I I I The Dalles Daily Chronicle. MONDAY JUNK 4, 1000 Republican Ticket. STATE OFFICERS- Justice of tlio Supreme Court-Wolverton. -C. E. Food niul Dairy Commissioner J. W. Bailev. DISTRICT OFFICERS- A. Moody, of Congressman Malcolm The Dalles. Joint Senators J. N. Williamson, of Crook ; T. H. Johnston, of Wasco; W. W. Steiwer, of Wlieeler. Joint Repiesentatives A. B. Roberts, of Wasco; R. A. Kmmett, of Klnumtli ; George Miller, of Gilliam; George CRttanarh, of Grant; Georce A. Bar rett, of Grant; T. H. McGreer, of Wasco. District Attorney The Dalles. -Frank Menefce, of COUNTY TICKET. County Judge A. S. Blowers, of Hood River. -P. A. Kirchheiner, of Commissioner-Antelope. Bheriff Robert Kelly, of The Dalles. Clerk A. E.Xake, of Wamic. Treasurer C. L. Phillips, of The Dalles. Assessor C. L. Schmidt, of The Dalles. Superintendent of Schools C. L. Gil bert, of The Dalles. Surveyor J. B. Goit, o! The Dalles. Coroner W. H. Butts, of The Dalles. For Justice of the Peace of The Dalles Timothy Brownhill. Constable Frank Hill, of The Dalles. FOR AX OPEN RIVER. In an address to "the people of the Columbia river basin," the Portland chamber of commerce urges immedi ate and united effort to secure an open river to the sea. It advocates the immediate construction by the government of a portage road around the obstructions at Celilo and The Dalles, for temporal relief, and the ultimate construction of a canal and locks. With the portage road, steamboats could gather the products along the Columbia and the Snake rivers and carry them to the upper end of a short portage. There the cargoes could be transferred to cars, and Irom the cars delivered to other steamers at the lower end of the road. Thence, by means of the existing canal and locks at the Cas cades, there is open navigation to the sea. After the completion of the proposed canal and locks at Celilo, steamboats could- run without inter ruption from Lcwislon to the sea. To this end, the Portland cbamncr four years ago to organize the republican party iu that state. Abraham Lincoln was one of the delegates and made n wonderful nud characteristic speech. In tho ilerec light of the prcaout democratic con tention that the constitution, of its own force, follows the ling, it is interesting to note what the founders of the republican party thought of that doctrine forty-four years ago. Tho convention in part "Resolved, That wo hold, in ac cordance with the opinions nud practices of all the great statesmen of all parties for the first sixty years of the administration of the govern ment, that, under the constitution, congress possesses full power to pro hibit slavery in the territories; and that, whilst we will maintain all the constitutional rights of the South, justice, humanity, the principles of freedom ns cxprosscd in our declara tion of independence nnd our nation al constitution and the purity and perpetuity of our aovernn-ent ro quire that power should be exerted to prevent the extension of slavery into the territories heretofore free." Columbia Hnutliorti Wnrolinime. Bradstrcets reports that failures in the month of April were not onh' fewer than in any corresponding month for a number of years, but were 13 per cent smaller than March, and were in fact lighter than those of anj month recorded since Sep tember last year, when embarrass ments and liabilities were the small, est reported in any single month for the Inst seven years past. This is in line with Uic general opinion that business rcnt-heil its most prosperous coudition since 1892-3 in the autumn of last year, hut is not in line with the belief in some quarters that business is so very much less pros perous now. This latter view is occasioned by the fact that prices have declined somewhat and is un doubtedly erroneous. Prices were much too high hist year as all con servative people believed. They are now seeking more nominal levels. As a consequence business in general is undoubtedly better for it, and there is hardly any question but that the volume is ns great, probably niiich greater than it was last year at this time. At Shnnlko the Columbia Southern Railway Co. control 80x100 fi'et of the Shnnlko warehouse bulliliiiir, to ho need ns n freight warehouse, through which they will receive niul forward freight in the iiual manner. Tim impression that n'l busiut'ss must Im clono through for warding houses is nil erroneous one and we take this menus of dlHpulling it. Freight received and hold twenty-four hours will bo turned over to a forward ing house subject to the order of tin1 consigned. The rale on wool in sacks or in bales from Shnuiko to Thu Dalles is 25 cents per 100 pounds. For rates or other information call on or address C. E. Lyti.k, G. F. & P. A., or Gko. F. Boms, Agent. hhnniko, Or. Starvation never yet cured dyspepsia. Persons with indigestion are already half Btarved. They need plenty of wholesome food. Kudol Dyspepsia Cure digests what yon eat so the body can bo nourished while the worn nut or gans are being reconstructed. It is the only preparation known that will In stantly relieve and completely cure all stomach troubles. Try it if you are suffering from indigestion. It will cer tainly do you good. Reports show that over fifteen hun dred lives have been saved through the use of One Minute Cough Cure. Most of these were cases of grippe, croup asthma, whooping cough, bronchitis and pneumonia. Its early use prevents con sumption. Kutlce. Owing to the retirement of Frnnk Chriaman from thu firm of Chrisman Bros., and his intention to leave the state as soon as possible, all debts due the firm must be paid immediately. All having chums ngninat the firm will please present them at the market for Complete Cii?e of at M. Z. DONNELL, THEaDRUOGIST. ,1 pavment. m4-tf ClIltlHMAN BllOTIIKIlS. Now that tho election is over the next thing on the program is the Fourth of July, and The Dalles, with I its customary exchange of hospitality, j will depopulate itself on that day and t celebrate with its friends nnd neigh hors in the surrounding country. All who suffer from piles will be glad to learn that DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve will give them instant and per manent relief. It will cure eczema anil all skin diseases. Beware of counter feits. The Chinese ask "How is your liver?" instead of "How do you do?" for when the liver is active the health is good. DeWitt's Little Early Risers are famous little pills for the liver and bowels. Clarke & Falk have received a carload of the celebrated Janie E. Patton Btrictly pure liquid paints Ivy poisoning, poison wounda and all other accidental injuries may be quickly cured by using DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. It is also a certain cure for piles and skin diseases. Take no other. Clarke & Falk have on sale a full line ! of paint ami artist's brushes. A Practical Iemontrallau. A fact proven by actual demonstration is more satisfactory than any theoretical proposition. Realizing this, and know ing that they have a proposition which thev ran tfnaruntep. tlifl Orpwin Siinitnrv Of commerce "urges upon ovoryolo(9l company, of The Dalles, Or., citizen of the Columbia river basin . have constructed one of their sanitary to interest himself in the effort by closets nnd put the same into actual using all his influence to bear on the 'operation. The closet is now located in commercial bodies in his section, on ! th? rear of Cha. Burchtorfs bicycle re- pair store on Second, between Federal the state senators and representatives ! an(1 LaU(.h,in atreete, The Dalles, and from the various districts in the the public are cordially invited to call country whose future prosperity is j and inspect the same. This company involved, and, at all times and every-1 iB lww Prepared to All orders promptly. where, to earnestly assist in the effort j V"""" this system will be fur ' , J 1 nialied full information upon application to cause the making of a new survey ! to or crreHnondenne with D. s. Dnf.ir. for a canal and locks, nnd the im mediate construction of a portage railway, necessary in transporting materials and labor for the canal construction; which, though built for that purpose, shall he open nnd free to the public for transportation pur- The Dalles, Or. m31-lwd3tw For a Nice Suit of Clothes. Panting, Ovcrcoatin-or Funcj V.itlug. Kindly call nntl examine niy trck of Im porltil unrt 1) identic Woolens. A line dock to elect from. Hult Hindu from l lie lowest juiced to (lio lilgli. est grade. I Lane. BiacKsmiifi A ND Horner k.l,:-:-;T;T;.;.;.:.:.i Wagon and Carriage Werk. Flah Brothers' Wagon. Tbirdlaud JciTcr'nn, Phoiie:i59 r ..chas. mU- Butchers and Fafmers ..Exchange.. Kecpxnn ilriniKlit tlio celebrated COI.UMIIIA IIKKK, iiefcnim-:. Mixed tho best bwr In Tlio llullcii, nt tlio umuil jirk'c. Comu In, try It nnd be convinced. Alio the Kitirht brands of Wlnen, U inor slid Clears. Sanduuiehes of all Kinds nlwitjr on band. C. F. Stephens .Dealer In... Dry Goods, Clothing, Hoots, Hliocs. lints, Ciijis, Notions. Ifor V. I IIoiikIiih Hliw. Act. J I'M hwioml Ht., II The Dalles, Or, i: SB : REGULATOR LINE. DALLES, PORTLAND & ASTORIA NAV. COMPANY Htcnmemof the ItcKuMtor l.tno will run ns Ult, hwiHi fcntir itlllit. tin. fnmiuittv ti'diift.f n .1... . . IU01 ri'liciliilo without notice. MM1 Str. ncKiilntor. IIIIU'M J, I.V. lMUl'H ( lit 8 A. Mi ; Ttli'.'iliiy !, TlintMliiy .... Hiiiuriliiy . . . Arr. I'ortliinil UP. I.v. Portland nt 7 A. M. Monday . WcdiH'mtsy . . I'rldny Arr. Diilli'H nt b::!i) p. m. Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. Str. Dallon City, DOWN I.v. Did nt H A. k. Monday Wnliandiiy , I'rldiiy.., Arr. Portland nt ft p. u. . . "r. '- J'nttUnd "17:110 a.m. T11M1I4. t 5:ai r. u. J J FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, TrilVol by tlii Micnnu'rs 01 ino iirKUiiuor i.niu. i no v.iiiiimuv win ciiiicnvor to b ve Hi nai H riiiiH thu lioMt m-rvlro noss lilo. I'or furllior Information Hililri'H, "ili-(3 C, I'orllnml Olllrc, OaleHlrrdt Duel.. W. C. ALL A WAY, Oen. At. PIONEER BAKERY, I hare re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer cer. C. S. Smith, Till- Up-to-date Qroeer Froah Kkkh hihI Cri'iimery Butler u Hpt'cinlty. 2d Street. 'Phone 270. A O001I CoubIi .tleillclnn. It Bpeako well for Chainberlain'e 1 CoukIi Itemed1 whon (IriiKKists use it in their own families in preferenra nny other. "I have sold ChHinberlnin'i Couch Remedy for the past five years u'Ifll pnmrilMtf. U11 f Ictfnr.t Inn In rnvclf uml I poses until n canal nnd locks slmll lie !clIatomere. avB DmhikIhiJ. Gulddmith. completed and duly thrown open for : Van Etten, N. Y. "I have always used J the public service . it in my own family both for ordinary It is the belief of the chamber of ico"hs und CHldti HI1(1 for 11,0 'M commerce tbat the teatilt of these ' ,?w,n ' irn;e, and find it very ,inca ... icioiib." tor ealo.hy Ulakeley tt IlouKlt- HlJjHUVuuiuiiiB wuiiiii ui: tu "uuinruj (Ji the freiylit rates of nearly the whole country. If this splendid region is J. A. Eberle. Fine Tailoring. 1 1IK ItAIiCKri OllKUON. A hiralni il Anhlu Quickly (liiruil. "At one time I suflered from a Kevero to be developed to its fullest extent, - sprain of the ankle," says Geo. K. Gary, editor of the Ouido, WuBhingtcn, Vn, cheap transportation must bo cslnb lished along the line of least re sistance the Columbia river." REP UBLIVA NJSM FORTY AGO. YEARS Last Tuwday, tbc 29th ult., a meeting was belt in Bloomington, Illinois, to commemorate the con vention tbat met in tbat town forty. "After uditiK severul well recaminonded medicines without giiccute, I tried Chamberlain's Tain Balm, and am pleated to say that relief came as soon M I began its ue and a complete cure speedily followed'" Sold by Diakoley & Houghtonu Small is alee and great in results are DeWitt's Little Erly Ititert, the fa mous little pills tbat cleanse the liver and bowels, They do not gripe. ONE FOR AOOSC. nil M numnro ,'"Ple. Priit I'll I tliirlle(iiJioAiiillJupSi. P ISSJSIJ U .BoJab,rtroW,,w. UR. liQSANKO Co! Plilli Pa CATARRH Tim CM.'ANHIXO AND 11KAI.1NO CU11K VOH CATARRH Ely'i Cms Bali Kuf and plMunt to am. ConUluj no lu- iuriout drug. It U quickly absorbed. , Olvw lielUfat oaw. It Opcrit tad CImpmi oo dim fMtaa. Allan IniAmuiiirfm tLll2ArVt?iH,4 V jjlssjlusas. HMtOTM lbs Jusfc What You uaant. LULU IU MEAD & ivw We Put... every bit of twoiiLy years oxpuriuncc and drug knowledge with every Proscription Unit's compounded here Js if. any reason why our prescription business is increasing so rapidly? Ask your physician if we are reliable. BLBKELEY & H0U8HT0H ieliablo J'rescriptionists F. S. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shoo, Horseshoeing. ' Dealer in! Blacksmith Supplies. i:or secona & Langtilni, 'Phone 157 T I .1 . an a uw it eB in won roper horo. Such wide varie y ua wo are showing never ho ore uruced a Blniilo eto.tk. Heal imiu. t on ereton efleota ut ordlnury prlcee. Good panerH nt oheai, par,u? ,rIc ......u.i piivni uur more on Third ...vw.. ....W.UII1U MM0 0 IIOU80 JiailltH D. W. VAUSE. Third St,' JJ. 8TURDEVANT, Deutist. Offlcs oi r Frencli 4 Co.'n Hunk Wwne 0, THK UAI.I.K8, OKEOON OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. The CLARENDON 1JESTAUWT And CAFE, J. B. Oroasen & Oo., Props. 87 Sooond Street FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. HUNHAWA KNKHAUUANKINU lIUfc'INKB Letters of Credit Issued available In the a, ,. fwawrn Diaies, nlUlIt Kxillianua a.wl rpl, i .. 8t. Louis. Han Yrv'TJ jton, Seattle Wash and Wlous poiote In Oregon and WMhington. (Jolleotlona maHu .11 .i.i. , arable teriu.. ' " UH w' Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, Digests what you eat. ItartlflclaJly dlReststhe food and iMi Katuro In BtrctiBthonlnp and reeon Btruotinsr tlio GxhuuBted dlKestlTeo fans. ItlBtbeluteHtdlBcovercddigMt- anl and tnnlrv Hn nl lw.r nnMili. can approach It In efficiency. It In stantly relieves and permancntlycum Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Niimcl SlokHeBdache.Gastralgln Cramp8,iM 111 other results of Imperfectdlffeitloa. Praparsd by E. C OeWlt. A Co.. Cblcaf J. 8. HcniNa, l'realdunt. 11. M. But , CaiUtf First National Bank. THE DALLES ... OREGON A General Banking luminous transact Depoelta received, suhjeut to Bigbt Uratt or Uhecfc. Oollections made and procedii prompt!; romltted on duv of collection. Sicht and Telegraphic Ezulmiiireioldci New York, flan Francmco unc porl- i i :anu. OIRBOTOK8 D. P. Tuompsoh. J NO. 8. BCHWO. Ed. M. Wiluakb, Gko. A. Liui. H M. Bbam.. me Goinmiiia nmt PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUKA0T0KK1IHOK Fine Lard and SauEMgM Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON iJRIF.D BEKF. KT0. 60 YEAHf' EXPEBIENOC llsBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaalali1ft JEBI0NS Copviiiohts ae-. Anrono nfliutliiK n dkelrli niul Iiivixitioii U imilmlily l"''V,l,a'',0-.n . tlftimirlctirriiiillil(iiillul. llniHllKH kuii ' wV!i. "."ft V'i J WXli "iun ,, ' fcSTrcwirt Jl Mi it in inaou uiumipii I.. tint Scleitlific America riiialKHi of ft 1 1 jr i. .1 oi i till ' 4' t Jid'l yuiir t limr iiiiiiitliu. fl. HolUI'jr ""'"u i ftPfJ 301Droailwa.neW,!P M INN m load-" I AXLE r j i --SB j' , ..uiicrfl m cxjwiuc. jsoiaevci"---- BBBBBBBBBBr HTflHUJMU JHV 1 If- 7 I UIIM-riHilTOM OCca oftrFlwt Nat. nana