The Dalles Daily Chronicle. WEDNESDAY MAY S3, 1900 Republican Ticket. STATE OFFICERS- Jdftieo of tho Supreme Court C. Wolvcrton. Food and Vailey. Dnlrv Commissioner J. W. DISTRICT OFFICERS- A. Moody, of Congressman Malcolm Tlie Dalles. Joint Senators J. X. Williamson, of Crook ; T. U. Johnston, of Wasco; W. W. Steiwer, of Wheeler. Joint Kepiesentatives 1. S. Hoherts, of Waseo; R. A. Emniett, of Klamath ; George Miller, of Gilliam; Gcorpu CAttanarh, of Grant; Georpe A. Bar rett, of Grant; T. II. McGreer, of Wasco. "Wo nrrnign the republican party for its failure to enrry out its camrnign pledges to the people, nnd wo urge voters to nonricmn with their hnllots the inefficiency nwl incompotenej of an administration which has only succeeded in nsigrnvnting tho distress it was elected move. to alleviate and re- Calumbla Southern Warehouse. At Shauiko the Columbia Southern Railway Co. controls 80x100 feet of the Shunlko warehouse luiililini:, to lio used as n freight warehouse, through which they will receive and forward freight in the usual manner. The Impression that all business must ho dono through for- I warding houses is an erroneous one and A declaration of tiiis kind would j we take this means of dispullini: it. occupy the most conspicuous place I Fruinht received nnd html twenty-four hours will uo turned over to a lorwani- in the platform which will be adopt ed at Kansas "City in July if cir cumstances were radically different from what they are. Hut no such declaration will appear in that plat form, or in any other democratic platform adopted this year, for obvi ous teasons. District Attorney The Dalles. -Frank Menefee, of COUNTY TICKET. . S. Blowerp, of Hood A. Kirchheiner, of County Judge liiver. Commissioner P. Antelope. Sheriff Robert Kelly, of The Dalles. Clerk A. E. Lake, of Wamie. Treasurer C. L. rhillips, of The Dalles. Assessor C. L. Schmidt, of The Dalles. Snperintendent of Schools C. L. Gil bert, of The Dalles. Surveyor J. R.Goit, ol The Dalles. Coroner W. H. Butts, of The Dalles. For Justice of the Peace of The Dalles Timothy Brownhill. Constable Frank Hill, of The Dalles. Voters of Lake county, says the Lnkeview Examiner, should remem ber when they go to the polls on the lth of .Tune that a vote for lion. J. N. Williamson for R. A. Emtnttt, A T. H. McGreer for joint representa tives means a vote for sound money and prosperity. It means a vote for n united atates senator wno win ing house subject to the order of the consignee. The rate on wool in sucks or in bales from Sltaniko to The Dalles is 25 cents per 100 pounds. For rules, or other information call on or address O. E. Lyti.e, G. F. c P. A., or Geo. F. Ross, Ascent, Shaniko, Or. HMARKABLE IlECOUU OF OF FICE SEEKING. (ilorloiiK Mew. Comes from Dr. D. V. Cingile, of Washita, I. T. He writes: "Four bottles of Electric BitterB has cured Mrs. llrower of scrofula, which had joint senator, caused her great suffering for years. D Roberts and terrible sores would break out on her iiead and face, nnd thu nest doctors could give no help; but her euro is com plete aud her health is excellent." This shows what thousands have proved, thai Electric Bitters is the best blood UI.I.VM k- V V V, O .....j vote for all the principles that go to I P"r,1,L,r known- 11 s "'M'ruinu , , remedy for eczema, tetter, salt rheum, subserve the best interests of the boilg tm(, gQres ,t nation, and for continued and in-1 stimulates liver, kidneys and bowels, creased prosperity. A vote for the exnels poisons, helps digestion and fusion candidates for the state ollices 1 builds up the strength. Only 50 cunts. means a vote for a United States ; Sold b-v I51aliul,'-V Honghton.DruggUts. ... .... Guaranteed. 4 senator who vill do all m his power to reduce this country to the panic of the early nineties, through all tho NdSQI years of democratic rule and distress; it means n voir fur free silver and -,, . ,. . , In all lH etudes there Tirynnism, p ny, distress and na- J ,houlJ cicauuuess. national o . may. Lake county's j Ely's Cream Halm people wain no change from the i cicanjM,ootUcianilhcais 11 i the uiacaeil membrane. nreseilt CulHlnlOIlS. OtC for ill i Itcurcscatarrhamlilrivcs Complete of Dms at M. Z. DONNELL, THEaDRUCCIST. CATARRH iamson for joint senator, Emmitt, Roberts nnd McGreer for joint rep- i -. i . - . . Our esteemed contemnorarv svs Jou vulu lur I'" Thu Chkoxicli: has "hurled" an j Pcrit' 11,1,1 Soort government, and . t . . 1 .1 i5n,;r.-wi ;.,.. r.,.in nntf iKainsi irue suver, ireu irauc nun ....... c ... n "because it said, among other things, ! j, j I L. Lane, (iKNKKAl. REGULATOR LINE. DALLES, PORTLAND k ASTORIA NAY. filiMPiuv ' ' UJ 1 3 HtcniiictH of tilt. UcKiiliitc.r Line will rim nv ,.r n,..,., 5 M'lmliile, thu Compuiiy iwurvlair thu tIkIU u, ci,n rlicilulu without notice. 'niio Str. RiiRUlntor. DOWN. I.v. Kill Ion it S A. M. 'l'ui'ilay TIhiimIiiv .. . Hulimliiy. Arr. I'lirtlilllit , ill fi I'. U. nr. I.v, t'orll.iiul III 7 A. M. Moiiiliiy WiitneiiHy h'tlilny Arr. Diillt'ti nl6::i r. . Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. A Ht 7iU) . y 3 7'iit-Mlajr S Miilillilny 8 Arr iint',g ntli.SOp. H.N FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, I Tmvel by the Htenmorx of the KcKiiUMr Line. Thji Ciimpuiiy will imlinvnr to kIvu itt mi. ft Mii.iutu. rut iiiiiiiiti iiiiiKuiiiiiiiii iKiiirun Str. Dnllon city. DOWN I.v. I).lt Ht H A. hi Mimility Wfiliu-mliiy I'rlilny... . Arr. I'nrtliiiiil at ft r. h. riniK the lnt tfi vim l , riirthiiul Olllcc, Ouk-Htrivt Ihwk W. C. ALLAWAY, Con. Ant. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-lrnown Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer cer. BlacKSiDiln ..AND. Horseshoe away a cold iu tho head quickly. Cream Balm Is placed Into tho nostrils, spreads oTcr the membrane and la absorbed. Hellcf lu im mediate and a cure follows. It Is not drying doea not produce encczln;. Ijre Size, 50 cents at Drug gist or by mall; Trial Size, 10 cents by mall. IUV KWTUEllS, 50 Varrcii Street, New York. Wagon nnd Carriage Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. 8 TliWM Mm Piiouc;i59 E t,-rltf i v i Ti.rj,rTEu.r,Ti.TJXLTii uxjd "eneral ruin. It is important in this i that the judge was more optimistic j campaign to vote for the men who about his election than his political ataml for thc principles that advocate J?OT & NlCe suit oi uiotnes. history wmiltl iustifv. There is a iiomelv proverb that savs: "The sin , P00!''0- of a lie is the pinching of it." If Tiir.!an Chkokici.k has sinned against the judge it has sinned by being too frugal of the truth. Let us now give the full record with a full bill of particulars so that it can be seen at a glance how far the judge's past success at the polls warrants him in hoping for success at the coming election. Let the TimesTMountain eer revise or amend this record if it dare: We cannot afford to elect but safe men to the United States senate. Panting, Overcoatin-or Fancy Ve.tlii(r. There is not a man on the icpub lican ticket who is not the peer of his opponent on the fusion ticket. Why then should a republican scintch j his ticket in k favor of a demopopu-j list? What do we owe to demo- I populism anyhow? Did not the very dread of it give us four of the most1 wretched years in American history i and cause a loss to the American : peopic in wages nnd values of prop erty greater than was incurred in all i the wars the country has been en-, j Hfc Kindly rail und examine my uti'Ck of im ported und I) it-eitlo ookns. A tin.- stock to In 1884 '.lefeateil for circuit judge. In 1680 defeated for the legislature. In 1890 defeated for the legislature. Jn 18U defeated for enpruine judge. ; In 1894 defeated for supreme judge. j sn JBWO debated tor conurese. pnpi in sinnn tlir hnttln nf l.ovinf- , select from In 1890 to date, defeated for U S sennte I : Suits made from the lowest prices to the high In J900 candinte for state senate ? ? ? ton to this hour? lo say that an wt grade. Thus in nine consecutive biennial ( individual candidate is a good n'an, j elections .Judge uennelt uas been a. is no excuse. io good man nas any candidate in seven. In six of tliesc business to lie connected witii an i contests he has been defeated and I aggregation of political imbeciles the seventh defeat is as sure to come J that nearly ruined the country fiom J. A. Eberle Fine Tailoring. 'I II K 1A r.L.K-i IIIIIUiON. as the sun is to rise tomorrow. Tin; Chkoxicli: will not say that this record of ui.successftil ollice seeking is without a parallel, but it believes it is, and if anyone can show anything to equal it Tin: Cintoxioi.K will be olnd to hoar nf it. Thc trouble with thc judge is that lie is always going to be elected till thc ballots are counted. Then he's not in it. 1892 to 189C nnd would ruin it again. The memory of these days has been burned into some of us too deep to be easily forgotten. I'LATFOllil FOlt CALAJITYJTES. The democratic party, in national convention assembled, would bo de lighted to adopt the following, or something similar, as a part ot lis platform if it could do so without making itself ndicu'.ou?, says the Kansas City Journal : Wiliam McKinley was elecled president upon the pledge that ho would restore confidence and revive business und industry, 'llils was the promise of the republican plat form and thc promise made by re publican orators on the stump in every state of the union. Yet today, after tin to years of the McKinley administration, the country is still in dire distress, business is paralyzed, industrial plants arn standing idle, labor seeks in vain for employment, famine stalks abroad in the land. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION7. I. itl Offick at Va.ncouvki:. Wash , May 1", ItM). j Notice Is hereby kIvcp tluit llio fullovviiiK niimed settler has tiled notice of Ills Intention to make tiiml proof in tupnort of liN claim, mid that mid proof will be nmde before W. it. I'reshv, United States t.'niiimlMloner, at doldendnle, on July o, 1'XO, vl.; Anuliel K. Olliir, who ramie if. K. No. 'JVtf, for the fraction Wis HW'A, Sec KO, T,i :i X, it 13 K, mid M'.,i of SKW, See V?j, Tp J, X K 12 K, W. il. II.. num... r..ll.....l.. I ... ..... One Minate Coii(.'li Cure. I would not j coniliinoiis residence upon, and cnlilvaiion of feel safe without it." Quickly cures j '''''uthers-. chxhi V.. Kr.uuen. Will conglif?, colds, ttrlppo ami all throat and . '.'"n 'f''er, John Knre, all of l.iio l o ..ciiAs, mu- Butehefs and Farmers ..Exchange.. KeepK on ilnuiK'lit the celebrnted t:()L-'.MIIIA IlKKIl, iicUnnw; the best beer 111 The Diilk-B, at the usimi jirice. t'omc in, try It nnd be (otivinced. Alto the Fluent tiriinil of Wines), I.l juor nnd Cik'nrs. Sandrjuiches of nil Kinds iiIwhjh on hnnd. Mrs. Harriet Evans, fiinedule, 111., writes, "I never fail to relieve my children from croup at onco by tisinu ItinLfiiiauaseB. Lewis Ackerinan, Goshen, Ind., says, "DeWitt'a Little Early Risers always bring certain relief, cure my licudacho and never grille." Tiiey yently cleanse and invigorate the boweln and liver. ninjii-l It. DL'NISAIt, Itetjlster. NOTICE FOR I'UIiLICATION. OrriCK AT VANtOUVKIt, 'lhJ .Mny il, l wo, ( Notice is hetcbv irlven Unit Dm fnllmvli,,. ! iKincd kcttler bus nleil notice oi his Intention ; to miike dual proof in support of hit ebilm, mnl Unit sld proof will be ninife Ijeforo W. II I'rciby, I I'liltid htntc Comniih.iner for Dl.lrlct of I uathliiKtoii, lit hi olllcc in (ioldcndnlv, Wimti,, Frank BHiiiiony, jiihouv, r.0, Viz: C. F. Stephens .Donlor In... Dry Goods, Clothing, Cents' Furnishings. Hoots, Shoes. IfiitK, ('iijih, Xotlons. Ant. ,for V. I.. noiiKliiN Shoe. Telephone Xo. Si. 131 hecond Ht., The Dalles, Or, Just What You uaant. elate as soon as posbible, all debts due I JiU continuous residence upon und eiiltivntlon thu linn must be paid immediately. All having clilma ayalnn tho firm will please preieut them at the market for payment. CintiHMAN liiioritunH. Notice. Owing to the retirement of f i. . i .i i, , u.iriamun iro.u ujo linn oi uiineman ; Honic-tmiiI entrr, No fttfj, for the SWW of Boo llros., and hU intention to leave the j '' ' ! 3, N of K ni i:, v. il. iu iiiuiies i mi iomiivviiu nncoCK to prove of tulil binil. vl: John O. MoIjoiiiiIiI, of I'. 0 Wmli: Wendellii ftU, (iolilenmile I', ).,,; Julm C. Ileiry, Ifiiitlnnd I'. O.Miuh.i TIiiiiiihk r. Drlppx, ilnrtliiiiil 1'. ()., Wiish. nmjai 1 V. It. lilJNIIAIi, HenUtcr. ADMIXISTHA lOIt'S NOTICE. Notice H Jieieby elveii that the iinderslKneil. by hii order of the Couiilv Court of llm nlule of Orejon tor Wusco County, link Unii upp l" ted udinlnlitrutor of thu estnto of Helen liruilford, ileceiuci. All iieisoim Imvinic cliiliu iikiiIiisi thoenUteof uld ilcceiixil nre. in 1 1 lied to pro. sent lli'in, Willi tho proper vouclieiw, to me at Ifooil Itlver. OreKon, wltlilii six mouths from tho on te of this notice. IMUd iliiy IS, ivoo. , I'OTNAM K. IIIIAIiKOHl), Adinlnlttrator of the K uUi of Helen lirud font, Peceaked. io i ' Uaili In Vuiir ClicoM. AM ccuutv warrants regintered prior lo June 3, 1890, will bo paid at my office. Interest ceases after February. 2, 1100. C. L. P1111.MP8, Conntv Treasurer. Clarke & Fulk have received a carload of the celebrated James E. I'atton atiictly pure liquid paints fC y1 We Put... fvory bit of hvonty yours experience and drug knowledge with every Prescription that's compounded here. Is it any reason why our prescription business is increasing so rapidly? Ask your physician if we are reliable. BLRKELEY & HUUGHTOH. .Reliable Proscriplionists F. s. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in! Blacksmith Supplies. Cor Second & Languid. 'Phone 157 ! Important Announcement to you. For III) (lnyB after April lnt, I will mill nil the Dry domic, (Jlothiiiu UootH mill hliouH, lloaiory, Hlnnketi!, IIiiIr nnd OiipH, on u cut iu price of 25 per cent, for Cash. Now Ih your opportunity to L'ut har UiiiiiH, Don't iiiIhh it. S. L. BEOOKS, KucccHsor to K. .1. CoIUhh & Co. C. S. Smith, Tin: Up-to-date Qroeer Freeh Kircn mnl Crenmcy Hutli-r n Hprcinlty. 2d Street. J. H. HCIIKNK, I'renlilenl, 'Phone 270. il. M. IIS4I.7 Cihlei First national Bank, ' THE DALLES OfiEGON A General Hanking IlufiiueKB trunaacttd DojiOBitB received, Biihjiict to Sifht j Dralt or Ulieuk. Collectioiifl made and proi-umlt! pri)iiiitlj I remitted on dav of liollmHiou. Hi(ht and Telegraphic ICxuliancu sold c New York, Ran JFrauciucu unJ "ort laud. DIHKOTOKS I). P. TllOMI'HON. Jno. P. Hciimcc, ' Ku. M. WlI.I.IAMH, Oko. A. LliSBK. I H M. IlKAI.I.. French & ca, BANKERS. TKANHAOTA KNKIlAI.IIANKI.Nd IIUblNEJ letter of Orttdit iBBiied uvailnhlu in the EnHtnrn Htntcn. Kiifht Exchanee and Teleisrnphit TraiiHfura Bold on New York, Chicago, 8t. LoniH, Han FranciHco, Portlonil Ore icon, Seattle Wash,, and various pointc in Orison and WaBhinuton. Collectioiifl made at all points on fT orahle toriiiB. tub GoiumDJa pacKiDg GoZ PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUKACTtmKHHOK Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON JRIKD BEEF. FTC. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE 1 25532 l B IK noun JCOIONS ConVlllQHTS C ......,,.,. .Lnirl, mnl .Ics. rll'llnn m nulcklr iisciirlnln oiir iiiiiiihiii i" linr Now ideas in Wall Papor here. Such ' wide variety aa wo are uhowliic never he-1 foro uraced a Hinicle Htock. l!iil imiia. I lion cieton eiructa at ordinary priueH. ! Good papotH at cheat, paper prices. ' Elegant iIhmkiih, tastufni eoloriiiKB, yonro ' for a Hiuall price, at our store on Third 1 atreet. Also a full line of house imintH. ,' D. W. VAUSE, Third St. 8TURDEVANT, Dentist. OHIcs over French 4 Co.1 IIhiiIc nj0lB ' 'll(K)Al.l.KS,OHKaON OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. The CLARENDON HESTAUHAflT And CAFE. J. B. Oroaaen & Oo Props. 87 Seoond Street i..vjnii.rii;r ' rr.,n. ( i.iriiiii'y fur m-riiliiiKJ -""..iVu iHkini lliriiuiili .Mill'" !," iptcM ollc, wltlumt clinrn, Hi liw Scicntiflc mmtto. II H HUNTINOTON H H Wj,(,0ti HUNTINGTON di WIWON, A'ilOKNKYK AT LA.W, - O lice over Klr.tN.t. ffi WAU'KM' 0iUU lightens the load nliorlcn j tho road. faelpa the team. Saves wear J vxiiciimv. ovw'"r TANDARO Oil- CO.