The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 22, 1900, Image 3

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    " Bo not tho first by whom the now avo tried
Nor yot tho last to lay tho old aside."
,M Plan wfio Dresses Well..
Han that satisfiod fooling which invariably comes to a
man after partaking heartily of an excellent dinner.
It causes him to wonder what thoro is in this world to
be miserable about.
Pease &
Js u rendezvous for well-dressed men. Very modest
are the suits and overcoats shown by us this season.
Our windows toll about thorn. IJavo a look during
your luncheon hour.
MEN'S SUITS $5.00 to $25.00.
MEN'S Topcoats $7.50 to $16.50.
Have you seen tho now Roclof Hats?
Have you hoard the talk regarding our Neckwear?
All Goods Marked
In Plnln Flfrurou.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Telephone A'o. J.
MAY 22, 15)00
At Anrlrnvw
Slrnivberni'H, three boxes for n quarter
at Pease & Miivh.'
Warner creamery butter, 35 cents per
roll at lViise & Mays.'
Champion uf Oregon gooseberries, 25
cents a gulion at Pease & Mnyfl.'
Ono of tho li!uHt money-saving Halo
of tho year is beim: held t li is week at
l'eaa-it Mi-jH.' Set) ml.
Dyer Phelps, an employe nt the scour
ing mill, hud tho iiiisfurtue to lose ono
ot his (incurs yesterday while working
wllli nmchincrv.
Conilnclor Dunn sends word to The
Ciihonicu: that 2500 persons are ex
peeled to participate in the conductor'
excursion Iroin Portland to The Dalles
nt Stimluv.
The Dulled liueu bull team are mud to
to devoting all their loasuro tiiim
towards miullfi-i w t Imm c til oku fnr flu
- " " llll liMU
urc iraiinn nut
From tint Colorado Springs Telegraph
of May 10th wo leurn that Mise PesH
Istnberg, of Hood ltlvor, liud been there
'or fonii) timu visiting friondsand had
hat day loft for Kansas Citv.
Mux Vot md u force of carpenters at
ork today tearing down thegallerles of
theopeia hnugii over Charlie Frank's
"loon. Mr. Frank will use that part of
1 ' mil, ding aa u private residence.
J'nltfo Martin L. Pines, of Portland.
"HI dUciisH thu political Unties of the
thin evening nt the Vugt opera
iie judge IB u very aim man
aill should have a large hearing.
'loth the Coin in hi a and Snake rivers
rulallin,. in all dlstiiutu above Wenal
cl'fe, where the Columbia is clowly tin
ln' The river liero is falllntr and is
Dri-(lir.,..l ...i I III I
--... it. iifiiuiiutj itllllllK llll Di'iniii
Tim Indies Good Intent Society will
"tet witli Mrs. Smith French loimu-iow
tfternnnn .ill I..- i (.I,.r,,lo
at0 cordially invited , to he present. A
t)lea!i,,. . i . . i ...
'. k l""Kruiii is uoing prepar!ii mi
the nii, .(....
llieinliKrH uf iliu Y. M 11. A. mid
" intemiiiig members wlio nro inter
!61 in the organization of u base ball
Uam u,.. ... . . i . i
iu ieiueaiuii to moet on me mir
iroiitula tomorrow, Wedneadav, after
"0("' l 1 :30 o'clock.
JuJU M. L. Pines addressed a largo
rowil 0 votur8 ftt Ho()t, R,ver HHt
niuiit .....i i . . . .
"""iiigan auie speocn ami crem-
d'le Irunreinion. He left Hood
ttlwr Immediately after the meeting
and arrived here on the midnight train.
As announced previously, the judge will
speak tonight ut the Vogt opera house.
Twenty-threo carloads of cattle were
fed at the Saltmarsh stock yards today.
There were 1120 head in the lot, and
wore all yearlings. They were purehitfed
in Southern Oregon and were on the
wav to Cuthauk, Moutunn.
L The following e'pigruuimatic sentenco
ffro'ii a recent speech of Gov. KooBevelt,
jol Now York, iB referred to our friends,
j the prohibitionists: ' "Yon muet not
'sacrillce a possible good because yon
c.iunot gut a possible best.
Hon. Cico. J. Uarrett, republican can
didate for joint representative for Wasco,
Sherman, Gilliam. Grant und Wheeler
counties, will be married at high noon
tomorrow at Fremont, Nob., to Miss
Tillio Pfeill'er, u resident of that city.
Mr. and Mrs. Barrett expect to reach
their homo at Granite by 3 tine lirst.
Astoria is going to celebrate the fourth
in grand style. At least one war eliip
will he in the harbor, with a possibility
of two. Governor Gcer lias promised to
attend, accompanied by his stall'. All
the other state ollicers will he invited
and a committee will ask the Dalles
people, who, the Aetorians sav, owe
them a v'nit on tho fourth. So there
you are. If nobody wants a celebration
here, let us all go to Astoria.
Thu fiscal year in 11)00 continues to
break all the uoords in the matter of
esportations. April is an example of
litis fact. Tho total exports in April,
as just announced by the Treasury of Statistics, nre Jflllt.Ol'O.oOT,
which is $20,000,000 more tnan in any
prece ling April, $30,000,000 more thsn
April of last year, and double that of
April, 180:1. Never before has April,
which is usually a light export month,
reached the )flOO,000,OCO mark in ilfl
C. L. Schmidt, republican candidate
for asK'tssor. has just roturiied from
spending three or four days in tho Hood
Uiver valley. He hud not been there
fur siiinu tliuu and tho sight that mtt
his gnzu was a revelation. He says there
h no place in Eastern Oregon equal to
Hood lliver for a home. Ho thinks 'the
.miintry back of the town has improved
more than the town and that before
another live yearB tho town will have
a population of three to four thousand
There's point and potency to 'the Now
York Tiines' Btory of the man who
wanted to buy a dog, hut who objected
lo its bark. I'ho man who had tho dog sale reminded Ills customer that all
dons barked, and that If he wanted oue
that wouldn't bark he ought to buy a
girallH. I his ended tho negotiations,
and the man who wonted to buy tho
dog Ib uov in very much tho eamo state
of mind as thueo earnest potriota who
want to see Mr. Uryan nominated with
a muzzle on nis mouth.
Ed. Olaiilon, a former resident of
Klickitat county, now of Sumpter, is
here on a short visit with hie wife,
intending to go back to Suinpter tomor
.... .hub tim LioJueu
j row. r. uianiuM
Special Inducements to Bay This ttleek
INDIA SILKS all colors and shades.
Regular 00c. This week's sale J8c
TAFFETA SILKS plain or changeable.
Regular 90c. This week's sale : 74c
Regular $1.50. This week's sale $1 .28
Regular 40c. This week's sale 25e
Regular 05c. " " " 39c
Regular $1. " " " 73c
Colored Waist Silks and Trimming Silks.
An endless variety of Fancy Silks for all purposes, in
cluding tho verv lales Seersucker effects, reduced
$ .75 values cut to $ .03. $1.75 values cut to $1.38
1.00 " " .78. 2.00 " " 1.58
1.25 " " .98. 2.25 " " 1.88
1.50 " " 1.19. 2.50 " " 2.04
Eagle mine, which ie managed by John
H. Cradiebaagli, and in which a number
of Dalles people are interested, is reputed
to bu a fine piece of property. He has
talkml concerning it with some lead
ing mining experts around Suinpter and
they all say it is one of the best pieces of
miuini! property in that country.
YtBtenlny while Mr. Hastings, who
lives out beyond Eight-Mile, and all
ot her man were digging sand from a pit
near the county road, for building pur
poses, the bank caved in on tho man
and buried him completely. William
Steel, a traveling man, happened to te
pnsBing at the moment and at a signal
from Mr. Hastings hurried to the epot
and aoon had the man relieved. It must
have been a close cill, even after allow
ing for a good margin of extravagance
in the statement of Mr. Stel that the
poor follow wiib "as flat ns a board''
when he was dug out of the hole.
Wool hauling has commenced in gocd
earnest, and large quantities are arriv
ing at the warehouses daily. About
seventy sacks enme over this morning
from Klickitat county of the clip of Sam
Sinclair, of Cleveland. The bills of
lauing iinve been received of eight car
loads from Shaniko. Considerable wool
has already come by freight teams from
southern Gilliam anil Wheeler counties,
Tho Arlington Independent says: "A
great many of the leading Bhcepmen of
Gilliam and Wheeler counties, and even
Morrow, are hauling their wool to The
Dalies by teams," because it is cheaper
to do so than to haul to Arlington and
pay the freigiit to The Dalles over the
O. K. & N. Co.'s line. Tho indications
aro that the amount of wool handled
here this year will ho as great, if not
greater, than ever.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
gttguature of
N utile.
Columbia River lee it Fuel Co. wishes
to announce that tlioy will deliver ies to
any part of tho city at all hours of the
day or night. 'Phone 33 or 81 Long
Diet. ; 75 or 8 Seutert it Condon.
For the convenience of parties want
ing ice in the afternoons, the Stadelman
Ice Co. will carry a stock at their store,
corner Third and Washington streets.
Phone No. 107; long distance 183.
"Ring 'em up." lSm-tf
Mrs. A. A. Jayne invites tho ladles
of The Dalles to inspect her stock of
ladies' and children's trimmed and
Bailor hate. Her goods are all new and
fiesh and they are offered at prices that
defy any competition 173t
A rooming house of eleven rooms for
rent and furniture for Bale. Apply at
this oWce. mlMw
Suuaorlbe for The Chronicle.
An Account of th All'ulr An Glvrn By a
Cor reHiioiirtriit.
The following is the account given of
the Trout Lake tragedy by the Ore
gonian's Hood lliver correspondent:
Miss Ida Foss, a Bchool teacher, about
25 y eats of age, was shot and instantly
killed Sunday evening by lienjumin
Wugnilz. Miss Foes taught school at
Trout Lake, across ttie river in Washing
ton, and boarded in the home of Wag
nitz, who was paying some attention to
her. In a fit of anger and jealousy he
attempted to stab her, and afterward,
while following her in tho yard, shot
Iter with a rifle. After seeing what he
had done lie expressed great sorrow and,
although having but one arm, tie carried
her into the house and coveted her with
a blanket. Ho then went out, leaned
against the rifle, with a foot-rule pulled
the trigger and fell dead.
Mies Foes was born and raised here,
and educated at Monmouth normal
school. She was a flno vocalist, a suc
cessful teacher, a member of the United
Brethren church, and a favoiite in a
largo circle of fiicnds. She taught at
Trout Lake two years.
Wagnitz, who was about 20 years of
age, was regarded as educated and pos
sessing good judgment, but was known
to be high-tempered. Somo persons be
lieve he waa insane.
The unfortunate affair haR cast a deep
gloom over this community.
llFglMvrrri VotvN ol WHfccit County,
Following is a list of the number of
the number of votes registered in each
of the several precints of Wasco county :
Antelope 201
Hake Oven 54
Uigelow 244
Baldwin M)
Columbia "5
Des Cluitea 30
Dufur 130
Eight Mile 45
East Dalles 280
East Hood Uiver 230
Falls 100
Klngtley 100
Mosier 105
Nansene 40
Oak Citove 88
I'ffgu 104
T evitt 250
West Hood River 21S
West Dalles 253
Wamlc 123
Viento -7
Mountain M
Bovd 07
South Hood Uiver 131
Ilfimliltt'iiii Sprukliii;.
ArrtuiBi'tuPuts Imvo beon in ml a for
republican upeaking at tho followiiiK
times ami places :
At Kiulereby, May 24th, in the after,
noon; at Boyd May 24th, in the even
tng ; at Victor May 25th in theaflernoon j
at Wapinitla May 25th, in the evening;
at Tygh May 26th, in the afternoon; at
Wamlc May 20th, in tho evening; at
Mt. Hood May 25th, in tho afternoon.
Dairy butter .30 to 35 ceuts per roll at
Pese & Maye.'
Tho Kind You Have Always
in use for over 30 years,
soiml supervision slnco its infancy.
C&ccAjfri Allow no ono to deceive you In this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good" aro but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worm
and allays Fcvcrishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friond.
Bears the
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Special Sale!
...Steel Ranges
To reduce our large stock wo -will
soli Stoves and Steel Ranges at
Greatly Reduced Prices
for a short time only. See our
goods and get our prices. . . .
Death Nous of thu Auti-KxauHi(iUt.
I m:s dying, Hryun, dying,
l-'or the tcntli und llnul time;
Cruel dei'.tli at lust jitoved fiitul
In tUls clilll-and-fever clime.
You and Hoar and Billy Mason,
Cleveland and old I'etliBtew,
Now must light the ling without me,
For the game Is up to you.
Tell tho boys ut Kansas City
That u hard and cruel fato
Hus deprived uie ol my chances
To Iconic your running irate.
Tell them that 1 died lit action,
Uunulug swiftly tj the l:ibt.
Standing last becomes a hero
.Not so well us running fast.
Tell tho Massachusetts junta
'1 hat our luuds are running low,
And wo can't kill any soldiers
Till they forwurd us more dough,
llld my kind friends In the senate
An uHcdlomitc farewell,
Tell them death is but a purling
Tfcnt I'll see them all in .
1 am dying, lliyun, djluir,
I'm slincst us dead us Hoar;
This will be my llnul n eisuge,
For I vow I'll die no ino:e.
Thu Alji'tHu of u ftout
la envied by all poor dyspeptics whose
etomuch and liver are out of order. All
such fchould know that Dr. Kinu's New
Life Pills, the wonderful Btouiucn mid
liver remedy, gives a splendid appetite,
sound digestion and u regular bodily
habit that insures perfect health and
great energy. Only 25 c.jnts at hiiy
drug etore. 4
StutUu-Tucuin i Jtullwuy.
Skatti.k, May 21. J. A. Moore, umn
ager of tho Moore Investment Company,
received a telegram from f.n loi , E g
land, tills morning, announcing that
bonds to tho sum ol 1(1,000,000 had beeu
floated ih Loudon for building the Seat-tle-Tacoma
Inler-Urbau electric Hue, of
which Henry Ilucey is the head.
Bought, and which has been,
has borne tho signature of
has been mado under ills pcr-
Signature of
and Ml Stoves... f
Garden Hose
We have laid in a largo
stock of Clarden Hose and aro
carrying tho sanio brand of
I Ioso that we havo boon carry
ing for tho last fivo years,
which is tho celebrated Mal
tese Cross Mrand. Wo carry
tho !-amo brand of Hose that
tho Dalles City Fire Depart
ment has been using for tho
last twenty years. Tho Mal
tese Cross Brand is without
doubt .the best grade of Koso
on tho market. Call and got
our prices boforo buying.
JVIaiei7 & Benton
Sole Agents.
J)U. I). T. SMITH,
Uoonis 10 und II, Cuumuun Block', Tho Palles,
Oregon, Tuesdus and Krlduys, 8 a. in, to li,