i in ROLL OF HONOR. Itrcortl of Noiun ) r tlm I'llplln of Tlip Dllllt-N M'lllllllH. 111 pits neither til ing tho term tn'piin nml u titling May -'f, kast ii 1 1.1 Miss N. Cuopkk. James Fim uiiiuii llulun Kneel ley Albert Seherrur JCovvton Sextun Harold Sexton ICImer Smitli Karl Snrinyor Victoria Thompson Vedtt Webber Vunun Wtibbjr ,8ent nor turdv dur in January L'll, l'JOO, 11)00: I'ttlMAUY. .MlSS KollKKTS. Adolph Hue.hler Hfiirv UucIiIit Avu Crflyliton Alfred Ferguson Frank Feriruson Wither Sonet rer mi vi Tlnn ( n giirimi; COUKT STltUKT SCHOOL. Mis Douthit. Miss E. Cooi'tn. Wallace MuArthur. JBuniu Buehler Miss Makti.v. Lou Hosteller Xeott Allien' J""" Klindt Kendall Dufur (jertrutte Longnure Jlnrie Keller Me.Cauu UellieKatifmaim J"''" "''V'" Klint Nielsen altlier -Alice Johns Naomi Vttuao Miss Wbknn Delta Allen Clifton Condon Mo m Further Nellie Hosteller Charley Johnson Maud Ktrby Huttie Longutire Lawrence McArthur lid i th Mcl'rifrson Earl Seyo Ernest Walthur. ACADEMY PABK SCHOOL. Miss Ball. Roger Birufeld Anita Bennett Hobart Booth Gertrude Crow Eruia I).nsun iNova Dawson Dora Johns France Lakn Hany Nitschke Katie Stephens Miss Funk. Ida Crow Clarence Drips liaraona Drips Koy Johnson X.aura Kurtz .lames Lake Irene Martin Genevieve Nielsen ilniid Weaver Viola Young Mrs Kociie. Norma Dietzrfl Allie Groat Walter Huntington Wilson Huntington Alice Kurtz Winnie Ostuu Karl 1 timer Miss Piukman. Crystal Bennett May Baker Leah Booth Letha Collins Maude Golden Edwina Halfpapp Evelyn Halfpapp .Paul" Kreft E-tlU Martin EILt Young man school building. Mks. Baldwin, 15 in in a Belat Carrie Brown Anna Bauer Belle Champlin Boss Davis Miles Furnuson Ernie Halfpapp Evelyn Hayes Lela Kelsav Thursday Kent John Kent Vina Nielsen Bessie Nielsen Ethel Knark Ethel Willi. Miss T. Rintoul. Bessie Nielsen Xeno Kidilell Ireona Sexton Alice Williams. Mihs L. Hintoul, Gertrude Brown Jennie Collins Lizzie Dwi Stella Frizz-11 Vena Prizzi-11 Laura Haiuht Lindsay McCartney NiPl MeNamara William Sufnrt Mariraret. Siulien Guy Sexton Georgf VaiiHO Sadie Young. Miss Miciirll. Martha Bartell Bertha Blaser Grace Eubert James Huntington Sylpher Kent Lulu Ward Elizabeth Wyss Lemmie Willie. HIGH SCHOOL DKl'AKTMBNT. Delvrin Allnwny Orc-ir Beck Willie Cross Pearl EJtes Roy Emerson Porter Frizzill Pearl Grimes Nina Guthrie Florence Humpson Bruce Jnhnpnn Loto Kt'leay Maude McL"od Maude Micliell Harrv Miller Joseph McArthur Dora NieUen Huilie Kirn Nellie Roberts Evelvn r-androck Franci Sexton Dora fiexton 0'iva Slate Irem Urquhart Lfiiti Mnoro Lena Zimmerman. J. S. Landhus, Snpt. MORO IHORSE SALE AT AUCTION Juno lOtti I will have a baud uf about 100 head of horses, bred up in Clydes dale, in Moro, broke and unbroke, from 1400J pounds weight down to suckling colts, which I wish to eell at private sale in the forenoon, and at miction sale in the afternoon. Terms On nil stuns of $10 or lees, cash. Over $10, bankable notes paya ble November 1, 1000, or ten per cent oiTfor cash. N. h. MOKFITT, I also have a good No. 2 Hodm header lor sale, with two 20. foot boxes. Only ran one eeneon and in good order. You can get this cheap for c.Wi. Ailvortlitecl l.ulteri. ?l?ro!i;le5p?eial5 "Plutot mort qu'avcugle" Means, ''Rather dead than blind" blindness in most, eases is the result of n neglected trivial illness of the oyo. Many a person now blind could enjoy good eyesiirht hart it not been that the eyes were neglected, when the Hrst sign of disease appeared. Cataract and Glau coma, two of the inoctdamierons diseases, are in most cases duo to neiilliience in the care of the eyes. Then. H. Lietiti, of the firm of J. J5. Adcox & Co., Is a graduate of the Peoria Optical College, and the Bradley Polvtechnic Institute. He will correct and diagnose all errors ot refraction, byes examined freo. J. E. Adcox & Co., Jswolers NOllCE FOB PUBLICATION. l.AKl) OrFICK At THE 1UI.I.KH. nitKUOK,) April 00, WW), i JJnllco ts licrrbv clvcti Hint the fnllmvltiR niilnnl senior tins llleil notice o tils ttitt-utinn to mnku tliuil proot In iiiiirt ot Ills elulm, iintl ttuit ("util proof will tut nimlo before tlin Hewl-tr nnil llecelvcr at The IIivIIvn, Otcgoii, on Mitur ilny, Junc'.i, HHX), viz; Henry lieadel, of The D.illu, Or., ltmttp.ul Kntrv N'o. 1710. for the SK!4 MXttlon y, towuhtt t north, miiko l'J eaut, V. M. He names too followliiK wltiietM-x to prove his coiitlmious H'sliloiico iion unit cultivation of still liitiil, viz: Henry l.ui'hlni?, (Icoriio Arnolil, (Umrllo W. Ailains, Mtchnul Hoylu, nil of The Dulles. Or. inm-M JAY V. 1,1'CAS. llotiUter. BUSINESS LOCALS. Clark & Falk nro never closed Sunday Don't forget this. Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are the best. Ask your grocer for them. Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke & Falk. Paint your houso with paints that are fully guaranteed to last. Clnrko A Falk havo them. Coluntlitn Southern Wnrelioime. Eoilowing is the list of letters remain Ing in tho posloflke at The Dulles un called for June 1, 1000. Persons calling for the same will give date on which they wore advertised : LADIKH. Dougla, Carrie Iioseteti Morte Hill) Miss Emma Smith, Edena Hurst, Nancy Shane, Josie Olmatead, Bessie Taylor, Abbie Davies, Polly (1KNTLKHKN. Curran, Michael Smith, G II Copeland, Will Htillwell, Win iDavis, J W Tvrrell, Frank Hanson, Henry White, Thomas Hubbard, M D Wright, C H (2) Leist, Claude Btarks, Sammy JBhouds, L N Zjgore, Mr II, II. KlUDKLL, P. M. Win. Orr, Newark, 0 "We never feel fafe without One Minute 3ough Cure in the Iioum. It laved my little boy's life when lie had the pneu nonia. We think U,J the beat medicine made." It ewqtgha and all lung Ha oe. PlMtiiRt to Uke harmleM and cIvm 'inimedlateeaBlU. At Shaniko the Columbia Southern Railway Co. controls 80x100 feet of the Shaniko warehouse building, to be used as a freight warehouse, through which they will receive and forward freight in the umal manner. Tho impression that all business must be done through for warding houseB is nn erroneous one and we take this means of dispelling it. Freieht received and held twenty-four hours will be turned over to a forward ing house subject to the order of the consignee. The rate on wool in sacks or in bales from Shaniko to The Dalles is 25 cents per 100 pounds. For rales or other information call on or address C. E. Lytle, G. F. & P. A., or ' Geo. F. Ross, Agent, Shaniko, Or. The Dalles Comrriaion Houso will keep fresh milk at all times on hand and deliver it nnywhnro in the city at the following prices: One quart, $2 per month: three pints, $3; two quarts, $4 ; three quarts $5.50; cream 20 cents per pint, rresh butter every day. J8a-lm Mrs. Calvin Zimmerman, Mileaburg, a., save, "As a speedy cure for coughs, colds, croup and sore throat One Minute Cough Cure is uuequaled. It is pleasant for childien to take. I heartily recom mend it to mothers." It is the only harmless remedy that produces im mediate results. It aires bronchitis, pneumonia, grippe and throat and lung diseases. It will prevent consumption Mrs. Harriet Evans, Hinsdale, 111., writes, "I never fail to relievo my children trom croup at onco ny using One Minatc Cough Cure. I would not feel safe without it." Quickly cures coughs, colds, grippe and all thruat and lung diseases; Sole. Trimmed hats and patterns at coat for the next thirty days at tho Campbell & Wilson niillinerv parlors. 23-tf Experience is the best Teachur. Use Acker's English Remedy in any case of coughs, cold or croup. Should it fail to give immediate relief money refunded. 25 cts. and 50 cts. Ulakeluy & Houghton Druggists. You will not have boils if you take Clarke A Falk's sure euro for boile. Speciul reserve old government whis key, recognized by the highest medical authority in the land; especially recom mended by the board of health of San Francisco for hospital use, also A. P. O'Brien, M. D., captain and Burgeon, and Win. I). McCarthy, major and sur geon U. S, army, as the purest unadul terated stimulant fur couvaleeceu's, In valids and family use. Soltl by Charles Stubliiig. apl20'dlm PUKI). W. WJLKON, ATTOIINKV-AT LAW. Till: 1UI.I.KH, OHKOON Onleo ovei Writ Nat. IWnli. Sick Headache absolutely and perma nently cured by using Moki Tea. A pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep, work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. 25 cts. and 50 cte, Blakeley & Houghton Druggist?. Why pay $ 1.75 per gallon for inferior paints when you can buy James E, Patton's sun proof paints for $1,50 per gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark & Fa'k, agents. in 17 To secure the original witch hazol salve, ask for DeWitt's ' Witch Hazel D It. K. K. VKKGUBI'N, Physician and Surgeon, Ottee, Vogt Illoek (over I'oitoffice), C! 20pliao-dw. TI1K ;1ALLKH, OKKUON. AilliilnlMriitor' Hnli of Kent fropeit' Notice Is hereby nlven Hint from nml nftor tho ninth liiv of June, 1VK, I will proceed to sell nt private mile, for onli, tho tollowlni; ileerlheil property lieloiiKlnjr to tho estnto of Patrlrk llrowu, ileceneil, to-wlt: l.ot A. II. C. 1). I). 1". (1. 11. I.J. K nml 1.. in I block f7 of totl Dulles .Military rcervtithm, In Oregon. Kor luformiuloii Inquire nt otllce of Bluuott A: Hlunott. iMtat nt Dulles City this 10th ilnv of May, IWM,' DKI.1A V,. 1IIIOWN, Administratrix of the estate, uf l'Htrlek llrnwn, ileccHscd. m TIMBER CULTURE FINAL PROOF. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. 8. land UFrics, Vancouvku, Wash., I April so, mo. i Notleo Is hereby clvcn Hint Mary K. Heliums, by I). 11. Btctiumn. her attorney tit fnet, hnx llleil notleo of Intention to malic llmil prmif before W. II. l'resbv, I'nlted HUite i:oinnusnucr for District of WnshhiKtmi, nt his olllee in (inlden ilnle, WashliiKtoii, on Friday, the '.".ith day of June, PJCO, on Timber-ciilturo Application No. 297, lor tho northeast qunrter of icetlon .No 1, In township No. '2 north, range. No. II east, W. M. She nnnics us wltnetes: Manuel S. Leonardo, of (inind Dalles J' O., Wnsh.; Herninn Kncelke, William Wilkinson, of Ccntcrvillu l. () Wash., nnd William Crawford, of tlrnnd Dalles I'. O., Wnsh. W. U. DUNllAll, mny'J.I Iteulstr. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lanii Offick at Vancouvki:, Wasii.,1 April SO, IW, I Notice is hereby clveu that the lolI'mhiR named settler hns tiled notice uf Ills Inten tion to make Html proof In support of his claim, and Hint tnlil proof will he nimle before V. 11, l'reby, I'nlted Stntes Commissioner for Dlsttictuf nhlnton, at hi otllce in Golden dole, Wah.. on Friday, June SU, 100O, viz; Deitrich H. Stegman, tieviseoof Dietrich SteL'tnan, deceased; IlnmeteaU Kutry No. 87IG, for the southwest J4 ot section S2, township 2 north of ran?e II cist, Will. Mer. He names the following witness's to prove his continuous residence n!on und cultlvallim u! said land, viz: Manuel 8. Leonardo, of (irnnd Dulles I'. O. Wash.; Herman KiiKelke, William Wilkinson, ol Ccntcrville 1. ()., Wash., nnd William Crawford, of Grand Dalles l. U., Wash. W. It. DUNI1AH. mny'J-i IU-Rlster. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby clven that the undersigned, by an order of the Coiiutv Court of the htate of ureaon lor Wnscn County, Um been upp d ted administrator of the estate of Helen llradforil, decease 1. All persons having claims Ngalnst the estate of said deceased nre n. titled to pre sent thfin, with tho proiier vouchers, to me at HcxM Hivcr, Oregon, within six months from the utile of this notice. Dated May Is, l'JOO. I'ctnam K. llKAnroitn, Adiniiilstrator uf the Ksmte uf Helen brad ford, Deceased. IC-I CONTEST NOTICE. Dnt'Af.TMKNT or THE Intemou, ) United States Lm office, The Dalles, (jr., May 15, im) A snfllclent eontestntliilavlt having been II led in this nllice by (Ills S. Ale.Tatider, contestant, avninst homestead entry No. 5777, made ilny 11 lS'Jti, for wj,i of nwJi, sec. C, tp. 1 11, range 111 e, by John T. Wright, conteitev. In which It Is al leged that said John T. V rig t has wholly abandoned said tract, and changed his resldetico therefrom for more than six mouths since mak ing said entry, und next prior to oaio; ami that the nbsfiictf of defendant fiom said tract is not due to his employment in the military or navul servicoof tho United Htates, said parties are hereby untitled to npjear, respond and otler evidence touching s.iln allcimtinu at 10 o'clock a. m. 011 June SO, lDoO, before the It'-gister mid Keceivcr at the United mates land otllce in The Dalles, Oregon. The said contestant having, In 11 proper iiflliln vlt, filed ilny 15, mo. set forth fuels which show that after duo diligence iiuisoiihI her vice of this notice cm not be made, It Is hereby orderid and directed that such uotlcu be given by duu nnd proper publication. lti-i JAY 1'. I.UCAH, rtcgister. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I,.Ni Office at Vancouvki:, Wash ,1 ilay 17, IKK) ( Notice is hereby given that tho following? named settler has llleil notice of his intention to make final proof In support of his claim, nnd that sild proof will Ikj nimhs before W. it. l'ieb, Uulttd States Comiuistloni-r, at Ouldvudale, on July 0, I'M), viz: AhmIicI K, Ollur, who made II, K. No. Rsr, for tho fraction W'ji Hy4, Keeno ,Tp:i N, It 111 K, ami HKJi of NICj, Sec Jl, Tp J, N K Vi li, W. Jl. Ho names the following wltneses to prove his continuous residence upon, und cultivation of said land, Itobert A. Hrouthcrs. Christ 1'. Krnnzcti. Will lam (inrucr, John Kure, all of l.jle 1', 0,, Washington. W. It. DUNI1AK, muj2M Iteglster. Yellowstone Park Line. Till: DININ'd ( Alt ItOl'TK I'liOM rOUTI.A.ND 10 Till: HAST. THi: ONLY DIUIICT LINK TOTHK VIM.I.OW- K10NI: 1'AltlC j.kivi:. Depot, rirthanil I Sts auhive. No, No. t Knst mnll for Tnronin,' Penttlu, Olympla.firiiy's. llatlior ami miiiiii ueiiii , points, Hpokiiue, Itoss-: laud, ll. ('.. i'ullman, ,; Moscow, l.elstou, imr-' 11:15 A. M.'fiilolluniiunlnlugcouii-, !;'. 1'. Jl. trv, ileleuii, .Mlnni'iipo-1 Ills', St. Paul, Omiilui,1 1 Kansas CUV. Ht. Unils, I Chicago nml nil iiolutsi east ami southeast. rngct Kotiud i;xpre.s tor Thcouih and Kiittle 7;00 A. M. and Intermollato points; No 1t;rl I. V. M. No. ;i. Pullman tlrst clnss und tourlit sleeers to Minneapolis, St, l'aul nnd Jilssnurl river polntx without change. Vtistltmled trains. Dillon deit fonncotlons In nil principal cltie. baggage checked to destination of tickets, Kor handsomely lllitstiatisl descriptive matter, tickets, sleeping-car reservations, etc., call on or write A. D. CHARLTON, 0.R.&N. depakt 11)11 TIME SCItUDULK. Kkom Dalles. Kast iBalt Lake, Denver. Vt.; Mull 1 Worth, Omaha, Kan- li.10 p. m. sas City, Ht. Imls, uuieago aim r.asi. Spokane Mall and i;.preH 10:10 p. m. 8 p. m. 8 n. m. Kx.hunday Katurday 1U p. m. Walla Walla, Spokane, .Mluueupolls. Ht. l'aul, 1M1 1 u t Ii, Mllnutikee,! Chicago anil i-.ast, via Kfokituenkd Hunting, ton; also nil points in Washington und Kast ern Oregon. Tkom l'OBTHNI). Ocean Htcaiitshls. Kor ban Krnncisco April 7, May.', 7, 11', Columbia Uv. Kteamcrs. To Antukia and Way Ijuidlngs. i h. m. Kx.bunday 7 a. m, Ttiea.T hur, and hat. Willamette Uivek. Oregon City, Newbcrg, baieiit A: wny Ijinil s. Altn-.VK Khov. Kst .Mall 12::ki m Hixikniiu Mull und K.ipress l:UUn. tn 1 p. m. I p. m. Kx.Miudn) I. -HO p. m. Hx.Hutiduj WlLLAMSTTE AND YAM- .'1:30 P. 111. HILL I'.lVEIUi. Mou.,Wcd Oregon City, Dayton, und Krl. and Way-Ijiuillngs. 6 a.m. I Willamette Uivkk. Tue..'riitir,;llortland to Corvallls, and Hat, und Way-Ijiudlugs. bv Itlpnrlu: uoiiy M 11. ni Hnaki: ItlVEIt. Hlpiiria to 1iwlston. l:H0p. m. Mon. Wul and 1'ilday Leave I.mvlHTON daily 8::x)u, m. l'arlleN dcsliing to go tn Ilctniuer or Ihiiuis on ( oiumiila Knuilicru via lllggs, similiu take No. ', leavliig 'I he Dalles at W:l(l p. m. making direct cnnueclions at Hcppner Juucllou nnd Higgs. Ilcttirului; imikingillruucoiiiiectloti at Heppuer junction mill lllggs witli No, l.ar riving nt The Dalles at 1'2:U) p. in. I'or lull particulars call on O. It. agent The Dalles, or whitest tV N. Co.'h W. II. HimLIlUKT. Hen l'a-i. Aut Portland, Or. SOUTH and EAST via NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, Law) Office nt The Dalles, Oiie.,) April IHI, l'JOO. I Notleo is hereby given that tho following named ettjer has filed uotlcuof Ills Inl.-nlion to make final proof in support of his claim, iinii that snld proof will bo imiilo before the lteuistor nml Ilecelver nt The Dalles, Oregon, on Satur day, June IC, lWO, viz: Wilson. J.. Jufrers, of Tim Dalles, Or., Homeitead Kntrv No. 4050. for tho NK N'.vw section 19, towntlilp 1 north, range II east, Will, icr. Ho names the following witnesses tn nrovo tils continuous rcsldencu upon anil cultlvallou of said land, viz: James Denton, Jr,, James Ilenson, Sr., l'eter Oorlfruy, Isaac ilowland, all of Tho Dalles, Or, JUUJ2 I JAY I'. LUCAS, Iteglster. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. (Isolated Tract,) Public Laud Kale. Land Office at The Dalles, Oiikoon, ilny U, liuo. I Notice Is hereby given that In tin 'sunr.ee of Instructions from the-commissioner of the ircii- erul land oltlce, under nuthorlt) vested In him ny seciiou xi.0, u, n. lie v. mat.., as Hineuuen ny the act ot coinrress ainiroved Febiusrv 20. 1WJ.5. wo will nrocctxl to ollur ut nubile aalo on Sat nr. day, the lrlth day of June, next, nt the hour of j.u u utuvjL u in, nt iniuijiw, iiiu iuiiuiii tract of land, to-wlt; Dt section W, townihlp l north, range 14 cast, W. M. Anv and nil mnoiii oluluiinir adverselv the above described lands nro ad vis. d to file their claims la this otllce on or bolore the day alxivu dialgnated for thocoinmencmeut of said tale, otherwise tbclr rights will be forfeited. JAY I'. LUCAS. Iteglster, mayl2 ll OTIS J-ATTKUrJON, lteclvr. A full line of Eastman films and sup plies juat received Uy CUrke A Falk. Soulta Pacific Co Shasta Route Trains leave Tho Dalles for I'ortland nnd way stations at a. in, und .') p. m. Ixavo Portland. " Albany.. . H::niu 7:0u pin .l'J:sniuu lO.'M p in Arrive Ashland 12:31 urn lli.Kluui " Snciuini'iito d:00pm l;:rinm " Han HraucUco 7:15pm b;15utn Arrive Ogdon " Denver " Kansas City... " ChlCrtKO fi: 15 it in 11; 15 am . 'J:00a in uioilu in 7:'i'itim 7:'ri um 7: 15 ii in 'j;;X)um Arrive Is Angeles ... ..... i:?0pm " Kl I'aso f,;00 p in " Kort Worth O.-aoiim " City of Mexico 11:55 n m " Houston, 1:00 u in " New Orleans Cr.z'tnm " Washington 0:iJu m " NuwYnrk .12:i:i i m 7:00 11 in 0:00 p in ii;'M u m U:Mn 111 1:00 a m fi:r p m ('Wit in l'J' i:i p 111 I'lillmua ami Tourist cara 011 both trains. Chair ears Sacramento to Ogden and Kl Vaw, and tourist cars to Chicago, St Umln, New Or leans and Washington. Conneotlng at Han KrancUeo with novenil .'P"1'.1'' "!'. J"r, Honolulu, Japan. China, Philippines, Central and South America. ' See agent at The Dalles station, or uddrcss C. H. MARKHAM, General Passenger AKent, I'ottlmiil, Or T. BROWNHILL, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Notary Puolio. Colleotioni promptly Bltended to. Monev to loan. 0, E. Bayard'a of fice, The Dallea, Oregou, "4 f 5 f ? J Hi The Oulloa, Of. The Chronicle, Job Printers. SrV $ i .00 per month. Strictly first cIiihh local nml long iliHlitucH teluplioni) snrvicn within yuur liiiint) Litit'H tit) nut cricH-talk. Your con vermilion will Im kfpt u eccrut. Nn ciihi fur iiiHtnllliiK, Vint not th' Hinniiiirtl Ilunnlng Loiik DiHtitnt IiiHtrtiuipnt. ('oiitiiitidii" ditv nml nlyht nrvive. Wo will iictscpt ynur contruot for tun yunrfl nnil itlhiw you to cttncnl (ami) on uivliii; uh thirty dttya writ tun notice. PACIFIC STATES TELEPHONE 008. wasco warehouse uompani Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot pii kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinds TTnnJ..n.i,n. X' T rl i nnd nil kind jaci&uiiuarLtjrs mr xjmii, oil uriK, or mill feed Headquarters fcr "Byers Best" Pendle- t.CVn r lnnT Thin I-hiur m nuiuiifuuturod exjirosi'ly for Itm uu" A AW ulA uhc: nv.trvt.ack it) KtinnuiUiotl to kvo Bntle&tcUoo. We aull our (iooiId lowtir than uny Iiuiihu In tho trade, nnd if you don't ttu- outi nun uui our iiriceu urtil liu Udiivimwd. Highest Prices Paid for Whaa.t, Barley and Oats. and Motors MANUKAUTUIIRD liy AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL CO SUITABLE FOR DRIVING GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, Iin2() ELEVATORS, PRINTING PRESSES Circulars and pnrtlcuUra furnlihed on Bppllcatlun. P. S. GUNNING, Agent THE DALLKS ETC Subscribe for the Chronicle. ja.avertise m tne uxirw.- .