The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 04, 1900, Image 3

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    Let us talk of
Mis al 88.85
Doing1 a little
better than
Clothing Stores.
Wo aro soiling a spocial value Suit now at $9.85
that is simply unboalablo for the money asked. This
Suit is of suporior merit and stylo, and really ought to
be sold by us for $12.50, for that is the price of similar
Suits at other stores.
All Styles
All Makes
All Colors
Perfect Fit
Fine Clothing, Hats
All Ooods Marked
In Plain Figures.
The Dalles Dally Chronicle.
Telephone No. J.
JUNE 4, 1000
At Andrew Kellar's.
Tiie little son of Kev. U. F. Hawk, at
luat hccouiiIb, wan recovering rapidly.
A black uilk butt, with funcy buckle,
Wis lout Saturday evening on WashiiiR
tjn ntroot. Finder please leave at this
ofliu !.
A person can now take breaftfast in
Antelope, dinner in The Dalles and get
back to Antelope for euper, says the
Wood Bros, received today twenty
live head of flue fat hogs from Klickitat
county, for which they paid per
hundred, gross.
Kev. V. B. Cliftou. paBtor of the Cal
vary KuptlBt church of title city, will
pre.ieli in the Baptist church at Arling
ton tonight at 8 o'clock.
The Antelope Herald eays three inches
o' mow covered the ground in the Axe
Handle district, sixteen miles from that
I1 C4, Sunday and Monday.
The eon of Amoti Koot, of MoBior, a
yoiun of about 12 years, was operated
oil in Tho Dalles today for bono disease
in the knoo by Drs. GeisemlorUer tmd
Ft uiuon.
lr b ii nthualaBta are demanding that
Ui!) Mnv regiment of Irish guards shall
wour t'ui kilt, on the ground that it was
the national drees of Irishmen long be
'ore the Scutch Highlanders took to
weni ing it.
Hugh Jackson, the Htagetnnn, now of
Arlington, arrived here today from Port
land where he sold w bunch of eighteen
litttd of lirokun work horsee at an
avoiago ,,riCo 0f $(t7.C0 a head. The
nnliimlH weighed from 1000 to MOO
pounds uHoh.
Cotnpluto returns of the election will
rucoived tonight at tho Umatilla
Noiihi', The county vote will bo re
wived by procincts and tlio rest of tho
stuto by countleB. Tho telegraph and
julephono ofllcoB will bo kept open tie
'g as limy be noeeseary.
Ah we go to press the election ia prc
BroaBlng uioliy. At 3:30 about two
Jl'irda of the registered voto of tho city
'tl been polled, It la impossible to tell
now the vote is going; but the republi
ciiia are confident, many ol them, of
cnrrylng the wholo ticket.
0 Kurd, the photographer, lias had on
oxlilbitlon In one of the windows of
Uomiell'a drug store one of tho hand
jomeai photograpliB we bnvo ever seen.
V 8 ft picture in natural colors of the
ullus of the Columbia, Ukeu liotu au
levnted point eit ol Beufert'i can
But our well established rep
utation for giving great values,
and our pride in doing a little bet
ter than other stores causes us to
make this groat offer. '
World-Beaters in
Summer Overcoats....
and Furnishing Goods.
nery, willi Mt. Hood in the distant
background.' The picture is forty inches
in length and is a gem well worth see
ing. Laborers on the Mohawk branch of
the Southern Pacific railroad are dis
satisfied with the present Ecaie of wages
paid by the contractors. Common la
borers are paid $1.75 per day, but the
workmen claim they can do better, and,
as a consequence, are quitting.
B. F. Laugh lin came up from Port
land to attend the polls. He reports
that his son, Lloyd, who was recently
operated on for appendicitis, is lecover
ing rapidly, and hopes are etftertained
that iu a week or so he will be well
enough to stand the journey home.
Mr. C. J. Stubliog, of The Dalles, has
purchased all the right, title und inter
est of O. G. Green and Mrs. Green in
the towneito of Stevenson, including
tiieir home on Cascade avenue, and Mr.
Stubliog is now the owner and proprie
tor of a town, and a county seat at that.
Just what Mr. Stubling will do with hiB
new possessions we do not know, and
doubt if Mr. Stubling does, says the
One of the most interesting events of
the late Forrester's picnic at Dufur was
the one that none of the newspaper fra
ternity noticed, and only came to The
Cuuonici.e'h ears by an accident. They
had a baby show, when the plumpest
and handsomest lot of little cherubs
that ever slipped through the celestial
gale was exhibited. Tho prize was
uwarded to the baby of Mr. und Mrs. J.
L. Hadley, of Boyd.
Special Night Watchmau Alisky de
sires to know the whereabouts of Eddie
Clarke, u boy of IS or 10 years, who is
known hero by liia companions as Beau
Clarke. Mr. Alisky has an important
message for him concerning his family
in Portland. Clarke was iu The Dulles
throe days ago, and ia supposed to be
working eomewhere on the other side of
the river. Any one knowing ills where
abouts will confer a favor on him by
letting him know.
Tho first brood of youug' Chinese
pliOUBiuitB were seen lust Wedfiosdoy out
by tho Meslker place uearuoldendale,
Bays the Agriculturalist There were
thirteen in tho brood tun they were re
markably spry und cut Parties seeing
any other broods aro kindly requested to
report same to Dr.K. E. Stewart, of
Goldoudale, so ttuft he cnu get an ap
proximate idea of tho number being
raised, and also for the better protection
of the little follows.
A. A. Urnihart, Win, Morguniieiu,
and D.ivo Stroud, who have beeu work
ing on tho city wator ditch in tho neigh
borhood of tho nieudowB arrived hero
this morning to attend (he polls. They
have 'partially opoued a ditch about a
mile and ft quarter in length through a
swamp botween the Dog river ditch and
Mill creek, whore the water formerly
spread over a large tract of ground and
flowed among fallen timber and weods
and skunk cabbage as high m ft man's
auoulder. In digging the ditch they
opened up nearly a dozen springs of
ENGLISH DIMITIES Neat little patterns in
delicate colors at 20c per yd
FOULADRINES The groat leader in Wash
Fabrics at ,..15c
SPOT CREPE In solid colors, popular goods
for wrappers 20c
DRESS GOODS Homespuns, Covert Cloths, Serges,
etc., for unlined skirts, 52, 51 and 5(5 inches wide,
at $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00 per yard.
Summer Vests.
SILK VESTS An assortment of extra pink and
blue, at 05c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.25
and long sleeves, low neck and sleeveless,
short sleeves 10c, 12ic, 15c, 20c, 25c and 35c
ON THE COUNTER Cleaning up odds and
ends we have placed on the counter vests sell
ing in the regular way for 25c, 30c and 35c, at 19c
pure ice-cold water that they estimate
will increase the flow into Mill creek
fully one-third. Tiiey say some of the
Bprings are "as thick as a man's leg"
and there is no better water in the
That there is crying need of cheap
transportation between the interior and
tidewater goes without saving. It costs
now 12,34 cents to move a bushel of
wiieat from eastern Washington to the
ship dial will transport it to Liverpool.
"That is just abnit one-third tho pre
vailing price of wheat in this section,"
eaps the Spokane Review. "If it be ad
mitted that wheat can be grown here at
a cost of twenty-cents per bushel, an
exceedingly low estimate, it mesne that
the transportation coaipany makes
more out of hauling the wheat crop to
tidewater than the farmer makes from
all Ibis labor and all his investment.
The state grain inspector estimates this
year's wheat crop in eastern Washing
ton nt 25,000,000 to 30,000,000 bushels.
If 20,000,000 bushels should be sold for
export, the railroads will take $2,500,000
for moving the crop to tidewater. If
the freight rate were reduced one cent a
bushel, it would mean a direct saving
to t he farmers of eastern Washington
of $200,000. If an open river lowered
the freight rate five cents per bushel,
tiie saving would amount to a million
John Booth is iu the city from Port
land. M. P. Ieenberg, of Hood ltiver, is in
the city today.
L, E, Crowe was a passenger on the
mid-day train for Portland.
G. S. Evans, wife and son weie in
town today from Hood River.
Frank Connelly, who is now a resident
of Spokane, is iieie on a short visit.
Clyde T. Bonney, of Hood River, was
iu town last night and left for homo this
Mrs. Robert Kelly went to Portland
yesterday on a visit to her daughter,
Mrs. Gilbert.
Miss Maude Michell went to Portland
this morning on a visit to her grand
mother, Mrs. Bulger.
Rev. O. P. Taylor came up from Port
land Saturday and returned on tiio mid
day train today.
Mlua Afnn' I". D.intlilf. wlin Inlfi linen
teaching In Tho Dalles public schools,
has gone to Portland to spend Jior va
Misses Isabella and Leo mi Noltner, of
Portland, who have been visiting with
their coueln, Mrs. I). V. Poling, returned
home today on the mid day train.
Mrs. O. Twiueham, who has made
her homo in the Umatilla House for the
past couple of months, left for Portland
this morning to rotido there perma
nently. Unless food Is digested quickly it will
ferment and irritate the stomach. After
each meal tako a teaepoonful of Kodol
Dvsoensla Cure. It digests what you
eat and will ullow you to eat all you
need of what you like. It never fails to
cure the worst esses of dyspepsia. It
is pleasant to take.
IIotv an InijuUltlrt Woman Managed
to Head (lie Paper of a
A big, fine looking man sat in the
corner of a .South side ear reading his
newspaper. Next to him sat a little
woman in an up-to-date frock. She
had a box of candy in one hand and
an opera libretto in the other. She
tried to get n newspaper from a boy
who came through tho car, but the
conductor broke up the transaction
and, seizing the small newsdealer, put
him down on the pavement. Then the
pretty woman in the up-to-date frock
paid her fare in pennies, and smiled,
bays, the Chicago Inter Ocean.
The big man's newspaper was
spread out before her eyes, and site
glanced at the headlines. Then she
read a half column about a thrilling
rescue of a typewriter girl by a gal
lant fireman. She glanced sideways
nt the big man. Apparently he was
taking no notice. She began on a
story of burglars in a South side fiat,
how they bound and gagged n wom
an, stole her sealskin sack, and
"Oh, oil! the horrid tilings!" she ex
claimed, excitedly.
The big man looked around inquir
ingly, and then, quite as a matter of
course, he said:
"Have yon finished tills pnge, ma
dam? If so, let us turn to the stock
reports and the society news."
The Mutt 1'rlmltlve Mumuitlal.
In tiie Quarterly Journal of Micro
scopical Science Mr. Hill, of Sydney,
gives an account of his important re
searches into the embryology of mar
supials. He has discovered tiie exist
ence of a distinct placenta iu the liaudl
coots, and infers that tiie retention of
such a structure indicates u primitive
condition. Other orgniib of the Bandi
coots arc in a condition which may he
described us persistently embryonic,
and thus much more primitive than in
any other known marsupial. Thus nil
tiie evidence points to the view that the
marsupials originally developed a pla
centa, which lias been aborted in the
more specialized fornif.
tiit'cr Tll-IIH. "
The emperor of China is reported to
lie especially fond of two dishes
tsimrl and iiiiishtui. The first is a con
coction of roue-cabbage worms fried iu
paste, the second is small roast dogs,
a dish said by a oorrepboudeiit of tho
Cleveland Plain Dealer to resemble
sucking pig. with oianue siiuee.
'i'liut Throbbing lli'inluclio
Would quickly loavo you, if you used
Dr. King's New Lifo Pills. Thousands
of sulferora hove proved their matchless
merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches.
They make pure blood nud strong
nerves and build up your health. Easy
to take. Try them. Only 25 cents.
Money back if not cured. Sold by
Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. 5
Neglect is the shoit step so many tako
from a cougli or cold to consumption,
The early use of One Minute Cough
Cure prevents consumption. It is the
only harmless remedy that gives imme
diate results, It cures all throat and
lung troubles. Children all like it and
mothers endorse it.
Subscribe for The Chronicle.
Tho Kind Yon Have Always
iu use ior over jju years,
ana has been mauo under his pcr
sonal supervision since its infancy.
fCCAXV Allmvnn nun tni1n.t I..
AH Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" aro but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger tho health of
Initmts and Children Experience ngainst Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops nud Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Nnrootie
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Fcvcrishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It. relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep
The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
Bears the
The KM You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
.... DXTI....
Special Stove Sale
Will close Wednesday,
June 7th, 1900.
Those wishing a now Cook Stove
or Steel "Range will miss it by not
taking advantage of this sale.
Stove manufacturers advanced
their prices 5 per cent this week.
If you intend to tuku n trip KaBt, nek
your ticket agent to route you vin The
Great Wabaeli, a modern and up-to-date
railroad in every particular.
Through trains from Clurao, KnnHas
City, Omaha or St. LouiB to Now York
and New England points. All trains
run via Niagara Falls und every through
train lias free reclining clmlr cars, Bleep
ing and dining curs.
Stop ovor allowed on nil tieketn at Ni
agara Kails. Uo.s O. Ci.ixij,
Pacific; Coabt Pubs, Agt
Los Anueles, Calif.
C. S. Ciiani:, fi. P. A., St. LouiB, Mo,
ICiliiorV Awful I'lik'lit.
F. M. Iliggins, editor Senaea, IUh,,
News, was tilll cted for years with piles
that no doctor or remedy helped until
ho triad Hncklen's Arnica Salve. He
writes two boxes wholly cured him. It's
tho surest pile cure on faith and the
best boIvo in tho world. Cure guaran
teed. Only 25 cents. Sold by Uliikoley
& Houghton, droggisi. 5
For Infants and Children,
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars tho
Sigunturo of
Columbia Hiver leo &. Fuel Co. wishes
to announce that they will deliver ica to
any part of the city at all hours of the
day or night. 'Phone .13 or 81 Ixmg
Plat, ; 75 or 8 Seufert & Condon.
Freeh cracked Nebrabka corn nt the
Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of
chicken feed, uicb26-ti
Bought, and which has beca
lias ttorno tho signatnro of
Signature of
Garden Hose
AVo have laid in a largo
stock of Clarden JToso and aro
carrying tho sanio brand of
J lose that wo havoboen carry
ing for tho last fi vo years,
which is the celebrated Mal
tese Cross Brand. Wo carry
the same brand of Hose that
tho Dalles City Kiro Depart
ment has been using for tho
last twonty yoars. Tito Mal
teso Cross Brand is without
doubt tho best grade of I
on tho market. Call and got
our prices boforo buying.
(VlaieF & Benton
Sole Agents,
jT)ll. U. T. HM1TII,
Itoomk 10 und II, Cliuimmii TIIurL, Tlio Dalles,
Oregon. Tut'tUajs and Krlituye, H a. in, to Vi,