The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 02, 1900, Image 3

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    Lot vlb talk of
Mils at 8.85
Doing a little
better than
Clothing Stores.
Wo nro soiling a special value Suit now at $9.85
that is simply unbeatable for tbe money asked. This
Suit is of superior merit and stylo, and really ought to
be sold by us for $12.50, for that is the price of similar
Suits at other stores.
All Styles
All Makes
All Colors
Perfect Fit
Fine Clothing, Hats
All Goods Marked
In Plain Fleruros.
The Dalies DaDy Chronicle,
Telephone iVo. .
At Andrew Keller's.
Hurianau only 15 cents iv dozen ut The
D.i'lee C'jinmlbflion House.
Tim steamer lieliaiieo will luavo for
Portland nt 10 n. in. tomorrow.
I'iiniiu!i(l rooms for rout on Fourth
street, in tho DeWolf house. Apply to
Mr . .1. O. Hose. inL'5-lw
jVr. W. Lord Informs Tin: CuitoNicMi
that 800,000 pounds of wool la alreudy in
btoriiyo at tho Shuniko warehouse.
A Uuiismoro typo writing machine was
Btoli'n from tho hnv office of Monro it
(i.ivin lust iiluht. JN'o truce of tho thief
has been found.
Look for tho nrtlelu in Monday's
OiiuoNici.i: on Tlfisot'e famous paintings.
Tliu paiiitliiKu niiiy bo exhibited hero in
tin; nuar future.
Ah soon an the rlvor recedeB, V. O.
Hiulley, of Mnro, will inako improve
ments, and hulld hath houeoa, nt the
Hjiiinue nt CollliiB Landing.
Thu Dufur Dispatch soye litres cases
of Hiuallpox nro reported in Wnpinitia,
anil it Is eaid that qulto a number hnvo
heun exposed to the disease.
Tom Merry, well known by old Dalles
people, is nt present in Loe Angeles,
where ho is wot king on a newspaper nnd
writing for sovernl Eastern dailies.
Henry Green, a laboioron tho portago
foul, came over tho river yesterday and
loaded himself with hoozo. lie whb
nrreatod during tlio.nlKlit and lined $2
this morning.
Wo have just received u sliipmenl of
I'oys and children's suinmer underwear,
which wo ate oHdrlng at Hpecial price,
H'l', '-'!?.! nnd U5i! per nurmont. Tho New
York Cash store.
John Ojnner, son of Thomas Conner
whollvooon Eighth htrrot. wan taken
'i ho Dalles City this iiiorniuK to
St. Viucc ih'h hospital. Ho is helplessly
nil seriously 111 front pulmonary
Wool Is arriving horo from nil points
' tho compass nnd by rnil nnd rlvor nnd
"'"son. Over two million pounds is nl
reaily stored In the wnrehouses with n
JitoBjiect of six to pevon millions before
tlio tousou closes.
'J'nke the boy down to A. M. Will
lams' und get lilm one of thoso swell
Junior shirts. They are made of the
tt quality of percale in stripes or
"Hares, also white. Any rUe from 5 t o
12 years at 75 cents, i
The Young Men's Christian Associa
tion will meet in tho Baptist churob, on
Union street, at 4 p, n. tbsnorrow after-
But our well established rep
utation for giving great values,
and our pride in doing a little bet
ter than other stores causes us to
make this great offer.
World-Beaters in
Summer Overcoats....
and Furnishing Goods.
noun. All members are requested to be
present, aa there is a matter of very
Ureal importance to the society to come
before tho meeting. All youim men not
meinhers of the society are cordially in
vited to join us at our Sunday nfternoon
Congressman Moody Juib secured a
desirable department clerkship at
Wachinglon, D. C, for Forest S. Fisher,
who is now chief clerk at The Dalles
poHtoHiee. Mr. Fisher expects to get
orders to start for Washington within a
couple of weeks.
