Do You Cough? " I cncs I .icu to Ixi like everybody else "When I caught cold, 1 just let it alone, think- inpjtwmuu cure itself in a few days ; ofooursethe coupliinp nnd tiiMii)? of mucus r.omctimcs lasted sev eral weeks, but after n while the t rouble would sub side. I al ways no ticed how ever, that each cold was worse than thconebofore. My throat seemed to pet weaker, and the least change in the weather started the couphing ncaiu. Tiie last cold was the most severe of nil. I was really frightened. Cough drops and home treatment did no good. A friend told me about Acker's English Remedy. I pot a bottle, and you never saw the like of the way it acted. Jlefore thebottle was gone I was well. My throat felt as strong and well xls could be. Since then I have had no more trouble. I think Acker's English Remedy so strengthens the delicate lining of the throat that it easily resists the clianpes in tempera turc.anditbuildsupthe constitution as well." (Signed) Carrie Schwab, 251 Gold St., lirooklyn, 2f. Y. Sold at25c., 50c. and $1 a bottle, throughout the United States and Canada ; and in Eng land, at Is. 2d.. 2s. 3d., 4s. Cd. If you arc not satisfied after buying, return the bottle t your druggist, and get your money back. TtV auiltorize the abort guarantee. W. II. UOOKE A- CO., Proprittort, Sew 1'erk. FOR SALE BY Blakeley & Houghton. Qt?ro9i;le5p?eial5 "Plutot mort qu'aveugle" Means, -'Rather dead than blind" blindness in most caeee is the result of a neglected trivial illnese of the eye. Many a person now blind could enpy good eveeisdit had it not been that the eyes were neglected when the first sign of disease appeared. Cataract and Glau coma, two of the most dangerous diseases, are in most cases due to negligence in the care of the evee. Theo. H. Liehe, of the firm of J. . Adcox & Co., is a graduate of the Peoria Optical College, and the Bradley Polytechnic Institute. He will correct and diagnose all errore of refraction, byes examined free. J. E. Adcox & Co., Jewelers. PEOPLE XOV ALLKNUW. Orion Kinerslv arrived in town today from Shaniko to remain here till alter election. Frank L. Bunnell, of Centerville, was in town last night the guest of the Umatilla rionee. Mrs. S. B. Driver and Miss Lena Driver are registered at the Umatilla House from w amic. An Honorable ltecortl. (From The Ciibo.nicle of Slay 1. Captain A. S. Blowers, the republican nominee for county judge, is a native of the Empire state wiiere he was born in 1845. In the later fifties he removed to Minnesota, and when the Civil war broke out and be was scarce past the age of fifteen he elisted in the 10th U. 6 Regulars, Dec. 1, 1801, and served till tbe following year wiien he was die charged because of his youth. In the October of 1862 he enlisted again in tbe Second Minnesota cavalry and Eerved till April 3, I860, when he was mustered out with his regiment. He participated in every engagement and movement of his regiment during the war and was several times commended by his superior officers for .coolness and bravery in time of danger. He is an honored nieuber of the G. A. R. and was -for a time captain of a company of m militia at Hood litver. This is a rectrd of devotion to tbe Union and its flag that any man may be proud of, and when such a man comes before the people for their suffrages in tbe full vigor of matured mental manhood and ripe and varied experience, it ought to receive due consideration from every patriotic citizen without respect to his political affiliation. Whatever Captain Blowers has or is he owes to his own energy and to no one else. Ljft alone at the age of eleven years be has since carved out his own fortune. In the civil walks of life his experience hat been as varied as it is honorable. After the war lie settled on a homestead and for a number of years followed the -plow. Subsequently he engaged in the lumber and tsawinill business, to which was added a geueral merchandise store. For twelve years lie served as commissioner far Bencher and Otter Tail counties, Minn,, during which time he built and superintended the building uf neatly all tbe roads and bridges in bis district, which comprint seventeen townships. When he was first elected the county war new and without roads, but under tiis management some of the best road ia the state v. ere built. Good roads were and still are almost a hobby of Captain Blowers, and for this reason be was kept in office from year to year till he left Minnesota and cniuo to Oregon. Six years ago tbe republicans of Hood River asked his nomination as com missioner at the hands of the county convention. His election followed in due course, and his service in this capacity ia a matter of public record. It is n matter of simple justice to say that he brought into his commissioner ship the ripe business experience of long years of service- in the same capacity elsewhere; that no meritorious improve ment was ever discriminated against because of locality, and that every prop osition for the improvement of the roads leading to the county seat received his special and cardial support. Captain Blowers will bring to the county judge ship the varied experience of long years of servica as commissioner in two .Hates, milled to that of a long and successful business career. Should he be ulected he will move his family to The Dalles and devote his entire time to the busi ness of the county. Captain Blowers is entitled to and ought to receive every republican vote in the county. A FORTUNE IM ORANGES. A. 8am FrancUco Cleraynmn "Who Orbi Beuntlfal and Vnlnalile Grovra. . llev. Robert Mackenzie, I). 1).. pastor of the first Presbyterian church in this city and' professor in the seminary ut San Anselmo, while attending- to the arduous duties of his ecclesiastical churge, has found time to make n for tune. He is a man of great wealth, says the Sun Francisco Bulletin, not inherited; but the result of his own foresight andwite investments. About live miles from the beautiful town of Riverside, in the choicest part of n region where land) is marketable at prices ranging from Sl.COO to Sl.tiU per acre, Dr. Mackenzie owns 90 ucres, all in bearing oranges. The land is covered with trees in full bearing and is worth in its present condition about $1.000. The income must be very large, for orange groves pay a large profit on the capital invested. Dr. Mackenzie started the orchard in a small way a number of years ago. He had a few acres, which were carefully planted. He tended his place with great zeal, and it is said that Mrs. Mackenzie herself went over the first few crops and sorted and boxed" them, a labor she would-not trust to les.' careful hands than her own. This prudencegavethe crop n superior qual ity and a reputation. With his annua' profits Dr. Mnckenzie extended hit acreuge until he beennte owner of th present large and extremely valuable groves. Of course he has made a fortune out of his oranges. He has taken enre of his wealth and is now perhaps the rich est clergyman in California. PROJECTILE AIR. New Theory That Ilulililei Driven ly Manner IlalU-ta Explode In tbe lod. Physicians in South Africa now have another theory for explaining away the charges made lj both Briton and Boer that the other is using explosive bullets, says the .New York 3un. The extensive laceration often fount! in bullet wounds is now said to be due to the air which the bullet drives before it into the wouud. The existence of this phenomenon can be proved easily. If a round bullet be dropped into it glust of water 'from the height of a few feet it will he seen that when the bullet touches the bottom a large bubble of air will become detached and rise to the surface. In this case the bubble will usually be front ten to twenty times the size of the bullet. Now a Mauser bullet traveling at high speed is said to carry before it n" bubble of compressed air of large di mensions. Experiments made by it sur geon who fired a pistol bull into n glass of water showed the bubble to be one hundred times the size of the bull. From the appearance of the wounds and from these experiments it is con cluded! that the muss of uir driven byn Mauser bullet explodes in the body of the wounded man with Hullieieut force to cause extensive Iucerution. This de structive nir bubble is well known to surgeons under the name of projectile uir. Economical Pudding-. Unke any remains of bread a golden brown nnd crush them ton fine powder while hot. Of these tuke four ounces, iwo ounces of brown sugar or golden lirup, two ounces of raisins or dried 'berries, hulf n pint of milk nnd the mine of boiling water, together with half a teiiKpooitful of allspice. Pour the boiling wate r on the eiumbs, Htir well, and let them souk till soft, then mix in nil the other ingredient a, and pour the mixture into a dish plentiful ly rubbed with butter or well clarified dripping, mid bake for 20 to 25 minutes. Philadelphia Press. Wsm to Wear the Hair. Many hidieti are wearing their hair parted a little to the side, nliglitly waved, nnd n few soft curls straying over the forehead on one side only. Yomitf trirU dispense with the waving nnd fold the hnir loosely on either side, so that it fulls over in nn artistic fash ion, but n girl needs to be pretty to vcar her hair this wuy.- BUSINESS LOCALS. Clark A Falk are never closed Sunday Don't forget this. Clarke & Falk's fUvnring extracts are the best. Ask your grocer for them. Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke & Falk. Paint your house with paints that nre fully guaranteed to Inst. Clarke & Falk have them. duilcc Itiahflcy Vni-lurrn tlio l'rlxo. The D.u.i.ks, .lum-1, 1D0O. To Tin: Eiinoi:; I have just returned from the ForcBt Reserve Association's barbuene tt Duftir, which was b grand success. There were plenty of well- roasted beef and roast chicken. The picnic was attended by n lurgo crowd and the day was well epent. In the afternoon the whole herd of candidates were on the ground aud political chipB were flying in every direction ; r.ud to cap it all the inerrygoround gave a prize to the ugliest candidate. I left before they bad decided but I heard it whispered around that Blakeley would get the prize. Sktii Moiigax. "I used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure in my family with wonderful results. It gives immediate relief, is pleasant to tuke and is truly the dyspeptic'B best friend," S.IVB E. Uartgerink, Overisel. Mich. Digests what you eat. Cannot fail to cure. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. It artificially digeststhe food and aids jSaturo in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or fans. It is the latest discovered digest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It In stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, SlckHeadacne, Gaatralgla, Cramps, and 111 other results of imperfect digestion. . Praoarad by E. C DsWitt Co.. Chicago. NOTICE FOIl PUBLICATION. I,am Office at Vakcovvkr, Wash ,1 May 17, I3.W. f 2.otice is hereby Riven that tlio following! named pettier has tiled notice of his intention to make Dual proof in support of his claim, nnd tbiits tltl proof will bo made before W. II. Prtiiby, United hbites Commissioner, at Uoldcndalc, on July 0, 19CO, viz: Asahel K. Ollar, who made H. K. N'o. yvci, for the (ruction W NWJ.4, rice :, Tp 3 X, It 13 E, nnd BK'i of NKfc. Kec IS, Tp 3, X R PJ E, V. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, und cultivation of Mid land, viz: Kobcrt A. Hrouthcrs. Christ K. Fraltzett. Will lam (iarner, John Kurc; nil of I.yle I'. O., Washington. W. I:. liUKBAK, majSM Keglster. Ailnilulatratur'a hule of Ileal I'ronerty Xo'.lcc is hereby pi veil that from and after the ninth day of June, 1900, 1 will proceed to tell at private sale, for wish, the following described iiropcrty belonging to the estate of Patrick lirown, deceased, to-wlt- 1-wtn A. II, C, 1), K, F.O, II, I, J, K aud I., In block 67 of tort Dalles .Military reservation, in Oregon. For Information inquire at ofSco of Blnnott A Klnnott. UutuI at Dulles City this 10th dav of May, l'JOO. DELIA C. HKON, Administratrix of the estate of Puttie Drown, deceased. m NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. l.AW) Office at 1 he Dallki, nttgnoKJ April V), ikw. ( Notice Is hereby given that the foltowing named settler has filed notice of his intention to make tlnal proof in aupjxirt of his claim, nnd that said proof wilt be niude before the HeglsWr and Itecelver at The Dalles, Oregon, on eatur day, June y, l'juj, viz Henry lteatlel, of The Dallee, Or., Homestead Kntrv Nn 1710. for the HE!, section 0, township 1 north, range VI east, W. M. He names tne following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon und cultivation of said land, viz: Henry I.ucbing, George Arnold, Obarlie W. Adams-, Michael Doyle, all of The Dalles, Or. may21 JAY I'. J.UOAH, Heglstcr. CONTEST NOTICE. of thk Interior, Uihtiii Htatkh Lanu offick, Til. ,.. If.... ... . ' iAuui.n vi... .'ill iti IWl.t A sllHlcient contest affidavit havlnr Imm IIImI in this ollice by (ius H. Alexander, contestant, Kvaiusi noiiicaicau entry no. uni, made .May u jbv;, for wJ4 ol nwJ4, sec. 6, tp. 1 n, range 1.1 e, by John T. Wright, contestee. in which it Is al leged that said John T. Wrhrht has urhnllv sum iruei, uuu ciiaugen ins residence therefrom for more than six months ilnt mak ing laid entry, und next prior to date; and that the absence of defendant ftom said tract is not due to Ills employment in tbe military or naval service of the (Jutted Mutes, said parties arc hereby notified to appear, respond and offer evidence touching sulu allegation ut 10 o'clock a. in. on June SO, l'JOO, before the Itogister and Itecelver at the United mates hind ollice In The Dalles, Oregon. Tb said contestant having, in u proper ulllda vlt, filed May V. 1MU. set forth facts which show that utter due diligence eioiial service of this notice can not be made, it Is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be given by due nnd proper publication. 161 JAY I'. I.UCAH, I'.cglster. TIM BE It CULTURE FINAL I'P.OOF. NOTICE FOR- PUBLICATION. (J. H. Land Offick, Vahcuuvkk. Wami., April J, Iimj. I Notice Is heicbv given that Marv K. (iclhaiis. by D. 11, Htegiiinn, her attorney In fuct, has Died iiotlco ol intention to make llnal proof buforu W. II. t'rtrsby, (lulted Htates Cotniiilstioner for District of Washiimtoii. at his olllco In (Julden. dale, Washington, on Friday, the vtilh day of June, law), on Tniiber-culturo Application No. '11, lot the northeast quarter of set lion No. I, in -...... .1. 1 .. .1 ... k ....... 1 . . ... tl' .. .u. ti iiwi,M, llii'KU ciu. il vut, . mi. Hhe names us wllnest: Manuol H. louurdo. of (irand Dalles '. O., Wasb.i Herman Eiiuulkc, William Wilkinson, of Ceutorvllle I'. U Wash,, und William Crawford, of (Irand Dalles I', O., Wash. W. It. DUNBAK, inay-1 Keglskr. FRED. W. WUJJON. ATTOHNKV-AT LAW, THE DAI.I.Ud, Oltl'.UON oa' ovei Fix! Nat. b:tu.;. 0.R.&K pkpart FOR TIMK (rilKt)UI.X, FROM llALLF.S. ARR.VK From. I Fast Salt t.akr. Denver, Ft.. Jt Matt Worth, (Imaha, Kan- Mull 12.10 p. m. sa City. St. ll. 12:S0 p " ' Chlrngo and East. Stxikntie 'Walla Walla, Spokane, It. .11 MI.......,..mIU it Pull . nnd ' iltt In t h, Milwaukee,, Exntws I Chicago and I'ast. via. 1 1 t.i4 tt I. . tl 1 I tllll. IllSOIltl MlllltS 111 10:10 p.m. WinhliiKtnii and Kast-. tiPOn. tn ern Oregon. Spokntic Mall ami Ex pros 8 p. m. From roi-.Ti.ANi. Ocean Steamship. For San Frnliclsco April t!7, May'.', 7, 12. t p. m. K n, 4 II. m. Ex. sunday Columbia Uv. Steamers.! Ex.Hundaj ' I o Astoria anu vi ay Saturday Uindlugv ' 10 p. m. 0 a.m. i Wii.lamf.tti: HtVKR. i 4:30 p.m. Ex.buuilaylOregoii City. Newberg, Kx. Sunday I Balciu it Way land's. 7 a. m, Wiu-AMETTi ai Yam- S:30t. m. Tues.Thur. HtLl. Utvctti. Mon.,rd aud feat. Oregon tJlty, Dayton, anil Fri. and Way-ljiudlngs. Ca. m. 1 Wtu-AMETTr. Uivzr. 4:30 p. m. Tuc.Thur, Portland to Corvallls, Mon. Wed and Sat. uud Way-Undiiigj. land Frlilr.y Lv Illjiaria dally l.'.Ja. m. Snake Uiver. Itlpariu to Ij-wistou. 