The Dalles Daily Chronicle. THURSDAY . - JUNK 7, lflOO good yjovs for Tin: ixlaxd KMV1UK. Congress yesterday morning passed ; the sundry civil appropriation i"" ; wmcn incuuies an nppropu.uiun ui , PL'oUjUUU lor repairs loaiui extension of the jetty at the mouth of the Columbia river. Provision is also made for a survey for canal allil Jocks between Celilo and The Dalles. This is a very gratifying piece of Hews". The passage of the bill means that the jetty will be repaired an i ; the survey for the canal and loeks made in time to ask for appropria- tions at the next session of congress. ' The procurement of an appropriation for the survey of the canal and locks is peculiarly gratifying to the people ot the inland empire. The boat rail nay scheme that, whether designedly or not, has long effected the sus pension of inceptive work at The Dalles is now happily out of the way, let it be hoped, forever. When the survey is made for a canal and locks there ought to be no insuperable difficulty m procuring an appropria tion for a railway, such as will be a necessary adjunct to the construction of the canal and locks, and at the same time be open to public use till the permanent improvements are completed. The proposition Is rad ically different from ordinary gov ernment ownership of railways and cannot properly be construed as an entering wedge to that form of , paternalism. The road will become n government necessity, onco the construction of tho permanent im provements commence. Its joint use by the public, under necessary restrictions, need not seriously effect its efliciencv for both parlies. Its cost would be a bagatelle compared j lpa with its value as a regulator of freights. It would save to the people of Eastern Oregon, Washington and Idaho twice its cost every year, and would largely meet the demands of traffic till the canal and locks are completed. If we had a score of private portages this one would do more to bring down rates to a reason able, living basis than them all, for it could not oe sold out to the high est bidder nor forced or led into combinations to maintain exhorbitant or unreasonable rates. It is to be hoped that the energy that has pro cured the appropriation for the sur vey will not be relaxed till a portage railway, as a temporary expedient, is an accomplished fact. The Telegram accounls in part for Tongue's relatively small majority when compared with Moody's by saying that a good many republicans were dissatisfied with Mr. Tongue's yote on the Porto Rican tariff bill; adding that Tongue's "labored ex planation did not fully explain to the satisfaction of nil," and that "on the Porto Pican bill Mood' was right," The Telegram's logic is not clear or Thk Chiionici.k's informa tion is at fault. Mr. Moody voted for the bill, precisely as Mr. Tongue (ltd. The only difference between them was that Mr. Moody neither explained his vote nor was asked to explain it. If cither of them lost a vote through their action on the bill, it was that of sorrc republican mug wump whose peiceptions had been befogged by the misrepresentations of the Portland papers. Our contemporary over on Court street quotes with editorial npproval tho saying of William It. Hearst, president of the National Association of democratic clubs, that "reports from all parts of the country indi cate that the piincipal work of the democratic clubs next spring will bo the inauguration of Mr. Bryan at Washington." Now that Mr. Hearst lias beard from Oregon he will prob- ably conclude that tho principal work of tbe democratic clubs next spring will be the inauguration of a big funeral, with ltrynnistu for the corpse mul the clubs ns chief mourners. The democrats fooled a largo number of the people four yenrs ago with their cries of the gold wolf that J was coming to devour them, says lhu Ynnihll Ko,orlcP. IualMll of n ra venous wild beast, the people have ft1l)j( n poaecful pack animal, heav- ily laden with gifts for them. The calamityites have cried "wolf" so often that Uic people have lost con tldeivjc in them and their woeful prophecies and refuse to believe their warnings. With the success of the Multnomah citizens' ticket in mind, which ticket was a revolt against Siuion-Corbott boss imperialism, the Oregonian very justly says: ''Three or four men cannot own a political party, treat it as a property and do as they please with it." And again: "We may not all agree as to how it happened ; but wo know what happened." The Townc men announce that the free-silver tail to Uryan's kite was tied on to stay, and that it will require a surgical operation to re move it, says the Omaha lice. With grave fears that the patient will not survive such an operation, the polit ical surgeons, who aie to meet in consultation at Kansas City, may think twice before they attempt it. "As foretold b the Statesman, the republicans have lost the Oregon legislature," s:is our democratic contemporary at Walla Walla. And Oregon republicans, it may be added, are enduring the "loss" with marvelous fortitude and compla cency. A Siiralucil Ankle Oulckly Uureil. "At one time I suffered from a severe sprain of the ankle," eays Geo. E. Cary, editor of tho Guide, Washington, Va. "After using several well recommended medicines without success, I tried Uiiamberlain'e Pain Balm, and am pleased to guy that relief came as soon a3 I began its use and a complete cure speedily followed"" Sold by lil.ikeley & Houghton. Iteports ehow that over fifteen hun dred lives have been enved th'ough the uee of One Minute Cough Cure. Most of these were cases of grippe, croup asthma, whooping cough, bronchitis and pneumonia. Its early use prevents con sumption. A full line of boys and children' sum mer underwear just received at The New York Cash store, we have also a full line of men'e summer underwear from 25c up to 70c. Be sure and eee our goods before making your summer purchase. Experience is the beat Teacher. Use Acker's English Remedy in any case of coughs, cold or croup. Should it fail to give immediate relief money refunded. 25 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. For the convenience of parties want ing ice in tbe afternoons, tiie Stadelman Ice Co. will carry a stock at their store, corner Third and Washington streets. Phone No. 107; long distanco 183. 'Hint: 'em up." 18m-tf Ivy poiioniii),', poison woundj and all other accidental ininrius inav be nuicklv m,ro,l In- n,.WI.t'u WHM. Il.l halve. It 18 aleo a certain cure for piles and 6kin dleeaees. Take no other. Why pay .$1.75 perallon for inferior paints when you can buy James E. I'atton'a eun proof paints for $1.50 per gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark & Falk, agents. m 17 The Chinege a6k "How is your liver?" instead of "How.doyou do?" for when tho liver is activo tho health is good. DoWitt'e Little Early Risers are famous little pills for tho liver and bowels. Clarke & Falk haye received a carload of the celebrated J a me E. I'atton strictly pure liquid paints To Cure u Cold tti One Hay. Take Laxative Uromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money. Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are the beat. Ask your erocer for them. Notice. Mr. A. E. Cooper, G. A. P. D., C. It, I. & V. Uy 250 Alder street, Portland, Or. , advises inu that his company will run four specially cheap excursions to the east, leaving Denver, Colorado Springs 'and Pueblo June 23d, July 12th and 20th and August 4th. He will be pleated to answer any inquiries, .II. H. Kiddkliv, Postmaster. Subicribe for The Chronicle. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. 1.AND OFFICK AT VANOUIVKl!, Wflsll.,1 My II, 1WU. I Notice i hereby Riven that tlie following nxmril settler tina llleit notion nt Ills Intention to make llnnl proof In Mimmrt of lilt elulni, nml thnt mIiI proof will lie. mmfu beforo W. It I'resliy. II ill kit Htntos CommlnMnner for DIMtlct of WnMifnRtoii, at hid olllro In (iolilemlalo, Wusli,, on 8nturtlny,.luiie:w, 1W0, via- (ltnrn , liiiiilmiy, IIomc.tenil entrr, No. fift), for tho SWU of Seo l.'i, 1 p o, N of It 13 K. W. M. lie names llio following ultno'sos to move i tils continuous resilience upon mul cultivation 'Ji'mi Doimlil. nf lliirtliinit 1'. ().. Wnili: Wenilelln Ix-hll. Colilononle I'. ().. Wusli.: John ltciry, Iliittlnml r. (., Wnsli.: Thomns J. Drlpps, llurtliiml 1. ()., Wnsli. mnySl I W. 11. DUNUAIt, UcRlstcr. NOTICE FOR 1'UHLIOATION. Iianii Office at Vancouvkk, Wnsli.,) MrtV '.'I i MW. i Notlee Is hereby lven tlmt the following luuncil settlers hnvo illeii noltee of their Inten tion to mnko final proof in support of tlirlr elnlm nml that snlil vroofs will bo miutc bclurv W.ll. l'reshv, IMilteil States Cotiimlloncr for Dlstrle.t of YnMiliiKt n, at lili olllee In (iohlen dale, Wash,, Momlay, July '., 1W0, It: Ilviir) Yrncknl, Honictcfsil entry No. WIS, for the SK' i of Sec. J, Tp. 9 N, K II U, W. M, who names the follow liiK witnesses to prove his ooiitinuoiii leslilenco upon and cultivation of satil laml, vU. : Manuel I.eonimto, William M. Mulligan, John Mulligan, l-'rnncl U lluuuell, all of I'uutcrvllle 1 O., WashluKtou. fraud I., luuntfll. Homestead Kntty No. 10,1.1 , for tho fractional XW'U of Sea. 7, Tp. U" N, U l." i:, W. M., who imtni'S the following witnesses to prove his eon ttuuoits residence upon and cultivation of sal land, viz.: Manuel I.eonanlo, William M. Mulligan, John Mulligan, Henry Yetckel, all of C'entervllle I'. 0., Washington. mnyJG ll W. 15. Dl'NDAK, Keglstcr. NOTION KOIl l'UHMCATION. Timber L-uid, Act Juno :, 1S7S. 1'. S. la.ND Offici:, ) Thk 1 vm.ks, Oh., Apr. Ill, lw S Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of congress of Juno 3, ls"f, entitled "An not for the sale, of tim ber lauds in the states o Calltoruia, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," William K. Kvtcliiim, of Tho Dalles. County of Wasco. tStntu of Oregon, has this dav llltd In this otKee his sworn state ment No. 15U, for the purchase of the W1 , NIC i and N;, SK.'.of Section No. :w, In No. 11 K.. W. M., and u lit oiler proof to show that the laud sought la more valuable fur Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said laud before tho Register and IJceelver of this oltlce at Tho Dalles, Oregon, on Saturday, tlm":i(l ilny of.ltino, ltlllll, He nntne'i as witnesses- J. II. Holt, 1). 1'. Ket chuin, Joseph Hauim and W.'UIam bpencer, all of The Dalles, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to 11 lu their claims In this oltlce on or before sald'JJrd day of June. l'.W. nprls-lDu-.l JAY 1'. I.UC.YS, Ueglster. NOTICE FOK PUI5I.ICAT10N. (Ieolated Tract.) Public Land Sale. Land Office at The Dallks, oheoo.v,; May'J, lt'OO.i Notice Is hereby given that in puisuance of instructions from the commissioner of the gen eral land olllee, under nuthorlt) vested in him hy section aiVi, l, H. Itev. Htnt., ns amended by the act ot congress approved Kcbiusry 20, lV.b, we will proceed to oiler at public sale on Satur day, the lGth day of June, next, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. at thisotllce, the following tract of laud, to-wlt; SliH section 'JO, township 1 north, range 11 east, W. M. Any and all persons claiming adversely tho above described lands are advlsfd to tile their claims in this otliee on or belore tho day above (bslgnated for the commencement of said sale, ome;wise meir ngnis win oe inriciicn. JAY 1. I.UCAS, Register, mayl2-il OTIS I'ATTl'.i'.iON, Hccelver. For a Nice Suit of Clothes. I'antlug, Ovcrcoatiit-or Kancj Vesting. Kindly call and examine my stock of Im ported und I) icettlc Woolens. A line stock to select irom. I Suits iinulefromthelowebt prices to the high. J. A. Eberle. Fine Tailoring. I J IB 1AI.I.I! OJlICOHN. 111 UKIIUBI'Il .rfQ ONE FOR A DOSE. Iteia'ira I'mplcs, I'rotcnt 'il"uajnej,lurlfrUiillI,oiJ, Curu HmiJ who and Jlpcii,ia. PILLS tr I ihh "Tif.V. 'Vr". h day in u..-...r iVIi '".""""TKriponiirilcken. 'i'riTn. i-c. Sold b, .Jrui.u. OH. HOSANKO 150 .PuSZ K THI2 CMJANKINO AND JIKAI.INO C'UKi: l'OU CATARRH Ely's Craam Balm V.rnij and pleauant to tine, t'oiitafus uo III JurlouH (IriiL'. It U qulclily abeorbed, (liven Itelitf at once. It Hl.1.111 'I,.n.. CATARRH IlcaU and I l'rotU tlio Membrane. Iteetorev the Jfeiwes of Taito and Hinell. Larae Size, BO ceutt at Uy?'!r (.'X.""" ' 'rl Size, 10 cenli by mall. KEY UHOa'lJJJUS, M Warren Street, New York. Clark & Falk's drug stock is new fresh and complete. Complete of Druts at M.Z. DONNELL, THEaDflUOCIST. -3 L. Lane (IKNKl'.AI. Wagon and Cctrrlngo Work. Fish Brothora' Wagon. Tliirdlaud Jeffcrnu. PlioucI159 tir i.r t.T iyuxjxj viviTW tatata i uor. ..GflflS. FfiflflK.. Brjtehens and Fapmeps ..Exchange. Keepnn dranirht the celebrated coi.UMiiiA in:i:it, ckniw:- edeil tho belt beer in The Dalleii, t thu usual pilce. Come in, try It and be convinced. Al the Klnent brands ol Wines, M pior and CliMrj. Sandrxiiehes of all Kinds always on hand. C. F. Stephens .Dealer In. Dry Goods. Clothina. ucui,d rui'uiunings. Hoots, Shoes, lint. Caps, Notions. ;for V. I,. PoiiKliifi Khov. Telephoned). S?. The Dalles, Or, i n Reconii i., Just What . You ouafct. New ideas in Wall Paper hero. Such wide variety m wo aie showing never bo fore graced a single stork. Heal imita. tion creton effects at ordinary prices, (ipocl papers at cheup paper prices, hlegant designs, tasteful colorings, yours for n small price, at our store on Third street. 'Also a full lino of house paints. D. W. VAUSE. Third St. JJ. 8TURDEVANT, Deutist. Ottlca oi er Vtvuch b Vo.'u Hank l'b0,e . THK DAUEI?, OUEOON BBSlll) AND H Hoisestjoer i MM imiiirr ""'""' inij,, 'IB. !! T? iT.riTTT . A TTlTD T TVn 1 MM M'hcdnlu wltlmilt at,- rjiur nlntiir. MB. Ship your Freight via III'. l.V. 1'ortl.ind I nl 7 .. M. I Moiiiliiy 1, l.v. Hailed nts.. M. y TueMlaj' '0 Thuinliiy Siituidny . . VcilneilHy Ktldiiy T3nnii lnni I r tl. I'liruann Arr. Pallet , C, at .i 1. M. at .:: w m. FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, H Travel by the a tea inert of thu ItCiinlalor Line. tout the beM kctvlivpovtlblf. imlomce.thili-Hlreetlloct.. W. ri-ft.T i T-iv i tr i v.t i.v i v.i.v v.i .v-Lviv PIONEER BAKERY. I have ro-opened this woll-known Bakery, and am now preparod to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Calces. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer cor. C. 8. Smith Till. up-to-date cjroeeryspepsia Cure, l'ruah IC'p'kh nml Crenmory Butter u specialty. 2d Street. 'Phone 270. We Put... evory bit of twonty yours exjioriont'o and drug knowhidgo with ovory I 'rescript ion that's conipoundod horo. Jh il any reason whj' our )reKuriplioii businoBs is increasing so rapidly? Ask your physician if we are reliable. BLRKELEY & HOUGHTON, Keliable J'rescriptionists F- s. " Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer inlBlacksmith Supplies. Cor second & LaneUio. 'PHone 167 OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. The CLARENDON HESTAURflT And CAFE, .J. B. OroB8on & Oo., Props. 87 Second Street. FRENCH & CO. BANKERS. NtANHAOTA KN'KHAI.UANKINM IIUHINKH Ultore of OretHt lusnod HvailHble in the m w v E1fttorn 8tM. ' rmuBlera sold on New York, oVitgo, Ht. Lcula. Ban I1 ranciico, Portland Or Kon, beattlo Waih.. and various point n Oregon and WMhington. Collections made at all points oo fov orable terms. DALLES, PORTLAND k ASIORIA NAV, Wllwl Hlenmctsof Hit, Itcgtilator l.ltio will run n per Uh.m notice Str. Online Cltv. A " ,1 nl' ". tft;:XM'. K.J The, Company will emleavor to i;Ve It, r,n(. i Kor further lliformatlon addrett -'Pi- C. ALI-AWAY, Con. Ant. tvi.v.tar.t t.lyjxIi tittf Kodol Digests what you eat. ItartlflclallydlRetitstliefoodandaldi lnturo In HtrotiKthonint' and recon BtruGtinR the oxtmuBtcd (ll(,'cstlTe or fatiR. It In the lutcstdificnvcrcddlReit ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach It in cfllcioncy. It In stantly rollevtM nnd ponnnnontlycurej Dyspepsia, IndlKCHtloti, neartburo, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Name. Slnkncadaclie,GafltralBla,Crntnps,ana ill other reHuItAOf ImpcrfcctdlKcstloo. Pnoard by E. C. DcVm. A Co.. Cbleoge. J. H. KCIIRMK, l'renlck'iit. II. 1! IIZU, CHiltt First National Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREOON A General Hanking liualneas transicUd DopoaitB received, auliject to tiiplit Draft or Check. Collections made and procfi.nls promptlj roinitted on duv of collection. Hk'ht and Tolegraplilc Kxelinnge sold cn Now York, Han Francioco anZ "ort land. DIKKOTOHH I). P. Thomphon. Jno. H. KcuxKir. K. M. Wilmamh, Gko. A. Umi. H. M. Hkai.i.. Tne CQlumtiia PackinoGo.. PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANIJKAl.TUKKItHOK Pine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON )RIKI) BKKF. V;W, BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE I BSBSBSBSBSBSBSBakaifS IKOIANII OndUllinUTS OlC .......,.. il., n .L.lMi nml il.-KCIIr'l'?" tn" liivciillim h iTolmlily IMitf iilnliU '.'.atVnta tuuia i nctir i-oiiM.ioni mi. 1 1'""1,1;'; ' . At,. Irno. OIHit uK"",lr1'"r,,:!,.,,tf "(5 mtU I'nloi.U takun iriniimli iliiim" tptciat noUtt, wltliout clmrny. m llio Scientific .Hmcntan. SlUNN&Co.30,c'eaNewjo,ni Mica liyhteu the lOilll- 'Axle Urease tho road. help, the team. 8avrw snd vSold every wlierc cxpeiiw. STANDARD OIL 00 ... ... iiV 1 B KUMTINOTOM OKUxomriritNat. Uauk'i )