The Dalles Daily Chronicle. TUESDAY JUNK 5, 1900 THE MUSE IN DISTRESS. Tho war spirit and the divine afflatus don't flume together in the breast of Alfred Austin, England's poet laureate. The following verses on the relief of Mafekinc, if offered anonymously, would have gone into any waste basket from Maine to Oregon. "Wasco county has a dis ciple of Bobby Hums, at the Cascade Locks that could beat thcui with both hands lied behind his back. "As pressed the foe more near, Only with naked tpeur, Ne'er knowing what in fear, Parley or blench meant. Forward through shot nml shell, While still trie foremost fell, They, with resistless jell, ctormed his lntrcuchment. "Then, when hope dawned at last And lied the foe aghast At the relieving blast Heard In the melly; Oh, our stout, stubborn kith, Klmbcrley, Ladysintth, Mafefclng wedded with Lucknowaud Delhi. "Loud yelled the bullcfs blng. Sharp Hashed the saber's sting, As on to Mafeking Bpetl wo with force meet, While tho brave garrison, Steady by treneh and guu, Faltered not, no, not one, Living on horse meat! "Oh, when they saw us come, Drubbed well was ov'ry drum, And shlill the fife's turn-turn Poured till the car split! Grimly the foe retired; Nathless he frequent tired, Till, beaten, moody, mired, Ills van and rear split'" A private letter from Porto Rico says that everybody there is pleased with the new tariff except one man. That man is the British consul at San Juan, Mr. Finley, who bad "bought up all the sugar in sight, an ticipating its free entry into the United Slates. The election is over and we are right glad of it. We shall now for a time ut least have a chance to fmd space for something besides politics. A Practical Iiemonitratlon. A fact proven by actual demonstration is more satisfactory than any theoretical proposition. Realizing this, and know ing that they have a propoeition which they can guarantee, the Oregon Sanitary Closet Company, of The Dalles, Or., have constructed one of their sanitary closets and put the eatne into actual operation. The cloeet is now located in the rear of Chas. Burchtorf's bicycle re pair store on Second, between Federal and Laughlin streets, The Dalles, and the public are cordially invited to call and inspect the same. This company ia now prepared to fill orders promptly. Parties desiring this system will be fur niahed full information upon application to or correspondence with D. 6. Dufur, The Daliee, Or. m31-lwd3tw Colombia Southern Warehouse. At Shaniko the Columbia Southern Railway Co. controls 80x100 feet of- the Shaniko warehouse building, to lie used as a freight warehouee, through which .they will receive and forward freight in the usual manner. The impression that all business most be done through for warding houses is an erroneous one and we take this means of dispelling it. Freight received and held twenty-four hoars will be turned over to a forward ing house subject to the order of the consignee. The rate on wool in sacks or in bales from Shaniko to The Dalles iB 25 cents per 100 pounds. For rates or other information call on or address C. E. Lytlk, G. F. & P. A., or Geo. F. Ross, Agent, Shaniko, Or. A Guati C'uugli Medicine. It speaks well for Chamberlain's Cough Remedy when druggists use it In their own families in preference to any other. "I bavo sold Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for the past five years with complete satisfaction to myeelf and customers," save Druugist J. Goldsmith, Van Etten, N. Y. "I have always ueed it in my own family both for ordinary coughs and colds and for the cough fol lowing la grippe, and And it very effica cious." For sale by Blakeley & Hough ton. Notice, Owing to the retirement of Frank Obriiuan from the firm of Ohrliman Bros., and his intention to leave the tate as soon as possible, all debts doe the firm must be paid faamedlately. All feavjeg ;UisM against the irn ;wl)l please present them at the .market for yaymtnt, aWtf Chbisman Bbotmkiu, DIVORCE IN MEXICO. Tli Heitatillc, by Recent tlcolatoa, Does Not llcoosnlse lllvoroes (Iran tctl Id United Mtntvi, The laws of Mexico lmvo nlwnya been strict in regard to innrringCR itiul divorces. Recently n case hus lieon decided in the City of .Mexico which uttruuted attention or. account of the plaintiff's prominence in society timl the legal points involved. In fact, the civil court found it necessary to estab lish n precedent, as no ease of the same character has been tried in the republic, says the New York Times. In 1S95 an American citizen, Kdf-ar Joseph Halm, of St. T.ouis, married a young Mexienu lady, Seuoritu, Par Dicz Ilarrosso. Tho wedding was n so ciety event and some of the chief dig niturics of the luiul were present. Mutual disillusionment niui n separa tion followed, a baby girl being left with the mother. Tho huly in the case is the plaintiff, and, it is said, she desires to marry again. The rules of the Roman Cntholic church do not permit n divorcee to marry. The question of one desiring to do so 'was not to be considered by the church, and there was no civil law to cover the case. The laws of re form make n civil cercmuny neces sary to n legal marriage. As Romnn Catholics consider marriage :x sacra ment, both civil and religious rites are the rule, nnd the former taking place first. In case of annulment ol the marriage contract new vows may be taken. The plnintift in question claimed tc have discovered nfter her marriage that her husband hnd a wife living, from whom he was divorced. There fore, as her church did not nllow her to marry n divorced man or him tc marry her she prayed that the con tract be declared null and void. This it is said, the church was ready to do hut,. a civil ceremony being necessary it fell to tho court to decide, her rea. status, and it has taken severa" months to : ;;eh a decision, ns it felt the responsibility of establishing a law which, in view of the steady growth of foreign colonies in the re public, may be frequently tested. If the man had no right to marry the lady's situation was a peculiat one though she chose to accept it, il thereby she is allowed to make a new marriage. Fourth Civil Judge Jesus V. Urintc decided the marriage to be null and void, owing to a prior unior on the man's part, though he hat' been divorced from bis wife in tin United States, where it was n lnwfu' act for him to marry again. As h had acted in good faith in his Mexiear marriuge, no action against him was taken, and each party had its owr costs to pay. Thus it is clear that, while Mexicc recognizes n foreign marriage, sh does not recognize a divorce secured in any country as giving ft right tc marry again within her limits. The stutus of the child did not eonjt before the court, it having died a few months ngo. The consensus of opinion nmonp Americans seems to be that Mexico through her courts, has taken a wist step in endeavoring to preserve tin sanctity of the marriage vow. WORDS WE SAY BACK. EneonrM-ment for the Utile Ouet Does Much to MrlKhten Their Liven. Little Dorothy came from the kin dergarten with her eyes shining, hold ing in her hand n braided mat ol bright-colored paper. The little mat found approving words and admira- I tioii in the family circle, nnd was ex hibited when Miss Cnry, her mother t friend, came to supper that night. "It Is very pretty," said Miss Cary tc Dorothy, "and soon you will be making more pretty things, sewing on card board and making bright-colored pa per chains. A little boy sent me tliit word not long ago in his mamma's let ter: 'Tell Aunt Uetli J've made a chain long enough to reach through two rooms of the house.' " Dorothy's eyes shone with .pleased excitement ut the little kindergarten story, and eagerly she asked: "And what did you say back?" The quick question was a revelation. To the lit tle child the success of the story lay in what was "said back." Words of encouragement are per haps of tener called for In what we say back than any others; encouragement to begin, to keep on, nnd to try again, hold within them the kernels of a hap py childhood, and successful manhood nnd womanhood. Let us watch thetsc words wo .ay back to the children, and if possible make them wise with iiwentives towurd future activity, Constance Conrad, in Woman's Home Companion. Starvation never yet cured dyspepsia. Persons with indigestion are already half starved, They need plenty of wholesome food. Kodol Dyspepsia Pii.a in list n , an tt,A timl h uitiu miubid mini -UM cud cu iiiv vuwjr i can be nourished while the worn out or gans are being reconstructed. It Is the only preparation known that will in tantly relieve and completely cure all toaiaca i troubles. Try it if you are euftsrisgfroai. indigestion. It .will cer tainly do you good. Subscribe for The Chronicle. RoDorts show that