The Dalles Daily Chronicle. FRIDAY MAY L'o, 1900 Columbia Nnuthrrn Warnltnuar. At Shniiiko the Columbln Southern RntlwBV Co. controls 80x100 feet of the Republican Ticket. STATE OFFICERS. -Justice of the sintireme Court C. E. Wolvertou. Food and Dairy Comtuissioner J. V. Bnilev. for doipg the snuio thing with the Filipinos. You forget, gentlemen, I that nearly two-thirds of nil the tor- I ritorv of the United States, lying Shnnlko warehouse huihlinir, to he used ! betw'ecn the Atlantic and the l'ncilic ns Mbi wr.ionro, through which I I.. .. , . I thev will receive nnd forward Ireiglit in and between Uie British possesions th(u,UHl ,, The impiestdon that mid the Gulf, has been ndded to tu il business must i, ,one through for- original thirteen stntes-by democrats, ' warding houses is mi erroneous one and (often by force and alwnys without e take this means of (Impelling it. !.!. f ll.n nl.nrn.l 'Plllt ! FfHicIlt rCCelvi'd Illlll lltOll t Wfll t V.foll r I kUV WUIIOV.IJr VII lUk VI lll.'ll IIIJ is your record, gentlemen. "What makes von ashamed of it? Concressman The D.dlea. DISTRICT OFFICERS- Malcolm A. Moody, of Joint Senators .1. K. The democrats grumble heunuso times are too good and prices of products too high; they say they ! tf Mtilr Im f liinnc r 1 1 fYrt nnt if (lint Williamson. f "'"- ... Crook : T. IL.lohnston. of Wuscd: W. were intrusted with power. And W. Steiwer, of Wheeler. j lherc ,s ,)0 tloubt jn lbe wor,(, ftboul Joint Retnesentatives A. S. Roberts, it- thnv would nhaiife thinps in the cilorii.u. . of Wasco; R. A. Emniett, of Klamath ; i . - " . , Comesfrom Dr. D. II. Curgile, of George Miller, of Gilliam; George I l" IIIMIUn lu '"' I Washita, I. T. Ho writes: """ "i1'1" """" ur.. l " ucvnsuiuon. lucre is uo joku so !.-.. i.iuo ,.f Ki..,.tri. Klit,. hours will be turned over to a forward inu house subject to the order of the consignee. The rate on wool in sucks or in hales from Shaniko lo The Dalles is 25 cents ier 100 pounds. For rales or other information call on or address C. E. Lyti.e, G. F. it P. A., or Gko. F. Ko'-s, Alien I, Shuniko, Ur. rett, of Grant; T. WaBco. fl. McGreer, of! District Attirnev The Dalles. -Frank Menefee, of County Judge River. COUNTY TICKET. A. S. Blowers, of Hood good to them as the joke that was cured Mrs. Brewerof scrofula, which had told in grim earnest after the demo- caused her great Buffering lur years. crats elected Cleveland nny every thing went to smash; when starving A. Kirchheiner, of Commissioner P. Antelope. Sheriff Robert Kelly, of The Dalles. Clerk A. E. Lake, of Wamic. Treasurer C. L. rhillipe, of The Dalles. Assessor C. L. Schmidt, of The Dalles. Superintendent of Schools C. L. Gil bert, of The Dalles. Surveyor J. B. Goit, ol The Dalles. Coroner W. H. Butts, of The Dalles. For Justice of the Peace of The Dalles Timothy Brownhill. Constable Frank Hill, of The Dalles. Terrible sores would break out on her head and face, and tho best doctors cnulil pive tin liuln: hut her cure is com- workingmen applied for work to get ; Bmi m,ll)tn , exMnonl... This something to eat, they were told to ! shows what thomunds have proved, eat the roosters they had paraded on j that Electric Bitters is the best blood their hats. Salt Lake City Tribune. P"rifier k"0""- lt' t,u ""Prenic . remedy for eczema, tetter, salt rheum, It Nothing sets a democrat so mad as j ulcers, put lnni in front of his own boils and running cores. it l.t.l 1 1 I in i.nt turn in front nf h! nun ! """umies uvur, Muuevr ...... mmeiB, . . . .... lexuels poisons, helps digestinn and picture, nno tue muuue-oi-iiie . roaclers did that to the queen's taste last night. , exuels poisons. i builds up the strength. fl Complete of Drus at M. Z. DONNELL, THEjDRUCGIST. I- . i mm -. .Aw...mimilM.ii..- a i, i,, DALLES, PORTLAND & ASTORIA NAY, COf j j Sti-niiuTH of tin. Ui'pilutor Line will rim Only 50 cents. XO MORE JAPANESE. Come to think of it, those middle-of-the-road populists are an awful nice lot of fellow. Dull Headx l'.nus in various parts of the body. - m-mc at the pit of the stomach, L ! appetite, Feverisbness, Pimples or -of iinnure . became so it must be purified m order to ! "?' colJ iD the hd all positive evidences. .ud. Xo matter how it It cures catarrh and drives Sold by Blakeley it Houghton, Druggists, j Guaranteed. 4 j Nasal CATARRH In all Its stages there fhoald bo clcaintiicsg. Ely's Cream Ilalm clcaacs, oothc anil heals L. Lane, "1 mm .AND... Horsesnce r Wagon and Carrlago Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. liic crtministration has uarKeuea obtain pooa iieaitn. Acker's lilooo creamituimli placed Into the nostrils, preada to the cry of lbe Pacific coast and ir Has never railed to cure fcerolulous over the membrane iut is absorbed, im-, mhyrnnfl TpfTrrnn,, Phnnp'UO . . or SvDhilitic noisono or nnv other blood 1 mediate and a care follows. It U not drylnj-doca K' XliUUfiUliU JDlllii VHU, rilUlUjlUO Japanese immigration UBS receiveu a . . , - , , . I not produce inewlns. Large SUe, M cent at Jlwc- . ... w. ......... .. ..v........... ; si,t,orliymall; Trial SUe, 10 cents hj-mali. remedy and we sell every hottle on jjgv r:0TUEltS, su Warren irec'.,';.'eiv York, a positive guarantee. Blakeley & Hough-! ton s drug store. j check, sn's the Walla Walla Union. The emperor has issued a decree which prohibits more than thirty natives of each province leaving the country. This news was brought to Mrs. Harriet Evans, Hiusdaie, 111 ., j TJ1 o "NTirp writes, "I never fail to relieve my ! Tacoma by the ' steamer Dainy 'r0I uro Pnt T b'. i" Suit Of ClOtheS. ,, , J One Minate Cougli Cure. I would not ' . IT . Tl .1 ' .ua. mere v.u u yuuu uiui0 , (eej eafe witll0Ut it..' Quickly cures! Japanese on board but they got away COUghs, colds, grippe and all throat and j before the decree became effective. ' lung diseases. j It is evident from this that the j Levvig Ackerman Go3heni In(Li sayfi I authorities at Washington were j "DeWitt'a Little Early Risers always prompt in communicating with the bring certain relief, cure, my headache! emperor when they were notified of J and r pripe." They geutlv cleanse ' .iiiu in vi purine wie uuweiK anil uver. i 1'nntltiK, OTcrcontln-or Knuct Vettlni?. the great influx of Japanese coolies during the month of April, and the emperor, who has alwa3's expressed a warm friendship for this country, acted Et once. So now there need be no more fear of hordes of the little brown men invading this country and taking the places of white men. Notice. Columbia River Ice & Fuel Co. wishes to announce that they will deliver ice to i nny part of the city at all hours of the day or pight. 'Phone or SI Long Dist. ; 75 or S Seulert & Condon. j 'utlce. Owing to the retirement of Frank I Chrisman from the firm of Chrisman '2 ! r I r. Str. Regulator t' IIOWN. S, I.v. Dnllcj K ntfi Tue I IK ,ui- tl... ... M'lifduU, lliu Cotnpuuy renprvliig the rlclit in oh.I A M'linliilowHlumtiiotlfo. cnatije j i vv. S A. M S, Tlmidiiv . . i Srttntilny . h Arr. I'ortlmid Ship your Freight ' via Str. Daltos City. I.v. Portland ill 7 .V. M. I Miniiliiy Wnlni"'0ny i Arr.ffi, Regulator Line. ut ir.'M r, m. , iiown I.v. Did its a. ,. Miiliilny Wp.liii'Mliiy Krldny Arr. I'ortlaiid ut t v. it. 'A J'ortland TUimlii; Jl TliurmiHj. i Sntiltdiirl Arr. linii rfl tft:3jM(, 1 A .it g FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, S Tmvel by the StiiiinerM ol the HcKUlntor IJtie. The Compntiy will emlcnvnr tiiclvoltiMt 5' rmm the licut cetvlni possible. For further lutorniiitioii udilri'in "'pui-j j, lMrthiiul Otlloe, Oiik Street Dock. W. C. ALLAWAY, Gon. Atrt. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer cer. We Put... C. S. Smith, thi: V ..GflflS. FfiflBK-. Butehers and Farmers 1 ..Exehange.. Keep on dniUKht the culvbrnted C'Ol.l'MHIA HEIMS, iielcnim; wlKiil the bent Ix-vr in The Dalles, at the usual jirlco. Coinn In. try It mid he convinced, Aim the Klnejtthriind!! of WIiicm, l.lriuor mid Clears. SaDduiiehes of nil Kiiidn iilwnyn on hiind. 4. Ivludly cull nnd exnmiiie my lict of Im- AratUcr peculiar feature of tliiJ " " " " ESSirK?. " ,par,e.o IciDisratiun h thai all the i " M..M.U 'V. !S!ZT""m"" "' j, A. Eberle i tlif firm miiat lie n:iill iiriineiliiitt-le. All emperor in uns , jiavjs cittjlllB against the firm will JTarv subjects of the country may be called upon in case j p'.ease present them at the market for of war to return and defend the I payment. rp. . t m4-tf ClIIilSMAX IiltOTlIUHh. empire. There is no power to com-1 pel them to obey such an order, but' DeWitt'a Witch Hazel Salve, is tin. tbey are a loyal people and it is j equalled for piles, injuriee and skin doubtful if any great number would !(li8easee- II '8 tlie original Witch Hazel . , , , .Salve. Beware of all counterfeits. refuse to respond if called upon. Fine Tailoring. vho with has the I Saab In ur Cr.rcK,, NOTICE FOU I'UHLICATION. I.IND OfFICK at Vancouvf.k. Wahh ,1 nfln.. ..I...... 41.... ii l .....I. J tn lluj IVbll ,1111b ltV llIIWll)- iiiuiiiii rviucr iiiix mm iioiice m ri im iii.i.'IIIIoii to rniike Until iiroof in Mipport of cllni, that H lid IiriHjl will Us imiili- Iwfuri. W. II. I'n. All cauntv warrauts ret'iHteretl prior "u JuiV c,'iy5j, :'i"iui""" ut "'l''lale, Conntv Treasurer at my , akuih ic, oiinr, irunrv. 2. w,'n ,T""1'-' K. No. tsv.',, for the fri.ritlon Wk Her.W, T,.:iN, ItiaK.imdhKKof NEkr Ml'H, hte -.11. I p 3, .N II 12 K, W. Jl. ' The American laborer tnm a tnln nnmnnt cr 1 ! to June 3. 169U, wnlhe imid at Japanese nas no love tor ine stranger, oflieei inter(JBt ceases after Fel w'jo will work for a bare pittance, ; llOO. C. L. Pint live on the cheapest foods and who j Ja nn' n -ii'fmlntrr nf mitnnv AVIuln I Olo.U X. f..ll, I. ..... .,.,. .:...! .. ..-!,. ...l . 'lld hind, viz . . .. ..w ..c . ... .,TC .Cu-.-..u u 1.....U..U ,,., . KriiiltfierH. fhrlxt H. Kn.n,.,, Will be is useful in a number of trades ; of the celebrated JameH E. I'atton ",B,,,ii',fnt'r' J"h" Ku,l' 'aIu i'. o . . .... . . i rnt rmrA linitid rifitnto 1 ' ... .. ........ . wuicu arc not to the liking of white:" ' " ' " !mnsM Lo 19 not a very desirable ' C. F. Stephens ...Donlor In. r Dry Goods, Clothing, , Hoots, Shoes, lints, -iii, .S'otloiis. Ant. ;for W. I DoukIuh tihiM.'. Telephnne No. b8. i;i bucouil Ht., The Dalles, Or, . V... 1 Ifc'. M , W men, person. "We admit that the democrats had a plank in thair platform in 1 800 Ho names tno fullfmlnir wltne-c tn nrnve hU fouiliiiiiiu- residence, unil ciiltlviitlon ol W. 1!. DUNI1AU. ili-itlsK-r. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION'. NOTICE KOit I'L'I'.LICATION. l.ANII DFKICK AT Va.SCOUVKII, U'miIi.,1 U.NII OFFICE AT VANCOUVKK W,h .Vt( t. .ri. y K,vt.n , ....T "tl UmvfnK ... i , , ..rl"'..'?' 'r.: n-mul n;ttlr D, uli-il iioilio ul nU Intention r' .". K"' ,,rr" ."" ."" tu limliii IIiihI pro.,! In Mii.iH.r. of his chilin. hi,(1 I oo ix; Just What You uaant. every bit of twenty years experience and drug knowledge with every Proscription that's compounded here. Is it. any reason why our prescription business; eUp-to-dateQroeer FVeeh Eitbh nnil Creamery Butter a Biecinlty. 2d Street. J. H. ttCHKNK, i'reniduiit. 'Phone 270. il.M.llEU, Culilti is increasing so rapidly ? Ask your physician if we are reliable. BLAKELEY & HOUSHTOH. Ileliablo J'rescriptionists p. s. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Tl ,, . . Hi . .i . UitliJ i-rwif wllIlA in'oloUforo tnj-rW ir W, ", ,..i , Darlles democrats, "hut that was a ' ml m.elvr of the l h. laiul olllcc atV.iucou- ,,," i it nltiy J ii iiwj. I wi. v U ! ""'.'.. very different thing from wanting 1 ' ' 'i....i-By, steal Cuba as you republicans want 'wh. rndo a k n wm fri..oKUHKWi WWr' ?f """-w ' to do." Nobody wante to 9teai:V Cuba. The republican party has , W,'!ivv!.V . .. .. -ih Mi-iiiniiii, ..r iiUriiic ii i. o., vm.h: 1 Hi'lsliiTrnbiu', CI rlitlnn I)leckoii, Thnmii lu.,,!,, i i'.i.ii .i,,!,!;.,,,,,,! ,,. w ' V, ', i.,,, I Iwoya kept its pledges and will keop KUwnra a. iio,,:r(il..n.yi,-, j).uZrT. 7i!!;l::nd k'V;;.' Tho;,.'1!" ! I wi.iiiii. alii iifiii.i i ii . iiiian .l.nnn . . I . . . . ..... ( li.l.n I . i . , ... . . . ... luuau iuuiiu ku iuu vuuuus. uut i;iiriinn nifOKMiiii, imijyi 1 tfrtll ml tin. iL.lrir nonllnmnn Tl w"" '''0 I" 0. Ir HIU H'A XWA Illlll you miss the point, fienllcmen. It k awy wc io, ip ;t .s, it is, v. u , wh.. H nnt n nnnslinn nf almnln orinovn- I ""'.'IF.!' ''!" 'l'i'lnK..wMni'" ,'.I,r'!ye tion. Nobody thinks ,of blaming you for wanting to annex Cuba. But you wanted lo aiuies it with out ever consulting the Cubans, withou t, that is to say, "the consont of the governed," and now vou iiypocritiCAlly damn the republicans W. II. UIJNIJAU, IWxMvr, H OICS NO PICK. AIMI INI c'ontiniiouK K'tldvnco upon mid ciiltlviitlon of iu iiiiiu, vu; , liakln TrHhlic. John I'aiiUeii, Jnm KiU, , ftl ' t tii.;l.)- Ivcn tlmt ho unili;rlKiicd, Glome 11. Fnniord, nil o( I,yl, Wmhlnijton. hy n nidtr thu i.oniuv Court ol tho ninln of . inlii.ii.trl.,r of tlio i-hIhio of lU-lt-i lirifonl. who mde II. 1C. ho. for the KU KV', Hlo dwcrtX) , i K"oni, Imvlnir illm. HKulimt :i.unAKj NWJ4, rite lO.Ti.ilN, K 12 K, W. M., tho tlo of .ilil i,ce.n,iil nru n tilled to iVre who iininen the inllowliiir wltiieM) In prove III x-nt Hi in. ullli t u pro;r vouolieiM, to me ut continuous rtnldento tioil and cultivation of IIihxI Itlvur, irc;oii, within hlx montliK from mild lund, viz: tho m- of il i , oiiu , ChrlitiHU Uvlckton, Tiioman M, Wliltcomb, DnUil Mny I.., I'jOO. (itorf Jl, Huuiord, Jmiit-k J- Jtz, ull of I.yle l', o, : . I'uthak littAuroHi), WhiIi. ' AiliiiluMiiilor of thu Kn uta of Helen llrnd- wyj3-l W, B, UUMIAI'.,lUUter. nl, Uo .-iwwl m-i Ijf Jm New ideafi in Wall Paper hero. Such whin variety an wo are allowing uuvur be fore (.'raced a Hiniflu stock. Kiml imita. titiii eruton etfeuta at ordinary prices. Ciooil papers at cheap paper iirices. hli-Kiuit UeHiKnB, tiiHteful coloriiurH, yours for a Minall price, at our store on Third street. Also a full line of houae paints D. W, VAIJSE. Third St.' Dealer in! Blacksmith Supplies. Cor Secoiiu & Lanelilin. 'Phone 157 Important Announcement to you Fur HO day after April l h t , I will sell nil thu Dry Goods. Clothlni? It. IfllH Illlll Shoes, Hosiery, Hlnnkets, Hats and Cups, on a cut in price of 25 per cent, for Cash. Now is your npnnrtunity to get hir udins. Don't iiilss it. S. L. BROOKS, Successor to K. J. Collins & Co. First National Bank. 'THE DALLES - - - OREGON i A General Banking Business traneactid Deposits received, subject to Sight i Draft or Check, i Collections made and proceeds promptly i remitted on dav of collection. Hlpht and Telegraphic Exchange sold ts New York, Ran Francisco und porl land. D1HKOTOH8 ! D. P. Thompson. Jno. S, Scuirck, ! Kn. M. Wu.i.iAKB, Gko. A. Ljibs. H M. liKAl.t.. FRENCH & GO, BANKERS. rilANBAUT A KNKHAl, HANKINO UUtlSES letters of Credit issued available in (be Eastern States. Sight Ek change and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wnsh,. and various point in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at ull pointe onfT orahle terms. Be coiofia PaciplL PACKERS OF PORKandBEEF MANUKACTUltKKH UK Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON JKIF.D BEEF. ETC. 60 YE AM' EXPERIENCE Hf. 8TURDEVANT, Dentist. Orflcj over French ii t'o.' Hunk i,houu 'I UK DAUKS, OKKOON OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. The CLARENDON RESTAUWT And CAFE. J. B. Orossen & Co., Props. 87 Second Street. i rriuuMii lr:IQNS COPYRIOHT8 c. AiiTrtim Mindliti: n nkotrli iiihI rtPff., , fill nl;ljf lucortiiln '.,r "l,''"V.,i, ,, ', mmuef liiviintluii in proiuilily i'"'';"'"1. v,tmu ll(intrlutlycii imilliil. U""'! "?,L,pi cnii. iimii irmi. tl(l(it hi iiiiiT '"I 'VV. VtlT Wlat nutlet, without clmru-Ut I" tno Scientific jRWrWt A Iiiiiu bonifly lllimtrati'il ' J fiiliitlmi nf nny "''l''"'"1",",1? nrt luiirimiiitli,$l. bOlUWul MUNN & CO 3CICrood,r:y, IllUluri, a H HUHTINIITON H a WILaON HUNTINOTON St WIWON, AinOMMKYH AT L Oi.overKlr.tN.t.BV,ik: DM'1"' 0ttKUU,' AW, Mica Axle Crease hclitliotcnm; Savenr lighted tlio load pliortcn i tlio rod' cxjieuw. Sold every wacrt. . . . liV