Let us talk of SJiis at S8.85 Doing a little better than other Clothing Stores. Wo arc selling a special value Suit now at $9.85 that is simply unbeatable for the money asked. This Suit is of superior merit and style, and really ought to be sold by us for $12.50, for that is the price of similar Suits at other stores. All Styles All Makes All Colors Perfect Fit Guaranteed Fine Clothing, Hats All Goods Marked in Plain Figures. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Telephone No. 1. FIJI DAY JUNE 1, 1900 () ICE CREAM and ICE CREAM SODA At Andrew Keller's. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. lie sure and see our gooda belore mak ing yuur dimmer purchase. Furnished rooms for rent on Fourth street, in tlio DeVVolf house. Apply to Mre. J. O. Kobc. m!J5-lw Ah the regular collection day fulls this month on election day, collections will lie postponed till Tuesday. Over twenty cars of wool from interior poiuis are being unloaded today at the warehouses in the East End. Twenty-five car loads of cattle ou their way from Albany, Or., to Cutbank, Montana were fed at the stockyards this morning. The Indies of the M. E. church will have a lot of pies, cakes and cookies for eul i! at the store of Mr. Cross next Saturday. The Wasco Newa says twenty-seven rfruiuiuunj were on the train last Tues day, pasting through that towu on the way to Slianiko. A full line of boys and children sum mer underwear just rocelved at The New York Cash store, we have also a full hue of men's summer under ear from 25c up to "(if. Out) who thinks he knows says that Judge Ulukeley won't poll nearly as many votes in tho Dufur and Eight Ml u precincts ue he would have tin dnye ugo. We have just received ft shipment of boyu and children's summer underwear, which wo are ollurlrig ut special prices, Iff, 23c and 25c per gurmeut. The New York Cash store. Considerable freight is being hauled by wagon over the Klickitat mountains to Goldendalo. Five wagons loaded with mercliKiidlso for that town were 'urrleil across tho river this morning. E. O. Dickerson, of Antelope, was in town last night on his way home from tliu Sound country, where he disposed of the Inst of 104 head of horses ut good and satisfactory prices. They were, as a rule, tine animals, ranging in weight from 1200 to 1000 pounds. John Phillip, who is accused of selling 1'quor to the Indiana hail an examina tion this morning before Commlision M. Huntington and waa committed to Ppoar before the United States Circuit court at Portland. Deputy United Btatei Marshal A. A. Roberts ii hereto take "Imdown on the flret train. tioorite Jolea returned last nuht from the Spanish Gulch countrywhere be ud his brother Isaac hare Wees working on their placer claim aim the middle But our well established rep utation for giving great values, and our pride in doing a little bet ter than other stores causes us to make this great offer. World-Beaters in Summer Overcoats.... and Furnishing Goods. of March. He will go pack after hay harvest. He brought down a couple of nuggets as samples'aken from the claims, one weighing 17 ounceB and estimated to contani about $250 worth of gold. The run so far haB been quite satisfactory, andas tiiey have plenty of water they will work till the freeze comes. Professor Bandvig will give his iaet dance of the season at the-Bald'vln next Saturday night. These dances have been held weekly all the past winter and have been a source of pleasure to a large number of people. It is due to Professor Sandvig to say that ti i b dances have been conducted with the strictest regard to decorum and respectability and that pertons of questionable repute have always been rigorously excluded. The professor hopes to see a large at tendance at this closing dance, ni31-.1t Wo regret to record the death last night at his home on 8-Mile of Edwin Doyle. The deceased was boin in Illinois Fob. 1-1, 1602. He crossed tho plains witli his parents in 1803 and resided near Eugene for three or lour yearn, when he come to this county and settled with his parents on the place where lie died. His death is deeply deplored by a largo circle of friends and neighbors who respected him as an honest man and a good citizen. He leaves' to mourn his loss an aged mother and onti brother, William A. Doyle, who lives near by. Few people, even in Tho Dalles, have uny idea of the amount of business done in this town. Tun CiiuonjOi.e claims that there is more business douo here than in any town in Oregon, outside of Portland. This claim may be consid ered extravagant, but let one mere in cident be offered as proof. Today 100, 000 pounds of miscellaneous merchan dise were shipped from one house, Pease & Mays, by wagon and rail to Reiley, Sounlee.l'ife, Post and Puullna, in the interior, without speaking of the ordinary and 'enormous local trade of the same firm". And this is only one of the big business firms of the city. Iiuprtuut Kunutu ;t iiieiuliiienl. The following telegram was received here today. It shows that Mr. Mc JJride is fully alive to tho interests of ills coiiBtitueuts and is working along the same lines with Mr. Moody to ob tain an equitable adjustment of the wrongs that have been done to settlers on The Dalles military road grant: Wahiiinoton, D. O. May HI, 1IK)0, Huun (Jouui'AY, KwToii CnuoNicu: : Tho senate today udopted In the sun dry civil bill my amendment to enable the secretary of the interior to obtain information regarding entries on ands within the limit of wagon and railroad Brants, and also ascertain the umounte necessary to purchase the title to such claims and other facta necessary lo an equitable adjustment. 4 (Jko. W, McBiuije. Sick Headache absolutely and perma nently cured by using Moki Tea. A pleasant herbdrlok. Cureaconitipation andtudigeitlon, make you eat, deep, work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. 25 ctt. and 60 eta. filakeley 4 Houghton Druggist'. ...WASH GOODS... ENGLISH DIMITIES rNeat little patterns in delicate colors at 20o per yd FOULADMNES The great leader in Wash Fabrics at 15o SPOT CREPE In solid colors, popular goods for wrappers 20o DRESS GOODS Homespuns, Covert Cloths, Sorges, etc., for unlined skirts, 52, 54 and 50 inches wide, at $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00 per yard. Summer Ms. .SILK VESTS An assortment of extra pink and blue, at 65c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.25 FINE WHITE JERSEY RIBBED High neck and long sleeves, low neck and sleeveless, short sleeves 10c, 12c, 15c, 20c, 25c and 35c ON THE COUNTER Cleaning up odds and ends we have placed on the counter vests sell ing in the regular way for 25c, 30c and 35c, at 19c PEASE & MAYS A MAGNIFICENT SPEECH. Senatur C. W. Fulton MBktH a Power ful Defense or Ilepulillcau Prin ciples and l'oltcy. The speech of Senator C. W. Fulton at the Vogt opera house last night was the event of the campaign. The big bujlding was filled to the door, and the senator's speech of a couple of hours was applauded to the echo. F. W. Wileon introduced the speaker in a short, but effective argument in favor of republican principlts and policy. Senator Fulton began by saying that lie had been all over Western Oregon aud that every where he found the republican senti ment very strong. Every prophecy the demo-populists bad made four years ago had been falsified by the IorIc of evente. The party today is mounted on the same old Roslnaute and has ou its ban ner the same old legend of free trade, free silver and tho Chicago platform. The people of the United States need no Rndyard Kipling to put in tiieir mouths Lord God of Hosts lie with uh still, J.eet we forget ; I-est wo forgot. They never cati forget the experience they passed through from tho time that Cleveland. started his campaign of free trade under the namo of tariff reform. They don't forget tho :i,000,000 of peo ple out of work and depending ou public charity; the broken banks and collapsed business houses; the ruined lives and ruined homes of that awful period. And yet the "toboggan elide" from Grover to Bryan was worse than 10 to 1 ; It was a thousand to nothing. He wished he could draw a crayon of the "toboggan eliila" from the Jefferson who procured ua the inestimable possession of tho Louisiana territory, to the Uryan, who would cowardjy surrender the flag to a lot of Philippine rebels. Tho party that cursed Lincoln when ho was liv ing, now deify him when he is dead. Tho domo-pops have a great admiration for George Washington Hint is to say, George Washington Aguuuildo, Pretty soon their admiration will he extended to soiuo Georgo Washington Arnold Jef ferson Au'uiualdo Lincoln. The Rryanito universal panacea was 10 to 1. If tt did not get that, money would become senrcer, thj money power would contract the currency, and it would be the dollar instead of tho man. Tho republican party has kept its pledgos and given the country protec tion and tho gold standard. What has been tho result. Wo have upwards of if-100,000,000 of money, gold standard money, in circulation more than we had four vears ago, The balance of trade in our favor in 1897 was over $200,000,000. In 1808 it was over 1100,000,000, and in 1890 it reached the enormous total of (453,000,000. Money too is cheaper than it ever waa in the history of the country, and government bonds bearing three, four aud five per cent iuterest are being refunded into otbera bearing two per cent. Mr, Fulton had aeen notes of a speech of J ud Bennett wherein be condemned the annexation of the Philippines be cause the people were not fit to bear the burthena of American citizenship, while in the next breath he said the Filipinos should be given their Inde pendence because they were a highly civilized people and the majority of them white. Now, if the islanders were so highly civilized as tho judge claims, why should he fear their annexation? What is the judge complaining about? He was reminded of tho Highland preacher's sermon on tho text, as the preacher read it, "The devil, be goeth about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour." "First, my brelhern," said the preacher, "we will inquire who, the devil, he is. Second, where, the devil, he's going to, and third, what, the devil,' he's roaring about." If theBe people aro as highly civilized as the judge claims they are, what tho devil is Judge Bennett roaring about? The republican party was tho only party that had ever legislated against trustB. It was easy to tell who raised the ci y against the Porto Rico tariff. Senator Jones, Bryan's manager four years ago,, and the chairman of the democratic na tional convention, introduced n bill in tho senato to give back the duties col lected on Porto Riean exports to the men from whom they had been collect ed. The amount at that time was over $1 ,800,000. Who were these men? About the same time the American sugar trust instituted proceedings to recover this money from the United States on the ground that its collection was unconstitutional. The suit la still pending. A bant that timothe president sent a mortage to congress recommend ing that this money bo given to the Isl anders tu build school houses and repair tho ruin that tho hurricane had made. The republicans in congress promptly passed a law in uccordanco with the the president's suggestion, Which do you commend, the action of tho presi dent and his party, or the action of tho democratic party, who wanted to give back the tax to the trusts. Tho republicans recently introduced a bill to amend the constitution giving congress power to deal effectively with tho trusts, and every dumoitrat in tho committee having tho bill in charge voted against it ou the ground that it would interfere with tho rights of the states, tho old doctrine that we thought had been shot to death muro than a third of u century ago. Mr. Fulton referred to the domo-pop. ulist railroad plank, and denied em phatically Ihut uny number of railroad men had ever asked the republican stute convention for n similar plank. Ho himself was in favor of tho relief asked for in tho plank, and would sup port such a measure; and whoever might bo defeatod, he would be in the next legislature, for tin was a hold-ovei, He pledged Mr. Williamson and Mr. Barrett, who were oil the platform with him, that they too would hHp the rail road boys to obtain the relief they sought. Ho had talked with them and they had authorized him to say ao. The republican party had alwaya been the friend of labor, Mr. Fulton closed with an earnest ap- The Kind Ton Have Always in use for over 30 years, and has been made under his pcr 7?Vy sonal supervision since its infancy. '"GCCCAfwl, Allow no one to deceive van In thlfl. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Jnst-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment What is CASTORIA Oastoria is a harmless substitute for Castor OU, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Fevcrishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THC CCNTAUH OOMMNVi TT MUMMV STRICT. HCW YORK CITY. ...Steel Ranges To reduce our largo stock we will sell Stoves and Steel Ranges at i Greatly Reduced Prices i for a short time only. See our goods and get our prices. . . . JWAYS peul for tv straight vole. The election of it demo-populist would bo heralded all over tho country. lie did not need to say n word to his audience on behalf of their fellow-towneuuui and able mid hard-working representative, Malco'm A Moody, but he ivou'd have tliein ie member when they went to the polla that thoro waa a eenntor lo elect at the next legislature, and a vote for a demo, crat was a vote to condemn tho republi can policy and to send a demo-populist to tho United States senato. I'll I II of Tlilillkv. Tim following cud oi thanks waa in advertantly omitted to he printed yes terdiiy : "The niemhors of tho G. A. I!, aud W. It. O. desire to sincerely thank t ho members of tho I). U. & A. O. band for their kindness in furnishing music fur tho procession nu Memoiial Day. CASTORIA For Infauts and Children. " The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Siguaturo Rev. W. K. SiUdr, W. Canton, N. Y writes, "I had dyspepsia over twenty years, and tried doctors and medicines without benoflt. 1 was persuaded to use Kodol Dyspepsia (Jurn aud it helped me from the start. I believe it to he a panacea 'or all forma of indigestion." It digests what ycu eat. YVautad. A girl to do general bouse work. In quire at the Dalles Lumbering Oo.'a office. inayauw Bought, and which has been has "borne the' siarnatnre of Signature of and Coot Stoves. & CfOCUE. Garden Hose AVo havo laid in a largo stoclc of Garden Hose and aro carrying the-same brand of lloso that wo have boon carry ing for the last fivo years, which is tho celebrated Mal tose Cross Brand. Wo carry tho samo brand of lloso that tho Dalles City Fire .Depart ment has boon using for tho 'last twenty years. Tho Mal tese Cross Brand is without doubt tho host grade of lloso on tho..marlcot. Call and got our prices boforo buying. JVIaier & Benton Sole Agents. jyt. C. T. BMITII, Osteopath. Kooiiu 10 imd 'ii, Clmiminn Mock, Tlio Dalles, Oregon, Tuwduja una Friday, ti u. in. to Vi, mayis-lin 5