The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 02, 1900, Image 1

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    Sip Stall es
NO. 24.9
Reports That Attempts Were to He Made
to Wow Up Buildings Caused Ex
Victouia, B. 0., June 1. (Special to
the Tun'rimi.,' -During the celebration
ol lust week number o( reports were
going the rounds to the effect that Hn
ittetnpt whs to l)u uitfde in intB city ny
Hour sympathizers or Fenians, to do
tlaiiiHLMi to tliu fortH and public uuiluingB
-the theater on tho night of the big
patriotic concert of Wednesday lust be
inn particularly spoken of. Ab a rule
not much credit Ih given tottiese reports,
but tills time there wbb good foundation
for them.
On Monday of hiBt wetk word was re
ceived here from tlie British consul at
San Frnnoieco that men had left there
with the ol jt-c:t of doing damage to the
forts anil theater. Previous Information
from the sumo source had proven so cor
red that eonie alarm was felt among the
naval and military officials, and those
civllinne to whom it was necessary to
convey tin) news. Strong guards were
placed on nil the naval and military
worke, the old ones being changed with
out a moment's notice; the theater was
jourched from the basement to the dome
batoru the conceit commenced and three
Pinkurion detectives wiio had descrip
tions of thu men reported to have i.oine
North, Htood ut tiie entrance and closely
scrutinized each perBou wbo passed in.
It in not known that the men were
Been here, hut it will be admitted the
authorities hud reason to feel alarmed
when it in stated that just before the
blowing up of tliu Wetland canal, a re
port waa received from the same source
in fc'mi Francisco that attempts were to
bo mwle to blow up public buildings and
public works throughout Canada. A few
days after the canal explosion occurred
mi attempt to net Into Fort Macauley
was frustrated by tho guard. Military
authority here Htato their belief that
Feiiiam have headquarters in San
lln I'oolml lliti HurKon.
All doctors told Kenick Hamilton, of
West Jeflerson, 0., after Buffering 18
months from Kruttif Fistula, he would
die nn lesi u costly operation wbb per
formed; but lie cured liiuiaeif with five
tox-B of Hiu-klen'H Arnica Salve, the
eurt-Bt i'lle corn on Jiarth, and the beet
Salvo in tb World. '25 cents a box. Sold
l)' Wnkeluy & Hi.uu-hton Druggists. 4
Jtiiitmulii- Htrlke.
UesvEit, (Jni J nnu 1. A strike is de
pomlunt upon tin! result of u conference
Wni! held today between the master
anil journeynu-n plumbers in this city.
f,'e men are receiving $4 per day.
liwt-ntly they struck for an advance,
mihiuh u t V tVUI II IV vi
until today u permit the contractors to
wuipluto work contracted for under the
old conditions.
Iull Headache, V aius in various parts
ol the body, Sinking at the pit of the
toniach, bins of appetite, Feverlshness,
liuiplfH or Sores all positive evidences.
Impure blond. No matter how it
wmiiio kii It must lie pnrlllH.1 in order to
obtain vood health. Acker's Blood
Wexlr has never failed to ourti Scrofulous
0'8yphllttlo poisons or any otiier blood
liaeuses. h Is certainly a wonderful
fuiiiitdy and we sell every bottle on
Positive cuarHiilee. Blakeley & Hough
wn s drug Htore.
niuolitnUt ' Rtrlkti.
J''Ui)i;i,rUi jm, i.MachlniBta of
Ma city ,UVl, fur gome i Iihb been prepar
or a Htrike in theeveut of the failure
their einpluyors to grant their de
wiids. There are 13,1)00 of them In
""city, and today they presented a
maud hir an eight-hour instead of
ne,',0,lr day, at the same rate of wages.
ltiiiir mid funiiuu urn,
Ciiicauo, June Au elaborate relief
"a" pension plan was submitted to the
Jployes of the Chloago, Milwaukee &
! ul Kitllroad nompany today. The
:'fn eul'"ices all the heat feature ol the
department of the Baltimore &
pm. mid the pension fund of the
Uuylvauia company.
Mrs. Naomi Moss Murdered In a Lonely
Park Husband Suspected of the
I'oiiTi.ANi), Or., Telegram, June 1.
Mrs. Naomi Moss, better known ns
MIts Naomi Clnte, wifoof Riley M. Moss,
was shot through the heart and killed
near Willamette IleiahtB park between
10 and 11 o'clock laet night. Suspiclan
rests upon the woman's husband, and
jealousy is believed to have been the
motive. Ofliccrs are seeking Mobs, but
the search tlniB far has been in vain.
Mrs. Moss was tho daughter of Charles
Cf ute, well known in Portland, where he
has lived several years.
The conductor of a Washington-street
car recalls having taken Mrs. .Moss and
a man who answers the description of
her huBbaud to the entrance of the park
at alnut 10 o'clock last evening. The
couple left the car and Bat down on a
bench near at hand. The car then
started back down town. A few momenta
Inter a woman's screnms for help,
followed by two pistol shots In quick
succession were heard. The police were
notified and a thorough search of the
park made, but without avail. This
morning the woman's dead body was
A I-1 ft- Anil IK-Hth Flclit.
Mr. W. A. Hiues of Manchester, la.,
writinc of bis almost miraculous escape
from death, says: "Exposure after meas
les induced serious lune trouble, which
ended in Consumption. I had frequent
hemorrhages and coughed night and day.
All uiv doctors said I must soon die.
Then I began to UBe Dr. King's New
Discovery lor Consumption, which com
pletely cured me. I would not bo without
it even if it cost $5.00 a bottle. Hundreds
have used it on my recommendation and
all say it never fuils to cure Throat, Chest
and Lung troubles." Regular siro 50c
and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Blakeley
& Houghton's Drug Store. 4
llrltlHli llulit Hack.
London, Juno 2, 3:15 n. m. Lord
Roberts continues silent regarding
Pretoria, probably because he cannot
wire of events from his own personal
knowledge. Loureuco Marques, where
all tho news from the Hour Bido is re-
handled, cables that communication
with Pretoria is now suspended.
Some meesaires by courier have
reached Loureuco Marques, but none of
later date than Wcdneeday. These
assert that the burghers are in a state of
panic, and that Pretoria is beiog con
trolled hv a viirilance committee Lour
euco Marques again sends the report
that President Kroger has been captured.
A dispatch from Vryuurg, dated May
30, says :
'I)nr!ni tho occupation ot tins piate
by the Boers, they flogged the natives for
Ik.lit oHunses. A whip ami several
cords knotted and salted were found at
the police station. A boy who brought
letter ton woman received twentymo
tushes, and another who sympathized
with him received fifteen."
Thu lU'r-im-ay tor ItliounmtlMii.
A II u-lin line Chamberlain l'lu Balm
for rheumatism are delighted with tho
from naiu which It allorus.
When speaking of this Mr. D. N. Sinks,
of Troy, Ohio, says : "Some tlmo ago i
had a scve attack of rheumatism hi
arm and snouiaer. i inou uuu..
remedies, but got no relief until i wb
.nmiiBndd bv Messrs. ueo. r.iar-
sons & Co., druggists of tills place, to
try Chamberlain's Pain mum. iney
recommenned it bo highly that I bought
bottle. was toon relieved oj ati yam. bIiua recommended this lini
ment to many of my friends, who agree
ill, me that it ia the best remeoy ior
the market.
Rev. W. K. Sitzer, W. Canton, N. Y
..i...o i'T I. .ut dvsoeosia over iwcuir
years, and tried doctora and medicines
without benetlt. i was ptr.uuu .w
Kodol Dyapepala Cure and it helped me
(rom the etart. I believe it to oe
nanaoea for all forma ol inaigesiwu.
digests what ycu eat.
I.ont iii thn Ilouao,
Washington, June 1. Tho house of
representatives today after a lively de
bate extending over two days, defeated
the joint resolution proposing a consti
tutional amendment cmtowering con
gress to regulate trusts. It requires a
two-thirds vote under the constitution
to adopt an amendment to the consti
tution. The vote stood ayes 154, noes
131. The affirmative vote, therefore, was
.'58 short of the requisite two-thiids 192.
Five democrats, Campbell (Mont.),
Naphen (Mass.), Scudder (N. Y.), Sibley
(Penn.l, and Thayer (Mass.), and one
silverite, Newlnnda (Nev.), voted with
the republicans for the resolution, and
two republicans, Loud (Cal ), and Mc
Call (Maes.) with the democrats. These
were the only breaks from party lines.
The populists voted solidly against the
Catarrh Cannut be Gored
with local applications, as they cannot
reach tho seat of the disease. Catarrh
is a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure it vnu muBt take inter
nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
taken internally, and acts directly on
the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Cure ie not a quack medicine.
It waB was prescribed by one of the best
physicians in this country for yeere, and
is a regular prescription. It is composed
of the best tonics known, combined with
tho best blood purifiers, acting directly
on the mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of the two ingredients is
what produces such wonderful results in
curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials,
F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo O.
Sold by drrnggistB, price 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best. 12
UlurluiiH News.
Comes from Dr. D. B. Cargile, of
Washita, I. T. He writes:
"Four bottles of Electric Bitters has
cured Mrs. Brewer of scrofula, which had
caused her great suffering ior years.
Terrible sores would break out on her
head and face, and the best doctors
could give no help; but her cure is com
plete and her health is excellent." This
shows what thousands have proved,
that Electric Bitters is the best blood
purifier known. It's the supreme
remedy for eczema, tetter, salt rheum,
ulcers, boils and running sores. It
stimulates liver, kidneys and bowels,
exoels poisons, helps digestion and
builds up tho strength. Only 50 cents.
Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, Druggists.
Guaranteed 4
No Jiew l'lague Cages.
San Fkancisco, June 1. Health offi
cers report that no new caees.of plague,
either alivo or dead, have been reported
this morning. Tho work of cleansing
the town is proceeding, and it is the
opinion of leading physicians that the
plague, if it really exists, cnnnot possibly
spread under the regime now being
followed by the Health Board and its
' I consider Chamberlain's Couh
Remedy tho best in the world for bron
chitis," soya Mr. William Savory, of
Warrington, England. "It has saved
my wife's life, she having been a martyr
to bronchitis for over six years, being
most of the time confined to her bed.
She is now quite well." Sold by Blake
ley & Houghton.
Tlio Appt-tlle of ii (loat
Is envied by all poor dyspeptics whose
stomach and liver are out of order. All
such should know that Dr. King's New
Life Pills, the wonderful stomach and
liver remedy, gives a spl udid appetite,
sound digestion and a regular bodily
habit that insures perfect health and
great energy. Only 25 cents at any
drug Btore.
Cure Heartache ulokly.
Baldwin's sparkling effervescent Cel
ery Soda. A harmless and efl'ectivo cure
for headache, nervousness, sleeplessness,
brain fatigue. 10 and 25 cents, bold
by Clarke & Falk, druggists. jan24-0w
Oail M tour Check!.
All countv warrants registered prior
to June 3, 1890, will be paid at my
office. Interest ceases after February. 2,
1900 O. L. Phillips,
County Treasurer.
Campbell & Wilson will sell their line
of millinery, trimmed and untrimmed
half, flowers and children's uais, t
greatly reduced prices for the next
thirty daye. Please call and get our
Tho Iron- of Kate I Nowhere IlcKcr
Shown Than tn That
At first sight it would seem that
the like good luck might nil to any
man, but the reality runs much the
other way, says Ainslee's Magazine.
The man of quick intelligence, of
judgment and decision is not the man
who ordinnrily achieves this sudden
wenitli. It is the man who is too
stupid to know the risks he is taking,
and it is the reckless man who plunges
wildly and misses no desperate chance,
who seem favorites of the god of
chance. Nor do all good luck stories
have pleasant endings. Often after
the "pile" is made, accident, disease or
death steps in to prevent its legiti
mate enjoyment. One man dropped
dead when at the weighing of the
first clean-up he found himself a rich
man. There was something wrong
with his heart. He had the physical
strength to make the fight against
bad food and water, to endure the
back-breaking toil of developing and
working out, and all the strain of the
uncertainty that went before. The
supreme moment of success was more
than he could stand, and the use of
the gold passed from him with its
acquirement. A certain James Meade
lay down with typhoid fever in an
outlying camp just as he was starting
for home with the accumulations of
the year, and he and his bag of dust
entered Dawson together on a litter.
It took six men to bring him in al
ternating four to carry and two to
rest and he paid each man $15 a day.
Once in Dawson Meade seemed to
grow better, and when his sailing day
came he walked to the boat. He
reached the wharf and fell dead as he
was about to go aboard.
Little Chicago Girl Who Waa Sorely
hocked at n Ilevclntlon of
The epidemic of "coon songs" which
now rages where once the milder "ne
gro melodies" were pievnlent is doubt
less responsible for the befogged con
dition of the mind nf a i-even-yoar-oid
pupil in a Highland Park school. The
birthday of Abraham Lincoln had been
made much of in the primary depart
ment and the teacher had dwelt with
specinl emphasis upon 1 lie emancipa
tion proclamation and the consequent
striking of the chains from the negroes,
says the Chicago Chronicle.
Not long after the Lincoln celebra
tion half an hour was given over one
day in accordance with school custom
to nature study. The teacher selected
the subject of 'coons; told the children
how they prowled about at night and
stole the fanners' corn, and how in
return the farmers set trap's for them,
and, catching them, put collars on their
necks and chained them up to trees,
where they kept them captive. The
teacher became aware thnt n little girl
in the front sent was looking nt her
with a more .serious expression than
the story seemed to call for. In n mo
ment a hand went tip and the littleone
was on her feet.
"Teacher," she said, "I shouldn't
think Mr. Lincoln would let 'em do it,
and, anyway, I know my papa wouldn't
dare try to put n chain and collar on
our cook."
I)o-Owner, Attention!
Notice la hereby given to all owners
of dogs who havo not paid license on
the same that thev come forward aud
tako out a license before the 10th day of
June, or in default the dogs will be im
pounded and the delinquents will have
to pay impounding fees as well as 11
ceiises, or have their dogs destroyed.
N. D. Hucihkh,
ni29 jlO Marshal Dallea City.
"I used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure in my
family with wonderful results. It gives
immediate relief, is pleasant to take and
is truly the dyspeptic's best friend,"
says K. Ilartgerink, Overisel. Mich.
Digests what you eat. Cannot fall to
For Hale.
A second-hand ten-foot Randolph
header, in fair condition. Will be sold
cheap, Enquire of
Alex, MoLeod,
mayll-lmw The Dalles.
Be eure and examine our stock of wall
paper thoroughly before buying elte
where, aa we have the latest shipment
made to this city, now ready for inspec
tion at II. Glenu & Co.'a. al7-lw
Clark & Falk'e drug stock ia new
fresh and complete,
Subscribe for Tus Cbbonick.
ffeed a JammocJ?
BUY it here if you do. Why?
BECAUSE we can savo you money.
BECAUSE having a larger variety we can come nearer to giving you
what you want.
BECAUSE our price-range ia so extensive that if jou don't care to
pay $7.50 or $5.00 or $3.00 for one we can show you
tenmo;k;8 as Q?eap as
75 O1?"
It pays to at least LOOK at these iiam mocks before buying.
Boo w indow. i
7. 7r.
DofnfQ Uflll P'ace an' ortIera fr a tombstone or for
DClUlC jUU curbing, fencing or other cemetery
work, call on Louis Comini. I will not only give yon all
the information you need but I will quoto you prices you
cannot beat anywhere. Let no one bluff you, It will take
only a few minutes to call aud see hie. If you hava a
neighbor who ever did business with me consult hi in as to
the price and quality of my work l Pnmini
and abide by tho result. : LUUlO UUIIIIIII
Wholesale and Retail
Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Agen'rthe Greate American Liquor
Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey.
WHISKEY from $2.75 to ifd.OO per caflon. (4 to 15 yen'rjsjiid.")
IMPORTED 00GNA0 frmi $7.00 to $1700 pei- gallon." (ir"to"20 years old.)
0ALIF0RNIA BRANDIES liom $a.'-'5
COLUMBIA BEER on draught, and
Imported Alo aud Porter. .
GFandali & Burget
DEALERS IN --,- tyobeS,
All kinds of undertakers shoes
Funeral Supplies embalmers Etc.
5; Jf!
The Dalles, Or.
Jaeobsen Book & JVIusic Co.
Just Arrived
Tho largest and most complete lino at
Rock Bottom Prices.
to WOO per callon. (4 to U yenrs old.
Val Blatz and Olympia Beor in bottlea