The Dalles Daily Chronicle. MONDAY MAY SI, 1900 Republican Ticket. STATE OFFICERS. Justice of the Supreme Court-Wolverton. -0. E. Food nnd Dairy Commissioner J. V, lSailev. stock interests of Wasco county for nearly a score of years. Ho is en titled to the solid republican vote of At Shaniko the Colombia Southern Ituilwny Co. controls 80x100 feet of tho his district, and, what is more, he ! Shnnlko warehouse Itullilinir, to ho used Columbia Niinlliern Wrolinu. Will get it. Colorado, Idaho, Montana and Wyoming considered the free coin age of silver so neccssaiy to their interests, that they Rave Hryan more j Frohrht reeoived nnd hold twenty-four na n freight warohousu, through which they will receive and forward freight in the tmirtl mnnuer. The imptcsslon that nil business must Im done through for wnrdinc houses is an erroneous one and wo take this mentis of d'Hpi'lHni it DISTRICT OFFICERS- Congressman Malcolm A. Moodv, of The Dalles. Joint Senators J. N. Williameon, of Crook; T. H.Johnston, of Wasco; W. V. Steiwer, of Wheeler. Joint Repiesentatives A. S. Roberts,! of Wasco; it. A. l-.mmett, ot Kiatnitn ; George Miller, of Gilliam; George Cattanach, of Grant; George A. Bar rett, of Grant; T. fl. McGreer, of Wasco. District Attornev The Dalles. -Frank Menefee, of COUNTY TICKET. County Judge A. S. Blowers, of Hood River. Commissioner P. A. Kirchheiner, of Antelope. Sheriff Kobert Kelly, of The Dalles. Clerk A. E. Lake, of Yamie. Treasurer C. L. Phillips, of The Dalles. Assessor C. L. Schmidt, of The Dalles. Superintendent of Schools C. L. Gil bert, of The Dalles. Surveyor J. B. Goit, ol The Dalles. Coroner W. II. Butts, of The Dalles. For Justice of the Peace of The Dalles Timothy Brownhill. Constable Frank Hill, of The Dalles. ALTOGETIIEll TOO OPTIMISTIC. We have it on good authority that Judge Bennett told the people of Klamath and Lake counties that he would carry Wasco county by 400 majority. The judge is more opti mistic than his history will justify. A man who has been defeated at the polls three times in succession cannot afford tc be very optomislie over the lesult of his fourth race. The judge will be might- lucky if lie county b more than 400 majority. Years ago when the judge was study ing law and this count' vas demo cratic he was elected as school super intendent. After lie was admitted than four votes to MoKinley's one, says the Inter Ocean. Most people in these four states were siucerely convinced that without free silver they would be utterly ruined. Yet these states were never more solidly prosperous than now. Is'ot only has the denial of free silver failed to ruin them, but under the gold standard they have grown enormous ly in wealth. Klickitat county democrats went through the form of holding a coun ty convention last week. As about ouly half the precincts were repre sented a motion was made and car ried that every man in the meeting who was friendly to Bran should consider himself a delegate. Then the convention solemnly resolved, "That we as democrats do hereby indorse and ratify the time-honored principles of the old democratic part'," but very significantly said never a word about tho Bryanito fetich of 10 to 1. On the day that the news reached the Pacific cnn-t that the Spanish fleet had been sunk in the harbor of Manila, thei-- is not an American from the U cky mountains to the ocean wh " m not ready to cry: "Perdition crush the hand that would strike the Amerisan flag from any flag staff where American arms and American valor has placed it." That is the Ameiican sentiment still, and the republican party stands for it with all that it implies. A Tenthnonlul from Old Knclniiil. "I consider Chamberlain's Cough Remedy the best in the world for bron chitis," says Mr. William Savory, of Warrington, England. "It has saved my wife's life, she having been a martyr is not defeated in his home t0 bronchitis for over sis years, being most of the time confined to her bed. She is now quite well." Sold by Blake ley & Houghton. hours will bu turned over to a forward ing house subject to tho order of tho consignee. Tin rate on wool in sacks or in bales from Shanlko to The Dalles is 25 cents per 100 pounds. For rates or other information call on or address C. E. Lytm:, G. F. & P. A., or Gko. F. Ross, Agent, Shaniko, Or. Olorhiux Now. Cornea from Dr. D. 15. Catgile, of Washita, I. T. Ho writes: "Four bottles of Electric Bitters has cured Mrs. Brewerof scrofula, whitjh had caused her great suli'uring for years. Terrible sores would break out on her head nnd faco, and the best doctors could give no help; but her cure is com plete nnd her health is excellent." This shows what thousands have proved, that Electric Bitters is the best blood purifier known. It's the supreme remedy for eczema, tetter, salt rheum, ulcers, boils and running sores. It stimulates 'liver, kidneys and bowels, exuele poisons, helps digestion and builds up the strength. Only 50 cents. Sold by Hlakeley & Houghton, Druggists. Guaranteed. 4 Mrs. Calvin Zimmerman, Miiesburg, u., says, "As a speedy euro for coughs, colds, croup nnd sore throat One Minute Cough Cure is unequaled. It is pleasant for childien to take. I heartily recom mend it to mothers." It is the only harmless remedy that produces im mediate results. It cures bronchitie, pneumonia, grippe and throat and lung diseases. It w ill prevent eomnmption Complete of Dms at M. Z. DONNELL, THEaDnUGGIST. Lane, "1 DALLES, PORTLAND & ASTORIA NAY, COMPANY BtcmniTH of tho ItcKiiliitnr l.luu will tun m ir ii,. i , ! M'lKilule, Urn Company iwvrvliiK tlm rliilit t m,.' M'linliiUMvltlmiit notice. " cimtip. Str. noKulntor. Str. Dnllon City, . ur. ) ntn:.Tor. M i FOR OOMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, Travel by the Htcatm'r ot the ItcKUlntor Line. The (.'imtjmny will imilonvnr ti kIvc Hi ml 3 me ih:ri aviviriT MiRiim-. rut iiiiiuur iiii.iriniiiioii miuri'M IiiiW'N . K l.v. IMlle.t U llt.S A. M. j'TUi'Miny 1. ThniMtiiv .. k Motility. ,rr. I'onii'im , iito 1'. M. tie. l.v. I'nrll.iiiil 1117 a. x. Miuiiliiy WrtlliOMlity I'rlilny Arr. Diillcit Utn:!iO 1'. M. Ship your Freight via Kegnlator Line. MlWN I.V. I III I lit K A. H. Mnniliiy WViIiivmIiiv Frliliiy.,... Arr. Portliiuil it r r. m. riiiix J, l'.irllanil OlUce, On I. Htrcet Dock, W. C. ALLAWAY, Oon, AKt. ji:ni:hai. BiacKsmim ...AND. Horsesnoer PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer cer. Nasal CATARRH Special reserve old government whis key, recognized by the highest medical authority in the land: especially recom- to the bar, the county still being j mended by the board of health of San democratic, he was elected to the : Francisco for hospital use, alto A. P legislature; before tho legislature In all Its etages there should be cleanliness. Ely's Cream Balm cleanses, s oq thes and heals the diseased membrane. It cures catarrh and drives away n cold lu the head quickly. Cream Balm Is placed Into the nostril;, spreads over the membrane and is absorbed. Rellefls Im mediate and a cure follows. It U cot drying docs not produce t neezlnj. Large Size, 50 cents at Bru glsti or by mall ; Trial Size, 10 cents by mall. 1MV IXWTIIEIIS, M Warreii Street, New York. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION'. (Isolated Tract.) Public Land Salo. Lamp Office atTiik imllrs, Ohkoon,) -Miiyy, uw.i Notice Is hereby Riven Hint In iniisuanco of I ll I r 11 ctlull s from tin; commNloiior nf tint i-imi. i eriillainl utlito, miller mitliori t vestcil lu lilm I rjy tectum ar-o, u. s. Kev. Ktiit., Wngon nnd Carriago Work. Fish Brothors' Wagon. Thirfllanii Mcrii, Plioiic:i59 ?r.i.Ti t i ,Yo.m.T-jjr i r r ATj.y t v mtat i t.v. met he repudiated the honor con ferred on him anil accepted a circuit. judgeship for the petty, unexpired term of one year, and involved the county in the expense of a special its liniefliktl liv O'llriwr, M B rantnin an.1 .nrmnn ."""V.1.' PP"' rt-OIUjry to. INM, .... ., . e win nriM'tfii 10 oner lit tiiltJlte .snio on ri:itnr- and Win. I). McCarthy, major and eur-! ,,l;'": V"i,ir',h ,l!1'.0.f1J1""1(;: I,eV' ,,m,rot TT ,, . . . . i '"Clock n.m. at this ollice, the IoHohJiib tract treon U. b. arrnv. as the unrest nrntdu i of bind, to-wlt; terated stimulant for convalescen's, in-1 nKii N1:'' "Ctln 20, township 1 north, raiiKu I valids and family use. Sold bv Charles 1 11 w: , , , , , , n,hlincr onion .11... Any mid all pero!i cliiiiiilnu ndvccly the fctlimiug. apl-O-dlm above deoeiibeil andh are to lllu their ..ctfAs. mw- 1 Butchcps and Fartmers ..Exchange.. Kwj.hoii drnttirht thu cclchrnteil COl.I'MIIIA HKi:u, nckiiowi niel the best beer In Tho Diillm, at the usual price. Como In, try It nnd be convinced. AUo thu KIm'Kt brndi of Wines, M inor nnd Clk'irs. Sandrjuichcs of nil Klinls always on Imnd. Kev. W. E. Sitzer, W. Canton, X. Y., writes, "I had dyspepsia over twenty eieuuon oi a memuer 01 me ieis- j yeare, and tried doctors and medicines laturc to succeed himself. For this ' without benefit, I was persuaded to use act of perfidy, as many esteemed it, 1 Ko(1l Dyspepsia Cure and it helped me numbers of his best friends never forgave him and never will. There has hardly been a biennial election Biuce when he was not up for some thing, and every time ho has been knocked out. It will be the fame this time. Our informant says the judge has been preaching "free trade, free silver, anti-expansion, anti prosperity and anti-evorything," but that he does not believe the judge has changed one single vote; for no man with a single ounce of political liorse sense would expect to carry a single county in this senatorial dis trict on a platform like that. irotn tne start, i ueueve it to no n panacea for all forms of indigestion." It digests what yc.u eat. Mrs. Harriet Evans, Hinsdale, 111., writes, "I never fail to relievo my children from croup at once by using One Minato Cough Cure. I would not feel safe without it." Quickly cures coughe, colde, grippe and all throat and lungdiseases. The Dalles Comtrision House will keep fresh milk at all times on hand and deliver it nnywhere in the city at the following prices: One quart, $2 per month: three pints, 13: two (marts. $-1 : three quarts 3.50; cream 20 cents per pint, i rest) butter everv day. 18i lm Be Biire and examine our stock of wall paper thoroughly before buying eUe where, as wo have tho latest shipment publican ticket, nor on nny other n,a,1 to tliidclty, now ready for inapec ticket, than T. II. McGreer, ftion " H. Gln.i & Co.'. alMw Antelope, republican nominee for kpiiob. joint representative. He is a am n,s io, 11,8 , '" f' , , , , . , i Chrisman from tho firm of Chrietuan Whom those who know him best will nr09 nnd hu intention to leave the delight to honor. He has n record, state as soon as possible, all debts due too, as a legislator and it is that of t,,e fi"u ""t he paid immediately. All tt clean, upright, honorable and B CU1,,,B aUl9t t,,e wi" independent man whom the tongue There is no better man on the re- flalni). in thlsolhcooi! or be'oro the day above d- sdcnattd for tho commencement of ald mle, j jt..v. lev mvir iiKiiin will oe l"rCltC.l. JAY lM.I'CAS, KtKister, i mayl'Mi oria lUTThlWON, Ititelver. ' NOTICK FOH PUI5LICATION. j (Isolated Tract ) Public Lund Sale. I.ANU Offick at Tub Dalles, OiiKfio.s-l v ., . . t , . APr- 1C, JWj-J. hotlcd iiereby Kiven that lu putiiancu of Invtrnctlons from the conimllimT nf tin. eral land ollii'i!, itiiilcr authoiity vented In film I by rcctlon 2I.V, L'. fc. Itev. htai., an amendtil by I uiunt i ui coiiKrerc npprnvca rcbnnirr 'M, 1MB, we will prix-ftd i oiler. lit pilbllo vale on Jlon day, the ttth day of Jluy next, at tlm hour of 10 o'clock, ii. m at this olllcc, thu following NH'li NKil Sec. 'i'.T. 1 N. It. 12 B VV. M. . Any anil all wrtoiiH clalmliiL' the above ueK.TItxil jHiirlH are adviM'.l tu ill.. claims lu this olliceou or before the day nbovo '1.'.'.... iii if.uL-.iiiiiiieiieenieiu or rani Hale, v.mvi ia uivii; iiiun wii im loriei v ii. JAY 1. I.Uf.'AS, ItfRlter, nprl-t oris I'ATTKRSON, ltwclver, 1 of calumny has never nttcmpted to besmirch. When the lamented J. N. Dolph was defeated for selection, T. II. McGreer had tho manliness to stand by the caucus nominee of bis party till the last vote was counted and tho ablest senator Oregon ever bad went down in defeat. Mr. Mc Greer lias been identified with the pleaeu preterit them at thu market for ClIltlHSIAN liltOTUKHB. payineni m4-tf Otii lu Vuur cr.oK. A') cauntv warrants registered prior to June 3, 1890, will lie paid at my office. Interest ceases after February. 2, IfeOO. O. L. Piiilupb, Countv Treasurer. Clarke & Falk have received a carload of the celebrated James E. Patton strictly pure liquid paints For a Nice Suit of Clothes. Panting, Ovcrcoiiliii-or I-aiitj Vesting. Kindly call nnd examine my tock of Im DOrU! and 11 i'otln Wruilvim. A iim. i.i ... elect from. Hum made from the lowest price to the high t grade. J. A. Eberle Fine Tailoring. 1UV UALUKa OltKUO.N. C. p. Stephens ..Donlor In... Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents' Furnishings. Hoot?, fihoen. Hals, ( apu, Notloiis. ;for V. I.. DmubImm Hhoe. Agt. Telephone No, 88. 131 .Second 8t The Dalles, Or, Just What You uiant. A. V-v' We Put... evory bit of twenty years experience nnd drug knowledge with every Prescription that's compounded hero. Is il any reason why our prescription business is increasing so rapid I3'? Ask your physician if we are reliable. VI & HOUGHTOH. .Reliable J'rescriptionists C. S. Smith. Tin: Up-to-date Qroeer Fresh Kkrh nnil Crcaiuury llutter a Hpecinlty. 2d Street. J. H. HCHKNK, l'rmlileuu 'Phone 270. 1I..M. llsit, Cuhltl F- s. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer inlBlacksniith Supplies. nor Secoufl & Lau&blin. 'Phone 157 Important Announcement to you. For 30 clnyH after April 1h(, 1 will Bull nil thu l)ry ISootlP, Clnthini: Iluotfl uiid m.uee, iiUHiory, lllitsiKutti, lllUB llllll CupH, on u cut in price of 25 per cent, for Cash. Now Ih your opportunity to trot har UniiiH. Don't iniHH it. S. L. BROOKS, Successor to K. J. Ctilliim A Co. First national Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking UuaineHS transacted DepraitB rocoived, mihjcct tu Sight Draft or Check. Collections matin nnd pruccctlii prompt); remitted on imv 01 ctillcctton. luntl. D1HKOTOKH D. P. Tuomi'hon. Jno. B. Bcuiieci, Ed. M. Wim.iamh, Gun, A. Liibi. H M. Hkai.i. fjiuht and Tologrophic ExclutiiKe eold n New York, Han FrunciHco tinJ "ori- Now it efts in Wall Paper hero, fjucti vvido variety ah we are showing never he fore ifraced a elude stock. Hh.iI ..... tjoii ereton ellecte ut ordinary prices, (food papois at cheap paper prices.1 hlegant designs, tasteful colorings yours I ...i n nuiaii imvv, hi our siore on Third street. Also u full line of house nalm 5iW4JJEiIird St, JJ. 8TURDEVANT, Dentist. Oltlcs over French & Co.'h Hunk Wm"w t UK iiALLKi. OltHiinM OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. The CLARENDON HESTAUUAflT And CAFE. J. B. Oroeaen & Go., Props. 87 Second Street FRENCH & 00, BANKERS. thanhacta Ill'SINKH Letture of Credit issued available Id the Eastern Htnteu. Kiht Exchange and Teleirraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicwo. 8t. Lottie, Ban Francisco, J'ortlanJ Ore uon, Heattle Wash,, mid various pomli in Oregon and Washinutnu. Collections made ut nil points on ! oruhle terinn. me Columbia PackiDgCo.. PACKERS OF PORK and BEEF MANUFACTUKKllrt OK Vi-na T.o-nA onrl Rn.Tlsa6S Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON JRIF.D UEEF. KT0. 60 YEAR' EXPERIENCE IrnlQNS nnpVUIOHT 6' Atiri)no.nnilli.K n .Kotrl. n ' f if nolcklr incgrliilii mr o;l' . , ''"mmunlrfr liivuntlon !iroliiiblri'li i I''1'1 'K,kwil't lunt (roo. OlrUMt iifrimiT In .V'a rt'C''1 I'iiIdi.W lakon triri.tmli V' i , ifo iptctiil notkt, without dIimiw, "lt"0ti.14 Scientific fldgrga A I.oni1(inolr tlhwlr?!;;1 avrn" jM riiiiitl.iu i.f mir floiilllln . 1 ' "ii iilw. rwirt lour iiiniitli'i ! ""IU 1 ii ... Vrt B S IIIIMTINUTON - wiLMaw nUNTJNOTON 4 WIUUN. OJlwover Ftrst N.t. ffi IMUk6' OKKUOh Mica Axle Crease helps the team. Saves liglitcia the load 8liortcoj tho roJ' wear ad j)cuiks. Soldcvcrywliei re. MAI' TANDAKO Oik 00.