" Its a very good world to live in To lend, or to spend, or to give in But to buy, or to borrow, or to got a man's own' Its tho very worst world that over was known." And Worst of all The dear old world is busy, trying to Forget bow to give a lot for a little. Jts a fad of ours to bo frank ' And besides, If wo advertised it all timo To givo you moro than " your money's worth" It would be an insult To your intelligence. This is OUhat We DO do Wo givo you One Hundred Cents' worth of Merchandise for One Dollar ever' time. Ask some of your friends they know. IHen's all-raool Suits $5.00 to $25.00 Boys' all-rjuool Suits $1.85 to $10.50. SEE WINDOWS. ...WASH GOODS... ENGLISH DIMITIES Neat little patterns in delicate colors at 20c per yd FOULAD1HNRS The great leader in Wash Fabrics at 15c SPOT CREPE In solid colors, popular goods for wrappers 20c DRESS GOODS Homespuns, Covert Cloths, Serges, etc., for unlined skirts, 52, 5-1 and 5(5 inches wide, at $1.00, 1.50 and $2.00 per yard. Slimmer Vests. SILK VESTS An assortment of extra pink and blue, at G5c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.25 FINE WHITE JERSEY RIBBED High neck and long sleeves, low neck and sleeveless, short sleeves 10c, 12hc, 15c, 20c, 25c and 35c ON THE COUNTER Cleaning up odds and ends wo have placed on thecountor vests sell ing in the regular way for 25c, 30c and 35c, at 19c All Goods Marked In Plain Fljrures. PEASE & MAYS The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Ttlephune Ni. 1. MONDAY - - ; - -MAY28 1900 ICE CREAM and ICE CREAM SODA At Andrew Keller's. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Air rillo or Imsutmll nnd bnt with boyo' Htiite at Penpt? & Muyf).' Furnished rooniB for rent on Fourth Htrout, in tho DeWoH house. Apply to Mrs. .1. O. Koee. ml!5-lw lliivu you seen tliosu tmfiobnllB and ImtB und nir ",uiih Unit I'enso & Miiya'.iiro Hiving unity with boya' clothing. Yi'Bturdixy tho Dulles City took down to Stevenson 12000 head of eheep of W. J. huiuler'tt, of Salt Springe, to bo sum mered In tho mountains bade of that that town. Free with tiny hoy's suit a Spaldlnir buselmll and bnt, or imood daisy air rillo. See n iiuloup. 1'eube & Mays. The Ludietf' Aid Society of the Coniiro Kutionnl church will meet thin week on Thursday afternoon instead of Weiliies day afternoon at tho reeiateuee of Mrs. Hosteller. Wnon thecxcurBionista uotbnck to tho Valley they told what a lovely day they hud hud up at Tlio Dallea. Tho poor, dear tliinna. If they hud only been here on one of our fine dnya ! .1. T. Koriek luat wejk cut n field of rye on (lie old Frank TAylor place acroaa thu river that nvernml in Unlit aix feet I'll 1 eifht inehea. Rome of it measured Bovtm feet three lichen. Mr. Korick hiivh it beat any rVti crop lioever saw. Circuit court oeued here tills morn iK witli a Huhdocket. There aro omy two criminal casef, that of Robert Gardner for nseuult with a deadly vopon, and that of William VanPell, who iH nccttsetl of horsestealing. The civil ciiaes aro few and unimportant. Mre. G. F. IJuiuther, of litis city, who has been quite ill for nearly aix mouth, yesterday morning submitted to nu operation by Dr. GeiscndorllVr, which it ia hoped may afl'ord ultimate relief. Tho patient rallied trout the operation Batlsfuctorily und iB now as well na could bo ex peeled, A uood deal of the wool from the cen tral und southern warts of thia county lr H!ng hauled to The Dullea this year on Hccount of thv excessive freight rate's charged by the O. li. & N. Co. between Arlington nnd that place. The team Btera haul back considerable freight for our merchants and farmers, thus caus iK a Iobb of trade to Arlington. Arllng ton ltecord. The third section of Tho Dalles ex curalon train was delayed last nigbt three miles east of Cascade Locks, on tb re turn trip to Portland, about 7 ;90. The ruhpipe iu the engine drawing the train was broken, totally disabling the loco motive. The train cime to a standstill in a desolate locality. A mcseage vibe sent forward to Cascade Locks to notify the chief train dispatcher. The twenty coaches wuited until locomotives iu rived from Tho Dalles. liev. Adelhelin Odermalt, O. S. B., officiated yesterday at St. Peter's Catholic church und during the sermon announced to tho congregation that us ho was now a parishioner of St. J'eter's if the ciops at Crute's Point farm, which had been do nated to the Benedictines by Mr. Vogt, turned out as good bb they now promise to do, ho would do all in bis power to help the pariehionera of St. Peter's to wipe out their church debt. The experiments that have been car ried on by the O. li. -k N., with limine rass und on the arid land in the vicinity of TelosiiBet, south of Uniun, have deter- mited that the new graBB will crow lux uriantly on the dry and ulmoet barren hills. A considerable quantity of seed will bo sown this year and it is expected that ureat things will result from tiro plunting of thia new Brass iu converting desert places into pasture lauds. Jaue, wife of William Key,' died at Mayville, Gilliam county, May 120th, aged 78 yearH. She wna bom in Ireland, and married there in 1855. The family came to thia country in 1805, and two yeara later to Oregon, and lived in Portland, Kosehurg and Mayville. She whb a faithful Presbyterian. She left a husband and three children who ure well known iu the Mayville country. The deceased was also well known in The Dalles. After tho t'oso that Tho D.illes demo crats got from tho two middle-of-the-roaders, they can congratulate them selves, if reports be true, that Texas Bridley failed to connect. At Condon Bradley announced himself as chairman of the populist state central committee of Texas und made such u thoroughly out and out populist speech that when hu was leaving next morning the only one in tho towu that uppearod to bid him good byo was the republican post muster. Could it be possible that Brad ley, too, was in the pay of Murk HannaV Dr. Stophan, mayor of Hinckley, Minn., with whom Ned Gates, city re corder, has been in correspondence fdr Hotno time oust, arrived hero yester day from I he east nnd is considering this place with a view to locating Here. Tim doctor is well pleased with the city nnd will perhaps locate here with Ids fumily. He was greatly surprised 10 see fruit already ripening on our trees, when at his home the frosts have not ..( iff. tliem. There are about thirty 'families in Minnesota who are about to seek new homes and are awaiting tho doctor's report as to our city and vicinitv. ti, attendance at the Kraduating ex ercises Saturday ulght filled the Vogt ...ora holme to the door, roe class con sisted of twenty-one members, some thirteen of whom read suon papers 01 alienee. The dl- IXiUlP ploinas were presented by State Super intendent Ackerman at the close of a speech in which he paid a high compli ment to the teachers of The Dalles schools, ulleging that he had often else where held up The Dalles schools as models of efficiency and good work. He complimented the graduates on the high character of the papers they had just read, and expressed the hope that in their and their country's coining future they would each occupy an honored place at the head of a family trained in the duties and responsibilities of good citizenship. There is no mistaking where Dr. Mad ison C. Peters, a prominent New York Baptist divine, stands on the question of expansion. At one of the American Baptist missionary muss meetings, held in Detroit the other night, the doctor said : "Nations ought not to stand still when God says 'Go forward.' Spain thoroughly deserved a good, sound thrashing, and 1 thank God our nation was chosen to administer It. We found ourselves, after Dewey's victory, where we never intended to be, but, God help ing un, wo'll never retreat from the o'u-ties- thus laid upon us. Wo would , be traitors to tho flag and enemies to the cross, did we leave these peoples to ret regression and savagery. We do not want these tenitories for oureelye?, but to give these peoples freo schools, free institutions ami free churvhee." Uncle Sum will inaugurate rural de livery of mails from The Dalles to Shor nr's July Kith. After that day the old time stage coach drops out of use from Tho Dallea south. The writer of this pariigruph, says 1). C. Ireland in the Sherman County Observer, saw it es tablished way back yonder in tho palmy daye of Canyon City, Boise "basis,'' etc., just before Henry Wheel er was shot oil' tho boot by tho bullet of a redskin. The stagecoach never builds beyond a certain status it could have made a city of Astoria fifty years, ago, but never could make u city of The Dalles. Now that Shaniko has taken the stage coach away from it wo expect to see the natural resources of The Dallea unfold, in spite of its "conserva tive" citizen element. Unless they go to sleep on the proposition that the gov ernment is going to do something for an open Columbia river. The conductors' excursion yestordny was tho biggest thing of thu kind that Tho Dalles ever had anything to do with. Fivo thousand seven hundred tickets had been sold, and allowing thai probably as many as 700 persons dropped oll'ut wuv towns, not fur from 5000 per sona made the through trip. There were people from immy of tho valley towns us far as Albany und Corvallis. Hundreds came iu from the country ad jacent to The Dallea to Bee friends that had advised them of their coming. In some, perhaps In many instances, the friends were unable to find each other in the crowd. It took three trains and sixty-one cars to bring the excursionists here, and the crowd would have been still larger if more cars could have been obtained. Four brass bands accompa nied and discoursed excellent music all the time they were here. The weather was fairly well behaved, although it was a little too cool and windy for comfort. The Dalles was a revelation to many who imagined they were visiting a one horse country village, It was as orderly and well-behaved crowd as ever was seen in this town. Went ti Sleeji On Hie Truck, Coroner Butts held an inquest at Wyeth yesterday on the body of a man that had been killed by a passenger train that morning. The evidence showed that the deceased was a tramp. He was beating hie way to Utah, which he claimed to be his home. He had told a witness the night before at Trout dale that he had been on the road seven years. Ho appeared to be demented and had cot a cent of money on IiIb person. He had built a fire in the middle of tho main track a short dis tance from the Wyeth water tank and lain down beside it and gone to sleep. A curve near by made it impossible for the engineer of the train to see the man till tho engine was ulmoet on him. He was dragged about 1100 feet. His head and one foot were completely cut oft", and parts of his body, including his teeth, were scattered over tho track. His clothes were completely torn oil' except one sock and a portion of one of his shoes. The jury returned the fol lowing verdict : Wo the jury, empanneled by the coroner to inquire into the cause of the death of the body now before us, whose name is unknown to us, find that he came to his death by being run over by train No. 5, about 5:15 o'clock a.m., May 27th, ayed about twenty. two years, weight about one hundred and fifty pounds, height about five leet eight inches; black htiir, smooth face, and that ho came to his death by his own negligence by lving on the track. Wyeth, Watc'o county, May 7, 1900. Nicholas Stokob, W.M. MlCllKI.I,, Gkoju; Stokoi:, cuahi.us kvans, II. P. IlAIH'lIAM, W. B. Vast. I'KIII'I.K YOU AI.l. KNOW. Hon. W. H. Biggs is in the city from Wasco. Hon. F. N. .loues, of Bakeoven, was a passenger on thu midday train today frJtn Portland. Frederic Joslyn, a former resident of Tho Dalles, is registered at the Umatilla House from New York. Kd liostetler today took his two little girls to Salem, where they will spend their summer vacation wiih their grand mother. For tho convenience of parties want ing ico iu thu afternoons, the Studelinuii Ice Co. will carry a stock at their store, corner Third mid Washington etreets. Phone No. 107; long distance 1811. "King 'em up." 18in-tf CiMd III lour cr.euh. All countv warrants registered prior to June 3, 1800, will be paid at my office. Iuterest ceases after February. 2, 1900. O. L. Pwlupb, Conntv Treasurer. Tlio Kind You Ilavo Always Bought, and which lias hecn. In use lor over 30 years, has borno tho Hignatnro ofT and has been nindo under his ncr &ffiff sonal supervision since its infancy. r. Z&Uwi Allow no one to deceive you in tlils- All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-ood" aro hub Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health oC Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTOR I A Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing1 Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worm and allays Fcvcrishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation, and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of 7 The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THE eiHTAUH COMPANY. TT MURRAY STREET, NEW YORK CITY. I I Special Sale! t Steel Danges and Coot Stoves To reduce our large stock we will q sell Stoves and Steel Ranges at H Greatly Reduced Prices I for a short time only. See our . S goods and get our prices. ... ! . I JWAYS & coaiE. I NOTICE FOR l'UMJCATION. I I.a.nii Officii at Vancouvk.ii, Wami ,) May 17, 1WM. ( !otlou la hereby Riven tlnU Out liillnwliiRj; niiineil M'ttler 1ms Moil nntleu nf liix Intention tu mttke flmil proof lit Miiiport of hi rliilm, mnl that ilil )iri)ol will be. iinnfe. before W. 11. 1'rei.bv, Uultcil Htiite.s Commhsloncr, at (iolilvmliile, on July (i, I'juu, vi.: AhhIicI K. Olliir, who nude II. K. No. !IS".j, for the fraction V'., NW'h, See lit). Tii II S, U 111 K, ami bV.U of NK4, Sec Jf, Ti J, N II 1'J W. M. Hu names the follow lot? wltne'M's to provu Ills continuous leniiloitcu upon, timl cultivation ol hlllll lllllll, vl. Hubert A. Sronthers. ChrUt K. l-Viinen. Will linn (iitrner, John Ktire, nil of I.shi 1', O., Washington. W, II. DUNIl.Ut, niii)2.M lU'Klkter. se NOriCH FOIt I'lJHUCATION. To secure the original witch hazel salve, sk (or DeWltt's Witch Huzel I.ANI) OlUCK AT VaNCUUVF.II, Vllll.,l May II, J'.ii ii. I Notice is heieby kIvoii that tlio followlnir limned tettlor Iimk illed notice of bis intention to in n k o Until proof In support of his claim, and that mid proot will be iimiie beforo W, II I'resby, United State CniiiiiiUsloiier for lllstlict id WiiMiitiKiim, at his ollh o In (ioldenilale, ash., on saiurmiy, juuew, ivw, vi: (i, in to (I, IiiiiiUiiy, Homestead entry, No. WJ0, for the SW , of Sen lVrp 3, N of K 111 K, W. M. He niniies llni followitn? witnoses to provu his continuous lesiileucu upon n ml cultivation of said laud, lz. Joint (i. McDonald, of llaitliiinl 1'. ()., Wash; Weiiilellli l.cldl, liohlenuiilo 1', ()., Wash.: John l lleirv. 1 1 ii t Iniiil ii.Witsh.j Tliuimih i Hrlpps, Jlartlaitd 1'. , Wash. lilii)!JI I ;V. It, llUNIIAIt, llculster. NO 1'IOK FOK I'lJHUCATION. l.ANi) Oh'u'k at Tin: D.u.i.kw, ()iikuon,i April ;u, I'M). ( Notice is hereby Kiven Hint the followiiiK ii a int. (1 settler has Illed notice of bis Intention to iiiakn lluiil pioof Iu suppott of his claim, tunk that said pioofwlll bu Hindu beforo thu Iti'Kister und Kvceiver ut The Italics, Oiegon, on balm day. June 10, ivou, viz: JeiiH 1. Ay-idine, of Tim DallcH.Or,, Jloniesteiiil Kiitry No. I'JII, for thu NW4 NW'4 section 'U, and u NKJt mid Nl f '.', i becllou '2.1, towiisltli 'i ninth, raiiKC 1'.' east, W, .M, He million thu following wllncsses to provu his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said l"inl, vU: John Urate. Onirics Rnlpct, i, I), llookiiinn, J. tilmoiikou, all ol Thu Dalles, Oiegon. iuay2 I JAV 1'. I.IJOAB, Jleglster. Subscribe for Tiik CnitoNicu. Garden flo Wo have laid in a largo stock of Ciarden ! lose and are carrying tho same brand of lloso that we have boon carry ing for tho last, live years, which is tho celebrated Mal tese Cross Brand. We carry the same brand of lloso that the Dalles City Kire Depart ment has been using for thu last twenty years. The Mal tese Cross Brand is without doubt tho best grade of Ilustf on tho market, ('all and get. our prices before buying. IWaief & Bentoo Solo Aonta, Jjlt. V. T. SMITH, Osteopath. Itoonib 10 und ll.giiupniiiu lllock, Thu Dalits. Oregon. Tuesdna nnd frliU) , l it, in, to t'J. , uiaylii-lm