Talking CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Great Glove Sale.. Through His Hat.... Centemeri Gloves. ASfcgdable PrcparalionForAs similaling llicFoodandRcgula ting the Stomachs andBowcl3 of Bears the CASTDWA 1 Is accounted as slang; but thoro is a great deal of Irutli in it. A Man's Appearance speaks for him. If his hat isn't stylish or becoming, or is a poor fit, it speaks for him. lie's talking through it as a medium. It's Important to have a correct and neat appearance. .We are showing Ihe latest styles in Men's, Youth's and Boys' Straw Hats, commencing at 25c up to $2.00. Straw llclmots, 35c, 50c and 65c. White pearl and nutria Fedoras from 25c to $5. SEE WINDOWS. All Goods Marked In Plain Fltruros. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Telephone No. 1. TiU'KSDAY J UN JO 7, 1000 ()- ( ICE CREAM and ICE CREAM SODA At Andrew Kellor's. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Dr. Hugh Logan, of litis city, wns at Niagara Kails last Sunday. Don't forget to purchase a ticket for tlio Woodcraft Social Club excursion to llonnovillu Sunday. Kound trip only 7") cunts. Sheriff Kolly tliia morning turned over to tho countv treasuror $5,730.50, tlio uinount of taxes collected during tlio month of May. Itoniotnbnr tlio I). C. & A. C. ban A aleo tlio Portland orchestra and Hood Kiyer band will furnish the music for tlio Woodcraft Social Club excursion Sunday. A yearling wether in tlio flock of Frank Durbin, of Marion county, ilmarcd 'Jflt.f pnundB of wool, Una sprinp. A ve.irlng uwo In tlio same Hock sheared 23 pounds. l'lirlluiid ie making nrrangoinontB for a big celebration on tho Fourth and the characteristically complains that 'Portland is trying to take Astoria's Fourth away." Kx Secretary of Stato Kincaid's cam paign fur tlio county judgeship of Lnno county has ended disastrously. Now let the old man quit. The peoplo have hail enough of liim. Deputy County Clerk Bolton, Justice Timothy Utownliill and Recorder Ned Oati-H are this ufternoon canvassing tho election returns. Tho odlolal vote of the county will ho known tomorrow. Tim Northern Pacific announces a re duction in rates for tlio transportation of horses in carload lots from points in Oregon to St. Paul. Tho rato per car has been reduced from $185 to $17.") f. A train of fourteen cub of cattle, mostly yearlings, wore foil at the Salt iiiaraho stock yards today on thoir way to Cntbank, Montana. They wore pur chased in Tillamook, Polk and Uonton countiup, but chiefly in Tillamook. There la much opposition to the re turn of Oluof Joseph nnd his peoplo to "ieir former hunting grounds In the Wallowa valloy. A report comes from Washington that Joseph hao secured the nssont of the government to the proposed cliBiigo. Thomas Gavin, who was Injured ft aiort lime ago at Shnulko through a Pile of sacked sugar falling on him in tho store of Pease & Mays, and who came here for medical treatment, has eo far recovered from his Injuries as to be We to return to his post today. Mr. L. W. McAdinn accompanied him to take charge of trie dry goods depart ment. Governor Geor's wedding invitations have been received by several parties in this city. The bride, rb is well known, is Miss 1 pa belle Trulinger, of Astoria. Tho wedding will take place in the As toria Presbyterian church, on Thursday afternoon, June Nth. Mrs. Fred Hronson had a message from her mother, Mrs. John Gore, of Oawego, Oregon, this niorniay announc ing that she hud been "eeverely burned," just how severely was not stated. The I lady is 81 years old. MrB. Bronson left for Oswego on the mid-day train. Tlio Linton horse abattoir, if that ex pression is permissible, is running on full tin.e. Sixty borseB are slaughtered each working day, and since the season opened 1000 have been killed and packed for shipment abroad. The output for tho year will not fall much below 3000 head. C. IS. llaney, thirteen yearB ago a teamster for Fields & Johns of this city, is in town from Gilliam county, where ho and his brother have a growing crop of two thousand acres of wheat, fourteen hundred of which is fttll sowing aud six hundred spring, all giving promise of an immense yield. Don't forget the minstrels at tho Vogt opera house next Tuesday night. Make sure you buy at leaHt ono ticket whether you go or not, and thus help a most woithy cause, Tho Dalles public library. Then, if you want to have a good time you may bo dead sure the minstrels will give you tho full worth of your money. Everything indicates that The Dalles will handle more wool this year than ever. The scouring null will attract wool from districts that never previous ly sent a pound here. Mr. lluesell, of the scouring mills, says lie has already contracted for the scouring of a quarter million pounds from a point that never sent any wool hero and never would but tor the scouring mill. Tho approaching city election bids fair to bo a hot ono. Everything indi cates that the sower question will be the bono of contention. Tho parties who will have to bear tho brunt of tho cost of the system in case it prevails have been "laying low" bnt have not been asleep by any means. Thoir time will conio when n new council is to be elected, and in view of tho, number of signatures to the remoiistronce tho result is hardly a matter of doubt. A new coin three cent niece has been authorised by act of corigresp, to take tho place of the old coin which was ho much like a dlmo thoits coinage was stopped. Tho new three cent piece is ordered to bo made nf nlckol, the size of tho old bron.e cent, although thicker. In the center la tbo a nolo one-fourth of an mob In diameter. This will make the coin easily distinguished by sight or touch. It Avill he some time, how ever, before this coin will bo in circula tion. Here is co-operation carried to the ex treme. Ono hundred and fifty median. Don't be surprised. The7 are the genuine Cente meri Glove. PEASE ics and laborers have just opened a Baloon in P.oiso Idaho. A carpenter has been selected to manage the enterprise. Tho stock has all been subscribed for and the undertaking promises to be a success. The profits are to go to the wives of the stock holders. The has Becured for the Eoheme the approbation of the women, who see in it a source from which they are to be able to buy silks and diamond?. Mr. Hampton, a well-known New York theatrical manager, Iiob brought suit for $00,000 damages against John Mink, proprietor of a fashionable res taurant, because when bo appeared on u recent Sunday for breakfast without a collar or neck scarf, ManBger Dwyer of the restaurant, would not pennit the waiter to serve him. According to the complaint, the manager reprimanded tho waiter for taking an order from a patron in undress and ordered the plain tiff from tho place. The good men and women who are making a crusade against tho army can teen do not stop to consider who are their allies and who would be the bene ficiaries of what they are attempting to accomplish. There are the unscrupu lous people who kept shops for the sale of bod liquors within convenient reach of the army poBts and garrisons, and who are awaiting the opportunity to re sume their occupations. None knows bo well as the old soldiers the practical temperance reform that has been effect ed by the army canteen. Philadelphia Record. The following short summary of the results of last Monday's election was received at It :15 this afternoon from re publican headquarters at Portland: Tongue's plurality in tho First congres sional district is 2947. Moody's in the Second district is S403. The legislature is republican on joint ballot by a ma jority of 21. But tho senate has four citi.ous and the house ten, nnd most of these are just as sound republicans as there are in the state. So that the real republican majority on joint ballot is nearer 34 than 24. Ed. Cuiiomcle. Wolverton'a plmality for supreme judge is 10,008, and Uailey'a for food commis sioner 0,043. ICoy Wuuli'il. A go;d, steady boy of between the ages of Hi and 18 years, can obtain per manent employment at this ofllce. No ' ono need apply who "is not strong and will not agree to work for at ioast Eix months. A flno chance to learn the job printing trade. For Mil.. A good second-hand threshiug ma. chine for sale at L. Lane's blacksmith shop, on Third street. J-UI&wlm UuMugo fur Unit. Last house on east Fourth street. In qulro at the house. j5.3t Wo have just received a shipment of boys and children's summer underwear, which we are ottering at special prices, 19o, 23o aud 25c per garmont. The New York Cash atore. Sut scribe for The Chkonios, Commencing on Monday, June 16th, we will put on sale our stock of the celebrated Cen temeri Gloves, retailed only in America's best shops at $2.00 per pair our price "for a few days onl', 50e Per Pair. &, MAYS WILL HELP THE SCHOOLS- New Keelfitf-r Gotten Out by Stato Su perintendent Ackerinan. Superintendent of Public Instruction J. II. Ackerman has just completed a new register, to be used in all the pub lic schools in the state. The general plan in the new register is to have b de tailed record of the work of every pupil, from the time lie enters school until be leaves, and a copy of the record to be left by the teacher for the use of his successor. It lias been the experience of every teacher who is employed in the country schools that their predecessors are neg ligent in the matter of leaving records. A "new teachei" has been compelled to enter the Bchoolioom on the first day of the term without the slightest informa tion regarding the classes, the work they have covered, the proficiency of the pupils or the studies they should next pursue. Tiie new register is de signed to remedy this defect in tlio pub lie school system. Aside from the facts regarding attend ance, deportment, etc., shown by the old form of fchool registers, the new record book contains blank spaces for a list of classes, the names of pupils in each class, the text-books used, the page at which the pupils began and ended, the page at which they should begin in the new term, and special information regarding in dividual pupils. A full programme of tho branches taught, with the hour at which each class recites, and the number of minutes given to eacli recitation, ie aleo to be given. The register contains detachable blanks, which must be filled with copies ot tho programme, and filed with the county superintendent. The annual icport, heretofore made singly, is now to be made in duplicate, one copy to be left in the register and t he other to be tiled with the county superintendent. After the teacher shall have completed his recoid for the school year, lie must 6ign it and have it approved and signed by t he chairman of the ecliool board. Each teacher is required to report to the county (superintendent whether the preceding teacher left the records as re quired. I5y tho use of this new register tho records left in each school in tho state will bo so complete that a new teacher may enter tho schoolroom and take up the work exactly wliere his predeceesor left oil'. Anotlu'i- Cui'lolia I'liltujili, Thomas Sheahan, of lion in ;e, N. Y., adds another to the collection of curious epitaph?, which ho says is to bo found hi a little countiy graveyard on the banks of tho St. Lawrencj river, near Prescott: Krcctvtl to tlio memory of iuciiahdson, who lioiolfly ilefeiuled the life, -of her lover by sticking u jilti litork lu a mad cow' nofee. .gO 3S. Wuutrd. A girl to do general he U3e work. In quire at the Dalles l.uuiberiiu Co.'s office. may29-lw Promotes DigcslionXheerfur ness cindRcsl-Contains neither Opium.Morphinc norImeraL jSotTJarcotic, ty ofOldtirSMUELNlVUKR Mx.Smna t tifsm,':il -tit CiaiauUrSoda HZnpSeeiJ.' Clanfad Sugar Wntoyrem Flavor. Aperfecl Remedy for Constipa tion , Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Fcverish ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature or NEW YORK". EUSD exact copy or WRAPPER. A'lAIAIAlArA'iArAIAIJk'AIA,! AT ATATATA-TA ..OUR.. or Steel "Range will miss it by not taking advantage of this sale. Stove manufacturers advanced thoir prices 5 per cent this week. JWflYS i GOING EAST- If you intend to tuke n trip Hast, nsk your tieket agent to route you vi.i The Great Wnbaeb, a modern and up-to-dute railroad in every particular. Through trains from Chicago, Kansas City, Omaha or St. Louis to New Voik and New England points. All trains run via Niagara Falls and every through train has free reclining eiiair carp, sleep ing and dining cars. Stop over allowed on nil tickets at Ni agara Falls. Kosf, C Ci.ixk, Pacific Coast Pass. Ayt Los Anceles, Calif. O. S. Chank, G. P. A., St. Louis, Mo. Kilitnr'K Awful flight, F. M. Iliggins, editor Senaca, Ills., News, was ulllicted for years with piles that no doctor or remedy helped until he triad Uucklen's Arnica Salve. IIo writes two boxes wholly cuied him. It's tho surest pile cure on earth and tlio best salvo in the world. Cure guaran teed. Only 25 cents. Sold by Hlakeley & Houghton, druggist. 5 CASTOR 8 A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought SiKUftture of W Nutltt), Columbia River Ice & Fuel Co. wishes to announce that they will deliver ice to any part of the city at all hours of the day or night. 'Phono 33 or 81 Long Diet. ; 75 or 8 St ufert & Condon. Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of chicken feed. mch25-tf Signature jsr ( iP In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THE CENTAUR COMPANY. NEW YORK CITY. ' ATATJ rocnct'ATA' VA-iAtA: rjL.lA.-l A"TA"T3 KTXT1 w Sale Will close Wednesday, $ June 7th, 1900. j Those wishing a new Cook Stove 8t CfOttlE. Garden Hose AVo have laid in a largo stock of (larden TIoso and aro carrying Ihe same brand of Hose that wo have been carry ing for the last five yoar.s which is tho celebrated Mal teso Cross lira ml. Wo carry tho same brand of lloso that the Dalles (Uty Firo Depart mont has boon using for tlio last twenty years. The Mal tese Cross Brand is without doubt the best grado of lloso on tho market. Call ami got our prices before buying. JWaiep S Benton Solo Agents. jyi. U. T. HMITll, Osteopath. Hooms ll,i:liuimaii Mock, Tim Dulles, Orceoii, Tueulays ami Ki liluys, h a. in. to 1.'. m ay 18-1 m