Do You Cough? " I guess I mod to lc like everybody else. AVlion J cattchteuid, I justlctitnlone, think- in:; it would cure itself in a few day.-. ; ofcoursothe roughing nnd spitting of nmc us .sometimes lusted ev- but after n't while the Iff trouble would sub- fide. J nl- ways no ticed how ever, that each cold was worse than thconc before. My throat .-ectned to get weaker, and the least change m tlie went tier started the coughing nsain. TIo last cold was the niostyevere of nil. I was really frightened. Cough drop nnd home treatment did no good. A friend I told me about Acker's English Itomrdy. I got a bottle, and you never saw the like of the way it acted. Ueforc the bottle was gone I was well. IMy throat felt as strong ami well as could'be. Since then I have had no more trouble. I think Acker's English Hcmedyso strengthens the delicate lining of the throat that it easily resists the chances in tempera turcaiiditbuildsuptheconstitutionaswell." (Signed) C.umiF. Schwab, 251 Gold St., Urooklyn, N. Y. Sold at 25c., 50c. and $1 a bottle, throughout the United States and Canada ; and in Eng land, at Is. 2d., 2j. 3d., 4s. Cd. If you arc not satisfied after buying, return the bottle to your drugget, and get your money back. H V anthorix the abore puatmiee. W. 11. 1100KEV. A CO., IToprieton, A'ew i'ork. FOK &V1.U BY Blakeley & Hoagtcm. member what we Bay here, but It can QOINQ EAST never forget what they did hore. It Is if vo intend In thkt it trip KntM, ask firu the hvinir, rather to he dedicated your "ticket agent to rontu von via The here to the unfinished work which thoy . 0ren vb,,h, a modern and up-to.datn wiio fought here have thus far so nobly THiiro,ul ,,v,.ry particular, advanced. It Is rather for us hero to he Thrnu.h trains from Chicago, Kansas dedicate I to the "treat task remaining' cjjty( (),am 0r St. Louis to New York before us, t. at from these honored dead ,, jew Kin-land points. All trains we taKO it creased devotion to that cause for ivlreh they gave thu last full measure of dtvotion ; that we here high ly resolv- that these dead shall nut haw died In vain; Hint this nation, uitdtr God, shall have a new birth of freedom, and that the .overiiuicnt of the people, by the people, and for thu pcoplu, shall not perish from the earth. DeWItt. Witch Huz-1 Salvo ia un equalled for pil-, injuries and akin diseases. It is tho original Witch Hazel Salve. Uoware of all counterfeits. O.R.&N. You will not have boils if you Clark- & Falk's sure cure for boils. take run via Niagara Falls and cvury through train has free reclining chair earn, sleep ing and dining ears. Stop over allowed on all ticket at Ni agara Falls. Iloss G. Clink, Pacific Coast I'ass. A i: t , . Los Ai'iieh", Calif. C. S. CiUNi:, CL I'. A., St. Imis, Mo. 5f7 r or;ile3p3ial5 It's Our Business To dispense health-giving presciip tions in the proper way. It's a lmsines we have not learned in a day, but alter years of persistent work and careful study. Wu use pure drug3 and charge an honest price. Clarke & Falk. "Plutot mort qu'aveugle" AieaiH, 'Itathtr dead than blind" bliiidiie" in most casHs is the result of a negleetfil trivial illness of the eye. Many a person now blind could enjiy good eyesiiiht had it not been that the eyes were neglected when the first sign of disfase appeared. Cataract and Glau coma, two of the mott danuerous diseases, are in most casfs due to negligence in the c.ire of th eyes. Then. 11, Liehs, of the firm of J. E. Adeox & Co., is n terminate of tlin Peoria Optical College, and tliH Bradley Polytechnic Institute H will rnrrect and diagnose all errors oi refraction. ''Eves examined free. J. E. Adcox Co., Jewelers. A UNIQUE TABLET. fhii.taiiiliii Alimli m Lincoln" I'll in oil 4 ,. irns in r.Hit .i,nrg, ihi;:;. The tocieiy for ettucal culture has In itn linu-e in New York a tablet iri hronz coiiUiiniiiu' the fanioii' nddiess of Abra ham L'ucoln. In every paiticular the work it thoroughly American. The tar-let l- of bmrize, nearly three feet tquar , -iijortt-ii iiy sewn consules, en riciieil unit blue e eil grass decoiatioiis. Tin address ir in Doric i-Iiaracterp, ati'l th "iLTiiiit lire it a tine reproduction of riMt nf the tnariyreil president. Mcdlfd up the (ritzi are thu corps liadgi"" of more who took part in the ImiiIc. Too lirrt i- represented by a di!;; tiie "ecuiul by a shamrock; the ihird by a duiuoiiit ; 'lie fifth by a mal tee coirs; the eleventh by a crescent, and the twelfth by a star. Intertwined wiifi these are American wild flowers, bha.-ey.-d grass. Oswego mint, prim- ru'f and arrow head, also a dainty wreath of laurel. Tho tablet rests upon it hIhIi of hiuhly polished Pennsylva nia serpentine, most appropriate as the battle mi fought in that state. Altogether the schema Is unique, and will lit tin atirac lve spot, serving to ltep iieforn the n. embers a speech that, for inspired patriotism, choice coinposi tiun ami simplicity of expression hu3 nviver been Huriiai'eil. niK Aimnsss. rmir score anil seven years ago our fathei lirought forth upon this conti Motlco. Notire is hereby given that there will bean annual meeting of the stockhold ers of tho Golden Eagle Mining Com pany at the ollice of French & Co., bankers, on Thursday, May ."I, 1000, at 7 o'clock p. in., for the purpose of elect ing seven directors and transacting such other business as may properly come be fore said meeting. Uy order of the president. J. C. Hostetu:i;, Secy, and Treas. The Dalles, Apl. 27, 11)00. a27td "I used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure in my family with wonderful results. It gives immediate relief, is pleasant to take anil is trulv the dyspeptic's best friend," says E. Ilartgetink, Overisel. Mich. Digests what you cat. Cannot fall to cure. Use ClarkoA Falk's tminino hair tonic to keep dandruff from the head. Campbell k Wilson will sell their lino of millinery, trimmed and untrimmed hats, tlowers and children's hut.-, at notice of intention to make llnal proof Iwforu ., , . i , w. it 1'niir.t si,iti I'nmmu.imiP- fnr greatlv reduced prices for the next District of Vttishltigtoii, nt his ollice In (ioliteu ! thirlv iliva Please call ami net our ilnle. Vnhtnctou. on Krlilav. the t-ith il,iv of U1,rl "a- 1 1LJ-t- jhiic, i'au, on unuier-niinure AiipiicattDti .no. '."JT, for the uortheitt iiunttcr of ectloti .No I, la township No. 2 north, raiis-j No. It etst, W. JI She names as witnesses: Manuel s. Leonardo, of (irami Dalles I' O., Wash.; Ilcrmini Kngclke, William Wilkinson, of Centcrville I'. O,, Wash., mid William Crawford, of (iramt Dalles l'. O., Wash. V. It. DCNIIAR, may-'-l Itcslsttr. IIKI'AHT roit Frt Mall p. tn TtMK M'ltKllUI.r.. Kt'.OM K.W.t.KJ. titn:VB l'ltOM. , I Halt ljik' , Iionver, H. Wotlh, Or.ialiii, Knii , Ht citv, t. bailc Clilcnjio mid Knit. l't Mill :-:m in NOTICE FOH PUBLICATION. Uvkd OrriCE at The Dallks. Oitnoo.v,( April 30, 1'JOU. i Notice ts hereby given that the following named settler hns tiled notice of his intention to mne llnal proof in support of his cIhImi, iin.t that said proof will be made before the llegisUr mid Hecelver nt The Dalles, Oregon, on Satur day, June'.', JKW, viz: Henry Keailel, of The Dalles, Or., Homestead Kntrv No. 4710, for tho SK4 section U, townshtp 1 north, range 12 east, W. M. He names tne following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of sid land, viz: Henry I.ueblnp. Gcorsre Arnold, Charlie W. Adams, Michael Doyle, all of 1 he Dalles, Or. inaj2-l JAY l LUCAS, Itcgtster. TIMBER CULTURE FINAL PIJOOF. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I'. S. Land Office, Vancouveu, Wash.,) April a, ivoo. i Notice ! heicby clvcn that Mary K. fielh.itis, oy ii. it. Mc;;iiniii, ner attorney in tact, nas met! Hrokano Slall nnd Lxpros 1U:I0 p. in. S p. m. 8 p. m. Kx.suuday Satiinlay 10 p. m. j tn. m. Kx.biuiday a. in, Tnei..Thiir. and Snt. Walla Wnllii, fpokane, MtnueiUMills. St. I'atil, till 111 t h, .Mlhwiiikii.', Clilrnco and Kast, via Hrokaiioiikd 1 1 u tit I n ir- tim; iuo llll IK1III. in nililiiKton Hint Kust em OiCK'iu. KlIOM l'01-.Tt.At!I. Oeeaii Hleamships. For San Francisco Aptll'J", May.', 7,12, (,'ohimhiii Uv, Hteainem. To AsTiiiUA and Way Uindliig,. HiMikaiiu Mall mid I!xpte. t:CO n. in I p. in. I p. m. Kx.Huuilnj WltLAUETTK HlVKK. llSO p. m. Orcsou City, Newliers, Hx.tutiduj S-alcm A Way Iind'n. WtLLAMtTTr. ANII V.M- ZlOO tl. III. It 111, IttVKttH. 'Moil., wed Orejion City, Dayton, mid Frl. and Vi'ayUindliK!. . Ca. m. Will.vmf.ttf. lttvan. 1:3) p. in. TucThnr, I'ortimid to Corviillls, Mon. Wnl and Snt. and Way-liudliiRS. and Fitdny I.v Uipatfa lialiy l.'.Ma. in. SNAKK IttVKK, Uiparla to Uiwlntou. I l.KAVK I.KWI.STO.V , daily bM II. III. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. (Isolated Tract.) Public Land Sale. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, i May y, 1HO. i Notice Is hereby slven that in pu' of itisttuctlotis from tneeommiioiterof the cen eral land otiicc, under autliorltj vesttd In him by section 31V, V. a. Itev. Stat., as amemhil hy tlie act ot conutvis approved February W, IhO-i, we will otocteil to otler at nublic alo on iatur- day, tlw Kth d.iy of June, next, nt the hour of P)o"elock a. m. at thlsotlice, Ihe following tract of land, to-wlt: shM Mi, section 20, township 1 north, ratine 11 east, W. M. Any and nil persons claiming adverselv tho above described lauiU are udvlttd to tile their claims in tht. office on or be'ore the day above d siRiiated for the commencement of ald sale, otherwise their riuiits will be furieltcL JAY I'. LUCAS, liuister, mayl.' ii OTIS I'ATTMtSON, Iteccivcr. prices. Clark A Falk's drug Ftcck is fresh and complete. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Isolated Tract ) Public Land Sale. Experience is the best Teacher. Use Acker's English I'emedy in any case of coughs, cold or croup. Should it fail to give immediate relief money refunded. 25 cts. and 50 ct6. Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. Win. Orr, Newark, O., save, "We never feel fafe without One Minute Cough Cure in the liauso. It saved mv little boy's life, when he had the pueti i mania. We think it is the best medicine made." It cures coughs ami all lung diseases. Pleasant to take harmless and gives immediate results. rnrlles ite.Mrins to io to Ilcppiter or I points on Columbia Southern via IIIkvs, ulioiild new ! take No. leaving; 'lhe Dalles at fi:IO p. in. makiUK direct (,oiiiie',tioiis at Ilepplier Junction ami Dliats, lietiiriilii!; niakluRilirvctcoiiiiectlon at Heppner jinietlon mid IIIiiks with No. rlvt'i at The Dalles at U:U)p. tn. For full particulars call on O, U. & N. Co.' nRuntThe Dulles, or address W. II. HUIlLlltMlT, (ion l'u. Aut rorlhinil, Or, I.ind OrncE at The Dalles, Oueoon Apr. 10, Woo. ( Notice Is hereby clvcn that in t.uiMiiinre nt IntiucttoiiH fiom tne commissioner of the sen- eral land ollice, under authoiity vesteil In him by ttctlon 'Jl.O I . s. Ilev. .-:tm., ns anicniltd liv the act of coturress annrovcl February vi. lv.i.j. we will DtiKCdl to olTer at taibllc sale on Mon day, the -.'-ith day of Ma next, at tho hour of K)o'cl(k, . m., nt this ollli-e, the followii.'' tract of Nnd, t"-wit: awii :;k4 !-c. 2-.,t. i n. it. i i:., w. m. rnv anil ait t;r,oiis claimitit; the nbovr liescribcil iatWn are odvUeii to llle th ir I salve, claims in IhU office on or before the dav r.bovv I desfiriintetl for theeoiiimenconicnt of sa'id iile , "" otherwi-e their tiJlits will boforfelt.'d. JAY I. LUCA9, Itehter, aprlS I OTIS I'ATrKItSON, Iteeelver For Sale. A becond-hand ten-foot Randolph header, in fair condition. Will be sold cheap. Enquire of Ai.kx. MoLkod, mnyll-lmw The Dalles. KtfKs For Hale. Full blooded., barred Plymouth Rock ejgs, per eetiing $1 .00 and $1.50. For particulars call on or address, t?ANIIi:i!S Bitos. Box G47. Tho Dalles, Or. To secure the oiiginal witch hazel ! a4: fir DWitt's Wilch H izel ! Yellowstone Park Line. II IK DINING CAIt ItOl'TF. FItOM I'OKTI.AND TO Tin; LAST. TIIF. ONLY DlUKCT LINK TOTIIK YKI.LOW- HIONK I'AliK tn vvi:. i Union Depot, Filtna&iiisis Kodol Dyspepsia Cure., Digests what you eat. ! ItnrtlflninllOrlifrnatuMin fnnlnn t.lAn ' -. i w . .,,v- "",,-1 w,., , , - -v..v u,nv.iwiiviuuuuuuillUII Homestead Kntry No. irM, tor the N1-, N'vji J-aiuru in sireiifjtiieuing and recon ction vj, townthipi north, range 1 1 eatt, Will, structlng tlio exhausted digestive or- 1 He names the following- v,itnc4ics to prove hh. f5?9'n f?tt!f-h0 Ia4CSt t'SC0Ve'C,l "KCSt- coiitinuouii resiccnce uixm ami cultivation of am anu tonic, sso other preparation aid land, viz f can approach It in efllciency. It In-1 James Ilenfon, Jr., James Jlcmon, ht., l'cter atanttv rollovM and normnnonHon,ira. (iodftcy, 1mm Houiand, all of Thu Dalles, Or. nnnnal?. Tn ?i P?rniun1gDty Cre3 No. 'J. 1 Fast mall for Tiieomn, : Pent tie, Olympla, (iray'h i Ilaihor mill Himth llemi lioniU, hpokalie, lto.s-' ,1111111, II. (.',, I'nllmaii, , Jloscow, Ix-ulilon, llnf 11:15 A. M. falolIiimptninliiK coun try, Helena, .Mlnnc.itio lls, Ht, l'aul, Omaha, KaiiMii Clly, Kl. Ixniii, iChieaKO and all oiiith No 1. eat and Koulheant. i I'liicet Hon ml K.xpresi 11. U) 1'. JI. for Taeoina and hwttlu , ami niterineillatu potuth ; No. I ;5e 1". JI. No. ;i, 7;W A JI. I NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION. OrncK nt Tub Dalle.-, Out;., ( April :,l'.i. I Notice In hereby clven that the foIiuwIiiK n.irneit setticr ha tiled notice of his Intention to nuke tlnal proof in mpjrfirt of his clnim, and that nid i.roof will be made before the lieglstcr ami Itecciver at The Dallen, Oregon, on hater day, June lij, UXO.viz: Wilnn J. Jeirer?, of The Dalles, Or, I I'll 1 man flrst-eluM! and tonriit xlceK-rx lo i .Viniieap.jlh.Ht. I'aitland Jlissourl liver points ' ulthout I'haiiite. Ventlbulvd traim. Union depot connection , in an principal emu'. i ItiiKtrane checkcil lodestliiiitlriii of tlekehi, I ' l or handsomely lllii.iiiateildetetlptiveiiiattcr. I tickets, sleepiiij; ear reservations, etc., call on or write ' A. D. CHARLTON, SOUTH and EAST via 1 at 1 I: t f f i i' at ; 31 i : I 31 f f IS fa asaw Tho ; Dallas, l The Chronicle, Job Printers. h $ i .oo per month. Strictly II ret class local and lonu dixlaticn telephone service within your lioine. Lines do not Your con verfittiou will he kept n secret. No cunt for installing. You u'et the Htaudaril Ilunning L'iii DiHtnnt Instrument. Continuous tiny mid nlttht urvicn. We will necept your contract for ten yeitrs and allow you to cancel Hiine on Kivinc ub thirty days writ ten notice, PACIFIC STATES TELEPHONE 00B. Sou Ira Pacific Co lii Wheels i and Motors JIANUKACTUIIKD rnaj'j-I JAY V. LUCAS, liesUtcr. CONTEST NOTICE, Department or tiik I.nteiiiok, i L'.SlTKh STATKN LAND OK;!, ' Tins Dallki, Oil, Jlny 15, IV.) A tiifllcleut contest ufliduvlt havliiK been filed in this ollice by (ins S. Alexander, contestant, avainut homestead entry No. S7J7, male Jlay II 1WC, forv.?J.s oi nwJi, ice. C, tp. 1 n, rani?o l.'ie, by John T. Wrlaht, conteMee, In which It Is nl Icift'd that mid John T, Wrlcht has wholly abandoned said tract, and changed his residence therefrom for more than six rnoiilhs tlnce rnak iiu said entry, nnd next prior to date: and that thu absence of defendant fiom said tract Is noc due to his emplormcnt In tho military or naval service of the United Htates, mid parties are hereby iiolllltil to appear, resond and oiler evidence touching said allegation at 10 o'clock a. in. on June 20. 1, before tho Iteghlcr and Iteeelver at the I'nlted States land ollice in Tho Dalles, Oregon, The Mild conteita nt hnvin', hi u proper ufliila vlt, lileil May J5, IM). tetforth facts which show Dy.SneD.SUl. Indilefitlon. TTonrfhiirn Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, SlckIIeatlaclie,Gastralgla,Cramps,and another results of imperfectdlKestlon. Preoartd by E. C. OeWItt A Co., Chlcoao- neilt new natioii. conceived in llhertv ,'".,.t luedlllfceiico jisonal fcrvlceof this i iioticocan no; no maoe, u u nercny ordered ami umt ih-iiicateil to the proposition that dlticted that such nollco be ulveu hy due and pit'l'vi Jiuuiivaiivil, iill men are created free anil equal. Ni.w, are erniayed in h fjreal civil war, tvHtiin; "hether that nation, or run miiiin i-o conceived and dedicated, cin Imit! iiidure. We are met on a yreni ttnittHflfld of that war. We have iiie m detlicatii a portion of that field Hc u linul rt'hiintr place for those who l i it tfvH their liven that ttiat nation miv'ht live. It la altogether filling mid that we should do this. But, in ler UHiige, wo cannot dedicate, we emmiit consecrate, we cannot hallow lii ground. The hrave men, living nl rfimd, who Bl rubied here have con xaA it, far a hove our power to add or d.'tract. Th- world will little note, nor lone re Ifi-I JAY I'. LUCAS, liealster. NOTICE FOK I'URMGATIOX. Uwu Orrice at Vancoiivii, Wash,,! I Notice is hereby given that tho following named tcttltr has tiled notice of his Inten tion to miiLo filial proof In supjxji t of his claim, nnd that mid proof will bo muilo before W, II. I'rethy, 1'iillvl Htatos Coinmlmloner for DUtiiet of Ua.hlngton, at his o'JIcu In (ioldcn dule, Wah on I'llday, JuiioiW, 1'jOf), vl.: Dei t rich II. HteKinaii, dovieeo of Dietrich Htetfinan, deceased ; Ilomeitead Kntry No. MIC, for tho oulliejt !( of section VI, township :i north of range 11 east, Will. Mer. He names tho following witncssiN to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation 0f said land, viz: Manuel H. Leonardo, of (Iraiid Dalles 1'. O.. With,; Herman Kngelke, William Wilkinson, of vllle !'. (J.. Wash., and William Crawford, GUNKS ONE FOR A DOSE. nra'iro PlmplM. I'fMcnt (' l.'L n '"i"' ' ""frlJiuUlood, Mir" Uvulae ho and fp pmV PILLS vuliiiriviliu i . 17., iasii.,uiiu of Urmid Dalles V. 0 Wash. maj'Jl W. It. UUNIIAK, Keghtcr. Jjlt. V.. K. V KltfiDNfl.V, I'liysicittn unci Surgeon, Ollice, Vogt Hlocfc (over l'olo!!lee), iOaplmo dw TIIK MALM'S, OlthtiON. T. BROWN HILL, JUSTIOK OF THIS I'ISAOE. Notary I'milic, Collectioiia promptly attended to. Money to loan. O. JS. iiayard'n of fice, Thu DalleB, Oregon. Ailiiillilslrntor's HmIii of KchI I'rojierty Notice Is hereby given that from and after tho ninth day of June, IV0), 1 will proceed to sell nt pilvatussle, for cash, tho following described property belonging to thu estato of Patrick Drown, deceased, to-wlt: Uils A, 11, 0, D, h', K, O, II, I, J, K and L, III block W of tort Dalles Military reservation, In Oregon. tor Information lininlre at once of fiiiuiott & Hliinott, Mated at Dulles City this 10th dav of Mar, 1W. DKMA C. IlitOWK, Administratrix of tho estate of Patrick Drown, deceased. in Shasta Route Trains leave The Dalles for Portland and way stations at l;i'i a. m, nnd ,'i p, m. U-avo Portland 8::J)a in " Albany l'JiSOum Arrive Ashland " Hacraiiu'iito " Han Krauclsco , M::u n m r;i)i in . 7:l.'i p m Arrive Ogdoi " Denver " Kansas City " Chicago . . , fill's ii rn uaio a in 7:25 a m 7:l,')ii in Arrive lis Angeles " Kl I'hui " Kort Worth. .. " City of Mexico . " Houston. " New Orleans . " Washington " New York...... I :'."0 p m i:U) p m .. firwi a m ... yiMiiin .. l:oo it tn . Hii'iii m . .. riM'in m ...12: tip in 7:00 p m 10:W p in lli.'M) a m I ;,'l' a in lift it tn 11:1111 m 'J;(la in 7:'i"i n in 'J::wn in 7:00 u m p in !;) it in 'J:.Vi n in l:oo n in i:2S p in (i'l'.'iiin l'." l,l p in Pallinici and Tourist cars on both trains. Chair ears Bucrumeiito to Ogden mid Kl Paso and loiiilst curs to Chicago, Ht Louis, New Or leans and Washington, Connecting at Kan Kranclsco with several r-i numii onierieii, f-ee agent at Tho Dulles station, or udilnss C H. MARKHAM, Oeueral Passenger Agent, Portland, Or AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL 00 SUITABLE FOR DRIVING GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, ELEVATORS, PRINTING PRESSES, ETC ClrciilnrH mid particular!) furnished on application. P. S. GUNNING, Agent. un20 THIS DALLKS, OREGON ITUIKD. W. WIIJiON. A'tTOKNKV.AT LAW, Oflioeovei First Nat. llViiiV. ' w,"!,,,", 8ubcribe for The Chronicle, C. J. STUBLING Wholesale and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agen'rthe Greate Amerioan Liquor Yellowstone WHTftVT.Y frrim 2 7A in in m ....ii,... ffTTirTCtTtnvu nU. -. TT" " T"' !"" KHIIWlli -l IW Mir f w "TT i. IMPORTED OOGifAO 7.()0 to $19.00 per ilTo,u"Tn to Sf) yw "''irrr 0ALIF0RNIA BKAMDIIB Horn '!. 10 (I.U0 per gallon. ( 1 1 523 Sour Mash Whiskey. ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. and Vl BUts nnd Olympiu UcerlnW COLUMBIA BEER on draual.t, Iinjiorled Alu nnd I'ortor. JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS.