The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 24, 1900, Image 1

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NO. 242
General Scliwan Says the Rebellion Has
Collapsed Robber Hands Alone
W.ihiiinoton, Mtiy I!3. Tlio war de
partment Ihih recolved nn interesting re
port from Brigadier-General Theodore
Scliwan, lT. 8. V doted on the trans
port Thomas, ut sea May 12, 1000, in
which he submits u thorough review of
the state uf iid'ulra in the Philippines up
to tin) tin.uof his departure from Manila,
April 10 hint, making piirtieulur note of
wiut he lielioven to 1m tliu irretrievuhle
collapse o( the Filipino hittirrtction ne a
nlic-lc, anil expressing the conviction
that il left iilmu) the Filipinos will Boon
demonstrate their absolute inability to
govern themselves.
The prinuipnl islands," he Boys, "are
now ne before held with an iron grip by
the military. In Luzon, Lunn hb well hb
til tha count towns of importance, are
ccciipi'.''! hy American troops. "
General .Scliwan HtatcB that the Bole
hops entertained by tiie inaurente
for a revival uf the iiiBurreetion lies in
the e u p t m 1 1 io ii that the United States
troops will bu obliged to abandon many
of their prevent positions at the opening
ol the wet season, owing to inability to.
secure supplies during that period, and
alto "In tliu possibility of viotury for the
democratic or anti expansionist party in
the coining preEitieutial election."
General Scliwan says the insurgents
think that such a victory will menu the
withdrawal of all militarv forces now in
With the exception of the savage
mountain tribes and the numerous bands
of brigands, says the report, the grout
majority of both the educated and
peasant claseus in the Philippines
heartily desire a restoration of peace
under American rule. Many bunds of
ruuuers ami nritfimuH lorni a uisjotnteii
nucleus fur a prospective reconcontration
ol Insurgent forces, and tliu renewed
prosecution of the rebellion, Bay General
Scliwan. Continuinir. the ronort sayo:
"Inileeil, these guerrilla hands and
their depredations constitute all that is
implied by the 'Philippine insuirectioii'
s It now exists. Tliu operation of
nops unci the pacillcation of toivm not
j dimmed win tie carried on regard.
less of Hid rainy season, which, as
Wed aliuve, tliu iiiBUreenta believe
I c.iusu an abandonment of in tiny mi-
Want towns hy our troops." In con
-..vii, wuiiunu oenw an sayB :
lltinn r! .... i ( i . . .
the most serious obstacle in the way
whumuiu jmciiicauon oi mo isiamis
1 ud i.. II . . . . .
va " iiiuiuui uieirusi iiuiwei'ii
hoops and the inhabitants. This,
believe, will disappear after each class
SCOUR'S mnril tlluriiin.lili.
.. h"V ' I
the other, and the bonollts to be
'Ived from an intimate relationship
'In the military become appreciated
1 Hie unlives. On the other hand, the
UfK cut out for the troops will bo
Uy facilitated whon they Rain the
OOUdeneO of the wull.iltiinnMMl imtiv..H.
Vhen tllll lull,... 11. ..1 .t.... .1...
nun nun uiu iiuuiio
" v"",u io Htay, tiiey undoubtedly
11 ritaiAi . i. . . .
me exactions ol ttie rolilier
-'i mm aooiit, and assist tun Amer.
u" troops in furretini' out their haunts
P uis, Hint the days of the guerrilla
wllion will I,.. i i
.Hill III', CI.
Uuturrli (.'hiiiiul i, iinrmi
41 applications, nsthoy cannot
eC" till) Beat of tho dlnenHn. ttntnrrli
WOOd Or COIISlltlllln,.i.l ,11c. ...,.l
uer to cure it vou must i.iW.i i
ai ranw..ii
-"leilies. I n ' Otttn-rl, f1i,r l
vniaiiy, and nets directly on
... . ' nmcoiis surfaces.
vare is not a nuaek
WftH liriic..u.l...l I. . ... .
. I'o-etHuull liv linn OI tlllt lltlHt
"WCannl.. ." . .
- turn f'liimrru rr iiiiuhh mwi
2 u'od puriiluis, acting directly
" mucous S.irf,. mi" . '
. ""uon o t In. i... i.
eiviincea auch wondrfi,l rHniu I,.
me. arrh' Hmidfor testimonials,
V i
BoljVvTKV,,tCo'',,roP''.. Toledo 0.
i ins nro the bent. 12
Recent Injunction Decision Stirs Them
Up and Resulted in Recommenda
NnwYoiiK, May m. The matter of
the injunctions that have recently been
issued ngaiiiBt the ClBarlllakerB, Union
forbiddinfr it to picket the factories of
manufacturers whose employes have
struck, and forbidding it also to pay
strike benefits to the strikers has been
taken up by the Social Keform Club,
which last evening listened to a report
inudo by its committee on injunctions,
composed of John Iirooks Leavitt, Ernest
U. Crosby, Mornny Williams, Johu D.
Kernon and Fronlcenheimur.
Tho leport was read by Mr. Leavitt
and contained tlie following recommenda
"That an attempt be made to obtain
concerted action throughout the country
in favor of urging upon the national and
statu legislatures the passage of acts
' 'That injunctions shall not bo issued
aguinst any but parties to tliu action,
their agents, servants ami attorneys.
" 'That when an injunction, however
valid in part , prohibits tho lawful use of
the highway, or the right of free speech,
or lawful combination to advance j'dut
interests, it shall be void in toto.
" 'That all persons who are charged
witli disobedience of an injunction in
respect to the matter ,which might be
tho subject of tin indictment shall have
the right to demand a trial by jury tin
on issues of fact to be properly framed.' "
In regard to the injunction of Justice
I'reeilmati against the cigarmakers, the
committeo was of tho opinion that the
justice had not carefully read tho papers
in the case and believed that it would
he set aside.
War of TriiHtH I I'roinlHeil.
Xcw Yokk. Mav 211. Interests identi
fied with the International Tobacco com
pany, soon to be organized in opposition
to the Ainetietih and Continental To
bacco companies, announces that ten
additional options had been secured by
ihein, located in various parts of tho
country, and that the work of incorporat
ing the company will be accomplished
buforo the expiration of the present week.
It is said to be more than likely that
the capitalization as originally proposed,
will be -ncri'iifod by several millions. It
is pla'ntied, but not dellnltely decided,
those interested say, to authorize the
issue of ifuO.OOO.OOO of stock, preferred
mid common, and it is exprohsly staled
that there will bo no bond issue. A meet
ing of owners of the leading constituent
companion was held last night, but no
news was given out for publication.
Tl, lt,-Hl"7loiinly lur KliminiiitlMm.
All who use Chamberlain Pain Balm
for rheumatism me delighted with tho
quick relief from pain which it affords.
When speaking of this Mr. D. N. Sinks,
of Troy, Ohio, says: "Some time ago I
hud a "seve attack of rheumatism In m
arm and shoulder 1 tiled numerous
remedies, but got no relief until I was
recommended hy Messrs. Geo. F. Par
sons & Co., druggists of this place, to
trv Chamberlain's Pain Halm. They
reeomn.enned it so highly that I bought
a bottle. mm noon relieml of all pom.
I have since recommended Hub lini
ment to nuiuv of my friends, who agree
with me that it is the best remedy for
muscular rheumatiHin in the market.
For sale by Ula "lev & HmiBbton.
Hoy. W. K., W. Canton, N. Y.,
writes, "I bad dvspepsia over twenty
years, and tried doctors and medicines
without benefit I wa perHiiuded to use
Kodol lVH.oiHia Cure and it helped me
from the star. I believe it to be a
panacea 'or nU forms of indigestion, it
digests what vi n eoiu
Good, iue'froui the Uluu
mounlaiiiB for sale by the Columbia
Hlver Ice & Fuel Co. 'Phone , JJ or 81
houg Dist. i 7oorJ eufort A Condon.
M. U. Smith, Uuiternnt, Mich., eny.
"UoWilt'H Linle K.rly Risers are the
verv best plllH I over used for costlveness,
liver and bowel troubles."
Only Three Britishers Were Killed in
Relieving Mafcking.
London, May '23. Tho war office is
sued a dispatch from Roberts under date
of Hong Spruit, May 22, announcing the
receipt by him of the following message
from Bnden-Powell :
"Mafeking, May 17. I am hnppy to
inform you that Mafekinir was success
fully relieved today. The northern and
southern columns jiined hands on May
15 and attacked the enemy yesterday
and after a small engagement, entirely
defeated them with loss. The British
casualties were three killed and twenty
two wounded. The force inarched into
Muleking at 9 this morning and the
relief and defense forces combined and
moved out and attacked tho enemy's
head laager.
"We shelled them out and yesterday
captured Snyiuun and took one gun, a
Hag and a large amount of nmmunition,
stores, elc. Five dead Boers and fifteen
wounded BoerB were found. The enemy
appeois to be retreating in all directions,
except, one commando, which is laying
low possibly to cover the letreat of the
Roberts' dispatch further says:
"Ian Hamilton reached Ileilbrun this
morning, after a se'ies of engagements
with a Boer force under Ds Wet, vrho is
retiring before him. Broadwood has
captured fifteen wagons. There have
been seventy-five casualties in Hamil
ton's force up to yesterday evening. We
marched here this morning."
Cnvt. ritclivr of tliu Police Court Him
Become u Terror In Niime to
When little children tire naticht v in
Havana the nurses and the mothers no
longer frighten them into silence b,v
talcs of the mysterious bogie man who
will come and "eat them up." The ter
rible bear who Hugs inui noys and girls
to death when tliev disobey their par-
cuts, the gypsies who steal them and
carry them oil Into the woods lorevei
when they play outside their own
yards, the organ grinders who press
impudent audi overeurious chihilren
into service as penny-bogging mon
keys, all pale into angels of the most
blessed and bcneliecnt character be-
:!(! the bugaboo which is being hold
no before the vivid imagination of Ha
vana's child world. A mother has but
to whisper "Pitcher" into the ears of
the children and awestruck silence fol
lows. "Cnpt. Pitcher will come andiget you
and carry you off to the dark, dark
vivae," they say, and the back of diso
bedience is broken.
This is a little tough on Capt. now
Maj, Pitcher, says the New York Sun,
for, so far as known, he has never ent
un any Cuban babies, but his recordists
a dealer in justice as thu presiding
magistrate of the provisional court is
something iierce. He lias uttered' the
seiitenee,"$10 or ton days," the limit al
lowed him. with such montouous per
sistence that it now slips out in ills
sleep and his name lias now come to be
one to conjure with among all evil
doers. There never was such n judge
in Havana before and if the Cubans
lune their way about it there never
wlllbeagalu. The Sun's Havana letters
have already fold' of his work and' Its
iiillueiiee upon crime but nt that time
he had not been 1 1 ansfornied into the
bogie man. As his fame has grown it
has at last reached bnbyland, and now
he's the terror of the tots.
SiiiiHiitri'A ! Celery.
Pick small sausages several times, so
that they will not burst in frying, lay
then, iu'lhe blazer, cover closely, and
cook until crisp. Or, if there are cold
cooked sausages In the house, they may
bo heated in the blazer in a little but
tor or bacon fat. In either ease, ai d to
the fat. two table.spooi.ruls of celery,
cut up very small, and let this cook two
,,. three minutes, so that It will be
done through, but not cooked enough
, lose the dlstincive taste of fresh
celery. This may be served on toast or
crackers. It Is also good served on
Lhmlded wheat blscult-Cood House
The Road is All Clear From Mafcking
and All Opposition in This District is
. Practically Ended.
KiMJiEui.EV, May 23. About 800 Boers
have surrendered at Vryburg, north of
Kimberley, and a little more than balf
way between that place and Mafeking
The road is all clear from Mafeking,
and all opposition in this district is
practically ended.
Hong Sphuit, F. F. S., May 23,
General French has crossed the Rienoster
river, northwest of here. This move
ment, combined with General Iau Harnil
ton's occupation of Heilbrun, renders the
Boer position twenty miles in the British
front, untenable. The latest reports re
ceived, however, say the burghers are
prepared to make a strong resistance
and possess fifteen guns.
Cape Town, May 23. General War
ren occupied Douglas after heavy fight
ing and without sustaining any Iobs.
The Boers have retreated to the north.
A Life And Death FIBht.
Mr. W. A. Hines of Manchester, la.,
writing of his almost miraculous escape
from death, eays : "Exposure after meas
les induced serious lung trouble, which
ended in Consumption. I had frequent
hemorrhages and coughed night and day.
All iny doctors Faid I muet Eoon die.
Then I began to use Dr. Kind's New
Discovery for Consumption, which com
pletely cured me. I would not be without
it even if it cost $5.00 a bottle. Hundreds
have used it on my recommendation and
all say it never fails to cure Throat, Chest
and Lung troubles." Regular size 50c
and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Blakeley
& Houghton's Drug Store. 4
A Testimonial from Old Knclnuri.
' I consider Chamberlain's Couch
Remedy the best in the world for bron
chitis," says Mr. William Savory, of
Warrington, England. "It has saved
my wife's life, she having been a martyr
to bronchitis for over six years, being
most of the time confined to her bed.
She is now quite well." Sold by Blake
ley & Houghton.
Mrs. Calvin Zimmerman, Milesburg,
a., save, "As a speedy euro for coughs,
colds, croup and soie throat One Minute
Cough Cure is unequaled. It is pleasant
for childieu to take. I heartily recom-
mend it to mothers. " It is the only
harmless remedy that produces im
mediate results. It cures bronchitis,
pneumonia, grippe and throat and lung
diseases. It will prevent consumption
The Dalles Comirision Houso will
keep fresh milk at all times on hand
and deliver it anywhere in the city at
tho following prices : One quart, 2 per
month: three pints, $3; two quarts, $4;
Mil-no nuarts $5.50: cream 20 cents per
pint. Fresh butter every day. 18si-lm
lie sure and examine our stock of wall
paper thoroughly before buying else
where, as we have the latest shipment
made to this city, now ready for inspec
tion at H. Glenn & Co.'s. al7-lw
Clark & Falk aro never closed Sunday
Don't forget this.
nlarlfa Kill If llflVfi Oil H1h & fllll llllO
of paint ami artist's brushes.
A full line of Eastman films and sup
plies just received by Clarke & Falk.
Clarke Si Falk's flavoring extracts are
tho best. Ask your grocer for them.
Floral lotion will cure wind chapping
and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke
& Falk.
Paint vour bouse with paints that are
fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk
have them.
Whv nay $1.75 per gallon for inferior
paiuts when yon can buy James E.
Patton's sun proof paints for tl.50 per
gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark &
Falk, agents. mJ7
To Curo Cola lu One Day,
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund tbe money.
Caught n Ilremiritl Cold.
Marion ,Kooke, manager for T. M"
Thompson, a larae importer ot fine mil
linery at 1658 Milwaukee Avenue, Chi
cago, says: "During the lalo severe
weather I caught a dreadful cold which
kept me awake at night and made me
unfit to attend my work during the day.
One of my milliners was taking Cham,
berlain's Cough Remedy for a severe
cold at that time, which seemed to re
lieve her eo quickly that I bought some
for myself. It acted like magic and I
began to improve at once. I am now
entirely well and feel veiy pleased to ac
knowledge its merits." For Bale by
Blakeley & Houghton.
He Fooled the Surgeon.
All doctors told Renick Hamilton, of
West'Jefferson, O., after suffering 18
months from Rectaf Fistula, he would
die unless a costly operation was per
formed ; but lie cured himself with rive
boxes of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the
surest Pile cure on Earth, and the best
Salve in the World. 25 cents a box. Sold
by Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. 4
" ,
Sick Headiche absolutely and perma
nently cured by using Moki Tea. A
pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation
and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep,
work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed
or money bock. 25 cts. and 50 cts.
Blakeley & Houghton Druggist1-.
Cures Headache Quickly.
Baldwin's sparkling effervescent Cel
ery Soda. A harmless and effective cure
for headache, nervousness, sleeplessness,
brain fatigue. 10 and 25 cents. Sold
by Clarke & Falk, druggists. jan24-Gw
Jaeobsen Book 8t JVIusio Co.
Just Arrived
Tho .largest and most complete line at
Rock Bottom Prices,
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of an K-nds
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot n km
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinds
Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, XiSlKbd
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle
ton Flour.
This Flour
use : every
Wa sell our coods lower than any bouse in tiie trade, and if you don't think eo
call and get our prices and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats
Grandall & Budget
All kinds of undertakers Burial Shoes
Funeral Supplies embalmers Etc.
The Dalles, Or.
Before you
place any
work, call on Louis Comlni. I will not only give vou all
the information you need but I will quote you prices you
cannot beat anywhere. Let no one bluff you. It will take
only a few minutes to call aud see me. If you havn a
neighbor who ever did business with me consult him as to
the price and quality of my work ni,j0 fnmini
and abide by the result. : : LUUIO UUIIIIIII
.3 PinOTQQ
A 11 1 1
Always dependable for a day of
toil, or an hour of sport.
They feel like the hand of an
old friend.
They last longer than most
folks care to wear one pair
of shoes.
The "Governor"
For Men at$4.0O
ij'i Easily outranks any shoe of its
5 class for Style, Fit and Finish.
We are Sdt Agents here.
gjp IffC josf liyi )4 J"jjt jj 1
is manufactured expressly for family
sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction.
orders for a tombstone or for
fencing or other cemetery
. 11
t 1