The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 06, 1900, Image 4

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    IHTnnlinim Tlnmtin hmr
miBiiirdiK f
i I at
Do You Cough?
' I ruo I ued In he like everybody else.
When 1 laushtcold. 1 just let it alone, think-
int. it would
cure itself in
a few da ;
:tml spitting
of mucus
lasted "ev
era I weekM,
lint after a
while the I
,t roumc
-would sub
side. I al
ways no
ticed how
rver. that
onch cold vn wor?e than (heoncbefote. fy
throat soemtd to set weaker, and the lca-?t
change in the weather started the coughing
njrain. Tlic last cold was the awti severe of
nil. I was really frightened. Cough drops
and home treatment did no good. A friend
told me about Acker's Kugluh lJcnirdy. I
pot a bottle, and you never saw the like of
the wav it acted. llefore thebottle was gone
I was well, Mv throat felt ndstronpnnd well
as could be. Since then I have had no more
trouble. I think Acker's English Itenicdyso
strengthens the delicate lining of the throat
that it easily resists the changes in tempera
ture,anditbuildsup the constitution as well."
(Signed) Schwab,
231 Gold St., llrooklyn, N. Y.
Sold at 23c, 30c. and $1 a bottle, throughout
the United States and Canada ; and in Eng
land, at Is. 2d.. 2s. 3d., -K Cd. If you are not
satisfied after buying, return the bottle to
.your druggist, and get your money back.
We authorise the alore ntaar.lcc.
TV. II. HOOKER & CO., JYopn'rtorj, Sao York.
Blakeley Sc Houghton.
dipt. Crnlule Corruliornto the Sto- !
vies of the llloli Hold j
"Plutot mort
Means, ''Rather dead than blind"
'blindness in most ca?es is the result of n
neglected trivial illness of the eye. Many
a person no.v blind could enjoy good
oy esiht had it not been that the eye?
were neglected when the first sign of
disease appeared. Cataract and Glau
coma, two of the most dancerous disease?,
are in most cases due to negligence in
the care of the eyes. Theo. H. Liebe, oi
the firm of .1. E. Adcox cc Co., is a
graduate of tins IVoria Optical College,
and the Bradley Polytechnic Institute,
fie will correct and diagnose all errors
oi refraction. Eyes examined free.
J. E. Adcox & Co., Jiwelurs.
Charles Wing was in town today from
Mnrdock McLeod, oj Kingsley, was in
iown iuu.iv.
V. li. Menefee was in town today
from Dnfur.
J. F. K-leay.of Antelop?, is registered
nt the Umatilla House.
C. M. Carttvright, of liny Creek, ar
rived in town today by wav of Shaniko.
V. J. L'tuder, of Sherar's Bridge, is
in oivn tho guest of the Umatilla
K. MuCattney ami Robert Leasura are
registered at the Umatilla House from
-Flood River.
Father Bronsgeest went to Vancouver
today to attend the c jrieecraliou of a
bishop over that diocese.
K. F. Hall, of Lyle, andG. W. Btown,
of Gletiwood, werfi in lait night
the giiejta of the Umatilla Ilousi.
This morning, June flth, to Mr. and
31re. teU Petersen, of this city, a ten
pound girl.
J3xir-4tfA llnurtfult A piireclatlori.
AVabihnotox, U. C, June (5, 1900.
Hon. Z. F. Moody, The Dalles, Or.:
,E"U'" congratulations, the report of
increased nnjiritiea and the election of
ourlegielatora are most gratifying. Con
vey to my tinttiy friends my heartfelt
appreciation of their renewed and never
failing support. The magnificent vic
tory in the district has national signif
icance that is deeply appreciated here.
M. A. Moody.
Clark & Fall: are never closed Sunday
Don't forget this.
Floral lotion will cure wind chapping
-and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke
&Fulk. "
Paint your house with paints that are
fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falls
have them.
(llil Wanted.
A girl about 1-1 years old to take care
-of baby, aged 2 years. Inquire at Mrs.
-Julian's restaurant. j5-2t
Cottage fur Kent.
Last house on eaat Fourth street. In
quire at the hoii6e. j5-3t
We have just received a shipment of
boye and children's summer underwear,
which wo are offering at special prices,
IDj, 23u and 25c per garment, The New
.York Cash store.
You will not have bolls If you take
Clarke & Falk's sure cure for boils.
In a tetter received recently, Lieut. !
Wallace M. Craigie, Seventh United '
States infantry, now stationed at Cape ,
Nome. Alaska, in charge of nn tinny
substation, sujs:
"tape Nome, according- to the old
timers, will be the greatest nilnin;j
camp in the world. Nome City, as i'
is now called, is right on the coast of
r.-.'hring sea. and extends for sonit
miles along the shore. Along the bench
the mimts rock out gold and make
from ?. u. ?ii or more a day one umn
This like a statement that ad
mits of doubt, but it is a fact. One ma:i
told me himself he had worked with
three others for 11 days, nnd they had
rocked out just ifO.OGO, till hard-earned
gold, but they hud it to prove the state
ment. Then up alone; the several
creeks Anvil, DUeovery, Snow Gulch
etc. the ield is really enormous. The
famous claim here is known as Xo. 1
on Discovery, and-has turned nut about
Sl,Cvj,C00. A few days ago n nugget
weighing SO ounces was found, and
about a month ago one weighingu little
over It) ounces was taken from the
sluice boxes on the same claim. Some
men have a centrifugal pump down on
the beach below the town, and haw
sluice boxes running back to the soil
called tundra by the natives, which is
lilied with lino gold of n very pure
"The tl ing that impressed me most
was that in less than a month aftei
the town .started the 'diggings' was thr
circulating- medium, and valued at $K
an ounce, although no ofiteinl assaj
had been made. Men go out with their
rockers and pans, and come back tc
town, and eat and drink, and pay for
it -with the result of the days diggings
There are numerous propositions tc
interest men of capital, such as a gone
water supply system, electric light
plants, and the man who can lay ,i
trolley s.steni up to the minis fot
transporting freight and supplies has
the greatest and surest business ven
ture'of all. These are now carried 1
pack trains and freight wagons. Uog
are also used, they being aide to carry
about 10 pounds each. The town ha.
inerer.pcd in five months from about
230 to :i,000 inhabitants, and it i
thought when navigation opens in tin
spring there will be 3(0Ct)or iO,X-,p-..-o
pie here. Coal is $73 a ton, lumber 512!
per 1,:C0: yet people are building anc
settling here. Our new quarters an
ery comfortable frame covered witl
eoivugati d iron. We are all nicely et
tied for the winter. 1 am told the
northt rn lights as seen here are heyont
description, and the moon as bright
anil clear as crystal, which in a measuri
will have to make up for no day or sun
If our monthly mail scheme onl
proves successful there are innnj
worse places than Cape Nome, evei
though so isolated and distant. Wt
hope for great things in the spring;
more United States troops and bettet
facilities for communication with th;
outside world during the long fall ant
winter seaj-on."
One of the Iloln.
A certain amount of freshness is
natural and desirable in youth, but
there is a young man in social Wash
ington who jr. offensively and incura
bly fresh. One du.V hist week, how
ever, he hail ii setback, which to most
persons would have been ample for
all purposes. He was at a tea, and
had been presented to a young woman
from Ohio who believes in heroic
treatment of desperate cases, which
she very soon perceived his to be. In
the course of the conversation she
suggested that something might be
learned from the past.
"Oh," he said, "J am the heir of all
the ages in the foremost files of time,
and I can't waste my precious mo
ments looking back, like Lot's; wife."
"At least," she responded, with a
sweet insinuation, "the result in the
case of Lot's wife could scarcely be
possible in yours."
"I don't quite understand," ho said,
groping for her meaning.
"Don't you remember she was
turned into a pillar of ualt?"
He understood it then, for a won
der, nnd somehow afterward the
conversation lost interest for him.
Washington Star.
Fell .Slmrt of llei- liieal.
When school girks grow confidential
with one unother they sometimes, 1
am told, describe the sort of n man
who eorrasponds to what they call
their "beau ideal." Did you ever
happen to hear what Mrs. .Stephen
A. Douglas was credited with saying
on thia topic'.' "When I was at
school," she remarked, "I used to vow
that there were three kinds of men
I never could be induced to marry,
First, f never would marry n man
who was younger than I, Second, I
never would marry a man who was
shorter than I. Third, I never would
marry n politician, Well, I kept my
vow, except that in marrying Mr.
Douglas I married a man who was not
jiilte. tin old as I, who was not as tall
is I, and who was one of the most
nroiniiiojit politielaiiH of his day,"
X, Y. Mail and Express.
lie sure and examine our stock of wall
piper thoroughly before buying elea
where, as we have the latest shipment
made to this city, now ready for inspec
tion at II. Glenn & Co.'u. al7-lw
1..VND Offick at Va.m oi vkii. Wiisll.,
.Mii li, linn. 1
Notice Is lurch)' ulvcn that the (ullmvlmt
nnmetl fcttlera linve lllc-l uotlreiif the Ir Intention
to ius!. tliml iirmir In Miiott of tlulr iMiilms.iiiiil
tlmtsrfiil proof will )h! nuute liofom the ;eKlUT
mid rwolvvr of the V. s. lnml otlloo nt iiurou
vcr, Wnsh., on July o, I'.VO, vlx'
Orurgii II. Siiiitoril,
who iniiile II. I-:. No. WOO. for the N' HK. of
See 3, mat N'jSWtjSer-'.Vt'paN.I! !'' J1,-'
who names ttio following witness to prtno lib
conttiuioin leMilcuce upon unit cultivation "f
Mild lnml, vl-.-
lliiskln Trnbue, ClulMInn McekMiti, , 'Iliomiis
M. Whttcoiab, Kilw.-ml A. Hopper, nil of l.ylc,
OhrUtliin lllreliion,
who mmto II. L. No. SKTA for tin- .'-; N'WVi ami
KVj s5W1t i-ie 10, Tp 3 N. It 1-', W. M.,who
names the followlmt wltiues to prove his
continuous reMilcncc iipnu mill eultlviitliiu ot
mhl lnml, vU-
llasklit Trnlme. John I'nuNcii, Jnmos l it,
(ieorse II. i-aiifoil. nil of l.vle, W nshtiiuton.
IIll4l.ltl TlllllIK',
who mmle II. K. No. ti-Crt. for the h'i. HW ,, Sec
3. mid N'i.1 NW, Sic 10, Tn .1 N, It ll h, U. .M.,
who name- the following wltmM's to pioyo his
continuous rcMilenco upon nml ciiltlMitlou or
nlil lnml, U- ,
Olnlstl.111 Delrkton, Thomas M. V , h tcomb,
(leorite II. Sanlonl, Jnmes l'lu, all of 1.) lo r. O,
lnnySM W. It. DUNllAl!, Uiulster.
t. S. Likd Ornci;, Vamiouvki:, Wash.,!
April SO, lino, i
Notlre U heiehv alvca that Mftry V. (lelluiii'-,
by I). If. Stejumui, herattotney la fact, Hlwl
notice of intention to make ilnal proof before
W. It, l'resbv, United ytntc COHiinllmicr for
District of VSashlnittoii. nt tils (lllee In lighten
ilalc, Vnshliitoii, on l-ililny, the 'J'.ith ilny of
June, PXUon Timber-culture Apiillrntloa .N'o.
'.VJ7, for the iiotthenst uiinrter of section No I, In
township No. - north, raiiKe No. H iiwt, W. M
She nnmes ns nltncex- Manuel S. l.i-oimrito,
of (ir.iml IMlles 1' ()., Wash.. Ilvrinim r.m?i'lke,
William W llkinvia. of Ceiitervlllc 1'. l) wasu.,
and William Crawfotil, of (IMiut llalles 1'. O.,
Wash. W. K. Dl'NllAI!,
ijiiiy2-l Ui-Btster.
Yellowstone Park Line.
Tin: niNiNn cau uoi ti: i'iiom rttUTi.ANi
to Tin: i:ast.
Tin: only DiitKirr i.ini: to Tin: yki.i.ow
sioni: l'Aitic
lUilOaUSPOt.FIIIIiaillliSISl aiuuvii.
No. 2.
No. I
I'nit mall forTneoma,
.-eattlo, OI.vmpln.OmyV
ll.ituor ami miiiiii iiciui
point;-, Hpokano, Unr-'
lnml, II. ('., Pullman,
Morrow, I.oltou, lluf-'
11:15 A. M. fnlolliimpliiliilnKCOiui ft:W 1'. M.
try, lleleim, Mlnneapo-i
ills, St. Paul, Omaliii,
i.'.ni.iiy aw. m IjiiiN.
t'hiiuo anil till points,
iitanil MiutlieiKt. .
lti..iw M.Minil Kitri's.s,
ll.rx) 1'. M. for Tni'omn nmi Seattle 7 ;Ct A. M.
;aml Intermediate points
No I.
No. 3.
Pullman llrM elns and tourltt hleepcr to
MiimiMiKills. St. Paul nml Ml."0iiil liver points
i without I'liiumc.
I Vustlbulist trains. I'iiIoii ilciU I'oanectloits
; In all cltlei.
llniiKaKe checked toilestlnatlou of tickets.
I Kor hnmtsomely llliiumtiil descriptive matter,
tickets, lecpliiK ear lescrviitloiur, etc, call on or
Land Offick at Vancocvki:, Wasu.,1
April so, PJOO. i
Notice is heieby clven that the following
named settler has illcd notice of his Inten
tion to make ilnal proof in support of Ills
claim, and that said proof will be made bsforo
W. II. Preby, United States Commls'loner for
Distiict of ashltictuil. nt hl otllce la (ioldeil
dale, Wash., on Friday, Juno -J, iw), U
Deitrich H. Stegmnn, devisee of Dietricli
Steitman, deceased ;
Houieitead Kutry No. S7W, for the toathwest !
of section 22, towaslitp 3 north of rouge II cist,
Will. Mer.
He names the following ultncsMk to prove hh
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
tald laud, viz:
Manuel S. lA-onanlo, of Ornnd Dalles 1'. O..
Wash.; Herman KiiKcIke, William Wilkinson, ot
Ccntervllle 1'. O., Wash., nnd William Crawford,
of Uraud Dalles 1". O., Wash.
W. It. DUNllAlt.
mnyj-l Uegister.
I.ani) orncE at Tub Dalles Ohkoon,!
April 30, IWM. (
Notice Is hereby Riven that the follow Ing
namctl net tier bus tiled notice of his intention
to make Until proof In support of his claim, nml
that said proof will be made btforethe Heglster
unit Receiver at The IMlIe., Oregon, on Satur
day, June Ifl, 1000, vU.
Jene P. Auidiu?, of The Dalles, Or.,
Homestead Katry No I'JII, for the NW'4 NW1
Fcctlonl, and h'j, NK4 and NKV4 SK.1., si-ctlon
23 township - north, range 12 east, W, .M
Uv nnmes the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence iion nml cultivation
of salt! lind, U.
John Crate, Charles Snipes, J. 1), Hockman, J.
SImoiiton, all of The Dalles, Oit-goti.
mn-2-l JAY 1'. I.UCAS. Iteglster.
A(lnilnltriitiir' halo of Kviil I-riiimrly
Notice Is hereby piven that from and after the
ninth day of June, 1900, I will proceed to tell nt
pilvnto sale, or cash, the following described
jiroperty U'longiug to the estate of Patrick
brown, deccKfeil, to-wit.
Lots A, II, ;, I), i:, F, (, II, I, J, K and I., in
block 57 of I-ort Dalles .Military reservation, In
For Information inquire ntotllcoof Slnnott A:
Dated at Dalles City this 10th dnv of May, ltW.
DUMA C. llllOWN,
Admlnlstratrlxof thoettateof Patrick ilrowti,
ileceand. rn
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned,
by an order of tho Couiiiv Court of Hie State of
Urecoii lor Wntrn County, hss been npp'il' teil
administrator of tho citato of Helen lirudford,
deccaso'l. All iern)iis having rlnlins against
tho estato of said deceased are n tlliid to pre
sent thfin, with the proper Miueliers, to ine nt
Hood It Ivor, Oregon, within six mouth Irom
tho nale of this notice.
D'Uul Mny 15, Uivj.
I'utnam F. Hit wiioari,
Adinlnhtintor of tho Ksmto of Helen llrnd
ford, Deeeasisi. ii.
ill FW
TlSir SCUlitlUI.8.
Fi:om Dallks.
51, IS '
oV. 1 1
r t ' Tho
Job Printers.
Fast salt l-ikc, Denver, Ft.1 1-Vit
Mull Worth, Omaha, Kan-, Mall
IJ:10 1. in., sas Cltv, tit. IjUiIk,, PJ.30 p m
ClUC.igo mm l-.ast.
Spokane ! Walla Walla, S)knnc,
Malt .Mtlllicapollii. Kt. l'.Ull,
and I nil lu t h, Mllwaukiv,
K.xpress Chicago and Knst, via
Srokaueakd lluuttng
tou. ulfn nil isilnts in
10:10 p.m. Washington and liast-
em uregon.
8 p. m.
From Portland.
Ocean riteamslilpa.
For San FranclM-o
April -27, .May -2, T, 12.
8 n. m.
Kx.sjiludnyiCohiniblii Itv. Hteameru.
I To Ahtoiua and Wny
Saturday Ijuidlngs.
10 p. in.
lis press
LKIii. m
i p. CI,
4 p. 111.
fin. m. Willawkttk lltVKii. CM p.m.
Kx.bundnyjOri-gon City, Ncwbvrg.lllx.hiinday
riulem A Way Uutd's.
7 a. m, ' Willamktte amu Yam- .'):: n. m.
Tties.Hiur.i uiLi. Itivr.its. !lon.,Wisl
and cut. , Oregon City, Dayton, and Frl.
i mid Wny-Uiudiugs. I
Cii. in. 1 Wiluhkttk Iiivsk. ' 1:3) i. m.
Tiie..Thur,il'ortlaml to Curviiltlv,! Mon. Wul
nnd gat. and Wny-Uimlings. ;ud Friday
$ i .oo per month.
.Strictly II rot china local nnd long
diHtuiico tuluphoui) service within
your houiu.
l.iin.'H do nut nroHH-talk. Your con
vnrention will he kept u uecret.
No cunt for inntalliiiK.
You tret the Htatidard litinninc
Louk Ditttuiit Itistruinent.
CoiitinuoiiR day and night ervlco.
We will accept your contriiut fur
tun year nnd allow you to cancel
Hiinru on ivinu us thirty duyn writ
ten notice.
l.v ltlirlft Itlparla to lwlstoii. ' I.kwistoN
l.lio 11. 111,
11. 111.
Wasco Warehouse Compaq
for Seed Grain of ail kinds
iimu r,o. leu vi ng iiiu oaiii'S 111 iMii'i p. in. 1 -, . n fm 1 , .
siffln.SM for Feed Gram ot Lilian
111 iieppner junciioii nun uigga wuu .to, 1, nr
rlYing nt '1 ho Dulles at 1J:;ji p. 111.
For full particular! call on O. It. & N, l.'o.'e
agent The Dalle.-), or uddrctui
II . II. IIU IIJ.1IL' 1,1, 1
tivii i iw . iiii.. iiiiiinuo, it,
SOUTH and EAST via
DiirAitiMKKT or tiii: Intiiiiioii,
umir.ii n 1 .1 1 k 1,iriii ifti-iMS,
Tub Dam.ks, Oi;., May li, ipoo,)
A siltllcleiitrontestnllidiivlt having been lik-d
111 trfis olllco by Gils S. AluxamJor, eolitestant,
atrnlnst homestead entry No. 6777, mudu May II
Ih'.tj, forswk of uivj.,, sec 1;, tp. 1 11, range llie,
by John T. Wright, conti-'teu. in which It Is al
leged that said John T. rlg' t has wholly
iibaii'loni'd said tract, mid ehaiigetlhls retldeuce
therefrom for mure Hum tlx months ilut-e mak
ing h.-iiil entry, and ne.xt prior to iiiiic; nnd
thut thu ab.e-)jc:o of defendant fiom said tract l.s
not due to his employment In tho military or
naval service of the Chilled Htates, said parties
uro hereby notlded to appear, respond nnd oiler
evidence touching r.-ilil ulleg.'illnu nt 10 o'clock
11. in, mi Juno !X, I WW, before the K'-glMcr and
lltt-etvcriit the Cnlted States laud olllce In The
Dalles, Oregon.
Tin; Mild contestant having, In 11 proper nllliln
vit, lllcd May 1), lute, sutforth facts which stiow
that a Her iliioillllgenco ersoiiiil service of this
notice can not b'j mude, it U hereby ordered ami
directed that such notice be given by duo nml
proer publication.
10-1 JAY I'. I.UOAH, Iteglbter.
iSoiilfii Pacific Co.;
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, axi kinds
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, S? iffilft
i Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendlfr
nrt "itflrnTn Thin Mour i iniumfuctttred expresoly lor laaiBJ
bUJi im). l)Vurvmtok jH Kuuranteed to Kive BittiebcW
Wo ecll our 'oodH lower than any hoimu in tlto trade, and If you 1I011 1 tumiw
call and uut our (iriceu and he convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Whea.t, Barley and Oats,
Shasta Route
Inii Ornci: at Vamcouvkii, Wahii , j
iluy 17, iwo. I
Notlco la hereby given that tho following;
named hcttler has died notice of IiIh Intention
to make final proof in oupportnf IiIk claim, and
that h lid proof if ill be iituife tieforu W. II. I'ruhy,
I) nl led hlnU'i L'ommUkloner, at (ioldemlale,
on July (i, I'M, viz:
AmiiIikI K. Ollnr,
who made II. K. No. 'J8S5, for the Inictlonal WW
NVi'4, Keo ;, Tp 3 N, It il) K, mid Hi: of NKf,
lie numea tho follmvlng vltiicen to prove IiIh
conllnnoilH reldenCe upon, and cultivation of
mild laud, vl:
ItobertA. Htroiithem, Oirla K. Krniuen, Will
lain (jarner, John Knre, nil of hylo 1', 0,,
W. It. DUNllAlt,
mu)2M Itegliter.
J)tt. K. K. FKIltlUStfN,
riiyflicJun and Surgeon,
Ofllce, Vogt Illock (over l'uttofflce),
UOnplmo-dw Till: DAM.KH, OUEUON,
TmIiih leave The D.illm for Portland and way
fctallojiH nt l.ii 11. 11). nnd .'I p, 111,
Iajiivo Pottbiml
' Albany
Arrive Ashland . ..
" Hacr.miiaito ..
" Hail Kralicleco
. 8::ie 11 111 7:(l p in
.12:30 mil IU:W. in
. tii.'Et a 111 11. Winn
. fi:() p in I ;:(- 11 111
. 7:l.'i p m hil'iii m
Arrlvo Ogdon
" KutnumClty.
" Chicago ... ,
Arrlvo Uis Aiigclos ...
" 1U I'ako
" Kort Worth. ..
" Oity of Mexico ,
" Iloiitlou
" New Orleauu ..
" Wiielilngtou . .
" New York
,'j:I'hi in 11:15 11 in
. U;lu 111 'j. (tin in
7:'i'iam 7.J.'iiiin
V: I'm in y.'Muin
. li'.vipm
p in
. ii:i!0ii in
. miiin in
. 1. 1 11 in
, it in
0:1 J 11 111
7:(n in
0:00 p 111
(l;:ia in
'J:!'i 11 in
1:00 11 in
ii:-iri p m
0-is a in
r." u pin
I'll 1 1 in it: and Tourlat earn on both trahiN,
Chair turn Hucrameuto to Ogden and Ml 1'iimj,
uud louilut earn to Chicago, Ht IiiIk, New Or-k-ans
and Washington.
CoiuiccthiK nt Kan KrancUeo with ncveral
fiteninthip IfueH lor Honolulu, Japan, China,
I'hlllppliieu, Central nnd Booth Amctk-11.
Bco agent at TIiu Dalle ntnllon, or wMros
(icuerat l'amieiiger Agent, I'ottland, Or
rubllo. Collectiotib promptly uttended
to, Mowav to loan. C, E. linyfird'H of
fice, The Dullea, Oregon,
and Motors
Clrculurfl and particulars furnished on application.
p; S. GUNNING, Agent,
..o nitEGON
iin2(! THE HAi.""i
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