The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 26, 1900, Image 4

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    o You Cough ?
AtlvrrtlKnt Letters.
"v iko cvcybotly else.
1 ust let it alone, think-
I cur? I rNl t
"Wl.-'l I J. .
int it w . . I
a lew il.v.s;
of c. arvthf
aTi.l spirr.ns
of nine us
.orac limes
laMed sev
eral xvovks.
but after n
while the
would sub
side. I al
ways no
tirod how
ever, that
each cold was worse than thcone before. My
throat seemed to pet wcabcr, and the least
chanpe in the weather started the rouchuic
nirain. The last cold was the most evere of
nil. I was reallyfrightejied. Cough drops
and home treatment'did no pood. A friend
told me about Acker's Enclish itemed) I
pot a bottle, and you never saw the like of
the way it acted. Itefore the bottle was pone
1 was well. My throat felt asstronzand well
as could be. since then J have had no more
trouble. J think Acker's Em-lish Kcniedy so
5trenthens the delicate lining of the throat
that it easily resists the chancer in tempera
turc,aadithuild?uitlieconstitutionaswell.'' (St-rned) Caukie Schw.vb.
251 Gold St.. Brooklyn, X. Y.
Sold at 25c., oOc. and $1 a bottle, throughout
the "Tailed States and Canada; andin-Enp-land,
at Is. 2d., 2s. 3d., 4s. Cd. If you are not
satisfied after buying, return the bottle to
your dmggbt, and get your money back.
B authorize A? chore paaiaSee.
W. II. HOOKER i CO., Propruion, Sew Turk.
Blakeley & Houghton.
xoilowitif is the list of letters remain
ing in the jiosloflice at The Dulles un
called for May 26, 1J00. Persons
calling ior the same will give date on
which they were advertised:
Avers, Clark
Ansou, B
Brown, C A
BachtiiKii. A
Brumer. D
Bih, K C
Brt'teti, T
Coor, C .1
Cooper. J T
Pttccetl, C I,
Eieam, L
Ellsworth, Fred
Garner, i? D
Garland. F T
Hereaiix, .1 E
.iahn$au, Hvratn
Kellv, Trios
KHTser, J F f 2)
Muir, .laiiifS
McCuilotiph, w F
Avola, A K
Allen, S V
Brown, W M
5ridie$, 11
Bnttlker, B
Blow, John
Carlson, V A
Chastain, W A
Dell, Uhn
Ellsworth, E
Emery, J
Freeman, A C
Hastings, Fred
Gray, L
Hnlm, X P
Johnson, E R
Kvmi-.ton, Tom
Munvnu John
Pearl. H
Mack, V OrncK at VA.vd'fvr.K. nu .
Mnv In, lit'"). I
Entire l htrrby clven that tlic follow tiic
nauinl M'ttlt-fn bKVcfllelimtlit'nt their Intontl. n
to mk- tliinl proof In ii.iwrt of their ciaiinvHui!
that!td rroof will I in-nte Wtrr tin Ti'Ci-H-r
and rweivrr of Utc 1', -. land ot'.iec at Yniioou
, vr, Wna., oil Jul) ft. ll)0, . li
i Oroic- H. snftiril,
; who wade ft. K. Ni. W for the , ?V.4 "I
i S- a. and 4 hv ;. rp s . Jt is E. w i M-.
I who names tne fnlltiwliiK utiic-e to prove nl
I i-ontlniHui- toldtnco iim and cultivation of
I said laud, vlr-
' Ha-lln Trabiie. OhrPtian Pltrko). Thoma
; M. W hltrouia, Edward A. iojht, nil of Lyl.,
j t'lirUtlnn lllrrkion.
who made H E.'Xo. for the NW'4 mwl
Ki r-VV$, c 10, Ti it N. U 1-. A. M .who
I tiniiio the Intlmtlnc Uuti- t Jn-ve Ul
I continuim- reiUetice Uli hiiJ etiltivatiou of
' Mid iniirt, viz:
I Ilnskln Trbiic. John 1'anhen, Jmn HU,
j GeorKC H. Sanford, all of I.jle, u-.hiiictim
Ya-t ?alt Uki, IVr.vcr. H. f-t
Mull I Worth, Oumha, kmi- Mill
12-lOlvm.' . Cttv. M. liiub, KM l in
ChloiRO Btid Et,
?wiUtic Wnlln Wall. Slwlane,
llnt.ln IthIhip.
who inndc H. E. JCo. 9mV. for the st.
HIKl 1
Etire- !
10.16 v. m.
.MIli!M-ilU. M. I'aul.l
il II 1 II I II. .1111 H HUfclll.
Chlcnco mid hi, vm
MmLnlieakil lltl titluc
tim. uImimIi (mint- lit
HlllttlCtOIl Hlld Y.Uht-
eru Orecou.
S. imrt M N WI .. in. TnS N. R 11 K. W . M..
j who niimoj the lullnwttiK wlMn-e to lnove hlf
' cotitlnuou-i rolUt'iice Uhhi uiid eultlvntMti of
! said land, viz
; fhrltliuv nolcfc'on, ThnniMj M. Wbltonrab,
I OtHiice II. .-ntiluid, James Kl.x, nil of I le l U.
1 Wash.
! p. IU.
Oestriecher, Julian Pearsou, A
I inuja-l
W. H. UrvitAK. lltElxter.
Patton, E
' Sherrill, Geo
i SchoHv, H
t Stearns, Bud
Steihenon, C F
Smith, C H
jTtiompson, Wm
i Teuton, T
Williams, Jerome(3i W richt, A s
; WHgner, H Walsh. Pat
' Wherrv, Jno Wilson. James L
Wricht, A S Zimmerman, J
Passmore. Geo
Sheriff. Max
Scott, W
SlHter, I) C
Stanple. J
Sloan, Will B
Trice, E C
anbauph, Perry
i Baa. Mrs
j Dailey, Mrs Alice
! Gray, Jessie
j Richards, Mrs J L
Wright, Mrs A S
Blake, Miss Mabel
Davis, Miss IIutt:e
Lncas, Miss Viola
Khoed?, L X
Watson, Mattie
H. RmuELL, P. M.
j Gluriotm 'eiv.
I Comes irom Dr. B. B. Cargiie,
; WashitK, I. T. Pie writes: "
"Four bottles of Electric Bitters
! cured Mrs. Brewer of scrofula, which had
Timber Lind, Act June 3, 1S7S.
I. j. Ukii Ornrn. I
ITIIK IUIJ.k, Or.., Ajir. IS, 1MX i
Notice l hereby Riven that In eoniiillBtice
with the iirovislons of the urt of iiiiicri--, of
June ;:, !7i. entitled "An art the -.ale of tim
ber land? In the Mate- of I'uUtortilu, Oresiiu,
Nevada and Wnhlngtnn Terntury,"
AVIllluiii K. KrU'liuiii,
of The llalle-i. County of Whco, State of Orecou. i
hits this, (lav tiltd In thU olliee ht Mrirn Mate-1
lnent No. 139. for the lilirch-e of the VVU SKt4' '
and N, -E'4 of -tetlnn No. In Tn I N. 1!. I
No. 11 W M , and -111 ullur inoof to show I
that the land micht li more valuablt1 f r It-
tlmbur cr stone than fur REttrniiDral Luriaj-es,
and to L'.-tah!i!i hi-, claim to khIiI Uut Iwfiue th'
H:l-.tuT and U?celviT of IhU otace at Tbf
I mill's.. Oregon, on
SnturiUj. ttn-gnd day or.) line, 11)011,
He name.-, a- wltn-- J. H, (iolt, I). I'. Ket
rhum. JoM-ph Ilaona nutl W'Utaffi -.j-wieer, atl
ol ; nt- lialiet. uiffion.
' Aut and all i-Uimlnv adverMslr the
of I nbo-c-dt--eribd latidr urejequeotad to file tbalr
(tlnluiK m thi, odiec on or before aid9id ly of
I June, 1WW.
nac : aprl-10w-l JAY P. I.t'CA?, ne(rlter.
From Portlimi.
Ocean ?tcaniiihli!.
PorCau Etanal.-o
S p. m. '
Ex.sundav Columbia Uv. Steamer!.
To AnoctA and Way!
paturuay usiidincs.
10 . m.
4:1X1 a. m
4 i. ra.
4 l. m.
tia. m. Wnj.AMr.TrrP.tvrn. !4::p. m.
Ex.sunday Orrcou city. Now twri:, r.x.sundu)
alLln A Way IjiikIV.
T a. ni, Wixi-i. m i-tt! and Yaw- .l-SOn. ra.
Tue-.,Thur. hili Kivrm. Mon.,Wcd
and sat. Oregon Clt, tiaytna, and Frl.
and Wnr-Ijimllufis.
6 a.m. WlUMCTTt: hlVBR. 1:30 p.m.
Tuc, That, PnrtinlMt to t'oratli Moo. Wnl
andaat. and W aj-Ijmflitg. (and Friday
l.v Kip-Ufa
l.i la. m
, -t ..
&:K a. ra.
It's Our Business
To dispense health-givinc prescrip
tions in the proper way. It's a lin-ine.-?
we have not learned in a dav, but ufter
years of prsi?tent work and carefn!
study. We n-e pure drtics and rhnrs-e
an honest price. Clarke &. Falk.
'Plutot mort
qu a
Means, Ratlier dead tiian blind"
blindness in nio-t cases is the result of a
negleeted trivial illness of the eye. Many
a peron now blind onld enj y cood
tiyefiiifbt had it not been that the eye
were neirlected when the first sicn of
disease appeared. Cataract and Glau
coma, two of the inos-t daneerou-? diseases,
are in most cases due to necliirence in
the care of the eys. Tbeo. H. Liehe, of
the firm of J. "H. Adcox & Co., is a
cradnate of the Penria Optical College,
and the Bradley Polytechnic Institute.
He will correct and diajrnose all errore
of refraction. Eyes examined free.
J. E. Adcox & Co., Jewelers.
li. C. Brock was in town today from
Mr. and Mrs. James Keliy, of Kinps
ley, are in the city.
Eoitl Heeit'er, of Wapinitiu, is repis
tered at the Umatilla Iloue.
Hiram Dustin, the v, ell-known Gol
dendaie lawyer, is in the city,
O. flendershot is refi"tered at the
Umatilla House from Goldendule.
Delwyn Allawav and Leslie Clarke
left on the boat tbi" inornini; for the
etrawberry fields at Hood River.
Mrs. L. Fritz and children, of The
Dalles, are visitim this week with her
eieter, Mrs J. J. Eaff, of Goldendale.
State Superintendent Aekerman ar
rived here on the mid-dav train to at
tend the praduatinR exercises at the
Votrt toniuht.
The following clieepinen are in the
city attending the meeting convened by
Captain Grmsby for the allotment of
jrraziii! lands on the reservation : Geo.
A. Young, Shuuiko; Marmaduke Max
well, Ridgeway ; Zichary Taylor, H. C.
Booper and Pat Watch, of Antelope.
Cuturrli Cannot l Cured
witii local applications, as they cannot j
reach the seat of the diseaee. Catarrh
is a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure U yon must take, inter
nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
taken internully, and act directly on
the biood and mucous surfaces. Hall'e
-Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine.
It was was prescribed by one of the bet
physicians in this country for yec-a, and
is a regular pieecription. It is composed
of tiie bust tonics known, combined with
the lHt blood purifiers, acting, directly
on the mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of the two ingredients is
what produces such wonderful results in
curinK Catarrh, heud for testimonial1!,
F. J. Chem:y & Co., Props., Toledo 0.
Sold by drruggiHts, price 7ic.
Hall's Family Pills urn the bent. 12
Campbell & Wilson will sell their line
of millinery, trimmed and untrimmed
fiats, dowers and children's hat, at
greatly reduced prices for the next
thirty daye. Pleue call uud get our
"Clark & Falk'i drug ptock in new
fresh and complete.
caused her great snnering lor years, i
Terrible sores would break -out on her j
head and face, and the best doctors
could give no help; but her cure is com
plete and her health is esc-dient." This
! shows what thousands have proved, i
that Electric Bitters is the best blood j
pnritier known. It's the supreme j
remedy for eczema, tetter, salt rheum,
ulcers, boils and runuinc sores. It
stimulates liver, kidneys and bowels,
exoels poisons, helps digestion and
builds up the strength. Only 50 cents.
S'jld by Ulakeiey & Hon-'hton, Druggists.
Guaranteed. 4
A Life Anil DruUi ficlit.
Mr. W. A. Hines of Manchester, la.,
writing of his almost .miraculous escape
from death, says: "Exposure after meas
les induced serious lung trouble, which
ended in Consumption. I had frequent
bemorrhugeEand coughed night ard day.
All my doctors said I must soon die.
Then I began to use Dr. Kind's 'ew
Discovery lor Consumption, w Licit com
pletely cured me. I aouid not be without
it even if it cost f'i.00 a bottle. Hundreds
have used it on my recommendation and
all say it never fails to cure Throat, Chest
and Lung troubles." Kegular sizs 50c
and fl .00. Trial bottles free at Blakeley
& Houghton's Drug Store. 4
AdnituUtrMtor' Mile of Ural 1'rniiett; j 3T" fa.-llw de-driiis lo CO to IleplHTf or
point, on i oi omnia MMiinxrn via iiii:s, :iijicj
take No 2, ifurluc 'I he Dalle-, at 13 19 t. in.
mutliiL- dtruct eonm-eliou-. at iliiiiiur Junction
fnd hikzi. lU".tiruln niatlnertimumniniutinn
at He.piifr une-ion and Klcc with Ni-fl. ar
rlij; at The l)ailt. at li: .:) p m. l hereb) clven that from and after the
ninth dav of June, ISO"), I will iruced to -.ell at
inlvalr Mir. for ra-h, the fallowing dr-rrltx-il
iiroiierty twlnliclns to the tate of 1'atriiS.
brown, dwnl, to-wit:
Uits A, 1), C, I). E. F, G, H. I, J. K and I-. in
block 57 of I an Dalle .Military rtrvatiin. in
For liiformatinu intiuire atnllice of slnnott'A.
tmtnl at l)alls Cltv this 10th dav of May, 1M) i
DEUA ( . ilHOW.v,
Administratrix of the estate of Patties hr.w. i..
dicviisfi!. in
Lad Office at The Dallkk. okcoo.v.i
April 1!M). I
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named KUttlcr has tiled notice of hi Intention to
mane tmiil priNif in supxrt nf liik rlHim, mid
that said proof will b iimde before the Itt(;itr
and Keeeiver lit '1 he Pullen, Otrj-on, on Satur
day, June!), I'M), viz
Henry Keiidel, of The Dalles, Or..
Ilnniestead Entrv So -tT 10, for the i-'E- -tctloii
!), tiunhtp 1 north, ruiiue 12 et, W. .M.
Ho mimt tne followins wUneae- to prove lilt.
continuotiH lesidencv upon and cultivation of
land, viz
Henry I.n-binu-, (ieorce Arnold, Charlie W.
Adam, .Michael IMrle. all of The Dalles. Or.
mayi-i JAY 1". l.UCAS, llet;hter.
Fo- full jarticular-i rail on O. It. A N. Uo.'n ;
j -"Rent The Hallcs. or addr- i
I W H Hri.l.nruT,
I ion Pas. Ast., Portland. Or.
if tim f
Yellowstone Park Line.
Wm. Orr, Newark, 0., sas, "We
never feel fafe without One Minute
Cough Cure in the house. It saved my
little boy'-; life when be had the pneii
monia. We think it is the best medicine
made." Jt cures coughs and all lung
diseases. Pleaant to take harmless and
gives immediate results.
, and tried doctors and medicines l-w). for xn f nuK,. ee tp. 1 n, ranife is e.
Kev. W. E. .Sitzer, W. Canton, . Y
writes, '"I had dyspejisia over twenty
without benefit. 1 was persuaded to use
; Kodol Dy-pepsia Cure and it helped me
from the start. I believe it to be a
panacea for all forms of indigestion." It
digeets what ycu eat.
r.r hal.
A second-hand ten-foot Randolph
header, in fair condition. Will be sold
cheap. Enquire of
Alex. McLkoij,
inayll-lmw The Dalles.
L'. 3. I.ak Office, Vakcocvkb, Wa.ii.,i
April M), HX.I). I
.Notice 1 heieby clven that Mary I. Ocltinua,
by 1). H. at'isman, hernttnrney in fiiot, ha llli-d
notice of tiilvution to uiiike IIiihI priaif Ireforo
W. II Prenby, I'nltcd stMtet UominUi-toiu'r for
District of Wnnhliif-toii, at hiit ollicu In Uclib'ii
dale, Wathinntoii, on Friday, the r.ith Day of
June, lyX), im TiintxT-ciiltijie Application No.
'TJ1, fur the norlhvaiit ipiiiriur of neutluu No I, In
towiihhii. No. 2 north, ranee No. II cait, W. M.
She niiimis ah u i'.iiu.n.i,: Mmmcl s. 1-oi iirdo,
olf.ruiid Dalles p o., wnib.: Ilcrniau EnceUe,
William Wilkinson, of cunturvllle P. o WhkIi..
and William Crawoid, of -riind lialli.- r. O.,
Waih. W. P.. DtTNItArt,
mayi lleulaur.
L'.MTKP rTATI I.AMl ilFFirg. S
1 KB PAI.1.KH, Olt., May la. IWa) )
A mitliclent ciuit.Kt affidavit having I en tiled
In tbi office by Oui c. Alexander,
THE DlN'IN'i C Alt none FP.OM POP.T1.AND
Dciqc Dspot, Fintiaiid I SIS
No. 1
No. ". FaM mnil for Taoonia,
f-cuttlo. Olyrapla, Gruy'
iiiiruor n"a count nenn
P'lint.i, sp.ikaiie, r.nB
land, I. C, Pullman,
.Incow, b'Ii.tim, lluf
11:15 A. il. falolltimp inlutiiccoiill- 6;W 1'. il.
try, Helena, .Mtitnciipo-
11k, at. Paul, Omaha,
Kiiii-iii Ctly, -it. liuln.i
Chictn-o mid all l -o In 1 1, .
No 4. ' eat and inulh-iist. No. K,
I'lieet Sound Express
P. L for Tiicotna and rcattlui ;) A. .M.
and iutermedliite joiiiti'
Pullman flrnt-r-ln-n and tourirt alceta-ni to
Vluneu;ioll, tit. Paul and Minnourl river point),
without clmiiRc.
Vehilbiilwl tr.iliix. Union dcjKit conneetloiiK
In nil principal rltlo-'.
liMtenef '.lin-kcd to destination of ticket.
for haiidfouivly ilium. atcd dtmuriptire matter,
Hckelii, ili;eil!iu ear reservation, etc., call on or
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is un
equalled for piles, injuries and skin D'" r" K
diseases. It is the original Witch Hazel
salve. Beware of all counterfeits.
I lit- liihrt T IC.Ii.V.. ....ii.uut..u ....(... i. ..I
lKfd that fcald John T V, ric t lni wholly j
iioiiiiiioiieii auiii iraet. ana eiiiing! run rcsliluucu
1 herein mi fur more than nix month mice inak
Inrr mild entry, and next p-tur to dale and
that the u,v nee ol deftindaiit (mm mid tract In
not due 1. 1 hi employment In tne military or
iiuvmi wrriu- in me Liiitca i-tata, miia inrtlea 1
are hereby iiotlHHl to apjx-ar, repond and oiler 1
evidence totichlnt' aiu allegation at Pj o'clik 1
a. m. on June SO. 1'j0i, before the ii-i:lter anil
Hcceiver at the L'liiteiLetatea laud office in The i
Dalle., Orct'on. j
The mpl coutCKtant hnvlnir. In u nrrmer ntliiln.
vlt, tiled May 15, VXU. nut forth fuel, which mIiow
that alter due dllixcnce rtiioiil rvrvl'-b of till
notice call not Im mudu. It la herein- ordernl unit
.directed that aurh no'lw be bivcu by due and
! projKir publication.
j lb t JAV P. LL'CAH, IICKittcr.
SOUTH and EAST via
m iiihr n HHRiriR a
i w w t A. w a a aw w W t
Trimmed hats and patterns ut cost fo
the next thirty days at the Campbell &
Wiison iiiillinxrv parlors. 23-tf
Physiciiiii 3111 el Surgeon,
Officii, VfJBt Ulock fover Pontotlicr),
Dyspepsia Cure.
Digests what you eat.
Shasta Route
Tralua leave The Dalle for Portland and way
ktatluua ut a. in. and II p, in.
1 'I
1 ja
The Thaa... ;i
oi. as
Uob Printers.
I ...i,.,. ".' ...... ..j.. mi .iiiiii.Mfcii.niiilmitui-iilimjlni'ii irui . i.
.oo per month.
Strictly firrt t:ln' local and Ions
ilicUiic telephone eervicts within
your home.
Ine-i do not croR-tnIk. Your con-veri-.ttion
"ill be kept u ntcret.
No cott for iiistiillini;.
You tret the Mandiinl Huiininc
l.otii; I)ir-tnnt Inctriiiiifiit.
Coiitinuoti1 day and nicht ervice.
We will accept your contract for
ten yeare and allow you to cancel
(nine on living ut thirty dayo writ
ten notice.
and Motors
Leave Portland.
" Albany ..
Main m T:Ol p in
12:J0 h in lo;Si)pm
Arrive Aahlaud
" Knuraiiicnto
" han Frauclico
12:Slam ll::nani
riMopm i;:i'. am
. T.1J p in h:lfi a in
Arrive Oudon
" Denver....
" KatikanClty.
" Chlcui,'0 ....
Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday
Don't forifet this.
Clarke & Falk't fiavririiiir cxiraclH are
the beat. Aek yoyr ircicer for tiiem.
Floral lotion will cure wiml eliiintiini-
audHtiuburn. Mmiufactored by Clarke J'artlflctaJlydlKeststbefoodandftidB
,t. plt xature In Htrentfthoning and rccon
01 'aiK' Btructlngtlie exhausted dlBeutlve or-
I'ttint your house with pnintg that are fans. It is the latest discovered dlKest
fully iruaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk ?ntand t0n!c'14 ? 0!e,r Preparation
hav.. them c.aD PPT0 in eftlclencr. It In-
imv . tneiu. Btantly rellevea and permanently cures
Why pay $lwo per gallon for inferior , Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
iialntB when you can buy Ju men K. Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea,
Ftitton'a sun proof paint for $1.50 per ?,c?acbe,Gart
' . mi I rkf tint roan Ira gt.9 1 mnnnant 4ImaaI.m.
Arrive Ln AiikcIox
" Kl Pao
" Fort Worth. .
" City of Mexico ,
" Ilouatou
" New Orleans
(" WimhliiKton
" New York
ri:t.1n in
SIM) a m
11 in
7: 15 a m
. . 1 :V0 p in
p m
. . li :Sl) a la
.. l):.Viuui
. 1:01) a in
. n:i a in
0.1.' a in
..Li.l.'lp m
11:15 a m
!):win in
7:".'."i a m
'j M a in
":(irt a in
fi:W) p m
iiVM a in
!):,' "ill m
1:00 u in
li:2 in
li Ijain
J-I.lp m
Fa!k, ageuts. mI7
Cut flowers for commencement will be
on eale ut Mre. Morgan's art rooms tomorrow.
Prepared by C. C DelNItt Co.. Crjleag.
Oflloe ovoi Ftrl Nat. iinutt.
Ptilliriici mid Tourlat curK on both traliiK,
I iJhalr i ar hiicramuuto to Oitduu mid Kl Piuo,
and tourlHt vmh to ChltiiKo, bt Iult, Nuw Or
leiuihUiKl Nnlilii;toi. y
CoiintotliiK at Kan Fraiuilaco wltli noviiral
HtviiinHlili lilies for Honolulu, Japan, China,
PhlllppluM, Central and Koiith America.
hee aguut at The Dallea Million, or addicim
Oeueral PaMtnser AkciiI, Portland, Or
Circulars and purticulara furnished on application.
F. S. GUNNING, Agent.
un-iG 'xiijj DALbKS OBEGOS
I-odIIo. Collections promptly attended
to. Money to loan. C. E. Usyard's of
fice, The Dulles, Oregon.
Wholesale and Retail
Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Agerrrthe Greate American Liquor
Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey.
WHI8KEY from -J.76 to 40.00 Dor uhI Inn. 1'wi lfiX'i'ara old,) """"
IMPORTrii finnv a n i ii mi ... i ,i 'tttt 7Ti T., n vinrn oa
r. --w vwwmuu ' f iiw iu f i,w iirr kriiuiii - . Z.A
niri-intivri tt."av;. . r.r -- ir - . . ... 1 1 ivaM OW'
ilftiHi 1 vnnjJtnJiMJ noni .','D lo o.W n-r nsllon. 'J?JJ--
COLUMBIA BEER on draught, and Val BlaU and Olywpi Beer lo
u..un,u mo nuu x urier