The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 05, 1900, Image 3

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    Let us talk of
Soils al 83.85
Doing: a little
better than
Clothing Stores.
Wo aro Helling a spocial valuo Suit now at $9.85
that is simply unbeatable for the money asked. This
Suit is of suporior merit and stylo, and really ought to
bo sold by us for $12.50, for that is tho price of similar
Suits at other stores.
All Styles
All Makes
All Colors
Perfect Fit
Fine Clothing, Hats
All Goods Marked
In Plain Figures.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle,
Telephone No. 1.
JUNE 5, 1900
ice cream and
At Andrew Kaller'p.
Mrs. John Urookhonse, of Dufur, la in
thu city the gueat of Mrs. May Uiz.
Licenses to wed were granted today
to Elmer Junius and May Warren, und
dairies P. Odell and Hose Lentz.
Hiiv. U. F. Hawk went to Ueppner
tuilny to attend the district convention
of tho M. E. church.
The Indies of St. Paul's Guild will
meet tomorrow afternoon at the rosi
donee of Mrs. tichenck.
One of the Everding fish wheels last
night caught a chinook salmon which
lipped tho scales at 00jj pounds.
Mrs. A. 8. Mac Allister and Mrs. J.
11. Orossen went to Portland to attend
the grand chapter of tho Eastern Star.
A black silk belt, with fancy buckle, Inst Saturday ovening on Washing'
ton Htroet. Finder plea so leave at this
John II. Baker has traded his prop
erty west of tho fair grounds to G. W.
Misiil, of Forest Grovo, for property in
tiuit city. Mr. and Mrs. linker leave
'or their now home in the morning.
ftomo of the best talent in The Dalles
is vnry busy preparing for another up-to-date
minstrel, with tho society young
Indies in black face. Mrs. Kuncie, who
is couching them, in delighted with tho
talent and a line show is as hi red.
An Indian brought in this morning
3W pounds of salmon, which he had
""l!ht in a dip net last night uoar the
Indian village on tho other side the
fivttr. Ho said ho caught them In an
Clhly, while standing in wator up to his
To liquidate a hot mndo on the elec
tion of shoriir Joo Hercoux will tonight
t7:!IO o'clock wheel Jimmy Urquhort
hi a wheelbarrow from M. T. Nolan's
corner lo the brewery and back, resting
twenty minutes at the browory, presuw
fthly for liquid refreshment.
Tliu loading prune growers of Walla
WhIIb, Olurko and Yakima counties as
woll us of tho prune districts of Oregon
wtprot to organise the Northwest Cured
Fruit tiseoclatlon. It la necessary that
76 pur cHiitof the acreage be, represented
in the association before Juno 7th.
A few months ago somo business men
of Tho Dalles concluded that a wool,
courlng will ought to be located at that
thriving city and great woolshlpplng'
Point. They aid. aomethlng more than
"ikf and now the new toourlng mill l
nearly ready to begin -Its very useful I
But our well established rep
utation for giving great values,
and our pride in doing a little bet
ter than other stores causes us to
make this great offer.
World-Beaters in
Summer Overcoats....
and Furnishing Goods.
work. About the eamo time that tbie
talk was prevalent at The Dalles there
was considerable talk in Portland of a
big woolen mill in this city, bat the
project ended in talk, and even thut Iibb
ceased. There were other projects,
too but no matter; let us take another
nap; who wants to wear his life out
with rustling for business and building
up u town? Telegram.
Tho Dalle I'euple Will Boon Have Be
)rutuetlotn f TUein at the
M. E, Church.
When the paintings of Tissot were ex
hibited in Chicago last year, the rooniB
of the Art Institute were packed to
eufTocfttion day after day by crowdB
eager to study tho wonderful conceptions
of the French artist. The remarkable
change which came over tho man who
had spout a lifetime in painting com
mon place scenes, such as might be
expected from a Bohemian, is one of the
romances of urt. The man was over 50
years of age, and the occasion was the
church of St. Sulplce, in Paris, whither
the wnrlding had gone to study faces of
beautiful women. There a vision came
to the painter which transformed him
Into a new man, with a new ambition,
and a new future.
Ho left Patis on a pilgrimage to tbe
Holy Land, where be studied with eager
attention every spot associated with the
life of Jesus, and read the gospel narra
tive more than a hundred times. He
determined to paint the story of tbe
career of the Nazarene, giving it the ex
act setting in which it took place. For
ten years Tissot studied and painted.
At last he placed before tho world the
result of his long toll 500 pain tinge and
When his father looked at them he
was amazod to find how wrong his Im
pressions had been of the places which
the holy feet had touched. He ex
claimed : "Then I must alter all my
preconceived ideas of these things I
What, is not Calvary a high mountain,
in the shade of a sugarloaf, covered with
rocks and brush wood?" "Well, no,"
repllod Tlusot, "the Mount of Cavalry,
though it occupied tho summit of tho
city, was, at the most, only 22 or 23 feet
hiuh. Your mistake is shared by the
greater number of bolievors."
One cn get a, bottor idea of tho topog
raphy of the holy land, tho architecture,
tho dross, tho faces of tho people, by
studying Tissot ono hour than by read
ing many books. Luouardo'u groat
painting of tho "Loot Suppor" is found
n i.n HHrlouslv at fault when placed by
tho side of Tossit's picture of the same
subject. It la most interesting to place
a Raphael or an Angolo or a Hoffmann
near a Tiseot aud note tho different con-
coptlous of tho artists.
Unless food Is digested quickly it will
ferment and irritate the stomach. Alter
each meal take a teoBnoonful of Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure. It digests what you
eat and will allow you to eat all you
need of what you like. It never fallB to
cure the woret caaeB of dyspepsia. It
is pleasant to take.
ENGLISH DIMITIES Neat little pattorns in
dolicato colors at 20c psr yd
FOULADRINES The great leader in Wash
Fabrics at 15c
SPOT CREPE In solid colors, popular goods
for wrappers .....20c
DRESS GOODS Homespuns, Covert Cloths, Serges,
etc., for unlined skirts, 52, 54 and 50 inches wide,
at $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00 per yard.
Summer Vests.
STLK VESTS An assortment of extra pink and
blue, at G5c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.25
and long sleeves, low neck and sleeveless,
short sleeves 10c, 12-ic, 15c, 20c, 25c and 35c
ON THE COUNTER Cleaning up odd and
ends wo have placed on the counter vests sell
ing in the regular way for 25c, 30c and 35c, at 19c
The Ittiufillcn CIrIu Bvury thing; Save
Judge, Treanurer anil Com
inlmlouer. The returnB from every precinct in
the county have been received, and the
result is the election of the'entire repub
lican state and district ticket and all
the county ticket, eave the county judge,
treasurer and commissioner.
Congressman Moody has tbe phenom
enal majority over Smith of 1089, the
largest ever given bydie county to any
candidate. Wolrerton, for supreme
judge, has 758 oyer Green. Frank Men
efee, republican candidate for distiict
attorney, carries the county by 085 ma
jority over, J. F. Moore and the district
by a large majority.
The election of J. N. Williamson for
state senator over Judge Bennett, al
though returns from Klamath and Lake
counties have not been received, and
notwithstanding the fact that Judge
Bennett has carried his own county by
110 majority, is assured. Mr. William
son has a majority in his own county of
Crook of over 150, and It is conceded on
all hands that he will carry both Kla
math and Lake by handsome majorities.
T. II. Johnston beats E. B. Dufur for
joint senator by a majority of 100 in the
county and district.
The rest of the joint senatorial and
representative ticket is carried by the
republicans by good majorities.
George C. Blakeley tieats'A. S. Blow
ers for county judgeby a majority of
Robert Kelly succeeds himself as
sheriff, and carries the county by 170
votes over those given for his democratic
A. E. Lake, republican candidate for
clerk, beats John Filloou by a majority
of 314. y
John F. Ilaropsjiire, democratic can
didate for treasurer, was elected by a
majority over the vote given to the
prosont incumbent, C. L. Phillips, of
C. L. Gilbert's majority over T. M.
B. Chastnin for school superintendent
Is 023.
O. L. Schmidt, republican candidate
for assessor, beats his opponent, Cbas.
L. Copplo, by a majority of 235.
J. B. Goit succeeds himself as county
eurveyor by a majority of 302 votes over
his opponent, W. E. Campbell.
W. J. Hiirriiiian, democratic candi
date for county commissioner, beats P.
A. Kircheiner by a majority of 30.
Corouer Butts will succeed himself,
for the county said so by a majority of
808 over those given to George H. Will
jams. And last, but not least, Judgo Timothy
Brownhill will administer justice alike
to tho just and the unjust for the next
two years. His mujority over J. Doherty
is in tho neighborhood of ono hundred.
A telephone message late this 'after
noon fays that Tongue's election as
congressman from the First district is
mured. It ib believed that Moody's
majority in this district will be larger
than It waa in 1898.
Woman's Sphere.
An ancient.Greek once said : "Athens
rules the world, 1 rule Athens, my wife
rules me." "And still
"Tliey talk about a woman's sphere
As though It had a limit.
There's not a place In earth or heaven;
There's not a task to mankind given;
There's not a blessing or a woe;
There's not n whispered 'Yes or No';
There's not a life, or death, or birth,
That has n featherweight of worth,
Without u woman lu It."
Mr. W. S. Whedon, cashier of the
First National bank of Wintereet, Iowa,
in a recent letter gives some experience
with a carpenter in hia employ, that
will be of value to other mechanic?.
He says: "I had a carpenter working
for me who waB obliged to stop work for
several days on account of being trou
bled nith diarrluiM. I mentioned to
him that I had been similarly troubled
and that Chamberlain's Colie, Cholera
aud DiarrluiM Remedy had cured me,
He bought a bottle of it from the druggist
here and informed me that one dose
cured him, and he is again at his work."
For sale by Blakeley & Houghton.
Doc-Owuers, Attention!
Notice is hereby given to all owners
of dogs who have not paid license on
tbe same that they come forward and
take out a license before the 10th day of
June, or in default the dogs will be im
pounded and the delinquents will have
to pay impounding fees as well as li
censes, or have their doge destroyed.
N. D. Hugiiks,
m29-jl0 Marshal Dalles City.
Mr. A. E. Cooper, G. A. P. D., C. R.
I. & P. Ry., 250 Alder street, Portland,
Or. , advises me that his company will
run four specially cheap excursions to
the east, leaving Denver, Colorado
Springs and Pueblo June 23d, July 12th
and 20th and August 4th. He will be
pleased to answer any inquiries.
II. H. RiDDKMi, Postmaster.
A Siralneil Ankle Quickly Uured.
"At one time I suffered from a severe
spruiu of tho ankle," eays Geo. E. Cary,
editor of the Guide, Washington, Vu,
"After using several well recommended
medicines without succees, I tried
Chamberlain's Pain Balm, and am
pleased to say that relief came as soon
as 1 began its uso and a complete cure
speedily followed1" Sold by Blakeley
& Houghton.
Girl Wuuteil.
A girl about 14 years old to take care
of buby, aged 2 years. Inquire at Mrs.
Juliau's restaurant. j5-2t
Cottage for Itvnt.
Last house on east Fourth street. In
quire at the house. j5 3t
'i'liHt Tlirulibliig lleHiluche
Would quickly leave you, if yon used
Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands
of sufferers have proved their matchless
merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches.
They make pure blood and strong
nerves and build up your health. Easy
to take. Try them. Only 25 cents.
Money back if not cured. Hold by
Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. 5
Subscribe for Tim Cuhoniok.
,i,'.iiililit! ii lU'lmidlo'll nullum miU.lhitiiin.!,.
Afcgefable Preparalionfor As
similating iheFoodandBegula
Ung the Stomachs and Bowels of
Promotes Dige3tion.CheerfuP
iiess and Rest.Contains neither
Opium.Morphine norfineral.
If ot If aii c otic .
IUdh SrmJ, -
morrwer rtanr.
Aperfecl Remedy for Constipa
tion , Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish
ness and Loss of SLEEP.
Facsimile Signature oF
HB jBB'saafaraHL alaaalBaaaV
Soecial Sum, Sale
Will close Wednesday,
June 7th, 1900.
Those wishing a new Cook Stovo
or Steel "Range will miss it by not
taking aclvantago of this sale.
Stove manufacturers advanced
their prices 5 per cent this week.
If you intend to take a trip East, ask
your ticket agent to route yon via The
Great Wabash, a modern and up-to-dute
railroad in every particular.
Through trains from Chicago, Kansas
City, Omaha or St. Louis to New York
and New England points. All trains
run via Niagara Fulls and every through
train lias free reclining chair cars, sleep
ing and dining cars.
Stop over allowed on all tickets at Ni
agara Falls. floss C. Ci.iNii,
Pacific Coast Pass. Agt
Los Anseles, Calif.
O. S. Ckank, G. P. A., St. Louis, Mo.
Etlilor'v Awful 1'liglit.
F. M. Uiggins, editor Sennca, Ills.,
News, was alllleted for years with piles
that no doctor or remedy helped until
he tried Iiucklen'a Arnica Salve, lie
writes two boxes wholly cured iim. It's
the surest pile cure on earth and tho
best salvo in the world. Cure guaran
teed. Only 25 cents. Sold by Blakeley
& Houghton, driiguist. 5
For Infants and Children,
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Siguature of
Columbia River Ice & Fuel Co, wishes
to announce that thuy will deliver ice to
any part of the city at all hours of the
day or night. 'Phono 83 or 81 Long
Dist. ; 75 or 8 Seufert & Condon.
Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at tbe
Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of
chicken feed. mcb26-ti
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
Garden Hose
Wo have laid in a largo
stock of Garden Hoso and aro
carrying tho samo brand of
Hoso that wo havo boon carry
ing for tho last fivo years,
which is tho colebrated Mal
toso Cross Brand. Wo carry
tho samo brand of Hoso that
tho Dalles City Firo Dopart
mont has beon using for tho
last twenty years. Tho Mal
tese Cross Brand is without
doubt tho best grado of 1 lose
on tho markot. Call and got
our prices boforo buying.
Jffaiep & Benton
Sole Agents.
JU. t). T. HMITH,
Rooms 10 und II, Cbupmau lllock, Tlio Dalle,
Oregon, Tucsdtt s una Frldaye, b u. in. to 1.'.