Do You Cough? " I cues T used to lo like everybody else. "When 1 cniiRhtcold.ljustletltnlonc, think ins It would : PI curoit.H'lfin n fow day ; ofcoursotho coittrhiiiK mid spitting of mucus sometimes latcd sev eral weeks, J would sub- tide. 1 at ways no tiecd how over, that each rold wni worse than Ihconobefore. My throat seemed to set weaker, ami the least change in the weather started the couphinp again. Tlie last cold was the most severe of nil. I was really frightened. Cough drops and home treatment did no good. A friend told me about Acker's Knglish Remedy. I pot a bottle, and you never saw the like of the way it acted. Before thobottle was gono 1 was well. Jly throat felt as strong and well as could be. Since-then I have had no mora trouble. I think Acker's English Remedy so strengthens the delicate lining of the throat that it easily resists the chances in tempera ture,anditbuildsupthc constitution as well." (Signed) CAitnin Schwab, 251 Gold St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Sold at25c.,G0c.and$l.a bottle, throughout the United States and Canada : and in Eng land, at Is. '2d.. 2s. 3d., 13. Gd. If you are not satisfied after buying, return the bottle t your druggist, and get your money back. We authorize the above puaantee. H. It. 1I0OKER i- CO., lnprittors, JS'ew lor. FOR SALE DY Blakeley & Hougliton. cerve recognition in the distribution if the comity offices, and they will do their part to obtain it by rolling up a lnro i vote (or Mr. Blowers. It is wo'l knov n that I am not a republican. My dtBlrnj , to fee Mr. Illowure elected springs solely j from the confidence that I have that l;o will make one of tho beet judges thuj eoutity has ever had, and that he will do all in his power to reducu thu taxes'. Mr. Blowers is himself a laifje property owner. lie has spent fourteen of his life in the very work he will ho e illed upon to do as county jutljie. He ' fought over four long years to maintain ! the union. He is still in the prune of ' mental ami physical vigor, and, if elect n'd, will not make thu uftke of county judge n mere fide issue, but will take up ' his residence at the county seat find di vole his entire time to the work of his , ollicc. 1 know Mr;. Blowers will get a 'good many democratic votes, and it will j be a disgrace to Wasco county iepubli c.ns if they do not give their solid sup port to n man who is in every way wur tliv of it. Setii Mouoan. (?l?roi7i;le5peial5 It's Our Business To dispense health-giving prescrip tions in the proper way. It's a business we have not learned iii a day, but after years of persistent work and caieful study. We use pure drug3 and charge an honest price. Clarke & Falk. "Plutot mort qu'aveugle" Means, ''Rather dead than blind" blindness in most cases is tiie result of a neglected trivial illness of the eye. Many a person now blind could enjoy good eyesiuht had it not been that the eyes were neglected when the first sign of disease appeared. Cataract and Glau coma, two of the mostilangerous diseases, are in most cases due to negligence in the cue of the eyes. Theo. H. Liebe, of the li r in of J. li. Adt-ox & Co., is a graduate of the IVoria Optical College, and thn Bradley Polytechnic Institute Ho will correct and diagnose all errors ol refraction. Eyes examined free. J. E. Adcox & Co., Jewelers. J'KDI'I.K VOL' ALL KNOW, "W. Lord went toSIianiko yesterday. Wilbur Bohcn.of Antelope, is in the c ty. W. J. Campbell, of Hood River, is in tliecit . F. H. I'.iittoii, a prominent citizen of Hood River, is in the city. J. 0. Glileiiwnter, of Post, Is regis tered at the Umatilla House. Hon. It. E. Misener, fusion candidate for joint representative, was in town last night lr-mi .Mitchell. Mrs. W. Lord went to Portland on tl.e mid-day tram, accou panic d by lit r little uepltcw, Lynn Luighlin. Mrs. C. A. Borders returned yesterday from PortUnd, where she has been vis iting relatives and frfends. Dr. 0. 1). Donne left today for Astoria to atei,d the meeting of the gram! lodge ol Udil fellows at ttiat place. Mrs. O. B. Whittle, who has been vis. ing for thn past week with Mr. and Mrs, It H Webber, left today for her home in Great fall", .Montana. (Sheriff Kelly, Treasurer Phillips and liririe. A. .s. Koherta and .1. iN. William ton left today for Hood Itiver to attend the republican rally at that place to night. Aaron Frazu, for many years prin cipal of the Dufur public schcols, is registered at the Umatilla House from Mitchell, where he is now in tho hotel business. Mi. and Mrs. William Staats, Miss Ruby Blusher, Mrs. W. L. Vanderpool, h It. Thomas and Walter Brigham, all of Dufur, imaged through town yester dav on their way to Astoria to attend the grand lodge ol Odd Fellows and Re beei'as. Rev. 1). V. Pollnj? left today for San Francisco to attend a convention of Con Krcyttluiial ministers at that place. If, however, thin state issues quarantine orders agrtint California on account of bubonic plague, which is believed to he at present in San Francisco, Mr. Poling may go no further than Portland. Nnili Morgan U fur it. H. lllower. A VISIT TO PARIS. Americans Who Go to the Exposi tion Will Need Much Cash. Hotel Hntca ltni.ieil nnd KverytlitiiiF Will Ilnve it Fancy l'rloo Tucked Oil to Fleece Visitors. Tiik Dallkh, May 21, 1000. To tiik Kmtou : I have just returned from n trip through (lie Hood River valley, where I was pleased to find (lie sentiment very strongly in favor of A. S. Blowers for county judge. There are some 500 voters in that part of the county, com posed of shrewd, induitnons Armors, fruit men and lumber men. They de- Ben C. Truman, well known ns n newspaper writer in Chicago, is now in Paris and in a recent letter offers, through the Chicago Chronicle, some suggestions to those contemplating u visit to that city during the exposi tion. He says: "The hotels have all raised their rateb from 10 to SO percent. The Grind hotel is the leading robber of the gang. Twenty yeais ago n good room could be secured there for six francs per day, caudles and attendance included: coffee for two francs, dejeuner a la fonr ehette, four francs, and dinner for si, including wine. Ten years ago. dm iny the exposition of ISi'J, the same room was seven francs, coffee three franc.-, dejeuner five francs and dinner scum, including wine. Now, however, the same room (incandescent light) is 1". francs, coffee four francs, dejeuner live francs and dinner seven, or about $C per day, and all the meals skimps same thing every day; same old poulette and chicken salad twice a day. Can you imagine so prodigious as no cents for a cup of abominable coffee and a few counted rolls'.' The Continental and IAthance ehargi. about the same. All the other hotel:, uf account charge about from 1H to S1 francs per day for full board per month or per day everything is so much per day, even if it is by the month or year. "And then you are compelled to fee from si. to ten pi ople almost contin ually. Klegant pensions, engineerid by widows of 'dimiugiiisheil and la mented army and navy cdliceis,' are higher priced than the high-rate ho tels, while life at a regular pension means tailing chances of In ing stnr.i il or frozen to death. .e.I to the hotel and pensions ns freebooters, come tht tori's, that have put up their price, quite 4U per cent. "Hats and shoes are 50 per cent. d ar or man in lain); necKtics that iiuu;- from 25 cents to id cents in Xcu Yorl,. San Francisco and T.os Angele:-, range from three franeii (CO renin) to si'cii francs ($1.4!)) here- and this is the country of silk mnnuf.-t'.'liircH! Cot ton, linen ami woolen goods have m-ai y all advanced from L'n to (in percent over wliat they wen-in IHSO. I miihI umbrellas and sneli from :.'0 to l'i per cent. Hiiirtfe. haiulhcrchiefs and gloves seem not to have advanced i.o much "Druggists' good have gone diabol ically out of all sight of all guides of polite robbery. A prescription that would cost -'u cents in San Fiuneisco is $1 here. An ounce of castor oil is .30 cents, a pint of witch hael is '., cents and an ounce of bora;; If) cents. Caudles, fruit, clarets, tobacco, cigars anil cigarettes are the only things thai have not been atrociously advanced, .Soap, lead pencils, pen, ink and paper have advanced 100 per cent. Omnibus rat en are .si.vcentr,asagiiiiist four cents some years ago. The only I hing cheap in Paris to-day is the cab, which is still only 30 cents from tiny one point toiin ithcr within the city, for from one to throe persons, or -10 cents per hour for iame. I have met a score or more ( Americans who had come here to atay for several mouths, but who arc going bach on the North Ccrinun I.loyd steamer of the JHth. All of (hoe go home without making piuvham., find none of them will return by Hie French line. (ea)ly. the foreign Holing against the hotels and mores here is intense, ami the American, ami Ivng lih papers of Paris publish complaints of iiome kind dally." Truman is an old traveler ami Itnows what heistalh ing about. It would seem as if the ex position were a (jood place to stay away from. M. B. Smith, Butternut, Mich., says, "DeWltt'H Little Early Risers are the very heit pills I ever used for coslivenese, liver and bowel troubles," Subscribe for Tub Omto.viOK. QOINQEAST. If you intend to tttke a trip Knst, Hsk your ticket agent to ruuto you via The Great Wabash, u modem and up railroad in every particular. Through trains from Chicago, Kmisas City, Omaha or St. Louis to New York and New England points. All trains run via Niagara Falls and every through train has free reclining chair cars, sleep ing and dining ears. Stop over allowed on all tickets at iSi agara Falls. Boss 0. Ci.iNK, Pacific Coast Pas. Aut Los Angele-", Calif. C. S. CiiANi:, O. 1'. A., St. Louis, Mo. 0.R.&M. Nutlen. Notice iR hereby given that there will bean annual meeting of the stockhold ers of tho Golden E.iglu Mining Com pany at the ollice of French A Co., hankers, on Thursday, May 111, 1000, at 7 o'clock p. m., for tho purpose of elect ing seven directors and transacting such other business as may properly come be fore said meeting. By order of the president. J. C. HosTETLim, Secy, ami Trcas. The Dalles, Apl. '11, 1U00. n'J7-td "I used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure in my family with wonderful results. It gives immediate reliel, ia pleasant to take and is trulv the dyspeptic's best friend." says E. Hartgeiink, Overiscl. Mich. Digests what you eat. Cannot fail to cure. Use ClarkoA Falk's quinine hair tonic to keep dandruff from the head, Campbell A Wilson will sell their line of millinery, trimmed and untrimmed hate, flowers and children's hats, at greatly reduced pi ices for the next thirty days. Please call and get our prices. Claik A Falk's drug stcek is new fresh and complete. Experience is the best Teacher. Use Acker's English Remedy in any case ol coughs, cold or croup. Should it fail to give immediate relief money refunded. 25 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley & Houghtun Druggists. Win. Orr, Newark, 0 says, "We never feel fufe without One Minute Cough Cure in the house. It saved my little boy's'life when he had the pnuu monia. We think it is the best medicine made." It cures coughs and all lung diseases. Pleasant to take harmless ami gives immediate results. For Hale. A second-hand ten-foot Randolph header, in fair condition. Will be sold cheap. Enquire of Ai.i:.."MoLi:oi), mayll-lniw The Dalles. LiiKt !'"" Haln. Full blooded, barred Plymouth Rock e;rg?, per setting .$1 .00 and $1.50. For particulars call on or address, .Sanhkuh Buos. Box 017. The Dalles, Or. To secure the original witch hazel salve, ask fir !) Witt's Witch H-usel Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. , ItartlflclallydiBeststhefoodanrlnlds iNaturo in strengthening and recon atructinprtliG exhausted digestive or ians. ltlstlielatc.stdiscovcreddigest' ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in efllcicncy. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Ileartbiirn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea. SIcklleadachcGastralKla.Cramps.ana all other results of ImperfectdlKcstlon, Prepared by E. C. DeWI".. A Co.. Chicago- PILLS ONE FOR A DOSE. nmoTO VlaiBln, Pruent ll.jri ;'", I'urlf tli'iHIotxJ, I "!. a-j, II 311 II lift !M rim J jit- K. K. I'KKdlJ.SON, Physician and Surgeon, Oftiro, Voat Mock (over I'ottolllcc), 'JOntilino-dw THU HAI.hlM, OltKliON. Ailmlnlilrntnr'rt HhI uf Itml l'roitrly Notlcojs hereby ulvcn that from nutl iidor tlio ninth tiny u( June, IW), I will tiroeceil to tell nt pilvatu rile, for cali, tlin following ilocrlU-d jirojiert hcloimlia; to thu estiito of lMtilek Drown, decean-i, to-wl! UIk A, II, C, li. K, V,), II, !,J, K und I., la block 67 of tort Dulles illhtury rmrvatlon, la OruKou, Tor liifnrmudoa hiipilru at otlleu of Blmiott A: Siniiott. Uatul at JMIlvt City till lOthduv of Mar, M, 11KI.IA IIIIOWK, Adialnlitrulrlx of thu cttalu of I'atrlcH llrown, lUHKHlJ. la T. BR0WNHILL, JUSTICE OF TIIK I'KAOE, Notary Public. Collections promptly attended to, Money to loan. C. E. Bayard's of fice, Tho Dalles, Oregon. tlKl'AtlT nns Knt Mull U:tO i. m, Si okiitiu Mull unit J:piens 10:10 p. in. h v. m. T1MK FCIIIUlUl.K. I'llOSl tl.VI.I.KS, AltU.VK KlUlM, ti-'iilt IjiU- , Denver.. Kt.( Kal Worth, (iiiiiinii, una-. jibu w City. St. Louis. l!S.i UlitciiKO anil laut. Wiillrt Wiilln, HfiiWimi!,! Mlunemwillji. St. I'iiiiI, i) 111 llth,, ClilniBii unit Km st, Vltij Hrkiuiemi llmitlin; tiiii ; iilMintl i)lut In em Ou'kou. Kkom Portland. (H-ean Steaiii!ililp.. For Hun Kniucl'cn Al.ilfJ7, May "i P-. ,S li. in. Kx.buiiilny U'oliimbln Uv. Stcamcrti. To AsroniA and Way Siitunliiy ljiiutlng. 10 1. 111. i Kixikiuio Mn It unit Kxiaui t :M a. in I . in. 1 1. ni. Kx.Siuiiln) i', m I Wlf I.Hir.TTK IIlVKK. I ! ri") tl . Ill Kx.UillulnylOrcKOii City, NawlwrR, Kx.aumlay , Salcin iv Way Uuiu e. 7 H. m, WlLL.VMITTK and Vam- .1:."X1 v. m. Tue.TImr.' HILl. Itivmis. Moit.,Wul nnd Sut. ; orcprm City, Dnyton,1 mul Krl. nail Way-ljiiullnss. fin. ni. I WiLLAMBTTE Uivsn. 4:n0 p. in. Tio..'rhiir,ii,ortliiiiil to CorvulIU, ilon. Vd unit bat. und Wity-hamlliiKi. nut l-'ihlny SNAKK ltlVKIt. I.UAVK I.V llllkltlll l:lMltill to IjUWlstOtl. I.KVVISTDN 1 1 .1 1 1 v (tally l.'ilu. III. I S:S0il. in. CSV" .Patiles ik'flniit; to ko to llcppncr or I)ints on I'nluiiiblA Soiillicrn via ltlinii, iilioiilil take .No. K-avluc Hie Dalles nt l'J:t0 ). in. niaUln' dlroct eoiiiicclloas nt lk'iiner Jiiiintioti mul lit!;):!). ItctiiruhiK innkliiKiltivulcoiiiicctlrm nt Ileiincr junction mul lllirx with No. 1. ar riving nt Hie Dalle-sat l'J:1.0i. m. For full luirttcutard cull on O. It. ft N". Co.' Hseut The Dalles, or aililreii v. ii. lUJiti.nt.'itr, Ccn Pui. Ant., Portland, Or, SOUTH and EAST via Mim Pacific Co Shasta Route Trains lenvo The Dallvx for Portl.iuil mul way Mtatioiii, at l:i'j a. m. anil .1 p. in. Ia'Avv Portlanil ' Albany Arrive Athlitnil " Sacraiiiento " Kan Krancl'-co hiaiitm 7:(linn .l'J:Sunin 10:u) p m U;::iiuii Il-.miuin riMOpm l;,Tialll 7 : l'i p ia H: I.') a in Attivc (iKilmi " Denver " KmiMsClly. " ClllC4l0 fi:l."in in . 'J:(jo a in 7:'jr. a in 7: 15 n m Arrive )j- Annolo.s 1:J0 p in ' Kl P.imi r,;li) p m " Fort Worth i):Hlit m " City of Mexico :.V n m ' Ilomton 1.00 a in " .New Drloani fii'iwun " Wiislilnnl.iii r: t J it in " NcwYoik lii:i:ipm 11:1511 m U:oon in 7"i'i in j-.'Mn m 7:110 ii in D M p in !;." n in :.'iV n in n in (i.ii p in ii IJam 1 J-1.1 p in Pnllinir.i anil Tourlit carx on both truliix Chair cam Haeruiiieiito to Olen unit 1)1 I'axo mul tontht c.irii to Chleujr i, ht Uiiiln, New Hi lums ami VYnnhliiKloii. Connecting at ban l-'rmickco with Kivcral ntcaiiithlp line for llonohilii, Japan, China, rmiipjiiuea, i.eiiirai ami Roiiia Ainuiea. h'co ui,'eiit at The Dullci atatlon, or mhlrthi C. H. MARKHAIVI, (ieueral l'usMiiKcr ,cnt, Poitlaml, Or Nortoem. Facllic Yellowstone Park Line. THU IIININO UAH HOl' I K I'ltOM POHThANIl TO TIIK KAST. TIIK ONLY JliHHCTI.INK TO Till: YKM.OW. H'lONK I'AKIv LKAVK. No. ii, IlilS A. l, No 1. li ;ao p. m, Union Depot, Firth audi Sis, AJIItlVK. KBt mall for Tiicoiiia, fe'eattle, Olyinphi, (iray'h llaibor itidl Honth llend points, Kpokune, Hosit. hind, II, (;,, Pullman, Moh-ow, Iaiw littou, lluf falolluinp mining coun try , Helena, Mhuieiipo. lis, 8t. Pmil, OiiihIiii, Kmiiumh Ully, St. honU, CIiIchko mid nil points fiit mid HontheiKit. PiiKct Hound Kxpn-Ks for Tucoina nnd heattlo mid liitcrinctlhito polnib No. 1 .'!) 1'. M. No. ;i, 7j(j0 A. M. Piillmm; flrt claiin mid tourlit hei;rH to Mliineiiiiollii.rit. Puulund MUtonii river i.oIiKh without rliaiiKC. ' . . Mi 1 V ! . 1 e'J "i"".'.''.- U,,," U(!J'0t OIUICCtlOIIH In ill ptliiolpal cIIIok, IlauijuKu chw-ki-d todettlnntloa of tickets, ,,'r,h"V,,wV"cly llliwtiittwldworlpllvt'iiiHtter, llckeu, tleepliiB cur remviitloiiH, etc, cull on or wn w A. D. CHARLTON, AMlttant (Jcnerul PuimeiiKcr Axent, ZVt MorrUon Htieet, comer Tlilr';, PortUnd; OrtKon. FHKI). V. WIUiON, A'lTOHN EY-AT LAW. 0Uoeov.. Vint N.t. uVuT. "AW,r'' UKKUUW TgPrfflMMrlfrM I ! 1' i ( 5 . I ' - V ft 'a? A ! I; t S ii I i) i -y 4 Jl 1 ! 'ft (: ; I f . Chronicle, " 1 I I I , Job Printers. I I: ! ( $ I; I ? I 1 1 i f f ii i1 : f) !i I: k ' I $1.00 per month. Strictly first cliiSH Ideal mul Ioiik iliHiani:ti liiU'phuni) ourvluo within yinir hmmi. Linen tin not uni8R-tiHc. Yuur con vuriiation will hu kitjit n Hccrut. No ciiNt for Installing. Von uit thn Htiuiilitnl Hunning l.oni; DiHtaut liistriimciit. ('oiiiiiHPiiM day ami uiitht orvk-u. Wn will iiramt your contract for ttm yiMitH ami allow you to ciuichI tmnti) on KivitiK na thirty days writ ton notice. PACIFIC 8TATI8 TELEPHONE COS. Ik Jfisk Impulse 1 .w'44Ah and muiuio ilANIU'ACitMtlUl uv mi a A HT"riT -T J A -r- TTTTTTI TT1 T fill- SUITABLE FOH DRIVING GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, ELEVATORS, PRINTING- PRESSES, ETC Circulars nnd mirtlculara fiirriiaheil on nnnlicntioti. P. S. GUNNING, Agent una! THU DALLES, OREGON C. J. STUBLING Wholesale and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Ageirrthe Greate American Liquor Yellowstone Sour Mash Whistf WHISKEY from fcfbu U)0 r unllon. (TtoTyTrti o(l. ) rr: ' IMPORTEI) COGNAC from $7.00 to $12.00 per itHllou. (11 to HO ybte2f t'AixuKHiA imAnUlLB ironi tt.'-'f) to 10,00 nor tnillon. f u tii , ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLI j "" uulil! nQLTTlfRTA MV.V.n nn ilranui.f an.i .Vol in,.. ami (llviiiiiiii liter In Imported Alu and I'ortor, JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS.