The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 24, 1900, Image 3

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    Shirt Waists
and Materials.
Sale of Silks
at Special Prices
all week.
With any Boy's Suit,
Spalding Base Ball
and Bat
or a
Twentieth Century
Daisy Air Rifle.
(Shoots cither BB shot or darts.)
PURSES. An assortment of
Vurses that defy competition. 25c
to $3.00 each.
COMBS. Large or small metal
or bone. 10 up.
brush will last a lifetime. 15c up.
HAIR PINS. All the latest
little fancies in sloek-
CUBE PINS. Assorted col
ors or black. 5c, 10c, 15c per cube.
HAIR NETS, just in.
National Toilet Cases.
A neatly put up package of all
kinds of pins and needles, worth 25c,
for 15c.
Though a little late, yet the
warm weather is bound to come, and
now is the time to prepare for it.
This season's styles of Shirt Waists
have never been equalled for beauty.
$1.25, $1.50, $1.75,
$2.00 and $3 00.
prices, from 50c up.
MATERIALS. The assort
ment of Ginghams (both imported
and domestic), Silk Ginghams, Dim
ities, Lawns and Percales, is so large
that it's almost confusing. 8o to
50c per yard.
All GootlB Mnrkocl
In Plain FlRiires.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle,
Tflrplutne No. 1.
At Andrew Keller's.
(flat birthday of
Today iti tllH
queen nl Kiigliwul.
Ihys' wuiHta Inn-, with Hohool Biilta, lit
A. M. WilitiiuiH A Co.'h.
Hoys! Kuml INmho & Mtiytt' ml.
Itifltii mill Ii.ihi' bull ami buta free.
A spt'cial to thii Kuno Unzutta tmyn the
lireatcr portion of tint town of Liikeviow
liajk'iiii ('tMtroyud by lire.
Mothers, take mlvrtntiiiro of tliii" op
portunity. Hoyo' wuiBte, worth from
J'js to t,'o, free with boys' biuIh at
A. M. Williams & Co.'h.
Thu MuihoiliHt eneml conference yes
lenlay, nltur coiiHidurnblo dieciiBsion,
votfil to hIiomhIi Hit! Unit) limit on pas
torates. Tim rcaiilt of thu voto una re
ceived with rt-ut upplnuse.
A (lenlzmi of The Dulles tenderloin
district was found wallowing on thu
Hreet tlilti afternoon in u lioiiBtly statu
! intoxication. Tliu marshal put her
in the cooler till hIiu would sober up.
1-sst niKlit's Ttilt'tram say e 000 ticket b
line Iji-uii Bold in Albany for the exeur
'ion to Tim l).illt:B next Sunday, and that
a few hundred more will bo sold if the
company can (uriiiflh the ears. Half of
"ie tiikutB have been sold to out'Of-towu
Word cunm today from Uakeoven that
!. Ill .
'"it "an quite III Hi Ilia noino
D(, Hint place, with what teemed to bo
pleurisy, and iiHlilim Unit u physieian
(0 OUt (0 see, him. Or. ( InlNxiwIorller
nweretl tint mil and left on the mid
y Unlii to no by way of Slianiko.
H. Harvey, of Contorvllle, today
Purchased the imported JCiikIIbIi shire
t0"e, Kim,. f the West, of Mr. Hubert
M liora-iuan fi did Cowlltr. county,
"wltiiiBlou. Kiiik of tint West Is a
Xiiilia'iit niiiuiui ,UU wu i,0 tt valu
We ncquiHition to the lu.rsu breeders of
KItMtat county,
Tjio puhliu amH eoiumUiuo yesterday
' horizeil a favorable report on the bill
PIUtUrllii'H t nit wlu.n Hen m.lei!.
"''emu ,miu fur ,IUUB runmijHi,otj i
M reserves, u, i,)U sulcuiluna shall
"Otl I in .i 4i ii-
Jij . -- M.uiin, iiiun UIUIIOK '
j ,nd , Hl" H!,i:u1Ii ' uusuivoyed
which lias nrown BuobJotlonble.
est ,W"8'I,I,('1' dlspiitcl- says the
Dilbl . ' 11,0 H,nr rom8 itam T,,
Inn, Vrim,vlllM'on "ucountof the
Kciiu Co,un,w' Soutlwrn, will make
toil. . i "'IvertlBing lor a now
BildL ,'" T,,u 8herr'ii
i,m n'8o from Shanlko to Prliw-
villu, via Antelope. In the estimates
called for by these propoBalp, Represent
ative Moody lias had the new star route
box delivery system incorporated. This
insures a daily rural free delivery along
the line of these routes for all who de
sire to avail themselves of euch nervine.
Secretary Dunbar, of he Astoria
Fourth of July committee, received a
telegram from CoiiKi't'tsinan Moody yes
terday stating that thenavy department
had ordered the crtilsr riiiladelphia to
I Astoria to participate in the J ourtli of
July celebration itttfiat place. The bar
I pilots will brinj; ya vessel in and take
lier oui iree or criarge.
The Columbia river it still falling, but
very slowly. This morning it stood at
thirty feet, having fallen two-tenths of
a foot in the proceeding twenty-four
hours. The daily river bulletin says:
"Thu Columbia river is falling thiongh
Grasp the invalid afflicted with the per
uieioiiB habit gently but firmly by the
bad: of the neck withhe left hand;
wave the bed elat several times In the
air to get up a head of steam and let'er
flicker, aiming the instrument so as to
strike whereft will do the most good,
ltepeat tha dose vigorously and in a
short time you will have no need of a
James Duncan, of Garfield, Clackamas
county, has bought out the stock in
trade of W. A. Kirby and will continue
the business at tiie old stand. Mr.
Kirby is not going to leave The Dalles
and has no definite plans for the future,
lie thinks that after a close application
to business for eleven long years ho has
earned a rest. lie asks Tun Chiionicm:
to thank his many friends for their
liberal patronage and bespeaks a gener
oup shaie of it for his successor.
Old ISoreaH not nn Jamlmroe at Port
land Yenterdny.
its length and the Snake is about on a J. I. Holton, of Fifteen Milo creek,
stand." It is predicted that both rivers j while on his way home from The Dalles
will continue to fall for several days. j yesteulay, and after he had got as far as
Dr. Kay Logan, who has beon house i Five Mile, discovered that a parcel, con
surgeon at St. Vincent's hospital for j mining n eof clothes, a pair of pants.
II... .u.H! v..r Ii.ib concluded to OC.ltO at a suiri, muMie, uunm ui.u ,... u. rc
c......a .,. the eonnti v. ! pendere, all new from the store,
vjtittturtw Mini I i
rho doctor, who is Intro on a vihlt to his
father, will go back to Portland in two
or three days, and after settling his
ad'airs there expects to bu located in
Slianiko befoio the end of next week.
General Passenger Agent Uurlburt.ol
the O. K. N., has authori.-d the state
inent that his company will,
Jnlv 1st, scalu its passenger tarill's down
" . . ... 1 . ..f 4l
to a uniform lirst-ciatB rant in unw
cents per mile. This will apply on all
the company's Hues m Uregon ami
Washington. A circular olliclally an-
from the slorp, had
been stolen out of his wagon in an East
Kud feed vard a short time before he
started for home. lieforo settling hie
bill at the yard odice Mr. Holton had
talked of a horse trade to two gypsies,
who belong to a patty camped on the
old fair grounds. Mr. Bolton at once
suspected the gypsies of the theft and
returning back to town had a search
warrant issued from Justice Hrownhill'e
olliee and placed in the hands of Deputy
Sherill' Sexton, who, assisted by Marshal
Hughes, made a thorough search of the
, l.itt ivltlinnt iliHnnveriin'
nounclng the chanue will appear e.ul jj-- Mri UoIton i8C0Il(i.
In June. j ()(,nt llt! pppgjeg were the thieves, as
Miss Morrow, a representative of the ; . tl 0..i.. ,)t.reo8 in the yard
National Sutrrage Association, wHI speak ilu;I)i; t10 til0.t tim, tml intervened
Miin.iouii nouuliHl nit't't-
ing at the lialdwin opera house tonight.
between liis talk with the gypsies and
his return from the olliee after settling
been stolen.
Wlllll-lil 'Mt t'l l' MCKtllUC.
Wool-growers of Oregon will convene
... t . II .1 . . .. .l t .1 IIIUU'IIII i 11
at Hie uaues raiiiiuitj f " "
Miss Morrow is addretHiiig the vauous , , . , , ,U ,,om)s iust have
political rallies on the sulirage auiemi
iiient and presenting the question from
u Btrietly iion-partisan standpoint. The
ladies of Tiie Dalles are especially in
vited to be present.
M.irried. vesteiday at the residence of i ,. f pu.sident George A. Young
the bride's patents near Mosier, Kev. V. nm, St,(.ri.,n,.j. F. W. Wilson. Thu pur
K. Hawk olliclating, Mr. W. II. Jonea of ,ho lll0.tmg ill bu to discuss
and Miss Hoablln Knot. Mr. .lom-a ih , ttJ ,liemini 0f tlila yt-ar'e clip uml ullot
an employe of the Soutliern Paeillc rail-1 int,nt t, r,.eervo for the coming
road, and his bride is thu daughter of mnum,
Mr. Amos Koot, onu of MosierV best ,n )t, I(,fpn.ta nauieil, the meeting
known fruit giowers. About forty in- wU im an important one. Superintend,
vlled guests attended the ceremony ami , (,n, ()nn6i)yi uf the Cascade reserve, will
imrtookof a sumpUioua wedding dinner k, ,,,.,, m make the allotnients.
(lt)r, 1 The question oi price u-i u.i u,. ......
The artesian wml is now down to a UI not bu seriously considered, except
du S Lt and boring has lit,-.. t0 llBo a lneral untlers.aut I ng tliat
TZnL ponding the of ad-' .u, will not their goo 's
roirbelow The additional casing conu-etltion and make the buy
i wi H.i.nHfliirv becaiibo of the t,,a pnv cash on delivery.
i n?Sll rffSriuv "rom. thirty The iitiderstatiiilng is not for the pur
conatant falling In oi i. ; o(), or t.ombinil.
" " - . 1 T . . . I., lit
It blows some in Portland too. We
had a stiff little gale here yesterday,
but we're used to that kind of thing and
thought nothing of it. Portland, how
ever, seems to have had an experience
eucIi as we never have here at all. De-
scribing it today's Oregonian says in
j part :
j "A little after noon the cyclone got
i gay, and broke boughs and twigs off
1 shade trees, tried to tear awnings down,
land made things lively all over town,
j It had a fair sweep on the river, and
I jollied up all who crossed the bridges.
"Traffic on the Portland Railway Com
I pany and the Portland Traction Corn
1 pany was interrupted for nearly three
1 hours. Both lines receive their power
from the plant of the Portland General
I Electric Company at Oregon City,
which failed to keep up the supply of
l electricity on account of the extremely
t high winde. The Vancouver cars were
j delayed only a short time, receiving
J power from the plantat Sellwood.
I "A street-car loaded with passengers
j was delayed Ly an open draw on the
' Morrison Btreet bridge, and a wagon
i load of sawdust drew up alongside of it.
! The wind blew the sawdust out of the
wagon and into the car, through the
ventilators, completely covering the
passengers, who, after all their brush
ing and dusting, looked as If they had
been out in a wooden snow storm.
"As an expressman was crossing the
Jsteel bridge, the wind blew his horse
blanket and other things out of his
, wagon. A passer caught them as they
, were going over the railing, and as the
expressman rose to receive tnem tne
wind picked his overcoat and cushion
out of his seat and carried them away
over toward the terminal grounds. The
expressman was afraid to leave his horse
and wagon on the bridge to go after
' them, and they are probably in Klon
dike or Mexico by this time, for the
i wind did not know which way it was
I blowing. If the rain and wind will take
a re.-t, ihe city wilt take care of the
Tim Aiftlto r it Goat
Is envied by all poor dyspeptics whose
stomach and liver are out of order. All
I such should know that Dr. King's New
i Life Pills, tho wonderful stomach and
liver remedy, gives a Bplendid appetite,
sound digestion and a regular bodily
! habit that insures perfect health ami
great energy,
tliug store.
Only -'5 cents at any
. ....... i., i..
from tho surface. The last uonuB..
a stratum of tiuidatone.
The bust curfew boll Is a good stiff bed
,Ut,with auilablo hand on one
end 8yH the Myrtle Enterprise.
Hon, as each grower remains free to sell
lle dip for any of tho ruling market
prices, so long as he geta thu cash on
.Mivery and does not make
Trimmed hats and patterns at cost for
tho next thirty days at the Campbell &
Wilson millinery parlors. 2;)-tf
Fur the convenience of parties want
ing icu in the afternoons, the Stadt'luian
Ice Co. will carry a stock at their store,
comer Third and Washington si reels.
Phone No. 107; Ioiir distance 183.
"King 'em up." 18m-tf
Your choice oi wafats, or baso balls,
bats, caps or belts with boys' Buita at
A. M. Williams & Co. 'a.
Tho Kind You Have Always Bought, nnil which hn3 hecu
iu uso for over 30 years, lias homo tho signature of
and has been mado under his ncr-
rvyt sonal supervision 'since its infancy.
'CCCCftWi Allow nn nnn foilonolvn vnn In tlita.
A1I Counterfeits, Imitations and "Jnst-as-good" arc hut
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment
What is CASTOR I A
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric,' Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
mibstance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worm
and allays Fcvcrlshness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Special Sale!
i ...Steel flanges and Coo
I Stoves
c e
To reduce our large stock wo will
sell Stoves and Steel Ranges at
Greatly Reduced Prices
for a short time only. See our
goods and get our prices. . . .
rriK" ICxrrclKi'N
Garden Hose
Wo have laid in a largo
stock of (larden Hose and aro
carrying tho same brand of
I lose that we havo boon carry
ing for tho last (Ivo years,
which is tho celebrated Mal
tese Cross Urand. Wo carry
tho samo brand of lloso thai
tho Dalles City lriro Depart
ment has beon using for tho
last twonty years. Tho Mal
tese Cross Brand is without,
doubt tho best grade of lloso
on tho market. Call ami got
our prices boforo buying.
castors a Maier 5 Benton
For Infant! and Children. JUUlVJl 4A AUltVlI
Thy Kind You Have Always Bought S00 Agents.
Hooiiis 10 imri II, Cliiiiniuui lllock, Tho Dalit',
Oregon. Tuetdu) s iinu V Maya, S u. in. U) J'J.
Thu followinir program will be uiveii
by tho ctuilee of the public tuhool for llu
b'eiiHit f thu school librarv at Ihe Vojjt
operit bouse on Friday, May 'Jotli, at 8
o'clock p. in. :
'Sprint! Joj" Glrlh' Chorus
"The lVttlval of tho Iiirds"
I'apll of Court Htiwt school
l'Jiuio Solo Ve.-por Kcverles . XlpporHli H.irrls
lU'C'ltatlou "Too I.ato for thu Train" ...
lU'lo HI hli'U
Vocal Solo , 111. a llautcn
"Tho Apple Trco'b Story"
Girls of .iciilviny Park Hthool
"Yo,llol Gallant Sailors" Hojb' (.horns
"T1IK ItK.U.M 01 TIMIJ."
A MUkle-il Alk'Kory.J
Kalhcr Time, Willie Cross
January I.'iln Nicholas
Rbruarv Anita Uvnncli
March ,' Kminn llolut
Amll (iuihile
Miiy lMltli rla-no
luno Ilaltiu .Markhani
July I.ncy'l'ox
AttKUst Wlunlo Trazler
September l'lorenco IIhiiiosoii
October Ubcrta touts
November Teresa Markhani
December Martha llnitcll
Valentine Helen IVieis
1'airy (Juecn 1-ela Keltay
Six Kalilcs
Liberty ' lorence Morion
Truth . Hannah schwabo
Justice Ueitha Hobti son
Tuelve Kolilleis
ICIjiht Keapers
Satila finis lbeit hltmi
ini.ul "'I hankivIiiK' I.ucllo ('rite
fcoioistsj jl!it h()tl!., l.'i:u M0010
Tableau "1'alher Tlmo's KlessIiiK". .. .
Atlinisslon -5 cents ; cliintu-u, bids.
. 1
Bears the
Siguature of
A roointiit' Iioubo of eleven rooms for
rent mid furniture for ealn. Apply at
thia office. ml7-lw