dhxttttitk. VOL. XII IHESDALLES, OREGON, WEDNESDAY. JUNE G, 1900. NO. 252 ehiQhtlles BRITISH ARMY ENTERS PRETORIA Huberts' first Order Alter Reaching the City, Was For the Release of the Prisoners. Lon'iios', Juno 5. Tlio wiu oflico lni8 issued the following dispatch from Lord IiotmrtH : "I'rotorla, Juno 5. 11 :40 a. in. Wo are now in possession of Pretoria. Tho official ontry will bo mudo this afternoon t 2 o'clock. London', Juno 5. At li o'clock thin af ternoon, eight months after tho declara tion of war, Lord Roberts entered Pretoria. While tho commander-in-chief of the greatest army Great Britain ever put in tho Hold was fullilling tho promise lie iiuulo to the guards ut Bloomfontein, to lend thorn into tho capital of the Transvaal, Etiglund wub eolobrating the event with wild onttiiiHiusm. Ttiroughout the length and breadth of the country tho nows spread liko wildfire. Based on tho recollection that in recent European wars, tho occupation of the enemy's capital signified the end of hostilities, Roberts' terso telegram was taken univerBiully to mean tho practical fiiiiHh of tho war Which has tried Great Britain's military resources us they never were tried before. In London tho Munition House and tho war oflico almost instantaneously bo came tlio centers for jubilaut throngs. Flags appeared as if by magic and tho tratlice had to be diverted through other HtreutH. Hatless and coatless men und buyH run through the city alleys to see for themselves tho bulletins announcing the good news, and staying to join in the thunder of clieerB or add their voices to the joyful throngs singing "God Save the (Jut-en. " Huts hoisted from thousands of heads were waved in exultant hands. Old men on tup of the omnibuses and aldermen from the windows of the Mansion House encouraged thu crowds to ettll greater ell'irts. Tlio premature report of the full of the Boors' stronghold did not seem to have taken tho edge oil the day'o ceiebratlon. UobeitH' Six Miles Spruit dispatch wan hastily printed by tho "Kxtratj" be fore the Union Jack of the war office was hauled up tho flagstufl' and tho brief liifHHiign was pnsBed from mouth to mouth, "Pretoria is occupied." Those who had had a ohiince to read Roberts' account of thu resistance encountered vcHterduy were at the moment, com menting on the probability of a llo'co light before thu city was occupied, end were wondering at tlio Boers' capabil ities to iniiko such a determined stand whin Pretoria was hemmed in on all Billed. The presence of General French north of tho Boor capital, came as a surprise and explained thu commander in chief 'a retiiever dispatch aneut the position of the energutlc cavalry leader. It was evident timt Koberts had delayed at tacking until all his column was ready to co-operate, but even when Roberts wied last night that this was ac I'Qiuplished, there seemed a possibility of some lighting, su when the next dis patch Was given out it came as a surprise. lodging from Roberts phraseology tho occupation of Pretoria was not occom pllnhed by any great loss of life. What him happened to tho Boer forces which so uiHlHtenlly opposed tho British ad vance ut Six Miles Spruit can only bo HUi inihod, 'out presumably they have got awry for tho present ut any rate. The hiicHt. iHHtmteliPH from a represent ative of thu AHHi-.niiitnd PreHH at Pretoria. dated June 3, quoted Generul Botha as saying's "Kn Inmr no ujm nan ttt.lll nnilllt Oil OUT thoiiHuiids of willing men, we must not uream of retreat or throwing Wy our lIKlenendnnmi." General Botha, it la added, annulled tiie regulations annointlng a special com nilttee to preserve order, substituting military control for that of tho coruailt te, General Lucas Mover, addressing thu burghers on the square, urged thorn to all stand fst. Thus, though their silbrts were (utile, It is evident a (ew faithful Boer generals worked desperate- ly to resist tlio overwhelming force of Roberts' army. The war oflico lms information that one of tho first things dono by Roberta alter tho occupation of Pretoria was to direct General French to relieve the British prisoners confined at Walcrval. A 1'lioiiHamt TonguvH Gould not expioss tlio rapture of Annie E. Springer, of 1123 Howard Bt., Phil adelpHa, Pa., when aho found that Dr. King's Now Discovery for Consumption hud completely cured her of a hacking cough that for many years had made life a burden. All other remedies and doctors could give her no help, but sho says of this Royal Cure "It soon re moved the pain in my chest and I can now sleep soundly, something I can scarcely remember doing before. I feel like sounding its praises throughout the universe." So will every one who tries Dr. King's New Discovery forany trouble of the throat, chest or lungs. Price COc and $1. Trial bottie free at Blakeloy & Houghton's drug store; every bottle guaranteed. 5 Ilnitr KnvoyR in CIiIcuko. Chicago. June 5. Tho Boer delegates arrived heie thiB morning, and were im mediately taken In charge by a re ception committee, headed by Mayor Harrison, and conducted to the Audi torium Hotel. The delegates received the news of the fall of Pretoria calmly, Mr. Fifcher remaikhi": "The news does not como as a surprise. The fight ing will continue." Mr. Weasels said that the full of the Transvaal capital meant there would no longer be organized resistance on a large scale to Lord Rob erts, but from now on, the burghers would pursue gnerilal tactics. A maBS meeting will be held tonight, and the purty will leave for St. Paul to morrow. A Fleht Una llttcuu. Washington, June 5. The secretary of the navy received tho following cable gram from Admiral Kempll', command- inc tho Newark, lying at Taku forts at the mouth of tho Pei Ho river, dated Taku, June Cth : ttiti'nptMiumt has commenced. Have landed 11 force of fifty seamen more, but- talllon of marines. ivi;.ui'i'. Tho cipher message is not legible, und it is supposed ut the navy depart ment that thu admiral means that he has landed fifty seamen to reinforce bat talion ot murines ulreiuly ashore. I'miulhtr ItellKl""" Sect ut Tiu'omu. Tacoma, Juno G. Twelve members of a religious puny, uiiu piupu-u vu travel on faith to Shiloh, Me., were pre VDI1 ( iwl from LuiiiiL' on board a train in tli is citv this morning, not having ticketB. Nineteen others with tickets irniwcdcd. Tho heeiru is the result of n meeting conducted by believers In the doctrine that all things como through faith. Tho tmrtv will proiceed to Shiloh to take a course of study in the peculiar religion. Dull Headache, Pains in various parts of tho body, Sinking at the pit ot the stomach, Loss of appetite, Feverishness, Pimples or Sores all positive evidences, of impure blood. No matter how it became so it must bo purified 111 order to obtain good health. Acker's Jsiooa l?lxir lias never failed to euro Scrofulous or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood diseases. It is certainly a wonuorful n.imxlv und wo sell every bottle on a positive guarantee. Blakeley & Hough ton's drug store. Rev. W. K. Sitzor, W. Canton, N. Y., vimh. "I bud dyspepsia ovor twenty years, and tried doctors and medicines without beneUt. 1 was perstuuieu 10 ubu Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and it helped me from the start. I bellevo it to bo a panacea for all forms of indigestion." It digests what ycu eat. Small in size and great in results are DeWitl's Littlo Early Risers, tho fa mous little pills that cleanse tho liver and bowels. They do not gripe. UhiIi In Hour Cliuok. AUconutv wurrunts registered prior to Juno a, 1890, will be paid t my oftloo. Interest ceases after February. 2, 1(m 0. L. Phixups, " wu' Cnnntv Treasurer. Mule, Trimmed hots and patterns at cost for the next thirty days at the Campbell & Wilson millinery parlors. Use 01arko& Falk'squlninelhair touic to keep dandruff from the head. HIS COURSE IS COMMENDED Majority Report in the Wardncr Inves tigation Stcunenberg Commended, and the Citizens Congratulated. Washington,. June 5. Report of the committee on military affairs, which conducted the exhaustive investigation of the Cieur d'Alene labor agitations and its excitine Incidents, was submitted today, having been first approved by a majority vote of tho committee, the mi nority favorable sub report, which has already appeared. This report says : "First, tho governor of Idaho, in his efforts to establish order and enforce the laws of the state, is to be commended for his courage and fearlessness. The blind hatred excited by a mob, the con sequent disobedience of the public, and the reign of lawlessness are in a fair way to ba adjusted. The citizens of Idaho are to be congratulated on tne removal of tho dangerous cancer that bad long threatened the peace and order of the state. Better ideas prevail as to the rights and duties of men in relation to the preservation of society, and this iin proved coudition of affairs is in a great measure due to the conduct of the gov ernor of that stato. "Second, the conduct of the military in the territory from May 2d to the present, amid the disturbing elements of the Cceur d'Alene, when fierce pas sions, flames unchecked, when no hand was raised to Btay the dynamiter and murderer, where the mob had been su preme, is a matter of earnest congratu lation to the country." tatruck the Keynote, Washington, June 6. The republi cans in both bouses and the administra tion are rejoicing tonight at the Eignal victory won for the party in Oregon. The democrats are especially disheartened, and are trying to gather some comfort out of the result in Multnomah county where it appetite the republican legis- loiivA tlrltHt u-iiH not successful. But when the circumstances are explained, tliev pee little hope, as the great majority for Moody aud Tongue, and the fact that tho state outside of Multnomah county, is overwhelmingly republican, means that the republican administration, ex find the nold standard are endorsed. This briefly summarizes the expression ot many republican Benators and repre sentatives who have discussed the mat i, imtnv. Snnator l'oraker even took occasion to call attention in his speech on Pettiirew. to the great Oregon vie torv. It ia believed by all republicans to be the keynote of the coming cam- tmiiMi. und that it insures beyond all question republican success all over tho United States. Ttiu Orojon representatives have been congratulated upon the result, as they are tho first republicans to be elected, and it is believed that the West will f, ill MY' tllO v,iln of Oregon, and elect republicans everywhere. Lent, mill Hull Olut-h. Washington, Juno 5. There was a riotous ecene in the house this afternoon during a clash between Lent, und Hull, (Iowa) growing out of a bitter attack on r!.,.,.,roi rvirliin liv tlio former. The VJCIIVI.II matter culminated when Lentz inti mated that Corbin appointed the sons of congressmen in tho army to help ftlmnz hie uromotion. Hull frankly ad mitted that he hud a son in tho army He aroused his side to cheers when lie proclaimed that ho thanked God he had a son who could light for tils country. "I thank God," said he, "that I am not one of those anonymous creatures i.'lir, ti-n nil nblH to neruetuuto their miecieB." ntiuni- nfinr nhner ireeted this shot anil when Lsntsi replied that if he hud ft nn ho would be able to' support him self, the hall of the house was sibilant with hisses. The confusion was riotous and order was with great difficulty re stored, . Uoera Made h Cauture, T.OVHON. June 0, midnight. Lord Roberta leporta to the war office that the Thirteenth battalion ol tuo unpens Yeomanry (Irish) was "overwhelmed bv tho Boers at Lindsley." Lord Methuen made a "magnificent march to their rescue." but was too late. Follow ing is the text of the dispatch from Lord Roberts announcing the disaster: "Pretoria Station, Juno 5, 12:55 p. m. I reuret to report that the Thirteenth Imperial Yeomanry had to surrender to a superior force of the enemy on May 31, near Lindley. On receiving Information of the battalion being attacked, I ordered Methuen to proceed with all speed to its assistance. Methuen was then on the march, on the Heilbron side of Kroon- Btad. and half an hoar after the receint of my telegram on June 1 he started off. By 10 a. m., of the following day ho had marched forty-four miles in twenty-five hours, but he was too late to rescue Colonel Sprage'a Yeomanry. Methuen attacked tbe Boers, who were between 2000 and 3000 strong, and after a running fight of five hours, completely routed the enemy. "It is a very regrettable circumstance, but I trust it .will not be very long be fore the Irish Yeomanry are released from captivity." The Dalles Comrcision House will keep fresh milk at all times on hand and deliver it anywhere in the city at the followine prices: One quart, $2 per month: three pints, $3; two quarts, $4 ; three quarts $5.50; cream 20 cents per i- 1 t ... .1 1C. 1 pint, rresn oimer every uay. loa-xiu "I used Kodol Dvspepsia Cure in my family with wonderful reeults. It gives immediate relief, is pleasant to take and is trulv the dyspeptic's best friend," savs E. Hartgerink, Overisel. Mich. Digests what you eat. Cannot fail to cure. A Good Cough Medicine. It speaks well for Chamberlain's Cough Remedy when druggists use it In their own families in preference to any other. "I have sold Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for the past five years with complete satisfaction to mysell and customers," save Drtmgist J. Goldsmith, Van Etten, N. Y. "I have always used it in my own family both for ordinary coughs and colds and for the cjusIi fol lowing la grippe, and find it very eflica- cious." For sale by Blakeley & Hough ton. Tlnit ThroIililiiK rieudiicho Would quickly leave you, if you used Dr. Kind's New Life Pills. Thousands of sufferers have proved their matchless merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches. Thev niaku pure blood and strong nerves and build up your health. Easy to take. Try them. Only 2.i cents. Mnnuv Iinr-lr if nnt. r.ured. Sold bv hIhUhW & Hnuuhton. druinnste. 5 Dog-O wne, Attention! Notice is hereby given toullowneis of dogs who have not paid license 011 tlio sumo that thev come forward and take out a license before the 10th day of June, or in dt fault the do,;s will be im noucded and the delinquents will huvi to nay impounding fees as well as li censes, or have their dogs destroyed. N. D. Ht'GIIKS, ni2'J jl0 Marshal Dulles City Unless food is digested quickly it will ferment and irritate the stomach. After each meal take a teasnoonful of Kodol nvsnensia Cure. It digests what you eat and will allow you to eat nil you need of what vou like. It never fails to cure the worst cases of dyspepsia. It Is pleasant to take. Mr. W. S. Whedon, cashier of the First National bank of Winterset, Iowa, in a recent letter ulves some experience with a carpenter in his employ, that will bo of valuo to other meclianics. Ho says: "I had a carpenter working for mu who was obliged to stop work for several days on account of being trou bled with diarrhiu.i. I mentioned to him that I had been similarly troubled and that Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera und Diarrhau Remedy had cured 1110, He bought; bottle of It from the druggist littnt mid it) formed me that 0110 dose cured liini, and he Is again at his work."' For Balo by Blakeley & Houghton. All who slider from piles will be glad to learn that DeWltt'a Witch Hazel Salvo will give them Instant and per manent relief. It will cure eczema and all skin dlBeuses. Beware of counter feits. I'or Hitle. A good second-hand threshing ma chine for sale at L. Lane's blacksmith .hop, on Third street. j4.d&wlm Untitled tlin (1 1 live. A startlinir incident, of which Mr. John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the subject, Is narrated by iliiin as follows: "I was in a most dreadful condition. My skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, toupue coated, nain contmuallv in back and sides, 110 appetite gradually grow- ng weaker day by day. Three phvsi- cians had given me up. Fortunately, a friend advised 'Electric Bitters' ; and to my great joy and surpriso, tho first bottle made a decided imnrovement. I continued their use for tbreo weeks, and am now a well man. I know they saved mv life, and robbed tho crave of Btiother victim." No one shouldfail to try them. Only 50c, guaranteed, at Blakeley & Houghton's drug store. 5 Neglect is the short step so many take from a cough or cold to consumption. The early use of One Minute Cough Cure prevents consumption. It is the only harmless remedy that gives imme diate results. It cares all throat and lung troubles. Children all like it and mothers endorse it. Sick Headache absolu'ely and perma nently cured by using Moki Tea. A pleasant herb drink. Cui es constipation and indigestion, makes yen eat, sleep, work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. 25 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. Special reserve old government whis- kev. recognized by the highest -medical authority in the land; especially recom mended by the board of health of ban Francisco for hospital use, also A. P. O'Brien, M. D., captain and surgeon, and Win. D. McCarthy, major and sur geon U. S. army, as the purest unadul terated Btimulaht for convalescents, in valids and lainily use. aoiu Dy unanes Stubling. ap!20-dlm CamDbell & Wilson will sell their line of millinery, trimmed and untrimmed hate, flowers and children's huts, at greatly reduced prices for the next thirty days. Please call and get our prices. Good, pure natural ice from, the Blue mountains for sale by the Columbia River Ice & Fuel Co. 'Phono 33 or 81 Long Diet. ; 75 or 8 Senfert & Condon. Cure Itemliiclie Quickly. Baldwin's sparkling effervescent Cel ery Soda. A harmless and effective cure for headache, nervousness, sleeplessness, brain fatigue. 10 and 25 cents. Sold by Clarke & Falk, druggists. jan24'0w TMtKD. W. WI1.&O.N, V ATI O K N K Y. AT LAW, , , THIS IJAI.I.fcS, Ullfiuu.1 Otllce ovci First Nut. Il'iiili. C. J. STUBLING Wholesale and Rotail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agen'rthe Greate American Licmor Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey. WHISKEY from $2 76to MOO per cullnn. (7 to 15 years old.) IMPORTED OOGNAfl from 7.00 in 12.00 per gallon. Ol to SO years old.' "OALirORUIA BRANDIES fiom a.26 to 40.00 per gallon. (4 jo Jl yeara olU. ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. COLUMBIA BEER on draught, and Imported Ale and I'orter. JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. Jaeobseti Book & JVIusie Co. Hammocks Hammocks Just Arrived Tho largest and most comploto lino at Rock Bottom Prices. 5tyirtsfor Boys From 5 to 12 years. Shirts made of the, best quality percale, in pretty pink, blue or hello stripes or figuree also pure white; made with soft or stiff bosom, and one pair de tachable link cuffs. To be worn with white col lar. Every boy wants one. Our.... Junior 5t?irt is the success of the season. It gives the, little fellow a chance to wear a shirt that ia really becoming to him be sides offering him thn pleasure of dressing in a shirt that is ust Cik;e papa's" Any size from 5 to 12 years, 75 ets- Two popular styles in collars especially designed for wear with tho'Junior Shirt, each A. I. WILLIAMS & CO. Val Blatz ami Olympia Ueer in bottlea