DO YOU CoUgh ? i roi?l;le$plals " I room I used tn lie liko everybody else. "When 1 cmiyhtculd, I jtt.tlctit nlonc, think ing it would t'tireitelfin n few days ; ofcoursothc coughing ntul spitting of 'mucus sometimes lasted sev eral weeks, but iifler n while t h e i rouble would cub side. I nl ways no ticed how ever, that each cold was worse than the one before. Jfy throat j-cemed to pet weaker, and the least change in the weather started, the couphinp nsain. The last cold was the "most severe of nil. I was really frightened. Cough drops and home treatment did no good. A friend told :ne about Acker's English Itcmcdy. I pot. a bottle, and you never saw the like of the way it acted. Hcfore tliebottle was gone 1 was well. My throat felt as strong and well ns could bo. Since then I have had no more trouble. I think Acker's English Itcmcdy so strengthens the delicate lining of the throat that it caily resists the changes in tempera ture,aiiditbuildsuptheconstitutionaswell." (Signed) Cahrie Schwab, 251 Gold St., llrooklyn, N. Y. Sold at C5c, 50c. and $t a bottle, throughout the United States and Canada : and in Eng land, at Is. 2d., 2s. 3d., 4s. Cd. If you arc not satisfied after buying, return the bottle to your druggist, and get your money back. H ' authorize the abort pua-antec. IT. II. 1I0OKE11 it CO., IVoprMors, Xao I'cr. FOlt SALE BY Blakeley & Houghton. GENERAL NEWS. There "u at least one country in the world where it costs nothing to die. In Eome of the cantons of Switzerland all the dead, rich or poor, are buried at the public expense. The Northern Pacific announces a re duction in rates for the transportotion of horses in carload lote Itom points in Washington and Oregon to St. Paul. Tiie rate per car has been reduced from $185 to $ 17o.50. William Hargrove, Samuel Smith, Frank Carr, John Travis snd James Hy ler are defendants in an action begun ngainst them for gambling at Fort ayne, Jnd. Ine complainants are their wives. The cases are the result of n church crusade against gambling. Tim monthly statement of the con troller of the currency shows that at the close of business May 31, 1900, the total circulation of national bank notes was -T300,-18S,8SG, an increase for the year of $58, 424, 335, and an increase for the mont-h of 15,210,503. The circula ttou uaseu on united Mates bonus was $2(33, 009.1 IS, and increase for the yeir of ,ifo6,7S3.103, and an increase for the month of .417,021,995. C. S. Farrow, of Eugene, has invented a sidewalk nail which is driven into the sides of the boards instead of the top. lie claim's it keeps the boards from get ting loose, and at the same time pre vents shoes and dresses from being torn by projecting nails. Mrs. Mary S. Mark died in Portland Saturday. Mrs. Mark was a daughter of the iiv. Dr. It. C. Hill, of Albany, eminent in Oregon's history, botli ns a pioneer minister and physician. Mrs. Mark was also the eiater of the Hon. W. Lair Hill, of Berkeley, Calif., and Dr. J. J,. Hill, of Albany, Or. The "liiixors." The Chinese "Hoxerfl," who are start ling the world with atrocities inflicted on missionaries and other foreigners, have a membership running into the millions. The recent outrages were per petrated in the marltimo province of Shan Tung, which lies south of Peking. This province, though smaller than the fitate of Washington, having an area of hut 50,000 square miles, has n popula tion closely estimated :U 35,000,000. As in the cise of the vigilantee, or ;aniz?tl in the lawless days of placer mining, the society of "IJoxors" vvaH originally formed with a commendable, purpose. It was organized to deal with bands of native robbers, but later be came an instrument of private revenge, and later still for venting the Chinese hatred ngainut "foreign devils." Ori ginally, the "Boxers" were the Brother hood of tho Strong Sword (in Chinese Ta Too Why; and accomplished good work in the interest of law and order. Its membership is largely composed of ignorant Chinese, and intriguing men who desire the checking of foreign in fluences, work upon the ignorant masses with assertions that tho missionaries are opposed to the veneration of ances tors and murder Chinese children to ob tain certain organs said to the used in witchcraft. Neglect is the abort step so many take from a cough or cold to consumption. The early ueo of One Minute Cough Cure prevents consumption. It la the only harmless remedy that gives iinme diate results. It curee all throat and lung troubles. .Children all like it and mothers endorse it. l"Plutot mort. 'qu'avcug'le" Means, ''IUther dead than blind" blindness in most cases is tho result of u neglected trivial illness of the eyti. Many .a person now blind could nnioy good eyesight had it not been Unit the eves ' were neglected when tho first sign of . disease appeared. Cataract and Glan- I fnmo t u-n nf I It ii in nut il.i iw.nrmiQ til s(miu are m most cases due to negligence in the care of the eyes. Theo. II. l.iebo, of tne nrm ot ,i, iu. Adcox iV uo., is n 'graduate nf the Peoria Optical College, ami the Bradley Polytechnic Institute. He will correct and diagnose all errors of refraction. Eyes examined free. J. E. Adcox & Co., Jewelers. BUSINESS LOCALS. Clark A Falk are never closed Sunday Don't forget this. Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are the best. Ask your grocer for tliem. Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke & Falk. Paint your house with paints that are fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk have them. Special reserve old government whis key, recognized by the highest medical authority in tho land; especially recom mended hy the board of health of San Francisco for hospital use, also A. P. O'Brien, M. D., captain and surgeon, and Wm. D. McCarthy, major nnd sur geon U. S. army, as the purest unadul terated stimulant for convalescent, in valids and family ;;ee. Sold by Charles Stubliug. apl20-dlm Sick Headachu absolutely and perma nently cured by using Moki Tea. A pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation and indigestion, makee you eat, sleep, work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. 2o cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley & Houghton Druggist. Tiie Dalles Coma'ision House will keep fresh milk at all times on hand and deliver it Anywhere in the city at the following prices: One quart, $2 per month : three pints, 43 ; two quarts, $4 ; three quarts .fo.50; cream 20 cents per pint. Fresh butter every day. 18.i-lm "I used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure in my family with wonderful results. It gives immediate relief, is pleasant to take and is truly the dyspeptic's best friend," says E. Hartgerink, Overisel. Mich. Digests what you eat. Cannot fail to cure. Experience is tiie best Teacher. Use Acker's English Remedy in any case of coughs, cold or croup. Should it fail to give immediate relief money refunded. 25 cts. and 50 cts. Ulakaley fc Houghton Druggists. For tho convenience of parties want ing ice in the afternoons, the Stadclmau Ice Co. will carry a stock at their store, corner Third nnd Washington streets. Phone Xo. 107; long distance 1S3. "King 'em up." 18m-tf A full line of boys anil children' sum mer underwear just received at The New York Cash store, we have also a full line of men's summer underwear from 25c up to 7Gc. Be sure and see our goods before making your summer purchase. Be sure nnd examine our stock of wall paper thoroughly before buying else where, as we have tlip latest shipment made to this city, now ready for inspec tion nt H. Glenn & Co.'e. a 17-1 w NOTICE FOU PUBLICATION. I.ANIl On-iOH ATTlIK D.W.IXN, OltKllON,) April :a, i Notice 1' hcrthv Riven that (he follou'lun named settlor has llled nntleonf IiI.h liitruliiiii to imtkc limit proof in Miiirt of Idi claim, and tlmt sold proof will be made hofoiu the KcuMrr and Itecelvor nt The DalIo, Orcrmn, on Hiitur day, .iniiot), l'.W, viz Henry Uemlel, of Tho Dalles, Or., Homotead Hntrv So. 1710, for the SK1 , Million !), township 1 north, ran ire 12 east, W. St Ho names tau following wltnces to prove his continuous leslilcnec upon ami ctiltlatloti of sulil lam), viz: llenrv latching, (ionruo Arnold, (Jhnrllo W. Adams, Michael Doyle, all of The Dulles, dr. iimj'M JAY 1 J.l'CAS, Iteulstcr. Administrator'. Mule nf JUenl Property Notice Is hcrehv given that from and niter the ninth day of June, I'.XW, I will proceed to sell at private sale, for cash, the following dc-crUied property belonging to the estate of Patrick brown, deceased, towlt: nitd a, ii, :, i), i:, r, v it, ic and i., in block 57 of Fort Dalles .Military reservation, In Oregon. For information Inquire nt otllcu of Slnnott A Slnuott. Dated at Dulles City litis lOlh dnv ot Slay, 1WK). DKI.IA O. 11IIOWN, Administratrix of tho estate of l'atilek Drown, deceased. m IttaPii TIMHKIl.CULTUKK FINAL PROOF. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. S. 1.AN1) OFFICK, VAWOt'VKIt, WaMI.,) April :;u, pjwi. I Notice Is hereby clveu that Jlnry V.. Civilians, by D. II. Btegrmin, her attorney In fart, has II lid notice of Intention to make llnnl proof before W. II. Proshy, United .States Commllnucr (or District of Washington, nl his olllce In (ioldcn dale, Washington, on Friday, tho '.".It It dayot June, two, on Tlmbereultiiie Application No. J07, for the nortlieait quarter of seetlon .No. I, In township No. '2 north, range No. 1 1 etst, V. M She mimes as witnesses: Manuel Leonardo, ol (irnnd Dalles P. O., Wash.; Herman Knselke, William Wilkinson, ot Centervllle P. ( Wash., and William Crawford, of (Irand Dalles 1'. ()., Wash. V. 11. DL'NllAK, mayi-l lleKister. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. An Offick at Vancouvkh. Wash,,) April iXM'jeo. ! Notice is hereby nlveti that tho following named -.cltlcr has (Hut notice of his inten tion to make final proof in support of his elatm, and that said proof will bo made before W. II. Presby, Pulled tjtates Commissioner for District of Washington, at hl otllro in Golden dale, Wash., on Friday, June '."J, IW, vU. Deitrich II. Stegniau, tluvisee of Dietrich Slegman, deceased ; Homestead Kutry No. STIC, for the southwest !( of section township !1 north ol range II east, Will. Mer. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence tii'Oii and cultivation of salil land, vU' Manuel S. Ijconardo, of (irand Dalles 1'. (). Wash.; Herman Kngclke, William Wilkinson, ot Ccntcrville P. ().. Wash., and William Crawford, of Ornnd Dalles 1'. O., Wash. W. It. DUNISAU. mnj'J-1 Itegistcr. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned, by an order of tho Cotuilv Court of the Htate of Oregon lor Wasco County, has been nppnlt ted administrator of the estate of Helen llrndford, decease I. All persons having claims against the estate of said deceased are in tilled to pre sent thtm, with the proper vouchers, to me at Hood lllver, Oregon, within six months from thoaate of this notice. Dated May 15, 11W0. I'utn'am I'. Ilrunrniui, Administrator of the F.slate of Helen llrad ford, Deceased. 1C-1 Yellowstone Park Line. Tin: DiNiNu Ait nor ik fiid.m pouti.and to Tin; i:aht. T1IIC ONLY DIltlitT LINK TO Till: YKLI.OW KIONK I'AltU I.KIVI.. No. ! ' Unton 13cpol, ruth and I sis .omivr.. No. I Fast matt forTaeoma.l li-ealtle, iiiympia, tiray h llailiorand Month Haul points, Spokane, ltos laud, II. (.'., Pullman, 1 Moscow, Lewlstou, llnf 11:13 A. M. falollumpiuliilngcoiiii- t;;) 1'. M. trv, Helena, Mlnm-apo-1 lis', HI. Paul, Omaha, Kansas (TIN. St. Louis. i Chicago and all points i eat ami southeast. Paget Sound K.xpross, Jl. for Taeoma and Seattle ' land Intermediate points) No. I tl;rU 1". No. ;i 7;ai A. Pullman llrst class and tourlct slwpers to Minneapolis, St. Paul and Missouri river points without change. Vustlbuleil trains. I'ulon depot connections In all principal cities. llaggage eheekisl to destination of tickets, For handsomely I Must intcd descriptive mat ler, tickets, sleeping ear tcsorvallnns, etc., call on or write A. D. CHARLTON, 0.R.&N. DKI'AIIT FOI-. Fast Mull 1.': 10 p. in, T1IIF. SCIIKIItlLK, I'KOSI 1ULI.KS. Salt Lake, Denver, Ft. Worth, Omaha, Kan sas City, St. IjiuIs, Chicago and Fast. Spokane I Walla Walla, Spokane,! Mall : Miuiicatmlts. St. Paul. i ninth, Milwaukee, Chicago and Fast, via; Spokauenkd Hunting ton; also all points in VV..HlllM.,t.ttl ....if l.'.wt. I eru Oregon. Mail and Kxpress 10:10 p. in. AlllltVK IT'OM. Fast Mall i.'::x p m S p. m. CONTEST NOTICE. JlEl'.UtTMK.ST Of TIIK I.NTIUIIOR, ) L'.stTKii Status Land offick, J Tuk Dau.ks, Oi:., May 15, ItW.) A suUiclcnt coiitcitnflldavlt liaving been llled in this olllce by (jus S. Alexander, contestant, ayaiust homestead entry No. 5777, made May II lS'JO, for swk of nw- sec. C, tp. 1 n, range 13 e, by John T. Wright, eotitestec. In which It is al leged that said John T. Wright has wholly abnndoncd safd tract, ami changed his residence therefrom for more than six mouths since mak ing said entry, and next prior to date: unci that the absence of defendant fiom said tract is not due to his employment in tho military or naMil service of the t'nlted States, safd nartlcs arc herehy notified to appear, respond and oiler oWdencc touching said allegation at 10 o'clock . m. on June 30, lino, beore tho Iteglster and ittceiver at the tinted States land olllce In The Dalles, Oregon. The aiil contestant havlm.'. in a nroticr nllliln vlt, Hint May I.j, PJto. tctforth facts which show that alter dno diligence nuimnnl lervieenf this notice can not be nude, it is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be given by due and pror publication. i,j i J. r. i.ucas, iteglstcr. Fkom Por.TI.ANII. (Jcenu Kleamshlps. For San Francisco April -, May '.', 7, 12. 8 Ii. 111. Kii.buiidayiOoltimhIa Uv. Steamers. 'To Amtoiua and Way Saturday ljiudiugs. 10 p. m. Spokane Malt and Kxpress 1:00 a. tn 4 p. m. 4 p. tn. Kx.Sunda) r, a. m. WiLfcAHKTrr: Ilivini. Salem l:!'i) i. m. Lx.bundaylOregou City, Newljerg.iKx. Sunday A Way utnil s., 7 a. m, 'Witi.AHtTTri ami Yah- 3:Sn p. rn. Tucj.Thiir.' iin,r. Uivkks. Mou.,wnl and Sat. , Oregon City, Dayton,, and FrI. and Way-Uiudlngs. On. in. i Wii.i,aiiettk IttvKii. ' 1:20 p.m. lucThiiMPortiiiml to Corvallls, Mon, Wtd ami Sat. and Way-Landings, laud Friday Why pay $1.7.r) per gallon for inferior paints when yon can buy James IC. Patton's sun proof paints for $1.50 per gallon, guaranteed for 5 yeara. Clark & Falk, agents. mI7 For Sain. The furniture and fixings, including range, delf and cutlery of the California restaurant, and the beds nnd bedding of eight rooms overhead. Imitiiro nt the restaurant. 2j-lw I'or Main. A good second-hand threshing ma chine for sale at L. Lane's blacksmith shop, on Third street. Jl-d&wlm Wanted. A girl to do general house work. In quire nt the Dalles Lumbering Co.'h oflice. may 20-1 w Fur 8ul. A second-hand ten-foot Randolph bender, in fair condition. Will bo sold cheap. Enquire nf Ai.kx. McLiioi), mayll-lmw The DalleH. Hule. Trimmed lints and patterns at cost for the next thirty days at the Campbell & Wilson millinery parlors. 23-tf K. K. FKUOUHON, Pliysician and Surgeon, Oitlce, Vogt JHock (over I'oitoltlce), SOnplmo-dw TIIK DALLKfl, OHKdON. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. lAMl OFFICf. AT Va.SCOUVKU, W'ASir, , , May 17, IV) ( Notice In hercbv elvon that tlio fullowhn-" liameil settler has llled notice of his Intention to make llnnl nioof in snunort of his cltilm. mi that slid proot will bo made before W. Jl. l'resby, I'll! lid States Commissioner, nt (, on July o, pjwj, U; As.lllel K, Olliir, "no iiiuiio ii. i.. .-in., lor tne iractioiini w1 . NWJ.4-, Sec :j), Tp .'i N, Ii pi K, and si:4 ol NF' ,t See Jo, Tp !, N it IJ j;, W. M. He niimes tho following wltncse to prove bis eoiiuoiioiis rcsmeuce upon, aim euitivallon of ItobertA. hlrouthers. Chris K. Franen, Will lam darner, John Kure, all of I.vJo 1. u tt nsuillioil. W. it. DUNIIAK, rnaj-J Iteglster. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Offick at Tin: Dau.kd, Onu April 1), W). i Notice Is hereby given that the following niimtsi settler uasiiien nnilcoot Jils Iiileutioii to make final proof In support of his claim, mid that suld proof will Ixj made bcoie the Itegister ami neeeiver in i no iaiies, orexon, on fcalur- nay, -Jiiiioiu, iis.v,vk. WUhoii J. .leflorc, of Tho Dalles, Or., Homestead Kntrv No. KM, for tho NJi NM'M rvuuoii i j, omiKiiip i iioriu, range 1 1 eusi, will Mer. Ho names Hie following witnesses to provo hla loiiiiiuii'iii lusnieiieu upon ami cuiiivaiioii oi raid land, vi. James uciisoii, Jr., James lleiiton, Sr., Peter uomroy, jsaac uowiaim, nil ol The Dalles, Or, mnfi-l JAY I'. LUCAS, Iteglstur. l.v Itlparfa. dally l.vMa. m. I Snaki: Kivkk. ltiiariii to Ixiwlstoii. l.KAVK. Lkwintoji dally h:ii, m. Parties desiring to go to lletiimer or points on l.'olnmlila Southern via lllggs, should lake No. leaving 'I ho Dalles at Vj-.ta p. m. making dlrutt eonueetious at lleppner Junction mid lllggs. Kcturulug maklngdirii"teonne:lioii at Heppuer Junction and lllggs with No, rlvllig at Tho Dalleii at 12:U) p. m.. For full imrtlciilars call on O. It. fc N, Co.'s ngcut TJio Dalles, or mldress (Icil W. II. HIJItl.llintT, l'as. Agt Portland, Or, SOUTH and EAST via NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. (Isolated Tract,) Public Land Salo. Ja.ip Offick at Tuk Dau.ks, Ohkoon, May U, 1WJ0. Notice Is hereby given that In puisiiniico of Itislruulloiis from tho commissioner of Iho koii oral IiiiiiI olllce, under uuthorlt venteil In film by section HIM, (.'. H. Itov. Stut., us iiiaeiidwl by llieactot congress niiiroved Fcbrunry if,, Ife'.ij, wo will pmecuUo oiler at publlu sale on Satur day, tho Pilh day of June, noxt, at tho hour of p) o cl(ck u. m. at this olllce, lh lollowliitf tract of laud, lo-wlt, hl'.H Hi:4, tcctlon 'JJ, toivnthlp 1 north, range Jleust, W. M. Any and all persmu cliilmlng adversely tho abovo described lauds uru advlsfd to lllo their claims In this olllco on or Ichiro tho day abovo designated for the commencement of said sale, otherwise their rights will bo forlelted. JAY I'. LUCAS. IHnUter, maylJ-li OTJH i'ATf ivltdON, Jtecetver. A full line of Eastman films and sup plies just received by Clarke it Falk. Southern Pacific Co. Shasta Koute Trains leave The Dulles for Portland mid way stations at l:i'i a, m. ami ,1 p. in. .. 8::j)a m ..!'J;Ja in Leave I'or Hand. " Albany.. Arrive Ashland U::ti a m " Sucramento r,:w p m " San Francisco 7; J. p in 7:() p in 10:0.1 in If- I3P 3E 't 5 3b I f IV -The Dullen, On, The Chronicle, Job Printer's. $ i .oo per month. Strictly flrat elnnfi local nnd liinc diHliiueo tuhiphtinu service within your homo. Linen do nut crnsf-talk. Your con verNiitiou will lie kept n Heurut. No cum I for iiiHtnlliui;. You L'ot the Htundurd Iltiutiini; l.onn DiHliuil ItiHtrtimt'iit. CoiitiniiiiiiB day und night ervlco. We will iiceopt your contratH fur ten yearn and nllnw you to cancel Hiimu tin Kivini; tm thirty ditVB writ ten notice, PAOiriC 8TATE8 TELEPHONE 008. Wasco Warehouse Gompaii; Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail icings Headquarters for Feed Grain ot rii kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinds Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- t,OH yiOTlf This Muii r ih iimuufaetured xpreeHly for firnllj , ' iimii; uverynaek In Kimrntiteed to lvo Battsfactioo. .1 sell our (ioodo lower tlmn any Iioiihu in thu trodu, nnd if you don't tlnai" call and not our jiriceH und be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Whea.t, Barley and Oats, Arrive Ogdoii fiilAti in Denver Kansas City. Chicago .., &Wmi wneeis Arrive lw Angeles . . " HI Paso " Fort Worth.. .. " City of Mexico, " Houston " New Orleans . " Washington .. . " New York...,. , I Hi"! pm (i:ll p in . fi:: a m . U:Main l:(aiii . tiiiiium . 0:1'.! a in r.':i:i p m 7:00a in il.oo p in fi;lM a m 0:Mh in l;oo a m iWXt ii in ll'Un in l'J'l.lpm l'l llmiiii ami Tourist earn on both trains, Chair cars Sacramento to Ogden and III Paso, and tourist ears to Chicago, St Uiuls, Now Or leans and Washington. several China, Connecting nt San Francisco with steiiiiishlp linos for Honolulu, Japan, I'Jilllpjilnes, Central and South Aiiiiilen. Beo agent at Tho Dalles station, or uddress C. H. MARKHAM, Ocucnil I'asseiiKer Agent, l'oillnnil, Or T. BROWNHILL, JUSTICE OF TIIK PRAPR k...... Pobllc. Collectioiie promptly attended to. Monev to loan. CI. K. Oco, Tho Dalloa, dregoM. ' ' and Motors IIANIIFAI'TUIHJI) 11V AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL 00 SUITABLE FOR DRIVING GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, ELEVATORS, PRINTING PRESSES, ETC Circulars mid jmrtlculura (urniriliud on application. F. S. GUNNING, Agent, 1)1120 THU Subscribe for the Chronicle. Advertise in the Chronicl