DO YOU COMgh yjgfro'WeSPa'S " I Rurya I ued tn ho liko'cvcrybody else. ' ?ST.,vouVdRhlcoU,,1Jusl,ctlulone,thlnk: I "Plutot mort cure Itself iu jflA . ... SfU Iquaveugle . n few days: ofcoursetlio couplting timl spitting of mucus sometimes Insted sev eral weeks, but after a while the trouble would sub side. I al ways no ticed how ever, that each cold was worse than tlicono before. My throat seemed to pot weaker, and tho least change in tho weather started the coupliiiiR xurain. Tho 4ast cold was the most severe of nil. I was really frightened. Cough drops and home treatment did no pood. A friend told me about Acker's English Remedy. I pot a bottle, nnd you never saw the like of the way itacted. Hefore thobottle was pono 1 was well. My throat felt asstrongand well as could be. Since then I have had no more trouble. I think Acker's English Remedy so strengthens the delicate lining of the throat that it easily resists the chances in tempera .ture,andithuildsuptlieconstitUtionaswcll." (Signed) Caiuub Schwab, 251 Gold St., Brooklyn, K. Y. Sold at25c.,50c.and$labottlc, throughout the United States and Canada ; and in Eng land, at Is. 2d.. 2s. 3d., 4s. 6d. If you are not satisfied after buying, return the bottle to your druggist, and get your money back. TIV authorize the above puatxntce. V. II. HOOKER & CO., l'roprictors, .New York. FOR 8.YI.K BY Blakeley & Houghton. MlV'llQ ''li' lll.ltll I,M till, III" I liliiuini's? iii nu)9 1. ciites is tliu result of a neglected trivial illness of tho iyu. Many a perfitn now blind could enjoy Rnotl oyesiitht hud it not brim that the eyre weio ni'Klecled when tho tlrnt aiun" of disease- appeared. Cataract nnd Glau coma, two of tho uiOBtdoiiuurous disease?, nro lit most eases duo to neelicence in the enro of tho eyes. Then. H. I.iehe, of tho firm of J. "JK. Adrox & Co., is a uradtiuto of the Peoria Optical CoIUi;k, and the Drndley rolytechniu Institute. Ho will correct and (liaimoao nil errors i of refraction. Eves examined free. J. E. Adcox & Co., Jjwolers. NOTICE FOU 1aki Office at Tiik D.illks. Oiikuon, Airll 50, iwo. N'nllco l hrrrhv nlvrn Unit tin- fill low illir- ' tnunctl rclllcr lms nlctl imtlreof lili Intention to niiue tltial jirnui tn support m ma cinnn, mu Unit mM jiroot will buimiile heero the lteitll.r ntiil Itcrclvcr nt The IMllcs, Oregon , mi Siitur tiny, Juno 1, inw, vlx. Henry lleadel, of The. D.tlleH, Or., IlnmcMeml Ktitrv No. 1710, tor the fil'.' i sccllon y, township 1 I'tirtlt, runso vs emt, V. M. Ho iiiinicj; tne. foliowltiK witnesses in prove hi" coutlmimit lesltleuce iiu mill uiiltlMitlou of Ui Imiil, viz: Henry I.uehlnp, (ieoiRO Arimlil, Charlie V. Ailnm.", Michael Hoyle, nil nt The luillcs, Dr. nuij2-t JaY J. I.UCAS, IteaUtor. FESI1NINE FRILLS. The I.utcut In Lingerie nnd Fnahlon Able Trifle fur the Son aon'a Contunirn, Shades of pray arc charming in the new woolen materials which are to be seen for the new gowns. There arc nli sorts of pretty grenadine-like mate rials, similar to those Worn in the six tics loosely woven materials, but with body enough to drape excellently. Some of them are to be seen with pret ty satin stripes, some with little em broidered figures, the small bow knots 4hat never seem to grow old. With the thought of the war in al most everything dono nowadays in England, the bonbon boxes of silver are no longer used to hold various small bonbons, but are filled with "meat lozenges." 'They are fitted for the pocket, and are supposed to be Just the thing for the soldier boy iu time of need. Pretty little handkerchiefs with a pattern woven in them somewhat aft er the way patterns arc woven in damask for the table are 'now coming in. There are little bowknnts, for in -stance, at intervals through the body of the handkerchief, and the tubie linen effect is most noticeable iu lamnsk-like band around the edge, nnd in which the pattern is set at regular intervals, as in n border. Most of the shoppers from the big shops who purchase French lingerie nre now abroad getting up the new stock, nnd, this being just about be tween seasons, it is n good time for bargains in pretty underwear. Them are many women who consider under wear their one extravagance. They do not care so much about their out side garments, but there is a certain delightful daintiness in wearing the prettiest and most attractive clothes out of sight. Tiiey feel that they drees for themselves, and it gives a curtain feeling of self-respect and special pleasure. These women never dare to go near the underwear counters iu the big shops when the contents of their purses lire nt a low ebb, for they iiimply cannot resist the pretty things displayed. The drapery effect around the shoul ders obtains in many things, especially where yokes are worn, lielow the yoke of the opera enpesoft material or. luce is draped entirely around the shoul dors, mid in tea gowns the sume effect is used with good renults. ioi every woman would lute or would look well iu nn Empire wedding ynwu, but the gowns themselves arc - charming. One has a puffed yoke and sleeves, while from under the iirms two In-Oad pieces of lace are brought und Austen n little to the left of the bust, -the ends hanging in soft folds to the lower edge of the, skirt. This gown is finished without a collar nt the throat, the top of the puffed yoke fit ling miiigly, with a cord e( in. Long Kmplre couts which have an nir of distinction arc kilt-plaited in tho skirt and have little jaeltet efTccls. In one of these the jacket (lilTnrs from the skirt, being heavily embroidered, ;s arc the sleeves. The buck of (he jacket is cut up a little iu the center, mini cometi down in long points in the iront. Much tulle is to be used with ntruv this coining season, nnd many hntu will be made In alternate rows of straw nnd tulle. A great deal of tucked tuf. feta will also be used, as It has been -during the winter. The milliners arc -groaning because Easter comes so luk this yenr. Very few women wear the -old-time "Easter bonnet" to church on Uaater dny; It is not Hmart to do so, but nt the same time Easter is the lion met season, nnd Its being'late or early mokes the spring millinery Inte oi early, In good .weather many of the smart women are out of town over JEnaten N.Y. Times. BUSINESS LOCALS. Chirk & Fnlk are never closed Sunday Don'l forget this. Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are tho best. Ask yonr grocer for them. Floral lotion will core wind chapping nnd sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke & Falk. Paint yonr house with paint? that are fully-guaranteed to last. Clarke & Fnlk have them. Special reserve old government whis key, recognized by the highest medical authority in the land; especially recom mended by the board of health of San Francisco for hospital use, nleo A. P. O'Brien, M. D., captain and surgeon, nnd Wm. I). McCarthy, major and sur geon U. S. army, as the purest unadul terated stimulant for convalescents, in valids and family use. Sold bv Charles Stnbling. apl20-dliu Sick Headache absolutely and perma nently cured by using Moki Tea. A pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep, w.ork and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. 25 cts. nnd 50 cte. Blakeley & Houghton Druggist?. Tiie Dalles Commsion House will keep fresh milk nt all times on hand and deliver it anywhere in the city at the following prices: One quart, f2 per month: three pints, $3; two quarts, $4 ; three quarts $5.50; cream 20 cents per pint. Fresh butter every day. 18a-lm 'I used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure in my family with wonderful results. It gives immediate relief, is pleasant to take and is truly the dyspeptic's be6t friend," says E. Hartgeiink, OverUel. Mich. Digests what you eat. Cannot fail to cure. Experience is the best Teacher. Use Acker's English Remedy in any case of coughs, cold or croup. Should it fall to give immediate relief money refunded 25 els. and 50 cts. Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. For the convenience of parties want ing ice in the afternoons, the Stadelman Ice Cowin carry n stock nt their store, corner Third and Washington streets Phone No. 107; long distance 1S3. "Ring 'em np." 18tn-tf A full line of boys and children' sum mer underwear just received at Tho Now York Cash store, we have also u full line of men's summer underwear from 25c up to 76c. Be sure and see our goods before milking your summer purchase. Be sure and eximiue our stock of wall paper thoroughly before buying else where, as we have the latest shipment made to this city, now ready for inspec tion at II. Glenn & Co.'s. nl7-lw t ilWnFtfiDPii Panifin n ui UMiii uumui A tlinlnlntratcir' Halo of llinl I'riiporly Nntlceis licrobj plvcu from mid iiftor the ninth ilnv of June, 1WM, I wilt tirweixl tn soil nt Wtvitte sale, for, tho following tlecrlteil property bolniiKlug to tho e.itiito ot I'.ittlck llrowii, ilecentcil, to-wlt: I.ola A, 11, U, I). K, 1', (i, II, 1, J, K mill I.. In block 47 of ton Dulles .Military reservation, In Uleson. For Information Inquire tit a Bice of Slnuolt t Hliinntt. Dntcd t Dulles City this tOth ilav of M.iy, WOO. DKI.IA !. 1IKOWN. Administratrix of tho estate ot Patrick Drown, ilecenswl. m TIMBER CULTURE FINAL PROOF. NOTICE FOU PUBLICATION. l B. Lano Offick, Vancouvkii, Wamii.,1 April :w, tnn). Notice is hereby plvcn that Mi.ry K. delhium, by D. II. BtfRimiu, hcrnttornoy III fact, has llliil notice of Intention to make tlnal proof before W. II. I'rcsbv, Cultcd Btute.i Commissioner for District of Washington, nt his olllce tn (iiililun ilnle, WiishliiKton, on Krlilnv, tliu 'J-.itli ilay of June, law, on Timber-culture Application .Vo. 297, for tho northeast quarter of tection No. I, In township No. 2 north, range No. 1 1 east, W. M . She names as vltnems-. Manuel B. I.emiariln, of (iraml Dalles 1' ()., Wash.; Herman KnKulkv, William Wilkinson, ot Ccntorvlllo 1'. ( Wash., nnd William Urawfonl, of (Irmul Dalle 1'. ()., Wash. W. 11. DUMIAK, may'J-I lUNUr. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. 1-and Office at Vancouvkii. Vami( April t, 190U. ) Notice is hereby given that the following unmeet settler bus ilhtl notice ot his Inten tion to mnke final proof tn suppoit of his claim, mill that Mild proof will le miulu before W. II. I'rcby, P lilted Htatcs Commissioner for Dlstilctof Unsblmiton, at hH olllce In (iolilcn Inle, Wash., on Friday, June -J, 1'jUO, viz: Deitricli II. Sternum, devisee of Dietrich Steuman, deceased ; Homestead Kntry No. S7IC, for the soittliwct )( of section township :i north of raiiRO II unst, Will. Sler. He names tho followliiK witness! s to pnivc lift conlliiuous residence upon ami cillltvallou said laud, viz: Manuel 8. lonunlo, of (iraml Dalles 1. (). Wash,; Herman Engelke, William Wilkinson, ot Centcrvtlle 1'. 0 Wash., and William Crawford, of Urnud Dalles 1. O., Wash. . W. It. DUNI1AK. mny2-l ltt-Klstcr. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice la hereby given that the undersigned, by mi order of the Countv Court of the Htato of Orenoii lor Wasen County, has )ccii umxil' ted administrator of tho estate of Helen Uradford. decease). All persons bavins claims: Hitnlntit trie esrate of said deeeaseu nro in tilled to ore sent thun, with tho proper voucliera, to uie nt noon uiver, oretfon, wnnin six nionins irom the ante of this notice. Dated May 15, lyoo. I'UTKAM F. llBAnmKO. Administrator of the Ksmte of Helen Ilrad ford, Deceased. IC-l CONTEST NOTICE. Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior paints when you can buy James E. Pfltton's eun proof paints for $1.50 per gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark & Falk, ngeuts. mI7 For Mule. The furniture and fixing?, including range, delf and cutlery of the California restaurant, and the beds and bedding of eltrlit rooms overhead. Inquire at the restaurant. 2j-lw Fur Halt). A good second-hand threshing ma chine for eale nt L. Lane's blacksmith shop, on Third street. J-Ld&whn Wuuted. A girl to do general house work. In quire- at the Dalles Lumbering Co. 'a office. may20-lw For Hnltt. A second-hand ten-foot Randolph header, in fair condition. Will be sold cheap. Enquire of Ai.kx. MoLkod, mayll-linw The Dalles. Malu, Trimmed lints and patterns at coat for the next thirty days at the Campbell & Wileon millinery parlors. 23-tf Department of tiik Intewok, Unitku Statks Lank offick, THE DaLLEm. Oil. Jlav 15. 1900. A sutllcleiit contest affidavit baviiiK been llleit in mis oince ny uu . Alexander, contestant arainst homestead entry No. .1777. made Jlav 14 1SAW, for Mvk ol nivJi , tec. C, tp. 1 n, raiiKC 13 e, by John T. Wrlirlit, contestee. In which It In al iened that said John T. IVrluM has wholly aoandoacil said tract, and cliaiiKed Ills residence inereirom lor more mail six mourns mice mak ing said entry, and next prior to date: mid that the absence of defendant fiom sjiIiI tract Is not line tn his employment In tho military or naval serviconf the United Htates, nld parlies are hereby notified to appear, respond nnd oiler evinence louciunir sain iiiiesriillon at IU oeloclc a. m. on .'line SO. 1U00, before the ltnihter and Keccivcr at the I'nited States laud olllce 111 Tho uanes, urexon. The sain contestant liavlmr, In a timper nllldn vlt, ilksl ilay 13, l'jte. set forth fuels which show that after due diligence peitonal service of this notice can not be made, It Is hereby ordered and dlriettd that such imilce Lx-kIvcii by due and iinni-r piiuiieniinu, lti-i JAV l'. l.t'CAS. IICRhter NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. iANn Office at Vancouvkii, W.isii ,1 , , ilay n, inw). ( 2olicn Is hereby itlven that the followlne: nainnl pettier has tiled notice of his Intention to make final tiroof in support of his claim, and iiiaiMiti pnxn win ix) mane iieioro w nt II. fresbv. (ioldviidale, ivbo made H. K. No, Sis5, for the fraction W'... S WA, Hec :w, Tp 3 N, It U K, und K4 of NK'4, See 30, Tp 3, N ft I J K, W. Jl. H' United Klates (,'iiMiiiilK.lnni-r. on July 0, 1X), viz: AmiiIicI K, Ollar. who made N Ho'names the follonlnir wltiicses tiinrnvn l,u eontlniious reaidenee upon, mid cultivation of e.iiu lauii, : Hobert A. riroutbers. Christ K. Kranzen. Will lain uoriier, John Kure, all of I,ju 1'. o I fi9llllJKM)ll. IV. It. llllK'IlAlt. majSI-I ItcKlster, NOTICE FOU PUBLICATION, Land Office nt Tub Daixks, Oiik.J A pill a, iuw. I Notice Is hereby itlven that tho fotloivlnir named settler has filed notice of Ills Intention to mnke final proof In atipmrt of his claim, and that suld r roof trill bo made beforu tlui Hi-.-l.n.r and itccelver at Tho Dalles, Oregon, on rialur- uny, June im, iiAiu, viz. Wilson J. Jeirers, of The Dalles, Or., Homestead Untrv No. lCV,. for tho Nl.: M'.vu nruuuu IV, lUWIIIIlip 1 IMII in, nuiKu 11 eiisi, win, iler. He names thnfollnwlne witnesses in nrnvn hl eoiitlnnons residence ujani and cultivation of said laud, viz: James llensou. Jr.. James llciuon. Sr.. Pntnr wmiin.-), i sum; jiimuiiin, nil oi ine iiaues, or, may'J l JAV 1'. I.UCAS, Ueiilstcr, Yellowstone Park Line. tiik iiixiNd cau nonr. kuom ronri.ANi to Tin: Tilt: only Dinner i.ini: totiii; vki.i.ow HIONK 1'AIIK I.IMVK. No. : (Untoa Depot, Flftliaml I sts Aiuitvi:. No. 1 M. Vast mnll for Taeonia, SiNittlo, Olympla, (iray'af lininor iiuii Miuiu iieun 'points, apnkinu', ltos-l laud, 11. ('.. I'lillnuiu, Moscow, I.ilston, llllf-' 11:13 A. M falolIiimplilltilUBCoiill-i ft,'A) I try, Helena, Mliuieai.o. Us, HI. l'aill, Omaha, Kaiifns Clly, Ht. I.ouls,' . ciileiiRii and all lalllits! et and southeast. j .So. 3. Puset round Express, for Taeonui and Scntlle, "id A. M and Intermediate points No I. lt;30 1. Jl. rullman llrst elass and lourltt aleepem to .Minneapolis, Ht. l'aul mid .Missouri river points without chance. Vustltmled trains. Union depot connection!. in all principal citiec llinrL-airo cheeknl to destluatiou oi tickets. Kur luiiiilsoiiielv lllusliateililescrtntlve matter! tickets, slcepliiK car reservations, etc., call on or wruo A. D. CHARLTON, rnxswamemmmmmmmmmmimmmmmmmm riKI-AllT roil Fmt Mall :IU p. m. time sniKiiULK. Ann:vK l'lioii Dalles. Khom. Kalt Ijikc, Denver, Ft.' Fnt Worth, Omaha, Khii- Mnll us city, tit. Louis, i V2:M it m Ulilcago auu l-.ast. Spokane Walla Wnlla, Hpokiine, MluueaHills. Ht. l'aul, ilu In t h, Milwaukee, milciiKO mid l-.ast, via Hpokaucakd HiiutliiK ton: also nil iilnt In WashlliRton und Kast- era OrcKuu. Sisikai Mall and Express 10:10 p. tn, 8 p. m. pH. K. X. WKUQVHiW, Physician and Surgeon, OfBoe, Vogt Mock (over Foitofflce), 20plwo-drv Till: DAI.I.KS, OltEUON, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. (leobled Tract.) Public Land Slo. Iawb Office at Tiik Dalles, Ohkoon, MuyU, uixj.l Notice Is herebv iriven that In tuiikiiancn nf Inslructloiis from tliucninmUiloiier nl ilm in. end land otllco, under aiithorlt) vested In lilui by section iilifi, U, H. It.iv. Htat., m Hinfiided by tho act ot congress approved Kebrusry X, IKI.1 WO will liiwetd to oiler at uuhlln sain on 8ulnr. day. the Pith day of June, next, Ht the hour of 10 o clock a, m, nt tliU office, the following tract of laud, to-wlt; hkh tv., section w, township l north, raiiKe 11 rut, M. M, Anv nnd all nermns clalmlnir advoriclv th above described lands are advUtd to file their elalms In thlioSlca on or before tho day above dttlgnattri for the commencement of aatd tale, otherwise tbeir rlghU will be forfeited. jay f . ivUOAB. Kecliter, sun, myl2ll OTIS fATTKHS , Receiver, A foil line of Eastman filnia and sop piles just received by Clarke k Falk. FnOM l'ORTLANI). Ocean Htvamships. For bin Francisco April 27, May 'J, 7, r. 8 i. in. hx.HuiidayCnlumblii Hv. Hteamers. To Astoria and Wny Baturdny buildings. . fia. m. Willamette Uivkh. hx.humlaytOrwm City. Ncwberu, rjaiem a ay utiiu's Hixikanc Mall and Kxprcss l:co a. ni 4 p. m. I p. m. Kx.huiida) 4:30 p. m Kx.bunduv r i a. m, (WILLAMETTE ANI Yam-, :i:W) p. m. TllCS.ThUr.! HILL IIIVEHS. Ml)ll.,Vl and Sat. Orccon City, Dayton,' and Frl. ' and Wny-liuiliUKS. I 6 a. m. TucThiir, und Bat. Willamette UiVkii. t;30p. m. 1'ortland to Corvallls,, Mnu. Wed und Wiiy-UiinliiiKS. and Fiiday , i . I.v lllparial dally i I .IN a. tn. I Bnake Kivkr. ltiparia to ljwfstoii. I.kavi: I.KW1HTON dally 8:20 it. m. m- i nines iiesiiiiic to co lo lleiuiucr or points on t.'olunihla Bonthern via DIkhs, should nine .o. z, leavlliK '1 he Dalles nt r.'MO ti. in. inakliiL' direct connections nt llitiimn-r liinellini i. nil muni. iii:iiiruiuK masiuK ui reni connection ai iiuppuer jiiiicium and iiikks with No. ni:iK ai 11111 oaues in ii:wp. m. For full tuirticillara call on o. axent The Dulles, or address It. Ai N. Vo.'t Cirri W. II. HIJKI.IIUIIT. 1'iis. Act., 1'ortland, Or, SOUTH and EAST via solium Pacific Co. Shasta Route Trains leave Tho Dulles for I'ortlaud mid way tatlons at n. in, mid :! p, in. U'avo I'ortlaud , 8:1X1 u in " Albany .l'J.aiuin Arrive Ashland i2:::i u m haeramcato rr,U p in " Hau Fralicliico 7:t'i p in irlvo ()Kdon fi: IS n m ' Denver U:0D u m KuliB.ts t:lty TiWiim " tJlileago 7: 15 ii in Arrive Um AiircUh li'.-O p m v;' V'.t? ..' 6:oo pin (.Ity of Mexico :Miim eiiston 1:00 u m jew Orleans .,, ., lirnm WasliiiiKtoii., C:i-J a m " Ncwork 12; 1.1 p in 7:d p iu 10:W p m 11:30 ii m I ill", n in h:l.')ii m II: 15 n m OiUlu in VM ti in U ISO ii m 7 id a in OiUI p III flpllt 111 tUVill in 1:00 n in fli'i'i p in i' 12 II III 12'Upm I'u 1 1 man and Tourlit Chair cars Hacramenln In (Wri.n i.'i i. aiidloiiiUt pnrs toflilcuKO, Ht Umls, New Or leans and WasliliiKton. C'Olinectlnir at Kan Krn jteiimshlp Ifiies for Honolulu, Japan, t;,,, I'lilllppliies, Central and Hon th America. ' Bee aifeiit at The Dalles station, or address C H. MARKHAM, Ueuerol rseiiger Agent, roilliuid, Or J 'i i 't i 'i h f . ':-' 1 1 . Tho Dullos, Ot. The Chronicle, Job Printers. $ i .oa per month. Strictly II rut class local and long dintiineo telopliono itervice witlilu your home. Lines do not eroim-lalk. Your con verHiitloti will I mi kept a fteeret. No cont for itiHtallinK. You Rit tbe utandard Hunuing Long UiHtiint IiiHtruuient. Contiiinotifl dny und night orvlce, Wo will accept your contract for ton years and allow you to enncel Name on k'ivIuk ub thirty days writ ten notice. PACIFIC STATES TELEPHONE COS. WasRnWarfihnirsecnmnaBV TTfiflrimmrtfira for &aari n-noin f nil Vintk -a. -w, Headquarters for Feed Grain ot eii kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail and TT J- j r t- rMi j r.nri nil kln4i of MUX I Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle ton i lOHr T'li" Flo,,r 18 "mnitftictnrod xpreh8ly lor a . u ho i ovorv flack In Ktiaruntoed to iv sntisWlj d sell our tiootls lowor than nny Iiousu in tho trude, and if you don't tfiiu" can aim ijoi our pricea ami no convinced. Highest Prioes Paid for Whoa.t, Barley and Oats. anrl MOTOR HUM XANUf ACT UIIK1I 11V T. BROWNHILL, JU8TI0E OFTHK PV.xrw Pobllo. CollfletioM promptly intended to. Monv to loan. fi. k iin a. .i Bee, The Dallee, Oregon, ' n iwi n . it : u isvi nn j i, i m a i i u - h . 1 iu SUITABLE FOR DRIVINQ GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, J . ,-lfH Vnl jyjjiiiVATUKS, PRINTING- PRESbo. Circulars mid particulars furiiInbed.oup'plicatloii. i F. S. GUNNING, A6w nao thk iullks, om r - Subscribe for the Chronicle. aUVOl blBD 111 bUD v-