The Dalles Daily Chronicle. !,forc at,c'n,,n:d .c "bich J have come into his hands bare been MONDAY MY "S lt00 promptly turned over to the count-; Republican Ticket. Owing to the retirement of Frank Christnxn from the linn nf Chrieman 1 Bros., and his intention to lenve the l treasurer. His books nre models of ' state ns soon ns possible, nil debts due I neatness, clearness and correctness. , the firm must he paid iminediiitt-ly. All iThroush his ns tax col- bnvlng claims apnlnst the firm will please, present them nt the market lor STATE OFFICERS. Justice of the Supreme Court-Volverton. ClIKISMAN BltOTIIKUS. C. E. Tood nnd Dairy Commissioner J. JJailev. W, DISTRICT Congressman Maleolpi The Dalles. OFFICERS- A. Moody, of Joint Senators J. N. Williamson, ol Crook; T. H.Johnston, of Wasco; W. W, Steiwer, of, Whee'er. . lector the number nf delinnuents was i , , ' payment 1 never so small, and the :i mount of i m-l-tf I interest tliercb saved to the count v I ,T ; , . f, , , i I consider Chamberlain's Couch has gone a long way towards paying ' Kemev t,, ,)L.,t ,n lm, wor,a for bron. 'his salnry. He lias always been ehitls," says Mr. William Savory, of! found nt the post of dulv nnd has i Warrincton, England. "It has saved been slcriff m fact ns well ns h, ! ny lfo'-"ife, she lwrlnB beoa a nrt.vr 1 1 n.i i i i 1 to bronchitis for over six rears, wine : name. Ihis record, which is un- , "" i questioned nnd unquestionable, en- g,,e h nQW. qtl;!e wt,,,( So!d by Blake titles him to the second term for ley it Honphton. jruich he was nominated. Campbell & Wilson will sell their Hue of millinery, trimmed and untrimmeil hats, flowers and children's huts, nt creatly reduced prices for the next ' When Judse Bennett entered the JV:TilU 'or.tatc senator with Newt George Miller, of Gilliam; Georpe , Williamson he tackled the touhesl ! thirty, days. Please call and get our "B?cA,i.. r r"1 W "t" n " " ! political job of his life. In Tits own i'"ws Wasco, Itfstriei Attornev Frank Menefee, of The Dalles. COUNTY TICKET. S. Blowers, of Hood County Judge A Kiver. Commissioner P. A. Kircbheiner, of Antelope. Sheriff Robert Kelly, of The Dalles. Clerk A. E. Lake, of Wamic. Treasurer C. L. Phillips, of The Dalles. Assessor C. L. Schmidt, of The Dalles. Superintendent of Schools C. L. Gil bert, of The Dalles. Surveyor J. B. Goit, oi The Dalles. Coroner W. H. Butts, of The Dalles. For Justice of the Peace of The Dalles Timothy Brownbill. Constable Frank Hill, of The Dalles. county, where Mr. Williamson is best known, there is not a democrat that breathes the air that could come within a thousand miles cf beating .. . ,. . i ! mm. uer. tue uanois arc counted on the night of June 4th the judge's six previous successive defeats will be onlv incidental backsets to a de cisive Waterloo. Good, pure natural ice from the Bine j Long Dist. ; 75 or S Seufert A Condon. Freeh cracked Nebraska corn at the Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of chicken feed. mch25-U 1 M. B. Smith, Butternut, Mich., snys, "De Witt's Little Early Risers are the very best pills I ever used for costiveqess, liver and bowel troubles." Complete of Drills . at M. Z. DONNELL, THEDRUGGIST. i I i If M : REGULATOR LINE, dalles, mam t astoria kav. urd Btoaiiim of tl.o licpilnt.-r l.lnc will n. n, M. , . J '.lie m1h1uIo, the Company rwervltic ttio tl.M i l W,l ,.,l,.l ..-lt..,i., ni,tlnn 0 Chill.'? M'lK'iluU' without notice, Str. Reurulntor. POW.V l.v Dalles nt.s.1. M. TucMlity Thutilnv . Suturiliiy . Arr I'nrtlntiil nt . r. st. tT. l. . 1'ortluinl in 7 A. it. Mnmltiy WoliirMiiiy I'tlilny : Arr tmUi'n ' nt :a v. . Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. Str. Dmi09 City. l.v. llnl Ht K A. Momlny WwliHuOny KrldMV, Arr. I'ortluiid Htf t. m, rr .! ?1 FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, The Times-Mountaineer says "the democratic party doesn't want the guilt on its hands of stealing Cuba." Who proposes to give it a chance to steal anything? It stole enough of wages out of our pockets and bread out of our mouths and clothes off our backs during the last four3'ears of its supremacy to ent ile it to be put in the penitent! v for life. Clarke & Falk have received a carload of the celebrated .Tame E. Tatton j strictly pure liquid paints j To Cure a Colli 1U Duo limy. i j Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab-1 1 lets. ill druegists refund the money, j j L. Lane, GENKISAL Clark A Falk'e drug fresh aud complete. stock is new Subscribe.for The Chronicle. VantinK, Ovcrcoatin- or Fancy VeMluc. The Time Mountaineer is just S For a Nice Kefernng to the timely letter of ; now profoumtiy impressed with theiQJx nf PlotllPC! "M. J. Anderson, printed in nnother ; ,iisnity anci majestv of the inde-!OU V-rlULlICO. column, The Cdko.vicle at this time ; pen(ieDt voter. So are we if the has only this one word to say. The independent voter has the dignity editor of the Times-Mountaineer i an( mojesty to scratch the demo- rever meant to be fair in us attacks , cratic ticket, on Mr. Roberts. The editor of that ; paper well knows that if there is an'- j thing wrong about the increase of j A 5Ta 15 1 I the superintendent's salary that Mr.! V"5 I Vll IM , , . , , For Infants and Children. Eoberls is responsible only in a( . , , j slight degree. The increase of salary ; The Kind lOU HaYe AlWajfS BOlIgM j was tacked on as an amendment to! Bears the SZS7--- I the Daly educational bill, known as, signature af C&ijjr Jjt aeoate bill 2so. 5. The amendment; to referred hy the senate to the, GOING EAST- ! nasco delegation, wmcu consisted oi H voa intt;nd t0 tllke a trip Eagt( B9b Kill(Jlj. ral, and CI3mlne my ,tnck 0, ,m. Senators John Michell and E. B. your "ticket agent to route you via The 1 iffiiSS " WooIt;I"- Dufur. They agreed on the amount ' Great Wabash, a modern and up-to-date ,rB?"'-'e frum lbe lmvest ,irtcC8 to the hlBb' and ?o reported and both voted for ! railroad in eVHry VticaUr. '7" . . . . T .t 1 Tliroueh trains from Chicauo, Kaneas 1 II LAUL Fine the bill on its final passage. I., this j 0maha Qr St Loa-9 tQ Yofk I II hhOhg Tailoring. form the bill went to the house, j and sen. England points. All trains hMMI where it was refened to the judiciary j run via Kiapara Falls and every throush tuk h,vi.i,Ks ii:kgon. committee which reported it back, j train has free reclining chair carE, eleep- 1 xecoirmending that it do pass, with 1 5n? and dinisg carE- NOTICE FOit PUBLICATION. ciujiutcr uuuncu uuuii iiuNeie ai -: , I.and OrnCE at Till; flpx.i V BfacKsmiin .AND... Horsesnoe Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. TMrflland Jeffernn. PhoneI159 y -.T" Trnt.'Tifew'.a wiwfc.TA.1 1 .3 Travel by tlie Sti-nim-rs nf tho Itwilutor l.lnc. Tim Coiiuany will itxuavnr to elvmt.. . i roiin the Ik;! M'tvlcu ikmsIIiIo. I-or further lnlormuttcm uditma 1 I'ortlaml oniccOak Stm-t Dik-L. W. C. ALLAWAY, Gen. Agt. PIONEER BAKERY, I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer cer. We Put... ..chas. mU- Butchers and Farmers ..Exchange.. Kecpi on draught the clebrnt'l COIA'MHIA ItKEIt, iicttinw; m!k1 the Unt ht:r In The Imlleii, Bttheuauul irlce. Conic In, try It and bt ronvinred. Alio the Finest bmnd oi Wlnca, Llrjuor and Cigar. Sanduuiehes of all Kinds ahviiys on hnnd. every bit of twenty years experience and drug knowledge with every Prescription that's compounded here. Js it. any reason vl13' our prescription business is increasing so rapidly? Ask your physician if we are reliable. BLRKELEY & HDUGHTOH. I JIVlltiUJV I'rescriptionists C. S. Smith, TIIU I Fresh KpgP and Creamery Butter n speuiulty. 2d Street. j. a., I'retddunC 'Phone 270. II. M.Blll, Cute First national Baok, THE DALLES OREGON A General Banking Buninees tnnnct4 Deposits received, enjuject to Sight Draft or Check. Collection a made and proceeda promptlj 1 remitted on dar oi collection. , Sight and Telegraphic Exchange toidci Isew lork, bun trancmco anc: "orl land. 1 D1HBOTOR9 D. P. Thomtbon. Jno. B. Bchmix Ed. M. Williamb, Gko. A. Limi. H. M. BeAt.u JU H1U 1 TT..I1. !..... n f , A.,r(,"ll HM.I liUIU J. UilB. ikURA j. L. , ....... w, .v.. , passed Pacific Coafct Page. Aft,. Notice U hereby civen thai ; the frjllowitiK- The n - r . 'IF t make ilnal jifool in hupjrt ut Ui rtanut unrt editor Of the Iimes-MOUntnineer ! i"."d necelver at The Dalles, Otvou, on .-atur certain trifling nmendmcnU. form recommended the bill and Mr. Roberts voted for it C. F. Stephens .Dealer In.. "-7 T)t,11 t-Tfeirlar.Kn Ptn,.u ,r, t'.tnno v.'.ta daV. Jllfie III. l'JIjO. Vl knew all IhiswLenhe attacked the bo(J Snj , , o( h Wileon J. JefTere, of The Dulles, Or., Mr- Koberts for volinS r anlBtoniach.Los3ofappetUe.FeveriehneBa,;S Dry Goods, Clothing, amendment that had been introduced j Plmplea or Sores nil positive evidences. , j . Gents' Furnishings. and passed in the Other house, bvof impure lilood. JSo mutter how It j efiiillnuoiiB residence upon anil eultlviitluii uf the open vote of a raan jiow seeking ; became 60 U ",tm he Pnrifittd ,u order 10 ! ""mAnmn. Jr.. i-ter lut. uVlu oit 01 a raanjiuv, ( obu,n K00tj. health. Acker's Blood j Godfrey, ieuc Hoivlund, ail of The Dalles, Or. election on the fusion ticket. If it 1 E, j , " raied t ScrofnlonH tnu"1 JAY 1 ''L'CAS' I5K,er- "was wrong in Mr. lioberts liootH, Shfjeii. Hutu, Caps. Notlom, ;iur V. L. Unuclab ahoe, to vote j or Syphilitic poisons or any other b'ood for the amended bill, what Avas it in j diseases. It is curtainly a wonderful Mr. Dufui? "Will the Times Mount-! rBU,edy and wo e7 on j a positive guarantee. Blafcelev & Hough aineer please answer: ; tm'e dru store. NOTICE FOP. PUBLICATION. 'The democratic part has not changed, but stands just where it did forty years ago." Times Mount- II n fooled tlio ,Suri;eiin. Lash Orrici; at Vahcouvck. Wahici April Ki), V.H. ( Notice Ik hereby clren that the following named dcttlcr has tiled notice of hl Inten tion to make tinul proof In nupiiort of bin claim, and that Mtiri proof will tie imiclc lfore . 11. 1 le.iuv. L.iiiieii nimei i :iirnrni4intiir fur All doctors told Kenick Hamilton, of IMjtilnt oM(aliiiioii. Ht hu onice hi Golden- ""V ; .", , El,"cr",B "IDeltrich H.StfBnmn, devisee of Dietrich months from liectaf Fistula, he would- Stt-Kinan deceiiBed inPPr Thit's n mirhtv Inrl hrnnk ' difc nn,t'9a a c09t'y operation wna per- ! HwneMeail Kntry .No. MIC, for the Mmthwest H ameer. 1 bat 8 a might bad efl fortnt!(1 . but he cur(J(1 hmfedf wjth ,5v ! oUeeuon town8hi,, a north of rKei.e,, for a democrat. J-orty years agoibo:Ct.8 o jjucklen's Arnica Salve, the1 He nurntt. the foiiowinB witneHfMo prove hu ts louu anu mi ticmocraiic party 1 8Ure8t i,e cure on Earth, and the best j ald land, viz: : a . .!... 1 f oi.. i ,t.,. it- i,i or. i ci.i Manuel S, U'onardo, of Grand Dalles 1. O. mi-ll UiJ uu mui, nmc mm iui i iyo u, iuc . u. iu. c nuie u oua.. fjuiu ( W(1Bh . jIermarl Knpelke. William Wllfchmon, Ol the five subsequent years in some "J 'aKeiey a nougnton jrufgists little arTaits that' we are all trying I Lewis Ackerman, GshenTind., our best to forget. "When Howard ! "DeWitt'a Little Early Iiiaers always and Osborne said the other night orit' curtain relief, cure my headache ' on ' i I (.iv. )M twill ,1(1, CO. The Dalles, Or, S 1 i Kt. i p. s. Gunning, Just What You uuant. 4 Centervllle I ()., anil., nnd William (Jrawfiird, I of Grand Dulles 1'. 0 Uiish. ! w. it. nuMiAi:. eays, . mayM lleclHter. ADMINJSTUA 1 OB'S NOTICE. that the Old Bourbon democracy was an(! ?BV,er Eri,,e;" J1" e,,t.,1. deil"ae ' Notice U hereby lven that the nnrlcr.lKned. . .i.i i , and invigorate tho bowels and liver. by un order of the Countv Court of the htntn of lue Buuic t'Bieruujr iuuii uuu """"n uiruateo uouniy, rins ten nppoli ted ever, it was charged they were in the ; pa' of the republican national com-; IH21S&I mittee. Is it possible that the Times-, QjTARRH Mountaineer and Mark Ilanna have D an iw ntlita ttMre Bade a little deal on the aide? i Iioald be cleaahoeii. Bobert Kelly has made the best sheriff Wasco county has ever bad. Tbii U no mere campaign talk but olid and admitted fact. He bat brought to tbe office rare executive bilitj and brought tbe buiineM of tbe office up to a standard never be- Ely' Cream Iiulai cltmes,oothend heals the dU4d membrane. It core catarrh and drive way a cold iu the bead quickly. Ctrnmrn Balm I placed Into Ue saatrlie, fyraad erer tbe Eoembrane and li absorbed. Belief la Im mediate and a care follow. It ii not drylftf doe wA proAuoe eaeerffig. Xrge HUe, to BeUatIrug gUU or by mall ; Trial Slae, 10 casta by mlL . JaVV JXMJTIUSU, M Warren Strwt, w York. - ndmhiHtrator of the estate of Helen 1 radfurd leeeaieil. All imjikhik havhiK cluinik uKulimt i trie extate oi itaiil nt-ceuiieil are m tided to pre ! tent them, with the nroner vouuherH. to nie nt iiikxi mver, cireKuii, wiimu tx iiioiitim ironi tmiQute oi tnu notice. Dated May IS, 1, I'L'TNAM K, hl'.AIIKOISI), AdrnlnUtifltor of the 'Kimte uf Helen llrail ford, Ueceaed. 16-1 PI, ) ONE FOR A DOSE. nllf0" flm- frvMt owu mm wpaielaaeo,.! win li.rMial PILLS New ideas m Wall Paper horo. Such wide variety as wo are showing never be fore uruced a single Htock. Keal imita. lion creton efTects Ht ordinary prices. Good papers ut cheap paper prices, hlegant designs, taBteful colorings, youru for a small price, at our store on Third street. Also a full line of house paints. D. W. VAUBE, Third St. Jk. 8TURDEVANT, Dentist. Ofllcs over French & Co.'a llank loae b, THE DALLES, OKEGON Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer io'.BIacksmith Supplies. Cor Sccoufl & Lawtfilin. 'Phone 157 Important Announcement to you. For ail days after April 1st, I will sell all the Dry Goods, Clothing Hoots and Shoes, Hosiery, Klntikets, Uats und Cajis, on a cut in price of 25 per cent, for Cash. Now is your opportunity to get bur gams. Don't . miss it. S. L. BROOKS, Successor to E. J. Collins & Co. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TKANHACT A bchkh Loiters of Credit issued available In th Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraph Transfers sold on New York, Chico. St. Louis. Sun Francisco, Portlaod 0 ,Ron, Seattle Wash,, and varioai pomU i in Oregon and Washingtou. I Collections made at all poiutf on ! orahle tortus. Tie coiiiiia mmi PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANOKAUTL'KEKBOK Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON KIKD liKEF. KTC. . 50 yeah;' experience I aBBBB UiMI nub Copyrights Anrnno aoliflinit a nnoir , ' '.Vie ihrtW as!r"r.MiL OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. The CLARENDON KESTAUHAJlf And CAFE. J. B. OroBsen & Co., Props. 87 Second Street. l-iitm.u tiitmi thri.ui.-li M " Scientific JWertgft linnflMimrtr llliintriit(l IT?",' riilutlon or imr Bt-iuiiUU .dwltrj. ynuri four iiiiiiitlm, tl. dolJW"" " y I MUNN Mlr Urancli union. 135 V t'C ni"' H WIWOM B HUKT1M0TON TTUNTINrvmkf X. wtiimu XI A1TOKNEYH AT LAW, Mica 'Axle Crease h'ghtem the load- liorteflll tin cxpauat. oldevywh.