The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 21, 1900, Image 3

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    " Bo not the first by whom the now arc tried
Nor yot the last to lay the old aside."
h h m m b bbbbi mbb wbbbbi
. Tne plan wfio Dresses Well..
Has that satisfiod feeling which invariably comes to a
man nflcr partaking heartily of an excellent dinner.
Jl onuses him to wondor what there is in this world to
be miserable about.
Pease & Mays'
Js a rendezvous for well-drossod men. Very modest
are the suits and overcoats shown by us this season.
Our windows toll about them. Havo a look during
vour luncheon hour.
MEN'S SUITS $5.00 to $25.00.
MEN'S Topcoats $7.50 to $16.50.
Have you seen the new Koelof Hats?
Have you heard the talk regarding our Neckwear?
Speeial Inducements to Bay This Kleek
INDIA SILKS all colors and shades.
Regular GOc. This week's sale 48c
TAFFETA SILKS plain or changeable.
Regular 90c. This week's sale 74c
Regular $1.50. This week's sale $1.28
Regular 40c. This week's sale 25c
Regular (55c. " " " 39c
Regular $1. " " " 73c
Colored Waist Silks and Trimming Silks.
An endless variety of Fancy Silks for all purposes, in
cluding the verv lales Seersucker effects, reduced
$ .75 values cut to $ .03. $1.75 values cut to $1.38
1.00 " " .78. 2.00 " " 1.58
1.25 " " .98. 2.25 " " 1.88
150 " " 1.19. 2.50 " " 2.04
All Goods Marked
In Plain Flffuros.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle,
Tekfihune Nu, 1.
MONDAY MAY 21, 1000
At Andrflw KIlor's.
The lirnt car of wool from Shiiniko whb
milo.iiluil lime todav.
.litmus K. Adamson whb last Saturday
appointed postmaster at Mitchell on
recommend ttion of KepreBuntutivo M.
A. .Moutly.
Tlio river has continued to full Hloivly
forthe last forty uignt hours, 'lho Itn
I'ressiun iN Unit tliu maximum height
dan k'cn reached.
The pupils of the public bcIiooIb of the
gradee lioluw tl u high ficliool will give
a emoitainnient tt tliu Vogt Opera
lioimi tiuxt Friday night for the bene
fit ol thu fediool library.
Julm Fender, who owns u line stock
'"in on this WMte Salmon, is llxing up
Uw property on the hill he bought u
eliort tiino ago, ivml will have hia family
Minvn I mi i .mil .....1... t. .1...:- .
iu.iv nun iiiuku it wiun iuriuiuiuiii
Mis. J. II, Wilder sent to thiB olllce
today a young potato, grown on her
Plato uaat ol the fair grounds, ub a mat
ter ol course, without Irrigation, lliat
measures 10'.,' by 8.f inches in circum
ference. Ii jH the Early Rose variety
'iil came Irom seed that was planted
March 1st, two months and twenty days
"Ho. Who can beat it?
Small Willie waa upending a few daye
the country, and one morning after
intently Hoarding a pan of foaming
"'ilk for tome, time ha said: "Grand
a, where do the cowb got their milk?"
'Wlmre you nt your tears, 1 suppose, "
"'Otopliud. Willie looked puzzled for
8 "lomuiit, thm, sain : "Do you have o
Ueu your slippers on tliu cows, grand
Martin Donnell last week added to
is stock of Indian curios a buckskin
JunIc t'latiorately adorned, back and
ont. with iho peculiar kind of beads
mt iuo,l to bo furnished the Indians
y "h' Hudson liay Company. Gar
'"fits adorned with these bends are
nw very rare and this particular one,
wl partly ragged as It Is, is hold to
10 orth about o0 as a curio.
Word ru.mlied hero today that a fright
"I tragt-ily occurred at Trout Lake yes
, "'' resulting in the death of a young
l4"y school toachor, named Ida M. Foss,
thu iletitu, by his own hand, of hor
'lftyer, llun Wagnltz, a young man of
"witt ao JurP( W10 ve8 on ,,8 mot,.
!' d 'arm about half a mile from the
th i i l rom 11,0 lneRor lr-lcw'rB
Imvo renohed hero we learn tliftt
"nilz had becoim Infatuated with
Vm and, his suit having been re-
jccieil, he determined to kill her and
put on utid to hia own Ufa at the Riune
time. Miss Foss wbb the daughter of
Mr. nnd MrB. William Fuse, of Kafit
Hood Kiver. She was well known in
The Dalles, and by nil who knew her
was esteemed a most estimable young
young Indy. IIir ago was about "(I
Several prominent stockmen have re
turned from Shimiko and the interior
mid Hay that the completion of tlio road
into Shaiiikn will result in the shipping
I of about 25,000 sheep from that point In
about ten days. The sheep will bo
shipped much earlier this year than
formerly, ow mg to their fine condition.
Most of the sheep will go to Montana,
while some will go os far oast as Chi
cago. The report that appearud in Sunday's
Oreg.inian to the effect that Lloyd, son
of Mr. and Mrs. U. F. Laughlin of this
city, was "critically ill" at the Good
Samaritan hospital is not trie, On the
contrary tlio lnd is getting along nicely,
and today his parents expected to move
him from thohospitul to the Vendome
hotel, and from thence it was expected
he would bo well enough in a few days
to be moved home.
I'lainly It is not hard for the Indians
to pet whiskey in this town. Some of
the Yakimas recently filled themselves
with the white man's lire water after
being paid for the horses thoy sold to
the Linnton cannery people. Last night
the watchman found an Indian lying
helplessly drunk on the sidewalk. He
was helped to the calaboose, where he
was kept till ho had sobered up, when,
as he had nothing wherewith to pay n
line, ho was turned loose.
The Regulator took down to Stevon
s'on yesterday 1700 head of sheep belong
ing to J. L. Lauder, of .Salt Springs,
where they will he placed on tho range
back of Stevenson for the summer.
Among them was an oddity in the way
of a lamb of about a month old that had
boon paralyzed from birth in its hind
quorters and followed tho band, using
only its fore feet. When it starts to
walk its hindquarters are balanced in
the air after the fashion of a boy walk
ing on his hands.
Word was sont from Hood Kiver yes
terday to Judge Mays that the authori
ties down there had a crazy man In
custody whom it took three men to keep
from doing mischief, and asking what
should be dono witn him. Tho judge
advised that under the circumstances
lie had better be examined tlioro before
a justice and, if found Insane, sent on to
Salem, the proper papers being duly
forwarded from here. The man was
committed and sent below. His name
h Evart and till lately be has been
living across the Columbia from Hood
Kiver. It is repotted that whiskey had
a good deal to do with bringing him to
hie present condition.
'It is not often that the preachers get
us newspaper folks into trouble, but
things are happening these days that
never happened before. In reporting a
wedding tbat be had celebrated last
Saturday mornirjg, one of our best
known preachers somehow got the
names mixed up so that Tin; Ciiiioniclc
reported the marriage of. the witnesses,
or bride's maid and groom's man, in
stead of the bride and bridegroom.
Happily the mistake was only in the
newspaper report, for Brother Poling
tied Albeit Limiueroth and Edith Un
derl. ill so tightly together that no sub
sequent slip of the tongue or error of the
types can untie them.
By a bill introduced by Senator Mc
Millan, it is proposed to reprint all $1,
$2 and $5 bills now in existence, as they
come into the treasury, and replace
them with "post checks" of like denom
inations, with blank spaces for names,
for convenience in making remittances,
as well as to pass, as the present bills
do, from hand to hand. Thus the pres
ent pieces of paper currency, and also
proposed fractional checks, can bo trans
formed at will into personal checks on
the government for the amount they
represent, and by affixing a two-cent
stamp may be transmitted by mail any
where, regardless of whether the des
tination is a money-order oflice or not.
It is thought that the proposed post-
check money will bo an accommodation
to very many people, and will increase
the postal revenues.
Careful experiments made at Cornell
university are said to show that: "First,
cut. nulls are superior to wire nails in all
positions; second, the main advantage
of the wire nail is due to its possessing
a sharp point j third, if cut nails were
pointed they would be 30 per cent more
efficient in direct tension; fourth, wire
nails without points have but ons-half
their ordinarg holding power; fifth, the
surfaco of the nail should be slightly
rough, but not barbed barbing de
creases the efficiency of cut nails about
32 per cent." The pointed end enables
the nail to enter wood without breaking
its fibre excessively, thus preventing its
grip. A set lous defect of wiro nails is
their leadiness to rust. They are made
generally of a sort of soft steel, and steel
rusts more readily than eouio other
forms of iron. In some parts of the
country, it is said, shingles put on with
wiro nails drop off after six or eight
yeare. Ualtlmnre Sun'.
Columbia River Ico &. Fuel Co. wishes
to announce that thoy will deliver ice to
any part of the city at all hours of the
day or night. 'Phone 33 or 81 Long
Dlst. ; 75 or 8 Seufert & Condon.
Fur tho convonionco Of parties want
ing Ice in the afternoons, the Stadelman
Ico Co. will cany a stock at their store,
comer Tlilid and Washington etreets.
Phone No. 107; long distance 183.
"King 'em up." 18m-tf
Mrs. A. A. Jayne invites the ladies
of Tho Palles to inspect her stock of
ladles' .and children's trimmed and
sailor hats. Her goods are all new and
f i call nnd they are offered at prices that
defy any competition. 17-3t
Subscribe (or The Chronicle.
Never Heard or that 1'etitlon.
"I see," said the Chuonici.e man to
Hon. A. S. Roberts as the two met on
the street this morning, "that the
Times-Mountaineer charges you with
having ignored a petition that was sent
to yon at Salem, during the last legisla
tive session, asking you to introduce a
bill to have the salaries of the county
judge ai.d treasurer reduced. What
have you to say about it?" "I never
heaid of anv such petition till I saw the
matter mentioned in the Times-Mountaineer
last Saturday," answered Mr.
Roberts. "Most certainly no such peti
tion waa ever sent to me. Nor did any
one, at any time during the session of
the legislature, or at any time before it
met, ask me to work tot a reduction of
the salaries of anv county officers. This
thing of a petition is a surprise to me.
If it was sent to me 1 never got it. If
it was sent to any other of the delega
tion he never gave me the slightest hint
of it. Right here and now I may just as
well Bay that if the taxpayers of this
county want a reasonable horizontal re
duction of the salaries of its officers
thev have only to say so, and they will
find no one who will work harder to
carry out their wishes than I will. I do
not think, however, that any two or
three of the officers, should be singled
out for a reduction jtiet because some
body might have a spite against them,
or for any similar reason. If any re
duction is demanded let the people say
so, by petition or otherwise, and I will
obey them with all the energy I can
command ; but let it effect all equally,
as far as may be just and right. Let no
one, however, blame me for ignoring a
petition that I never heard of till the
time mentioned. If the Times-Mountaineer
has any evidence that I ever
heard of this petition during the session
of the legislature, I, for one, would like
a bill of particulars."
MoKler ICUIIiiK Club Takes all OutlUK,
Society turned out in full forco at
Mosier Sunday to participate in one of
the pleasant rides through Hood river
valley which the riding club always en
joys. They were favored with a lovely
day and all enj'))Vd themselves im
mensely, and especially enjiyed the
sumptuous repast of which they partook
In one of the beautful pine groves which
border Neil creek The afternoon was
spent In gathering the wild berries and
flowers, which alound in that country,
after which theyjreturncd to Mosier and
their respeclivchomeB.
The patty wa composed of tho follow
ing: Missee itiagglo Smith, Edith !)
plear, Augusta Cask, Kate Davenport,
Nora Root ajul Mabel KIddell, and
Massrs. John Davenport, Win, Graham,
Chas. Stark, Ed Dousmorc, Sam Stark,
Harry Davis! K iy Lapiear, Homer
Smith, Chas. 'Davenport, Hen S.illnger
and Price Iluuter.
A rooming house of eleven rooms for
rent and furniture for sale, Apply at
this oflice. ml7-lw
Tlio Kind You Havo Always Bought, and which has been,
in uso for' over 30 years, has horno tho signature of
and has been niado tinder his pcr-
lTjfy sonal supervision since its infancy.
Y, 6CA4V Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment;
What is CASTOR I A
Castoi'la is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups, It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
Httbstaucc. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worm
and allays Fcvcrishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
nnd Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep
The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Special Sale!
Steel Ranges and Coot stoves
To reduce our large stock wo will
sell Stovos and Steel lianges at
Greatly Reduced Prices
for a short time 011I3'. See our
goods and get our prices. . . .
VlflYS 8t CROiXtE
y . .
i.Yir..YXYjfi tLsr-xy-ti-irj ar jj '.LYr.vjv uv j v. t.T.i.-r
Kt nt ueliy Ouiuti I.tuvs.
The Louiavillo Courier-Journal pub
lishes the follow ini; abstract of llie Ken
tucky namo laws, cumpiletl in the light
of recent events in that state :
Plain citizens may be shot from Jan.
clary let to December 31st.
Senators, governors a n-1 members of
congress may be shot during any polit
ical campaign or within sixty days
Niggers may be chot at any time.
Hunters in search of this game- may
also use a etuflri club or it butcher
No man shall be allowed to kill in ex
cess of six persons per day; In cases
where it is an affair of honor this num
ber may bo increased to l0;l.
Kvery citizen who does not tote the
remains of his game from public eight
within forty-eiitht hours of thu time he
tired, will be fined one ual'on of union
If a citizen leaves homo halt shot and
is fjiinil on thu stieet, a shoit time
thereafter, full of buckshot, that is his
fault, and his relatives are not allowed
to shoot more than seventeen persons to
find the guilty person.
DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salvo is un
equalled for piles, injuries and tkiu
diseases. It is the original Witch UhzuI
Salve, liuwaro of all countorft its.
For Infants and Children.
Th Kind You Havi Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Garden Hose
Wo havo laid in a largo
stock of Garden Hoso and tiro
carrying tho same brand of
lloso that wo havo boon carry
ing for tho last fivo years,
which is tho celebrated Mal
tese Cross Brand. Wo cany
tho sanio brand of lloso that
lho Dalles City Fire Depart
ment has boon using for tho
last twonty years. Tho Mal
teso Cross Brand is without
doubt tho host grade of I lose
on tho market. Call and got
our prices before buying.
IWaier & Benton
Solo Agents.
Pit. U. T. SMITH,
Rooms 10 unci II, Cliuiunun lllock, Tho Dulliw,
Ort'gou, TuosJujs and KrlJuju, 8 a. in, t j 1-'.