The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 06, 1900, Image 3

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    Let us talk of
Mis al 88.85
Doing a little
better than
Clothing Stores.
Wo are selling a special value Suit now al $0.85
tliaL is simply unbeatable for the money asked. This
Suit is of superior merit and style, and really ought to
he sold by us for $12.50, for that is the prieo of similar
Suits at other stores.
All Styles
All Makes
All Colors
Perfect Fit
Fine Clothing, Hats
All Goods Marked
In Plnln Flfjuros.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Telephone No. 1.
JUNE (i, 11100
i At Andrew Keller's.
linker county republicans have re
elected for Hhuriu" A. II. Huntington,
brother uf our followtownsinen, li. S.
niul .1. M. Huntington,
Tim lliiinliiug touches nro being put on
Tliu Dalles scouring mills, anil Moiutuy
next tliu machinery will lit? Blurted to
run for two or three duys as u teat.
The Hood liivor cannery lion con
tracted with tho farmurs to take all the
tomatoes they can raise at $U pur ton.
Tho cannery is now putting up straw
burriUH. The walls of tliu theater aro resound
ing all day long to the merry coon songs
of mint) troll)', and thu girls feut are
keeping time. Tho dates are Wednes
day and Thursday, Juno 1 4th and 15th.
An adjourned mooting of Tho Dalles
Commurehil Club will ho hold tonight at
I' o'clock sharp, to consider matters of
vital importance to the wollfare of the
club. A full attendance is requested.
C Ii. Smith, tho wool buyer for O. S.
Moses k Co. of Kan Francisco, has ar
rived hero on his annual wool-buying
trip. 15esidos Mr. Smith, Mike Man
ning is the ouly other wool-buyer in
town at this dato.
We export Amorican brooms to
various countries, and we send broom
handles to Australia. American chums
of one eort and another aro sold
whurovor churns aro uBod. Of wooden
ware in goneral, indeed, this country is
the ureal sourco of supply for tho civil
ized world.
Woodcraft Social Club excursion to
Honncvltle and return, 7f cents, Sunday,
liino 10th, Tickets for tho exclusion
will ho on sale at tho following business
houses : Clarke & talk's diug Btoro, J.
U. Hoes harbor shop, Parkins & Mono
fee's book store and William Jones'
cigar store.
Herbert Spencor, in a recently report
ed conversation, ropllod to tho question
n to when he thought society would be
perfect by the statement: "Whon it is
truthful. No oho Is now. Wo nil ex
onerate; wo all use 'very' when we do
not mean It. Truth is the one founda
tion stone possible for perfection."
The present common council aro do
eorving of groat praise for tho econom
ical business Administration they are
Hiving the city. As will be seen by the
report of last uight's council meeting,
they Imve, during the past eighteen
uiontlii, placed $7,600 in the sluking
fund ngftlnit tho city debt. Were it
But our well established rep
utation for giving great values,
and our pride in doing a little bet
ter than other stores causes us to
make this great offer.
World-Beaters in
Summer Overcoats...
and Furnishing Goods.
not thut they are required to set aside
$1000 a your against this fund and pay
annual interest on the debt to the
amount of .'i,-I20, the income from
licenses, flues and other sources would
maintain the city government without
a cont of taxes. What city the size of
Tho Dalles, or any Bize, can boat this?
The voters of Multnomah county have
repudiated Assessor Greenleaf, tho man
who reduced the assessable value of
Multnomah property last year by over
eleven million dollars and "BAved" that
county some $40,000 of state taxes that
the other counties had to pay Wasco
among the rcat. The republican con
vention repudiated Greenleaf, who
thought ho was etroug enough to run as
an independent. Now notwithstanding
hie demagogic appeal to the pucketB of
his constituents, they very justly sat
down on him.
"Whatevor other states may declare
for, Oregon is for expansion and all that
it implies," said a nrominent and well
known democrat, who always voted
with his party, today in the hearing of a
Ciihoniui.k representatve. "Oregon is
for expansion and the gold standard,
and the rest of the country will declare
itself as Oregon has done the moment it
gets the chance. The only thing the
coining democratic notional convention
can wisely do is to como out boldly for
expansion and denounce imperialism,
and imperialism is only a Don Quixote
A Dulles phyeician of large practice
was rung up at 1 o'clock this morning
and asked to visit a sick woman in
what proved to be tho tenderloin
district. The woman was a stranger, a
cyprlan from Arlington, and in lits of
convulsions she hud chewed her tongue
Into rugs. To add to tho wretchedness
of the eceno she was surrounded by a
half dozen bloor-eyed women of her
class and another half dozen whiskey
gorged things in men's clothes, of a still
lower class, nil in drunken hysterical
phrenzy, screeching out their prescrip
tions for tho woman's relief. Tho dos
tor has seen Homo pictures of human
wretchedness and depravity, but he
never saw one that quite equals tho
picture of last night.
The board of school directors of Tho
Dalles district met yesterday and elected
tho entire present corps of teachers to
servo for tho next tuhool year. At her
own lequest Miss Elsie Ball wiib granted
leave of abaenco for one year to altoud
tho Monmouth normal school, and her
sister, Miss Alice, was elected to nerve
in i. or 1,1,101) fur tho coming year, Mise
Alien is a former graduate of The Dalles
high school and hat boon teaching at
Stnrbuck for the Inet two years. Tho
Dalles Bshools hove a very excellent
corps of teachors and tho action of the
board in retaining them will moet the
approval of the patrons of the schools.
WuBhington correspondents say that
Au amusing and good-natured rivalry
exists betweeu Congressman Eddy, of
Minnesota, aud Congressman Cuahman,
of Washington, as to which of them
bull be entitled to the distinction of
ENGLISH DIMITIES Neat little patterns in
delicate colors at 20c per yd,
EOULAD111NES The great leader in Wash
Fabrics at 15c
SPOT CliEPE In solid colors, popular goods
for wrappers 20c
DRESS GOODS Homespuns, Covert Cloths, Serges,
etc., for unlincd skirts, 52, 5t and 50 inches wide,
at $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00 per yard.
SILK VESTS An assortment of extra pink and
blue, at G5c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.25
and long sleeves, low neck and sleeveless,
short sleeves 10c, 12-Jc, 15c, 20c, 25c and 35c
ON THE COUNTER Cleaning up odds and
ends wo have placed on the counter vests sell
ing in the regular way for25c, 30c and 35c, at 19c
being the homeliest man in congreee.
It was Eddy who was charged at one
time by a rival candidate for congress in
his district with being "two-faced." He
went home from Washington to answer
the charge. "I hardly think," he eaid,
"that this charge neede a fcerious an
swer. Does any one think that if I
really had two faces I would keep on
wearing the one I have with me today?"
Election A fterinntli.
Multnomah county gives Congress
man Moody 4S03 majority over Smith.
The county seat fight in the new
county of Wheeler, baa resulted in a
complete victory for Fossil.
Tongue appears to have carried every
county in his district except Linn, and
there the majority against him is less
than 250.
Today's Oregouiun figures that the
next Oregou legislature will have a re
publlcin majority on joint ballot of
The republicans have carried the state
and congressional ticketB in Umatilla
county by majorities of 300 to 550.
Sheriff Blakeley, democrat, and brother
of our Judge Blakeley, is ie-elected by
8S9 majority. Tho Ulakeleye, both here
and there, are Bpriuters.
Crook couuty fusionista have elected
every man on their ticket but one, the
candidate for school superintendent.
Arthur Hodges, who had held tho office
of clerk for some fourteen years, was
defeated for re-election by a nephew of
tho late well-known Warm Springs In
dian agent, Captaiu Smith.
From the returns, it will not be doubt
ed that Oregon is a republican, not a
democratic, state. Oregon will go
against the Bryanized democracy in
November by sheer momentum and
force, if uot another word suouid ie
spoken on the subject trom now till No
vember, saya the Oiogoniaii.
A O ruat Vlotury.
Oregon has gone republicau by in
creased majorities. With leports yet
incomplete, Wolverton for supremo
court judge and Bailey for
dairy aud
loou commissioner iiavu i-.urncu mu (
. .. I 11,
state by majorities exceeding that given
for tho republican ticket two years ago, i
when tho war spirit was active to ewell i
the republican vote to abnormal propor
tions. For congressman, Tongue in the
First district already has a plurality of
2020 votes, whllo In 189S his entire plu
rality was but 2037. In the Second
district Moody's plurality of the present
incomplete returns is 8200, whereas iu
1898 ho won by only (1057.
These figures show (hat it lias been a
notable republican victory. Local issues
mixed In the election of members of tho
legislature, so that the increased vote is
not so apparent in those 'officers, but the
legislature la strongly republican. From
only one couuty of the state has the
cotnplote unofficial return beeu report
ed Benton. For all others, including
Multnomah, the figures are more or less
incomplete. Oregonian, June 0th.
Subscribe for Tiik Ohkoniok.
.fudge and Clerks Chosen for City
Klectiou--Other Uiifiliiefs.
The regular monthly meeting of the
council was held last night pursuant to
an adjournment from the night before.
Tho claim of J. F. Haworth of $4.95
for printing, which was laid over from
last meeting, waB allowed.
Special ordinance No. 320 was intro
duced by Councilman Johns and passed.
This is an ordinance to transfer $1,500
from the general fund to the sinking
fund. This makes in all $7,500 which
have been added to this latter fund in
the past eighteen months.
Tho council appointed the following
judges and clerks for the city election
to be held the third Monday in June :
For the first ward Judges, J. L.
Thompson, S. S. Smith and M. T. Nolan.
Clerks, C. S. Smith and T. A. Hudson.
For tho second ward Judges, George
H. Riddoll, John Catea and John Fil
loon. Clerks, Albert Baldwin and J. E.
For the third ward--Judges,Johu Mar
den, J. Staniels and George Reno.
ClerkB, J. Doherty and C. Fouts.
For the first ward the election will be
held in tho recorder's office. For the
secoud ward in Win, Michell's under
taking rooms. For tho third ward at
the school building on the west tide of
Union street.
The following claims were allowed
and ordered paid :
J Canfield, labor 3 80
E Ration, do 20 00
G E Forer, do '2
Don Fishei, do 5
Fred Hilleard. do 1
Win Morgautleld, do 2
Frank Heater, do 4
Wm Outes, plow i nt; street.
John Crate, special policeman.. .
I Chas Cliaiuplaiu, do
Wui Woodrow, do
I J J Maloncy, do
Paul Paulsen, do
James Like, do
A S Cathcart, hauling
K B Hood, do
T F Burhum, do
James Like, do
Dalles Lumbering Co, lumber. . .
Wm Mc'Jrum. eato for dog uound
1 50
3 00
2 50
(i 00
0 00
1 05
'Telephone Co, rent 2 50
' M1M..Q mi r n l.ltftir I mr
April and May .' 3(1 40
The lecorder's report showed that he
had collected .fl.'iS from fines during the
j month.
Cash in gen. fund $3028 82
Cash reis'd during month 479 39
By warrants intued ,f
Jiitetett on bond?
410S 21
000 25
000 00
Trans, to sinking fund,
May 5
1000 00-2200 25
Cavh on hand
Juno 1 1841 90
For Suit.
The furniture and fixing?, including
range, delf and cutlery of tho Culiforniu
restaurant, and tho beds and bedding of
eight rooms overhead. Inqulie at the
restaurant. 2j-lw
A girl to do general house work. In
quire at the Dalles Lumbering Co.'s
office. ma.v29.lw
f 1
' ' " '"J?i JtiZ" "Hi.-''1 '" " UmmHmimiiil
i itl mi- mi-imnn mt,(i
ASfegefable PrcparalionTor As
similating llicFoodandReguia
ling (he Stomachs andBowels of
Promotes Digcstion.Cheerfur
ness andltest.Contains neither
Opium.Morplune norlmeraL
ftmJcm Seal'
fiftoem-Jjil - .
Ctmfitd Sugar
hXntaymai naror.
Aperfccl Remedy forConsb'pa
Tlon , Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions Jcverish
ncss and Loss of Sleep.
Facsimile Signature oF
Sin Stove
Will close Wednesday,
June 7th, 1900.
Those wishing a now Cook Stovo
or Steel TCange will miss it by not
taking advantage of this sale.
Stove manufacturers advanced
their prices 5 per cent this week.
If you intend to tiiLu n trip East, nek
your ticket agent to routo you via Tho
Great Wabash, a modern ami up'to-dute
railroad in every particular.
Through trains from Chicago Kansas
City, Omaha or St. Louis to Now York
and New England points. All trains
run via Niagara Fulls and every through
train has freo reclining chair cars, sleep
ing and dining ears.
Stop over allowed on all tickets at Ni
agara Falls. Hops C. Cuni:,
J'aclno Coast I'uss, Agt,,
I.oa Angeles, Calif.
C. S. Chanj:, G. 1'. A., St. Louis, Mo.
ICilitiir' Awful I'liKlit.
F. M. Higgins, editor .Sunaca, Ills,,
News, was alllieted for years with piles
that no doctor or remedy helped until
ho triad llucklen's A mica Salvo. He
writes two boxes wholly euied him, It's
tho surest pile cure on cutth and the
best Ealve in tho world. Cure guaran
teed. Only 25 cents. Sold by Blakeley
A Houghton, druggist. o
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bonrs tho
Siguature of
Columbia River lee it Fuel Co. wishes
to announce that they will deliver led to
any part of the city at all hours of the
day or night. 'Phone 33 or 81 Long
Diet. ; 75 or 8 Seufert & Condon.
Freeh cracked Nebraska corn at the
Wasco warehouse. Fiueet kind of
chicken feed. mch25-ti
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
Garden Hose
AVo have laid in a largo
slock of Harden Hose and aro
carrying tho same brand of
lfoso that we havobeon carry
ing for the last fivo years,
which is tho colobrated Mal
tose Cross Brand. Wo cany
tho same brand of Uoso that
(ho Dalles City Fire Depart
ment has boon using for tho
last twenty years. Tho Mal
tese Cross Brand is without
doubt tho best grade of Uoso
on tho market. Call and got
our prices before buying.
JVTaier $ Benton
Sole Agents,
ltoonu luiuid II, CliupiiiBU Illook, Tlio Julie,
Oregon. Tuowiu s aim Ki liliiyn, a. in. to u.
1 1
an .-3
8 as-
; rv
i Si ,
j5 o'.
. ft',
; M ,,