The Dalles Daily Chronicle. WEDNESDAY JUNE 0, 10(10 XXPEKMXCE AGAIX AN FECTIVE TEACH Ell. EF- The OiPgonian lias learned some thing from the election of last Mon day ns the following lcrulur from today's issue clenily shows. If it and the faction it represents had pursued towards those whom it characterizes as ua powerful mid disgruntled faction" the policy it now advocates as tho patt of wisdom it would not cow have to deplore a deteat that however humiliating to itself is the best thing that has hap pened to the party in a score of years. In the result in Multnomah conntry there is a lesson that is sufficiently 3lear. In a county where the dominant party possesses an am bitious, powerful and disgruntled faction that is ready at all times to combine with the opposition, it is the part of wisdom to pursue a con ciliatory course towaid such faction. The Orogonian suggested such policy, at the beginning of the contest for the nominations this j'car. It was not heeded. What has followed is matter of course. But the result is not disastrous. The two republican members of the house of representa tives nave been re-elected, and, though the status of the legislature is not yet entirely clear, it is be lieved that some kind of a republican will be or may be elected to the senate. Whether these bickerings in the party will ever cease till there shall be a smashing defeat in both state and nation seems uncertain; but they ought to cease, for they are very tiresome." Oregon is not only safely repub lican, it is tremendously republican. Had it not been for the curse of Simon-Corbettism, now happily and gloriously rebuked, that pressed up on the party like a mountain of lead, and the everlasting nag-nagging and carping, and the nearlj always un just and unreasonable and always unkind and ungenerous criticisms of the McKinley administration by Oregon's only paper, the state would have gone iepublican by 20,000 majority. The Telegram gathers from the election returns that the next Oregon legislature is likely to end in a dead lock over the election of a United States senator. There will be no deadlock unless a factious minority insists on the election of the man who furnished the sack for the last hold-up. Even the Telegram is beginning to see the point that the Siraori Corbett ring "assumed too much rrhen it took for granted that the majority of the people can be fooled most of the time." The rebuke administered to the Himon-Corbott ring by the Multno mah republicans redowns more to the houor of the party than if it had carried the slate by 20,000 majority. Who would have thought it? Now the Americans in Cuba are talking of the pauper wages paid in the post oflices of the United States. The elections in Multnomah coun ty have cooked Mr. Corbett's goose to a turn. He will never be United States senator. .Notice. Owing to tho retirement of Frank J Chriemun from tho firm ot ChrHnian ! m ,1 ,U intention to leave the state as soon as possible, all debts due . the firm must be paid immediately. All having claims against the firm will please present them at tho market for payment. nH-tf ClIJtlSMAN UltOTIIKIiH. Jfor Hale. A second-hand ten-foot Randolph header, in fair condition. Will be told cheap. Enquire of Alex. McLkod, maylMmw The Dalles. Clarke & Falk have on sale a full line of paint and artist's bruabec. A l'rnctlcnl lltmoiMtrntlon. A fact proven by actual demonstration is more satisfactory than any theoretical proposition. Realizing this, and know Iiir that they have a proposition which they can guarantee, the Oregon Sanitary Closet Company, of Tho Dallca, Or., have constructed one ot their sanitary closets and put the same into actual operation. Tho closet is now located in the rear of Clms. llurclitorfe btcyclu re pair store- on Second, between Federal and Lnughlin streets, Tho Dalles, ami the public are cordially invited to call and inspect tho same. This company is now prepared to fill orders promptly. Parties desiring this system will ho fur nished full information upon application to or correspondence with D. S. Dnfnr, The Dalles, Or. mlU-lwdUtw Starvation never yet cured dyepepsia. Persons with indigestion are already half starved. They need plenty of wholesome food. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat so tlte body can bo nourished whilo tho worn out or gans are being reconstructed. It is the only preparation known that will in stantly relieve and completely euro all stomach troubles. Try it if you are suffering from indigestion. It will cer tainly do you good. Columbia Southern Wnruliouito. At Shaniko tho Columbia Southern Railway Co. controls 80x100 feet of the Shaniko warehouse building, to ho used aa a freight warehouse, through which they will receive and forward treigiit in the usual manner. 'The impression that all business must ho done through for warding houses is an erroneous one and we take this means of dixpelliug it. Freight received and held twenty-four hours will bo turned over to a forward ing house subject to the order of tho consignee. The rate on wool in s.icks or in bales from Shaniko to The Dalles is 25 cent3 per 100 pounds. For rates or other information call on or address C. E. Lvtlk, G. F. & P. A., or Geo. F. lto'ss, Aeent, Shaniko, Or. A Siiralunl Ankle Oulchly Cured. "At one time I Buffered from a Eevere sprain of the ankle," eays Geo. E. Cary, editor of tho Guide, Washington, Vu. "After using several well recommended medicines without success, I tried Chamberlain's Pain Balm, and am pleased to say that relief ciunu as soon as I began its use and a complete cure speedily followed'" Sold by ltlakeley & Houghton. Reports show that over fifteen bun jlred lives have been saved th'ough the use of One Minute Cough Cure. Most of these were cases of grippe, croup asthma, whooping cough, bronchitis and pneumonia. Its early use prevents con sumption. A full line of boys and children' sum mer underwear just received at Tho New York Cash store, we have also a full line of men's summer underwear from 25c up to 76c. Be sure and see our goods beforo making your summer purchase. , Experience is ttie best Teacher. Use Acker's English Remedy in any case of coughs, cold or croup. Should it fail to give immediate relief money refunded. 25 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. For the convenience of parties want ing ice in the afternoons, the Stadelman Ice Co. will carry a stock at their store, corner Third and Washington streets. Phone No. 107; long distance 183. "Ring 'em up." 18m-tf Ivy poisoning, poison wonnda and all other accidental injuries may be quickly cured by using DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. It is also a certain euro for piles and skin dleeases. Take no other. Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior paints when you can buy James E. Patton's sun proof paints for $1.50 per gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark & Falk, agents. in!7 The Chinese ask "How is your liver?" instead of "How do you do?" for when the liver is active the health is good. DoWitt'e Little Eurly Risers aro famous little pills for the liver and bowels. Clarke & Falk haye received a carload of tho celobrated J a me E. Putton strictly pure liquid paints Tii Guru a Colo In One Dny. Tnku Laxative Iiromo Quinine Tab- iot8t All druggists refund the money. warKe raiK's flavoring extracts aro t,,e beat- Ask your grocer for them Notice. Mr. A. E. Cooper, G. A, P. D., C. It. I. & P. Ry 250 Alder street, Portland, Or. , advises mo that hie company will run four specially cheap excursions to the east, leaving Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo June 23d, July 12th and 20th and August 4th. He will be pleased to answer any inquiries. H. H. Ewuuhh, Postmaster. A full Jim of Eastman films and sup plies just received by Clarke A Falk. NOTIOK FOR PUBLICATION. l.ASD OFFU'K AT Vancoh visit. W'mll.,) Mny II, l'.W). I Notice i hereby Klven Hint Hie follnwItiR imtnol fcltler Inn llUtl iitillee of Ms Intention to innku llmil proof In siiMHirt of his eliilin. unit Hint jmM vroof will lie nimle Iwforu W. II 1'resby, United Htntes Cnmmllmicr for lilMilet of WiuhliiKtoii, lit IiIh otlice In tioliloiulnle, Wash., on Sntunlny, JunoKU, MX), vU: (liMircn l.inilnny. enlrv. No. KSW, for the SN'M of fcVo 1 T.;i, N of It 13 K, V. M. no winies mo lonowniK iiue-es ui umu ; his continuous resilience upon mid enltlviitton of Killll llltlll. Vl2. John li. .McPotmlil, of llnrttuml 1". ()., W'mh; Wemlclln I-elill. (lolitemmlo I'. O., Vitli.; Joint Itcrrv. llnrtlmul 1'. O., Wiisii.s Thoums J. Urlpps, Hiirttiiiitl r. ()., Wash. lmtyS) I ;V. It. DUN11AK, ltcgttcr. NOTIOK FOR PUBLICATION. IjASW (Ifficb at V.scoitvi:n. VIi., Mny 'J I. ma i Notice Is hereby given Hint Hie fnllnwlnir mimed nettlers hnve tiled notice of their Inten tion to innku llnnl pioof tn Miiiinirt of their claim ittlil Hint -villi proofs will Ins innilo before . 11. I'rebv, t'nltid Mutes Coiinnlloner for Ilttlet of WnshliiRt n, nt III olllee in lioMen dale, Wnili., Monilny, July 9, VXD, U. Henry Yt'iii'kvl. Homestead cntrv No. OTK for the SK' v of See, i, T. a N, It II rf, W. M, who mimes the follow liiK wltnesci to prove Ills continuous leshlence upon mill cultivation of s.ild land, vl. . Mnnnel Leonardo, William M. MillltiNin, John Mulligan, Francis I., lluniiell, nil of Centervllle 1'. 0 WahluRton. l''niucU I.. ItiiniK'tl, ITonictei! Knttv No. 10,1.1 , for the fractional SX,4 of See. 7, Tp. N, U l."i V., W. -M., who names the followlm: witnesses to prove hli cou tlniioiis resilience upon ami cultivation of nl luml, U.i Manuel Leonardo, William M. MiiIIIr iii, Joint Mulligan, Henry YeaeXcl, all of Centervllle 1'. O., Washington. may.Yi-ll W. It. Dl'Nll.VK. lighter. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Timber L-ind, Act Juneo, 1S7S. f. S. Link Ornci:. j Tin: lUlXE?, On., Apr. 1U, l'.OO. i Notice I- hereby Riven Unit in compliance with the piovlslons of the net of congress of Juno 8, ls"N entitled "An t-ct for the sale of tim ber hinds in tho stages o( (.'ailioriiln, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Terntory,'" William K, Kotulilllii, of The Dalles. 1'nunty of Wasco, State of Oregon, has Ibis dav lllrd lu this oll'.ce his swjru Ma le nient No. l.VJ. for the purehaso of the V' Slil, and Ns KK'j of Section No. ;U, In Tp. IN. It. No. 11 V. M., mid will oiler proof to show that ttie land Miir;ht Is moic valunble for Its timber or stono than for aileulturnl purposes, anil to establish his claim to .s.ild l.iuit Ijefoio the Itealster and Kecelver of this otlice at Tho Dalles, Oregon, on riiittirdy, the tt.Tri day nr.liiiii-, 1!MI(), He names as witnesses: J. II. Holt, 1). l hot chum, Joseph lluiniu and William spencer, all of The Dalles, Orejron. Any anil all persons claiming mlvonely the above-described lands are reiiucstisl to lllo their claims in this otlice on or before caId2Jnl ilay of June. l'JW. aprH-lUwi JAY 1'. LUCAS, ItCKlstcr. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. (Isolated Tract.) Public Land Sale. Land Office at The Dalles, oiikook,) May'J, 1W0.S Notice Is hereby given that in of instructions from tnu commissioner of tho gen eral laud olllee, under authorlt vested In lilm by section V. K. Uov. tjtat., as nmeuiksl by the net ot congress approved Kcbiuary 20, lMi, we will prooeeil to oiler nt public sale on tiatijr day, tliy Kith day of June, next, nt tho hour of lOo'cleck a. :n. nt this olllee, the following tract of Intnl. to-wlt; Si:',( NKy, section CO, township 1 north, runge II east, W. M. Any and all persons claiming adversely tho abovo described lands are mlvlscd to Hie their claims in tills ollico on or beforo the day above dislgiiiiteil for the commencement of said sale, otheriviff their rights will be forfeited. JAY T. LUCAS, lUglster, ntayl'Ml OTIS I'ATTKKmON, Itceclver. For a Nice Suit of Clothes. . I'antinK, Overcoatln- or Kanc Vesting. v . Kindly call and examine my stfick of Im porttd and D uestlc Woolens. A line stock In elect from. Hulls mule from tho lowest prices to the high est grale. J. A. Eberle. Fine Tailoring. TI1K DAI.I-Kt. OICKOON. tilt All all Allan ONE FOR A DOSE. PILLS Illlluiijnes, 1'unfy thulllood, Ourn ii-JacJjo au.l Jpf ia. kr hi)!?.':''t,'', ' iKmeU cn d7 la ur-r7 . uii. nuar(Ku uo. Phila. fa. TII13 CrKANHINO ANIl 1IKAI.1NO CATARRH CUKi; I'Oli CATARRH Ely's. Cream Balm IJany anil pleasant to line. Contaiua no in- jurioug nruL'. It U ipjlckljr atxorbci). Ulvt-H Utllef at once. It ()fwriB ami i Heali and WtuUect tins Meubran. Itrttorei th tkuneit of Tuto and Hmell. Lara SM, M ctnU at U'.V?5i,V!."lJ.'Z.m1S '1,rlsl We. lOcenla by mall. I'.LV IJUO'l'tliUtH.M Wamu Stmt, Mw York. Clark A Falk'rf dru; resb aud complete. stee'e Is new Complete of Drills at M.Z. DONNELL, THEaDRUOCIST. .rxTxrATJcrjcnrr-A-rJti,A-rA'rw irAAti L. Lane, (ii:ni:ual ...AND. I Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. MUanA JeiTcr'ou, Pliouc:i59 ..CJUIS. Batehcps and Farmerts ..Exchange Keeps on draught tho celebrated C'OI.UMIIIA IIKIIK, iicknow: cdKisl the best beer in The Dalles, at the usual price. Comu In, try Hand be cottviiiccil. Attn the Fluent brands of Wluui, M inor MUdCiiram. Sandrjuichcs of all Kinds always on hand. w. 4 vv JlJtstX ...Donlor In Dry Goods. Clothina. ri. t-. . : i : S Ilootn, fibrjcu. Hats. Oipii, Notions. Act. ;for V. 1 DoiikIiis Hhoc. Telephone No. K8. ThG Dalles, Or, Ml &CCOIII1 ,, Just What You uuant. New idi'UB in Wull lap(,r horo. Kucli wide varloty ua wo HreuliowiiiKfiuver b. foro jrraced a singhi Htock. Iteal imltu. tion croton elusctB at ordinary prices. C. pod papurH at cheap paper prices. Elegant desigiiH, tauteul coloriiiKH youra for a small price, nt our store on Third street. Also a full lino ol house paints D. W. VATJBE. Third St. JJ.'8TURDEVANT, Dentist. OOicaoier Frencli & Vo.'u male Phone 6, THK PAI.LK1', ORKQUM Blactsith H0ISBSD06 k x J j Str. noKiilntor. Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. B r niiMN. B, l.v. DalleM U nth A. M. nr. I,v. l'orllauil at 7 a. i. . Monthly . U'lduoO'iy . . Friday Arr. Dallea at n r :u i r. i, r- i uesiiaj- i, Thllinlay . . . k unliiriiiiy , h Arr. Portland rv ni .1 v. m. FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, K Travel by the HteamerH ot thu ItiKuhitor l.lue. I roim the best xetvleu polble. r4s PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer os. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer C. S. Smith, up-to-date Qroeer'Dyspepsia Cure, Fresh Krh nuil Creamery lluttur u Hpuuitilty. 2d Street. 'Phone 270. We Put... every bit of Iwonly yours experience and drug knowledge with ever' Prescription Unit's compounded liore. Is it any reason why our prescription business is increasing so rapidly? Ask your physician if we are reliable. BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON, lioliablo I'rescriptioniBts p. s. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in! Blacksmith Supplies, Cor Second & Laugblin, 'Phone 157 OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. The CLARENDON HESTAUHAT And CAFE. J. B. Oroaaen & Oo Propa. 87 Seoond Street. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TKANHACT A KNKHAIillANKINO IIUblNKB bittern of Credit luaued nvallable Id the ulll Kiiotorn Stntea. Wight Lkcmngo and Tolejirphtt TranBferB old on New York. (Jhldigo, at. LonlB, 8an Francisco, Portland Or auii, oeauio wain,, and Tar oua polntt ' "'egon and Waanington. or?bKS. m"de " P,8U D v v v REGULATOR LINE. DALLES, PORTLAND & ASTORIA NAY, COMPANY Hteiiinem nf the lleyuhitor l.lnu will run s i,cr ii,t iiw.iib M'hidule, tin- Company tchtvIiik tho rliiht to eh.. M'hedliluHithoutliidlco. wtangc ; Str. Dulltis city, DOWN l.v. Hal It H A, l. Miintlay Wnliiesilay I'rlilay... Arr. I'orilaiiil at r r. it. 'ilCinor.M, Tho CoiniMiny will etnlcavor to ulvo (1. ' For liirtlmr Itifoniiiitlnii mltltess V,"li-1 W. C. ALLAWAY, Qon. Apt. J cer. Kodol Digests what you eat. . ItartiflclallydlRC3tstlicfoodndiliU Haturo Id Btrctit?thoning and recon structinR tho exhausted cliKesttre o fanu. It i tho latcHtdiscovorcddlgMt ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in cfllcloncy. It In Rtantly relleviM and pcrinunentlf cure Dyspepsia, IndlRCHtlon, neartburu, Flutulonco, Sour Stomach, NauNi Slckncadacho,GaHtralRln,Cramp8,i4 111 other rcBul ts uf imperfect dlgesttoo. Prtoarad by E. C. DrWIt' A Co.. Crjlctft J. B. HCIIKNK, 1'ri'JiiiUnt, II, M.Uui, Clliltl First National Bank, THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Hanking lStiaiiiues tranMcted Depoalte received, ntilijeut to Bight Draft or Olieck. Collectionn mnde and protftida nromrllj remitted on diiv of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Ksclmntteeoidd Now York, Han FnuiclBco and port land. DIKEOTOKU D. P. Tjiomi'mon. Jiio. 8. Boumcr, En. M. Wii.uamh, Guo. A. Limi. H M. Bkam.. TfiP nnli PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUKAUTUUKItH OK Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON i)RlKP BEEF. i:i'0. 60 YEAR' EXPERIENCE VMM JC9IQNB nnuvillOHTS C. . fill AilT(mo..l.lliillHclin '!"XZ?K rjulcklr iucrliilii our iiin ii '',"S unlr. inventlim n iirnlmlilr ;H i ,' ' l'teol join froo. clHst uufiirir fur rl'Kr,cctlr tixetal notlct, Vfltliout clmrt'O, l H"J, Scienfiflc JSincr wi A liniKUomfllr HKMtrnlc.l J,'. J ji MUNN & Co.3Qinrf"ldwayNcwTK Mica Ifghtcia tUo lo:u1- Axle phorterU I Crease tlio tot& helps tho team. Bavcfl .1.1 AlHlfU wear Sold every wlicrc.. cxpeiinc STANDARD OIL 00. MM'"' a houiihotoi imlilQ Danllnn f!n OMMOTtr KlmtMt.lluk