Do You Cough? " I eue?. I to Iks like everybody clso. When I cnusthtcold, 1 j list let it alone, think' ins it would euro iLelf ill n few days ; ofcourethe coup hi n s nml bpitthiSf of mucus sometimes lasted sev eral weeks, but after a while the trouble would sub side. I al ways no ticed how ever, that each rold was worse than thconc before. 3Iy throat seemed to pet weaker, and the least change in the weather started the couphinp acain. The last cold was the most t-evere of nil. I was really frightened. Cough tlrop3 and home treatmentllid no pood. A friend told me about Acker's English Remedy. I pot a bottle, and you never saw the like of the way it acted. j GOING EAST. Win. Orr, Newark, O., euy, "We If vnn inti.iid to thkon trm Knst.nsk' never feel fit to without OliU MiliUtu I your ticket ajiunt ticket ajiunt to route yon via The , Great Wuhash, n modern and up-to-dtu: railroad in evert- particular. I Thrnmrh trains frum Chicago, Kinsae City, Umnlin or Si. Louis to New York nnd New England point?. All trains ; run via Nliiiptru Fulls and every through J train bus free reclining clmir ears,leop- ; ins ""d dinitip; cars. ; Stop over allowed on nit tickets at Ni- j agara Falls. Koss C. Omsk, Pacific Cons-t Papc Apt,, Los Apitele?, Calif. C. S. Crane, ft. P. A., St. Liuis, Mo Cuuch Curo in the house. It saved my Utile boy's life w bun he had lh pnetl inoniit. Wii think it is the best medicine made." It cures coughs and all lunp dlseiief. Pleasant to take harmless and pivea immediate results. Nutlet. Notice is hereby piven that there wl',1 be an annual uieetinp of the stockhold ers of the Golden liable Mining Com pany at the otiice of French A Co., bankers, on Thursday, May SI, 19(H), at 7 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of tilect- llcfore thebottle waspono 1 inp seven directors and transacting such RiSK Kor .Snlt. Full blooded, burred Plymouth Uwk lvks, per putting $1.00 nd fl.iiO. For particulars call on or address, AXlllMi.S UltOh. Pox 617. The Dulles. Or. nr.v.vnT rots TIMK Sl lir.llULK. Hiok luixr.!.. To salve secure the original witch uk for DeWitt'e Wilch hazel Il-iael Ywl Suit U-iVt, Denver. Ft. Midi Worth, (Htmlm, Kim 12:10 p. la.' ntt. City, St. Units,! ' Cltlrasn nml Hast. ! 1 was well. Mr throat felt asstronpnnd well as could be. bince then I have had no more trouble. I think Acker's English Remedy so strengthens the delicate lining of the throat that it easily resists the chances in tempera ture.anditbuililsuptheconstitutionaswell." (Signed) Carrie Schwab, 251 Gold St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Sold at 2jc., 50c. and $1 a bottle, throughout the United States and Canada : and in Eng land, at Is. 2d.. 2s. 3d., 4a. (5d. If you arc not satisfied after buying, return the bottle to your druggist, and get your money back. n authorize the abort guarantee. Ji. II. IIOOKEE i CO., Proprietors, Sew Tork. FOR SALE BY Blakeley Sc Houghton. ?i7roi?i;le5peiai5 It's Our Business To dispense health-sjivlnp prescrip tions in the proper way. It's a business we have not learned in a day, but alter year? of persistent work and careful etndy. We u;u pure drups and charge an honest price. Clarke & Falk. other bnsiness as may properly come be fore said meetinp. By order of the president. J. C. Hos.teti.kk, Secy, ami Treas. The Dalles, Apl. 27, 1000. a27-td 'I used Kndol Dyepep9ia Cure in my family with wonderful results. It elves immediate relief, is pleasant to take and is truly the dyspeptic's best friend, " sayp E. Hartperink, Overisel. Mich. Digests what you eat. Cannot fail to cure. Experience is the best Teacher. Use Acker's English Remedy in any case of j coughs, cold or croup. Should it fail to give immediate relief money refunded. 25 cts. nnd 50 cts. Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. For Sale. A eeeond-hand ten-foot Randolph header, in iair condition. Will be sold cheap. Enquire of Alkx. McLeoij, mavll-lmw The Dalles. "Plutot mort qu'aveugle" Means, ''Rather dead than blind" blindness in most cases is the result of a neglected trivial illness of the eye. Many a periou now blind could enjoy good eyesight bud it not been that th eyes were neglected when the first sipn of disease appeared. Cataract and Glau coma, two of the most darmerons diseases, are iu most cases due to netrlipence in the cure of the eyes. Then. H. Liehe, of the firm of J. J3. Adcox & Co., is a graduate of the Peoria Optical College, nnd the Bradley Polytechnic. Institute He will correct anil diagnose all errors ol refraction. Eves examined free. J. E. AdcoX & Co., Jewelers. I'ElirLB YOl ALL KNOW. Klinzcr, of Diitur, was in town L.J. todav. Rev. O. D. Taylor was a pasuenfer on the mid-day train tuday from Portland. Hon. E. B. Dufur wa a nassenirer on the midday tram today for Hood River. Mr. A. McAdam, of Paje & Mays', went today ou a business trip to Shan ifco. H. J Dnnn arrived in town today from Goldendale and is a truest of the TJiuutilla House. Dr. Siililull left on the mid-day train today for I'm tUrui, from thence to sail on the Elder fur Cape Nome. . President Mullen of the Northerr Pacific passed through town this af'.en noon weatnound ou a special train. Wallace McCauimaut arrived in town today on his way to Dufnr, where he speaks at a republican rally tonight. Mri. Clay Myersud daughter, Win nifred, left lait nlpht for Surnpter, where tlfey expect to make their home. Hon. 11. H. Dufur arrived in town to day, accompaiiird by his wife. Mr. Dufur c-uiies to attend the meeting of the wool-growers tomorrow. Uncle Hilly Keleay and Mrs. Kelsuy are in town from their home near Shan iko. Uncle Billy owns the only livery stable in Shuiiiko and ie preparing to accommodate the travel that is bound to come that way. H L. Pi'tock, proprietor of the Ore gonian, accompanied by Mr Piitock and three ilauphierR, and a niece of Mr. and Mrs. Pittock from Pennsylvania, arrived here today by rail Htid will re turn by (he boat in the morning. J. H. CradlebMtigh and his eon, R. II., arrived here from the Greenhorn cuun ery ttiU morning Mr. Cradlebaiigh has made up his mind to t ike a much-needed rft, and after stopping here for a short time, he will go to hit) old home in .Nevada anil vifit for an indefinite time among relative) he has not seen for nearly a i-ciire of years. Campbell & WilHon will sell their line of millinery, trimmed and untriminei liatp, flowers and children's bate, at greatly reduced priceu for the next thirty days. Please call and get our pricee. Clark NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. (Isolated Tract.) Public Land Sale. Land Office at The Dallks, Okegox, ilny'j, lao.i Notice 1 hereby stven thst in jiiiisiinceo of instructions from tlie cumntls-Ionur nf the (tcn erul land otiice. under imtliorl t vested in lilin by section yt"5, l ij. Kev. Ktat., a unloaded liy tne not ot cunsros approved hebniiry 2(i, 'Xj, we will prooevd to otter nt public ,-aiu on rintiir day, the day of June, next, nt the hiiurof 10 o'cleoi: a. in. ut this otiice, the following tract of Iiind. to-u lt; KEH NEU, stction 20, township 1 north, range U cast, W. JI. Any nnd nil persons claiming adversely the ubove decribcd lands -are advlsifd to tile their claims in this otiice on or before the day above d' signaled for th commencement of suid Mile, uthe.-whu their rishu will lie furielted. JAY I'. I.L'CAK, Ittgistcr, mayl2 ll OTIS t'ATThlt.iON, Keccivcr. NOTICE FOR Pl.'BLICATIOK. (Isolated Tract ) Public Land Sale. Land Office at The Ijailks, Oreoo.v( Apr. 1C, i Notice is hereby given tlmt in jiuiMiauce of intrucuous irom tne commii'ioucr of the t,'''ii eral land oflire. tinrlcr authority vested in him by section ttlJS L". fe. l!ev., ns iimcmlcii by the act of enngteffc Hpirnved Kubruury SSJ, 1Ui, we will prwet d to oiler at publlft sale on .Mon day, the -.sth day of Jlay next, nt the liour of lOo'clocit.a. in., ntthlh ollice, tlte following tract otixnd. to-uit: -vw'!4 .--. t. i k. v k., w. m. j Any and all inon elaiinlng the abovo-: deae.'ibcd lands lire udvivil to lii; tlr ir ; nlaitnf ill thin olliee ou or btdore the day above iityiij;iiated (or thecominence-nstit of said nalc. 1 otherwise their ii. hu will be forfoit'sl. JAY 1 I.L'CAS, UtKister, aprli-i OlIS PATrUtsON, iteeeivor. NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION. laMi Orricr. at The Iai.i.i:.. Ouhoon,! Apfltai.lMO. Notice Is hereby clvcn Hint the followlns liiiuii'd jettter has tiled notice of his intention to mntu linal proof in iiiHirt of Ids claim, ami that said proof will be niaile K-fnre the licgl-Ur and Itccelvcr nt The hallo, Oregon, on Satur day, June!). 11W. vl. Henry Readel, of The Dalle, Or.. Hnmestcnd I'.ntrv No. -tT HI. for the SK',t seetlmi 9, township 1 north, range t'J east, v. M. He names Ine fol'.owiiiK wjtiur to prove hi contlniinu" te.iideuec mm and cultlvatiou of snld land, vU: Ilenrv Uiebtng, (icoree Arnold, Charlie W., Ailams, .Michael Doyle, all of The Dalles, Or. mayM JAY 1. l.l'CAH, ltegl.iter. TIMBER CULTURE FINAL PROOF. NOTICE FOP. PUBLICATION. I". S. Lani Office, Vascoi'vki:, Vasu.,i April 31, I'M. i Notice Is hereby clvcn that JIktj" K. Oelhaus, by Ii. II. Stegman, her attorney in fact, lias (lied notice of intention to make ilnal proof before W. II. 1'resbv, I'uitcd H la ten CominisMmier for District of N'ahiugtou, nt lib otiice in Ooliien dale, WiishitiKton. on Friday, the Kith day of June, lyiX). ou Timber-culture Application No. 237, for the quarter of ycctiou No I, in township No. " norlh, range No. 1 1 vtM, W. M . She names as itnenfs- .Manuel S. Leonardo, oMir.iud Dalles V O.. Wash. ; Ilcrnitui Kintelke, William WHklnon, of Comcrvllle V. O,, Wih.. and William Crnwlotd, of (mind Dalles P. O., Wa-h. W. It. DL'NlSAit, mnrj-1 Ucght-r. Sp4ii:iine Stall and Ilxprvss I 10:10 p. ill. s p. ni. Walla Walbt, Hioknnc, Minneapolis. St. Paul,! iMi In til, .Milwaukee.! ('hli'iiito nun i.hsi. via bt-okaiieiikii Hunting ton, also nil Milnts In Washtustnn unit Kast era Oregon. .Kiuist 1'oirrt.ASr). Ocean .Steanisliips. For fran fruiiclsco April -'7, Mti 7, 12. n i. in. I . 'i .it. -:x.sniuday Columbia Itv. Bteumcni.jKx.buiida) 'To AnTOKtA and Way uuulltigs. Paturilay iu p. m Anu.VK Khom. fust Mtlt VlitU p hpokime Mall unit l!xjnis 4!W)h. til I p. ill. 4 p. m. i i". a.m. i Willamettk ittvEn. -i::)p. m. Kx.SiuidayOreKon t.'lty. Newlierg, Kx.aunday Balem A Way Land's. 7 a. m, ! WttLAMfTTK and Yak- 11:00 p. m. Tuea.lliur., HtLl. Uivehx. ,.Mon.,Wed and st. Oregon City, Dayton, and Frl. j mid Wiiy-IjuulliiRs. Cn. m. I Willamette lnvEit. 4:30 p. in. TucThur, Portluiid to Corvallls, Mini. Wrd and Sat, mid Way-UuiillliKS. land Friday Lv Kiimrln rtnliy 1.20 a. m. SNAKE l'.tVF..".. lilparia to lxwlstun. l.EAVK Lewikton dully 8::w a. in. NOTICE FOU PUBLICATION. Timber Lind, Act June 1S7S. I. S. Lanii Office, I "The Daixe1-, Oi:.. Apr. i:i, i Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of emigres of June 3, IsT-, entitled "An act for the sale of tim ber lauds in the states of t'tililiirntii, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," AV 1 1 1 i urn K. Knteliiim, of Tlic Dalles. County of Wasco. State of Orctton, has thl dav tiled til this utUce bis sworn slate ment No. 139, for the purchase of the W, NKVt nnd N), .SKW of pectinii No. Si, iu Tp. I N. It. No. 11 h., W. Jl., and will oiler proof to abow that tlie laud sought is more valuable for its j umuvi ii iiiiie iiiiiii iirr aiii'iiiiuitii iiii(iHt-n. and to establish his claim to said laud before the Ueaister and Iteceiver of this oKico at The Dalies, Oregon, on SuturdH), tliHtlil ilny r .1 lint-. l'JOO, lie names as witnesses J. 11. dolt, D. P. Kct chum. Jo.H-jdi Hauun anil W'lllam opeucer, all of Tlie Dalles. Oretron. Any mid all persons cliimiuif mlversely the iibove-ilecrlld -lanas are reouestwl to tile their claims iu this otiice ou or before iald2:!rd day of June. iwx. nprl-luw-i JAY V. LUCAS, ItCRlster. Parlies dcsi.-imr to no to lleiumer or Jiouils on i:oiuinuia soiuuern via iuksn, suouin take No. 2, lcarlurc 'Ihe Dalles ut 12:19 p. 1:1. mnfelng ilircet contiecllons at Ileppuer Junction and IIIkks. Iteturnliig mnklucdirivtciiiiueetlnu at Ileppuer junction and Illcgn with No. 1. ar riving at lhc Dalles at 12:UUp. in. for full particulars cull on O. It. & N. Co.'e Kgcnt The Dalleu. or aitdrcs. W. II. HUItl.llUKT, Cien l'as. Agt., i'ortluml. Or, Alnpthopii Dnnifin miMM (llilllb NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I.IKIl OFFICE AT TllE DALLAS, OCEOON,! April 20, 1'JiA). I Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has Hied notice of his intention to make utuil proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be mmle l.tforethe Itegltter and ISceciver at The Daltc, Oregon, on Satur day. June 10, mo, vl. Jons P. Agidiit", of The D.illes, Or., Homestead fin try No lull, for the NW14 NWJrf ctlon 21, and NP. and NKW hl'. section tovnsblp 2 north, range 12 eat, W. M He names the following witnessea to prove his continuous resilience upon nnd cultivation ol said t-tnil, viz John Crate, Charles Snipes, J. D. HockmiU', J. Bitnonson, all of Tlie Dalles, (itegoii. mayM JAY I'. 1 1 CAS, Kegiiter. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Yellowstone Park Line. THE DINING OAK KOL'TE FKOM rOItTLAND TO TllE EAST. THE ONLY DIKECT LINE TO Till". YELLOW KIONE PA UK Union Djrot, nuti and I Sts aiu-.ive. No. 2. No. 1 11:15 . Fast mall for Tnforim, Si.nttle, Olynipla, (iniy's iinroor ami -coinn iivnil points, Spokane, Iloss-! .laud, II. (.'., Pullman, , Jliiirmv, 1iMlston, lluf A. M. falolIumiiiiilnliigcoiui-i fi;.V) 1'. M. try, Helena, .Mlnncnpo- lis, nt. Paul, Omiilia, , Kansas City, Ht. Limit, Cliicago am! nil imlntsj No I. east nnd soutlii.'int. No. :. I'liuet fcnutid Express, W.V) P.M. for Tiieoinn and fceuttlo 7iW) A. M. and intermediate points! Land office at Tub Dalles, Oiu. , April SO, IMJiJ. 1 Notice is hereby given thnt the following named settler bus filed notleonf his intention to muke tlnal proof in nupKirt of Lis claim, nnd that Mid uroof will be niuile li.' tin- I't-cUier and Ilecelver at The Dalles, Oregon, 011 Satur-' Itinnois X day, JuiielO, viVfCai.a WflQI. yUU VAl. W'iU'm J. Jefrert., of The Dalles. Or., i ItartificlallydlKeststlicfoodandaldB Homestead Entry No. 4630, for the Ni-j s'-vy jNaturo in fitreiiL'theninir and reenn-' action la. township 1 north, ru..g ii east. win. atructiriK the exhausted illirM v nr. : He name th following witncso to prove his f&ns. It is the latest discovered dlKest-1. contiiiuima residence uxin uud cultivation of ant and tonic. Jso other nreniiratlon can approach it in efllclency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures l'llllinaii llrst-class and tourlit hlt-opom to Mliuiuipiili-,, nt. Paul myl Mlsnonri river points without fhniiKC. , i.stibuleil trains. 1. 11I011 ileixjt couiiectloiif. In nil principal cHIti. Iliigaage cheekeil to ilustluatioii of tickets. I nr handsomely llliin.ntedilicriptive matter, tickets, sleeping car reservations, etc, oail ou or 1 write A. D. CHARLTON, SOUTH and EAST via said land, viz James Henson, Jr., Jntnos licnion, hr., Pete; Godfrey, Isaae Howhtud, ail of The Dallus, Or. maj2 i JAY P. LUCAS, Keglster. CONTEST NOTICE in , Depakthkht of thk I::tki:ioi:, ) l'.'iitku states i.anij (iffick, THK IlALLKS, Oli May 15, 1'jCm.) sutllclent contest iitllduvit having lieen llleil mis uracil riy uus u. Alexander, conte-stntit. 1 Dyspepsia, IndlBestlon, Heartburn, flatulence, Sour Stomach. Nnnsfn. SlckHeadache.GastralRla.Cramps.and all other results oflmperfectdlKestion. Prsoared by E. C. OeVJlt. A Co.. Chicago. DUUI1PI ruUlHU UU. & Falk's drug utock in new fronh uud complete. Uoyc! Pease & Mays are .giving a good Daioy air rifle or8paldinK baae bull and bat with every auit over 2.60. 8ce window. Hiairist homestead entry No. 5777, made iiay II j lfc'jti, for swU of hvi'a, sec. 0, tp, 1 u, range 13 e, 1 by John T. Wright, conteitee. in which It is nl- 1 leged that said John T. Wright ban wholly I ubandoncil said tract, mid changed his resilience j therefrom for more than six moiilhs since rnaU-1 lug said entry, and next prior to dale; and ! that the abs-nce of defendant fiom said tract is , not due to his employment in the military or naval service of the United States, laid turtles dro hereby untitled to appear, respond and oiler evidence touching said allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. on June 20, lcforo the Kcgister and Ittcelverut the L'uited mates laud olllce iu The Dalles, Oreftou. The tutu contestant having. In u proper ullida vit, (tied May Id, I&WJ. letortu facts which show that niter due diligence iiertoua! tervlcu of this notlcoean not be rnede, It Is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be given by due and proper publication. 10-1 JAY 1'. LUCAS, Iteglster. NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION. IJiVU OFFICE AT VAHCOUVKIi. WASH,,) April vi), 1'jou. j Notice is hereby given that the following named svtttrr has tiled notice ol his Inlei, tlon to make final proof Iu support of bin claim, and that tali) proof will bo made bsfore n.ll. rreiliy, united Htutc-s CommUaloner for DIHiictof Ualilugloii,at hU otl)f Iu Onlilen dale, Vah.. ou l-'riday, JuneiW, pjori, viz: Deltrich H. ritejfinnn, deviseo of Dietrich ritegman, ilecensed ; Hnmesteud Entry No. H7lfi, for the 4 of section 22, township 3 north of range 11 cut, Will. Mer. He immea the following witness s to prove til continuous residence upon and cultlvullou o! suld land, viz: Manuel H. Ionardo, of Grand Dalles p. O. Wnsli,; Herman Kngelke, William Wllklnion, ot Centervllle 1'. O,, Wiib..Biid William Crawford, of Oruud Dalles K 0 Wash. W. It. PUNHAlt may2-l lUflslcr, mi mm. OiiE FOR A DOSE. r,1.Vrn'vo f.'.'nP'-'. Vr-iteai !' ,; 1 ,' 1 y.": ni. i.tirt- lle.iilft, B ni Duta. A mnwmbti,t Ihn Ixmv Ml ihfl 1 Imiwi io:n ds? is atrr.Mrr Kxlthet r.tH iwrsiNien. vii,u. ir-K, i,r inl! hoc f,r W.O CO. fftlla-Pa. PILLS i'ir f 1 1. -riiew Jj II. K. K. KKUBl'hll.V, rjiysieiun uud Surgeon, Oilice, Vogt lllock (over l'osto!Ilce), a)aplnifidw THE DALLES, OUEtiON. T BROWN HILL, JUSTIOH OF THE I'EACE. Nolury I'uolie, Collections promptly utttuided to. Money to loan. 0. E. IJoyard'ti of fice, Tim Dalles, Oretfon, AiliiilnUtrulor's Hulo of Koitl I'ropurty Notice is hereby given that from and after tho ninth day of. lime, I'JOl, I will urocied to ell Ht private ssle, for cnti, the following ik-x:rllcd jroK.-rty belonging lo the estate of I'utrlck Drown, ileceaieU, to-wit; IjiIs A, II, O, D. E, K, M, II, I, J, K and L, In block IV7 of rort Dalle illlitury reservation, In Oregon. Kor Information lniUlrc at oOJce of Himiott & Hliimitt. Dated at Dalles City this 10th dav of May, l'JOO. DELIA O. 1IKOWN, Ailmlnlslratrlxof the estate of i'utrlck llrov11, deceased. in Shasta Route Trains leiivoTho Dalles for I'ortland and way Htatlous at !: 11. in. unit (1 p. in. Ia-hvc Portland " Albany , Arrive Ashlainl " Kiieramento " ban h'riiuclsco . Sl'Iliilil ...IL'I.TJillll . . .12:."-! a in . .. .1:01) p m .. . 7:1.1 p 111 Arrive Ogdou " Denver " KausiiHtiity " Clileago .. 6: 1.1 a m . U:U) a 111 . 7:'JAnm .. 7:1.1a in Arrive U Angeles ... " Kl I'imi " Fort Worth . . " City of Mexico , " Houston " New OrleaiiH . . " Washlugtou . " New York . 1 :J0 ji in 11:00 p 111 . fiN'lii m . o:M m . I;i)iim . fi:'i'ui in . r;Uam .12:1.1 p 111 7:0ii i m MM p in ll:::ou m I ;;i1 a in 8:1,1 a m 11:1.1 a ta u:U) a 111 7 :'.'. 11 111 'JVM a 111 7:00 a m fiiOO p 111 i4,'M a 111 '.i:M a 111 1:00 a 111 fi'.'Sl p in ff ii a in l '."U p 111 riillman mid Tourist cars on both trains, chair curs Hacraineiito to Ogdeu unit I'.l I'aso, iiiidtnuilst ears to Chicago, Ht Louis, New Or leans mid Washington. Connefitlng at Hati Krmclsco with keverul HUiimshlp lliic-M for Honolulu, Japan. Chlim, 1'hlllppliien, Central ami Houth Aniiileii. ' Kco agent at The Dulles station, or address C. H. MARKHAM, Gencrul I'assingcr Agent, rurlland, Or I7UIKD, W. WILKON. ATTOMNKY.AT LAW, 'I'HK DAI.I mivfinu Oftlcc nvoi Flnl Nat. liVuiV. ' """""" 't 'i 5 5 '38 i 21! 31 is : 3!; ' sii 1 1 SH 1 4 6 ,3c 1 Ii 1 ;r I 2't: 3f - The Dalles, Chronicle, '' Job Ppinteps. Umtttur,tiHtuif iiuiLminirLuiiuntUitMUiniuit'yfI $1.00 per month. .Strictly first bIbhb lucnl nn.l, long dislunoi tultiphonu tfrvit:o within your home. Lint'H do not croH-lnll:. Your con - vurtjatiou Mill hu kt-pt 11 oecrut. No coHt for itistullint;. Yon ci't tin' ptunilurd Ilunnine Louk Dihtant IiiBtniini.'iit. Contitiuotit day and night (irvieo. Wu will accept your uontract for tun year!) and allow you to cancel Baino on Kivin tin tliirly tluyu writ tun milieu. PACIFIC BTATEB TELEPHONE 008. ki&W Wheels and Motors MASUKACTlfltUD UV AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL CO SUITABLE FOR DRIVING GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, ELEVATORS, PRINTING- PRESSES, ETC Circular.! and particular!) furnished on application. F. S. GUNNING, Agent tmli TUK DALLUS, OREGON C. J. STUBLING Wholesale and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agearthe Greate Amerioan Liquor Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey WHISKEY 'rmj:Ufi to .() mr trillion. (TuTlTyBiirt) iild.) .IMPORTED 00GNA0'froiM7.00 tol 12.00 per KBlTolTln to 80 yw oli-rf OALirOBSIA BRAMDIEB ftoFn ia.'Jb to tf7.(io t7f ValTSnT "(4 tojj yjLSi- I ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLP. COLUMBIA BEER on drauuUt, nnd Vl BUte nnd Olympia Ueer In t,,, linported Alo and I'orter, - JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS.