I . . . . t-n m.. l..:i Mountiuiicer in its brier career as tiling to trnltllo tun Issue, they nre i no la dc iiai u i.iiniiiiii'iH ' SATURDAY JUNK 2, 1000 Republican Ticks!. 1 llrj'nnito organ has ncqtiireil n vast 'the enemies of Mint fund of misinformation. Congress which is so ncucssnry hart no choice in the matter of the . well being? Porto Mean tariff between u tlircut tnx in cash, that Governor General Duvis n?siueil Ihe administration they development for Oregon's STATE OFFICERS. Justice of the Supreme Court-Wolverton. -C. H. Tood nnd Dairy Hailev. Comuiiesloner J. W. Conere?9innu The Dalles. DISTRICT OFFICERS- Malcolm A. Moody, of Nutlet-. Notkii is horuty irlvon that Micro will be an annual tntot i nt nf the etoel;hultl would bo actual conllscation, nnd tui or t,f ttlu Golden Kiple Mining Corn- indirect tax that would fall largely ; juny at the ulliec of French ik Co., on the suear and tobacco trusts. So b inkers, on Thnrjilny, May 151, UWO, at tbnv tnxoil tlm triiat nn.l ,ia f.ir n 7 0 cwk m- fnr t,,u I"'rl'OS of elect possible let the masses o free, lie sides this congress placed nearly everything necessary to the comfort and prosperity of the Porto IJiunns on the free list. This is not after the Joint Senators J. N. Williamson, of ' manner of democratic legislation, nor Crook; T. H.Johnston, of Wasco: W. I , , . , . .. W. Steiwer, of Wheeler. wh:lt wouUl 8U,t the trusts, but it , . . ... . c . . suits the conditions on the island and Joint Repiejentatives A. S. Huberts, 1 ol v asco; K. A.J-.nitm'tt, of Klattvith ; ; mat s cuougu tor us. Oeorpe .Miller, ol (.ulltnni; Oenrjjc Cnttannrb, of Grant; Georue A. Bar rett, of Grant; T. H. McGreer, of Wasco, ing seven directors anil transiiutlnc such other buaiauje as may properly come bo forn said meeting. 15y order of the president. J. C. HosTVn.KK, Seey. and Trens. The Dalles, Apt. '27, WOO. a27-til A 1'rnctK'iil l-iiitiitMriitlm, District Attorney Frank Menefee, of The Dalles. COUNTY TICKET. County Judge A. S. Blowers, of Hood Biver. The Grass 'Vnllcy Journal has n very kind word to say of Timothy Brownhill, republican candidate for justice of Ihe pence of The Dalles. Mr. Rrownblll lived in the suburbs i the rear of Chas. Rurehtorf'a bicycle re nr rjr A'.,llrtt. tnn, rr nn,o oiol.t ' P1" on Second, between Federal ------ -j - -r A fact proven by actual demonstration is more satisfactory than any theoretical proposition. Uealiziup this, and know ing that they have a proposition which they can guarantee, the Oregon Sauitary Closet Company, of The Dalles, Or., have constructed one of their sanitary closets and put the same into actual operation. The closet is now 1 icated in A. Kirchheiner, of Commissioner P. Antelope. Sheriff Robert Kelly, of The Dalles. Clerk A. E. Lake, of Wamic. Treasurer C. L. rhillips, of The Dalles. Aesessor C. L. Schmidt, of The Dalles. Superintendent of Schools C. L. Gil bert, of The Dalles. Suryeyor J. B. Goit, ol The Dalies. Coroner W. H. Butts, of Tho Dalles. For Justice of the Peace of The Dalles Timothy Brownhill. Constable Frank Hill, of The Dalles. j'cars. Ihe Journal closes a very complimentary article with these words: "Mr. Brownhill was a good worker in the church and literary societies of this place, nnd was great- jj uiissi-u ij iuuiu ujiuu ma l,,S i The Dalles Or. for lhc Dalles, where he went to complete the stud' of law. "We arc glad to note that the people of The Dalles have given him the nomina tion for the olfiee of justice of the ' peace, and the rnly thing we and Lautihlin Btreets, The Dalles, and thu public are cordially invited to call and inspect the same. This company is now prepared to fill orders promptly. Parties desiring this system will he fur nished full information upon application to or correstjondenee with 1). S. Dnfur, inSMwdUtw Clarke & Falk have received a carload of the celobrated Jatne E. Pat ton strictly pure liquid pnints 1 4th for or nuumst the development Sttites falters in the present crisis, j , .n , . , ' , of Pacific commerce and trade.-1 ill we shall be lasgards until dooms ! , ., . ; 3 Oregon show the eastern states that nnv' wrilns .1 fill ii TtnrrnM. n rlnmn 1 ' . .. ' i she is. not unmindful of our tians- CnURhl n Dri-mUiil Ci.hl. I Marion Kooke, maiintrer for 1. M nrc 1 Thompson, a lareo importer ol fine mil- sorry for is tlm! cnre not allowed j iiurv m 1038 . Milwaukee Avenue, Chi- to vote for I . ." jcujo, rays: "During tho late eevero -" - j weather 1 caught a dreadful cold which The wh'v country is watching ' kl'lt me nwnke at niht and made me nm..nn. V .!! aim .Innlnrn nn .Tn.in ln !,"K,ul ' worK "rlK l"e Pacific opportunity? "Will she lead the way, throughout the section which has the greatest interests at stake, in urging upon the rest of the TTnllnil Slntt Hint tlirrf mint. Iir nn falterinc and halting, it may lcadi, . , faltering, Drst, in courageously meet ing our unavoidable moral responsi bilities in tho l'liilimiinoK nnd. whether we shall become the supreme : , . , . . 1 second, in developing our consentient moral and material inllenec m the, , . , . , , . ,, ., . . , material interests m all the tar east: Paciuc or foievcr trail along behind Great Britain, Ilussia, Germany, Can Oregon-dogically expect con France, and even Japan. If sup- "ress to order the further dred-ingi . .i. - i , ., r, , , . , , Clarke J: Falk have on salon full line pression of the Philippine msurrec- of the Columbia river bar and those 0f p;.t artiflt'e hrtishes. tion costs us millions, the sum is 'of other Oregon harbors, if she elects! crat nnd former editor of the Port land Telegram, and late minister to Siam. "If we halt, every European country will forge correspondingly ahead. If Oregon sets the pace in the whole couutry to waver when the Question is squarely before ill One of my milliuore was tukin Cham berlain's Cough Remedy for n nevere cold at that time, which seemed to re lieve her so quickly thut I bought some for myself. It acted like mapje and I began to improve at once. I am now entirely well and feel very pleased to ac knowledge, it8 merits." For sale by Blakeley & Houghton. NlltlCt!. Owing to the retirement of Frank Chrisinim from the firm of Chrisman Bros., iu id his intention to leave the state as soon ns possible, all debts du the firm must be paid immediately. All having claims against tho firm will please present them at the market for pavmenl. ml-tf Ciii:isM.N BiioTimus. small compared to the immeasurable men to congress June 4th who would cost of a future war to regain the . erect an insuperable banicr to onr;Tp Ttfino prestige and commerce in the Pacific which we would now lose by with drawing our ling and forces from the Philippines. Famine, Ovcrcontlu-or Kimtj VeJtlni;. Fulton stole all Judge campaign thunder the Senator Uennett's other night when he announced that be and Mr. "Williamson and Mr. liartett, who were on the platform with him, were" in favor of the legisla tion asked for by the railroad men and would vote for it, if elected. The CmtONici.K is authorized 1)3' T. commerce with Asia by withdrawing our flag from the Philippines nnd j Stilt Of ClotlieS. among 800,000,000 Asiatics, along a' coastline, opposite Oregon's shores, of 5,000 miles and having already a' forei'Mi trade valued at nearly &2.-I 000,000,000, of which our share now is only one-tenth, or 200,000,000, where it should be half or more? Denver journeymen plumbers have struck for an increase of wages. Their plutocratic masteis have com- H. Johnston, who was not at Senator PoMed them to .vork for the pittance Fulton's meeting, to say thnt be, too, . of four dollars a day, and the men is in full sympathy with the legisia-! very properly want an increase, and lion asked for and will wotk heart nnd soul for its accomplishment. Mr. Fulton is n holdover and is not asking any man's vole. The others will be elected no matter how tho railroad men vote, but they can have a double claim on the republican candidates by not placin will very likely get it. Think of a plumber working for four dollars n day under the last democratic regime! Why most of them didn't then work at all nnd got their soup free into the bargain. If Oregon votes against holding them-1 the-Philippines which wo undeniably selves in opposition to the only party j occupy ns a result of the Spanish that has the power to give them j war, nud hence against paramount the legislation they nsk. I America in the Pacific, she will place ., , , . . , ! a discouraging and possibly destruc- llie republican convention lion-'., , .7 ..... . : . iiivc Handicap on sucii vitniiv lin Kindly mil nnd exninlne my Mock of Im ported mill 1) ii't-qtlc Woolens. A Due a lock lo elect (rum. Hiiitn made from the lowest prices to (lie lilgb eat (,'rade. i. A. Eberle Fine Tailoring. 'lllEllALLKa OUKCU.S. 3r V". portant measures ns tho 'jS'icnrrtgua canal and Pacific cablo liills now before congress. ored Hood Itivcr with the iiotnina- i Hon for county judge. Tlie Glacier believes Hood Kiver will do its duty on election day by giving tho repub lican candidate for county judgo n! Ihe funds of the county have majority loo large to be overcome j been-well nnd safely handled for the by any disaffection said to exist in, last four years by C. L. Phillips. that party in any part of the county over bis nomination. Hood River Glacier. The Times-Mountainccr says it never knew till it heard Messrs. Wiloti -and Fulton Tbuuday night tbatfthe way to relieve people Iri'dl-1 treat was to tax them. The Tivcs- There ia.no reason in tho world why liuy should not remain in his hands for two years more. Can we afford to vole for candi dates who, under the cover of a aUe cry against o.called imperial- t ? -a t 'V-if' -t '.m - ms9, oiAin.wey r,a awo ior,jeg tuvaie expansion, when in fact, by endeavor' ONE FOR A DOSE. niiV rimpiflj. Vr"rnt Cf V2 r VI'S "? wl" "iti "i lr.-. of f nil hoi lit. LS CATARRH mi: Cr.l.-ANHINO and iii:ai.i.o cujtK mu CATARRH Ely's Crtam Balm Emt nd pltwant to' m' vonuina uo in Jurloa jlrujc. It U qnldcfy alworlNMl. (Uvea lUlUf at rmrn. .uw nun j'MaM. II eU Bd 1'rp tU th UttAnu. BtOfM tb KEY BHOtUWia, M Wwrtis SUMt, mw York, Complete of at M.Z. DONNELL, THEuDRUaCIST. Mil ' REGULATOR LINE. DALLE, PORTLAND & ASIOIilA NAY, MP ay j Htciimorn ol tho ItcRiiluti.r l.ln( UI run m i,cr tlllf , M'liiilnlo, llic Comimny icotvlliB tint rKi,t to , 'I V - OW.IIR M'liriluli! wlllimit iiotk'ii. Str. Reciilator. IIMU'M B, l.v. DiiIIon li lit 8 A. M. Ttiiitill' TlilllnIiVV Maiutiliiy. .. Arr. l'ortliitul it it r. m. nr. l.v. I'oriiiuul it 7 a. M. . Moiiitiiy . WiMiiOMiny Ship your Froight via I rliluy T?nrnlawr 1 .in a Arr. Itiilhn 1 -"-'fci vuw mmw. lit 6:W V. K. Str. Dnlloo City. l. l-Hrtilil IIOWN I.V. Dill HI H A. X. Mimtliiy. Wt-dticMliiy rrliliiy...... Arr. I'ortlnntl at n l'. m. "l 'IV A.M. g TlmrwlnyS Arr. Iiallw nt nj.To r. h. vrm. HOMPORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE B, Tmvcl by tliu HtcnnuTH ( tho ItCKiiliitnr I.luo. Tho Comimuv will omlonvor to rIvo It wit- U roilii (no ui'M Mjivirc iMinniuit;. rui mriiiur iiiiuruiitiinu niiurtMH C, lMrllilliil Olllcc, OiilvHtrcot DOCU. W. C. AULA WAY, Oen. Agt. I Lane, 1 (KNKllAIi ...AND... Horseshoer PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer cer. C. S. Smith, Till: Kodol Up-to-date Oroeer'Dyspepsia Cuw. Wagon nnd Cnrrlngo Worlt. Fish Brothers' wngon. t Tiiiriliid Moron. PiionOSO I '2 p. ..GHflS. fUM- 1 ButehePB and FQPmeps Kocjisnn ilrntii.'ht tho coleluittml CUUIMItIA IIKIJH, nctiiowi eilfjctl the lx-Kt beer In Tho Dullcn, nt the ukiiuI prloc. Cmno In, try ltnrul bt rotii'liiml. Mm thu l'lnost branUs of Wines, l.l.iuor nnd C'iirars. Sanduiiehes of ull Klnilx iihvnj-h on limirt. C. F. Stephens ...Doalor In.. Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents' Furnishings. "r- llootw, Hhoes. lliitu, Ciipn, .Vol Ions. Ifor V. I. OoiikIus Hhoc. Airl. Tolophnni! No, m. i.h treoim Ht., The Dais, Or, Just What Yoa uaant. rS Ifir V?Y Fri-nh HyRH niul Cri'iunery IJuttor u Hpculnlty. 2d Street. We Put... every bit of ' twenty yours experience nnd drug knowledge with over' .Prescription that's compounded here. Js it any reason why oup proscription business i is increasing so rapidly? Ask your physician if wo are reliable. BLflKELEY & Wm tollable Jrescriptionist.s Digests what you eat. iiurLiiicnii vu ifiMKL n innnnnni cu 'Phnn 970 !-?aturP in BtreiiBthonlnp nnd recon jrnone u. , structinsr tho cxhuustcd dfestlTe or- farm, it lsiiiciiucsiuiBcovurcnaigeit aututid tonic. No other preparation can approach It in olllclency. It In Btnntiy relieves nnd permanently cum Drspepslti, Indigestion, neartbttrn, Flatiiloncc, Sour Stomach. Nairn Sick Headache, Gostralpia Cmmp8,ta4 ll) other results of Imperfect dlRMtlon, Pnroarad by E. C. OrWK A Co.. Chicago. J. H. Hciiknk, 1'rotililL'iit. II, St. mil. , CuMl First Rational Bank, THE DALLES OREGON Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in' Blacksmith Supplies. Cor Second & Lanaliliii, 'Phone lfii hew Idona in Wnll Tupor hero. Such wide variety u wo n.HliowinK never bu ore Kracd a Hinjfle Htonk. Ituul imita. tlon cruton utlectu ut ordinary prlocB. Good pupera at cheap paper prlcea Elegant doelgna, tasteful colorinKH yourH for k bidbI price, at our atore on Third treat. Also a full Hue of liouee paints P. W. VAXJSE. Third St.' H 8TURDEVANT, Dentist. ORlcs oi tr Krtoch & Co.'i Hunk VhOM t, THE PAI.LK8, OUKUON OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. The CLARENDON RESTAUHANT And CAFE. J. B. Oroosen & Oo., Props. b7 Socond Street FRENCH fc CO BANKERS. VltANHAOT A KKKHALUANKINO HUtlMKU Letters of Credit issued available lu th Hi..i Kitn Hutt Transfers Holri"nifeitt' v Bt. Louis, tin f;;i ivJircSEi oltM" ,l,,p0,Dt, 08 A General Hanking liiiBinueti tranticuJ Dojiooito recutved, subjiict to Sight Drnft or Cheek. Collections mudo nnd proceeda prompt!; rumitUtd on duv of itollnetioii. BiKht und TeloRruphlc Kreliuunf eu;di Now Vork, San Friuitslnco und poit land. DlKBOTOKa I). P. Thomi-bon. Jho. 8. Bcuwa. Ell. M. WtlCTAMB, Gko. A. Liki. H M. Hkai.i. 09 R Tie GGiumDia pacKi PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MAKUKAOTOKKUbOK Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON JRIF.D REEF. ETC. Anyiinfi" TflftCE WAH IrpinNf nnilliiK n rhf trli. nml '"J&i OHlnKlr uiciirtiilii Mir oi'i'ii''",, " ,nranl; nvo illiill in ll""",,,,NVV.,.irkolirl,!B I'iiliiHH tttlioii tlirotmli M ' .i .1 .. ..t. uitl.mtf idmr n. lit Illu Scientific A imii nomclr llliivm " Jfcrim.,; nflao?UroadW.1y,rj(rJWIf Mica 'Axle Crease llflitcM tlie load- pliorteo J (bo rwA Mi the team, bavcowg 'ektMiUse. J0ldcverywJew, 'cxjeue pit 00. m.m uniivfiiaMlf vwiiuaniunrfnii m wiintf . . ar ..m , H """""".VSnUniitvH AT W.S IIIIUV i "'"""illK DAI"" j 0MorarFtntMat.liiK