The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 29, 1900, Image 3

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    " ts a vory good world to live in
To lend, or to spend, or to give in
But to buy, or to borrow, or to get a man's own
Its the very worst world that evor was known."
And Worst of all
The dear old world is busy, trying to
Forget how to give a lot for a little.
ts a fad of ours to be frank
And besides,
If wo advertised it all time
To give you more than " your money's worth"
It would bo an insult
To your intelligence.
This is CUhat We DO do
We give you
One Hundred Cents' worth of
Merchandise for One Dollar every time.
Ask some of your friends they know.
Men's all-mool Suits $5.00 to $25.00
Boys' all-rjuool Suits $1.85 to $10.50.
ENGLISH DIMITIES Neat little patterns in
delicate colors at 20c per yd
FOUL AD1UNES The great leader in Wash
Fabrics at 15c
SPOT CREPE In solid colors, popular goods
for wrappers 20c
DRESS GOODS Homespuns, Covert Cloths, Serges,
etc., for unlined skirts, 52, 54 and 50 inches wide,
at $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00 per yard.
Summer Vests.
SILK VESTS An assortment of extra pink and
blue, at G5c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.25
and long sleeves, low neck and sleeveless,
short sleeves 10c, 12lc, 15c, 20c, 25c and 35c
ON THE COUNTER Cleaning up odds and
ends we have placed on the counter vests sell
ing in the regular way for 25c, 30c and 35c, at 19c
All Goods Marked
In Plain Figures.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Telephone No. 1.
j At Andrew Keller's.
Mays & Crowe will cloee tomorrow at
10 u. tn.
Tomorrow being Memorial Day, no
paper will be issued from thin office.
A. M. Williams it Co. will cloee their
pliico of buBitieBH at 10 a. m. tomorrow.
Fiirnitihud rooniB for rent on Fourth
street, In the DeWoir house. Apply to
Mrs. .1. O. Hose. tuL'5-lw
Dr. Hudeon was called today to Mo
Bier to visit Charley Gratam and hie
daughter, who are ill with pneumonia.
1'eiiHe & Maya HHk their customer? to
send their orders in an early as pobsiblo
tomorrow, ua theit store will cloee at
A populist paper up in Wallowa coun
ty reports the recent naturalization of an
Irishman, who was "a former subject of
Queen Klizabetli."
The members of the Commercial Club
are culled to meet next Thursday nijsht
to consider the proposition of the Y. M.
0. A. to rent the lower floor of the club
The Ladies' Aid Society, of the
thu Congregational church will not meet
this week but will meet on the Wednes
day of next week at the home of Mrs,
One hundred and sixteen sacks of
t wool were received today at the Regula
tor warehouse from G. A. Young & Son
of Hiikeoven, being part of their clip of
130,000 pounds.
On account of the distressing calamity
that has befallen Hon. IS. 8. Hunting
ton, in thu death of his only child, the
memorial addreeH which he was to
deliver at the M. IS. church tomorrow
n'ht will be read by Professor Landers.
Last Friday Joe Uonn sent up to ArN
Ii'Kton six of his earner pigeons. The
station agent nt that plhce turned them
loofe m 0:38 the next morning. After
"Ircllng in the air for a few moments,
the birds struck for home and arrived
'wont 11:20' The distance by rail Is
filly-four miles.
lh. Kellogg, pastor of the Taylor
trout M. K. church of Portland, will
Kivo two of his celebrated stereopticon
lectures in the Meihodlst church of this
on June 7th and 8th. One lecture
WH1 be upon the famous "Tlssot" pic
tuies, which are now exciting the admi
ration of all art loven.
The teachers and scholars of the Con
irrational Sunday school are requested
tomeetatthecburch tomorrow (Werfnei
dy) at 0 o'clock a. tn, to make arrange
ments for attending the funeral of the
late Wilson Huntington. Mrs. Roche
deeirea that the pupils of her room in
the public schools shall also meet at the
same time and place for the same pur
pose. Hon. C. W. Fultnn, of Astoria will
speak Thursday night, 31st met., on the
political iesues of the day at the Vogt
opera house. M. P. Ifenburg and F. W.
Wilson will speak at the Dutch Flat
school houee on the night of the 1st
July, and at Upper Mill creek on the
night of the second. Hngli Gourlay will
6 peak at the'Fairview school house next
Saturday night.
R. B. Lindsay, a brakeman on Hub
division of the O. R. & N., had a cloee
call for his life yeeterday afternoon
While attempting to mount a horse the
animal threw him violently to the
ground aud kicked him. in the face, Mr.
Lindsay waB rendered uneousdoue for
about six hours. Dr. Geisendorfler,
who was called in, reports that Mr.
Lindsay was much better this morning
and that no serioU9 results are antici
pated. The candidate he kiesed the babe
and rubbed the heads of Sam and Sue;
he swore thu twins were beautiful, and
wished that he had two but that don't
count. Ho asked about the corn bread,
which ho vainly tried to chaw, and
forthwith begged for the recipe. Of
course that tiekoled ma but that don't
count. But just before he left he
stopped and winked, closed rp his jaw,
and slipping out behind the burn he
took a drink with pa and that's what
counts. Myrtle Point Enterprise.
The circuit court, that opened here
Monday, was practically through with
its business at noon today. The docket
was an unusually light one. No grand
jury waB impaneled, and the trial jury
was discharged today. Two prisoners
who had been Indicted, one for aseault
aud the other for horBe-stealing, were
both discharged on motion of the prose
cuting attorney, on the ground that
there was no evidence to sustaiu the
charges. A case for the recovery of
money lost at gambling was disposed of
by a judgment of non-suit.
""The full list of ttuu'eusus enumera
tors for the Second district was made
publiu yesterday. The taking of the
census will begin next Friday, June 1st,
and in The Dalles, us in ull cities of less
i han 8.000 nonulation. and in the coun
try the enumerators will have u full
month to finish ;heir work. The enum
erators for Wasco county are: For The
Dalles, Homer D. Angell, Max H. Rar
tell, J. M. IJattersou, Richard J. Gor
man, O. L.i Schmidt; Cascade Locks,
Clifton K. .Hickok ; Mosier, Sidney M.
Ilriggs; Hood River, M. H. Nlckelsen ;
Dufur, Henry Hudson; Kingsley, Jas.
Kelly; Tygu Valley, A. U. Stogsdill;
Antelope, Max Lueddeman.
John Haverly, of Boyd, left at this
office today a Jew heads of beardless
barley, which he eay ia making a fine
record for itself in the couutry tributary
to Dufur and Kingsley. The first seeds
were obtained a few years ago from a
Mexican who Hopped for a night at a
farm house on Tygh Ridge. The prod
uct of these was carefully saved until
beardleEB barley is now very extensively
sown for hay. For this purpose many
consider it far superior to wheat hay.
BeeideB it yields larger returns to the
acre of either hay or grain, and in addi
tion the giain is said to be second to
none for brewing purposes. A well
known Tygh Ridge farmer says he has
a field of beardless barley, of fall Bowing
on Bummer fallow, that he expects to
yield him four tons of hay to the acre.
Other fields are1 spoken of that give
promise of seventy to eighty bushels of
grain to the acre. Beardless barley
does best when sown in the fall on sum
mer fallow.
John Phillip, a Bhoemaker who has
been working at times for Ness Simon
sou and J, Twohig, was arrested yester
day by Sheriff Kelly and Marshal
Hughes for selling liquor to Indians.
It iB an open aud notorious fact that for
months and years Indians have been
able to obtain in this town apparently
all the liquor they wanted. Phillips
has long been suspected, and more than
suspected. Yesterday the sheriff and
marshal eecreted themselves in Crandall
& Burgett'a undertaking rooms and
watched Phillips enter the little shop
opposite, where he has been doing odd
jobs of work lately. Ho was followed
by old Wasco Charley, aud both paeeed
into a back room. In a minute or two
Wasco Charloy came out on the street,
where ho was met by the sheriff, who
ordered him to fork out "that bottle of
whiskey." Charley handed the eheriff
a quart bottle full of alcohol, which he
admitted he got from Phillips. Both
men were arrested and placed in tho
county jail, where they remain pending
the airival of an officer from Portland.
After Waecu Charley had been a little
while in the jail with Phillips he changed
his tune aud said he found tho bottle of
alcohol. This avail Phillips little, how
ever, us a number ot witnesses of tho
highest character have been summoned
that will prove his guilt beyond u shadow
of question.
(irt't-lry': Wit.
While in Peekskill Mr. Greeley was
sitting on a hotel piazza, ecauuing the
columns of the Tribune, when a stranger
amo along, glanced contemptuously at
the paper and remarked
"Fine sheet you've got hero, mister I
I u Bed to read it myself, but I've sub
scribed for a decent paper now, anil aB
fast as the Tribune comes along I feed it
to my goat. That's all Its lit for."
Greeley glanced up over his paper
with a quizzical smile.
"So you feed your goat on Tribunes,
do you?" he usked in tho mildest of au
cldents, "Yes, sir, I do," blustered the stran
ger. "All right, my friend, said Mr. Gree
ley, "keep right on reading some other
paper and feeding your goat on Tribuues,
and I'll guarantee in three mouths'
time the goat will know a darn light
more about what is going on in the
world than lie owner does." Llppln
cott's Magazine.
Wilaon. the (Inly Child or It. M. anil Mrs.
Huntington, SulTcra Death by Fall
Inc from a Tree Last Night.
A distressing accident. and one which
has caused a feeling of sadness to per
vade many hearts happened last evening
when Wilson Bela Huntington, the
young son of Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Hunt
ington, was killed by falling from a tree
shortly after 7 o'clock. It seems that
the little boy, together with some com
panions of his own age, were playing in
the yard of Mr. Broneon when Wilson
in a venturesome spirit dim lied into one
of the large poplar trees near the house.
He climbed to a distance of thirty-live
or forty feet when the limb he was upon
broke aud the boy fell to the ground.
Ho was unconscious when taken home
and remained in that condition two or
three hours when he quietly passed
away. All that surgical skill could do
to save the younglife was done but the
injury was so serious that all efforts
were in vain.
The accident ia a peculiarly Bad one
and the nympathy of the entire com
munity goes out in large measure to
Mr. and Mrs. Huntington in this time
of deep allliction. Wilson was their only
child and the love and hope of the father
aud mother centered around thu young
life which had been such a sourco of
pleasure and comfort during tiie eleven
short years that lie had lived. His was
an unusually tender and affectionate
nature. His teachers at school, one and
all, speak of his manliness aud kindly
spirit, and tho earnest way he under
took the taeke before him. With his
playmates he wa9 a cherished com
panion, eager to join tho sports of boy
hood but never forgetting his courteous
and gentlemanly behavior . To thu older
people he was looked upon as a boy who
in the days to come Mould develop those
sterling qualities so pr'zed among all
The writer of this article has been
told many times 1 1 1 i h morning what a
pleasure it afforded to note the affection
ate feeling that Wilson constantly dis
played towards his pareutw, and their
loss and Bonow now has for its partial
solace the remembrance of the bright,
young life which came and lilessed (hem
and left such u comforting memory.
Words ure weak at a time like this mid
avail but little us ministrations of
comfort, but in thu days of loueliuess to
follow it cannot be otherwise than that
Mr. and Mrs. Huntington will be
soothed aud sustained by the knowledge
that in every home in The Dalles there
is deep sympathy flowing towards them.
Smli In lour Oliuuaii.
All couutv warrants registered prior
to June 3, 1890, will be paid at my
office. Interest ceases after February. 'Jt,
WOO. O. L. Piiii.i.ii'8,
Couutv Treasurer.
For the convenience of parties want
ing Ice in the afternoons, the Stadelinan
Ice Co. will carry a stock at their store,
corner Third and Washington streets.
Phone No, 107; long distance 183,
"Ring 'em up." 18uitf
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been,
iu use for over 30 years, has borne the slgnatnre of
ami has been made under his per-
jyT sonal supervision since its infancy.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and" Just-as-good" are but;
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infimts and Children Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups It is Pleasant. 16
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Naruotio
mbstancc. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys, Worms
and allays Fcverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep
The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Special Sale!
...Steel Ranges anil M Stoves...
To reduce our large stock we will
sell Stoves and Steel Ranges at
Greatly Reduced Prices
for a short time onlj See our
goods and get our prices. . . .
jvravs & chouie.
l'lngi-ain of Mciiuiriul Nvrvluvti.
In compliance with memorial orders
from national and department head
quarters, the members of J. W. Nosmith
Post, No. H'J, will assemblo tomorrow,
Memorial day, May ISOtli, at post hull ut
1 o'clock p. m.
The ladies of the W. 11. 0., Company
1), O. N. G., tho I), C. & A. O. band,
uml all citizens who detire to join in
memorinni of their dead, are cordially
invited to join the procession to march
from tiie comer of Court and Second
street at - p. m. to tho G. A. H. ceme
tery, where appiopriate memorial ser
vices will be observed.
On returning from the cemetery the
members of the O. N, G,, the band, and
comrades of the G. A. II, are requested
to report ut post hull. Members of the
post will assemble at the post hall at
7:110 p. m, and march to the M. h,
church, where Hon. II, K, Iliiiitiuyton
will deliver the memoiiul address. The
W. I!. 0 Company I), O. N. G., ami ull
citizens are cordially invited to hu proa
cut, Special invitation is extended to nil
ox-soldicis, sailors mid maiines of the
late civil and Spanish-American war to
join the G, A. It. in ull itho exeicises of
the day. By command,
H. L. Aiickn, Post Com'dr.
O. II. Hmiw-N, I'oit Adjt.
W uii tuil.
A girl to do general house work. In
quire ut the Dalles l.umheriint Co, 'a
oflice. niuylllMw
IJuir llnvditiiiu tfiilubly.
Haldwiti's sparkling effervescent Cel
ery Soda. A harmless and ell'ectlve cure
for headache, uervousness, sleeplessness,
brain fatigue. 10 and 25 cents, Sold
by Clarke & Fulk, druggists, jai)240
Garden Hose
Wq have laid in a largo
stock of Garden lloso and are
carrying the same brand of
Hose that we havo boon carry
ing for tho last (ivo years,
i which is tho celebrated Mal
! lose Cross Rrnnd. Wo carry
the sanio brand of lloso that'
the Dalles Oily Fire .Depart
ment, has boon using for tho
last twenty years. The Mal
tese Cross Brand is without
doubt tho best grade of Host
on tho market. Call and get
our prices before buying.
(daier & Benton
Solo Agents".
J)tt. O. T. SMITH,
IUxiiiu lUuud II, (:iiii)iimii lllnck, Tiie I).illu,
Ori'Ciui. TuoMlu)ti uml Ki'lilnya, 6 ;i. in, t. I'.',