in n a m lifirll I I 7 1 Do You Cough? " I cucss I used to lio like everybody else. "When I cnuclit cold, 1 just let it alone, think inc it would euro itM'l fin a few days.; ofcourvothe coup hint: niul spittin;; of mucus sometimes Listed "cv but nucr atj while the ( trouble would sub side. I al- ways no ticed how ever, that each cold wa worse Mian theoncbeforc. My throat seemed to pet weaker, and the least chance in the weather started the coughing npin. The last cold was the most severe of all. I was really frightened. Cough drops nnd home treatment did no good. A friend told me about Acker's English Remedy. I pot a bottle, nnd yon never saw the like of the way it acted. Hefore the bottle was gone 1 was well. My throat felt nsstrongand well as could be. Since then Jhavc had no more trouble. I think Acker's English Remedy so strengthens the delicate lining of the throat that it easily resists the changes in tempera ture,anditbuihUuithocohstitntionaswell." (Signed) Carrie Schwab. 251 Gold St., Brooklyn, K. Y. Sold at 23c., 50c. and $1 a bottle, throughout the United States and Canada : and in Eng land, at Is. 2d.. 2s. 3d., 4s. Gd. If you are not satisfied after buying, return the bottle to your druggist, and get your money back. We authorize the above ffuaanlee. IT. 11. HOOKER i- CO., .Proprietor. Sew Tor. FOR SALE BY Blakeley & Houghton. 1 superior to that produced bv any othei domestic animal or fowl. When glton ' p-oper attention no unhesitatingly say that no sweeter or more palatable meat was ever served for human food." ) Special reserve ol.l overnmi'tit whir key, recogtiizd by tho hiln-Ht medicKl authority in the land; especially recom mended by tho board of health of Sun Francisco for hosplul us?, also A. 1. O'Brien, M. I)., captain and surgeon, and Win. I). .McCarthy, major and sur geon U. S. unity, ns the purest iwridul- t crated Ftimnlunt for eonvulescf n's, in valids and famltv use. Sold bv Charles Sttibling. " iip"l20.dlm ' ltnr ! TVhs t Miivs nr t'ivini- u cool Daisy air rille or Spalding base ball nnd bat with every suit over $2.50. See ' windi.w. GOING EAST- If von intend to tuku n trip Rust, n-k your ticket apiint to routo you via mo Great Wabash, a modern and up to-daloi railroad In overt1 particular. i i Through trains from Chicago, Kansas City, Omaha or St. liuls to New Vork j ond New Kmiland points. All trains ! run via Niagara Falls and every through ', train bus free reclining chair cars, Bleep ing and dining cars. j Stop over allowed on nil tickets at Ni agara Falls. Uos.s C. Cl ink, Pacific Coast Pass. Ant.. bis Angeles, Calif. C. S. CiiASi:, ft. P. A., St. Louis, Mo. IlKI'AI-.T Kim T1MK SCIIKDfl.K. KHOM IHM.CS, You will not have boils if you Clarke A Falk's sure cure tor boils. take 5 1? r 09 ile5p3ia I5 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Tits Dauks. Onr.noNJ April 3), 1900. i Notice Is hereby given that the following-tiuuu-d settler has tiled notice of his intention to make Html proof tn support ot bis claim, nn.t that nalil proof will be made before the Kcgiiltr and Receiver nt The Dalles, Oregon, on eatur day, June!), 1900, viz. Henry Ileadel, of Tho Dalles, Or., Homestead Kntrv So 4710, for the SE!-4 section 9. township 1 north, range V.' cast, W. M. lie names toe following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of Hiid land, viz: Henry Ltieblng, George Arnold, Charlie W. Adams, Michael Doyle, "It of The Dalles. Or. mn2-t JAY I'. LUCAS, Register. It's' Our Business To dispense health-giving preemp tions in the proper way. It'e a business we have not learned in a day, but after years of persistent work and careful Btudy. We ue pure drug? and charge an honest price. Clarke & Falk. TIMBER CULTURE FINAL PROOF. NtJTICE FOR PUBLICATION. l S. Land Office, Vajccoccer, W.isii.,) April 0, I'M. ( Notice is heicby civen that Miry E. fielliaus, by D. H. Sternum, her attorney In fact, has tiled notice of intention to make final proof before W. 11. Presbv, I'nited fatates Commissioner for District of Vtashingtnn, nt his nllice In (icUIen dule, Washington, on Friday, the '.".tth day of June, l'Xu, on Timber-culture Application No. 'JOT, for the northeast quarter of section No I, in township No. "J north, range No. H eait, W. M hhc names as witnesses: Manuel ri. Leonardo, of Grand Dalles I ()., Wash.; Herman Kngelke, willHm w llkltisnii, of Centervllle r. U wash., nud William Crawfuid, of lira ml Dulles 1. O., Wash. V. IS. DUNltAR, may'J-l Resist, r. "Plutot mort qu'aveugle" Means, ''Rather dead than blind" blindness in most cases is the result of a neglected trivial illness of the eye. Many a person now blind could enjoy good eyesight had it not been that th eyes were neglected when the first sign of disease appeared. Cataract and Glau coma, two of the most dangerous diseases, are in most cases due to negligence in the care of the eyes. Ttieo. II. Liehp, of the firm of .1. "E. Adeox & Co., is a graduate of the Peoria Optical College, and the Bradley Polytechnic Institute He will correct and diagnose all errors of refraction. Eves t-xamined free. J. E. Adcox & Co., Jwelere. PEOPLE YUi; ALL KNOW. Gulliford, of Diifur, was in town J A. todv. N. F. B'ock, a representative of the Oregoinan, i in the city. Judge Mays returned last night from a short bii-inesn trip to Portland. Justice Brnwiihill loit on the midday train today on u short business trip to Sherman county. Dr. Hugh L-'giui will h.uve tonight for Detroit, .Michigan, w hen- he will attend the animal meeting of railroad surgeons. From thence lie will go 1 1 Atlantic City and attend the animal meeting .if the national association of physicians anil stirgt'iiii-; and then, its i his wont, he will -pf nil a couple of weeks visiting tho Chicago hospitals. lierK ISniiti)' Mali Prum. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. (Isolated Tract.) Public Land Sale. Land Office at The Dalles. Oueoon.i Mayu, lliui Notice I hereby given tbnt in pu' of Distinctions from trie eomruiioner of the gen oral land othec, under aiithorit) vested in him by seetion ai'3, L". i:. Rev. Htat., a amended liy the act ot coneress approved Febtmry JO, ItB, we will proceed to oiler at public sale on .-atur-day, the lt'ith day of June, next, at the hour of 1 J o'clock 11. m at thisoilicc, the folloiting tract of land, to-wlt. dL'i NK!4, section 20, township 1 north, range 14mt, W. M. Any and all person", claiming adversely the above described lands aru advisrd to tile their claims in this othce on or before the day above d signated for thecomniencemcnt of said sale, othe-wise their richts will be f. rlelteil. JAY I". LUCA-i, Roister, mnyl'J ii OTIS l'ATTKRiON, Receiver. NOTICE FOR (Isolated Tract )- PUBLICATION. Public Land Sale. Notlet,. Notice is hereby given that there will be an annual meeting of the stockhold' ers of the Golden E,igle Mining Com pany at the office of French A Co., bankers, on Thursday, May 111, 19110, at 7 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of elect ing Beven directors und transacting such other business a9 may properly coinu be fore, said meeting. Uy order of the president. j'. C. IIostkti.ek, Secy, and Treas. The Dalles, Apl. 27, 1000. u27-td "I used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure in my family with wonderful results. It gives immediate relief, is pleasant to take und is trulv the dyspeptic's best friend." save E. IlartRorink, Overisel. Mich. Digests what you cat. Cannot fail to cure. Use Clarke & Falk's quinine hair tonic to keep dandruff from the head. Campbell & Wilson will sell their line of millinery, trimmed and untrimmed huts, flowers and children'! hats, at greatlv reduced prices for the next thirty days. Please call and get our prices. Clark A Falk'e drug ptcck is new fresh aud complete. Kat o"lt Unk' , Denver, Kt. Mall Worth, Omaha, Kan l':t(ip. 111. m t'lty. t. Ijiuis, CIltl'aKo niul Last. ?lilune Slatl and Lxprcss 10:10 p. m.! 8 p. in. Walla Walla, HMikumi, Mlnm-'apolti. St. Paul, iMlltith, Mlluallkre, t:iilca;o ami khsi, via Spokiiuunkil lliintliig ton: also nil points la Washington and Kast em Orcgun. 8 i. m. Kx.auiulay .Saturday 10 p. m. FROM l'OUTLANP. Ocean Steamships. For han Krauclsro AptllST, May T, 12. AtUUVK I'ltoM. I'nt Mill 1S:S0 p m Hlxkane .Mall ami i:.xress I'.OO a. m 4 p. ill. Columbia Rv. Steamers, lo Astoria and Way Iji tidings. 4 p. m. Kx.hundKj Ha. m. Willauktte RtVKli. I 1:30 p.m. Kx..iuiiday!Oregon City. NewbcrBKx.Huiidiiy ! Salem A way Laud's.; T a. m, WlLLAMtTTK AND V AM- Tues.Thur.1 hill Rivers. and pat. Orcg'm City, Dayton, and Way-Ijiiidlngs. 6 a.m. Willamette River. Tue..Tiiur,,l,ortlatid to Cnrvallls, and Bat. anil Wiiy-Latiiliugs. l.v lilpatla daily I.M11. m. ' snake Rive a. Riparin to Lawlstou. n:S) 11. m. Mon.,'ed nnd Frl. 4 ISO p. m. Mon. Wed and Friday Leave l.EWlfrtON daily ti:n0a. 111. "A great many people ure making in quiries a- to the origin of the Belgian hare. The pre-eit noble and beautiful liari- fiiids his remote origin in the wild rabbit of Europe. The domestic hare of England ih a large, lianiieome creature aud ufliinls delicious eating, but on the other hand is not prolific. The Belgian liare receives ita name from being La?:d Office at The Dalles, Oiieho.v Apr. IC, P.iO. ( Notice is hereby given that In pmsnaiice of instructions fiom tne commit loner of the Ren ernl land otliee, under nuthoilty vested In him by section 2I.V5 U. s. Rev. ohu., as amended bv the act of congress approved K'bruary a;, lsU.'j, we will pn"ed to oiler at public sale on Mon day, the 2sth iUy of May next, nt the hour of 10 o'clock, n. m., at this olliee, the following tract of land, to-ivit- NW'i.. ?:i;i. see. 'Zl. T. 1 N. R. L! V... W. M. Anv and alt per"ons claiming the above 1u...lSu.l ... ... tit,. .U I - claims m this oUlreon or befoie the day above i PiDVt', ouiignaieii lor tneeommciice.neiH ol sold sale otherwise their ri. hts will be forfeited. JAY 1 LCCAS, Register, aprls l Ol'IS I'ATrKRsON, Receiver. Experience is the best Teacher. Use Acker's English Remedy in any case of coughs, cold or croup. Should it fail to give immediate relief money refunded. 25 cts. and 50 ete. Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. Win. Orr, Newark, O., save, "We never feel fafe without Otto Minute Cough Cure in the house. It saved mv little boy's life when he had the piieti monia. We think it is the best medicine made." It cures coughs and nil lung ; .1!,,, ,.. III,.. ... , l.....t..,.,, .1 i insca-'-H. x a.ti:aui in ioitj um uiiusr oiiu gives immediate results. For Sole. A second-hand ten-foot Randolph header, in fair condition. Will be Eold cheap. Enquire of Alex. McLi.on, mayll-ltnw The Dalles. Parlies dcsDing to go to Ileppuer or points on Columbia .Southern via IIIkqs, should take No. 'J, leaving 'lhe Dalles at 1'-!:I0 p. in. making direct conneclloiih at Ileppuer Junction and lliggs. Returning makingdiri'Cteoiinectlou at Ileppuer Junction aud lliugs with No, 1. ar riving nt The Dalles at LI.EO p. m. R. A N. Co.'s iu lies, or addri-s w. it. iii;rliil'rt, Pas. Act., Portland, Or, For full particulars call on O. agent The Di (!en 'liltoii Panifi 11 Ul IUU1111 UU11I Il.-gx For Hil. Full blooded, barred PljMiintith liock ezgs, pur setting?! 00 and .1.50. For particulars call on or address, iiANiiKlis Bl:o5. Br x 017. The Dulles, Or. To secure the original witch hazel nk fir D.-Wm'tj Witch H'tzel Yellowstone Park Line. TDK DINING CAR ROl'TK FROM PORTLAND TO Tin: EAST. THE ONLY DIRECT LINE TO THE YELLOW- Hi ONE PARK Union Detat, ririnandisis NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at The Dalles, Oi:e.,i April a;, I'M. S Notice is hereby civen that the followlnc nunud settler has III til notice of his intention tr lufiko final proof In support of his claim, mid that sid i.roof will be made before the Register and Receiver nt The Dulles, Oregon, on hulur day, June IC, mo, viz: WH-on J. Jefiers, of The Dalles, Or , Homestead Entry No. I6V1. for the N'.. NW-. 9h,. i ..7.ii. " .. .""1 ",u action 19, toivmFiip 1 north Ta.i8e 11 east. Will r;",";."! t , L T " 'V b,, UQ. ,recon- iier. Btructlnptlie exhausted digestive or- He nainc thefoUowiiig witnesses to prove hi fans. It is the latest discovered dLrest id i""d?viVel'Jc,,ceu,,on a,ia cu,,,v-,ion of, nt and tonic. No other preparation James Uenson. Jr., James I!woii. Sr.. Peter . vau llouull lb in eiHCiency. It In Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. ! It artificially digests the food and aids No.'.'. ; Fast mall for Tiicoina, reattle. Olympfn, (iray's Harbor iud South lleud points, Spokane. lto land, II. ('., Pullman, Motcoiv, l.-w liton, lluf- 11:15 A. M. falollmiip mining conn-: try, Helena, Miuueapo-' lis, 61. Paul, Omalia,' Kiiumix City, St. Uuils, Chleao and nil points' No I. ea-t ami southeast. ' l'uuet Sound Express' 11:'J) P.M. for Tacouia and Seattle1 and iutermi.dlatu points' No. 1 5;S0 P. M. No. S. TiCOA. M Pullman first class and tourirt Nleoimrs to ! .V innenptills, Ht. Paul mid MlisDUri river iolnU I without I'haiiKe, I Vustlbuled trains. 1,'iilon iieot connections 1 lu all principal cltle. ; DaKKnite checked to deatiualinu of tlcketi. i ror haudsoniely lllusi alcd deserlptive matter, tickets, sdi-epinir car reaervutlons, etc., eall on or v. rite A. D. CHARLTON, SOUTH and EAST via (iodfrey, Isaac Iloirlaud, nil of The Dalles, Or. may.'-i JAY P. LUCAS, ResHter. CONTEST NOTICE. Depahtjiknt or the Imrrioh, L'.mtkii Statks Lank (ifncu, TlIF. DaLI.ku, Oi:.. Jlay 15, lyrj.) A sufficient enntr nfTMiivIt h.iulr,r, .., nf.t in this olliee by Ous S. Alexander, contestant, 1 airaliiHt homestead entrv No. 7,7. madu Mv u 1 I JtoC. tor sivk nl mvi, ec. 0, tp. 1 n, raiiire 13 e, Btantly relieves and permanently cures tjnijepsm, inuiKesiion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, ' SickHeadache.Gastralgla Cramps, and ' Biioiuur resuiis oiimperiectaiRestlon. rrouumu oy t, .. WVYil .. CO., ClICOg SoufJiern Pacific Co uruuijiii 10 lis mull State OI development by John T. Wrlaht. eontitee. In which It Ih ill. ill Belctum 15 it in ui,.r vhio Fimbnrl ,,iat ",lJ Joun T- VrlBbt has wholly in uei(.iuin, u ji in lattr v ears lint'iAlid abandoned said tract, and changed his residence iibs uecuuie tne tiouie ot the linest epeci mens. Interest in this hare, wherever he has het-n produced, has heen two fuldiimt.aa a creature quickly respond ing to and skill in hreeding, and, eecoud, us a cumuiKrcial factor. 1 liie remurktttile demand for the therefrom for more than six montln, .inc. mL. hu; said entry, and next prior to cate. and that the ubsciice of defeudaul fiorn said tract Is not due to tils employment in the military or naval service of the Culled States, said parties are hereby notified to appear, respond and oiler evidence touching wild alleiration at 10 o'clock a. in. on June 20. PjO, iK-fore the R'iiter and Receiver nt the United states land olliee In Tho Dalles, Oregon. i no sain contestant Imvlntr, in a proper HfliUu ONE FOR A DOSE. IiraoT9 PimnlM. !,...- lll'l H"",1-' Bl'd, jnra Ilendirho and,,,,, PILLS A&Ch (la? if lirCfUArv u i.. ,i.,..i ,, i l ..., llled Jlay 15, lu;o. set lorth facts which show ,D , ,,v. .miuuaccn mm iicuiui-: mat inter uue (lliliterice personal : lalm-Ns of the fl'fih. Ab uiei u iihh created n wherever it ha hfcome known. Mill ioiiR of pounds of hare meat, both freah and canned, ure consumed in the prill ctiieu of Europe every jear, and vitbt uuiiih are invested in canneries and other rriUtilii-hmeiitB for tupplvin the deimiud. Wherever the Belgian has hu come known it hub at once attained a popularity simply HStonishinif. "Very few huve any true conception of the ni-ttt, taking it for granted that it is eimilur to the ordinary rabbit titey liayii huuied. This impression In erron ouh. rtie Belgian meat lu white, and ktHpiearance resembles tho breast of a turkey. It is delicate and richly flavored, nil i pronounced by epicures as snri'lr,! of fhu an article nf ''!',lc(-' can not be made, it is hereby ordered and an arilLle 01 dIrtclci that such no'ice bo given hy due and great demand . '"')" publication. n i: i.uuib, uecister. 161 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laku OrriCK at V.i.Ncouvr it. Wahii,,) April U), im ) Notice is hereby Kivcn lhat the follnwiiiK named tett er has lllul notice of Ills liitei. tluii to inako final proof In supmrt of his claim, and that said proof will 1 made t;oro Jli''i , fe;l,'f', l'iu,i UU!1 :ininUli)iiw lor Dljlilet of UasliliiKton, at ids olko In Golden dale, iiou hridoy, Juno 33, Hsjij,vi!: Duitricli II. Klegman, devisee of Oietrich ritegman, ileceased ; Hninestead Kutry No. 8710, for tho soulhwwl ivilflf0" ,"W',),U,I' 3 '"" raiigo 11 ci4t, i III Iter He nume tho following wltnessce u prove his coiilhiuout residence upon und cultivation ol said Und, viz: Manuel H. Uoimrrlo, of Grand Dalles P. O. Ussli.; Herman KriKelkc, William Wilkinson, oi Centervllle f. V.. Wash., nnd William Ciawford, of Orand Dalle t, 0 Wash. W. it. DIJNIIAIt, may2l ltelster. Jlt. K. K, KKItOthll.V, J'liysiciaii und Surgeon, Odlce, Voitt Iflrxrk (over I'ostolllee), i"0aplnio dw THK DALLII.S, ORKdON. t71rownlC JUSTICE OK THE PEACE. Notary Punlic. Collections promptly attended lo. Money to lou. C E, Bayard's of fice, The Dalles, Oregon. AiliulnUtrktor'a Hul or Keal rroperly Notice is hereby t'iveu that from and after the ninth day of June, IVfl, I will proceed to sell Ht private Mir, for cash, tho followliiB described property U'IoiikIiik to the i-slato of Patrick Drown, ileC4.-nei, to-wlt. . .'"'J'.'.'J' 'i'.V'.r1, y,.(h "' l3 K M,'d 1" block W of rort Dalle. Military reservation, in Orenon. fur Inlormailon inipilre at onto of Hlnnott it Hhitiott. Dated at Dalies City this lOlh dav of Mar, I'JUU. . , , DKLIA ('. IIIIOVVK, Adinlnlslratrlxof tlie estate of Patrick Drown, deceased. m Shasta Route Trains leave The Dalles for I'nrilnml ml iv,,r statlftiiH ul 1 :,, ,n ,,'(.. n ' -w ' ' '. r ..- U-avc Portland ..... " Albany , Arrive Ashland " hacramento .. " Halt Kruiiclscn , 8:rwa m .12:3Ua in ,U::sin ni fiiuopm . 7 : l' p in Arrive Oftdou " Denver " Kansas City " ChieaKO ... f: IS a in J; 00 a m 7:'i u in 7: 15 a in Arrive Um Anciiles l ;o p rn " Hi I'asi) 0;uo p m ' rort Worth oimju in ' City of Mexico w.Mn m " Houston. .., I ;W) n in " New Orleans . . ..(iilttnm " WnshiiiKlou . ... G.r.'u m " New Vork R!;i:ipm 7:( p in 1U:W p in tt::u)n m l;:t.' a in 8; Kin in 11:1.1 a in U:Uia in T.'Siu m 'Jl'M II in 7:C0ii iii f):bo p in ;) a rn 0:,Vim m l:uiia in r,;'i p in C-Uii m Vi'-n p iii riillman nnd Tourist cars on botli trains. Chair curs Kacramerito to (imlmi mui i'i and tourist ears to ChlcaKo, Ht Louis, Nuw Ur- ConiicciliiK at Kan Krnnclaco with soveral 4 f ' 't 4S Tho Dalles, On. The Chronicle, Job Printers. f I $i.oo per month. Strictly iir-t cIiibh local and long tlii-laticti teluphonu service within your home. Linen tin not ernsf-talk. Your con versation will he kept a secret. No cunt for installing. Vnu irt't the stnitdard Iliinniiig I.uug llistnut IiiFtrttmcnt. CotitiiiU'jiH day and night ervice. Vu will accept your contract for ten years and allow you to cancel nan its on giving ua thirty days writ ten notice. PACIFIC STATES TELEPHONE COB. and Motors MANt'KACTUUCO 11V AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL CO ETC SUITABLE FOR DRIVING GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, ELEVATORS, PRINTING- PRESSES, Clrculura and purticulure furuielied on application. F. S. GUNNING, Agent. OKKG0N iin2(; C. J. STUBLING Wholesale and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agenrthe Greate American Liquor Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey. WjrKM miii'ffin' A-m'S. -f HIjBKEY from fe 76 to .(H) per 11. (TtrTiSygara old.) I T&TlA1Srf1TlT f rt r . t" . - . - - - Kec cnt at The Dalles Htatlon, or Hdilrtkn C. H. MARKHAM, OcuerHl I'ninieiigcr Agent, I'ortlantl, Or 7IKKU. W. WILKON, 7 ATTOItNKV.AT LAW, Ofticoovei Klrt Nt. uViiiT. Bubicriue for The Chronicle. izurvniuu UUU AO Irom 7. 0 to 12.00 nor uni on, ni to 20 yeiirs ""i-rr- OA LTPriPHf A" UP Aiirmrcf i.;.r. "in ,.rrr"i7r.TA"rrrr..'TT-r 'i in'n venrs ow. ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLP. COLUMBIA BEER on drnuKht, and Val Blatt and 01ympl Ueor in bo"1" uiimikcu aiu uuu rorior. JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS.