, OBEU iin'20 Subscribe for the Chronicle. Advertise in the Ohronid