Quite a number of the farmers of Tygh
Uidgo have been busily engaged the
past two weeks in hauling the residue
of their wheat crop to The Dolles. not
for the purpose of Felling at tho present
pi ices, hut to make loom and prepare
for harvesting mid storing ono of the
largest crops ever known in thu history
of that section, says the Dufur Dispatch.
Christian Anderson, The Dalles South
ern liailroad Company's surveyor, with
ugann of men, went thiongh to Kings
ley the first of thu week intending to es
tablish camp near there, from where he
will continue, tho survey made last win
ter to Dufur or. south through Tygh
valley and on to Prineville. This be
gins to look aa if n railroad to Dufur in
tho near future was an assured fact.
"So mote it be." Dufur Dispatch.
TrofeEsor Sandvig will give his last
dance of tho season nt the Baldwin
tonight, Juno 2d. These dances have
been held weekly nil the past winter
mid have been a source of pleasure to a
lai'ge number of people. It is due to
Professor .Sandvig to soy that his dances
have been conducted with tho strictest
regard to decorum nnd respectability
and that persons of questionable repute
have nlwaya been rigorously excluded.
The professor hopes to see n large at
tendance at this closing dnnce. mill 3t
The sickest squaw you ever saw in
your lifo was in tho city "skookum"
house this morning. She Is u Yakima
reservation belle and was on her way to
Hood Rlvor to pick strawberries, when
she fell in with a couple of bucks of her
own trlLo who loaded her nnd thom
st Ives to tho gunwale with tiro water.
Jt may be a mere incident that Wasco
Charlie had been released from jail yes
terday morning. It is plain, however,
that John Phillips is not tlto only man j
in Tho Dalles who is supplying the
Indiana with alcohol. Tho night watch
man found tho squaw lying helplessly
drunk ou tho river front, near they'll d
of Court street. She had Jrffmoro
locomotive power than n buntffe of rags
und had to bo carried to th jail. One
of tho bucks was also arrsted but the
other fled in tlto darkne. Tho squaw
complains that her companions robbed
her of the little money she had to pay
lier expenses to Hood River.
Commencing Mondavi Juno tli, the
n.w.niuinr T.inn will inaugurate a service
that will .undoubtedly ive general MtU-
: l. Ill l.AA.'fAllntuD.
faction, xne service win uhiuhi,.
A through boat will leave Portland dally,
except Sunday, at 0 a. m. and will do
tbe way work on the lower river, arriv
ENGLISH DIMITIES Neat little patterns in
delicate colors at 20c per yd
FOU 1 j A DPJNES The groat leader in Wash
Fabrics at...! 15c
SPOT CREPE In solid colors, popular goods
for wrappers 20c
DRESS GOODS Homespuns, Covert Cloths, Serges,
etc., for unlinod skirls, 52, 54 and 50 inches' wide,
at $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00 per yard.
Sammer Vests.
SILK VESTS An assortment of extra pink and
blue, at G5c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.25
and long sleeves, low neck and sleeveless,
short sleeves 10c, 12-ic, 15e, 20c, 25c and 35c
ON THE COUNTER Cleaning up odds and
ends we have placed on the counter vests, sell
ing in the regular way for 25c, 30c and 35c, at 19c
ing nt the locks at noon; the Reliance
will leave Portland daily, except Sunday,
nt 7 a. in., with Dalles and middle
Columbia pissengers, giving them to
the Dalles boat at the Locks and return
ing to Portland with the tourists she
may have on board, arriving in Portland
at 4 :30 p. in. ; the down boat will leave
The Dalles at 7 a. m. and will go thiough
to Portland without waiting nt the
Locks for the up boat; but if for any
reaton the down boat is delayed, her
passengers will be taken by the Iteliarco
and landed in Portland on time. The
company will use every tfl'ort to have
the tteainera arrive on schedule time,
viz: The Dalles, 5 p. m. ; Portland, 4 :Ii0
p. m. A very neat time card lias been
printed. Send to their ofiiue or aek the
puibtiB for one.
I'riini tlio Minnllio Lender.
Mr. Malcolm Mclnnie, head book
keeper of the Wasco warehouse, was up
from The Dalles the first of the week
looking after business in this eeution.
The tirst Miipineut of ore from Shan
iko left here Friday morning for tlio
Tacoma smelter. The consignment was
from the Ashwood mines, and consisted
of about 0000 pounds of as fine a gold
ore as ever a mining man gazed upon.
Some enterprising citizen of towns
which Shaniko is hurting financially,
notably The Dalles, is circulating re
ports to the effect that there ia no place
to sleep here. These reports might
have been true two months ago, but nut
now. There are accommodations for
over fifty persona in one house, the
Palace, und no doubt there are other
places, too, where the tired traveler can
get a night's lodging. Dalles papcrB
please copy.
Sixteen ears of sheep left the Shaniko
stock yards Friday, fourteen carloads
Saturday, nnd nineteen Monday. The
(Irst shipment was consigned to James
Wright of Spokane, tho last two trains
going to the Mallory Commission Com
pany, Chlcngn, and are part of the herds
of J. E. Sherur it Co., of this county.
Wo understand the next consignment
will leave here June 8th and 10th, a
total of seventy cms.
The Columbia Southern Railway Com
pany lias jnet received a now ham! car
whoso motive power is gasoline. Tho
car willl carry about eight men, and ia
capable of making twenty miles an
hour. This use of gasoline is of very
recent dato. It does away entirely with
men "working their way" after a hard
day's work. Anything more convenient
and handy could not ho had by tho com
pany, ub It will save them in a short
time its cost many times over.
for Main.
The furniture and flxinge, Including
range, delf und cutlery of the California
restaurant, and the beds and bedding of
eight rooms overhead, inquire at the
restaurant. 2j.lw
Lewis AckoruisUi Goshen, Ind., says,
"DeWltt'e Little Early Risers always
bring .certain relief, cure1 my headache
and' nevor gripe." They gently cleanse
and Invigorate tbe bowels and liver.
Meeting or the Water Commissioner.
The regular "monthly meeting of the
water commissioners was held last
night. After the transaction of routine
business, tlio following claims were al
lowed nnd ordered paid :
J 15 Croseen, Eupt $ CO 00
C A Borders, helper 00 00
Ned Gates, secretary 10 01)
C A Borders, money advanced . . 50 00
Fiist National Bank, telegraph
message 2 (15
J D Hickman, repairs 75
I C Nickelsen, nidfo 95
Maiert Benton, mdse 3 15
Mays & Crowe, mdse 23 01
Crane Company,' mdse 15-1 80
J B Croeoen, cash advanced -10 10
J W Blakeney, cartage 5 14
Harry dough, repairs 2 00
Total book account $1-105 05
Cash collected during month... 1107 50
Balance delinquent $ 298 15
Hal. cash on hand May 1 $1101 11
Caeli lee'd from water rents. ... 1107 80
Total $2388 04
By warrants paid dur. month.. 570 00
Bal. on hand June 1st $1812 C4
T. J. Seufert reported that he had
negotiated the sale of the $20,000 worth
of bonds that fell di e on tho 1st of
March to the First National bank ol
this city. The holders of these bonds
are fire insurance companies, and they
required their payment because of heavy
los.-ea from fiie in Canada. The matter
of their sale was placed in the hands of
Commissioner Seufert, and the result is
very creditable to his business capacity
and very satisfactory to t he board. The
interest on these bonds, about $100 n
month, will be kept nt home, and tho
surplus funds of the bqard, instead of
lying idle for a time in the hands of the
treasurer, will be used monthly to re
deem tho bonds and to thnt extent can
cel the interest.
I' KOI' MS Kill .11,1, KNOW.
W. E. Miller, of Goldendalo, waa m
town today.
Mrs. P. L. Kretzer was iv passenger on
the Dulles City this morning far White
C. E. Powell, a Klickitat sheepman,
if III thu I'llV lnnkllii, I h.. cud. nt
his wool.
II. M. Ful wider, of St. Lome. Mo., is
visiting tho family of his nephew,
Simeon Bolton.
Geo. A. Liehe, Geo. Miller and S. L.
Biooks went down to Mosior this morn
ing to estimate the damages done to
Mrs. Mnsier by n new county toad run
ning through her land,
At the resilience of his parents near
Boyd, May 25, '1000, after a lingering ill
ness, Johnniu Sterneweis, aged 17 years.
A girl to do general house work. In
quire at tho Dulles Lumbering Co, 'a
office. may20.1w
A full line of boys and children' sum
mer underwear just received at The New
York Cash store, we have also a full line
of men's summer underwear from 25c up
to 70c. Be suie and see our goods before
making your cummer purchase,
Tho Kind You Have Always Bought, and which hns hecn.
in uso for over 30 ycrtr, has borno tlio slgnaturo of
yr- tnul Ims heen made niitlcr his pcr
CjL&fflyrrfTA, Hoiml supervision slnco its infancy.
uzr7y. 4tSUK M 1U ono to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, imitations and " Just-as-uood" arc hut
Experiments that triflo with and endanger tho health of
Infimts and Children Experience against Experiment.
What is CASTOR I A
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It;
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Nnreotle
flubstaucc. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Fcvcrishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
Bears the
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
peoial Sa9e
luoi ipiyuo ux)u uuubl- oiumud
To reduce our large slock wo will
sell Slovos and Sleel "Ranges at
Greatly Reduced Prices
for u short time only. See our
goods and get our prices. . . .
Christian Suiuuco meeting in enuill
K. of V. hull every Sunday morning nt
11 oVIock.
Salvation Army Subject for Saturday
night, "Temjieittiice." Sunday night,
"Tho Children of Today is tho Nation of
Tomorrow." Adjt. Nelson.
Calvary Baptist uhunm Kov. W. 15.
Clifton, pastor. Itejjnlnr eervieoa at Jl
a. m. ami 7:30 p. m. Young peoplu'a
meeting :t (1:1)0 p. m. Sunday school
ut 10 u. in.
Methodist Episcopal church Corner
Fifth iwid Washington, Itev. U. F,
llnwk, pastor. Services at 11 a. m.
und S p, in. Suiuluy school ut
10 a. m,; class meeting at thu ulo-u of
morning service; Junior lingua nt !!
Epworth Lenyno at 7. Morninu' subject
"Tlio Fields White Already to Ilnivett."
Thu theme in tlio evening will hu
"Cheerful Todays and Trustful Tomor
rows." Arohiu McCnlly will play tlio
ofl'eitory ou musical glasses at lioth Bur
vices, Nutli ,
Columbia River leu it Fuel Co. wishes
to announce that they will deliver iuo to
any part of tlie city at all houro of the
day or night. 'Phono ) or 81 Long
Dial. ; 75 or 8 Seutert it Condon.
Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the
Wasco warehouse, Finest kind of
chicken feed. incho-it
For Infants and Children.
Tbt Kind You Havi Always Bought
Boars tho
0 0 r
Garten Hos
AVo havo laid in a largo
stock of (j anion Hoso and are
carrying tho same brand of
Hoso that we havo boon carry
ing for the last five yoars,
which is tho celebrated Mal
tese Cross Brand. We carry
tho same brand of 1-Ioso that
tho Dulles Oily Five Depart
ment has boon using for tho
last twenty yoars. Tho jIal
Iogo Cross Brand is without
doubt the best grado of IToso
on tho market. Call and got.
our prices boforo buying.
(ffaief & Benton
Solo Agonts,
Booms 10 unit II, Clmiimau ulovlc, Tho D:illcr
Orvgon. Taenia) a una Ki lUayu, (i u, iu, to 1.',