The Dalles Daily Chronicle. TDK8DAY MA L-21900 ; Republican Ticket. STATE OFFICERS. Justice of the Supreme Court C. E. Wolverton. Tood and Dairy Commissioner J. W. Bailey. DISTRICT OFFICERS- Congressman Malcolm A. Moody, of The Dalles. Joint Senators J. N. Williamson, of Crook; T. H. Johnston, of Wasco; W. V. Steiwer, of Wheeler. Joint Representatives A. 5. Roberts, of Wasco ; 11. A. Enmiett. of Klamath ; GeorRO Miller, of Gilliam; George I Cattanarh, of Grant; Genrci A. liar Tett, of Grant; T. il. McGreer, of Wasco. District Attornev The Dalles. -Frank Menefee, of COUNTY TICKET. County Judge A. S. Blower?, of Hood Itiver. Commissioner P. A. Ktrchhemer, of Antelope. SherifT Robert Kelly, of The Dalles. Clerk A. E. Lake, of Wamic. Treasurer C. L. Phillips, of The Dalles. Assessor C. L. Schmidt, of Tho Dalles. Superintendent of Schools C. L. Gil bert, of The Dalles. Surveyor J. R. Goit, ol The Dalles. Coroner W. H. Butts, of The Dalles. For Justice of the Peace of The Dalles Timothy Brownhill. Constable Frank Hill, of The Dalles. "There is no reason why Judge Bennett should not be elected sena tor for the ninth district. He is conceded by all to be an able ad vocate of the people and one who will renresent their interests in the state senate." Times-Mountaineer. Theie i3 every reason why he should not be elected. He is for free trade. The people are for pro tection. He is for free silver. The people are for the gold standard. He is against expansion. The people . arc for it. He would haul down the flag in the Philippines. The people arc for keeping it waving from every , . , , . ii, flag staff where American valor has planted it. Ah, but he is "conceded , uy ail lo be an able advocate or tue lMJople and one who will renresent - their interests in the state senate." i "Able?" Yes. ''Advocate of the people and one' who will represent ineir interests in mo state senate. Ho. His is ability wrongly directed,. anu aonuy wrongly tiirecteti is tne , ability to do mischief. Let him stay ( at home. George T. Baldwin, railroad presi-! dent and fusion candidate for joint representative for Wasco, Crook, Klamath and Lake, and Judge A. S. j Bennett, who hales railroad presi-! dents as the devil hates holy water, i spoKc trom the same platform .ij short time ago in Lakeview. It: would appear from the report of tiic ...l'o .,...!. o :., ! ,l.T..b ju..6v00,tvvu ,uBi..u ui mi. view Examiner, that he was prudent-1 Jy silent about that bogus railroad ! plank of his. The appearance of a , railroad and nn anti-rail-1 road lawyer on the same platform, ' asking Hie dear people for a chance to "ive them remedial Ieaislntion, is a sight for gods and men. We would give a year's subscription to ; Ijik Uinto.vici.K to have these two ,,,, j7i8l, ; 76 or H timivtt & Condon. Bryanite musicians sing a duetto; ; Notice, the railroad men of The Dalies. Owing to tho retirement of Frank r"T' ; Chrisman from tho firm of Dhrismaii Our esteemed contemporary wiysHroBti ,, inU)ti0II to leave the 'Judge Bennett addressed a large etale as soon as possible, all debts duo and enthusiastic audience of voters ' the firm must be paid immediately. All at Antelope" Just Saturday. Thel,',avin' vUUuB 3ainst the firm will ... , ., . .. ,, please present them at the market for "large and enthusiastic audience," oc-1 ' ,yin(,n, cording to a thoroughly reliable witness, consisted of between thirty and fcrty persons, two-thirds of whom were women. However it nay have been with the women, the chairman was so much '(enthused" that'he fell asleep and, to the great amusement of the audience, timed Ibc judge's speech with (JtocordiuH Jjictlyjiare llqulpluts I 93mpliony of lusty snores. "If there is anything in nppenrnnces," to bor- rnw !lir nlirnon iif nur nrmtnmnnriirv. ( receive n handsome vote," but it will he to atav at home. j The number of voles registered in lue several precincts 01 nsco county, according to the list nub;wu take thin means of di-pulline It. lished in nnother column, is 8,102. ' Froiuht received and hi'hl twenty-four This is an excess of ten over the '. r win l, t,,r"tl1 over to a forward , - . . .1 ! ine house subject to the orilor of the number of votes cast at the presi- . ,. J , . it, 1 I consignee. The rate on wool in p.iek" or dentinl election of 18, nn excess of jin l)all8 (rom Shmko ,0 Tliu Dalli-a is 7C8 over the number or votec cist for govornor in 1 808. Tho number of votes is taken from the World Almanac, which gives IWJ'2 for 189G and 2334 for 18118. "Whenever wc hear a Bryan shout, says the Forest Grove Times, our memory turns back to lljc time when democratic badges decorated the bosom of the pants of almost every man in the country, and wc wonder if it isn't just possible that the shoutcr has lost his memory When the Chicago platform is taken out of cold storage on the 4th of July the delegates will be sur prised to observe the nu ruber of blowholes in it. BUSINESS LOCALS Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday Don't forget this. Clarke & Falk have on sale a full line of paint and artit'u brushes. A full line of Firman films and sup plies just reei - iy Clarke & Falk. Clarke & g , rlavoriug extracts are me uesi. tft. iwr uruLur iur iiicui. Floral io and sunburn will cure wind chapping Manufactured by Clarke & Falk. Paint your house with paints that are fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk have them. Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior paints when you can buy James E Patton'e sun proof paints for $1.50 per gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Falk, agents. Clark & ml" Special reserve old government wide key, recognized by the highest medical authority in the land: especially recom- mended by the board of health of San Frandsco for hospital use, ako A. P. u unsn, iii. u., captain ami eurgeun, land Win. D. McCarthy, major and sur- jeon tj. S. armv. as the purest unadul terated stimulant for convalescent, in- valids and familv t;e. Sold bv Charles Stublinp. ap'120-dlm Rev. w. E. SitzQr, w. Canton, N. V., write? i jKUj dyenepsia over twenty vears, and tried doctors and medicines : " - . ' without benefit. 1 wa? persuaded to use ' Kodol JJvspepsia Uure and it helped iiih . " .... . . from tho start. I believe it to bo n i panacea 'or all forms of indigestion." It i,ii,io Bi.tvnni Mr8. H:irriet Evan8). Hinsdale, 111 wrtes, "I never fail to relieve m children from croup at once by usini: One Minate Gondii Cure. I would not feel safe without it." Quickly cures coughs, colds, grippe and all throat and lunfrdiseases. Tn0 j)llles Commsion House will keep fresh milk at all times on hand and deliver it anywhere in (he city at tl,e following P'-cm: One quart, 2 per month: three pints, $3; two quarts, $-1 ; three nnarta $5.50: cream 20 cent rr pint. Fresh butter every day. 8j-lm lie anro anil i-ximinfi nnr stock of wnll . i paper thoroughly iMiIore buying elte- i where, as we have tho latest shipment f "atle to this city, now ready for inspee- "" at Xi u'en" - "'lw DeWitt's U'iich Salve is un. al7-lw equalled for piles, injuries and skin j diseaee. It ia tho original Witch Hazel Salve. lieware of nil counterfeits. Good, pure natural ice from the Illue Riv Jc & Vw Cl) .PhonB :J;, or 8l m4. if Ciiiiihman Hhotiikuh U4i tn ciur Clicok. A'l county warrants registered prior to Jure 3, 1890, will be paid at my office. Interest ceaaes after February. 2, I MX). O. L. Phillips, Countv Treasurer. Clarke & Falk have received a carload of the celebrated James E. Pat ton Columtila Nnuthrrn Wurrliuune. At Slianlko tin) Ctiliiinliin Southern 1 Rullu-nv Pn mnti-nla KUilllll fi-i r. (it I lit ' Slianlko warehouse lnil.llnir, to lo tired ! "a tnUi "urel.o.m., Ihrouph whirli I llll') Will ri'cuivu nun minimi ihim. the u?ual mnntior. The impression Unit i nil business must ho tlonu through (or- , wur(lintf houses is an erroneous on., and 125 cents ner 100 pounds. For rates or other information call on or address 0. K. Lyti.i:, G. F. A I A., or Gi:o. F. Hois, Ai"ut. Shauiko, Or. OliirliitiH Nmv. Comes from Dr. D. IS. Car-die, of Wnshlta, I. T. He writes: "Four bottles of Electric Bitters has cured Mrs. Brewer of fcrofula, which hiu! caused her great euflurim; for years. Terrible sores would hreaK out on her j he!"1, best doctors could eive no help; hut her corn is com- plete and her health is excellent." This shows what thousands have proved, that Electric Bitters is the best blood purifier known. It's the supreme remedy for eczema, tetter, salt rheum, 1 "'cers, boils and running sores. It stimulates liver, kidneys ami bowels, jexnels poisons, helps digestion anil builds up the strength. Only 50 cents. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, Ihugyiatu. Guaranteed. 4 Mrs. Calvin Zimii.erman, Milethurg, a., says, "As u spe-dv cure for coughs, j colds, croup and sore throat One Minute Cough Cure is unequaled. It is pleasant for children to take. I heartily recom- I rtipnil it til miithors.1' Tt. i 4 thi nnlv harn,,eS3 remedy ,hnl t,r0(hlces mediate results. It cures bronchitis, pneumonia, grippe and throat and lung diseases. It w ill prevent cnnHimption Nasal CATARRH In all Its etaca there should bo cleanliness. Ely's Cream Halm clcaut e?, t oothea and hcali tho d!scacil niercbrir.e. It cures catarrh and drive away a cold In the head quickly. Cream Tlulm li placed Into the nostrils, spreads OTer the membrane and la absorbed. IicliefU Im mediate and a care follows. It U not drying does not produce ineezlnj. Large Size, 50 centi at Drug gets or by mall ; Trial Size, 10 cents by mall. IKY I:0T1II211S, Sfi Warreuttreet, New York. NOTICE FOU PL'IJMCATION. (Isolated Tract.) Public Land Sale. Land Office at Tun I.illk, Oiieoon',; .Mnyy. Hkj.i Notice Ii hereby Riven that In pu'Miiince of ilr"idosfroiH tnocomndomfrof ths jkh- by K-ctionaiso, c. h. Kov. riut., us nmiifiiihy tlui di n fimi.r.L.i! a i.nri.i'.jl L.V.. ....... 1 tf-f uc wlll ,iro-i tootUrnt biibiieViic onSMtiir-' ": ""3 ."V r""-: "LV' """roi lioclock u. m. lit thlsoillee, tho (ollortliiK tmct of land. to-iVit: "'" wwmnip i noiin, riiKo Any ami nil iieisnis clafiiifni; adversely the iiljovodesi'illl liinils tiro mlvU il tn Illy their j eiiinif in inihumceoti or Woro t lie day above 'l'l tiKUnteit for tliu furmiieiieemeiit nf ,snid mle, y : othe-uhe their rights will'cltul. myi2 ii JAY 1'. LUCAS. KtL'Utcr. OTIrf I'ATTI'ltnON, lUcelvcr. NOTICE FOU PUBLICATION. (Isolated Tract ) -Piiblie Land Sale. I.anii Office at Tub U.v.lzi, Oiikooni Apr. 1C. I'M), j Notice In hereby Riven that in iiiiiinneu ol liittructioiih fiorn trie coiriinIsloiier of the xen era I liiml ollice, uncitr imlhoilty vtii in blin by ttctlon 2l,Vi I', fj. Ituv. ijtiH.,iii auienilril by the act of comrets imiirovMl Kutirniirv -jr.. ik'iv u'u will proceed to ollur t public tnlu mi Moil- i ilny. this vsth ly of iliiy iif.xt. t tho hour l 1)1 JU II'L'IOCK, H. m.,iuinis OIKl'f, lllf lOIlOWIIIK trxetof' NH'Ji NKii Sec. '.'J,T. 1 N. II. 12 K., tt. M. Any niul all iiermiiH cIhIiiiIhk the ubfive ileM.Tlbtd hinil aru uilvlseil tn flic thilr !1''V,J!!t,,,' or l'"'e the ilny above ' ir w eeomim i ce;iit ii o wild ale. owierwioineir nnis uutiieforfeltMi. i J. r. l.UfAS. tK Kier. iiprlS I OlB l'ATIKIt.-OK, Iti-cctver. IjpQj a "qq Suit Of ClOtlieS. PHntlne, Overcoatln-or I-'iincj Veitlng. Kindly rail and examine my itock of Im ported und U u'etlc Wookns. , fineatock lo telect from. BolU mode from vbu lowent pricei to the high Mt grade. J. A. Eberle Fine Tailoring. 1UK VAhUCi OKKOO., Complete Ope of at M. Z. DONNELL, THEiDRUGGlST. ATArjLTJLTA : A I Jl 1 ATVkyA A r-KT3CT) tT5 1 L. Lane UKNKlt.U Wagon and Carriago Work. Fish Brothors Wagon. Tbirdland Jel:nn. PhoiiG'159 5- 1 Buteheps and Farmers ..Eehange.. Kecp nn ilriiuirtit the cclebrnteil COl.l'MlllA HKKK, iickliow; eilifiil the belt beer In The Dulles, at tlitMiMiul price. Come in, try It mid be convinced. Alio the Khiefit bramN of tt'lnpu, I.huor and I'Axnrs. Sandwiches of nil Kiiula nhvayH nn tin ml. fT E Cr-oUoc ...Donlor In... Dry Goods, Clothing, 1 Hoots, Shoes. Hutu, dipn. N'ollons. Act. ;for W. U DdiikIhs Hhoe. Telephone No. f. 131 Second HI., Toe Dalles, Or. Jast What You octant. New lileiib in Wall I'apitr liore, Hueh wide variety iih we ureHhowiiiKiiuver be fore (iraeed u bIiil'Io Htook. Keul imlt.i. lion ereton eliVcla at ordinary pricen. i Good pnperu at cheap paper prices.' Klegant deHKiiw, tanluful eolorinuH, youra lor a siimll prlee, at our store on Thin! street. Also a full Hue of house paints. P. W. VAUSE, Third St. JJ. 8TUHDEVANT, Doutist. 011103 ovtr Krciioli A l'd,' liauk ''bono b, i nn PAI.U.,, OHKUON ...AND... Horsesnoei J wWfyj W t' il J!. i i mm Ml Str. .RoKulntor. Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. K ; down. !, I.V. Pill ICR ( lit h A. M. Tuculay !, TIiiiimIiiv ( SHtiitilay. ui'. I.v. I'ortliiiiil lit 7 A. M. Moinliiy VeiliR'iiiiy Krld.iy Arr. Dulles nt6;i r. m. rv Arr. rnnutmi C, tit or. M. g- FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, Travel by the Htcarneri ol Hie ItcKiilatnr t.luv. riius the lioiit service possible. , lMrtlmiil Oiuco, Oak-.Htrret Dock. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer cer. 3 We Put... every bit of twenty years c.vpcrioneo und drug knowledge with every Proscription that's compounded hero. Js it any reason why our prescription business is increasing so rapidly? Ask your physician if we are reliable. BLRKELEY & HDUGHTOH. eliabl(i Prescriptionists p. s. Canning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer inlBlacksmilli Supplies. Cor Second & Laneblio, 'Phone 157 Important Announcement to you.- For .'111 dayH niter April 1st, I will Bell all the Dry Uoode, Clotbiiiit lloote and Shoes, HoHiiiry, Illnnkete, Hate and Land, on a cut in price of 25 per cent, for Cash. Now Ih your opportunity to koI bar-t-ainti. Don't iiiIsh it. S. L. BROOKS, Sueceseor to H. J. CoIIIiih & Co. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. The CLARENDON RESTAUR And CAFE, J. B. OroBBen & Oo., Props. 87 Seoond Street. H S IIUMTINQTON H H WIUOW HUNTiNOTON & WIION, A1TOMNKYH AT I. AW, REGULATOR LINE. DALLES, PORTLAND k ASTORIA NAY. COMPANY 1 Mourners of tlib ltculiitor l.itin wilt run n i.or thefnl n-linlule, the Company renvrvliiK the rlijlit to m IiciIiiIc witlioot notice. UBnw Str. Datlos City. IIOWN I.v. Pal lit H A, i. Mimiliiy WnllliHuliiy l'rlrtiiy Arr. Piirtlaiiil at fi p. u. 'V I'nrtln'mlJ "t 7l!l A, M, Tlmti,,l Arr. Iinii,', ntHMJi-.J ' -J The Cointmny will euilciivor to olve II. Mi I'or further liiliiriiiiitliin mldrei.i B1 W. C. ALLAWAY, Oon. At. C. S. Smith, TIIK Jp-to-date Qroeer Freith Kkbh anil Creaiuory Ilutter u Hpeuinlty. 2d Street. 'Phone 270. J. H. HUIIRNK, l'rcslclent. il. i. nta , cuhiti First National Bank. , THE DALLES - OREGON A General Banking BuninoHfi traneactcd Depoaita received, euhject to Sight Draft or Oheuk. Collections niadu and jiroeeeila protnptl; remitted on dav of collection. Hiuht and Telegraphic Exetiaugu Bold a Now York, Han Franciseo and "orl laud. DIKUOTOKS 1). P. 'f llOMI'BON. JXO. y. BCUKltl'Ii Ei). M. Wiu.iamh, Guo. A. Liisz. U. M. Ukau.. FRENCH & CO, BANKERS. ritANHACTA KSKltAl.llANKINll J1UHISE3 Letters of Credit issued avHllablo In the Eastern States. filliht E.chunf anil TeleRraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, Bt. Louis, Sun Francisco, 1'ortlam) Ore Kon, Seuttlo Wnsli,. and various point in Oregon and Wnshinuton. Collections tundu ut all pointe on far orahln teruin. fhp Rnfiimfiia PariinnEl) llU UU1U11U1U 1 uuiiuy uw.i PACKERS OF PORK and BEEF MAN l) KACT0 It KUH OK Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON JRIKD BEEF. K'fO. RO YEARS' EXPERIENCE JESIONS CoPYniQHTU C Aiirnnoipnilliia n nUelcli n 'I ' ' ; i qillcUly lucorlnlii rmr ''l'l"'"1' f'lt." u unlr. Iiivuntliiii prolinlily iMiii'titaWot j-'"J '".jttiin 1'iiliii.tii takim tRm-nfli ""1l,Vift. ipteuit tiotkf, without clinruo, la to CriMfifir fltHricaU, V J - - t(,r. riiiiilliin nf liny rlomlll-i I'" '"' ; i1Vl1(lfi.'- yivir t iiiiir nioimij v. f""' ,1,1 uyau "-"i7" l aaJ'HeWl? .Wnlilrnrto'.''.. !n aOIOroailwa)' rinoh Mltco7tra I' lit Mica lightens tlio Axle load shorten J tho road hcljw Raves wear uu cxpeunc. Bold every whor. f TANVARO Oik OO' Crease ,i