The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 29, 1900, Image 1

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    e I) c Dfillco
NO. 24G
0' to Dial With Settlers Whose Lands
Arc Not Yet Surveyed.
IffAsiiisfiTo.v, way jb. At we time 01
I, nrochimution creatine the several
Ircet reserves in the state of Washing
In. there were a cront many settlers
liihln the limits of these reserves on
which had never been surveyed,
M to which, consequently, no title
luld be shown.
The question of how these Bettlore can
Main title to their land line been he
Ire the commissioner of the General
Lud office for some time. That depart
ient Iihh now ruled thai, according tp
; terms of the several proclamations
tatmg the different forest reservations,
ere wus excepted from the torce and
:of forest reserve iroclamations all
fd which were, prior to thedute there
covered by uny vulid settlement made
IpurBtiancu to law, and the statutory
kiod within which to make entry of
brd had not expired, provided the
continued to comply with the
' under which the settlement wub
kde. If such lauds are uusurveyed,
! settler I)ub three montliB, after the
I of the plat of eurvey in the local
ice, witiiin wnicn to uiaue nis ciaun
record, provided he has in the mean
is complied with the law and is
ilifled tu make entry.
;ie staled by tfcn department that
uneurveyed lauds in the forest
ervatiotiB are being surveyed bb
bidly as the appropriations made for
bile eurveyB will admit.
TrUKTBleri Deceive All.
iONiiox, May lio. Hie Jjonrenco
krques correspondent of the Times, in
lispatch dated Satuiday, says:
rDnriup the week the Boers have sue-
lefully deceived even the best in-
loied residents with reference to the
bbahle course of events when Lord
Iberts entered the Transvaal. While
section declares that all serious
hting is ended, another is equally con
Iced that the burghers will make i
bul at Johannesburg and Pretoria.
KMen who huve been present at the
tageuients describe them as igno
nious routs, wholly unjustified by the
lial (lamuge inflicted by the British
tb observers are convinced that all
h oneratioiiB of a ruiliturv interest
now at n n end.
fCaptuin Alum, the Norwegian mill-
'attache, is returning borne. Indeed,
great is the eagerness of continental
Newts to quit the Transvaal that both
' uerman and French steamers are
tble to cope with the demand for
Pit Is rumored here that, the Oh tie
l leaders who are now serving with
uoers are anxious to escape to
FOpfl, und that certain members of the
parliament are waiting on the
re for a favorable opportunity to
fh Hem lieinedjr fur BUeniuatliia,
fll who use Chamberlain Pain Balm
rlienmatlHtn are dellnrbted with the
p relief from pain which it affords.
' speaking of this Mr. 0. N. Sinks,
py, Ohio, says: "Some time ago I
'save attack of rheumatism In my
and shoulder. I tried numerous
Hies, but got no relief until I was
orainended by Messrs. Geo. F. Par-
& Co., druituists of this nlace. to
Chamberlain's Palo Balm. They
niomenned it so highly that I bought
was noon relieved of all pam.
&Ve since rnnninmnrwlnrl thin lint.
n' to tiutnv of mv frlnnria. who flcrree
h me that it is the best remedy for
licnlar rheumatism In the market."
' ' uy BlaMey it Houghton.
Vlolatad International Laws.
HIICAUO. Mav OH Tn tvvlntr tn drive
KjPUIu Streeter'e "squatters" from
'""'font. Chief of Police Klpler,
l108 in behalf nf ih. nit. f ni,(M
'"fed to have committed a breach of
"nitlonal law. By armlnc with
uch cannon thm Arm taa Illinois
I 'be tug Jobs Hay, Oblef Klpley,
"i trannrai i tha ajrraeaMt
f,H tn Unite SlttM and Caaada
which prohibits any but a specified num
ber of duly authorized enliBted ships of
war trom plying the Great Lakes.
The captain of the John Hoy advised
Chief Kipley that ho was on dangerous
ground wticn the order camr, to mount
the ennnon on the tug, but the chief
said that he would assume the responsi
unity. The chief of the squatters,
Captain Streotor, has determined, it is
said, to call the matter to the attention
of the resident Britlslinonsul.
Caught Dreadful Cold.
Marion Kooke, manager for T. W
Thompson, a large importer of fine mil
linery at 1658 Milwaukee Avenue, Chi
cago, says: "During the late severe
weather I caught a dreadful cold which
kept me awake at night and made me
unfit to attend my work during the day.
One of my milliners was taking Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy for a severe
cold at that time, which seemed to re
lieve her so quickly that I bought some
for myself. It acted like magic and I
began to Improve at once. 1 am now
entirely well aud feel very pleased to ac
knowledge itB merits." For sale by
Blakuley & Houghton.
No LoiEr liy Uouht,
Ahtoiua, May 28. Last Saturday for
mal announcement of the engagement of
Governor T. T. Geer and Miss Belle
Trullinger, of thie city, was made. The
wedding will take place in thie city on
June 14, at the residence of the bride's
parents. Miss Trullinger is one of the
most beautiful young women in Oregon,
and is a general favorite in local society
circles. She is highly accomplished.
The announcement of the engagement
was not a enrprlse, aB Governor Geer
has been paying Miss Trullinger marked
attention for some time past.
Utorlons Newa.
Comes from Dr. D. B. Carglle, of
Washita, I. T. He writes:
Four bottles of Electric Bitters has
cured MrB. Brewer of scrofula, which had
caused her great suffering ior years.
rerrlble sores would break out on her
head and face, and the best doctors
could give no help; but her cure is com
plete and her health is excellent." ThiB
shows what thousands have proved,
that Electric Bitters is the best blood
purifier known. It's the supreme
remedy for ecueuia, tetter, Bait rheum,
ulcers, boils and running sores. It
stimulates liver, kidneys and bowels,
expels poisons, helps digestion and
builde up the strength. Only 50 cents.
Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, Druggists.
Guaranteed, 4,
Muy Filipino Hurreuderrd.
Washington, May 28. The war de
partment received the following cable
gram from General MacAnhur, at
"Three officers and 50 men, with 40
rifles, Bunendeml unconditionally at
Cuyapo yesterdny. Three officers, 40
men, with 65 rifles, surrendered uncon
ditionally today at I'arlac. These spon
taneous surrenders are very encourag
ing." MrB. Calvin Zimmerman, Mileehurg,
a., says, "As a speedy cure for coughs,
colds, croup and sore throat Or.e Minute
Cough Cure is unequaled. It is pleasant
forchildien to take. I heartily recom
mend it to molhera." It is the only
harmless remedy tiiat produces Im
mediate results. It cures bronchitis,
pneumonia, grippe and throat and lung
diseases. H will prevent o lu-umptnn
No I'lagUM tu Hu Krancl-co.
San Fbanoibco, May 28 The house-
to-house inspection of Chinatown is be
Ing continued by the inspectors of the
board of health, but as yet no case of
bubonic plague has been disc vereu.
Confidence is being restored among the
Chinese, and It is expected that most of
them will reopen their stores today..
Special reserve old government wh's-
kev. recognised hy the tngnesi. medium
authority in the lnd: enpeciHlly tecom-
mended by the board of health oi bhii
Francisco for hospital use, hIh A. P.
O'Brien, M. D., captain and surgeon,
and Win. D. McCarthy, mMj .r and eiir
geon U. 8. army, as the purest nindul
terated stimulant for con vh lien's, in
valids and launiy ue. own hj unw
Stubliug. apisw-uiui
Columbia River Ice & Fuel Co. wishes
to announce that they will deliver Ion to
any part of the city at all hours of the
day or night, 'rnone o r m
Dst. j 75 or 8 Beaten a wmaun.
Roberts is One Day's March From
Johannesburg Pretoria May Be
LoNno.v, May 29, 3 a. m. Lord Rob
erta is now within a day's march of Jo
hannesburg and General French and
General Hamilton fought the Boers-from
noon until evening Monday, with what
result is not known here.
H. J. Wigam, in a dispatch to the
Daily Mail, dated Lourenco Marques,
May 28, says: "The demoralization of
the Transvaal is remarkable. Panic and
confusion prevail everywhere. Every
one is weary of the war and full of fear
as to the coming of the British. Opera
tions were being carried on for encircl
ing I'retO'ia with telegraphic com
munications. Fourteen points in the
line of defenses were connected with
headquarters and with the Staats
artillery, but this apparently was the
only defensive measure adopted. Tbere
were no other visible preparations.
"Around Johannesburg a few trenches
have been dug, but no other steps have !
been taken for defense. The railway line
is blocked with refuveeB from the west
and southwest, who are packed like ear
dines in trucks. The government is now
endeavoring to reassure the public by
telling them that the British will not
outrage and plunder them, but it is too
late. The previous misstatements are
bringing their rewards.
"Food ia very scarce, and prices rule
high. The proposal to release the British
prisoners of war ia due to this cause.
Members of the government and of the
ill Vfirletlcn or IlcRnrnra nnd Inipon
tora Fnatcn Tliemrl vi-a Upon
the CotiKreajntlun.
A rich congregation docs not need
to go to the poorest part of the city to
do mischief, for it can create, if it so
picnse, a nursery of genteel tramps
within its own borders, writes
Inn Maclnrcn, in Ladies' Home
Journal. When a minister nnd his
people have the reputntion of a
soft heart, and by that is often mennt
a soft head, the news spreadu far
and wide, and there is an immedinte
accession to the number of worship
ers. Tradespeople of the lower class
who wish to push their business andido
not feel sufficiently -confident nbout
the goods they sell; young men who
have lost their situations because they
wouldn't do their work; families of
women who would: consider it beneath
them to do anything for their own liv
ing and are adepts in what may be
railed genteel raiding; incapable men
of business whom no bank would trust
with fifty dollars, but who hope to get
a thousand by quoting the Sermon on
the Mount all these gather and sit
down within the sheltering walls of
the Christian asylum.
Sounda Ilcnrd In n Hnlloon.
Mr. J. M. liaeon, the Englishman, who
with his daughter made a lofty balloon
ascent to observe the meteor shower
last November, tells some interesting
tilings about the sounds that reached
their ears. At the height of 5,000-feet
the ringing of horses' feet on a hard
road could be heard. At 4.C00 feet the
splashing sound made by ducks in a
pond wasnudible. The barking of dogs
aud the crowing of cocks could be heard
at 7,0COor 8.000 feet. These sounds pen
strated through a white floor of cloud
which hid the earth from sight. In
tile perfect silence of the air around
the balloon they were startled by what
seemed stealthy footsteps close at hand.
Investigation showed that this sound
was caused by the stretching of the
ropes and the yielding of the silk as
Volkeraad express approval of the pro-, Pe nu yieiaing oi tne S
pos.l, but President Kruger 1b violently the bMoon continued to expand.
opposed to it.
"One form of infernal machine, which
meets with much approval, is to be laid
under the rails of vanouB lines. A prea
euro of some tonB weight of the engine
a ill cause this to explode with most ter
rible effect. Many of these machines
are being made at the arsenal, and great
caution will have to he employed in neu
tralizing them.
"There has been a decided change in
public opinion, which has become quite
English. The burghers on command
sing 'God Save the Queen,' and they
cannot be stopped. All are sick of war
fare. In the towns the rabid anti-English
are less rampant. People are thinking
of their property. The party eager for
surrender is now very influential, and
includes the political leadeia in the front.
The intelligent public feel that the game
is up. False news no longer has any
effect, and the lying reports of the news
papers are universally disbelieved. Al
though the bund of the censor baa been
very heavy on news of all kind8 recently,
every one believes the worst.
Columbia Southern Warehouse.
At Shaniko the Columbia Southern
Railway Co. controls 80x100 feet of the
Shaniko warehouse building, to he used
as a freight warehouse, through which
they will receive and forward freight in
the uuhI manner. The impiesBlon that
all business must be done through for
warding houses is an erroneous one and
we take this means of dispelling it.
Freight receivpd and held twenty-four
houra will be turned over to u forward
ing house BubjVct to the order of the
consignee. The. rate on wool in sacks or
in hales from Shaniko io The Dalles ie
25 cents per 100 pounds.
For rates or other information call on
or address
O. E. Lytlb, G. K. & P. A., or
Gko. F. Hons, Agent,
Shaniko, Or.
The Dalles Coiuirixioii House will
keep fresh milk at all times on hand
aud deliver it mivwhere, in the city at
the following prices: Ohh quart, $2 per
month: three pints, f 3 ; two quarts, $4;
three quarts $5 60; cream 20cenlf swr
pint. Freeh butter every day. 18. lm
Clarke & Falk have on sale a full line
of paint and artist's brushes.
A full line of Eastman films and sup
piles Just received hy Clarke A Falk,
To secure the original witch haaal
salve, ask (or DeWltt's Witch Haisl
"Silent" French.
An ex-dragoon writes: "Having
served under 'Silent French,' I was not
n. the least surprised to find that he
hud relieved Kimberley. He is an ex
ample of still waters running deep, a
nan of Tew words, but one of the most
business' generals in the army and a
rigid disciplinarian. I heard him
summed up by a trooper whom he had
sentenced in a worJortwoto 14 days'
confinement t barracks: 'Old French
lon't bark a bit; but, crikey, don't ho
oloomin' well bite!'" London Chron
Notice ia hereby given that there will
bean annual meeting of the stockhold
ers of the Golden Eagle Mining Com
pany at the office of French & Co.,
bankers, on Thursday, May 31, 1900, at
7 o'clock p, m., for the purpose of elect
ing seven directors and transacting such
oilier business as may properly come be
fore said meeting.
By order of the president.
J. G. HosTKTi.Eit, Secy, and Treas.
The Dalles, Apl. 27, 1000. a27-td
Mrs. Harriet Evans, Hinsdale, 111,,
writes, "I never fail to relieve my
children fromroup at once by using
One Minate Cough Cure. I would not
feel safe without it." Quickly cures
coughs, colds, grippe and all throat and
lung diseases.
Experience is ttie best Teacher. Use
Acker's English Remedy in any case of
coughs, cohi or croup, Should it fail to
give immediate relief money refunded,
25 1'te. and 50 cts. Blakeley & Houghton
"I used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure in my
family wiih wonderful results. It gives
immediate relief, is pleasant to take and
ia trulv the dyspeptic's best friend,"
says E. Hartgerink, Overieel. Mich.
Digests what you eat.' Cannot fail to
S'ck Headache absolutely and perma
nently cured by using Moki Tea. A
pleasant herbdrink. Cures constipation
and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep,
work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed
or money back. 25 cts. and 60 cts,
Blakeley & Houghton Druggist'.
You will not have boils If you take
Clarke A Falk'a sure cure for boils,
Be sure and examine our stock of wall
paper thoroughly before buying elie
where, as we taav the latest sbipaest
made to this city, ow'rsjMy (or Inspec
tion at U. Olaou k Cw.'f. alMw
WHwiWnW CUT M? 5671 WVWV.Jttl
leed a flammo?
BUY it here if you do. Why?
BECAUSE we can save you money.
BECAUSE having a larger variety we can come nearer to giving you
what you want.
BECAUSE our price-range is so extensive that if you don't care to
pay $7 50 or $5.00 or $3.00 for one we can show you
Janmbs as Q?eap as
75 QS -
It pays to at least LOOK at these hammocks before buying,
Soo 1V1nr1 rr i rr
Jaeobsen Book & JWusie Co.
Just Arrived
, The largest and most complete line at
Rock Bottom Prices,
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of an kinds
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot pii kin
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinds
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, TSAmi
Headquarters for "Byers Best Pendle-
TTkYI hi nil T This Flour is manufactured expressly for family
w' AU use : every sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction.
We sell our eoods lower than any bouse in the trade, and if you don't think m
call and get our prices and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.
GratidaU & Barget
All kinds of undertakers BuPial Shoes
puneral Supplies embalmers etc.
The Dalles, Or.
DofnrO lnil Piftce aty ordore for a tombstone or for
DolUlC jfUU curbing, fencing or other cemetery
work, call on Louis Comlni. I will not only give you all
the information you need but I will quote you prices you
cannot beat anywhere. Let no one bluff you. It will take
only a few minutes to call aud see me. If you have a
neighbor who ever did business with me consult him as to
the price and quality of my work I njc Pnmini
and abide by the result, t : 5 LUUlO bUIIIIIII