over fifteen bun dred lives have hern caved tlrouih the use of One Minute Couith Cure. Moat of these were cases of grippe, croup asthma, whooping cough, hronchitlA.nud pneumonia. Its early uno prevents con sumption. All who sutler from piles will bo ulad to learn that DeWltt'tt Witch Iliuol Salvo will give tluiin instant and per manent relief. It will cure etv.euia ami all skin diseases. Beware of counter feits. The Chinese uek "How is your liver?" iustendof "How do you do7" for when the liver is active the health is (S')od. DoWitt's Little Early Risers are famous little pills for the liver and bowels. Clarke & Falk have received a carload of tho celebrated .lame E. l'atton strictly pure liquid paints Ivy poisoning, poison wouiuh and all other accidental injuries may be quickly cured by using DeWIU's Witch Hazel Salve. It is also a certain cure for piles and skin diseases. Take no other. Small In size and great in results are DeWitt's Little Erly Risers, tho fa moan little pills that cleanse the liver aud bowels. They do not gripe. Yon will not have boils if you take Clarke & Falk's sure cure for boils. Clarke A Falk iiave on sale a full lino of paint and artist's brushes. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Timber L ind, Act June II, 1S78. I. si. I.ANn orrici:, I Tin? Damxs, on., Apr. 13, lux), i Notice Is hereby given tliat In compliance with the provisions of the Bet of enngn-so of June 3, 1S7n entltleil "An act tor the sale of tim ber limits In the states of Culltoriilii, Oregon, Nevada anil Washington Territory," Wlllliuti K. Kiitelimn, of The Dulles, County of Wasco, itnto of Oregon, has this lnv lllcit lu tills office lili sworn state ment No. 15'J, for the purchase of the WU NKJ-i ami NU HKJjol Section No. S3, In No. 11 h W. M., nail lll oiler proof to show that the land (ought is more valuable Its timber or (tone than for agricultural purpoes, aud to establish his claim to said laud before the Kezister and ltecclver of this otllco nt Tho Dalles, Oregon, on HatunUy, the 23il ly nr.lune, IUOO, He names as witnesses: J. II. Colt, 1). 1'. hot chum, Joseph Ilanun and William spencer, all of The Dalles, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to Ilia their claims in this oliico on or before lald'JJrd day of June, 1900. aprlvlUtv-1 JAY P. LUCAS, Hcgiitcr. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Vancouvek, Wash., J Mil) II, 1UJ0. I Notice ii hereby given that tho following named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make Dual proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will bo made before W. 1J I'resby, United hlntea Commissioner for District of Washington, at his ofllco in Goldendalc, Wash., on Saturday, June 30, l'XO, viz: (lnorie U. l.miliny, Homestead entry, No. 42, for the 3WJ.4 of Sec l.yip3, Nof K13K.W. M. tie names the following wltnettes to prove his continuous residence upon aud cultivation ol said laud, viz: John 0. McDonald, of Hartlaiid P. 0 Wash; Wendelln Infill, fioMenaalc I'. O., Wash,: John C. llcrry. Harthiud P. 0.,Wash.; Thomas J. Dripps, llartland P. ()., Wash. ma)2J i ;w. It. DUNHAIt, Iteglster. FItED. W. WILSON, ATTO It N Y-AT LAW, TIIK DALLES, OUKUON Ofl'.cc ovei First Nat. 11-rnn. For a Nice Suit of Clothes. Panting, Overcoatin-or Fancj Vesting. Kindly call aud examine my stock of Im ported and I) identic Woolens. A line stock to elect from. Units miule from the lowest prices to the high est grade. J. A. Eberle Flno Tailoring. TIIK IAI. I.Kb OltKOON. DrGUNN'S ONE FOR A DOSE, mi I A IUra'T Pinjplon, Prevent I'll I Cur HvAiliehs and DtpratTt. aa" 1. .1 . 1 1 for Pa. TIIK tXKANHINO AND UHAr.INCJ CUIUS IOK CATARRH CATARRH mi t H D I Elf S ufUM BUM tCaiy and plMftnt to use. ContUM no In Jurioot drug. It Is quickly borbed. OWeUUftooc!. , It Oyeut aBd CleaiifM Hie (SHU l-IUMN, AlllM "---''- IImU and PrataeU tba Huilinu liuliiiu tha gen of Taste and HomJI. Jim Sfse, W cwU ( DttlWfi.0lJ JSf" ! 'ttM i 10 C4BU by Mail. frhith. tiiVv... iirT;.irvi.u?,." ' uiki rtMiit?nr, i r inn iiiui. rinc rou. udi t.nii ..::.' f " Complete of Dms at M. Z. DONNELL, THEuDRUOGIST. L. Lane, (iKNKHAL A NDih Wagon and Carriage Werk. Fish Brothers' Wagon. Tbirdland JelTcrnn. Phnnn"1iQ ..chas. mu- Butehers and Farmers ..Exchange.. Keeps on draught tho celebrated COLUMIIIA lli:i:H, acknowl edged thu beJit beer in The Dalles, nt the umutl price. Come in, try it nnd be convinced. Also tho Finest brands of Wines, Liquor and Cigars. Sandrjuiehes of all Kinds always on band. C. F. Stephens ...Dealer In... Dpy Goods, Clothing, Cents' Furnishings. Hoots, Shoes. Hats, Caps, Notions. ,(or W. U Douglas Hhoc. Ast. Telephone No. R8. i:ilfeecoud HI., Tiio Dalles, Or, Just What You uiaiit. Nav lilcan in W.ill Pa .,,, DUBI Wlllo varlotv an wn nr n inuiliw. n... i... .... .,M,H uu. fore Krucetl a aitiglu atonk. Heal Imita tion croton efl'ecta ut ordinary prlcea. Good ppor at cheap papor prlcea. hlegant designs, taateful colorliiK youra for a small nrlco ut ri a,ui.i treet. AUo a full line of ioua Tint fit a D. W. VATJSE. Third St.' Jk., 8TURDEVANT, Ofllcsoier French C'o.'i llsnk PllOBC , TUB DALLKS. OUHfirtM BlacRsmith Horsesnoe KM ,-OTOTrrs..UWUiailalSla..... 1I'IISIIZ HfpjiiiirtrH Str. RoRtilator. Ship your Freight via Eegulator Line. DOWN. HI'. Lv. t'orll.ind ut-7 A. M. ,. . Monday . Wiitm-i!ay Krlday Atr. Dalle. ittriiBO 1'. M. Lv. DillltH ( lit S A. M. ! Tucdiiy 5, Thu inlay .... HHtntiliiy. i A.r I'lirlliind Kllto f. M. FOR COMPORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, P . Travel by the Hteiimora of tho ltrtttilntor Lino. j roils lllu IHUl PCIVieo poMiinu. I'orllnnd Ofllco, IMW-Hlreot Dock. W. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Panpy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer C. S. Smith, tiii: Up-to-date Qroeer I'VubIi Kkrb anil Croaniury llntter it Hpeclulty. 2d Street. 'Phone 270. We Put... ovory bit of twenty years experioneo and drug knowlodgo with ovory Prorioription that's compounded bore. Ib it any reason why our prescription busincHS is increasing so rapidly? Ask your physician if we are reliable. BLRKELEY & HQDBHTOH. Koliablo Proscriptionists F. S. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in' Blacksmith Supplies. nor Second & Laoeblm, 'Phone 157 OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. The CLARENDON HESTAUWT And CAFE. J. B. OroBoen & Oo Props. 87 Seoond Street, FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. riUNHAOTA KNKUAI.UANKINO ilUHlNKB Utters of Credit iBsued HvwiUbla lu tba KuMtttm dlola. Bight Eaolmnga nnd TelegrMpbte Bt. LOalK. Han Vna 1J.. I l 7!.' eon, Seattle Waih.. and'vrlom PolnU In Oregon .nd WMniagton. orle u,m"; " au 0B REGULATOR LINE. DALLES, IWIiNI) .&-AST0RU NAY. COMPANY nf tli tliin,ln.r. l i.....ti . . ................. win run ns ir thh i 1 M'lirdttlo, tho ComjMiny tescrvlng thu right i.. IT J nohcilulo without notice 111 "nl J i 8tr. Dallno City, i IM1WN I.V. Dal lit H A. h, Moinliiy. WrUlllKiliiy , Vrldny..,. Arr. I'ortlnnd nt ft r. it. t 7100.,, . TiimuU. Tlmrs, .BstUtUs, Atr. 1)ii at:3or.a.J Tho Compnny will endeavor to nlvo Its tat. i rur iiiiiuur i riuiiuon Willie's J C. ALL A WAY, Oen. Ast. j cer. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, Digests what you tit lttrtinouny digests the foodudiiii Mature in BtreuKtuening and nm nrummt mo cxuauBiea ulKetlTeo ganB. It lBtholatestdlscovereddlnit ant and tonic. No other prepantlM can approach it in cfllclencjr. It to tantly rollevoaand pornmnentlycaw, Dvancnaiii. Indlupntlon. rfoarthun Flatulence. Hour Htomach, Mumm. uioKueaaacne, uastraigi a,Grampt,ia vi oiner results ui imperiect aigeiuea . Prepared by K. C OeWItt Co.. Cbtett , J.H. HCIIBNK. l'raiitlont. II. II, BUI, First Hational Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A WUVaaa aJUMAIMI fUlMtwuu viibm iiw Deposits received, subject to Bight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceed prompt); Mmlttad on dav of collection. A nAMMAl Uah kr Una nuaa iMnaiMld Bight and Telegraphic Exchange sold ci New York, Han Francinco and port. :anu. DIRBOTOKS, D. P. Thompson. Jwo. B. fJonssri En. H. Wilmams, Obo. A. Liass. H. M. Bbai.u THe Coimilia paciffe, PACKERS OP PORKand BEEF It ANDFAUTU BKHH OK Fine Lard and SauMtfW Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON i)RIF.D BEEF, KT0. SO YE AW EXPERIENCE- 'Mm I B U.MS H( COPVHI0HT8.,( .i. ....i rii-irr dIk"IS. ll..,,..lrlllllllitKllirill. llllllHDl' wfli.''VJ4!?aiSifomW tpfttat iwllcr, without cWtro, In Ui Scietttific flmcrcat. (JnSOtBroadway.fjeWjP rrnoli onlco. Mica lightens the load- Axle ehorleia! Urease tho road. cxcue. MAIIB J1V TANOARO Oik 00. B HUNTWPTOK 11 ATtOfcNKYH A .v- . - ..Jl.,.. . ami iii'icnpn?T. Ii,.iil1i,n la rimhnblv tiuliHIlJII""' .-""'...,i. MIINN K oatetovtr First Mt(.vua