The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 22, 1900, Image 1

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Case Finallj Decided in Favor of Heck
ham, the Democrat, Thus Upholding
the Finding ot the Kentucky Court
of Appeals.
... . nr.... tt .ni. tt .. 1 1 a
n.lHIllMiiua, tuny -i. xnu u unto
gtntes Biipronio eonrt today decided tho
Kentucky governorship case in favor of
Governor Beckham, dismissing tho writ
of error from tliu Kentucky court of
appeals, opinion was imnded down
by Chief Justice Fuller this morning and
a vigorous dissenting opinion whh de
livered liy .luatlci) Harlan. Justices
llrencr, ISrown nnd McICuuna nlso (Ub-eeiitt-i
from portioiiH of Uio opinion,
Tliu opinion whh handed down by
Chief .Initio; Fuller, ami the case dis
missed for want of jiirlHiiiction, it being
held that determination t if cases ol this
character and all contests far Htnto offi
ce iimdt ucceHUirily bo Bottled by the
political brunch of tlm government.
That hraneli had acted in llio Kentucky
case when tlm general assembly took
jurisdiction. There waa no nppeal from
tho aerutnbly'a decision, which whb
f.ivorubly to Goobel and Beckham, ex
cept to tlm tribunal of the people, which
tribunal, tho chief justice said, whh al
ways in session.
iio aldo said tho ease was purely a
itate e.isi that Kentucky was in full
possession of itH faculties, as a member
ofthu Union ami there wiib no emorgoiicy
which callc.I for interference.
The opinion in Kentucky was not un
animous, .IiiHtietis Bruwor. Harlan and
McKeiinii diseonting.
dlplomntic lelutioiiB with Great Britain.
which houki accomplish nothing what
over for the Boers. Sympathy wonld
mean nothing. Intervention is the only
thing that would do tho Hoars any good,
nnd tho demagogues seem not to under
Bland that intervention would mean war
with Great Britain. The question arises
whether the people of the United States
want to plunge tins country into the
most wicked and cruel war of tho century
for the purpose of establishing the
republics of South Africa.
Oaturrh Uatintit be Uured
with local applications, as they cannot
reacli the seat of the disease. Catarrh
is a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure it you must take inter
nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure n
taken internally, and acts directly or
tho blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine
It was wiib prescribed by one of tho best
physicianB in this country for years, and
iB a regular prescription. It is composed
of the boBt tonics known, combined with
the beBt blood purlliorB, acting directly
on the mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of tho two ingredients is
what produces such wonderful results in
curing Catarrh. Send for testiuioniale,
F. J. Ciiknky & Co., Props., Toledo O.
Sold by drruggists, price 7fe.
Hall's Family l'ills are the best. 12
TATTTn TNIttt- rt . ..
ina UA.L,Lnt, UKiUtiUJN, TUESDAY, MAY 22, 1900
NO. 240
Relief Actually Accomplished by Colonel
Mahon on Thursday Last.
Ileccnt Event Show That It I Their
Dilgn (o Obtain Supreme
nut Governor .Mount Kefuscd to Honor
the Kcijuisition.
Im'U imms, May UI. Charles Flti-
lev, ex secretary of statu of Kentucky
was arreted heru tonight for complicity
in thuCioi'linl plot, but Governor Mount
positive y refused tohonor the requisition
"uin the (tovernor of Kentucky, and or
ire(i the reloiiHo of tho culprit. Gov
prim I . I . .
-""I -m.iui.v h reiusai to Honor tlie ru
Tiisilinii papers waa as follows:
Hi" within unnlioatioii fur tliu ixtrn
'lillnn of Charlua Fiuley ia horeliv re
'"1 thlsL'lst day of May 1000."
"nun Governor Mount waa handed
rift riiii 1 1 1. 1 1 i . i . . .
v..M5mim M0 nsuou to tiosiiown tlio
"hat vmih tliu eoiniili'xion. nnliti'iillv.
.i.i '
ui I mi .1 : .i . .
jury mat lonnu tins itiuiet
'"ent?" ho asked.
Hie Kunliiekv nfliiM.r Mini lin
"in not Know.
Itero not llll Mm in.lmlwii-a il.iiiiiuirnlil
" - J ........ KM . U ,.W ...Wl. IM
lIW 1.1 ..'Jll .1 . .
"""i me governor asked
"0 UllH L'lVeil tlio nnmn rn.iliv nflnr
. . - ...... w '- 1
ff'ilch the governor Haid. vory oninhati
: "1 shall not honor this rtqiilaition.
"in 111 a lllirrv io catch ii I tain unit nin.
101 ..if.. ......
n-... ...i my rv-naoiiH. i sua i Hiuniiv
iimormt 1 1... i .i , ... ,
milk rf.Miiinirmti una iiftnii
Utur Uovurnnr M mint uiklrl "Wlwin
1116 1'roj.or time cornea 1 will give nn ox-
Piaiiiition fur lilt rufilonl III 1m
uiiioui, nuiuii mill WW
Wn8fuctrv tOlinv fnlr.iittiwl.wl irann.)'
- .n niiuriioon on tlio train, ana got
v...,K euiiiu iiiHianeo iroui ino
I,'"" "ueannaibo
""imiiovo,! lie mid
'"'er at midnight."
located, though
Fiuley met each
I'olltltut UhiiUhI.
b wlui are so rHinpunt to nmko
' lcal ci phal om 0f the Boer altuation
' "led to Involve tho United States
h 80IH0
uiothod toexpreaa ay m pa thy or
"WUI out of it for the domooratlo party,
noogi, lll0 repnl,jClin8 ,,ellovo thnt
I ,e, tho situation ii explained it will
11 ' well understood that on expression
ympHthy on the part of the United
"'"tea Will H.l.. l
Cliinu tn llm Vmi 1.
London, May 22, !5 :15 a. m. British
horsemen, according to a dispatch from
i.ourenco Marques, are now close to the
Vital river, within forty miles of Johan
The migration from Pretoria has be
Klin, Women and children are being
sent in trains to Machadorp, on the way
to LydeuhurL'. 1 rains are arriving at
I.ourenco Marques filled with paeseiiL'ere,
among whom are many Germans bound
for LCurope.
At 9:3j p. m. the following dispatch
was received from Lord Uoberte at tho
war ollice :
"Kroonatad, May 21. The following
is from Hunter : 'Mafeking is relieved.
Mahon enleied it May IS.' "
A And Jlt atli I'lclit.
Mr. W. A. Illnes of Manchester, la.,
writiui: of his almoflt miraculous escape
from death, suya: "Uxposure after mens
lea indnred Hi-rioiia lung trouble, which
ended in Consumption. I hud frequent
hiiiiiorrhaucaaud coughed iiiuhtaud day.
All uiy doctors said I inus't soon die.
Then 1 began to tine Dr. Kind's Iew
Discovery tor Coiisuiuption, which om-
iili'tulv cured me. I would not lie without
it even if it cost $5 00 a bottle. Hnnd.eds i I5'1'1'" 10'ell dated May 13, giving im
London, May 21. The following dis
patch from Sir Alfred Milner to Joseph
Chamberlain whb received today:
"Barton telegrapha from Taungs that
Mafeking waa relieved on May 17. The
relieving column was a composite force,
undor Colonel Mahon, of about 2300
The war office confirma the dispatch
announcing that Mafeking has been
London, May 21. The Associated
I'rets is able to say that no message lrom
President Kruger, direct or indirect, has
been recently received by Lord Salisbury
or by any department of the British
government. The proximity of peace,
according to the government point of
view, will remain a matter of military
progress. How soon the latter may bring
about the former is still too suppositious
for a serious forecast on the part of any
government official.
The concensus of opinion, aa gleaned
by the Associated Press and the govern
ment officers, is that tho Boer delegates
will exhaust every effort in the United
States before resting.
It is announced that Colonel Baden
Powell will be made n major-general.
Mafeking waa actually relieved by
Colonel Mahon.
A dispatch from Kroonstad dated May
20, says a British convoy on its way to
Londley was attacked by the Boers and
obliged to halt. The result of the attack
is not known, but it is evident the Boers
facing the main British army are on the
alert and aggressive,
ItuduU-l'owrU'rt Ilrpurt.
London, May 21. The war office hae
received 'he following dispatch from
Lord Roberts :
Kroonstad, May 21. Colonel Mahon
reports having joined Plumerat Jamaisda
May 15. He was followed by a Boer
commando from Fartizam Siding and
turned westward to avoid it. May 13 he
was attacked in the thick brush, losing
live men killed, two missing and twenty-
four wounded, including a Daily Mail
correspondent, dangerously."
Another lepurt has been received from
have used it on my recommendation and
all sav it never fails to euro Throat, Cheat
and LuiiL' troubles." Regular cizj 50c
and $1 .00. Trial bottles free at Hlakeley
k Houghton's Drug Store.
KoltlliiK I. anil IMiilniH.
W.tnmsciTO.v, D. 0 May 21. Senator
McBride today favor ibly reported an
amendment to the sundry civil bill ap
preprinting $5000 for ascertaining names
of persons making entry on lands within
wagon and railroad and all other land
grants of Oregon, with a view to settlinh'
the claims ol siicn settlers.
Tlio lleMl Itimu ily fur ItheuiiiutlMii.
All who U8 Chamberlain Pain Balm
for rheumatism are delighted wiin tno
quick relief from pain which it affords.
When speaking of this Mr. U. ft. miiks,
of Troy, Ohio, says : "Some time ago I
had a sovo attack of rheumatism ui n.j
i .11.. 1 miitwirrilio
arm nuu aiiouiuur x i -'
remedies, but got no relief until I wiib
recommended by Messrs. Geo. V. Par
. n . . i t .i.t. ..I...... tt
sons A uo., (iriiL'tfisiH in i mi- mi.i .u
try Chamberlain's Pain Halm. They
recominenned it ao highly that I bought
a bottle. in ooi relieved of all pain.
have ainco recommended this linl.
inent to maiiv of my friends, who ngrte
with me thnt it is tho best. remedy for
muscular rlieiimali-in in the market."
For sale by Bin oley & Houghton.
Dull Headache. Paint in various parte
fifthobodv. Sinking at the pit of tho
atoniach, Loss of appetite, FeverislmesH,
Pimples or Sores all positive evidences.
impure blood, sso uiauer m
became ho It must e imrlll-u m ortier to
. . I I.. I) l,.swl
obtain good liealtn. Acaer u.uuu
Elexir has never failed to cure beroiuious
Syphilitic poisons or any other moou
diseases. It ia certainly h wuiiumui
remedy and we sell every bottle on
nositivo guarantee. Uianeiey a rjuuKii-
porta nt news
"Before dawn, May 12, a storming
parly 250 strong, personally led by Eloff,
rushed the pickets and reached the Staat
and Protectorate camp fioin the west
ward along the Maloppo valley, a strong
musketry demonstration being at the
same time kept up along the eastern
front of our position. Our western posts
closed in and stopped the Boer supports
following, thuBctiHingotr JJIoff'b retreat,
while the two defenses stopped his
further advance.
"His force got divided in the darkness
and a strong party was placed between
them, completely surrounding them.
Firing continued all day long. Soon after
nightfall the two parties surrendered and
tlie enemy was driven out of the Staat
under a heavy fire. Ten dead and 19
wounded of the enemy wore left behind
and 108 prisoners were taken, including
Fluff nnd nine ollicera. Seventeen
Frenchmen and ninny Germans were
among the prisoners. Our losses were
six men killed and two officers and nine
men wounded."
AiIvhuc'i' iu TmiiMvaul,
Lonuom, May 21. The war oflico has
i received tho following - message from
' Lord Roberta :
'Kroonstad, May 21. Buller reports
that his advance will be delayed for n
few days, on account of tlio way in
which the railroad baa been destroyed.
"Bundle reports that Ladybrand has
been occupied.
"Hunter is pushing up the i ail way
with supplies for tho Mafeking garrison
and is arranging a hospital train for the
conveyance of the sick and wounded to
"Methuen has left Hoopstad to co-operate
with his force."
Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the
Wasco warehouse, Finest kind of
chicken feed. mch25-tf
While most Englishmen are concentrating-
their attention upon events
in South Africa there are signs thnt
the northwest corner ot the lniirhtv
continent will be the point of at
traction in the very near future.
News has reached London that the
French had seized Aln Salah, from
which down to the present the Tu
aregs, a Berber tribe, have waged war
with all and sundry when occasion has
offered. Ain Salah is the capital of
the oases o the Touat district, its
wild inhabitants pay no tribute to
the sultan, nor does his writ run in
their territory, but while he lias some
claim to the country France has none,
says the Chicago Chronicle.
France is steadily encroaching upon
Morocco, working all ways at once.
From Oran and Tlemcen, in Algeria,
the rail runs to Ain Sefra, and thence
France could pour an army into Fez,
which is within comparatively easy
The shereefs of the holy city of
Wazzan, who claim descent from the
prophet and have a very trrtat fol
lowing in Morocco, are under French
protection. Without an order from
the French consul it is very difficult
for nn Englishman to visit Wazzan.
France has extended her protection
among the most turbulent of the Mo
roccan lighting tribes. She recruits
her Algerian army from among them,
and in return for military service on
the frontier gives protection to them
and to their families. The Biff Arabs,
who are notoriously valiant and care
less, have some 30 per cent, of their
fighting men under the care of France
in return for an average term of one
year's service. In connection with this
branch of French enterprise there is
a French military mission to the
shereefian court. Within the last IS
months France lias given another un
mistakable proof of her intention to
extend her influence in the ill-governed
country of Muley Abdul Ai..
Through her representatives and,
some say, at her expense a Russian
embassy lias been established at Tan
gier, but so far as the embassy can
discover there is but one Russian sub
ject in Tangier.
A crisis is inevitable in Morocco.
The government is going from bad to
worse; corruption indeseribablo pre
vails everywhere; justice is bought
and sold; weak tribes are destroyed
without inerey, strong ones are bribed
as we in old times bribed the. Dalies;
you can say nothing worse to a man
than ".May Allah send the sultan to
you"--i. e., may you be robbed of all
you have and oust into prison, there
to rot. The sultan is not yet u man,
and he has a small intellect endow
ment; Che strong man, Abu llamed,
may be stricken down at any moment,
ltebelllon, famine and misery untold
nnd unimagined stalk hand in hand
through a land that yields in point of
agricultural and mineral possibilities
to no part of Africa.
The end may come to-morrow, it
can bo no more than n few years dis
tant. France is prepared, and,
though seizure of Morocco by any
any power would cause such u war
as may not be contemplated without
horror, it must not be imagined that
all the French preparations, involving
an endless expenditure of time and
labor, have been undertaken for
Victim of StrittcKr.
Wife George, are you going to the
:lub to-night? '
Husband Ves, my love. I really
lon't care to go, but it in nn impor'4
taut meeting, nnd it would hardly do
for ino to absent myself.
"What time do you expect to re
turn home'.'"
"By 1J o'clock nt the latest."
"Well, on your way just stop for me
it the Woman's Twentieth Century
Jlub, on Keener street; I'll be suro
to wait for you." Hlehmond Dis-oateh.
Caught a Dreaiirul Cold.
Marion Kooke, manager for
ihompson, a large importer of fine mil
linery at 1058 Milwaukee Avenue, Chi
cago, says: "During tho late severe
weather I caught a dreadful cold which
kept me awake at night and made me
unfit to attend my work during the day.
One of my milliners was taking Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy for a severe
cold at that time, which seemed to re
lieve her so quickly that I bought some
for myself. It acted like magic and I
began to improve at once. I am now
entirely well and feel veiy pleased to ac
knowledge its merite." For Bale by
Blakeley & Houghton.
t. w O'MF
He Fooled the Surgeon.
AH doctors told Renick Hamilton, of
West Jefferson, O., after suffering 18
months from Rectaf Fistula, ho would
die unless a costly operation was per
formed ; but he cured himself with five
boxes of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the
Burest Pile cure on Earth, and the best
Salve in the World. 25 cents a box. Sold
by Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. 4
Sick Headache absolutely and perma
nently cured by using. Moki Tea. A
pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation
and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep,
work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed
or money back. 2o ctB. nnd 50 cts.
Blakeley & Houghton Druggist".
YOU want your boy to look
his best at the exercises next
Friday. We are especially well
prepared to fit him out as he
should be in suit, shirts,
collars, ties, hosiery and shoes.
Everything boys wear
in larire variety at most rea
sonable prices.
Jaeobsen Book & JVfasie Co.
Just Arrived
The largest and most complete line at
Rock Bottom Prices.
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kind
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot n kin
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, XS'lfeb'd
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle-
foil "FlOllT This Flour is manufactured expresBly for family
We sell our goods lower than any house in the trade, and if you don't trunk so
call and get cur prices and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats
ji Grandall & Burget
All kinds of undertakers Burial Shoes
Funeral Supplies pembalmers Ete.
The Dalles, Or.
A 'iVstlnioiilul from Old Kutfluuil,
"I consider Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy the best in the world for bron
chitis," says Mr. William Savory, of
Warrington, England. "It has saved
uiy wife's life, she having been a martyr
to bronchitis for over six years, being
most of the time confined to her bed.
She is now quite well." Sold by Blake
ley & Houghton.
You will not have boils if you take
Clarke & Falk's sure cure for boils,
Subscribe for Thk Cuuonick.
RofflKO lnil I'l,lc0 orders for a tombstone or for
DClUlu jUU curbing, fencing or other cemetery
work, call on I.ouis Comlni. I will not only give you all
the information you need but I will quote you prices you
cannot beat anywhere. Let no one bind' you. It will take
only a few minutes to call aud see me. If vmi havo a
neighbor who ever did business with niocoiit-ult him as in
the price and quality of my woik I nitln Pnmini
nnd abide by the result. : : : LUUlO bUIIIIIII
Advertise in The Chronicle
Subscribe for the Chronicle.
Ion's drug store.
-- ....Ki ui cum n rupiuip ui