-MM-s--s--------------- If Do You Cough? " I pic?s I n-cd to be like everybody else "When 1 eamrht cold, ljnstletit alone, think- m a enough to allow lus party paper to con demn Hon. J. N. Williamson for the "apportionment hill," and too mewl pet to come forward and state thnt he hap NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I inc it would urtMt.clfiii ji Jew days ; ofomrsetlie o u h i n j 4ind hjiittinr: of mucus sometimes lasted ?cv wal wecka. Tint after a while the t rouble vnuld sub side. I al ways no ticed liow ovcr. that each cold was worse than theonebeforc. My throat yeonifd to pet weaker, and the least chansein the weather started the coupliins swiin. The last cold was the most severe of nil. I was really frightened. Cough drops and home treatment did no pood. A friend told me about Acker's English Remedy. I pot a bottle, and you never saw the like of the way it acted. Before the bottle was pone 1 was well. Jly throat felt asstmnpand well its could Ins. Fincc then I have had no more trouble. 1 thir.U Acker's Huplbh J.emedy so urenpthens tlu delicate lininp of the throat that it easily resists tbe chances in tempera "tarc,aiiditbiuIduptheeonstitutiotiaswell." (Sisued) Carrie Sciiwao, 251 Gold St., Brooklyn, XT. Sold at 25c., T0c. and $1 a bottle, throughout the United States and Canada ; and in Eng land, at Is. 2d.. 2s. 3d., 4s. Gd. If you are not satisfied after buying, return the bottle to your druggist, and get your money back. rt authorise the above gua-xmiec IT. II. BOOKER Jc CO., Praprietort, Sew lori. FOB OA.I.E BY Blakeley & Houghton. Land Orncs at Vj.Ncorvr.n, nh., 1 Mnv lh, law. i Notice 1 hereby riven ttint the follow lint nnnuil wltler have tile 1 notlceot tlirtr Intention t.ul-. tl..t ..m.n.9 I.. ........., ,.t tli..t ,lttln,t nltfl pened to lie outside the agnate door ; thnt said proof will t iiuuto before Uio rccl'ier n-Hm, H.u vnl. -n, tnb., o., JtJ Bill! r-el VT dl I 111 I , l.lllll O1I1C0 11 limim n ,,,,, an.. , a - n a . It l Ill'l ; therefore vote against it. M. J. Anderson. GROWING OLD. Oh. lay thy hand in mine, dear! We're growing ot3; Hut time listh tirouulit no sign, tlcur, Thnt hearts grow cold. 'Tl! long, lone since our new love Made life divine, Hut ape enricheth true love Like noble wine. And lay thy cheek to mine, dear. And take thy ret; Mine urrris nround thee twine, dear. And mnfce thy nest. A many cares nre pressing On tills, dear hend, l!ut orrow' hmids lu hlesalng Are surely laid. Oh, lenn thy life on mine, dear, Twill khelttn thee! Thou wvrt n wlusome vine, dear, On my young trie. And jo, till boughs are leafless And birds arc Down, We'll twine, then lay us, grieilcas, Together djwn. Gerald Massey. $fyroii!e5peial5 "Plutot mort qu'aveugle" AJeans, ''Rather dead 'than blind" blindness in most cases is the result of a neglected trivial illness of the eye. Mtiny a person now blind conld enjoy good -eyesight had it not been that the eyes wre ntvlected when the first sign of -disease uppeared. Cataract and Glan coma, tv. o nf the moot dangerous diseases', are in most cases dtle to iieclteence in "the care of the eyes. Then. H. Liehe, of the firm of J. . Adcox & Co., is a jrradnate of the Peoria Optical College, and the Bradley Polytechnic Institute He will correct and diapnoe nil errors ol refraction. TSves examined free. J. E. Adcox 6l Co., Jewelers. Catarrb Citnuut be Cured with local applications, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it vou must take inter nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is takeu internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall 1 Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was was prescribed by one of the best i physicians in this country for yee-s, and ! is a regular piescriution. It is composed I of the best tonics known, combined with j the lest blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous suriaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients i what produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh, Send for testimonials, i tree. F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo 0 Sold by drruggifts, price 7iic. Hall's Family Pills are the best. 12 ver. Wiikh.. on Jtilv li. 1900. vis: Genre 11. Sniifnril, I " who mmle H. K. No. VYA1 for the N'5 SI l.n( Sec 3, and Na SW 4 See 2, T 8 N, U VJ E, W Jt.. who uiuncH the follow lug witnesses to prow hl eouttnunux residence uimiii tmd cultl vtitlim of snlit limtl, viz llitskln Trnhue. ClirMliui tUeckson. TIumim M. whitcoaib, Kdwnrd A. Hopper, ell of Lylc, Wih. Clirlntlnn Illerkitoli, who made il. K. No. '.Ni!, for the S NW'i mid KJa swi4, no in, Tp :i N, i: is. V. m .who liHines the following ultiieea to prove hi coutlnuoiii' rildoni-o upon mid cultivation of satrt laud, vljt llaklti irabue. Joiiu iMul.-on. jam's i iu, i it , r 1 ..I.. ..r.,n.i 1 VlUUlV Til. CUUIlirU, Hit ,H U lU, , .iatll.lt,. IIuhI.Iii Triilme, who uiiide II. E. No, Wffi. for the SW'4. Sec .1. and N3 X WU, S. lo, 1 n :t X, it ll K, W . M., who mimes the following witm-ses lo jnove hU continuous resilience upon ntut cultivntlon of snid laud, viz: i liristlan Ilck.0H, Tliomn', 11. Whltconib, Geotge 11. ,atilotit, James Htz, nil of l.Io 1'. U. Wash. maj23i W. R. DfN'llAll.lUgistcr. DEr.lHT ii; T1NK SCIIKHULK. KllOU Dallks, Knst ialt t.akt, Pcnvor, Ft. Mall Worth, Omaha, Kim-U-tOp. m. Cltv, St. l.ouls,, Clileugn and Kast. AKIt.VR l'l'OW Kat Mill ii;.:a p in i ASKS FOR A FAIR DEAL. raWhat is r.nnd fnr the TSntiert Goose Ought N"t to Ue Mad for the Dufur Gauder. "Tcfrnnx: Editob: Iteeeu: to me that theie is too much ink beingicsed in the democratic organ of -Wasco -county on the record of Hon. A. -S. .Roberts. It don't deserve so much attention. Space should he di vided with ihe Tecord of Hon. E. B. Dufar, who xmeA "nye" to every qnes " tim that the flCimntnineer is giving ..credit to Mr.'Rdbprts for. JDon'.t yen think, Air. Editor, if would be "a g.roS idea to look dp the journal and Mate that Mr. Roberts was atily jaeked liy Mr. Dufur in the normal school liill? that Mr. D voted for the fttittffcdment to make two Hcmiols in ' steaii 'Of one, and voted for the bill? Duat yon think that while onr friend, Siie Moantalneer, is piviiiir the credit of ibe bill that increased the salary of our fuchool superintHiident to $140() to Mr. Huberts, it would he well to look a little after Mr. Dnfur's interet s and say that that net whs a "senate bill," considered on several different dava ; that it was jionsJdered by the senate acting b "com nuittee of the whole," with Senator 'MidieJl in the chair and Senator Dufur -on the'fluor? Are you going to see Senator Dufur lose the honor of having the salary of the school superintendent raised when ,be was on the fluor and the only repre sentative of Wasco county in a position to i:t when the hill was com-idered by -eectioi'e? Are you going to fail to fihowj nthat-whwi thiB act, carrying the in j .crease d -salary (wh'ich was the act re viBrne the entire school law) was' ibruumt into the house, it would have 'fiacrlOced the whole law for Mr. ftolw terle to have amended it on salary? Are ywt oing to allow Mr. D. to lose the honor of putting our ennntv, with some tiling over 4,000 pupils, above every county in the stat' except Multnomah, on school superintendent' salary, and within (100 of that cuuniv and its 24,000 pupils? I do not believe Mr. H ittertx should toe allowed to meal Mr. Dolor's thnnder in this campaign. I think Tint Ciiboni cut, us a republican paper, is entitled tsMf to its readers that there is no act credited to the late legislature by the JMaantaineer in which Mr. Dufur did mat, by bis vote, back Mr. Roberta and few tiia fall hare of the honor. We 4 Bot believe Mr. Dnfnr ia being treat 4 fairlv by the Mnuutalneer. He is a Mas of nerve and modesty, nerve A Life And Death Klcht. Mr. W. A. Hines of Manchester, Ia writing ot his almost miraculous escape from death, says : "Exposure after meas les induced serious lung trouble, which ended in Consumption. I had frequent hemorrhages and coughed night and day All my doctors said I must soon die Then I began to use Dr. Kind's New Discovery tor Consumption, which com pletely cured me. I would not be without it even if it cost fi.OO a bottle. Hundreds have used it on my recommendation and all say it never fails to cure Throat, Chest and Lung troubles." Regular size 50c and $1 .00. Trial bottles free at Blakeley i Houghton's Drug Store. 4 Wm. Orr, .Newark, O., says, "We never feel fafe without One Minute Cough Cure in the house. It saved tnv little boy's life when he had tbe pnen monia. We think it is the best medicine made." It cures coughs and all lung diseases. Pleasant to take harmless and gives immediate results. Rev. W. E. Sitzer, W. Canton, K. Y., writes, "I had dyspepsia over twenty years, and tried doctors and medicines without benefit. 1 waw persuaded to use Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and it helped (Be from the Blurt. I believe it to be a panacea 'or all forme of indigestion." It digests what yc u eat. Care Headache Oalcfcly. Baldwin's sparkling effervescent Cel ery Soda. A harmless und effective enre for headache, nervousness, sleeplessness r brain fatigue. 10 and 25 cents. Sold by Clarke & Falk, druggists. jan24-Cw fur Hale. A second-hand .ten-foot Randolph header, in fair condition. Will be sold cheap. Enquire of mayll-lmw Alex. McLton, The Dalle. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is nn equalled for piles, injuries and skin diseases. It is the original Witch Hazel Salve. Beware of all counterfeits. Hale, Trimmed hate and patterns at cost for the next thirty days at the Campbell & Wilson luillinerv parlors. 23-tf BUSINESS LOCALS. Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday Don't forget this. Clarke & Falk's flavoring exiracta are the best. Ask your grocer for them. Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke & Falk. Paint your house with paints that are fully guaranteed to laBt. Clarke & Falk have them. Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior painta when yon can buy Jamea , Patton'a eon proof painta for $1.60 per gallon, guaranteed for 6 year. Olark it Falk, agesta. mI7 Cut flowera for eomftMBoeaent will be on sale at lira. MerfM'a art rooma to morrow. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Timber Liuil, Act June !. 1S7S. I. s. I.ask Orncr.. ; The Iuiaks, Or... Apr. 12, l'.HM. I Notice is hereby Riven that in cnmpllnttce with the provisions of the act of eouKrcns of .line :5, lf7. entitled "An act fur the shIc of tim ber lands in the states ol Cii!Ilorula, Orepun, Xevuda und Washington Territory," William K. Kctchiiiii, nf The Dalles, Countv of Waeo, Stnte of Oregon, has this dav tiled in this office his swirn Mate nient Xo. 13!), iur the purchase of the W ' XE5-4 and XU t-K' of Section No. In Tp. I X. It. 11 1... W 'it., und ill oiler proof to show that ine land sotieht is more valuable f.ir Itf timber or stnne than for agricultural purpose, and to establish his claim to said laud before the t'.czlster and liecclver of this ollice tit I he 1 I miles. Oregon, on SutunlM) , the S3il liny or,) one, 10IIO, He name us witnesses J. 11. Unit, I). 1'. Ket chum. Joseph Hanna and W'lilum spencer, all of The Dalles. Orepon. Amy and all nersnos cUlinln? nilver.-ely the above-described hums uie reyuested to Hie their claims in (his ollice on or before saldilrd day ot 1 June, iwu aprl-Ww-I JAV T. U'CAS, Reclster. Ppoknne 1 .Mail , ami ' Kxpress j I 10:10 p. m. 8 p. ru. t 1 Walla Walla, Hpotsne, flnkaiic .MtnncalH'lls. -t. Paul,; -Mall tin lilt h, MlluuuLis:',, mid Chlcaco anil Knst, via' Kxprcss StsiUiienkd Iluntllii: tou: also all ilnls In Wiisliltictiin anil Kust-; l:0nu. in ern Oregon. ' t p. m. $ p. m. Ex.Sumhiyi raturdtiy ID p. m. PHOSI PORTLANn. Ocean Steamships. Por i-an Krnuclsco April '21, Jliiy -1 " l'-'. I p. m. Columbia Uv. Steamcrs,Kx.uiidtij To aatohia and ay! lJUKlllIKi. 1 fia. m. ' Wiammt lit ver. i-ttWp. m. r.s.BUiiday'Orccoii City. Xcwlierc, r.x.nuiuluv , b'ulem A Wuy Uud'b. 7 a. in, Wiu!iTTr. ani Vam- 3.:!0 p. m. Tues.Thur. niLI. Utvr.its. Mnii.,mtt and &at. Orepon City, Duytnn, and Kri. und Way-ljuidltiK. 6 a. m. TucThui and Sat. Willamette UivsR. 4.30 p.m. Portland to Corvallia, Mon. Weil and War-landings.. and I'rlduy I.v I'.lpnrla dally l.'.Ma. El. 1 St.'AKl. I'.IVEK. r.lparin to l.eivlstoit. l.EAVK Lewis-ton dully s.aj a. m. Administrator's Suit- of Krai I'rojirrty j Notice is hcreb) piveti thnt from and after the ninth duv of June, 1'jO), I will proceed to sell tit private sale, lor eusn, me loinr.vnip tiescritHU proiert- belonging 10 the estate of Patrick llruwn, tlcceaetl. tivwlf Uts A. 1!, C, 1). K, V, G, II, I, J, K and I.. In block 57 of t ort Dulles Military reservation, in Oregon. t-or Information inquire at olllco of Slnuott A Kiunott. Dated at Dulles Cltv tills 10th duv- of Mar, l'joo. DELIA C. ItltOW.s', Administratrix of the estate of 1'atrici llrnwn, deceased. m NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION. Lasd OrncE at The Dalles, Dreoonw April CO, l'.tn). I Sntlnf Im liprfhv cK-pti thnt thi. fiillnurfne named settler has tiled notice of his Intention to male mini proof In support of his clilm, and that said proof will be made before the lleclstT and Receiver at llie Dalles, Oregon, on outur- cay, juney, iyou, viz Henry Keadel, of Tbe Dalles, Or., Homestead Kntrv No 47 W, for the SEl4 section 0. township 1 north, ruuee 12 east. W. M. He immcs tne following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon und cultivation of SM(I luiiu, viz Henry Luebltig, George Arnold, Charlie W, Adams, Michael Doyle, nil of The Dalles. Or. may2-I JaY V. LUCAS, Ilexister. I'artli-s deslrtng to go to lleimner or lHiiutr. on Columbia Miiitheru vis isiggs, snoum takeXo. leaving 'I he Dalles nt 12.19 p. III. making direct connections nt ileppncr Junction ami lllggs. itc'.umlng uiiislugdlm.'tcoiiuectlou at Ileppncr 'unction und Itlggs with Xo. 1, ar riving at 1 no Danes ui p. 111, for full particulars cull on O. It. A X, Co.'s ngeut The Dalle, or address w. 11. mjnLmn.T, Gen Pas. Ast., rortlud, Or. Itnfaci TIMBER CULTUKE FINAL I'J.OOF. NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION. V. S. La mi Ornct:, Vahcocvck, Wash.,) April 'M, l'JW. I Notice Is hereby given thnt Mirv E. Celhnns. by D. II. htet;mau, her attorney m fuel, has tiled notice 01 intention to rtuiKe mini pnMii iielore W. II. I'reitby, I'nlted fitiites Commissioner for District of ashlngton. nt his ollice in Gulden dule, WasliiRKton, on Frlduy, the 2!th day of June. l'.OU. oil Timlier-culture Amdicatloti Xo. 237, for the northeast itiarler of section No t, in uiwnsnip .so. norm, range r,o. l east, w . M, She uurnes as witnesses Manuel S. lonurdo. rA Grand Dalit I' O., Mush.: Herman Kngulke, William W ilkirwon. of Contervll t V. O.. Was 1.. and William Crawford, of uruud Dalles ', O., Wash. W. II. M'NIIA K. my2-i KeKiatrr. CONTEST NOTICE. Dei artmest or the Interims. i The Dall&s, Or.., Ma: kvjui.) A sufficient conti-stutliduvit huvlne bren lileil in this ollice by Gus h. Alexander, coiiirstuut, nvaioxt homestead entry No. fi777, maiJr May 14 IV;. for swi of nw ,, see t;, tp. 1 n, rnjje in e, by Jiain T. wriahtrfontestf-e. In which it Is al leged that said John T. v rlgl t him wholly ubatoned said trad, and chuugeii Ills renldciirc therefrom for mure Iban nix montlm tlncu mak ing naltl entry, und neKt prior to mxe: and that theiilis-nr'u ofiifMUdunt fiom said' tract Is not One t his employmeiii In the military or navul service of the I'ulti-d htates. said t artlesi ore here by iiotitied to appear, rcsixind and olfcr evidtnee touching suld ullegutiou nt 10 o'clock u. m. on JuneUfJ. W1, before the itittcr and Keceiver at the L tilled b tales land nllici-lii Thi- Dallett. Oregon, The tain contestant having, In u proper affida vit, tiled Muy 13, l'Art. st lorth facts which show thnt alter due diligence personal serviw ot this notice can not lie liuuie. it Is hereby ordered and directed that auth notice be given by de und pror publicutiou. i"i jai J-. i.ut;Ah, uejnsier. JJU. K. K. FEKOUHflN, Pliysician and Surgeon, Office, Vost illock (over I'ostofflcc), SUtplmo dw THK DALLKS, OKKGON. Yellowstone Park Line. THE DIXIXG CAIt KOl'TK FKOM POP.TlaXD TO THE EAHT. THE OXLV DIKEtrr LIXE TO THE YELLOW HI OXK l'AI'.K ! Union Depot, firm and! sis 1 ARRIVE. No. 2. i Fast mnll for Titcomn, No. 1 Seattle, Oiymplii, Gray's HarlMir ud tiouth Hend IKltllts, Hpokuuc, Hobs land, II. .)., i'ullmati, Moscow, I'lstou. lluf 11 16 A. M. falof lump mining conn- P. M. try, Helena, Minneapo lis, Ht. Paul, Omiihu, I Kansaa City, Ht. Louis, , Chicago and all im)1ii(s No 4. i eat mid southeast. Xo. 3. ! l'ueet Hound Express 110 P.M.! for Tacmna and beattle 7;tOA. M. : and Intermediate points Pullman first-class and tourlrt nicciers to Vrnueapolls, tit. Paul and Missouri river points without rhunge. Viwtibuleil trains. Union depot connectlmis in all principal cities, IfciKKage nhei-ked to destination of tickets, Mir handsomely llllisc aletl descriptive mutter, tlckls, slecplng cur retierTatlous, etc., cull uu or write A. D. CHARLTON, SOUTH and EAST via Souinern Pacific Co Shasta Route Trains leave The Dalles fin Portland and wn stutii)iiat 1:26 a. m. and Z is m. Leave Portland :30om " Albany K:a0a m Arrive Ashland liiict u m " HNcraiiientii r;W) p in " Ban fruticlsco 7!l.'pm Arrive Ogdon " Denver " KalisusClty. " t'hlcaifo r,: f, a in U;U0 u in 7:25 a m 7; 15 u in Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. Jlture lo BtreniftheBlDg and recon tructiDRthe exbauated dlgestlTe or nna. ItiathelateHtdlMnvnrrlillffjit. nt and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It In tantlf reliered and permanently curat Dyspepsia, Indlgeetlon, Heartbura, Flaturence, Bour Stomach, Kauaea. llpkHeadacbe.OaMralffla.Cnmpa'aasI 11 other mulUof Inperfeadiceatla. - Pnp4 ky C C OeWKt Co., Can TTUiei). W. WILSON, THE DkUik, OBSOOM OftaW oti rtrat Nat. Hniu. Arrive Uis Angeles liVO p m f. 1 1' o i;:(jopin " Fort Worth... ., OiiiOum " City f Mexico o:,Vi it m " Houston 4,00 it m " New Orleans liri'i a in Washington fi.-U'u m New York l'.';i;i p m 7:00 p in 10:W p m 11 :M a in 4 W a m hil.'iu m 11: 15 a in u:un m a m J-M n in 7;M u in 11:11 p in r,;;!0 a m Ul.'.Sn m 4:00 a in p in 12 a in p m I'lillinun and Tourist cars on both trains. Ohulr curs Huemmeiito to OKdeu und Kl I'mso, and tourist para to Chicago, Ht txiuli, Now Or leans und Washington. Connecting nt Hun Krnnolaco with ievoral Uttiiislilp linea for Honolulu, Jupun, China, t'lilllppiuea, Central and Houtb America. Bee agent at The Dulles Mutton, or addrua C. H. MARKHAM, General Fassenger AkciU, Portland, Or T. BR0WNHILL, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Notary Paolie. Coilaetiom promptly attended Money to loan. 0. E. fiayard'i of ee, Tbe Dal let, Orepon, s f i f f V '" '' 1 l The ' I Dallca, ' f Or, S The Chronicle, Job Printer's. $ i .00 per month. Strictly first cine locul ami long (liHtmicu telephone nervlcu witbln ytuir liutnti. I.inec do not croje-lnlk. Vour con viTfiition will he kept u eccret. No unci fur itietullinit. You irt't tlit tumliird Huiitiiiig Loiik Dif tntit Instrument. GotiiiiitiotiH duv and nijtlit ervice. Wo will mcfpt your contract for ten yer und ullow you to cancel Btuiio on trivitiK ns thirty days writ ten notice. PACIFIC 8TATEB TELEPHONE COB. and Motors M ANUKACTUIIKI) II V AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL CO SUITABLE FOR DRIVING GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, ELEVATORS, PRINTING PRESSES, ETC Circulars and particular!) furnished on application. F. S. GUNNING, Agent, u-C THE DALLES, OliEGON C. J. STUBLING Wholesale and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agen'rthe Greate American Liquor Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey. fcHIBKEY from ji'rtut Woo W KailouTtTto 16 veare'oldT) r AM?.PETED000aT0 froiM7AK) to MM"m ttallon. (11 to fl ylL--rr-0ALIF0BKIA BEABDIEB lioin n& lottiM ir itailotiTirtjTylfl. ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS.