The Dalles Dally Chronicle. THURSDAY MAY 24, 1000 Republican Ticket. STATE OFFICERS. Justice of the Supreme Court D. Wulverton. E. Food ami Dairy Bailor. Commissioner J. V. Congressman The Dalles. DISTRICT OFFICERS- Malcolm A. Moody, of Joint Senators J. K. Williamson, of Crook; T. II. Johnston, of Wasco; W. "W. Steiwer, of Wheeler. Joint Representatives A. S. Roberts, of Wasco; li. A. Kmmett, of Klnmith; George Miller, of Gilliam; Georpe Cnttanarh, of Grant ; Genrpe A. Bar rett, of Grant; T. H. McGreer, of Wasco. District Attorney Frank The Dalles. Menefee, of County Judge River. COUNTY TICKET. A. S. Blowers, of Hood A. Kirchheiner, of Commissioner P. Antelope. Sheriir Robert Kelly, of The Dalles. Clerk A. E. Lake, of Wamic. Treasurer C. L. Phillipsfcof The Dalles. Aseeesor C. L. Schmidt, of The Dalles. Superintendent of Schools C. L. Gil bert, otThe Dalles. Surveyor J. R. Goit, ol The Dalles. Coroner W. II . Butts, of The Dalles. For Justice of the Peace of The Dalles Timothy Brovrnhill. Constabk Frank Hill, of The Dalles. night by Hon. J. S. Bradley, of Texas. Let us go nnd licnr the whole outfit. There is a philosophic pleasure in wntcliing men trying to sweep back the I . !4l. 11 muu.iu royiuss wiuin popo-orynime tho ,sni1 mllllur broom. CnliimlilM Hniitlmrn Wurelnuino. At Shaniko the Columbia Southern Railway Co. controls 80x100 feet of the Shaniko warehouse liiiiltlinir, to hn used r' ... ..!..!.. I .1 ....I. ...i.:.. I. swelling title of , "a " " m T " " "'Tf " 0 1 tliMV Will t.liiitimt mill litrtciivil frnlfvlir ill The impulsion that all business must bo done through for wardliiK houses is an erroneous one ami wo take this means of diHpellini; it. Freiirht received and held twenty-four "Resolved, Tlint the democratic party is in favor of the acquisition of the Island of Culm, ou such terms 1 hours will be turned over to a forward ns will be honorable to ourselves nnd just to Spain, at the earliest practic able moment." That was demo cratic doctrine just forty j'cars ago, as declared by the demosrntic plat forms put forth at both Charleston and Baltimore. Expansion was not then denounced as undemocratic and un-.Teffcrsonian. ing house subject to the order of the consignee. The rate 011 wool in sucks or in bales from Shaniko to The D.illes is 25 cento iter 100 pounds. For rates or other information call on or address C. E. Lytm:,G. F. & P. A., or Gko. F. Rous, Alien t, Shaniko, Or. Olorloiti New. Conies from Dr. D. B. Cargilc, of In the greatest year of prosperity Washita, I. T. He writes: the United States has ever known I "Four bottles of Metric 15itu'rB 1119 ,. .. , ,, . cured Mrs. Broworof scrofula, which had the democratic party will nominate , . . . . ' r J caused her preat Buttering lor vears. a calamityite for president. It's rurriblo sores would break out on her queer, but characteristic of that kind J head and face, and the best doctors of politics. could give no help; but her cure is com- j plete and her health is excellent." This The democrats of this county ro- i sbowe what thousand have proved, mat iMectric lsnters is uiu nest niooti mind one of two small boys fighting over who shall get the core of nn apple only in this case there "aint goin' to he no core." FACIXG A WALL. Representative James E. "Watson, of Indiana, has been studying the attitude of democracy in this cam paign, and lie furnishes this illustra- DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salvo is un equalled for piles, injuries and skin diseases. It is the original Witch Hazel Salve. Beware of all counterfeits. purifier known. It's the supreme remedy for eczema, tetter, salt rheum, ulcers, boils ami running sores. It stimulates liver, kidnevs and bowels. expels poisons, helps digestion aml;j' builds up Hie strength. Only 00 cents. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, Druggists. Guaranteed. 4 Complete Cipe of Drus at M. Z. DONNELL, THEaDRUCCIST. Notice. Columbia River Ice & Fuel Co. wishes to announce that Miev will deliver ice to any part of tli day or nigl" Diat. ; 75 or f - at all hours of llio Nasal CATARRH I In all Its stages there ' Phone 33 or SI Long . should be cleanuucss. inert & Condon. i Ely's Cream Balm TT , " . : , ,, , 1 cleames.foothC'f and heals Holiday ciiiH is coining, and Pease A ; thc ji.ea.ed membrane. Maya are ." a Daisy air rifle and Spalding base ball and bat with any boys' suit. Dull Headache, Pains in' various parts of the body, Sinkinc at the pit of the stomach, Loss of appetite, Feverishness, Pimnlfie ni1 Snrpa nil rnatfli'i. Uon, which, though it may not be o impure b,00d No" mnitcr how t entirely pleasing to them, is too pat became so it must be purified in order to obtain iood health. Acker's Blood Elexir lias never failed to cure Scrofulous or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood diseases. It id certainly a wonderful remedy nnd we sell every bottle on Blakeley & Hough- It cure? citarrhand drives away a cold iu the head quickly. Cream Ttnlm Is placed Into the nostrils, spreads over the membrane, and la absorbed. Kelief la Im mediate aud a cure follows. It Is not drying docs not produce sneezing. Large Size, CO cents at Drug- i giU or liy wail; Trial Size, 10 ccnU 07 mall. I IMY DTfOTUBUS, fii Warreu Street, New York, i ' "! L. Lane, T3 crvcracf (!r.Ni:it.!, BlaGKsmitD ..AND. Horsesnoer Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothors' Wagon. nUiimt!ln,iii Trr., n,.."i m t luuuitiuu jtjiiuiMin, ruuiiiuoy . . Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the I Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of 1 chickpn feed. mch25-ti 1 to be lost in that wilderness of words, the Congressional Record : "What, then, is their proposition ? 1 Simply that this measure is uncon- stituttonal. If these gentlemen are ; a positive guarantee to be believed, the constitution is a I ,n,l's drUR prison with the windows n!l in the rear. "We can see backward, but can never catch a glimpse of the future. TI10 walls are forever estab lished. "Mr. Speaker, what is the consti tution? It is a collection of ele mental principles laid down for our guidance. It is not the cause of our liberty, but the result of it. It took 000 years of struggle and endeavor to make possible that instrument. It, was born of the spirit of progress, j and it must be interpreted in ac-i cordance with that spirit. It doesj Notice, not prevent progress, but, like u 1 Owing to the retirement finger board, points out the way along which we must march. For a Nice Suit of Clothes. I'antlwr, Overcoutin-or Kancj Vesting. Mrs. Harriet Evans, Hinsdale, III., j writes, "I never fail to relieve my ! children from croup at onco by using j One Minate Couirh Cure. I would not j feel safe without it." Quickly cures coughs, colds, grippe and all throat and ; lung diseases. Lewis Ackerman, Goshen, Ind., says, i "DeWitl'e Little Early Risers always, bring certain relief, euro my headache and never gripe." They gently cleanse' and invigorate tho bowele and liver. 5 VfcJfcJ V V I III- JviltrltV rjl 1 1 nnrl iirnmtTiu lit. tt.l if ' portttl nnd Ij identic N iwlens. A lincutock to elect irotn. nulla made from t tic lowest v'loes to (he liigli est grude. of Frank 1 Chrisnian from the firm of Chrisman I Bros., and hid intention, to leave the J i state hp pnmi nn nnoftililo nil flulitd dim t it : i. .n i ! 1...M1 ... 1 .ww.u UKl' " 13 u"u uul j the firm must be paid immediately. All hind us to prevent our retrogression having claims against -the firm will rather than before us to prevent our , please present them at the market for advancement. Hut the democratic! !yra-inl' . , . , . m-l-tf Chrisman BitOTinnts. party, with tls face always to the . rear, imagines that it is in front of . r,"""" 1""r c"'OK;- , , , , All countv warrants registered prior "Juuu' uiuibu. ,0 Jllr.e 3 i8UU wi 1 be 1 nt J. A. Eberle Fine Tailoring. 'i 111: ia;,i,Kv ouKiiON. ..CHAS. F8AHH.. Butchers and Farmers ..Exchange.. Keep', on ilrmiglit the culeliriited COl.fJiliiA lti:i;i, iicktmw: ciIkwI the liCJit beer In Tho Dulles, at the liMiiil price, (,'oniu In, trj It and im cimvlncfil. aImi the linimU nt Wines, l.lriuor 11111I Clgiim. Sandtxiiehes i)l all Kliid.Mihviiys on litnul. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION'. I.k.SIlOmCK AT VAHCIlOVKIi, Wakii ,) ... ... J1"' '" l!)0- I J.otlee Is hereby given tho t.illmvliic named vettler has lllcii notice of Ills Intention to make llniil i.roof In UMiort of Ills cliilm, nnd that ilil ir)f will be iiiMfJc twloto W. II. l'resbv. 111 uoiiieiiiiiue, Ullltul HtHtfH (.'oiniiilsilnntr. Ihe figures furnished by say banks are the best evidences of condition of the working classes, mechanics nnd laborers. In 1889 j 10 June ., louu, win be paid at my ahIhi k. minr. I office. Interest ceases after Februarv. 2, ! 'nado If. K. No, wwa, for tho fnmtlon WW. rings Uoo. c. L. Piiiiupa; j tTjbI:! w"""1 tiKli Nli' the 1 Countv Treasurer. He names tho folloivliiK ivltno-nes to nrovo his 1 1 1 I residence iiMjii, iiiiii cilltlvilllon of MlljSl-l W. It. DUNIlAlt, llenlster. Hllirlrn Ar KnlL- li.mii ri.nuuai n .o .1 l - taiil IiiimI, vl. : . , " . " , llotwrt A. Hmnthei. Cl.rht K. Krneii. Will , of the celebrated James E. I'atton I "" (iarner, John Kure. all of l.jiu 1'. o. 1 .. ...... r.. . . 11 ulrlxMv nun. iini.l r.l.iQ I ""i"KlII .uuie neru in wiu uniicti aiaics in an j "t-,, i'' 51,800,000 depositors in the nvlno banks of the country. Ten years later, in 1890, there were no less' NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. than 5,200,000 depositors, a gain of ' U"D 0pr,CB AT Vj,-vc0SS?fi, V'l 1 nn nnn r i u . 1 .J 'eby tho foiiowiri? in I,.-ii j j ii loi'i . ii'iiiiiiimiiieriiiiiivoiiiui noucuoi tticirinteiitlon NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. -., ,J...,,.e:i.. l..l .. hi liinjii; jiiiiii Jiroijl HI U'Ori OI llleir ClnllflSiHInl i-ii Mi;Vvanvi nun mi uvonigu ui wmi hjiii i.rool will M ma.Ie lieforo the rcKIier iv, ,1. Iiilm, nt iTiki. ." . 7'..t.i;...,iVV ,V. " " 1". '"V . i" OIIIC8IU vaueou- , Hatnnlav Jo e o i" vlV: v' " I.A.NJOfH(,B AT VA.SCOUVKI!, Vimh .... , , . . ilay 11, luto. .Sotlco Is hereby clven that tho folloivlni; nniiisUcttlerhaHItsl nollco of his intention to make II mil oroof in niipijort of his claim, unit that bhIiJ proof will bo inmiu before W. II I'resby, t.nltcil htales C'oriiinlliiier fur Dhtrlet of C. F- Stephens ..Donlor In. tvy Goods, Clothing, Cents' Furnishings. Hoots, Shoes. Hats, Caiis, Notions. ;for W. K liotiBlns Hhoe. Telephone No. M, I'll l......l u. . uvi.llliu Dli) AKt. The Dalles, Or, i it REGULATOR LINE. 1 II BtcniiictM of tlu. ItcKiilnti.r l.luo will rim nsitcr lh ef S itw.nif n'lKiliiln, the Cimipaiiy reiervliiK the rlcht t ri,. i ,5 M'hrtlulo without notice. cn,n I RoKiilntor. I.v DOWN. Dalles H HtS A. .M. k Tuosilay B, ThitiMliiy k Hiitiinliiy . h' Arr. I'urtlamt C, at i I'. . ur. Ship your Freight via I.v, I'ortliinit at 7 A. . Monthly Arr. nffi I Regulator Line. at fi::xi r. u. Str. Dnllos city. DOWN I.v. Dal at H A. X. Momliiy Wiilnvsiliiy I'rliliiy Arr. I'ortlaiul it t m. i , or. ! lA , I'nttUnd I ?'W .. n. 1 TllfMlfl Tliumdjf , Kutunliy i Atr. lnii,; t&:30r. m FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, iJ. Tmvel by the .Steamers of the HcKiihitor Line. Tho Coinpnnv will onilcnvor to kIvc Its mi 1 B runs the tiest ervlee possible. I'or further Information mlilrrss t,lsrW g, rorlbiiiil Olllce, Oak Htreet Docfe. W. C. ALLAWAY, Oon. At. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer cer. Just What Yoa uiaftt. on .Satiinliiy, Junoatf, woo, vh: !orau ! Lindsay, . I. 1. i . .. . v . - any in llie Ijiinii. In IH'J'J the ver, Wah.,on Julyo. iwo. viz: averao linri risen to ?-l I f. sn ilmi. ' oirit li. i.i.ini, whri iii, IIo followinir wllne.K-s to provo I coi.tlnuous reshleiico iipon "ml a.lllvatlon of : " ,? J'!! ,''"A.rv,,,k'm'u t""l''tl" BIJIII IJIUIJ. VI. of nionev on donosit inorensLMl in ! . ."kiii Trabue, ciuutinn Dleckson. Thomas !"'" practically t lie same ratio, . " . ' ' . "ho inmlo If. K. No. wufi, for tho NK 8KK of ,'. i ..V S: i i .S'i JV- ' ' S"H "' Sf Wlllln t in nnmlior rif dnnnsilrii-a Imil i bvo ;i. ami Nl HH V. f-eo '. Ti. n S. It I'J K. W t ".. '-"'!: '"'!." . largely increased, the uverogo amount !''",''. ."I'T1" ,re,l,K'"t',J "i""' "ml -uiiivmioii of ,,j I",,,;, " J!",", "i anil tomorrow Tonight calamity way from the sunny south, will ho on tap at the Baldwin opera house. The middle-of-tlie-roncl brand will bo tapped tonight by Congressman M. W. Howard, of Alabama, and Hon. J. I). Osborne of Atlanta, Georgia, I Villi. JIIIIIJ. 11 i, , linuuvi I'llll.llllll 1ieeMSOIl . "niicomo, j'.iitviini a j ;iirlstlun IIUckNiin, - ivhp inaiu II. i;. No. w..', for thcflU SWii and I He 10. T. 3 N, It i , AV. who I flfeckton TliomiM .':"!'.'." ""'"'i HMWHM1 I', O,, Win h: II. JWr?2 1 of 1 vie ! WV,,I;'I V;1'1 li" ''''' 'i.h i John noi.r,aiioi i.yip, . llciry. Iliutlaiiil I', tt , Winh.! ThoiiihH I'. . iJrlniis. Hut l li ll'mli Urlpps, llartlauil 1. (., Wath. Jnajill I W. II. DUNIlAlt, Itojrlsler. ADMINISTIt.V l'OIt'S NOTICK nlL'lit : y.y. hwk. firiltfiri- Irnnnrlnd oil tl.n u IOIIOWIIIK HIIIItkKIl 111 prilVO Ills orniorj , imported Ult tllO continuous residence ii3ii ami cultivntloii of sain niiiu, vi; llukln Trabue. John I'auUen, Jmfi YWt.K N'co M hereby idven Hint the iiiiilerlnno.. Otorge II. Saiifonl.allof I.yle, Waililnaton. ! W "' "riler of llio t.'oiiiuv Court of tho Hlato of IUl:lii r. ,' ..'"!. ""V,..V""".lir' 'l'.cl1 l'll U-.I who rnailo II. K, No. 'JiCti, for the fi HW, Beo y.anil NJS NWiBto 10, Tii a N, H 12 K, W. hi., who names the following wltue.tes to prove his ciiiiIIiiiioiis resilience uikjii and cultivation of said land, viz: Christian Deickion, Thomas M, Whitomb, (itoiKc II, Hanlord, James r'iiz, all of I.slo I". o. WmlJ. We Put... t'vory bit of twenty years experience and drug knowledge with every Prescription that's compounded here. Js it any reason why our prescription business is increasing so rapidly? Ask your physician if we are reliable. BLAKELEY & HOUGHTOH. Reliable Prescriptionists p. s. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in" Blacksmith Supplies. !Cor Second & Laugliliii, Tiioiiclfi Important Announcement to you. Fur au '.to after April 1st, I will ooll ii I thu I)ry t.oode, Clutliinit llools ttml hlioee, UtiHlory, lilnnkotH, llutH uml tyiijif), on u ant In prico of 25 per cent, for Cash. Now Ih your opportunity to uut ar lininn. Don't llllHfl it. ' S. L. BROOKS, ucc8fcor to IJ. J, CoIIIiih A Co. C. S. Smith, Tin: and Ibo Bryanlte brand tomorrow! wujk-i w. h. iiUNiiAit.mcuter. a.lmliihtrator of tlio cjlaUi of llelt.i lirmirnni ilcccasol. 11 pcrnins havlliv olalins uKiilnst tho estate of s'llil UirffasHi arc m llllcl to urc stiit III; m, with tlio jiroiw vouchers, to iiio nt llorxl Ulver, OrcKOii, within six months from tho nun! of this mulct;. Paled May 16, lm , l'UTJUM K, IlKAOKOKK, Ailmlnlstrator of thu Ks.ato of lUltn llrud ford, Do:cascd. jo-i Nuw lileiih in Wall I'upur lietr. Such I wlilu vrtriuty hh wo arHliowliif nuvor be-' -': u niiiuil) HIOCK. I(;1 illlltll. lion cniton iilIuctH ut orillnury prices. Good piiputfl at chfitti pupiT !irj(.eBi I'.leKant (iBsiune, titutltil coloring yotUH lor u miiull iirici'. ut our. 8trut. Also n (till lino of hoimu nfuta. JJ. W. VAUBE. Third Hit Jj. 8TURDEVANT, Dentist. Onica over French it Ct: Hank OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. The CLARENDON ilESTAURAflT And CAFE. J. B. Orossen & Oo., Props. 87 Seoond Street Up-to-date Qroeer Fruitli KggH uml Cri'iitniiry lluttcr u Rpfcliilty, 2d Street. 'Phone 270. J, H. HCIIFN1, ii. M. licit , I'rcalilunt. CwbUl First National Bank.. I TMK UALLtS - - - OREQON A Goneral Buukiug Huhhiubb traneacttd Dttpoolte rccoived, Hiihjcct to fiight Draft or Oliuck. Collections uiado nnd proi-outld prompil; remitted on duv of uolluction. Kiglit nnd Tulei;raplilu Kr cliiuitte sold u Nw York, fiiin runcisco and orl t i .mm. DIHBOTOK8 I). P. Thomi'hon. Jno. S. Hcuixcr, Ku. M. Wili.iamb, Gko. A.Lijsi. II. M. Hkau.. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. rilANHACT A KNKIt.VI.llANKINO liUtl.NEj Iittore of Or f.'d it iantiod uviiiltible in the EnHturn Stilton. Kiicht EkchaiiBo ami Telegraphic n. i .i V'-.-l. iruiiBuirB hoiii nn rsuiv i urs, uuimi St. LotiiH, San Francioco, I'ortland Ore Kon, Seattle Wnnli,. and vurioue pointi in Oregon and W:ioliini:tou. Colk'ctiotiH tnadoat nil poiute odut oral )1d turuiR. tub coiiDia pacKinaCoT PACKERS OF MANtlKAin'intHHH OK Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND TTAMfi Sr. "RACON x)RIK,D BEKF. KT0. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE irulQNS AC AiioiioiPnilliiniiVplrliii'V1lyj,c;,trtl' quloklr iiscarlalii oi'l""'"" ,f'u'." 'n.inlM; liiviintlim In iirolinhlr ,1 "J 'J. i &,nli ui r"" tliins si rlctir ciiiill.loiit l-il. 1 J"" I "S eni). . unit fro. tll.lust niioncy foj W recc"" I'Hloi.ta taku.i tririiuu'li Alu tffCiiU IIOfKf, Wll limit ciiaruu - H H HUMTINIITON II WIUOD TJUNTINOTON Ii WILHon. Scientific fltner m A hiiiulsiiniolir liistriilod w IftYwt.V ru allou of anr sclei.llll. l.a ni, . ywtn fourimintlis.fl. ho)ill'ir j IC.' Vrt ll4UUII mitii u - " Mica Axle Urease lightens tlio load shorten tbo tout- helpa tlio team. .Saves wear sad '"' iliM. expense. Sohlcvcrywli". STANOARQ Olt 00. A'nOKNKVH AT LAW, 04icooverKlr.tN.t.ffi 1U1,UC' OKKUOi immc TUKPai.UM.OIIKUOn!