Sale of Silks at Special Prices all week. 5 2 9 Free Free Free With any Boy's Suit, Spalding Base Ball and Bat or a Twentieth Century Daisy Air Rifle. (Shoots either BB shot or darts.) SEE WINDOWS. SEE WINDOWS. SEE WINDOWS. PURSES. An assortment of Purees that defy competition. 25c to $3.00 each. COMBS. Largo or small metal or hone. 10 up. HAIR BRUSHES. A good brush will last a lifetime. 15c up. HAIR PINS. All the latest little fancies in stock- CUBE PINS. Assorted col ors or black. 5c, 10c, 15c per cube. TOOTH BRUSHES, ' NEW BORDER VEILS, HAIR NETS, just in. National Toilet Cases. A neatl7 put up package of all kinds of pins and needles, worth 25c, for 15c. NEW PULLEY BELTS. Shirt Waists and Materials. Though a little late, yet the warm weather is bound to come, and now is the time to prepare for it. This season's styles of Shirt Waists have never been equalled for beauty. $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00 and $3 00. COLORED WAISTS. All prices, from 50c up. MATERIALS. The assort ment of Ginghams (both imported and domestic), Silk Ginghams, Dim ities, Lawns and Percales, is so large that it's almost confusing. 8-3C to 50c per yard. BICYCLE SUITINGS, COVERTS, CRASHES, LINONS, &c. All Goods Marked In Plain Figures. PEASE & MAYS The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Telephone No. 1. SATU KDAY - MAY S6lflb6 ICE CREAM and ICE CREAM SODA At Andrew Keller's. (S) WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. I'tirnialiiMl rooms for rent on Fourth ftrcut, in tho UeWolI house. Apply to Mrp. J. O. Hose. tu'Jo-lw Tim lU'nululor lino of boats resumed thiiir through tripR between Thu Dalles imil Portland today. Thu editor of Tin: will ud dree6 the voters of Columbia precinct in the interest of the republican ticket and McKinley prosperity tonight. Twenty curlonda of you ne cattls were fed at thu Saltmnrehe stock yards this nioriiiinr. They hud been bought in the neighborhood of Eiieno and were on tho way to Cutbank, Montana, liev. l Y. Hawk will preach at the usual hour tomorrow morning. At tho evening servico tho Grund Army and tint Woman's Relief Corps will bo in ut tendance In a body and the sermon will I'd appropriate to thu occasion. A total eclipse of the sun is billed to come oil' tomorrow morning. Jt begins, according to Ayers almanac, the only authority at hand ut this moment, at t4:5'J and ends ut 6:24 consequently till) sleunv-huudi won't sue it at all. Thu census enumerators, it Js said, will have an othoial badge to he worn while at work. The badge is of'nlckel and is In the form of a shieldwith the Ameri can eiile above. Oil the shield ure the, words, "United fyutes Census, 1000." A Washington dispatch says that the emergency river nnd tinrbor bill was mended ThurBduy so us to provide for tlie survey for a caual and locks ut the Mies of the Columbiu river, and nlso 'or a survey of Snuke river from the Co lumbia, to the head of navigation. I. S. Bradley, the fusion speaker from Ttxiis, arrived here lust night ut 6 o'clock, but the faithful hud given it out there would be no meeting owing to delayed train, ami no further attempt to hold one was mudo. Mr. Bradley 'e't on the mld.duy west-bound train. W. Wilson addressed u line gather '"K o voters In Mount Hood proclnct st night. Mr. Wilson looks for n very rgo republican majority In all the Hood Hlver precincta, Beta are ottered, without takers, that the republicans W curry every precinct west of The Utiles. Tlie warehouses here have already re ceived about a million and a half pounds oi wool, ft(j it j, pouring In rapidly ,,Qm u'.l points of the compass, Seven Ioiu1b of Washington wool arrived (i morning from Grants, By far the MMter portion comes by learn, and the East End this morning was crowded with six to ten-horse teams returning to the interior loaded with merchandise. Nearly fifty tons of freight was loaded from the warehouses yesterday, all bound for tho interior, and some for as far off as Silver Lake. The little son of Kev. U. Hawk had to be taken back to St. Vincent's hos pital for another operation. Mrs. Hawk left with him on thu midday train. The boy had been doing finely till u few days npo. It is thought the wounds from former operations were allowed to heal too soon. Mrs. Emma Marsh, of Eight Mile, wae examined today before Judge Mays nnd adjudged itisrine. This is the sec ond time Mrs. Marsh has been alllicted with insanity. About two years ago she was sent to Sulem, where she remained over a year. She hud beeu released about eight months. "There is just one democrat, in Viento precinct," suid n Viento republican to the Ciikonk'i.l: man this afternoon, "and he is iidw in the city jail for being drunk, and I must see if I cannot bail him out." And sure enough tho man was there, but ho was still too full of bug juice to bo allowed his liberty. "That nin't right," said n high school pupil to our bachelor city superintend ent yesterday as ho found him discuss ing some problem connected with tho graduating exercises toniuht, surround ed by exactly sixteen sclioolinams. "What ain't right?" asked tho profes sor. "Why, 10 to 1, don't you know" waB the answer. This morning Deputy Sheriff Sexton sold on execution two ten-acre tracts of land in the Hood Uiver valley to satisfy u judgment of Mays & Crowe against W. It. Winons for the sum of $093.50 with $00 attorney's fee and $15 costs. The plaintiffs were tho only bidders, nnd the lots wero knocked down to them for $50 each. The entertainment given by tlie school children last night was a great success. Tlie Vogt opera house was filled to the door, and thut the performance was ap preciated by old nnd yojng was evinced by hearty rounds of applause, and the fact that ut the end of nearly every score tho audience insisted on an encore. The gross receipts were far beyond ex pectation and will net betwofn fiftv and sixty dollars to the school library fund. The most' important event In the Fchool year occurs this evening, the nn nual commencement exercises. Tho class Is the lurgest the school has grad uated, consisting of twenty-one mom hers. All parents nnd others interested in the school land everyone should be) are Invited to be present. A small ad mission fee of 10 cents will be charged to defray expenses. The hall will be open ot 7 :S0 and the program commence at 8:16. Captain S. B. Orrnsbv met a number of the sheepmen of this county in the club rooms this afternoon for the pur pose of allotlng the grassing lands of the forest reserve. The only change In the condition of the allotments over last year iS that the sheepman must prom ise that on condition tiiat a "razing permit is granted him, he shall agree to pav on demand such a reasonable price per head of sheep grazed as the secre tary of the interior may require. On Wednesday the sad news was re ceived by the Dufur Dispatch of the death by drowning of the 0-year-old daughter of Wulter Clark, of Kingeley. She and her brother, a year or bo older, were playing around a well some 200 yards from the houee, when in some way she fell in. Her mother in trving to rescue her fell into tlie well, but for tunately caught hold of the curbing and held on until tier husband cnine to the rescue; but before tlie child could be got out, life wb extinct. The funeral was held at the home of her parents yesterday, the remains being followed to j the grave in the Kingeley cemetery by j the numerous friends of tho family. A commercial traveler who was at the Goldendale hotel and restaurant this week, in an interview tells the Airricnl- ( turist that the I'aul Mohr portuga road j will certainly have their boats ready by harvest lime. He was at I'asco last Sunday and while tiiere saw the new steaniooat "Umatilla," just finished, j floated from the blocks by the rising waters of the Columbia. It is u large bout, very staunch and speedy. While there the new boiler for the companion boat, tho "Billings," arrived, coming from Philadelphia. The freight charges alone wero $1,100. From Columbus in formation reaches us that work on the railway is being pushed forward with increased speed. Hails are being laid rapidly on the the west end, the iron lor the entire line now having arrived. Buildings and wharves ut the Columbus end will be commenced on or about the first of the month. OUR CHURCHES Christian Science meeting in small K. of P. hall every Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Calvary Baptist church liev. W. 15. Clifton, pastor. Regular services at 11 a. m. and 7:150 p. in. Young people's meeting at 0:!!0 p. in. Sunday school at 10 a. in. Methodist Episcopal church Corner Fifth and Washington, Jiev. U. F. Hawk, pastor, Services at 11 a. m. ami 8 ). m. Sunday school at 10a. in.; class meeting at the close of morning service; Junior League nt !5:!t0; Kpworth League ut 7. Regular ser vice tomorrow morning. In the even-' lug the members of the fi. A. li. and W. H. 0. will attend in u body, ami uu appropriate sermon will be delivered by the puetorop that occasion, Vtt In Ifuur Utiet'k. All couutv warrants registered prior to Jtiue 3. 1890. will be paid at my office. Interest ceases after February. 2, 1000. C. L. Phillies, Onuntv Treasurer. Clarke & Falk baye received a carload of the celebrated Juuie E. Pat ton strictly pure liquid paints Subscribe for The Chronicle. lilt Stralcht'frora the Shoulder. In wide contrast with the conditions that existed four years ago it is a rare thing these days to find the street corners of The Dalles occupied by little groups of men discussing politics. The people as a rule are too busy earning big silver dollars, every one of which, thanks to republican legislation, is as good as the beEt dollar under the stars. Once in a while, however, two or three old Silurians come out of their holes and vex the air witli lamentations regarding tlie tendency of the times to expansion, or what they are pleased to call im perialism. An old-line democrat, who never voted a republican ticket in his life tiil four years ago, when lie refuted to follow his parly on n platform of Btiaichy and debased currency, struck a small coterie of these ancients yesterday. They were on the old tuck and the old liner opened on them in this fashion: "You measley lot ol hlankety incurables, do you not know that we have expanded? Do you not know that Jefferson and Jackson nnd Monroe and Pierce and Polk, and every name that is honored in democratic history, were all expansion ists? Do you not know that the ground you stand on is ground won by demo cratic expansionists? Do you not know thut everv foot of American 6oil that has been added to tho original thirteen slates from 1803 till 1S1K), with the single exception of Alaska, has been added by democratic expansionists? Do you not know that when you talk of imperialism you are talking through your venerable hats? Do yon not know that you can not scare anybody, talking ubout some thing you don't believe yourselves? Crawl into your holes und die, will you, the whole measley lot of you, or come out into God's sunshine and learn that it is the world that is moving while you are standing still." And the uiluiiuns opened their venerable'mou'.hs in silent ami unfeigned astonishment us the old liner wended his way. For tlie convenience of parties want ing ice in fie afternoons, thu Stadeluian Ice Co. will carry a stock at their store, cornur Third and Washington streets. Phone No. 107; long distuncu 1S3, "King 'em up." lSm-tf Siiltulloii Army, Subject for Saturday night, May 20th, "Social Evils;" Sunday night, "Back sliding und Backsliders," All ure wel come. Adjt. Nki.non Lewis Ackcrmun, Goshen, Ind., says, "DuWitt's Little Eurly lliuers ulways bring certain relief, cure my headache and never gripe," They gently cleanse and invigorate thu bowels and liver. Good, pure natural ice from the Blue mountains for sale by the Columbiu Hlver Ice & Fuel Co. 'Phone 33 or 81 Long Diet. ; 75 or 8 Seufert & Condon, Freeh cracked Nebraska corn ut the Wasco wurehouee. Finest kind of chicken feed, uicb25-if To secure the original witch hazel salve, aek for DeWitt's Witch lluel Tlio Kind You Have Always Bought and which has licca in use for over 30 years, has borno tho sijfiiatnro of and has been made under his per- rvilft sonal supervision sinco its infancy, ' Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-j?ood" are but , Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing- Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Fcvcrishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THC CENTAUR COMMNV. TT MURRAY TRCCT, NCWVOKH CITY. St. Special Sale! Steel Ranges and Cook stoves To reduce our large stock we will sell Stoves and Steel Ranges at Greatly fedueed Prices for a short timo only. See our goods and get our prices. . . . JVIRYS & CROttlE. a A, " A .LTUJr.x.kT-v'--Jr-i-Y-i.-rV-L'ic.-'r.uv'r-;.-' . j.vusu -r.T. r. 3 .r. i srs r .V,i!3 NOTICIO FOU i'UKUCATION. I. AND Ol'nci". AT VaNCOUVKH. WASH , Sluy 17, VMI. I Notleu Is liiTi'by Klvcn thut lliu tollouliiuS iiuiiii'il K'ttlcr Iiiih llk'il notice of Ills Intention to mulct' final proof In i-npnott of lif- clulni. hhiI thut h ilil jiiooi will ho inmlt' hi'foto 11. Pre-hy, rnttiit States (,'oiuiuiloiiLTi ut lioltU'liitiilc, on July (i, I'JOU, vl: AmiIi.'I K, Ollur, who mtulo II. K. No. U.vm, for Ihi- frnctloti W'j N W',i, Sec 'M, Tji il X, It 111 K, mid hV.ii of M'.J Sec Jt,, T .1, X It It! i:, W. SI. Ho mimes tho follow lnt; vltnoseti toiirovu hlit continuous resilience upon, ami cultivation of fciitd himl, vl.: Kouert A. broutheri-. chrM I). l'riuircn. Will him Curlier, John Kure, till of l.We 1', ()., WtoihinKtou. V. It. DUXI1A1!, liiii)2.1-l ItcKlhter. NOTION I'OU I'UHMOATIO.V. l.ANl) Ol l'lOK AT VAM'OUVr.H, WihIi,,! Mny 11, HKKi. ( Notice in hoieljy Klyon thut thu folinwliiK liHineit ottler luo. tiled notice ol hh Intention to miiUe tlmil proof In Mimiorl of hi- chiliu, unit thut Hild moot will ho uiiiiio hefoio W, II I'rcnhy, United Mutes Cominllnncr for HUtllct of Win-hitiKion, ut hlx olllio in tioldemlule, YYioli., ou .Sutiirduy, JuuoliO, I'M), vl.; lii'inL'ii (1, l.iinlMiy, llmesleud cntrv, No, pit, for the dW1 k of Sin 11, 'J'pll, X of K 111 K. W, SI. Hu iiumes Iho followliiK ultneos to provo his continuous lohh'iice. upon mill cultivation ol Mild laud, vl;: John i. SlclJoniild, of Iliilll.'ii d 1'. O., Wiudi; WcmlcUu U'ldl, (ioldemiiilo I1, (),, Wm-h.; John ('. Ileiry, lliirlhiiul I'. , Wash,; Thomas r, Drlpps lltirtlund 1'. ().. Wusli. um!ii I ;V. It. DlJXHAIt, HcitUtcr. NOTION FOR I'UIJLICATTON. I.ANIJ Ol nCt: AT TllH DAI.I.FS, OlIKiiON, . A pi 11 ID), 1'JOO. ( Kollco Is hereby Klven Unit the following liiiliud M'ltlcr lum II ltd notice of his Intention to iiuiKo Hind proof In Hippon of his rlulm, mid thut Mild pioofwlll Im nuiile lufoiethe Itculbtcr mid Kecclver ut Tho Duller, Oitou, ou bultir duy, Juno 16, luuu, vl; JeiiH . Atiitiiiif, of Tlie Dulles, Or., lloiiu'stciid Kntry Xn, lull, lor the UW'U section '.M, mid J-'v NKij mid KKli l-Kh ni'tlon li. Ujwiiblilp inn Hi, ruiiKo 1'.' eiist, V, SI. Ho nuines tho IoIIowIdk to prove his continuous reshlenee upon und cultlvullon oUali! Imd, viz: John Urate. Churlev Hnlpes, J, 1), llookmup, i, Blliioiisoil, nil ol Thu Dulles, Dickon, waya l JAV i'. MICAS, KcKlktcr. Garden Hose AVo have laid in a largo stock of (iarilon Hose and aro carrying the same brum! of ! Hose (hat wo have- been carry I'mg for tho last five years, ! which is tho celebrated Mal- 'tese Cross Hrand. Wo carry l i tho same brand of lloso that. i tho Dalles City Kiro Depart ment has been using for tho last twenty yoars. Tho Mal- Incn Hl'iliwl !ii ii'iiliMlli. lJi3i; tIOf.l IMIOIVI l 'J n ott.'un I doubt tho best rado of lloso I i on tho marlcot Call ami goL Subscribe for The Ciiuo.nick, our prices before buying. JJaieF & Benton Sole Agonts. V. T. H.Ml'i'll. Osteopath. Koiiuia 10 anil II, Chuiiuian llloek, The D.illcs, Oregon. Tucsdii) s uinl Krldujs, h u. in. l) 1-'. jiiuylS-lm