1 l.r.AVF. LcwtrrrtiK ' daily I h:."X)u. m. I Parties (lasl:iiic to co to Ilcptiner or lMinit. on Coltimtila houltiern via mggs, siioiiio take No. '2, leaving 'I lie Dnllos at PJMO p. m. mnking direct connections at Heppner Junction mid lllggs. llettirulug makliigilirwtcotiiiwitlou at Heppner Junction and lilsgs with No. 1. ar riving at The Dalle, at l'.VEO p. 1U. For full particulars rail n O. P.. & N. Co.' agent The Dalles, or aililresf. W. II. HUllMtt'P.T, fien Poj. Act., Portland, Or, Yellowstone Park Line. THE D1N1NU CAU ItOl'TE FItOM POItTI.AND TO THE EAST. THE ONLY DIKECT LINE TO THE YE 1,1.0 W KIONE PA UK x.EA vk. 'Union Derot, Firihand I Sis arhivf.. No. 1 No. 'J. Fast mall for Tacoma, beattle, Olympla, Gray s Harbor and Hnuth IScnd iKiints, Upokane, Hoss land, II. C Pullman, ,Mwcow, Inlston. Iluf 11:15 A.M. faloHump mining coun- 6;.VJ P. M. try, Helena, Mluueatio. ills, Ht. Paul, Omaha, I Kansas City, Ht. Iiuls, , Chicago and all i-oluts, No. 4. east and southeast. No.;;. Pugct Hound Express U;30 P.M. for Tacoma and Seattle 7;0OA.M. ; and intermediate points Pullman lirat-class nnd totirltt skirixirs to Minneapolis, m. rum ana itsiour: rtver points without change. Vostihuled trains. 1,'ulou depot connections in all principal cltle. Ilaggngu checked to destination of tickets, For handsomely lllustiatcddcscrltitlvc matter. tickets, sleeping-car resurvutlous, etc, call on or A. D. CHARLTON, SOUTH and EAST via Souitieifi Pacific Co. Shasta Route Trains leave The Dalles for Portland and way stations at l:i'j a. in. and 3 p, m. Leave Portland , " Albany , Arrive Ashland " Hacramnuto . . , " Han Francisco H-JD a m 7;00 p m ,U!:S0am 10:Wpm .12::sinm ll::am . 5:ou pra ;:).') a in . 7:lpm hililam Arrive Ogdon " Denver " KunsasClly " Chicago . .. ri:)5nm ll;l.'iam , UiUlum Mam "a'mtn 7;'.'.'iaiu 7: IS a m 'J:Mnm Arrive Los Angclr . . r. raso " Fort Worth.. , City of Mexico , " Houston " Now Orleans . . " Washington . . " New York ,. liVOpm C:U) p m .. Giaiam i,. 0:Mftin ... 4:Uia m .. fl:Wum .. n;i.u m ..12:i.ipm 7:00 a m U:W) p m fi;ai m U:W a in 1:00 n in lii'A p m C IS a m l'J'i:i p m Pllllrnitn and Tourist cars nn both I ruins Chair curs Bucramcuto to Ogduu und Kl Paso, uud tourist can to Chicugo, Ht Louis, Now Or' icons nuu t, aniiiugioii. f ?,lllllf)H(ir ft, U.n limtlai. ...11. . .... , w....Hw,,..B ... , IHIK.I.VIJ .Mill nuvi.-nil sU-ainshlp llnea for Honolulu, Japan, China, Philippines, Central and Hnuth Ameilca, Hce agent at The Dalles station, or address C. H. MARKHAM, (icncrul Pssnger Agent, Portland, Or T. BROWNHILL, JU8TIOE OKTIIK PKAnv v..... - - - iiuiniv Pablio. Collectiotii promptly sttended iu, muiit-v io loan, j, y uavnru a of Uce, Tho Dallee, Orejjoii. i t- ft 3 -. 5m9BHB Its f 21 The Th Dcllen, Job Printers, i SI $ i .oo per month. Strielly first cIiikb local and long tliHtitnuH teloplione acrvice within your hiiine. Lint's do not croHMulk. Your cou vurautinn will 1m kept a secret. No coat for itmtnlltnK. Von tret tht atandard Hunniog Long Diatttnt Inatruinent. Continuous dny nnd night ervlce. We will accupt your contract for ton yearn nnd allow you to cancel name on giving ub thirty duya writ tun noticu. PACIFIC 8TATEB TELEPH0IE 00S. and Motors MANUFACTUUKD II V AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL CO SUITABLE FOR DRIVINO GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, ELEVATORS, PRINTING- PRESSES, ETC Clrculara and particulars (urniahed on application. P. S. GUNNING, Agent. unW , THE DALLES, 0KEG0N C. J. STUBLING Wholesale and Rtall Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agen'rthe Greate Amerioan Liquor Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey. WHISKEY from t2.7oVolo.QO Tr Tr&TSTiirv T IMPOETEDJJOOifAO from TM xYlWytx nation. (11 toii0yMrw H-r 0ALIF0BNIA BBAMDIEB(roin ft.MiVmo pTri'allon. (4 to ll yeorjLSii ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. FKaA BEEf,?" dr"uut ud Val BUt and Olympl Ber In Imported Ale and Portr, JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS.