m mi Do You Cough? " I rucss I ncd to ho like everybody else. "When 1 cauRhtcolil.lJustlctltalone, think- ingittrotiUl ciiriMt.-olfin a few days; orctiursotho coil; hi n k iiinl spilling of mucus ponietitues lasted ?pv ;ml weeks, . . i n while the(T,3l i f ii Ii I r ,ri ivtmm sul biilc. I al ways no ticed how ever, that each coltl was worse tlinn thoonebefore. My throat seemed to pet weaker, ami the least change in the weather started the coupliing turaln. Tlie last coltl was the most severe of nil. I was really frightened. Cough drops ntui home treatment did no pood. A friend told me about Acker's English llcnudy. I pot a bottle, and you never saw the like of the way it acted. Hefore thcbottle was gone I was well. 3Iy throat felt as strong and well as could be. Bince then I have had no more trouble. I think Acker's English Kemcdy so strengthens the delicate lining of the throat that it easily resist the changes in tempera turc,auditbiiildsupthcconstitutionaswell." (Signed) Camue Schwab, 2j1 Gold St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Bold atCoc., 50c. and $1 a bottle, throughout the United States and Canada ; and in Eng land, at Is. 2d.. 2s. 3d., 4s. Gd. If you arc not satisfied after buying, return the bottle t your druggist, and get your money back, ny authorize Vie above guarantee. W. 11. HOOKER A CO., Proprietor, Sew l'ork. FOR S.YM2 11Y Blakeley & Houghton. 'I?r09ile5peial5 It's Our Business To dispense health-giving prescrip tions in the proper way. it's a business we have not learned in a day, but after years of persistent work and careful study. We use pure drug3 and charge an honest price. Clarke & Falk. "Plutot mort qu'aveugle" comrades of the G. A. R. are requested GOING EAST to report at post nan. aifiiiiwrs ol the lf V01, inU,ntl ,0 ,kl, R Km flgk post will assemble at post hall nt 7:30 your ,ck(ll Bjrent to route von via The p. m. and march to the M. K church, Great Wabash, a modern and up to-d.ito t where Hon. IJ S. Huntington will de-1 rHroad In every particular. liver the memorial address. The W. K. I Through trains from Clurno.0, IC-unum! C , Company I), 0. N. G and nil clti-1 City( Omaha or St. Louis to New York T IW ttm ft.IPl 1 1 II 1 1 ltititaifl tr Ink lir.tamit Special Invitation Is extended to nil fx-'oldiers, sailore and innrlniH of the late civil and Spnni-h-Anu-rlc in war to j tin the G. A. It. in all the exercises of the day. 1$ command, li. L. Aiken, l'.)?t ComMr. Otlicial: C. H. Ilitowx, Post Adjt. "GLENCOE M ODDER." Tlie Soul lliirruwltii: un' Tbnt llim Ileeti Ili-Ntiiwi'il mi an ittlltteky KiikIIhIi I ii fan I, and New England Hiinl.". All trailing run via Niagara Falls and every through train has free reclining chair care, sleep ing and dining earn. Stop over allowed on all tlcketfe at Ni agara Falls. Ko.ti C. Clink, Pacific Coast I'.ish. Aut Los Ani-eles, Calif. C. S. Ciiank, O. 1 A., St. bulls, Mo. eaaasMNta DM'AIIT rim TIMK M'UKIIIILIE. KltOM IIALI.KS. ! Amuvic l'liOM. Means, -'Kather dead than blind" blindness in most cases is the result of a I neglected trivial illness of the eye. Many ft person now blind could enjoy good I tiyeeiuht had it not been that the eye were neglected when the first sign of disease appeared. Cataract and Glau coma, two of the mostdanuerousdieen-ee, are in most casf? due to negligence in tlie care of the eyes. Theo. H. Liebe, of the firm of J. i. Ail cox & Co., is a Uradnate of the IVoria Optical College, and the Bradley Polytechnic Institute, fie will correct and diagnose all errors ol refraction. Eyes examined free. J. E. Adcox & Co., Jiwelere. One of the effects of the present war in South Africa ia to he found in the registers of births in tlie several dis tricts of home ery peculiar names, m-ism;; out of tlie Transvaal campaign, hnving; been bestowed by patriotic but inconsiderate parents on their children. In a populous town in Lancashire, for instance, there is a lit tle boy rejoicing in the. uncommon name of "MnfeKing." friven hint in honor of his uncle, who formed one of the garrison of that town under Col. linden-Powell, while in one or two in stances the mime "Volunteer" has been given to children as evidence of the intense interest which has been tnken in the departure of the "eituen sol diers" to the front. The unities of several of the lending engagements which have up to the present been fought figure prominent ly in these registers, such as "Clen eoe," a very popular name for a boy just now; "Dundee," "Eland" (the full name of "Elandslnngto" having appar ently proved too much of a mouthful), and "ltelmont," the last a favorite name for girls, while one boy living near Loudon will have cause in a few years' time to bentoan the hard fate which saddled him with the name of "(Men eoe Modder." With what must lie looked upon as a daring anticipation of events, a girl in North Loudon has just been registered as "Koberta Pre toria." Speaking of Pretoria reminds one that several children already bear that name, though so far no one has had the courage to name his offspring "liloemfontein;" "Kimberley," how over, has been utilized several times. MAKERS OF WILLS. I'lHil It Very Trotillt-ir to Umiv Uj the I'iiimtj. In llnvnrln mil I'ruaalit. Nntlro. NotifP is hereby given that there will bean annual meeting of the stockhold ers of the Golden Exglc Mining Com pany at the olllce of French A Co., bankers., on Thursday, May 111, 1900, at 7 o'clock p. in., for the purpose of elect ing seven directors and transacting euch other business as may properly come be fore said meeting. By order of the president. J. C. HosTKTi.Kit, Secy, ami Treas. Knvt Mall 1J:10 is in. Tlie DalleB, Apl. 27, 1000. a 'J. -td "I used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure in my family with wonderful results. It gives immediate relief, ia pleasant to take mid is truly the dyspeptic's best friend," says E. Hartgerink, Overiiel. Mich. Digests what you eat. Cannot fail to cure. Use Clarke & Falk's quinine hair tonic to keep dandruff from tlie head. Campbell & Wilson will sell their lino of millinery, trimmed and untrimmed hats, flowers and children's hate, at greatly reduced price!) for the next thirty days. Please call and get our prices. Clark A Falk'e drug Ptcek ia new fresh and complete. Si ok.iuo Mid I nnil UxptCili 10:10 Jtil S . in. 'alt Ijiltr, Denver. Ft.1 Worth, Oniatia, Kiill , mi city, Si. baits, Clilcnso unit Kst. Wnllii Walla. Hpokiinc, .MIIllK'MI'Olls. St. I'aul, iiu I a t Ii, .Milwaukee, Chicago unit hast, via Kpokauuiikil 1 1 ii it tin K lull; iiImmiII points In Washington and Kart ell! OrcKim. 8 p. ni. K.x.biuula)' Saturday 10 p. ni. (. n. m. Kx.bunilay FkOH t'UUTlAHl). Oeenii Steamships. Kor San l'rancl'Cii Aptll'-'T, May.', 7, 1'J. Columbia ltv. Hteamcra, To Astoiua and Way IjiiiiIIiirs. Wlt-LAUKITK UlVKll. OrcRon City, Nmvlri;, batcm v ttayijuum. Tat I Mill ' Vi.M p m I Bpokaiiu .Mall unit i:xpre. 1:00 a. m t p. in. 4 l. m. Kx.Siinitn) t:nop- m. Hx.uiuula; 7 b. Ill, tWlU.AMTTK anii Vam- 3:ao n. m. Tiies.Tliur.1 niu. ItiVKits. Moii.AVeil unit bat. urciroii City, Dayton,; unit Krl. anil Way-IjimlliiKa. , Ca. m. WlLLAMKTTr. lllVKlt. TiicTlmlt'ortlaiiil to Corvallls, ami Bat. ' ami Way-IjintlliiKs. l.v lllparln ilaiiy i l.'.'Ja. in. I SNAKK IttVKll. Itlpailu to livlstun. I:!W li. m. M on. Wid ami Friday I.KAVK 1.KW1STON ilaily Hl'JO n. 111. KIH-LK YIIU A I.I. KNOW. Governor from i-aleni. Mojdy arrived here to Jay :: live 1 here last night M. F. Bird from Viento. E C. fiai-jht, of Antelope, is rejis tere 1 at the Umatilla ilou'e. L D. Kelly and (i. A. Ward, of Wa pii.i'i.i, w-re in town last nifeht. Mrs. Hazel Cary registered at the UiiiMu . ti. ti-e Irom Piineville. N. Wliealdon was a passenger on the Ifgu uMir till:; morning for Hood Uiver. W HI II. Sen and wif i uto registered at t t- Umatilla II m from Warm Springe'. .folio M. Iioth, the well-known demo cratic war horse, is in the city from I-CintrsIt-y . Andy Baldwin wa' a nasseneer on the lieguiator this moriiiiig on a business trip to Portland. Murdock Mcleod, a prosperous Tygh .ti'iit" I... ill,-,, nas ill ,unu (dak lllllb and left for home this morning. Sire. M. Parkins went to Hood Kiver tod o v to attend the funeral of Miss Ida Foee, which took place this afternoon. John Michell was a passenger on the mid-day train for Astoria, where he goes fei attend a meeting of the grand lodge of Odd Fellows. Bavaria seems to have placed the most effective pitfalls and barbed wire entanglements in the path of the guileless maker of wills. In that country ff is imperative that the most simple will must be attested with all solemnity by seven separate witness es, who must be present at the same time; an.d their action must be sanc tioned nnil their signatinvs must be i nuinenticateii ny a pni.iie notary, j Prussia has al.so its special complica tions, miner uie rude of I' rtileriel; H That monarch, ilirstriwliug "ignorant notaries, or milliliters, or casual pei sons but little learned in matters of law," decided that only wili.-, made in I sole inn form before justices or jndgi 1 .should -be valid. To thi.M- expcrijii, particulars must be told, any in -i tions tiny choose to put must Ik- an swcieil, nnil they finally draw up tin document, rend it to the testator .mil ' append their signature. If it j pre ferred the will may lie drawn be fun hand and submitted to the judge ' who, after due iimuiries to satisfv themselves that all is right, will .nnc- i tion and confirm it. Experience is the best Teacher. Use Acker's English Remedy in any case of coughs, cold or croup. Should it fat! to give immediate relief money refunded. '25 cts. and 50 ctB. Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. Win. Orr, Newark, O., eaye, "We never feel fafe without One Minute Cough Cure in the house. It eaved my little boy'a life when he had the nneu nionia. We think it is the best medicine made." It cures coughs and all lung disease's. Pleasant to take hnrmlcss and gives immediate results. For Sale. A second-li:tnd ten-foot Randolph header, in fair condition. Will bo told cheap. Enquire of ma; 1 1-ltnw Ai.k.v. McLj:od, The Dalles. t'arllc.H tlt-smim to bo to Ilcntmer or Hints on Colnmlila Southern via HIkiis, shoiilil take .No. K-iivlin: 'lilt- Dalle;, at l':t1 n. in. makliiKillrect connections nt Ilcppner Junction anil Ilifrt. KuttirnliiK uiakiiiKiliriH3tcoiintx'tloii at Heppncr Junction anil IIIuks ulth No. 1, ar riving at 'Ihe Dalles at lJ:U)p. tn. For full jKirtlculars fall cm (). U. ,v, N. Co.'f acetit The Dalles, or Hillings W. II. UlJUMtUIlT, (ieii I'm,-.. Asl l'ortlaml. Or, SOUTH and EAST via Soumern Pacific Co Shasta Route Traitih leave The Dalles tor l'ortlami ami way tuitions at l.ii a. m. ami :i p. in. THE HOME WEDDING. Wlint to Do Wlieii tint .iiillnl CiM-e. nion- In Celelirateil lit 1 1 nine. I'rucruiii uf MsMioilal Service. HlKtUS W. Nesmith, Post, i No. u. A. K. yc Tin: I).i.iiKH, May 21, 1900. ) In compliance wiih memorial ordera from nitioiial and department head-qnarti-r.-, the members of J. W. Nes- uiith Post, No. 'i'l, will Assemble at pott hull on Sunday, May 27th, at 7:80 p. in. j aind march to the M. E. church, where j the mi-morial sermon will be delivered lir ltv. U. F. Hawk. The ladies of the 1 W It. C. nd Company D, O. N. G I ar-e requested to accompany the post on tnrely tiny music. j-or me nome weiiuuig tlie nousc i made bright with flowers. The moth er and Bisters of the bride receive the guests. The fathei first nppeurs when he enters the room with his daughter. Ah the hour strikes the clergviiinn takes his place, facing the uuinpiiny, followed hy tlie bridegroom and his best man, who stand at hla left, await ing the bride. Two ushers mark off an aisle wifTi broad white ribbons, at taching them nt the ends, anil they pre cede the rest of the bridal parly, who enter at the furthest corner of the room. The bridesmr.ld or maids follow the ushers, nnd the bride comes last with her father. Or, the ushers iiinj precede the best man nnd the one bridesmaid, nnd tlie bride nnd bride groom follow. At n hoiifec wedding iney oiten nnve no nt teniiuntii nnd At the conclusion thin occihIoh. On memorial day, MayliOth, (he mem tierH of the pott will Husemble at post Lull ut 1 o'clock p. in. The Indie of the W. Ii. 0,, Companv , O N. G., the D. 0. & A. C. band', and all citizens who desire to join in n "murium of their dedd, are .cordially invited to join the procession to march from the corner of Court and Second street at 2 p. in. to the U. A. R, ceme tery, where appropriate memorial ser vices will be observed. On returning from the cemetery the MMtbera of the O. N, G,, the band, and of the service the clergyman coiigrutu lutes the bride and bridegroom nnd I then retires. They then turn to be greeted, first hy their parents, next by the members 'if the two families nnil near relatives, afterwards by every on I preent. All wish them happiness, Re freshments are served In the dining I room, and may be simple or cluborntc, , as one chooses. Ladies' Home Jour nal. Lewis Ackerman, Goshen, Im',, says, "DoWltt's Little Early Risers always bring certain relief, cure my headache and never gripe." They gently cleanse and invigorate the bowels and iiver. K8 For Mule. Full blooded, barred Plymouth Rock czgs, per setting $1 .00 and .fl.50. For particulars call on or address, Banhkiis linos. Box 017. The Dalles, Or. To secure the original witch hazel Ml ve, nak fir DeWitt's Witch Hizel Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. ItarUflciallvrilipstst.iif ffinfinnrinwio , -"O- '- """vwmiiu ItlUil Aiuuiro in siretigitieiiitig nnd recon BtructinK tlie exhausted digestive or lans. It is the latest disco vereddigest- uuu.iuu iuiiiu. iD inner preparation can approacli it in elllciency. It in Btantly relieves and permanently cures wjrapuiwm, juuigesnon, jtieartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea! SlckHeadaclie,Gastralgla,Cramps,anrj BiiuLuur results tn imperiectaigesuoD. rrsaarca ny c. t. UfHIV. A CO.. CrjlCOflO. I.ejive t'oitl.iml " iMliany , Arrive Asldaml " HacraiiKMito " Hun hranchco S:.')l n m . .l'J::iiin . ..I2:::t a m . . .1:i) p m . .. 7:1' p in Anlvo OriIoii " Denver " KiuiMMClty. " Chlewi.... A:l.r ii 111 . U:(i0 a m 7:'J." u in 7: 15 a in Artive Aniele.s . . . " HI I'lIM) " Kurt Worth... . " city of .Mexico . " Iloii'lon " New Orleami . . " Waililiit-toa ... " New York .. 1:70 pin (i:l) p in . filSllllll .. Ui.Vinin .. 1.00 a in .. ii:a5il in fi: Until ,.l'J:13p m ":i p in 10.-W p in U:u in l;Tn m :l a in 1 1 : l.'i a m 0:la m 7:V.'i n in 'J:!J) n in 7.01 n in 0:00 p in l,;:x) a in it ;,in in I .(XI a in 0:'Ji p im l V! ii lo U'li p in aiinjjtrm 't 5 f 't I, 5 'l f f mm Tho DqIIqb, Op. The Chronicle, - Job Printers. $i.oo per month. .Strictly lirnt clagR local nnd long diHtatice telephone service within your Inline. Linen do not eroje-lalk. Your con versation will lie kept a secret. No coKt for itiRtalling. Vou get the Htanditrd thinning Long Distant Instrument. Continit'itH day nnd ultibt ervice. We will accept your contract for ten years and allow you to cancel same on giving ua thirty dnya writ ten notice. PACIFIC 8TATE8 TELEPHONE COB, Dh.GUNNS PILLS ONE FOR A DOSE. ItfrniTo PlmplM, VrTMit ii,'':";?'"'"" '."'Ifr tlKillluud. ij'ttu llovlac hs ami Ii..,..,.... - wuf uruKULis. UH. fosANKO CO. Phlli Pa jjlt. K. K. H5IK11 .HON, Pliysiciuii and Surgeon, Olllce, Vot Illock (over lotol!lee), JOaplmoiliv Till: DAI.I.KS, OHKIiON. Ailuilliiatrutor'M Hule of iteiil I'roporly Notice In lierehv id veil that from ami iiflcr tin. nlnlli (lay of June, iw), I will prorct-il to Mil nt pi l van: mio, tor cakii, tnu ioiihwiiik (JcmtIIhiI iropcrty iwioiikiiik to tnu ittatu ol I'attlvx Irown, ilecvaHil, to-wlt. IjiIh A. 1). . I). II. V. (i. II. I. J. K anil I,. In hlock 67 ol lort Dalles .Mlliturv lettrvulloii. In Oickoii. Kor Information lnitlro ut otllcu of Klmiott it Kliiuotl. IMttd ut Uallci City tnu lOtliriMV of May, lyou, JlKI.IA V. IlitOWN, Ailinllllttrittllxuf tlieeitate of l'ntrlckilrowii. (Jiceuhid. m T. BROWNHILL, JU8TI0E OF THE PEACE. Notary Public. Collections promptly -attended to. Money to loan. C. E. bayard's of fice, The Dalles, Oregon. I'lillnmn ami Tourist car on Iiolli Iraini Chair i'r Haeianicnto to DjjiK'ii ami i;i I'anj and toiulntcart, to ( lileiiK", Ht Umh, New t)r Uatih nnil W iisliliiKton. Con ncc tint? nt f-'ia KrancUco with several steamship liiic.-i fi.r Honolulu, Japan, chliiu, I'lilllpplnes, fenlral and houtli Ainvtlea. fete agent nt Tlio hallos Million, or wldrua C. H. IYIARKHAM, Oeneral l'h-HKer Ac'iit, I'oilland, Or t.& Inipulse PB. Wheels lltaPiili; and NlOtorS MANlM'ACTUIti:!) II V Yellowstone Park Line. THK J1INI.NO t!AK ItOtrtK I'itOM 1'OItTI.ANI) TO THK KAHT. THK ONJ.Y UUtlXTMNK TO THK YKI.I.OW- HlONi: I'AitK IKKVK. No. 2. 11:15 A. M. No 1, ll;.'t0 P.M. , nan anil I sis, .MllllVK, Kimt mall for teattlo, Olyiiipla.tiray'h liailior inai Booth licml poinu, Spokaiio, Itoku.1 land, Jl. c I'ulliiiaii,' Mohtoiv, ljlton, Huf., faloHiiiiipiiiiiiliiBcouii., try, Helena, illnncapo. In. Ht. I'ii n I, OiiiiiIiii, KainaH Clly, Ht. U)iil,, CtileiiKo and nil iolnti(! eu.t and roiilju-aat. 1'uwet Hoiiiul i:i,p..ku for Tueoma anil Ki.niii..' i-n a it and hitcrniitllntu poliilNj ' ' ' No. 1 6; I. il. No. a. AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL CO SUITABLE KOR DRIVING GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, ELEVATORS, PRINTING- PRESSES, ETC Circulars nnd particulars furuiulicd on application. F. S. GUNNING, Agent. unail THE DAI.I.KS, OlthG I'lllllllall llritrllilm ami l.i..l.t u. ... ja "ei!a..Ke.,'U"1 i"fc0",1 rlvt,; l"""lH Vim I IU II K11 tmlNM. llll nn ,li...i ...i In all principal cltler. " v IJaKKuKe cliwkul loilwtiimtion of ticlicts, H''r.ll",,M'i'lu'1'llll,,t'MU',,,(;'lltlvc'iiiutter, ticket, .leepliiB car rewrvittloim, etc., call on or A. D. CHARLTON, Akltant (Jcneral I'amiviiKur Airent. Htreet, comer ThlPi, rllSIl, oVeifoa. mi fit f f r,wjl i JT A'rrOKN KY-AT LAW, omcoove,K.tN.t,a,uu'K6'OKK(K)N C. J. STUBLING Wholesale and Retail Ageirrthe Greate American Liaor Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey. WHISKEY frmnJ'J 75 m .() per uulloti. (Tto 15 years old.) -"rrT" IMPORTED 000N AO (run. $7.00 to $12.00 per iia7Ji to M y"r8 olf CALIFORNIA BRANDIES Imni $.VJ6 to'td.OOlier gallon. ( 1 1 r2U ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD COLUMBIA BEER on tlruuulit, and Tl BUtt nd Olynipi" er ln impurteti aio ami I'orler, JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS.