21) c Dulles vimhk. vol. xir THE DALLES, OREGON, MONDAY. MAY 21, 1900. NO. 230 BOILS CARBUNCLES EARTH IS CROWING. TliU Globe of Ours I Gaining In WelKhC nl Unto of Five Hun dred Ton a Year. These unwelcome visitors usually npiicar in the spring or summer wltin ni , cnrth is R"rowiff heavier at the it.nlf frn..i tin. it.ii : j.i.. . ?l . h r summer, Wlieil the blood is niakltlP atl extra pffnrt rJavprnrrf. rnti. nf sni c - , rr,. - "" iiniiuiiuuH mat nave accumulated durinrr iu .;.. .....1. " " , 0-....-. ju, iuc Carbuncles, which are more painful imdZimrou. r3 ,L?f . meteors or .shooting or falling stars eating great holes in tl which now and again such bril- pcopie as mcssings, and they patiently and unconinlaininriv iW " V.i.. ' ny ome nam displays rejoice the careful UIC 1111 Nature unless suikcii luca mat uicir health is he ne benefitted thnt imV l.iVi : . .: ";c unaei fl Plan of tltliininrr it. The Won. ft St " . f S?.HS5 bloo1 'f.100 lh.,cH ?ywy, and this is f .. : iiv.ii ui tuu U11CK. I1UL 115 rllCf.nct.fl ... C -.J Mr. K M. l'rnlt, Cove, 8. C. writes ! "l'or twenty ycnrii I wns sorely afilictcil with IxjIIk and cnrlnmclcK ciutcil ly Impure lilo(xl. It In impon ilblc to ifewrflie my mitTcrliix ; pnrt of the time Ifthig tillable to work urMlecp. Severn! iloctoiri treated me, anil 1 tried all the no-cnllrtl MikhI remedies, but nomine neciueii iu no me nny Rood, unicss renevcu me entire system w 1 suffer. The boil or rnrh,, ,M. . 7 .1""-an(i 3Ut&WUM . , p U,rc 'J 00.(1 PJlpf nnd U will keep the ft--.------- Hklll cl of all the irrilaU impurities that 1100 lOU M0Um caU8; th'-'S'-' painful, disfiguring diseases. m tmMmmm . S. h. S. cures boils and carbuncles ensilv IfAlfllHMAlA i . n v Vi ,l!n"u"e"y Ijy reinforcing, purifying and w-" building tip the blood and ridding the system of all accumulated waste matter. b. b. b. is made of roots and herbs which act directly on the blood, and all poisons no matter how deep-seated, are soon overcome and driven out by this powerful purely .Me SffiS b. b. b. is not u new. untried rcmcd v. but fnr 6 DuiIiik the (summer of I8S8 I wan iicr nl In trv S.S.S.. ntulnttcrtakitiL' literal liolllcs win entirely cured, niiii RtllKH ,nj,,,Vil llll.VIUIILII LIIKII. II ,1(1 h.iv li.nl tu return ol these painful petit, up iu tor prexcm nine." C.ft ... ' ... . ... J .'Y' .I.. j juim nu men curing un icitiusot uiood and skin diseases. It has cured thousands, and will cure you. It is a pleasant tonic ns well as blood purifierim proves the appetite and digestion, builds up your general health nnd keeps your blood in order. Our physicians have made blood and skin dis eases a life studv -Wrltt"! thpltl fllltt It limit nnun and anv iufornintiou or ntlvicc wnnted will he chenrfnllv irJvnn w,. ' , ' J rt- v, jiu LAiiiiUC wnaicvcr ior uiis service, ncnu lor our nooic on Jllood and Skin T) Kenm-n fn... A;ifim... tl-e...m . .... . . "-.v., i He owiu apBcinc to., Atlanta, Ga, TO DICTATE WHEAT PRICES Plan Submitted by the (!o vein iik-lit. Hussiun Ciiiuaho, May 111. The Kocord eays: "I'litiri1 is befuto the Htnlo (luparlnient at WiisIiiiikIuii a plan Hubmittud by the ltu?iui government whureby UneHiiuaul the United Htnles cotiltl dictittu wheat pricse fur tliu world," eaU J. M. I'lytin, of S.iii I'runeitco, ttt the Auditoriiiin Hotel. Mr. Flynn is an iiKent of the Ittiseian.Ainuriciui coinjmny, recently funneil with a capital of f.,000,000 ami lias been in ("111811111111011 with the KiiHHiiin Ktnb.iasy m WuHtiintoii for aoviirnl vieektj tin matters pertaining to the com pany he rtipruuiiiitH. Continuing Mr. r'lynn mul: pluii wiih eubiiutied dtirini; Cleveiiuiil V hicoihI lurin, hut it lint! festtil without tuition till tli. pteaent time. 1 know that the KuhsIiiii uoveriM "K'lit in anxiiiiia lluit its overtures bo met hy tliisi iMiintry. Tbo traiiH-Slberiaii rallioiiil ilevnlniis a territory, the, prin I'ipul pnidiiels of which urn wheat nnd ciltufi. KusBia bullevcd that with the co-oja-ratiiiri jf ttilH country, her wheat "ml cotton, the. principal iteniH of ex I'OHa aboof tlio Unitiul fitatea, could U"K mueli butter prlcoH. Ittisoiii'H propoaitinii was tliu nieult of 'lie InveatiuatloiiH made huiiiu timu ago "y -u. Do Witto, ininiHter of Finiiice, to 'ilicover the eausu of tliu low price of client and cotton. Tlioy thuwiid to the ""Hai l ion of tho government Hint this mw pr.oi was not duo to thfi increased "irniKo nor losBiined c instimptioii, but " sili(i direct reeult of Amoricun com. Wiiion," BOER ENVOYS7" CREDENTIALS l!rllain nnd the Trnnsvanl, and declare t hut in that document is by implication to bo found a renunciation of Great Hritain's pu.erainty, and tnncequenlly t icre in longer existB any ol ligation upon other nntioiiB in their dealinufl .vith the Hour republiep. at least to tho extent of oliering official recognition to their diplo matic represontativeH. Tim fact that considerntion has been given at all to this phase of the matter may be regarded iir Bipnificanl of the fact that at present the administration holds itself in u leceptivo Hiaie, as far as the credentials are concerned, anil is disposed to itonwidLr them on their merits. Boils are regarded by some 1 ian t wntchers) in passing through the sarth'g atmosphere nrc burnt up and fall on the earth's surface, occasion ally in a heavy mass, but most usu ally in small meteoric dust. Prof. Nordenskjold. from bis great expe rience, estimated that, from the muse named, 500 tons fall untformlv and steadily over the whole globe in jench year, and the observations of I Russian scientists yield a similar re sult. These meteor streams, says an other astronomer, are really small planetary bodies, revolving around the sun in fixed orbits by the force of gravity. The earth revolves on its axis at the rate of 1,000 miles an hour, and speeds through space in its orbit around the sun at the rate of 1,000 miles every minute, and in August and November plunges into the very midst of the meteoric stream going in the opposite direction. The rapidity with which they enter our atmosphere, and the friction thus generated, are so enormous that they are set fire to, the smaller ones being consumed and falling in dust, while the larger ones occasionally reach the earth in the shape of meteoric stone or iron. sss 9- I FENDISH FENIAN PLOT Attempt to Blow Up Fortifications at Esquiuialt. Ntnlciiieiil Ity Wymuii. Washington", May 10. Surgeon-General Wyinnn tonight gave out the follow ing statement in regard to the plague aiitiiitiou at S.tn Francisco: "March 8 Surgeon Kenyoun reported a suspicious death in Chinatown, and March 11 that be had found tho plamie Chicago, May 19. A speaial to the Tiiues-IJerald from Vancouver, B. C, eays : Feninn s mpathizers with the Boers have made an attempt to blow up the British fortifications at Eequimalt. The big naval dock, where $7 ,000,000 damage could have been done, was the objective point of the leaders in the olot, who barely escaped from the guard with their lives. Jlnjor Bennett, of the Duke of Con nAtighl's Own Kifles, made a statement bacillus. April 27, another caeu ocetiried, 0f the circumstances today. He says verifying by biicteriological examination, i that three weeks ago thenllieercoinmnnil co reported May May 111, there were , n(r nt tho Kjquiinalt fortifications was two deaths from plague. May 10 another advised to look out for the poseibilitv of Sontli Cnrollnn'a Coming Exposition. South Carolina in 1001 proposes to hold a state exposition which will be illustrative of the now departure of that state in the swift development of its material resources. The undertak ing has the general approval of the political nnd business interests of the s1 ate. Chicago Chronicle. Place Deleuaks May Uc Received Ollicli.lly. UsiiixTOiV Miy io. Tho Uoor dele "tee unvoted most of tjioir time today 1 tfceivlng visitors and attending to ' eorii)Hpo,u,lc0i it WHB ,iido Tl"wit to Coloiu.1 O'Ualrnfi today thftt e Unto iliipnrtiiiont is disposed to treat "aiioer delegates with absolute fnirnese, "t lliat their credentials, coiiMqiumtlv, , 7 7' l'i8itlored on their merits. thai Vi "" ""'""8 B forgone conclusion i tliu ilolc gnlfB ro to bo di-uled lll ""WoBiilllon. That was the tlrH tin com H "lny Bfu'r ttU ,m lU" oni' uuo"' 11 '8 8W,1 ml inohdi)ii(lB mul l u,,ftrftutur o' ill" credential, nail. .? U,,un 11,0 "tlltnilw of the deU e.,V., u"'m'lvp. Jt is aaid among ,1 . !l of the Mute dfpnrliutmi U nl Kovermuoiit should consider for.r .ry 10 cast hout f,, WHrroin to th. K thbm ,,fllo'lly H might turn oouvontlon of 1884 hetweun Great cam was reported. There have been six deaths and eo far as known the diaenee lins appeared only among the Chinese. TI.e bureau has sent to San rVaucbeo about 'JG.OOO bottles of Holl'kino piuveuthe nnd is still forwarding it. It litis alto sent a nunntity of the curative eeruni. j a Feniiui outage. The information came from the military authorities at San Francisco, and with it the description of three well-known Fenians, who were n few days later recognized at Vancouver. Orders were given to Bentriea to Ehoot after the failure to reply to neecond dial- Iuspuiotors have been stationed at tho , lnuc, mid to ehoot to kill. Wednesday railroad crossing:) ol the elate, and tliu night, just at midnight, four men were railroad roiupimirs have been instructed to refueii sale of tickets to Chinete piu-eeii-gitrs. A train inspection service has been ordered. The interstate quarantine law of Match 'J7, ISilO, will bneiifoiced." Cittiirrli Uiiniii.t l Ourctl with local applications, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to eiiie it von must take inter nal uunedies. Hall's Catarrli Cute is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years, and is u regular niesoriiition. It is composed of tho best tonics known, combined with the best blood piirillnis, acting directly on the muciius surtaces. ino periect combination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results In curing Catarrli. mnd for testimonials,: free. F. .1. Chunky & Co., Props., 'loledo O. Sold by drruggists, price 7fic. lliill'u Kuiii ilv Pills are the best. 12 Hati'titl of America. London, May 1U "However much Turkey may wrong the united oiaies, Aiiiiiih'iin ships are not to pats the straits in order to ex ct te lress from (J.mslantinoii under neiinlty of haing blown out "I the water by Russian, Ger man and Austrian ship". discovered by the sentries within the lino of first outposts, and thny were just abreast of the Fort MeCauley woilts, and within a short distance of the large dock of tho North Paeitic squadron. Two guards challenged almost simultaneously. There was no response, and tho dimly outlined figures crouched to the ground. The guards challenged again, and at this tiino several other Gentries im mediately fired. By tho time a search party had boen formed there was much ortfusion, and the men eucceeded in running past the outer outposts. A I.iru And Dentil 1'lelit. Mr. W. A. Hlnea of Manchester, la., writing of his almost miraculous escape from death, eays: "Iixposure after meas les induced serious lung trouble, which ended in Consumption. I had frequent hemorrhages and coughed night and day. All uiy doctors said I must soon die. Then I bogan to ubo Dr. Kind's New Discovery lor Consumption, which com pletely cured me. I would not be without it even if it cost $!),00 a bottle. Hundreds have used it on my recommendation and all say it never fails to cure Throat, Chest and Long troubles." Regular size. 60c and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Blakeley & Houghton's Drug Store. 4 Will Aluku n Stiuul, PitKTOitu, May 20. It is ofleially'ar nounced that Johannesburg will be de fended. The consuls of the neutral rids is the deduction drawn by tho nn...era im been advised to look after Spectator, which, In the course of a long , tlBjr ctzei,B, as the government will article, based mi the anti-American lit-, nol UqU ilB0f rt.ap0neible for injury or terancesof tin- W-toek of ( idessa, denls oilil. the aliened haired of America oy the continental powers, especially Kits. siu, Fresh nrm-knl NelirasKii corn at the VVascu warelmu-e. riuesi ku... chicken feed ii.cn.-.. damage to property. Commandant Botha, commander-in-chief of the Boer forces, reports the bur ghers are joining In great numbers. You will not have bulla if you take Clarke & Falk's sure cure for bolls. Tlio liest lteniKly for KlieuuiatlMii, QUICK BELIEF FU0.M I'AI.V. All who use Chamberlain Pain Balm for rheumatism are delighted with the quick relief from pain which it affords. When speaking of this Mr. D. N. Sinks, of Troy, Ohio, eays: "Some time ago I had a seve attack of rheumatism In my arm and shoulder. 1 tried numerous remedies, but got no relief until I was recommended by Messrs. Geo. F. Par sons oc Co., druiTitists of this place, to trv Chamberlain's Pain Balm. They recoinmeniied it so highly that I bought a bottle. J ic as soon relieved of alt pain, I havo since recommended this lini ment to many of my friends, who agree with mo tlmt it is the best remedy fcr muscular rheumatism m tho market.'' For sale by BlaVeloy & Houghton. AliK fur 1'cacH. London, May 21,3 :10 a. in. Displayed in the most conspicuous style in the Daily Express, is the dominant war news of the morning : "We have the best reason for stating that in the last twenty-four hours a telegram has been received at the foreign office, addressed personally to the Prime Minister, from President Kroger, pro posing terms of peace. The exact terms of the message cannot be stated ; but we believe it is counched in an exceedingly humble strain." It is inconceivable, of couree, that Lord Salisbury can have sent any reply except the one that stands ready on the lip of every Briton unconditional surrender. The Appetite of u Gout Is envied by all poor dyspeptics whose stomach and liver are out of order. All such should know that Dr. King's Now Life. Pills, the wonderful stomach and liver remedy, gives a splendid appetite, sound digestion and a regular bodily habit that insures perfect health and great energy. Only 25 cents at any drugstore. 4 Dull Headache, Pains in various parts of the body, Sinking at the pit of the stomach, Loss of appetite, Feveiishness, Pimples or Sores all positive evidences, of impure blood. No matter how it became so it must he purified in order to obtain good health. Acker's Blood Klexir has never failed to cure Scrofulous or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood diseases. It is certainly a wonderful remedy and we sell every bottle on a positive guarantoe. Blakeley & Hough ton's drug store. Lewie Ackerman, Goshen, Ind., eays, "DeWitl'a Little Early Rlaera alwaye bring certain relief, cure my headache and never gripe," They gently cleanse and invigorate the bowels and liver. Criic; lit a Dre.iiirul Cold. Marion Kooke, manager for T. M' Thompson, a largo importer ol fine mil linery at 1G58 Milwaukee Avenue, Chi cago, says: "During the late severe weather I caught a dreadful cold which kept me awake at night and made me unfit to attend my work during the day. One of my milliners was taking Cham b'rlain's Cough Remedy for a severe cold at thnt time, which seemed to re lieve her eo quickly that I bought some for myself. It acted like magic and I began to improve at once. I am now entirely well and feel very pleased to ac knowledge its merits." For sale by Blakeley & Houghton. Ho Fooled the Surgeon. All doctors told Renick Hamilton, of West Jefferson, O., after Buffering 18 months from Rectaf Fistula, he would die unless a costly operation was per formed ; but he cured himself Mith live boxes of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, tlio surest Pile cure on Earth, and the best Salve in the World. 25 cents a box. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton Druggiste. 4 Igt gjt jiyi iyriygrya)y jy, y Jyr Sick Headache absolutely and perma nently cured by using Moki Tea. A pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep, work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back, "o cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley & Houghton Druggist". YOU want your boy to look bis best at the exercises next Friday. We arc especially well prepared to fit him out as he should be in suit, shirts, collars, ties, hosiery and shoes. Everything boys wear in lame variety at most rea- fljji sonable prices. & A MTfTTAMQ 9 PfT j& h, iu. niuuiamo a uu. Jacobsen Book & Wusie Co, Hammocks Hammocks Just Arrived Tlio largest and most complete lino at Rock Bottom Prices, Wasco Wa rehouseG ompany Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail irnd Headquarters for Feed Grain otm km Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ai kinds Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, dM?!!LkTEdE8D Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- nn 771 niTT This Flour is manufactured expressly for family wvHl X Avi uae ; every sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction, Wa bpII mir f?ooda lowor than anv hoiiBU in the trade, and if vou don't think bo call and get cur prices and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Whoa.t, Barley and Oats Grandall & Burget DEALERS IN R()beS, fill kinds of undertakers Burial Shoes Funeral Supplies s embalmers Etc. The Dalles, Or. vm RofnrO lnil I)U,ce a,,y or,',)r8 'or a toml'stono or for DclUlC jUU curbing, fencing or other cemetery work, call on Louis Comlni. I will not only wive you all the information you need but I will quoin you prices ymi cannot beat anywjiere. Let no one hluir you. It will take only a few minutes to call uml see me. If vou have a neighbor who ever did business with me con-nlt him as to the price and quality of my work Aiiio PfllTlini and abide by the result. : : LUUIO bUIIIUII 2 j M Advertise in The Chronicle Subscribe for the Chronicle.